forcelogin) { require_login(); } if (!empty($courseid)) { $course = get_record("course", "id", $courseid); if ($course->category) { require_login($courseid); } $strglossaries = get_string("modulenameplural", "glossary"); $strsearch = get_string("search"); $CFG->framename = "newwindow"; if ($course->category) { print_header(strip_tags("$course->shortname: $glossary->name"), "$course->fullname", "wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id\">$course->shortname -> $strglossaries -> $strsearch", "", "", true, " ", " "); } else { print_header(strip_tags("$course->shortname: $glossary->name"), "$course->fullname", "$strglossaries -> $strsearch", "", "", true, " ", " "); } } else { print_header(); // Needs to be something here to allow linking back to the whole glossary } if ($eid) { $entries[] = get_record("glossary_entries", "id", $eid); } else if ($concept) { $entries = get_records_sql("select e.* from {$CFG->prefix}glossary_entries e, {$CFG->prefix}glossary g". " where e.glossaryid = and". " (e.casesensitive != 0 and ucase(concept) = '" . strtoupper(trim($concept)). "' or". " e.casesensitive = 0 and concept = '$concept') and". " (g.course = $courseid or g.globalglossary) and". " e.usedynalink != 0 and g.usedynalink != 0"); } if ($entries) { glossary_print_dynaentry($courseid, $entries, $displayformat); } close_window_button(); ?>