dirroot/search/lib.php"); require_login(); if (empty($CFG->enableglobalsearch)) { error(get_string('globalsearchdisabled', 'search')); } if (!isadmin()) { error(get_string('beadmin', 'search'), "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php"); } //check for php5 (lib.php) if (!search_check_php5()) { $phpversion = phpversion(); mtrace("Sorry, global search requires PHP 5.0.0 or later (currently using version $phpversion)"); exit(0); } require_once("$CFG->dirroot/search/indexlib.php"); $index = new Zend_Search_Lucene(SEARCH_INDEX_PATH); $dbcontrol = new IndexDBControl(); $update_count = 0; $indexdate = $CFG->search_indexer_update_date; $startupdatedate = time(); mtrace("Starting index update (updates)...\n"); if ($mods = get_records_select('modules')) { $mods = array_merge($mods, search_get_additional_modules()); foreach ($mods as $mod) { $class_file = $CFG->dirroot.'/search/documents/'.$mod->name.'_document.php'; $get_document_function = $mod->name.'_single_document'; $delete_function = $mod->name.'_delete'; $db_names_function = $mod->name.'_db_names'; $updates = array(); if (file_exists($class_file)) { require_once($class_file); //if both required functions exist if (function_exists($delete_function) and function_exists($db_names_function) and function_exists($get_document_function)) { mtrace("Checking $mod->name module for updates."); $valuesArray = $db_names_function(); if ($valuesArray){ foreach($valuesArray as $values){ $where = (isset($values[5])) ? 'AND ('.$values[5].')' : ''; $itemtypes = ($values[4] != '*') ? " AND itemtype = '{$values[4]}' " : '' ; //TODO: check 'in' syntax with other RDBMS' (add and update.php as well) $table = SEARCH_DATABASE_TABLE; $query = " SELECT docid, itemtype FROM {$CFG->prefix}{$table} WHERE doctype = '{$mod->name}' $itemtypes "; $docIds = get_records_sql_menu($query); $docIdList = ($docIds) ? implode("','", array_keys($docIds)) : '' ; $query = " SELECT id, {$values[0]} as docid FROM {$CFG->prefix}{$values[1]} WHERE {$values[3]} > {$indexdate} AND id IN ('{$docIdList}') $where "; $records = get_records_sql($query); if (is_array($records)) { foreach($records as $record) { $updates[] = $delete_function($record->docid, $docIds[$record->docid]); } } } foreach ($updates as $update) { ++$update_count; //delete old document $doc = $index->find("+docid:{$update->id} +doctype:{$mod->name} +itemtype:{$update->itemtype}"); //get the record, should only be one foreach ($doc as $thisdoc) { mtrace(" Delete: $thisdoc->title (database id = $thisdoc->dbid, index id = $thisdoc->id, moodle instance id = $thisdoc->docid)"); $dbcontrol->delDocument($thisdoc); $index->delete($thisdoc->id); } //add new modified document back into index $add = $get_document_function($update->id, $update->itemtype); //object to insert into db $dbid = $dbcontrol->addDocument($add); //synchronise db with index $add->addField(Zend_Search_Lucene_Field::Keyword('dbid', $dbid)); mtrace(" Add: $add->title (database id = $add->dbid, moodle instance id = $add->docid)"); $index->addDocument($add); } } else{ mtrace("No types to update.\n"); } mtrace("Finished $mod->name.\n"); } } } } //commit changes $index->commit(); //update index date set_config("search_indexer_update_date", $startupdatedate); mtrace("Finished $update_count updates"); ?>