<?php // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ // // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. /** * Excel writer abstraction layer. * * @copyright (C) 2001-3001 Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://contiento.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @package core */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Define and operate over one Moodle Workbook. * * This class acts as a wrapper around another library * maintaining Moodle functions isolated from underlying code. * * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @package moodlecore */ class MoodleExcelWorkbook { /** @var PHPExcel */ protected $objPHPExcel; /** @var string */ protected $filename; /** @var string format type */ protected $type; /** * Constructs one Moodle Workbook. * * @param string $filename The name of the file * @param string $type file format type 'Excel5' or 'Excel2007' */ public function __construct($filename, $type = 'Excel2007') { global $CFG; require_once("$CFG->libdir/phpexcel/PHPExcel.php"); $this->objPHPExcel = new PHPExcel(); $this->objPHPExcel->removeSheetByIndex(0); $this->filename = $filename; if (strtolower($type) === 'excel5') { $this->type = 'Excel5'; } else { $this->type = 'Excel2007'; } } /** * Create one Moodle Worksheet * * @param string $name Name of the sheet * @return MoodleExcelWorksheet */ public function add_worksheet($name = '') { return new MoodleExcelWorksheet($name, $this->objPHPExcel); } /** * Create one cell Format. * * @param array $properties array of properties [name]=value; * valid names are set_XXXX existing * functions without the set_ part * i.e: [bold]=1 for set_bold(1)...Optional! * @return MoodleExcelFormat */ public function add_format($properties = array()) { return new MoodleExcelFormat($properties); } /** * Close the Moodle Workbook */ public function close() { global $CFG; foreach ($this->objPHPExcel->getAllSheets() as $sheet){ $sheet->setSelectedCells('A1'); } $this->objPHPExcel->setActiveSheetIndex(0); $filename = preg_replace('/\.xlsx?$/i', '', $this->filename); if ($this->type === 'Excel5') { $mimetype = 'application/vnd.ms-excel'; $filename = $filename.'.xls'; } else { $mimetype = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'; $filename = $filename.'.xlsx'; } if (strpos($CFG->wwwroot, 'https://') === 0) { //https sites - watch out for IE! KB812935 and KB316431 header('Cache-Control: max-age=10'); header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 0) .' GMT'); header('Pragma: '); } else { //normal http - prevent caching at all cost header('Cache-Control: private, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-check=0, max-age=0'); header('Expires: '. gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', 0) .' GMT'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } if (core_useragent::is_ie()) { $filename = rawurlencode($filename); } else { $filename = s($filename); } header('Content-Type: '.$mimetype); header('Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="'.$filename.'"'); $objWriter = PHPExcel_IOFactory::createWriter($this->objPHPExcel, $this->type); $objWriter->save('php://output'); } /** * Not required to use. * @param string $filename Name of the downloaded file */ public function send($filename) { $this->filename = $filename; } } /** * Define and operate over one Worksheet. * * This class acts as a wrapper around another library * maintaining Moodle functions isolated from underlying code. * * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @package core */ class MoodleExcelWorksheet { /** @var PHPExcel_Worksheet */ protected $worksheet; /** * Constructs one Moodle Worksheet. * * @param string $name The name of the file * @param PHPExcel $workbook The internal Workbook object we are creating. */ public function __construct($name, PHPExcel $workbook) { // Replace any characters in the name that Excel cannot cope with. $name = strtr($name, '[]*/\?:', ' '); // Shorten the title if necessary. $name = core_text::substr($name, 0, 31); if ($name === '') { // Name is required! $name = 'Sheet'.($workbook->getSheetCount()+1); } $this->worksheet = new PHPExcel_Worksheet($workbook, $name); $this->worksheet->setPrintGridlines(false); $workbook->addSheet($this->worksheet); } /** * Write one string somewhere in the worksheet. * * @param integer $row Zero indexed row * @param integer $col Zero indexed column * @param string $str The string to write * @param mixed $format The XF format for the cell */ public function write_string($row, $col, $str, $format = null) { $this->worksheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1)->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode(PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_TEXT); $this->worksheet->setCellValueExplicitByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1, $str, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_STRING); $this->apply_format($row, $col, $format); } /** * Write one number somewhere in the worksheet. * * @param integer $row Zero indexed row * @param integer $col Zero indexed column * @param float $num The number to write * @param mixed $format The XF format for the cell */ public function write_number($row, $col, $num, $format = null) { $this->worksheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1)->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode(PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_GENERAL); $this->worksheet->setCellValueExplicitByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1, $num, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_NUMERIC); $this->apply_format($row, $col, $format); } /** * Write one url somewhere in the worksheet. * * @param integer $row Zero indexed row * @param integer $col Zero indexed column * @param string $url The url to write * @param mixed $format The XF format for the cell */ public function write_url($row, $col, $url, $format = null) { $this->worksheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1, $url); $this->worksheet->getCellByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1)->getHyperlink()->setUrl($url); $this->apply_format($row, $col, $format); } /** * Write one date somewhere in the worksheet. * @param integer $row Zero indexed row * @param integer $col Zero indexed column * @param string $date The date to write in UNIX timestamp format * @param mixed $format The XF format for the cell */ public function write_date($row, $col, $date, $format = null) { $getdate = usergetdate($date); $exceldate = PHPExcel_Shared_Date::FormattedPHPToExcel( $getdate['year'], $getdate['mon'], $getdate['mday'], $getdate['hours'], $getdate['minutes'], $getdate['seconds'] ); $this->worksheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1, $exceldate); $this->worksheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1)->getNumberFormat()->setFormatCode(PHPExcel_Style_NumberFormat::FORMAT_DATE_XLSX22); $this->apply_format($row, $col, $format); } /** * Write one formula somewhere in the worksheet. * * @param integer $row Zero indexed row * @param integer $col Zero indexed column * @param string $formula The formula to write * @param mixed $format The XF format for the cell */ public function write_formula($row, $col, $formula, $format = null) { $this->worksheet->setCellValueExplicitByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1, $formula, PHPExcel_Cell_DataType::TYPE_FORMULA); $this->apply_format($row, $col, $format); } /** * Write one blank somewhere in the worksheet. * * @param integer $row Zero indexed row * @param integer $col Zero indexed column * @param mixed $format The XF format for the cell */ public function write_blank($row, $col, $format = null) { $this->worksheet->setCellValueByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1, ''); $this->apply_format($row, $col, $format); } /** * Write anything somewhere in the worksheet, * type will be automatically detected. * * @param integer $row Zero indexed row * @param integer $col Zero indexed column * @param mixed $token What we are writing * @param mixed $format The XF format for the cell */ public function write($row, $col, $token, $format = null) { // Analyse what are we trying to send. if (preg_match("/^([+-]?)(?=\d|\.\d)\d*(\.\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\d+))?$/", $token)) { // Match number return $this->write_number($row, $col, $token, $format); } elseif (preg_match("/^[fh]tt?p:\/\//", $token)) { // Match http or ftp URL return $this->write_url($row, $col, $token, '', $format); } elseif (preg_match("/^mailto:/", $token)) { // Match mailto: return $this->write_url($row, $col, $token, '', $format); } elseif (preg_match("/^(?:in|ex)ternal:/", $token)) { // Match internal or external sheet link return $this->write_url($row, $col, $token, '', $format); } elseif (preg_match("/^=/", $token)) { // Match formula return $this->write_formula($row, $col, $token, $format); } elseif (preg_match("/^@/", $token)) { // Match formula return $this->write_formula($row, $col, $token, $format); } elseif ($token == '') { // Match blank return $this->write_blank($row, $col, $format); } else { // Default: match string return $this->write_string($row, $col, $token, $format); } } /** * Sets the height (and other settings) of one row. * * @param integer $row The row to set * @param integer $height Height we are giving to the row (null to set just format without setting the height) * @param mixed $format The optional format we are giving to the row * @param bool $hidden The optional hidden attribute * @param integer $level The optional outline level (0-7) */ public function set_row($row, $height, $format = null, $hidden = false, $level = 0) { if ($level < 0) { $level = 0; } else if ($level > 7) { $level = 7; } if (isset($height)) { $this->worksheet->getRowDimension($row+1)->setRowHeight($height); } $this->worksheet->getRowDimension($row+1)->setVisible(!$hidden); $this->worksheet->getRowDimension($row+1)->setOutlineLevel($level); $this->apply_row_format($row, $format); } /** * Sets the width (and other settings) of one column. * * @param integer $firstcol first column on the range * @param integer $lastcol last column on the range * @param integer $width width to set (null to set just format without setting the width) * @param mixed $format The optional format to apply to the columns * @param bool $hidden The optional hidden attribute * @param integer $level The optional outline level (0-7) */ public function set_column($firstcol, $lastcol, $width, $format = null, $hidden = false, $level = 0) { if ($level < 0) { $level = 0; } else if ($level > 7) { $level = 7; } $i = $firstcol; while($i <= $lastcol) { if (isset($width)) { $this->worksheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setWidth($width); } $this->worksheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setVisible(!$hidden); $this->worksheet->getColumnDimensionByColumn($i)->setOutlineLevel($level); $this->apply_column_format($i, $format); $i++; } } /** * Set the option to hide grid lines on the printed page. */ public function hide_gridlines() { // Not implemented - always off. } /** * Set the option to hide gridlines on the worksheet (as seen on the screen). */ public function hide_screen_gridlines() { $this->worksheet->setShowGridlines(false); } /** * Insert an image in a worksheet. * * @param integer $row The row we are going to insert the bitmap into * @param integer $col The column we are going to insert the bitmap into * @param string $bitmap The bitmap filename * @param integer $x The horizontal position (offset) of the image inside the cell. * @param integer $y The vertical position (offset) of the image inside the cell. * @param integer $scale_x The horizontal scale * @param integer $scale_y The vertical scale */ public function insert_bitmap($row, $col, $bitmap, $x = 0, $y = 0, $scale_x = 1, $scale_y = 1) { $objDrawing = new PHPExcel_Worksheet_Drawing(); $objDrawing->setPath($bitmap); $objDrawing->setCoordinates(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col) . ($row+1)); $objDrawing->setOffsetX($x); $objDrawing->setOffsetY($y); $objDrawing->setWorksheet($this->worksheet); if ($scale_x != 1) { $objDrawing->setResizeProportional(false); $objDrawing->getWidth($objDrawing->getWidth()*$scale_x); } if ($scale_y != 1) { $objDrawing->setResizeProportional(false); $objDrawing->setHeight($objDrawing->getHeight()*$scale_y); } } /** * Merges the area given by its arguments. * * @param integer $first_row First row of the area to merge * @param integer $first_col First column of the area to merge * @param integer $last_row Last row of the area to merge * @param integer $last_col Last column of the area to merge */ public function merge_cells($first_row, $first_col, $last_row, $last_col) { $this->worksheet->mergeCellsByColumnAndRow($first_col, $first_row+1, $last_col, $last_row+1); } protected function apply_format($row, $col, $format = null) { if (!$format) { $format = new MoodleExcelFormat(); } else if (is_array($format)) { $format = new MoodleExcelFormat($format); } $this->worksheet->getStyleByColumnAndRow($col, $row+1)->applyFromArray($format->get_format_array()); } protected function apply_column_format($col, $format = null) { if (!$format) { $format = new MoodleExcelFormat(); } else if (is_array($format)) { $format = new MoodleExcelFormat($format); } $this->worksheet->getStyle(PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($col))->applyFromArray($format->get_format_array()); } protected function apply_row_format($row, $format = null) { if (!$format) { $format = new MoodleExcelFormat(); } else if (is_array($format)) { $format = new MoodleExcelFormat($format); } $this->worksheet->getStyle($row+1)->applyFromArray($format->get_format_array()); } } /** * Define and operate over one Format. * * A big part of this class acts as a wrapper over other libraries * maintaining Moodle functions isolated from underlying code. * * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @package moodlecore */ class MoodleExcelFormat { /** @var array */ protected $format = array('font'=>array('size'=>10, 'name'=>'Arial')); /** * Constructs one Moodle Format. * * @param array $properties */ public function __construct($properties = array()) { // If we have something in the array of properties, compute them foreach($properties as $property => $value) { if(method_exists($this,"set_$property")) { $aux = 'set_'.$property; $this->$aux($value); } } } /** * Returns standardised Excel format array. * @private * * @return array */ public function get_format_array() { return $this->format; } /** * Set the size of the text in the format (in pixels). * By default all texts in generated sheets are 10pt. * * @param integer $size Size of the text (in points) */ public function set_size($size) { $this->format['font']['size'] = $size; } /** * Set weight of the format. * * @param integer $weight Weight for the text, 0 maps to 400 (normal text), * 1 maps to 700 (bold text). Valid range is: 100-1000. * It's Optional, default is 1 (bold). */ public function set_bold($weight = 1) { if ($weight == 1) { $weight = 700; } $this->format['font']['bold'] = ($weight > 400); } /** * Set underline of the format. * * @param integer $underline The value for underline. Possible values are: * 1 => underline, 2 => double underline */ public function set_underline($underline) { if ($underline == 1) { $this->format['font']['underline'] = PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_SINGLE; } else if ($underline == 2) { $this->format['font']['underline'] = PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_DOUBLE; } else { $this->format['font']['underline'] = PHPExcel_Style_Font::UNDERLINE_NONE; } } /** * Set italic of the format. */ public function set_italic() { $this->format['font']['italic'] = true; } /** * Set strikeout of the format. */ public function set_strikeout() { $this->format['font']['strike'] = true; } /** * Set outlining of the format. */ public function set_outline() { // Not implemented. } /** * Set shadow of the format. */ public function set_shadow() { // Not implemented. } /** * Set the script of the text. * * @param integer $script The value for script type. Possible values are: * 1 => superscript, 2 => subscript */ public function set_script($script) { if ($script == 1) { $this->format['font']['superScript'] = true; } else if ($script == 2) { $this->format['font']['subScript'] = true; } else { $this->format['font']['superScript'] = false; $this->format['font']['subScript'] = false; } } /** * Set color of the format. Used to specify the color of the text to be formatted. * * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]) */ public function set_color($color) { $this->format['font']['color']['rgb'] = $this->parse_color($color); } /** * Standardise colour name. * * @param mixed $color name of the color (i.e.: 'blue', 'red', etc..), or an integer (range is [8...63]). * @return string the RGB color value */ protected function parse_color($color) { if (strpos($color, '#') === 0) { // No conversion should be needed. return substr($color, 1); } if ($color > 7 and $color < 53) { $numbers = array( 8 => 'black', 12 => 'blue', 16 => 'brown', 15 => 'cyan', 23 => 'gray', 17 => 'green', 11 => 'lime', 14 => 'magenta', 18 => 'navy', 53 => 'orange', 33 => 'pink', 20 => 'purple', 10 => 'red', 22 => 'silver', 9 => 'white', 13 => 'yellow', ); if (isset($numbers[$color])) { $color = $numbers[$color]; } else { $color = 'black'; } } $colors = array( 'aqua' => '00FFFF', 'black' => '000000', 'blue' => '0000FF', 'brown' => 'A52A2A', 'cyan' => '00FFFF', 'fuchsia' => 'FF00FF', 'gray' => '808080', 'grey' => '808080', 'green' => '00FF00', 'lime' => '00FF00', 'magenta' => 'FF00FF', 'maroon' => '800000', 'navy' => '000080', 'orange' => 'FFA500', 'olive' => '808000', 'pink' => 'FAAFBE', 'purple' => '800080', 'red' => 'FF0000', 'silver' => 'C0C0C0', 'teal' => '008080', 'white' => 'FFFFFF', 'yellow' => 'FFFF00', ); if (isset($colors[$color])) { return($colors[$color]); } return($colors['black']); } /** * Not used. * * @param mixed $color */ public function set_fg_color($color) { // Not implemented. } /** * Set background color of the cell. * * @param mixed $color either a string (like 'blue'), or an integer (range is [8...63]) */ public function set_bg_color($color) { if (!isset($this->format['fill']['type'])) { $this->format['fill']['type'] = PHPExcel_Style_Fill::FILL_SOLID; } $this->format['fill']['color']['rgb'] = $this->parse_color($color); } /** * Set the cell fill pattern. * * @deprecated use set_bg_color() instead. * @param integer */ public function set_pattern($pattern=1) { if ($pattern > 0) { if (!isset($this->format['fill']['color']['rgb'])) { $this->set_bg_color('black'); } } else { unset($this->format['fill']['color']['rgb']); unset($this->format['fill']['type']); } } /** * Set text wrap of the format. */ public function set_text_wrap() { $this->format['alignment']['wrap'] = true; } /** * Set the cell alignment of the format. * * @param string $location alignment for the cell ('left', 'right', 'justify', etc...) */ public function set_align($location) { if (in_array($location, array('left', 'centre', 'center', 'right', 'fill', 'merge', 'justify', 'equal_space'))) { $this->set_h_align($location); } else if (in_array($location, array('top', 'vcentre', 'vcenter', 'bottom', 'vjustify', 'vequal_space'))) { $this->set_v_align($location); } } /** * Set the cell horizontal alignment of the format. * * @param string $location alignment for the cell ('left', 'right', 'justify', etc...) */ public function set_h_align($location) { switch ($location) { case 'left': $this->format['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_LEFT; break; case 'center': case 'centre': $this->format['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_CENTER; break; case 'right': $this->format['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_RIGHT; break; case 'justify': $this->format['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_JUSTIFY; break; default: $this->format['alignment']['horizontal'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::HORIZONTAL_GENERAL; } } /** * Set the cell vertical alignment of the format. * * @param string $location alignment for the cell ('top', 'bottom', 'center', 'justify') */ public function set_v_align($location) { switch ($location) { case 'top': $this->format['alignment']['vertical'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_TOP; break; case 'vcentre': case 'vcenter': case 'centre': case 'center': $this->format['alignment']['vertical'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_CENTER; break; case 'vjustify': case 'justify': $this->format['alignment']['vertical'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_JUSTIFY; break; default: $this->format['alignment']['vertical'] = PHPExcel_Style_Alignment::VERTICAL_BOTTOM; } } /** * Set the top border of the format. * * @param integer $style style for the cell. 1 => thin, 2 => thick */ public function set_top($style) { if ($style == 1) { $this->format['borders']['top']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN; } else if ($style == 2) { $this->format['borders']['top']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK; } else { $this->format['borders']['top']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE; } } /** * Set the bottom border of the format. * * @param integer $style style for the cell. 1 => thin, 2 => thick */ public function set_bottom($style) { if ($style == 1) { $this->format['borders']['bottom']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN; } else if ($style == 2) { $this->format['borders']['bottom']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK; } else { $this->format['borders']['bottom']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE; } } /** * Set the left border of the format. * * @param integer $style style for the cell. 1 => thin, 2 => thick */ public function set_left($style) { if ($style == 1) { $this->format['borders']['left']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN; } else if ($style == 2) { $this->format['borders']['left']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK; } else { $this->format['borders']['left']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE; } } /** * Set the right border of the format. * * @param integer $style style for the cell. 1 => thin, 2 => thick */ public function set_right($style) { if ($style == 1) { $this->format['borders']['right']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THIN; } else if ($style == 2) { $this->format['borders']['right']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_THICK; } else { $this->format['borders']['right']['style'] = PHPExcel_Style_Border::BORDER_NONE; } } /** * Set cells borders to the same style. * * @param integer $style style to apply for all cell borders. 1 => thin, 2 => thick. */ public function set_border($style) { $this->set_top($style); $this->set_bottom($style); $this->set_left($style); $this->set_right($style); } /** * Set the numerical format of the format. * It can be date, time, currency, etc... * * @param mixed $num_format The numeric format */ public function set_num_format($num_format) { $numbers = array(); $numbers[1] = '0'; $numbers[2] = '0.00'; $numbers[3] = '#,##0'; $numbers[4] = '#,##0.00'; $numbers[11] = '0.00E+00'; $numbers[12] = '# ?/?'; $numbers[13] = '# ??/??'; $numbers[14] = 'mm-dd-yy'; $numbers[15] = 'd-mmm-yy'; $numbers[16] = 'd-mmm'; $numbers[17] = 'mmm-yy'; $numbers[22] = 'm/d/yy h:mm'; $numbers[49] = '@'; if ($num_format !== 0 and in_array($num_format, $numbers)) { $this->format['numberformat']['code'] = $num_format; } if (!isset($numbers[$num_format])) { return; } $this->format['numberformat']['code'] = $numbers[$num_format]; } }