libdir.'/adminlib.php'); admin_externalpage_setup('purgemoodledata'); require_login(); $sure = optional_param('sure', 0, PARAM_BOOL); $reallysure = optional_param('reallysure', 0, PARAM_BOOL); require_capability('moodle/site:config', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); $deletedir = $CFG->dataroot; // The directory to delete! admin_externalpage_print_header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading('Purge moodledata'); if (empty($sure)) { $optionsyes = array('sure'=>'yes', 'sesskey'=>sesskey()); $formcontinue = html_form::make_button('delete.php', $optionsyes, get_string('yes')); $formcancel = html_form::make_button('index.php', null, get_string('no'), 'get'); echo $OUTPUT->confirm('Are you completely sure you want to delete everything inside the directory '. $deletedir .' ?', $formcontinue, $formcancel); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); exit; } if (!data_submitted() or empty($reallysure)) { $optionsyes = array('sure'=>'yes', 'sesskey'=>sesskey(), 'reallysure'=>'yes'); $formcontinue = html_form::make_button('delete.php', $optionsyes, get_string('yes')); $formcancel = html_form::make_button('index.php', null, get_string('no'), 'get'); echo $OUTPUT->confirm('Are you REALLY REALLY completely sure you want to delete everything inside the directory '. $deletedir .' (this includes all user images, and any other course files that have been created) ?', $formcontinue, $formcancel); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); exit; } if (!confirm_sesskey()) { print_error('wrongcall', 'error'); } /// OK, here goes ... delete_subdirectories($deletedir); echo '


'; echo $OUTPUT->continue_button($CFG->wwwroot); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); exit; function delete_subdirectories($rootdir) { $dir = opendir($rootdir); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') { $fullfile = $rootdir .'/'. $file; if (filetype($fullfile) == 'dir') { delete_subdirectories($fullfile); echo 'Deleting '. $fullfile .' ... '; if (rmdir($fullfile)) { echo 'Done.
'; } else { echo 'FAILED.
'; } } else { echo 'Deleting '. $fullfile .' ... '; if (unlink($fullfile)) { echo 'Done.
'; } else { echo 'FAILED.
'; } } } } closedir($dir); }