. /** * @package moodlecore * @subpackage backup-moodle2 * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * Define all the backup steps that will be used by common tasks in backup */ /** * create the temp dir where backup/restore will happen, * delete old directories and create temp ids table */ class create_and_clean_temp_stuff extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { backup_helper::check_and_create_backup_dir($this->get_backupid());// Create backup temp dir backup_helper::clear_backup_dir($this->get_backupid()); // Empty temp dir, just in case backup_helper::delete_old_backup_dirs(time() - (4 * 60 * 60)); // Delete > 4 hours temp dirs backup_controller_dbops::create_backup_ids_temp_table($this->get_backupid()); // Create ids temp table } } /** * delete the temp dir used by backup/restore (conditionally), * delete old directories and drop tem ids table. Note we delete * the directory but not the corresponding log file that will be * there for, at least, 4 hours - only delete_old_backup_dirs() * deletes log files (for easier access to them) */ class drop_and_clean_temp_stuff extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { global $CFG; backup_controller_dbops::drop_backup_ids_temp_table($this->get_backupid()); // Drop ids temp table backup_helper::delete_old_backup_dirs(time() - (4 * 60 * 60)); // Delete > 4 hours temp dirs if (empty($CFG->keeptempdirectoriesonbackup)) { // Conditionally backup_helper::delete_backup_dir($this->get_backupid()); // Empty backup dir } } } /** * Create the directory where all the task (activity/block...) information will be stored */ class create_taskbasepath_directory extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { global $CFG; $basepath = $this->task->get_taskbasepath(); if (!check_dir_exists($basepath, true, true)) { throw new backup_step_exception('cannot_create_taskbasepath_directory', $basepath); } } } /** * Abstract structure step, parent of all the activity structure steps. Used to wrap the * activity structure definition within the main tag. Also provides * subplugin support for activities (that must be properly declared) */ abstract class backup_activity_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { /** * Add subplugin structure to any element in the activity backup tree * * @param string $subplugintype type of subplugin as defined in activity db/subplugins.php * @param backup_nested_element $element element in the activity backup tree that * we are going to add subplugin information to * @param bool $multiple to define if multiple subplugins can produce information * for each instance of $element (true) or no (false) */ protected function add_subplugin_structure($subplugintype, $element, $multiple) { global $CFG; // Check the requested subplugintype is a valid one $subpluginsfile = $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/' . $this->task->get_modulename() . '/db/subplugins.php'; if (!file_exists($subpluginsfile)) { throw new backup_step_exception('activity_missing_subplugins_php_file', $this->task->get_modulename()); } include($subpluginsfile); if (!array_key_exists($subplugintype, $subplugins)) { throw new backup_step_exception('incorrect_subplugin_type', $subplugintype); } // Arrived here, subplugin is correct, let's create the optigroup $optigroupname = $subplugintype . '_' . $element->get_name() . '_subplugin'; $optigroup = new backup_optigroup($optigroupname, null, $multiple); $element->add_child($optigroup); // Add optigroup to stay connected since beginning // Get all the optigroup_elements, looking across all the subplugin dirs $elements = array(); $subpluginsdirs = get_plugin_list($subplugintype); foreach ($subpluginsdirs as $name => $subpluginsdir) { $classname = 'backup_' . $subplugintype . '_' . $name . '_subplugin'; $backupfile = $subpluginsdir . '/backup/moodle2/' . $classname . '.class.php'; if (file_exists($backupfile)) { require_once($backupfile); $backupsubplugin = new $classname($subplugintype, $name, $optigroup); // Add subplugin returned structure to optigroup $backupsubplugin->define_subplugin_structure($element->get_name()); } } } /** * Wraps any activity backup structure within the common 'activity' element * that will include common to all activities information like id, context... */ protected function prepare_activity_structure($activitystructure) { // Create the wrap element $activity = new backup_nested_element('activity', array('id', 'moduleid', 'modulename', 'contextid'), null); // Build the tree $activity->add_child($activitystructure); // Set the source $activityarr = array((object)array( 'id' => $this->task->get_activityid(), 'moduleid' => $this->task->get_moduleid(), 'modulename' => $this->task->get_modulename(), 'contextid' => $this->task->get_contextid())); $activity->set_source_array($activityarr); // Return the root element (activity) return $activity; } } /** * Abstract structure step, parent of all the block structure steps. Used to wrap the * block structure definition within the main tag */ abstract class backup_block_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function prepare_block_structure($blockstructure) { // Create the wrap element $block = new backup_nested_element('block', array('id', 'blockname', 'contextid'), null); // Build the tree $block->add_child($blockstructure); // Set the source $blockarr = array((object)array( 'id' => $this->task->get_blockid(), 'blockname' => $this->task->get_blockname(), 'contextid' => $this->task->get_contextid())); $block->set_source_array($blockarr); // Return the root element (block) return $block; } } /** * structure step that will generate the module.xml file for the activity, * accumulating various information about the activity, annotating groupings * and completion/avail conf */ class backup_module_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define each element separated $module = new backup_nested_element('module', array('id', 'version'), array( 'modulename', 'sectionid', 'sectionnumber', 'idnumber', 'added', 'score', 'indent', 'visible', 'visibleold', 'groupmode', 'groupingid', 'groupmembersonly', 'completion', 'completiongradeitemnumber', 'completionview', 'completionexpected', 'availablefrom', 'availableuntil', 'showavailability')); $availinfo = new backup_nested_element('availability_info'); $availability = new backup_nested_element('availability', array('id'), array( 'sourcecmid', 'requiredcompletion', 'gradeitemid', 'grademin', 'grademax')); // Define the tree $module->add_child($availinfo); $availinfo->add_child($availability); // Set the sources $module->set_source_sql(' SELECT cm.*, m.version, m.name AS modulename, s.id AS sectionid, s.section AS sectionnumber FROM {course_modules} cm JOIN {modules} m ON m.id = cm.module JOIN {course_sections} s ON s.id = cm.section WHERE cm.id = ?', array(backup::VAR_MODID)); $availability->set_source_table('course_modules_availability', array('coursemoduleid' => backup::VAR_MODID)); // Define annotations $module->annotate_ids('grouping', 'groupingid'); // Return the root element ($module) return $module; } } /** * structure step that will generate the section.xml file for the section * annotating files */ class backup_section_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define each element separated $section = new backup_nested_element('section', array('id'), array( 'number', 'name', 'summary', 'summaryformat', 'sequence', 'visible')); // Define sources $section->set_source_table('course_sections', array('id' => backup::VAR_SECTIONID)); // Aliases $section->set_source_alias('section', 'number'); // Set annotations $section->annotate_files('course', 'section', 'id'); return $section; } } /** * structure step that will generate the course.xml file for the course, including * course category reference, tags, modules restriction information * and some annotations (files & groupings) */ class backup_course_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { global $DB; // Define each element separated $course = new backup_nested_element('course', array('id', 'contextid'), array( 'shortname', 'fullname', 'idnumber', 'summary', 'summaryformat', 'format', 'showgrades', 'newsitems', 'startdate', 'numsections', 'marker', 'maxbytes', 'showreports', 'visible', 'hiddensections', 'groupmode', 'groupmodeforce', 'defaultgroupingid', 'lang', 'theme', 'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'requested', 'restrictmodules', 'enablecompletion')); $category = new backup_nested_element('category', array('id'), array( 'name', 'description')); $tags = new backup_nested_element('tags'); $tag = new backup_nested_element('tag', array('id'), array( 'name', 'rawname')); $allowedmodules = new backup_nested_element('allowed_modules'); $module = new backup_nested_element('module', array('modulename')); // Build the tree $course->add_child($category); $course->add_child($tags); $tags->add_child($tag); $course->add_child($allowedmodules); $allowedmodules->add_child($module); // Set the sources $courserec = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $this->task->get_courseid())); $courserec->contextid = $this->task->get_contextid(); $course->set_source_array(array($courserec)); $categoryrec = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id' => $courserec->category)); $category->set_source_array(array($categoryrec)); $tag->set_source_sql('SELECT t.id, t.name, t.rawname FROM {tag} t JOIN {tag_instance} ti ON ti.tagid = t.id WHERE ti.itemtype = ? AND ti.itemid = ?', array( backup_helper::is_sqlparam('course'), backup::VAR_PARENTID)); $module->set_source_sql('SELECT m.name AS modulename FROM {modules} m JOIN {course_allowed_modules} cam ON m.id = cam.module WHERE course = ?', array(backup::VAR_COURSEID)); // Some annotations $course->annotate_ids('grouping', 'defaultgroupingid'); $course->annotate_files('course', 'summary', null); $course->annotate_files('course', 'legacy', null); // Return root element ($course) return $course; } } /** * structure step that will generate the enrolments.xml file for the given course */ class backup_enrolments_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // To know if we are including users $users = $this->get_setting_value('users'); // Define each element separated $enrolments = new backup_nested_element('enrolments'); $enrols = new backup_nested_element('enrols'); $enrol = new backup_nested_element('enrol', array('id'), array( 'enrol', 'status', 'sortorder', 'name', 'enrolperiod', 'enrolstartdate', 'enrolenddate', 'expirynotify', 'expirytreshold', 'notifyall', 'password', 'cost', 'currency', 'roleid', 'customint1', 'customint2', 'customint3', 'customint4', 'customchar1', 'customchar2', 'customdec1', 'customdec2', 'customtext1', 'customtext2', 'timecreated', 'timemodified')); $userenrolments = new backup_nested_element('user_enrolments'); $enrolment = new backup_nested_element('enrolment', array('id'), array( 'status', 'userid', 'timestart', 'timeend', 'modifierid', 'timemodified')); // Build the tree $enrolments->add_child($enrols); $enrols->add_child($enrol); $enrol->add_child($userenrolments); $userenrolments->add_child($enrolment); // Define sources $enrol->set_source_table('enrol', array('courseid' => backup::VAR_COURSEID)); // User enrolments only added only if users included if ($users) { $enrolment->set_source_table('user_enrolments', array('enrolid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID)); $enrolment->annotate_ids('user', 'userid'); } $enrol->annotate_ids('role', 'roleid'); //TODO: let plugins annotate custom fields too and add more children return $enrolments; } } /** * structure step that will generate the roles.xml file for the given context, observing * the role_assignments setting to know if that part needs to be included */ class backup_roles_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // To know if we are including role assignments $roleassignments = $this->get_setting_value('role_assignments'); // Define each element separated $roles = new backup_nested_element('roles'); $overrides = new backup_nested_element('role_overrides'); $override = new backup_nested_element('override', array('id'), array( 'roleid', 'capability', 'permission', 'timemodified', 'modifierid')); $assignments = new backup_nested_element('role_assignments'); $assignment = new backup_nested_element('assignment', array('id'), array( 'roleid', 'userid', 'timemodified', 'modifierid', 'component', 'itemid', 'sortorder')); // Build the tree $roles->add_child($overrides); $roles->add_child($assignments); $overrides->add_child($override); $assignments->add_child($assignment); // Define sources $override->set_source_table('role_capabilities', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID)); // Assignments only added if specified if ($roleassignments) { $assignment->set_source_table('role_assignments', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID)); } // Define id annotations $override->annotate_ids('role', 'roleid'); $assignment->annotate_ids('role', 'roleid'); $assignment->annotate_ids('user', 'userid'); //TODO: how do we annotate the itemid? the meaning depends on the content of component table (skodak) return $roles; } } /** * structure step that will generate the roles.xml containing the * list of roles used along the whole backup process. Just raw * list of used roles from role table */ class backup_final_roles_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define elements $rolesdef = new backup_nested_element('roles_definition'); $role = new backup_nested_element('role', array('id'), array( 'name', 'shortname', 'nameincourse', 'description', 'sortorder', 'archetype')); // Build the tree $rolesdef->add_child($role); // Define sources $role->set_source_sql("SELECT r.*, rn.name AS nameincourse FROM {role} r JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON r.id = bi.itemid LEFT JOIN {role_names} rn ON r.id = rn.roleid AND rn.contextid = ? WHERE bi.backupid = ? AND bi.itemname = 'rolefinal'", array(backup::VAR_CONTEXTID, backup::VAR_BACKUPID)); // Return main element (rolesdef) return $rolesdef; } } /** * structure step that will generate the scales.xml containing the * list of scales used along the whole backup process. */ class backup_final_scales_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define elements $scalesdef = new backup_nested_element('scales_definition'); $scale = new backup_nested_element('scale', array('id'), array( 'courseid', 'userid', 'name', 'scale', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'timemodified')); // Build the tree $scalesdef->add_child($scale); // Define sources $scale->set_source_sql("SELECT s.* FROM {scale} s JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON s.id = bi.itemid WHERE bi.backupid = ? AND bi.itemname = 'scalefinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID)); // Annotate scale files (they store files in system context, so pass it instead of default one) $scale->annotate_files('grade', 'scale', 'id', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)->id); // Return main element (scalesdef) return $scalesdef; } } /** * structure step that will generate the outcomes.xml containing the * list of outcomes used along the whole backup process. */ class backup_final_outcomes_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define elements $outcomesdef = new backup_nested_element('outcomes_definition'); $outcome = new backup_nested_element('outcome', array('id'), array( 'courseid', 'userid', 'shortname', 'fullname', 'scaleid', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'timecreated', 'timemodified','usermodified')); // Build the tree $outcomesdef->add_child($outcome); // Define sources $outcome->set_source_sql("SELECT o.* FROM {grade_outcomes} o JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON o.id = bi.itemid WHERE bi.backupid = ? AND bi.itemname = 'outcomefinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID)); // Annotate outcome files (they store files in system context, so pass it instead of default one) $outcome->annotate_files('grade', 'outcome', 'id', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)->id); // Return main element (outcomesdef) return $outcomesdef; } } /** * structure step in charge of constructing the filters.xml file for all the filters found * in activity */ class backup_filters_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define each element separated $filters = new backup_nested_element('filters'); $actives = new backup_nested_element('filter_actives'); $active = new backup_nested_element('filter_active', null, array('filter', 'active')); $configs = new backup_nested_element('filter_configs'); $config = new backup_nested_element('filter_config', null, array('filter', 'name', 'value')); // Build the tree $filters->add_child($actives); $filters->add_child($configs); $actives->add_child($active); $configs->add_child($config); // Define sources list($activearr, $configarr) = filter_get_all_local_settings($this->task->get_contextid()); $active->set_source_array($activearr); $config->set_source_array($configarr); // Return the root element (filters) return $filters; } } /** * structure step in charge of constructing the comments.xml file for all the comments found * in a given context */ class backup_comments_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define each element separated $comments = new backup_nested_element('comments'); $comment = new backup_nested_element('comment', array('id'), array( 'commentarea', 'itemid', 'content', 'format', 'userid', 'timecreated')); // Build the tree $comments->add_child($comment); // Define sources $comment->set_source_table('comments', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID)); // Define id annotations $comment->annotate_ids('user', 'userid'); // Return the root element (comments) return $comments; } } /** * structure step in charge of constructing the gradebook.xml file for all the gradebook config in the course * NOTE: the backup of the grade items themselves is handled by backup_activity_grades_structure_step */ class backup_gradebook_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { /** * We need to decide conditionally, based on dynamic information * about the execution of this step. Only will be executed if all * the module gradeitems have been already included in backup */ protected function execute_condition() { return backup_plan_dbops::require_gradebook_backup($this->get_courseid(), $this->get_backupid()); } protected function define_structure() { // are we including user info? $userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('users'); $gradebook = new backup_nested_element('gradebook'); //grade_letters are done in backup_activity_grades_structure_step() //calculated grade items $grade_items = new backup_nested_element('grade_items'); $grade_item = new backup_nested_element('grade_item', array('id'), array( 'categoryid', 'itemname', 'itemtype', 'itemmodule', 'iteminstance', 'itemnumber', 'iteminfo', 'idnumber', 'calculation', 'gradetype', 'grademax', 'grademin', 'scaleid', 'outcomeid', 'gradepass', 'multfactor', 'plusfactor', 'aggregationcoef', 'sortorder', 'display', 'decimals', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime', 'needsupdate', 'timecreated', 'timemodified')); $grade_grades = new backup_nested_element('grade_grades'); $grade_grade = new backup_nested_element('grade_grade', array('id'), array( 'userid', 'rawgrade', 'rawgrademax', 'rawgrademin', 'rawscaleid', 'usermodified', 'finalgrade', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime', 'exported', 'overridden', 'excluded', 'feedback', 'feedbackformat', 'information', 'informationformat', 'timecreated', 'timemodified')); //grade_categories $grade_categories = new backup_nested_element('grade_categories'); $grade_category = new backup_nested_element('grade_category', null, array('courseid', 'parent', 'depth', 'path', 'fullname', 'aggregation', 'keephigh', 'dropload', 'aggregateonlygraded', 'aggregateoutcomes', 'aggregatesubcats', 'timecreated', 'timemodified')); $letters = new backup_nested_element('grade_letters'); $letter = new backup_nested_element('grade_letter', 'id', array( 'lowerboundary', 'letter')); // Build the tree $gradebook->add_child($grade_items); $grade_items->add_child($grade_item); $grade_item->add_child($grade_grades); $grade_grades->add_child($grade_grade); //$grade_item->add_child($grade_scale); $gradebook->add_child($grade_categories); $grade_categories->add_child($grade_category); $gradebook->add_child($letters); $letters->add_child($letter); // Define sources //Include manual, category and the course grade item $grade_items_sql ="SELECT * FROM {grade_items} WHERE courseid = :courseid AND (itemtype='manual' OR itemtype='course' OR itemtype='category')"; $grade_items_params = array('courseid'=>backup::VAR_COURSEID); $grade_item->set_source_sql($grade_items_sql, $grade_items_params); if ($userinfo) { $grade_grade->set_source_table('grade_grades', array('itemid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID)); } $grade_category_sql = "SELECT gc.*, gi.sortorder FROM {grade_categories} gc JOIN {grade_items} gi ON (gi.iteminstance = gc.id) WHERE gc.courseid = :courseid AND (gi.itemtype='course' OR gi.itemtype='category') ORDER BY gc.parent ASC";//need parent categories before their children $grade_category_params = array('courseid'=>backup::VAR_COURSEID); $grade_category->set_source_sql($grade_category_sql, $grade_category_params); $letter->set_source_table('grade_letters', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID)); // Annotations (both as final as far as they are going to be exported in next steps) $grade_item->annotate_ids('scalefinal', 'scaleid'); // Straight as scalefinal because it's > 0 $grade_item->annotate_ids('outcomefinal', 'outcomeid'); // Return the root element return $gradebook; } } /** * structure step in charge if constructing the completion.xml file for all the users completion * information in a given activity */ class backup_userscompletion_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define each element separated $completions = new backup_nested_element('completions'); $completion = new backup_nested_element('completion', array('id'), array( 'userid', 'completionstate', 'viewed', 'timemodified')); // Build the tree $completions->add_child($completion); // Define sources $completion->set_source_table('course_modules_completion', array('coursemoduleid' => backup::VAR_MODID)); // Define id annotations $completion->annotate_ids('user', 'userid'); // Return the root element (completions) return $completions; } } /** * structure step in charge of constructing the main groups.xml file for all the groups and * groupings information already annotated */ class backup_groups_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // To know if we are including users $users = $this->get_setting_value('users'); // Define each element separated $groups = new backup_nested_element('groups'); $group = new backup_nested_element('group', array('id'), array( 'name', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'enrolmentkey', 'picture', 'hidepicture', 'timecreated', 'timemodified')); $members = new backup_nested_element('group_members'); $member = new backup_nested_element('group_member', array('id'), array( 'userid', 'timeadded')); $groupings = new backup_nested_element('groupings'); $grouping = new backup_nested_element('grouping', 'id', array( 'name', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'configdata', 'timecreated', 'timemodified')); $groupinggroups = new backup_nested_element('grouping_groups'); $groupinggroup = new backup_nested_element('grouping_group', array('id'), array( 'groupid', 'timeadded')); // Build the tree $groups->add_child($group); $groups->add_child($groupings); $group->add_child($members); $members->add_child($member); $groupings->add_child($grouping); $grouping->add_child($groupinggroups); $groupinggroups->add_child($groupinggroup); // Define sources $group->set_source_sql(" SELECT g.* FROM {groups} g JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON g.id = bi.itemid WHERE bi.backupid = ? AND bi.itemname = 'groupfinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID)); // This only happens if we are including users if ($users) { $member->set_source_table('groups_members', array('groupid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID)); } $grouping->set_source_sql(" SELECT g.* FROM {groupings} g JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON g.id = bi.itemid WHERE bi.backupid = ? AND bi.itemname = 'groupingfinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID)); $groupinggroup->set_source_table('groupings_groups', array('groupingid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID)); // Define id annotations (as final) $member->annotate_ids('userfinal', 'userid'); // Define file annotations $group->annotate_files('group', 'description', 'id'); $group->annotate_files('group', 'icon', 'id'); $grouping->annotate_files('grouping', 'description', 'id'); // Return the root element (groups) return $groups; } } /** * structure step in charge of constructing the main users.xml file for all the users already * annotated (final). Includes custom profile fields, preferences, tags, role assignments and * overrides. */ class backup_users_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { global $CFG; // To know if we are anonymizing users $anonymize = $this->get_setting_value('anonymize'); // To know if we are including role assignments $roleassignments = $this->get_setting_value('role_assignments'); // Define each element separated $users = new backup_nested_element('users'); // Create the array of user fields by hand, as far as we have various bits to control // anonymize option, password backup, mnethostid... // First, the fields not needing anonymization nor special handling $normalfields = array( 'confirmed', 'policyagreed', 'deleted', 'lang', 'theme', 'timezone', 'firstaccess', 'lastaccess', 'lastlogin', 'currentlogin', 'mailformat', 'maildigest', 'maildisplay', 'htmleditor', 'ajax', 'autosubscribe', 'trackforums', 'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'trustbitmask', 'screenreader'); // Then, the fields potentially needing anonymization $anonfields = array( 'username', 'idnumber', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'email', 'emailstop', 'icq', 'skype', 'yahoo', 'aim', 'msn', 'phone1', 'phone2', 'institution', 'department', 'address', 'city', 'country', 'lastip', 'picture', 'url', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'imagealt', 'auth'); // Add anonymized fields to $userfields with custom final element foreach ($anonfields as $field) { if ($anonymize) { $userfields[] = new anonymizer_final_element($field); } else { $userfields[] = $field; // No anonymization, normally added } } // mnethosturl requires special handling (custom final element) $userfields[] = new mnethosturl_final_element('mnethosturl'); // password added conditionally if (!empty($CFG->includeuserpasswordsinbackup)) { $userfields[] = 'password'; } // Merge all the fields $userfields = array_merge($userfields, $normalfields); $user = new backup_nested_element('user', array('id', 'contextid'), $userfields); $customfields = new backup_nested_element('custom_fields'); $customfield = new backup_nested_element('custom_field', array('id'), array( 'field_name', 'field_type', 'field_data')); $tags = new backup_nested_element('tags'); $tag = new backup_nested_element('tag', array('id'), array( 'name', 'rawname')); $preferences = new backup_nested_element('preferences'); $preference = new backup_nested_element('preference', array('id'), array( 'name', 'value')); $roles = new backup_nested_element('roles'); $overrides = new backup_nested_element('role_overrides'); $override = new backup_nested_element('override', array('id'), array( 'roleid', 'capability', 'permission', 'timemodified', 'modifierid')); $assignments = new backup_nested_element('role_assignments'); $assignment = new backup_nested_element('assignment', array('id'), array( 'roleid', 'userid', 'timemodified', 'modifierid', 'component', //TODO: MDL-22793 add itemid here 'sortorder')); // Build the tree $users->add_child($user); $user->add_child($customfields); $customfields->add_child($customfield); $user->add_child($tags); $tags->add_child($tag); $user->add_child($preferences); $preferences->add_child($preference); $user->add_child($roles); $roles->add_child($overrides); $roles->add_child($assignments); $overrides->add_child($override); $assignments->add_child($assignment); // Define sources $user->set_source_sql('SELECT u.*, c.id AS contextid, m.wwwroot AS mnethosturl FROM {user} u JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON bi.itemid = u.id JOIN {context} c ON c.instanceid = u.id LEFT JOIN {mnet_host} m ON m.id = u.mnethostid WHERE bi.backupid = ? AND bi.itemname = ? AND c.contextlevel = ?', array( backup_helper::is_sqlparam($this->get_backupid()), backup_helper::is_sqlparam('userfinal'), backup_helper::is_sqlparam(CONTEXT_USER))); // All the rest on information is only added if we arent // in an anonymized backup if (!$anonymize) { $customfield->set_source_sql('SELECT f.id, f.shortname, f.datatype, d.data FROM {user_info_field} f JOIN {user_info_data} d ON d.fieldid = f.id WHERE d.userid = ?', array(backup::VAR_PARENTID)); $customfield->set_source_alias('shortname', 'field_name'); $customfield->set_source_alias('datatype', 'field_type'); $customfield->set_source_alias('data', 'field_data'); $tag->set_source_sql('SELECT t.id, t.name, t.rawname FROM {tag} t JOIN {tag_instance} ti ON ti.tagid = t.id WHERE ti.itemtype = ? AND ti.itemid = ?', array( backup_helper::is_sqlparam('user'), backup::VAR_PARENTID)); $preference->set_source_table('user_preferences', array('userid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID)); $override->set_source_table('role_capabilities', array('contextid' => '/users/user/contextid')); // Assignments only added if specified if ($roleassignments) { $assignment->set_source_table('role_assignments', array('contextid' => '/users/user/contextid')); } // Define id annotations (as final) $override->annotate_ids('rolefinal', 'roleid'); } // Return root element (users) return $users; } } /** * structure step in charge of constructing the block.xml file for one * given block (instance and positions). If the block has custom DB structure * that will go to a separate file (different step defined in block class) */ class backup_block_instance_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { global $DB; // Define each element separated $block = new backup_nested_element('block', array('id', 'contextid', 'version'), array( 'blockname', 'parentcontextid', 'showinsubcontexts', 'pagetypepattern', 'subpagepattern', 'defaultregion', 'defaultweight', 'configdata')); $positions = new backup_nested_element('block_positions', null, array( 'contextid', 'pagetype', 'subpage', 'visible', 'region', 'weight')); // Build the tree $block->add_child($positions); // Transform configdata information if needed (process links and friends) $blockrec = $DB->get_record('block_instances', array('id' => $this->task->get_blockid())); if ($attrstotransform = $this->task->get_configdata_encoded_attributes()) { $configdata = (array)unserialize(base64_decode($blockrec->configdata)); foreach ($configdata as $attribute => $value) { if (in_array($attribute, $attrstotransform)) { $configdata[$attribute] = $this->contenttransformer->process($value); } } $blockrec->configdata = base64_encode(serialize((object)$configdata)); } $blockrec->contextid = $this->task->get_contextid(); // Get the version of the block $blockrec->version = $DB->get_field('block', 'version', array('name' => $this->task->get_blockname())); // Define sources $block->set_source_array(array($blockrec)); $positions->set_source_table('block_positions', array('blockinstanceid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID)); // Return the root element (block) return $block; } } /** * structure step in charge of constructing the logs.xml file for all the log records found * in activity */ class backup_activity_logs_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define each element separated $logs = new backup_nested_element('logs'); $log = new backup_nested_element('log', array('id'), array( 'time', 'userid', 'ip', 'module', 'action', 'url', 'info')); // Build the tree $logs->add_child($log); // Define sources $log->set_source_table('log', array('cmid' => backup::VAR_MODID)); // Annotations // NOTE: We don't annotate users from logs as far as they MUST be // always annotated by the activity. // Return the root element (logs) return $logs; } } /** * structure in charge of constructing the inforef.xml file for all the items we want * to have referenced there (users, roles, files...) */ class backup_inforef_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Items we want to include in the inforef file. $items = backup_helper::get_inforef_itemnames(); // Build the tree $inforef = new backup_nested_element('inforef'); // For each item, conditionally, if there are already records, build element foreach ($items as $itemname) { if (backup_structure_dbops::annotations_exist($this->get_backupid(), $itemname)) { $elementroot = new backup_nested_element($itemname . 'ref'); $element = new backup_nested_element($itemname, array(), array('id')); $inforef->add_child($elementroot); $elementroot->add_child($element); $element->set_source_sql(" SELECT itemid AS id FROM {backup_ids_temp} WHERE backupid = ? AND itemname = ?", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID, backup_helper::is_sqlparam($itemname))); } } // We don't annotate anything there, but rely in the next step // (move_inforef_annotations_to_final) that will change all the // already saved 'inforref' entries to their 'final' annotations. return $inforef; } } /** * This step will get all the annotations already processed to inforef.xml file and * transform them into 'final' annotations. */ class move_inforef_annotations_to_final extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { // Items we want to include in the inforef file $items = backup_helper::get_inforef_itemnames(); foreach ($items as $itemname) { // Delegate to dbops backup_structure_dbops::move_annotations_to_final($this->get_backupid(), $itemname); } } } /** * structure in charge of constructing the files.xml file with all the * annotated (final) files along the process. At, the same time, and * using one specialised nested_element, will copy them form moodle storage * to backup storage */ class backup_final_files_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // Define elements $files = new backup_nested_element('files'); $file = new file_nested_element('file', array('id'), array( 'contenthash', 'contextid', 'component', 'filearea', 'itemid', 'filepath', 'filename', 'userid', 'filesize', 'mimetype', 'status', 'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'source', 'author', 'license', 'sortorder')); // Build the tree $files->add_child($file); // Define sources $file->set_source_sql("SELECT f.* FROM {files} f JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON f.id = bi.itemid WHERE bi.backupid = ? AND bi.itemname = 'filefinal'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID)); return $files; } } /** * Structure step in charge of creating the main moodle_backup.xml file * where all the information related to the backup, settings, license and * other information needed on restore is added*/ class backup_main_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { global $CFG; $info = array(); $info['name'] = $this->get_setting_value('filename'); $info['moodle_version'] = $CFG->version; $info['moodle_release'] = $CFG->release; $info['backup_version'] = $CFG->backup_version; $info['backup_release'] = $CFG->backup_release; $info['backup_date'] = time(); $info['backup_uniqueid']= $this->get_backupid(); $info['mnet_remoteusers']=backup_controller_dbops::backup_includes_mnet_remote_users($this->get_backupid()); $info['original_wwwroot']=$CFG->wwwroot; $info['original_site_identifier_hash'] = md5(get_site_identifier()); $info['original_course_id'] = $this->get_courseid(); $info['original_course_contextid'] = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $this->get_courseid())->id; $info['original_system_contextid'] = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)->id; // Get more information from controller list($dinfo, $cinfo, $sinfo) = backup_controller_dbops::get_moodle_backup_information($this->get_backupid()); // Define elements $moodle_backup = new backup_nested_element('moodle_backup'); $information = new backup_nested_element('information', null, array( 'name', 'moodle_version', 'moodle_release', 'backup_version', 'backup_release', 'backup_date', 'mnet_remoteusers', 'original_wwwroot', 'original_site_identifier_hash', 'original_course_id', 'original_course_contextid', 'original_system_contextid')); $details = new backup_nested_element('details'); $detail = new backup_nested_element('detail', array('backup_id'), array( 'type', 'format', 'interactive', 'mode', 'execution', 'executiontime')); $contents = new backup_nested_element('contents'); $activities = new backup_nested_element('activities'); $activity = new backup_nested_element('activity', null, array( 'moduleid', 'sectionid', 'modulename', 'title', 'directory')); $sections = new backup_nested_element('sections'); $section = new backup_nested_element('section', null, array( 'sectionid', 'title', 'directory')); $course = new backup_nested_element('course', null, array( 'courseid', 'title', 'directory')); $settings = new backup_nested_element('settings'); $setting = new backup_nested_element('setting', null, array( 'level', 'section', 'activity', 'name', 'value')); // Build the tree $moodle_backup->add_child($information); $information->add_child($details); $details->add_child($detail); $information->add_child($contents); if (!empty($cinfo['activities'])) { $contents->add_child($activities); $activities->add_child($activity); } if (!empty($cinfo['sections'])) { $contents->add_child($sections); $sections->add_child($section); } if (!empty($cinfo['course'])) { $contents->add_child($course); } $information->add_child($settings); $settings->add_child($setting); // Set the sources $information->set_source_array(array((object)$info)); $detail->set_source_array($dinfo); $activity->set_source_array($cinfo['activities']); $section->set_source_array($cinfo['sections']); $course->set_source_array($cinfo['course']); $setting->set_source_array($sinfo); // Prepare some information to be sent to main moodle_backup.xml file return $moodle_backup; } } /** * Execution step that will generate the final zip file with all the contents */ class backup_zip_contents extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { // Get basepath $basepath = $this->get_basepath(); // Get the list of files in directory $filestemp = get_directory_list($basepath, '', false, true, true); $files = array(); foreach ($filestemp as $file) { // Add zip paths and fs paths to all them $files[$file] = $basepath . '/' . $file; } // Add the log file if exists $logfilepath = $basepath . '.log'; if (file_exists($logfilepath)) { $files['moodle_backup.log'] = $logfilepath; } // Calculate the zip fullpath (in OS temp area it's always backup.zip) $zipfile = $basepath . '/backup.zip'; // Get the zip packer $zippacker = get_file_packer('application/zip'); // Zip files $zippacker->archive_to_pathname($files, $zipfile); } } /** * This step will send the generated backup file to its final destination */ class backup_store_backup_file extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { // Get basepath $basepath = $this->get_basepath(); // Calculate the zip fullpath (in OS temp area it's always backup.zip) $zipfile = $basepath . '/backup.zip'; // Perform storage and return it (TODO: shouldn't be array but proper result object) return array('backup_destination' => backup_helper::store_backup_file($this->get_backupid(), $zipfile)); } } /** * This step will search for all the activity (not calculations, categories nor aggregations) grade items * and put them to the backup_ids tables, to be used later as base to backup them */ class backup_activity_grade_items_to_ids extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { // Fetch all activity grade items if ($items = grade_item::fetch_all(array( 'itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => $this->task->get_modulename(), 'iteminstance' => $this->task->get_activityid(), 'courseid' => $this->task->get_courseid()))) { // Annotate them in backup_ids foreach ($items as $item) { backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), 'grade_item', $item->id); } } } } /** * This step will annotate all the groups belonging to already annotated groupings */ class backup_annotate_groups_from_groupings extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { global $DB; // Fetch all the annotated groupings if ($groupings = $DB->get_records('backup_ids_temp', array( 'backupid' => $this->get_backupid(), 'itemname' => 'grouping'))) { foreach ($groupings as $grouping) { if ($groups = $DB->get_records('groupings_groups', array( 'groupingid' => $grouping->itemid))) { foreach ($groups as $group) { backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), 'group', $group->groupid); } } } } } } /** * This step will annotate all the scales belonging to already annotated outcomes */ class backup_annotate_scales_from_outcomes extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { global $DB; // Fetch all the annotated outcomes if ($outcomes = $DB->get_records('backup_ids_temp', array( 'backupid' => $this->get_backupid(), 'itemname' => 'outcome'))) { foreach ($outcomes as $outcome) { if ($scale = $DB->get_record('grade_outcomes', array( 'id' => $outcome->itemid))) { // Annotate as scalefinal because it's > 0 backup_structure_dbops::insert_backup_ids_record($this->get_backupid(), 'scalefinal', $scale->scaleid); } } } } } /** * This step will generate all the file annotations for the already * annotated (final) users. Need to do this here because each user * has its own context and structure tasks only are able to handle * one context. Also, this step will guarantee that every user has * its context created (req for other steps) */ class backup_annotate_all_user_files extends backup_execution_step { protected function define_execution() { global $DB; // List of fileareas we are going to annotate $fileareas = array('profile', 'icon'); if ($this->get_setting_value('user_files')) { // private files only if enabled in settings $fileareas[] = 'private'; } // Fetch all annotated (final) users $rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', array( 'backupid' => $this->get_backupid(), 'itemname' => 'userfinal')); foreach ($rs as $record) { $userid = $record->itemid; $userctxid = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_USER, $userid)->id; // Proceed with every user filearea foreach ($fileareas as $filearea) { // We don't need to specify itemid ($userid - 5th param) as far as by // context we can get all the associated files. See MDL-22092 backup_structure_dbops::annotate_files($this->get_backupid(), $userctxid, 'user', $filearea, null); } } $rs->close(); } } /** * structure step in charge of constructing the grades.xml file for all the grade items * and letters related to one activity */ class backup_activity_grades_structure_step extends backup_structure_step { protected function define_structure() { // To know if we are including userinfo $userinfo = $this->get_setting_value('userinfo'); // Define each element separated $book = new backup_nested_element('activity_gradebook'); $items = new backup_nested_element('grade_items'); $item = new backup_nested_element('grade_item', array('id'), array( 'categoryid', 'itemname', 'itemtype', 'itemmodule', 'iteminstance', 'itemnumber', 'iteminfo', 'idnumber', 'calculation', 'gradetype', 'grademax', 'grademin', 'scaleid', 'outcomeid', 'gradepass', 'multfactor', 'plusfactor', 'aggregationcoef', 'sortorder', 'display', 'decimals', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime', 'needsupdate', 'timecreated', 'timemodified')); $grades = new backup_nested_element('grade_grades'); $grade = new backup_nested_element('grade_grade', array('id'), array( 'userid', 'rawgrade', 'rawgrademax', 'rawgrademin', 'rawscaleid', 'usermodified', 'finalgrade', 'hidden', 'locked', 'locktime', 'exported', 'overridden', 'excluded', 'feedback', 'feedbackformat', 'information', 'informationformat', 'timecreated', 'timemodified')); $letters = new backup_nested_element('grade_letters'); $letter = new backup_nested_element('grade_letter', 'id', array( 'lowerboundary', 'letter')); // Build the tree $book->add_child($items); $items->add_child($item); $item->add_child($grades); $grades->add_child($grade); $book->add_child($letters); $letters->add_child($letter); // Define sources $item->set_source_sql("SELECT gi.* FROM {grade_items} gi JOIN {backup_ids_temp} bi ON gi.id = bi.itemid WHERE bi.backupid = ? AND bi.itemname = 'grade_item'", array(backup::VAR_BACKUPID)); // This only happens if we are including user info if ($userinfo) { $grade->set_source_table('grade_grades', array('itemid' => backup::VAR_PARENTID)); } $letter->set_source_table('grade_letters', array('contextid' => backup::VAR_CONTEXTID)); // Annotations $item->annotate_ids('scalefinal', 'scaleid'); // Straight as scalefinal because it's > 0 $item->annotate_ids('outcome', 'outcomeid'); $grade->annotate_ids('user', 'userid'); $grade->annotate_ids('user', 'usermodified'); // Return the root element (book) return $book; } }