parent (PK). * @var object $parent_category */ var $parent_category; /** * The number of parents this category has. * @var int $depth */ var $depth = 0; /** * Shows the hierarchical path for this category as /1/2/3 (like course_categories), the last number being * this category's autoincrement ID number. * @var string $path */ var $path; /** * The name of this category. * @var string $fullname */ var $fullname; /** * A constant pointing to one of the predefined aggregation strategies (none, mean, median, sum etc) . * @var int $aggregation */ var $aggregation; /** * Keep only the X highest items. * @var int $keephigh */ var $keephigh; /** * Drop the X lowest items. * @var int $droplow */ var $droplow; /** * Date until which to hide this category. If null, 0 or false, category is not hidden. * @var int $hidden */ var $hidden; /** * Array of grade_items or grade_categories nested exactly 1 level below this category * @var array $children */ var $children; /** * A hierarchical array of all children below this category. This is stored separately from * $children because it is more memory-intensive and may not be used as often. * @var array $all_children */ var $all_children; /** * An associated grade_item object, with itemtype=category, used to calculate and cache a set of grade values * for this category. * @var object $grade_item */ var $grade_item; /** * Constructor. Extends the basic functionality defined in grade_object. * @param array $params Can also be a standard object. * @param boolean $fetch Whether or not to fetch the corresponding row from the DB. * @param object $grade_item The associated grade_item object can be passed during construction. */ function grade_category($params=NULL, $fetch=true, $grade_item=NULL) { $this->grade_object($params, $fetch); if (!empty($grade_item) && $grade_item->itemtype == 'category') { $this->grade_item = $grade_item; if (empty($this->grade_item->iteminstance)) { $this->grade_item->iteminstance = $this->id; $this->grade_item->update(); } } $this->path = grade_category::build_path($this); } /** * Builds this category's path string based on its parents (if any) and its own id number. * This is typically done just before inserting this object in the DB for the first time, * or when a new parent is added or changed. It is a recursive function: once the calling * object no longer has a parent, the path is complete. * * @static * @param object $grade_category * @return int The depth of this category (2 means there is one parent) */ function build_path($grade_category) { if (empty($grade_category->parent)) { return "/$grade_category->id"; } else { $parent = get_record('grade_categories', 'id', $grade_category->parent); return grade_category::build_path($parent) . "/$grade_category->id"; } } /** * Finds and returns a grade_category object based on 1-3 field values. * * @param string $field1 * @param string $value1 * @param string $field2 * @param string $value2 * @param string $field3 * @param string $value3 * @param string $fields * @return object grade_category object or false if none found. */ function fetch($field1, $value1, $field2='', $value2='', $field3='', $value3='', $fields="*") { if ($grade_category = get_record('grade_categories', $field1, $value1, $field2, $value2, $field3, $value3, $fields)) { if (isset($this) && get_class($this) == 'grade_category') { foreach ($grade_category as $param => $value) { $this->$param = $value; } return $this; } else { $grade_category = new grade_category($grade_category); return $grade_category; } } else { return false; } } /** * In addition to update() as defined in grade_object, call flag_for_update of parent categories, if applicable. */ function update() { $qualifies = $this->qualifies_for_update(); $result = parent::update(); // Use $this->path to update all parent categories if ($result && $qualifies) { $this->flag_for_update(); } return $result; } /** * If parent::delete() is successful, send flag_for_update message to parent category. * @return boolean Success or failure. */ function delete() { $result = parent::delete(); if ($result) { $this->load_parent_category(); if (!empty($this->parent_category)) { $result = $result && $this->parent_category->flag_for_update(); } } return $result; } /** * In addition to the normal insert() defined in grade_object, this method sets the depth * and path for this object, and update the record accordingly. The reason why this must * be done here instead of in the constructor, is that they both need to know the record's * id number, which only gets created at insertion time. * This method also creates an associated grade_item if this wasn't done during construction. */ function insert() { $result = parent::insert(); $this->path = grade_category::build_path($this); // Build path and depth variables if (!empty($this->parent)) { $this->depth = $this->get_depth_from_path(); } else { $this->depth = 1; } $this->update(); if (empty($this->grade_item)) { $grade_item = new grade_item(); $grade_item->iteminstance = $this->id; $grade_item->itemtype = 'category'; if (!$grade_item->insert()) { return false; } $this->grade_item = $grade_item; } // Notify parent category of need to update. if ($result) { $this->load_parent_category(); if (!empty($this->parent_category)) { if (!$this->parent_category->flag_for_update()) { return false; } } } return $result; } /** * Compares the values held by this object with those of the matching record in DB, and returns * whether or not these differences are sufficient to justify an update of all parent objects. * This assumes that this object has an id number and a matching record in DB. If not, it will return false. * @return boolean */ function qualifies_for_update() { if (empty($this->id)) { return false; } $db_item = new grade_category(array('id' => $this->id)); $aggregationdiff = $db_item->aggregation != $this->aggregation; $keephighdiff = $db_item->keephigh != $this->keephigh; $droplowdiff = $db_item->droplow != $this->droplow; if ($aggregationdiff || $keephighdiff || $droplowdiff) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Sets this category's and its parent's grade_item.needsupdate to true. * This is triggered whenever any change in any lower level may cause grade_finals * for this category to require an update. The flag needs to be propagated up all * levels until it reaches the top category. This is then used to determine whether or not * to regenerate the raw and final grades for each category grade_item. This is accomplished * thanks to the path variable, so we don't need to use recursion. * @return boolean Success or failure */ function flag_for_update() { $result = true; $this->load_grade_item(); if (empty($this->grade_item)) { die("Associated grade_item object does not exist for this grade_category!" . print_object($this)); // TODO Send error message, this is a critical error: each category MUST have a matching grade_item object and load_grade_item() is supposed to create one! } $paths = explode('/', $this->path); // Remove the first index, which is always empty unset($paths[0]); if (!empty($paths)) { $wheresql = ''; foreach ($paths as $categoryid) { $wheresql .= "iteminstance = $categoryid OR "; } $wheresql = substr($wheresql, 0, strrpos($wheresql, 'OR')); $grade_items = set_field_select('grade_items', 'needsupdate', '1', $wheresql); $this->grade_item->update_from_db(); } return $result; } /** * Generates and saves raw_grades, based on this category's immediate children, then uses the * associated grade_item to generate matching final grades. These immediate children must first have their own * raw and final grades, which means that ultimately we must get grade_items as children. The category's aggregation * method is used to generate these raw grades, which can then be used by the category's associated grade_item * to apply calculations to and generate final grades. * Steps to follow: * 1. If the children are categories, AND their grade_item's needsupdate is true call generate_grades() on each of them (recursion) * 2. Get final grades from immediate children (if the children are categories, get the final grades from their grade_item) * 3. Aggregate these grades * 4. Save them under $this->grade_item->grade_grades_raw * 5. Use the grade_item's methods for generating the final grades. */ function generate_grades() { // 1. Get immediate children $children = $this->get_children(1, 'flat'); if (empty($children)) { return false; } // This assumes that all immediate children are of the same type (category OR item) $childrentype = get_class(current($children)); $final_grades_for_aggregation = array(); // 2. Get final grades from immediate children, after generating them if needed. // NOTE: Make sure that the arrays of final grades are indexed by userid. The resulting arrays are unlikely to match in sizes. if ($childrentype == 'grade_category') { foreach ($children as $id => $category) { $category->load_grade_item(); if ($category->grade_item->needsupdate) { $category->generate_grades(); } $final_grades_for_aggregation[] = $category->grade_item->get_standardised_final(); } } elseif ($childrentype == 'grade_item') { foreach ($children as $id => $item) { if ($item->needsupdate) { $item->generate_final(); } $final_grades_for_aggregation[] = $item->get_standardised_final(); } } // 3. Aggregate the grades $aggregated_grades = $this->aggregate_grades($final_grades_for_aggregation); // 4. Save the resulting array of grades as raw grades $this->load_grade_item(); $this->grade_item->save_raw($aggregated_grades); // 5. Use the grade_item's generate_final method $this->grade_item->generate_final(); return true; } /** * Given an array of arrays of values, standardised from 0 to 1 and indexed by userid, * uses this category's aggregation method to * compute and return a single array of grade_raw objects with the aggregated gradevalue. * @param array $raw_grade_sets * @return array Raw grade objects */ function aggregate_grades($final_grade_sets) { if (empty($final_grade_sets)) { return null; } $aggregated_grades = array(); $pooled_grades = array(); foreach ($final_grade_sets as $setkey => $set) { foreach ($set as $userid => $final_grade) { $this->load_grade_item(); $value = standardise_score((float) $final_grade, 0, 1, $this->grade_item->grademin, $this->grade_item->grademax); $pooled_grades[$userid][] = $value; } } foreach ($pooled_grades as $userid => $grades) { $aggregated_value = null; switch ($this->aggregation) { case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEAN : // Arithmetic average $num = count($grades); $sum = array_sum($grades); $aggregated_value = $sum / $num; break; case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MEDIAN : // Middle point value in the set: ignores frequencies sort($grades); $num = count($grades); $halfpoint = intval($num / 2); if($num % 2 == 0) { $aggregated_value = ($grades[ceil($halfpoint)] + $grades[floor($halfpoint)]) / 2; } else { $aggregated_value = $grades[$halfpoint]; } break; case GRADE_AGGREGATE_MODE : // Value that occurs most frequently. Not always useful (all values are likely to be different) // TODO implement or reject break; case GRADE_AGGREGATE_SUM : // I don't see much point to this one either $aggregated_value = array_sum($grades); break; default: $num = count($grades); $sum = array_sum($grades); $aggregated_value = $sum / $num; break; } // If the gradevalue is null, we have a problem if (empty($aggregated_value)) { return false; } $grade_raw = new grade_grades_raw(); $grade_raw->userid = $userid; $grade_raw->gradevalue = $aggregated_value; $grade_raw->grademin = $this->grade_item->grademin; $grade_raw->grademax = $this->grade_item->grademax; $grade_raw->itemid = $this->grade_item->id; $aggregated_grades[$userid] = $grade_raw; } return $aggregated_grades; } /** * Looks at a path string (e.g. /2/45/56) and returns the depth level represented by this path (in this example, 3). * If no string is given, it looks at the obect's path and assigns the resulting depth to its $depth variable. * @param string $path * @return int Depth level */ function get_depth_from_path($path=NULL) { if (empty($path)) { $path = $this->path; } preg_match_all('/\/([0-9]+)+?/', $path, $matches); $depth = count($matches[0]); return $depth; } /** * Fetches and returns all the children categories and/or grade_items belonging to this category. * By default only returns the immediate children (depth=1), but deeper levels can be requested, * as well as all levels (0). * @param int $depth 1 for immediate children, 0 for all children, and 2+ for specific levels deeper than 1. * @param string $arraytype Either 'nested' or 'flat'. A nested array represents the true hierarchy, but is more difficult to work with. * @return array Array of child objects (grade_category and grade_item). */ function get_children($depth=1, $arraytype='nested') { $children_array = array(); // Set up $depth for recursion $newdepth = $depth; if ($depth > 1) { $newdepth--; } $childrentype = $this->get_childrentype(); if ($childrentype == 'grade_item') { $children = get_records('grade_items', 'categoryid', $this->id); // No need to proceed with recursion $children_array = $this->children_to_array($children, $arraytype, 'grade_item'); $this->children = $this->children_to_array($children, 'flat', 'grade_item'); } elseif ($childrentype == 'grade_category') { $children = get_records('grade_categories', 'parent', $this->id, 'id'); if ($depth == 1) { $children_array = $this->children_to_array($children, $arraytype, 'grade_category'); $this->children = $this->children_to_array($children, 'flat', 'grade_category'); } else { foreach ($children as $id => $child) { $cat = new grade_category($child, false); if ($cat->has_children()) { if ($arraytype == 'nested') { $children_array[] = array('object' => $cat, 'children' => $cat->get_children($newdepth, $arraytype)); } else { $children_array[] = $cat; $cat_children = $cat->get_children($newdepth, $arraytype); foreach ($cat_children as $id => $cat_child) { $children_array[] = new grade_category($cat_child, false); } } } else { if ($arraytype == 'nested') { $children_array[] = array('object' => $cat); } else { $children_array[] = $cat; } } } } } else { return null; } return $children_array; } /** * Given an array of stdClass children of a certain $object_type, returns a flat or nested * array of these children, ready for appending to a tree built by get_children. * @static * @param array $children * @param string $arraytype * @param string $object_type * @return array */ function children_to_array($children, $arraytype='nested', $object_type='grade_item') { $children_array = array(); foreach ($children as $id => $child) { if ($arraytype == 'nested') { $children_array[] = array('object' => new $object_type($child, false)); } else { $children_array[] = new $object_type($child); } } return $children_array; } /** * Returns true if this category has any child grade_category or grade_item. * @return int number of direct children, or false if none found. */ function has_children() { return count_records('grade_categories', 'parent', $this->id) + count_records('grade_items', 'categoryid', $this->id); } /** * This method checks whether an existing child exists for this * category. If the new child is of a different type, the method will return false (not allowed). * Otherwise it will return true. * @param object $child This must be a complete object, not a stdClass * @return boolean Success or failure */ function can_add_child($child) { if ($this->has_children()) { if (get_class($child) != $this->get_childrentype()) { return false; } else { return true; } } else { return true; } } /** * Check the type of the first child of this category, to see whether it is a * grade_category or a grade_item, and returns that type as a string (get_class). * @return string */ function get_childrentype() { $children = $this->children; if (empty($this->children)) { $count_item_children = count_records('grade_items', 'categoryid', $this->id); $count_cat_children = count_records('grade_categories', 'parent', $this->id); if ($count_item_children > 0) { return 'grade_item'; } elseif ($count_cat_children > 0) { return 'grade_category'; } else { return null; } } return get_class($children[0]); } /** * Retrieves from DB, instantiates and saves the associated grade_item object. * If no grade_item exists yet, create one. * @return object Grade_item */ function load_grade_item() { $grade_items = get_records_select('grade_items', "iteminstance = $this->id AND itemtype = 'category'", null, '*', 0, 1); if ($grade_items){ $params = current($grade_items); $this->grade_item = new grade_item($params); } else { $this->grade_item = new grade_item(); } // If the associated grade_item isn't yet created, do it now. But first try loading it, in case it exists in DB. if (empty($this->grade_item->id)) { $this->grade_item->iteminstance = $this->id; $this->grade_item->itemtype = 'category'; $this->grade_item->insert(); $this->grade_item->update_from_db(); } return $this->grade_item; } /** * Uses $this->parent to instantiate $this->parent_category based on the * referenced record in the DB. * @return object Parent_category */ function load_parent_category() { if (empty($this->parent_category) && !empty($this->parent)) { $this->parent_category = new grade_category(array('id' => $this->parent)); } return $this->parent_category; } } ?>