. /** * This page deals with processing responses during an attempt at a quiz. * * People will normally arrive here from a form submission on attempt.php or * summary.php, and once the responses are processed, they will be redirected to * attempt.php or summary.php. * * This code used to be near the top of attempt.php, if you are looking for CVS history. * * @package mod * @subpackage quiz * @copyright 2009 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); // Remember the current time as the time any responses were submitted // (so as to make sure students don't get penalized for slow processing on this page). $timenow = time(); // Get submitted parameters. $attemptid = required_param('attempt', PARAM_INT); $thispage = optional_param('thispage', 0, PARAM_INT); $nextpage = optional_param('nextpage', 0, PARAM_INT); $next = optional_param('next', false, PARAM_BOOL); $finishattempt = optional_param('finishattempt', false, PARAM_BOOL); $timeup = optional_param('timeup', 0, PARAM_BOOL); // True if form was submitted by timer. $scrollpos = optional_param('scrollpos', '', PARAM_RAW); $transaction = $DB->start_delegated_transaction(); $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create($attemptid); // Set $nexturl now. if ($next) { $page = $nextpage; } else { $page = $thispage; } if ($page == -1) { $nexturl = $attemptobj->summary_url(); } else { $nexturl = $attemptobj->attempt_url(null, $page); if ($scrollpos !== '') { $nexturl->param('scrollpos', $scrollpos); } } // If there is only a very small amount of time left, there is no point trying // to show the student another page of the quiz. Just finish now. $graceperiodmin = null; $accessmanager = $attemptobj->get_access_manager($timenow); $timeclose = $accessmanager->get_end_time($attemptobj->get_attempt()); // Don't enforce timeclose for previews if ($attemptobj->is_preview()) { $timeclose = false; } $toolate = false; if ($timeclose !== false && $timenow > $timeclose - QUIZ_MIN_TIME_TO_CONTINUE) { $timeup = true; $graceperiodmin = get_config('quiz', 'graceperiodmin'); if ($timenow > $timeclose + $graceperiodmin) { $toolate = true; } } // Check login. require_login($attemptobj->get_course(), false, $attemptobj->get_cm()); require_sesskey(); // Check that this attempt belongs to this user. if ($attemptobj->get_userid() != $USER->id) { throw new moodle_quiz_exception($attemptobj->get_quizobj(), 'notyourattempt'); } // Check capabilities. if (!$attemptobj->is_preview_user()) { $attemptobj->require_capability('mod/quiz:attempt'); } // If the attempt is already closed, send them to the review page. if ($attemptobj->is_finished()) { throw new moodle_quiz_exception($attemptobj->get_quizobj(), 'attemptalreadyclosed', null, $attemptobj->review_url()); } // If time is running out, trigger the appropriate action. $becomingoverdue = false; $becomingabandoned = false; if ($timeup) { if ($attemptobj->get_quiz()->overduehandling == 'graceperiod') { if (is_null($graceperiodmin)) { $graceperiodmin = get_config('quiz', 'graceperiodmin'); } if ($timenow > $timeclose + $attemptobj->get_quiz()->graceperiod + $graceperiodmin) { // Grace period has run out. $finishattempt = true; $becomingabandoned = true; } else { $becomingoverdue = true; } } else { $finishattempt = true; } } // Don't log - we will end with a redirect to a page that is logged. if (!$finishattempt) { // Just process the responses for this page and go to the next page. if (!$toolate) { try { $attemptobj->process_submitted_actions($timenow, $becomingoverdue); } catch (question_out_of_sequence_exception $e) { print_error('submissionoutofsequencefriendlymessage', 'question', $attemptobj->attempt_url(null, $thispage)); } catch (Exception $e) { // This sucks, if we display our own custom error message, there is no way // to display the original stack trace. $debuginfo = ''; if (!empty($e->debuginfo)) { $debuginfo = $e->debuginfo; } print_error('errorprocessingresponses', 'question', $attemptobj->attempt_url(null, $thispage), $e->getMessage(), $debuginfo); } } else { // The student is too late. $attemptobj->process_going_overdue($timenow, true); } $transaction->allow_commit(); if ($becomingoverdue) { redirect($attemptobj->summary_url()); } else { redirect($nexturl); } } // Otherwise, we have been asked to finish attempt, so do that. // Log the end of this attempt. add_to_log($attemptobj->get_courseid(), 'quiz', 'close attempt', 'review.php?attempt=' . $attemptobj->get_attemptid(), $attemptobj->get_quizid(), $attemptobj->get_cmid()); // Update the quiz attempt record. try { if ($becomingabandoned) { $attemptobj->process_abandon($timenow, true); } else { $attemptobj->process_finish($timenow, !$toolate); } } catch (question_out_of_sequence_exception $e) { print_error('submissionoutofsequencefriendlymessage', 'question', $attemptobj->attempt_url(null, $thispage)); } catch (Exception $e) { // This sucks, if we display our own custom error message, there is no way // to display the original stack trace. $debuginfo = ''; if (!empty($e->debuginfo)) { $debuginfo = $e->debuginfo; } print_error('errorprocessingresponses', 'question', $attemptobj->attempt_url(null, $thispage), $e->getMessage(), $debuginfo); } // Send the user to the review page. $transaction->allow_commit(); redirect($attemptobj->review_url());