# PLEASE NOTE: Travis is not currently utilised by the Moodle core integration # process (which uses our internal CI system) this file is here for the benefit # of community developers git clones - see MDL-51458. notifications: email: if: env(MOODLE_EMAIL) != no language: php os: linux dist: focal services: - mysql - docker addons: postgresql: "12" apt: packages: - postgresql-12 - postgresql-client-12 branches: except: - master - /MOODLE_[0-9]+_STABLE/ - /^v[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*/ jobs: # Enable fast finish. # This will fail the build if a single job fails (except those in allow_failures). # It will not stop the jobs from running. fast_finish: true include: # First all the lowest php ones (7.4) - php: 7.4 env: DB=none TASK=CITEST - php: 7.4 env: DB=none TASK=GRUNT - if: env(MOODLE_DATABASE) = "pgsql" OR env(MOODLE_DATABASE) = "all" OR env(MOODLE_DATABASE) IS NOT present php: 7.4 env: DB=pgsql TASK=PHPUNIT - if: env(MOODLE_DATABASE) = "mysqli" OR env(MOODLE_DATABASE) = "all" php: 7.4 env: DB=mysqli TASK=PHPUNIT # Then, conditionally, all the highest php ones (8.0) - if: env(MOODLE_PHP) = "all" php: 8.0 env: DB=none TASK=CITEST - if: env(MOODLE_PHP) = "all" php: 8.0 env: DB=none TASK=GRUNT - if: env(MOODLE_PHP) = "all" AND (env(MOODLE_DATABASE) = "pgsql" OR env(MOODLE_DATABASE) = "all" OR env(MOODLE_DATABASE) IS NOT present) php: 8.0 env: DB=pgsql TASK=PHPUNIT - if: env(MOODLE_PHP) = "all" AND (env(MOODLE_DATABASE) = "mysqli" OR env(MOODLE_DATABASE) = "all") php: 8.0 env: DB=mysqli TASK=PHPUNIT cache: directories: - $HOME/.composer/cache - $HOME/.npm before_install: - docker run -d -p --name exttests moodlehq/moodle-exttests # Avoid IPv6 default binding as service (causes redis not to start). - sudo service redis-server start --bind env: global: - PGVER=12 - PGPORT=5433 install: - > if [ "$DB" = 'mysqli' ]; then sudo mkdir /mnt/ramdisk sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=1024m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk sudo service mysql stop sudo mv /var/lib/mysql /mnt/ramdisk sudo ln -s /mnt/ramdisk/mysql /var/lib/mysql sudo service mysql restart fi - > if [ "$DB" = 'pgsql' ]; then sudo mkdir /mnt/ramdisk sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=1024m tmpfs /mnt/ramdisk sudo service postgresql stop sudo mv /var/lib/postgresql /mnt/ramdisk sudo ln -s /mnt/ramdisk/postgresql /var/lib/postgresql sudo service postgresql start fi - > if [ "$TASK" = 'PHPUNIT' ]; then if [ -n "$GITHUB_APITOKEN" ]; then composer config github-oauth.github.com $GITHUB_APITOKEN; echo 'auth.json' >> .git/info/exclude fi echo 'extension="redis.so"' > /tmp/redis.ini phpenv config-add /tmp/redis.ini # Install composer dependencies. # We need --no-interaction in case we hit API limits for composer. This causes it to fall back to a standard clone. # Typically it should be able to use the Composer cache if any other job has already completed before we started here. travis_retry composer install --prefer-dist --no-interaction; fi - > if [ "$TASK" = 'GRUNT' ]; then nvm install nvm use fi before_script: - if [[ ${TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION:0:1} -gt 7 ]]; then pecl install xmlrpc-beta; fi - echo 'max_input_vars=5000' >> ~/.phpenv/versions/$(phpenv version-name)/etc/conf.d/travis.ini - phpenv config-rm xdebug.ini - > if [ "$TASK" = 'PHPUNIT' ]; then # Copy generic configuration in place. cp config-dist.php config.php ; # Create the moodledata directory. mkdir -p "$HOME"/roots/base # The database name and password. sed -i \ -e "s%= 'moodle'%= 'travis_ci_test'%" \ -e "s%= 'password'%= ''%" \ config.php ; # The wwwroot and dataroot. sed -i \ -e "s%http://example.com/moodle%https://localhost%" \ -e "s%/home/example/moodledata%/home/travis/roots/base%" \ config.php ; if [ "$DB" = 'pgsql' ]; then # Postgres-specific setup. sed -i \ -e "s%= 'username'%= 'travis'%" \ -e "s%'dbsocket' => false%'dbsocket' => true%" \ config.php ; psql -c 'CREATE DATABASE travis_ci_test;' -U travis; fi if [ "$DB" = 'mysqli' ]; then # MySQL-specific setup. sed -i \ -e "s%= 'pgsql'%= 'mysqli'%" \ -e "s%= 'username'%= 'travis'%" \ -e "s%=> 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'%=> 'utf8mb4_bin'%" \ config.php; mysql -u root -e 'SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=barracuda;' ; mysql -u root -e 'SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=ON;' ; mysql -u root -e 'SET GLOBAL innodb_large_prefix=ON;' ; mysql -e 'CREATE DATABASE travis_ci_test DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT COLLATE utf8mb4_bin;' ; fi fi - > if [ "$TASK" = 'PHPUNIT' ]; then # Create a directory for the phpunit dataroot. mkdir -p "$HOME"/roots/phpunit # The phpunit dataroot and prefix.. sed -i \ -e "/require_once/i \\\$CFG->phpunit_dataroot = '\/home\/travis\/roots\/phpunit';" \ -e "/require_once/i \\\$CFG->phpunit_prefix = 'p_';" \ config.php ; # Enable test external resources sed -i \ -e "/require_once/i \\define('TEST_EXTERNAL_FILES_HTTP_URL', '');" \ -e "/require_once/i \\define('TEST_EXTERNAL_FILES_HTTPS_URL', '');" \ config.php ; # Redis cache store tests sed -i \ -e "/require_once/i \\define('TEST_CACHESTORE_REDIS_TESTSERVERS', '');" \ config.php ; # Redis session tests sed -i \ -e "/require_once/i \\define('TEST_SESSION_REDIS_HOST', '');" \ config.php ; # Initialise PHPUnit for Moodle. php admin/tool/phpunit/cli/init.php fi - > if [ "$TASK" = 'GRUNT' ]; then npm install --no-spin; npm install --no-spin -g grunt ; fi ######################################################################## # CI Tests ######################################################################## - > if [ "$TASK" = 'CITEST' ]; then # Note - this is deliberately placed in the script section as we # should not add any code until after phpunit has run. # The following repositories are required. # The local_ci repository does the actual checking. git clone https://github.com/moodlehq/moodle-local_ci.git local/ci # We need the official upstream for comparison git remote add upstream https://github.com/moodle/moodle.git; git fetch upstream MOODLE_401_STABLE; export GIT_PREVIOUS_COMMIT="`git merge-base FETCH_HEAD $TRAVIS_COMMIT`"; export GIT_COMMIT="$TRAVIS_COMMIT"; export UPSTREAM_FETCH_HEAD=`git rev-parse FETCH_HEAD` # Variables required by our linter. export gitcmd=`which git`; export gitdir="$TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR"; export phpcmd=`which php`; fi script: - > if [ "$TASK" = 'PHPUNIT' ]; then vendor/bin/phpunit --fail-on-risky --disallow-test-output --verbose; fi - > if [ "$TASK" = 'CITEST' ]; then bash local/ci/php_lint/php_lint.sh; fi - > if [ "$TASK" = 'GRUNT' ]; then grunt ; # Add all files to the git index and then run diff --cached to see all changes. # This ensures that we get the status of all files, including new files. # We ignore npm-shrinkwrap.json to make the tasks immune to npm changes. git add . ; git reset -- npm-shrinkwrap.json ; git diff --cached --exit-code ; fi after_script: - > if [ "$TASK" = 'PHPUNIT' ]; then EXTTESTS_HITS=$(docker logs exttests 2>&1 | grep -Fv -e 'AH00558' -e '[pid 1]' | wc -l) echo -e "\nTest local resources number of hits: ${EXTTESTS_HITS}.\n" fi