dirroot/mod/attendance/lib.php") //require_once("lib.php") ?>
"> ">


day) ?>


dynsection) ? 'checked' : '' ?> >


hours, "1","","1") ?>


id) { // get the list of attendance records for all hours of the given day and // put it in the array for use in the attendance table $rolls = get_records("attendance_roll", "dayid", $form->id); if ($rolls) { foreach ($rolls as $roll) { $sroll[$roll->userid][$roll->hour]->status=$roll->status; $sroll[$roll->userid][$roll->hour]->notes=$roll->notes; } } // get the list of students along with student ID field // get back array of stdclass objects in sorted order, with members: // id, username,firstname,lastname,maildisplay,mailformat,email,city,country, // lastaccess,lastlogin,picture (picture is null, 0, or 1), idnumber // build the table for attendance roll // this is the wrapper table echo "". "
"; // this is the main table echo ""; if ($form->hours >1) { echo "\n"; for($i=1;$i<=$form->hours;$i++) { echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; } // if more than one hour for each day echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; $P=get_string("presentshort","attendance"); $T=get_string("tardyshort","attendance"); $A=get_string("absentshort","attendance"); // generate the headers for the attendance hours for($i=1;$i<=$form->hours;$i++) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } echo "\n"; $table->head = array("Last Name","First Name","ID", get_string("presentlong","attendance"), get_string("tardylong","attendance"), get_string("absentlong","attendance")); $table->align = array("left", "left", "left", "center","center","center"); $table->wrap = array("nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap", "nowrap"); $table->width = "80"; $students = attendance_get_course_students($form->course, "u.lastname ASC"); $i=0; foreach ($students as $student) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; for($j=1;$j<=$form->hours;$j++) { // set the attendance defaults for each student $r1c=$r2c=$r3c=" "; $rollstatus = (($form->edited==0)?$CFG->attendance_default_student_status:$sroll[$student->id][$j]->status); if ($rollstatus==1) {$r2c="checked";} elseif ($rollstatus==2) {$r3c="checked";} else {$r1c="checked";} $radio1="id."_".$j."\" value=\"0\" ".$r1c.">"; $radio2="id."_".$j."\" value=\"1\" ".$r2c.">"; $radio3="id."_".$j."\" value=\"2\" ".$r3c.">"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } // for loop echo "\n"; // $radio1="id."\" value=\"0\" checked>"; // $radio2="id."\" value=\"1\">"; // $radio3="id."\" value=\"2\">"; // $table->data[$i]=array($student->lastname, $student->firstname, // $student->idnumber, $radio1,$radio2,$radio3); // $i++; } // doing the table manually now // print_table($table); // ending for both the tables echo "
". "Hours:". "$i
Last NameFirst NameID".$P."".$T."".$A."
\n"; } // if ($form->id) ?>
course . "§ion=".$form->section ."\">Add multiple rolls

"; ?> "> ">