Die Stabilität eines Programms wie Moodle hängt weesentlich davon ab, dass alle Entwickler des Programmcodes bestimmte Grundregeln einheitlich anwenden. Diese sind hier definert.
Dieser Text wird vorläufig nicht ins Deutsche übersetzt. Wir gehen davon aus, dass alle Anwender, die selber Programmteile für Moodle bearbeiten wollen so viel Englisch lesen und verstehen können dass sie diesen Text im Original verstehen.
Any collaborative project needs consistency and stability to stay strong.
These guidelines are to provide a goal for all Moodle code to strive to. It's true that some of the older existing code falls short in a few areas, but it will all be fixed eventually. All new code definitely must adhere to these standards as closely as possible.
I know it can be a little annoying to change your style if you're used to something else, but balance that annoyance against the annoyance of all the people trying later on to make sense of Moodle code with mixed styles. There are obviously many good points for and against any style that people use, but the current style just is, so please stick to it.
GOOD: $quiz
GOOD: $errorstring
GOOD: $assignments (for an array of objects)
GOOD: $i (but only in little loops)
BAD: $Quiz
BAD: $aReallyLongVariableNameWithoutAGoodReason
BAD: $error_string
forum_set_display_mode($mode=0) {
global $USER, $CFG;
if ($mode) {
= $mode;
} else if (empty($USER->mode)) {
= $CFG->forum_displaymode;
($quiz->attempts) {
if ($numattempts
> $quiz->attempts) {
error($strtoomanyattempts, "view.php?id=$cm->id");
$var = 'some text
without any variables';
$var = "with special characters like a new line \n";
$var = 'a very, very long string with a '.$single.' variable in
$var = "some $text with $many variables $within it";
$ratings=NULL) {
/// Return the
mean rating of a post given to the current user by others.
/// Scale is an array of possible ratings in the scale
/// Ratings is an optional simple array of actual ratings (just
if (!$ratings) {
$ratings = array(); //
Initialize the empty array
if ($rates
= get_records("forum_ratings",
// Process each rating
in turn
foreach ($rates
as $rate) {
($objects as $key
=> $thing)
if ($x == $y) {
$a = $b;
} else if ($x == $z) {
$a = $c;
} else {
$a = $d;
Version: $Id$