THEME UPGRADES -------------- This file lists the major changes to the theme files between Moodle versions. See the standard themes for examples of anything in here. ================================ Changes to 1.0.9 since -------------------------------- config.php contains two new entries: $THEME->custompix $THEME->hidden /* Styles for the hide/show features (activities): */ a.dimmed:link {} a.dimmed:visited {} a.dimmed:hover {} .dimmed_text {} /* Styles used when listing discussions in a forum: */ .forumpostheadertopic {} .forumpostheaderpicture {} .forumpostheadername {} .forumpostheaderreplies {} .forumpostheaderdate {} /* Style for the "you are logged in as" string top and bottom: */ .logininfo {} /* Style for the link to "home": */ .homelink {} /* Style for teacher only stuff (used to be hard-coded red): */ .teacheronly {} /* Styles to show hidden topics on the course page */ .topicsoutlinesidehidden {} .topicsoutlinecontenthidden {} /* Styles to show hidden weeks on the course page */ .weeklyoutlinesidehidden {} .weeklyoutlinecontenthidden {} /* Style for the date-text on the weekly format */ .weeklydatetext {} /* Style for the notice boxes (surrounding a notice message) */ .noticebox {} .noticeboxcontent {} /* Styles for the headers of all pages (see header.html) */ .header {} .headermain {} .headermenu {} /* Styles for the headers of the home page (see header.html) */ .headerhome {} .headerhomemain {} .headerhomemenu {} ALL pix files can now be changed from within a theme, see cordoroyblue for an example: config.php and the pix subdirectory. ================================ Changes to 1.1 since 1.0.9 -------------------------------- /* Styles for the courses/categories on the course listing */ .categorybox {} .categoryname {} .coursename {} ================================ Changes to 1.1.1 since 1.1 -------------------------------- /* Some better placement of styles on the category/course listings to allow some fancy effects. */ .categoryboxcontent {} ================================ Changes to 1.2 since 1.1 -------------------------------- /* Automatically generated links (eg links to glossary items) */ a.autolink:link {} a.autolink:visited {} a.autolink:hover {} /* Styles for user info page */ .userinfobox {} .userinfoboxside {} .userinfoboxcontent {} .userinfoboxsummary {} .userinfoboxlinkcontent {} /* Styles for tabs */ .generaltab {} .generaltabselected {} /* Styles for displaying course info */ .coursebox {} .courseboxcontent {} .courseboxinfo {} .courseboxsummary {} /* Specific style for listing discussions (formerly re-used forumpost)*/ .forumheaderlist {} /* Specific style for the category numbers (was categoryname) */ .categorynumber {} /* Style for the header and message of the smallinfo displays on the side like "Latest News" and "Recent Activity" etc */ .smallinfo {} .smallinfohead {} /* Just a small table cell dividing others in a list */ .tabledivider {} /* Style for the text/links inside the heading block when there is a subscribe link there, eg front page news, social forum */ .headingblockcontent {} ================================ Changes to 1.3 since 1.2 -------------------------------- /* Many styles for calendar! */ TABLE.calendarmini { } TABLE.calendarmonth { } TABLE.calendarmini TBODY TD { } TABLE.calendarmonth TBODY TD { } .cal_event_global { } .cal_event_course { } .cal_event_group { } .cal_event_user { } .cal_duration_global { } .cal_duration_course { } .cal_duration_user { } .cal_duration_group { } .cal_weekend { } .cal_today { } TABLE.calendarmonth TBODY TD TABLE { } TABLE.calendarmonth TBODY TD TABLE TD { } TABLE.calendarmonth TBODY TD DIV { } TABLE.calendarmini THEAD TD { } TABLE.calendarmonth THEAD TD { } .sideblockmain .cal_event { } .sideblockmain .cal_event_date { } .mycalendar { } .mycalendar .cal_event { } .mycalendar .cal_event_date { } .mycalendar TABLE.cal_filters { } .mycalendar .cal_filters THEAD TD { } .mycalendar .cal_event_table { } .mycalendar .cal_event_table THEAD { } .sideblockmain HR { } .mycalendar HR { } .calendarreferer { } TD.cal_event_description { } .cal_popup_fg { } .cal_popup_bg { } .cal_popup_caption { } .cal_popup_close { } .sideblock .cal_controls { } A IMG { } TABLE.formtable TD { } ================================ Changes from 1.3.2 - 1.3.3 -------------------------------- $bodytags variable is now included in header.html (important for SCORM)