dirroot/course/lib.php"); // For side-blocks require_once($CFG->libdir . '/ajax/ajaxlib.php'); require_js(array('yui_yahoo','yui_connection')); $ewiki_action = optional_param('ewiki_action', '', PARAM_ALPHA); // Action on Wiki-Page $id = optional_param('id', 0, PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID, or $wid = optional_param('wid', 0, PARAM_INT); // Wiki ID $page = optional_param('page', false); // Wiki Page Name $q = optional_param('q',""); // Search Context $userid = optional_param('userid', 0, PARAM_INT); // User wiki. $groupid = optional_param('groupid', 0, PARAM_INT); // Group wiki. $canceledit = optional_param('canceledit','', PARAM_ALPHA); // Editing has been cancelled $cacheme = optional_param('allowcache', 1, PARAM_INT); // Set this to 0 to try and disable page caching. // Only want to add edit log entries if we have made some changes ie submitted a form $editsave = optional_param('thankyou', ''); if($page) { // Split page command into action and page $actions = explode('/', $page,2); if(count($actions)==2) { $pagename=$actions[1]; } else { $pagename=$actions[0]; } } else { $actions=array(''); $pagename=''; } if ($id) { if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('wiki', $id)) { error("Course Module ID was incorrect"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $cm->course)) { error("Course is misconfigured"); } if (! $wiki = get_record("wiki", "id", $cm->instance)) { error("Course module is incorrect"); } } else { if (! $wiki = get_record("wiki", "id", $wid)) { error("Course module is incorrect"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $wiki->course)) { error("Course is misconfigured"); } if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("wiki", $wiki->id, $course->id)) { error("Course Module ID was incorrect"); } $id = $cm->id; $_REQUEST["id"] = $id; } require_course_login($course, true, $cm); /// Add the course module info to the wiki object, for easy access. $wiki->groupmode = $cm->groupmode; $wiki->groupingid = $cm->groupingid; $wiki->groupmembersonly = $cm->groupmembersonly; $wiki->cmid = $cm->id; /// Default format: $moodle_format=FORMAT_MOODLE; ### SAVE ID from Moodle $moodleID=@$_REQUEST["id"]; /// Globally disable CamelCase, if the option is selected for this wiki. $moodle_disable_camel_case = ($wiki->disablecamelcase == 1); if (($wiki_entry = wiki_get_default_entry($wiki, $course, $userid, $groupid))) { // OK, now we know the entry ID, we can do lock etc. // If true, we are 'really' on an editing page, not just on edit/something $reallyedit=$actions[0]=='edit' && !$canceledit && !$editsave; // Remove lock when we go to another wiki page (such as the cancel page) if(!$reallyedit) { wiki_release_lock($wiki_entry->id,$pagename); } else if(array_key_exists('content',$_POST)) { // Do not allow blank content because it causes problems (the wiki decides // the page should automatically go into edit mode, but Moodle doesn't realise // this and filters out the JS) if($_POST['content']=='') { $_POST['content']="\n"; $_REQUEST['content']="\n"; } // We must have the edit lock in order to be permitted to save list($ok,$lock)=wiki_obtain_lock($wiki_entry->id,$pagename); if(!$ok) { $strsavenolock=get_string('savenolock','wiki'); error($strsavenolock,$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/wiki/view.php?id='.$cm->id.'&page=view/'.urlencode($pagename)); } } /// ################# EWIKI Part ########################### /// The wiki_entry->pagename is set to the specified value of the wiki, /// or the default value in the 'lang' file if the specified value was empty. define("EWIKI_PAGE_INDEX",$wiki_entry->pagename); /// If the page has a ' in it, it may have slashes added to it. Remove them if it does. $page = ($page === false) ? stripslashes(EWIKI_PAGE_INDEX) : stripslashes($page); /// # Prevent ewiki getting id as PageID... unset($_REQUEST["id"]); unset($_GET["id"]); unset($_POST["id"]); unset($_POST["id"]); unset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]); if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS)) { unset($HTTP_GET_VARS["id"]); } if (isset($HTTP_POST_VARS)) { unset($HTTP_POST_VARS["id"]); } global $ewiki_title; /// #-- predefine some of the configuration constants /// EWIKI_NAME is defined in ewikimoodlelibs, so that also admin.php can use this #define("EWIKI_NAME", $wiki_entry->pagename); /// Search Hilighting if($ewiki_title=="SearchPages") { $qArgument="&q=".urlencode($q); } /// Build the ewsiki script constant /// ewbase will also be needed by EWIKI_SCRIPT_BINARY $ewbase = 'view.php?id='.$moodleID; if (isset($userid) && $userid!=0) $ewbase .= '&userid='.$userid; if (isset($groupid) && $groupid!=0) $ewbase .= '&groupid='.$groupid; $ewscript = $ewbase.'&page='; define("EWIKI_SCRIPT", $ewscript); define("EWIKI_SCRIPT_URL", $ewscript); /// # Settings for this specific Wiki define("EWIKI_PRINT_TITLE", $wiki->ewikiprinttitle); define("EWIKI_INIT_PAGES", wiki_content_dir($wiki)); /// # Moodle always addslashes to everything so we are going to strip them always /// # to allow wiki itself to add them again. It's a triple add-strip-add but /// # was the only way to solve the problem without modifying how the rest of /// # the module works. include($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/fragments/strip_wonderful_slashes.php"); if (ini_get("register_globals")) { # include($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/fragments/strike_register_globals.php"); } # Database Handler include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewikimoodlelib.php"); # Plugins //include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/email_protect.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/patchsaving.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/notify.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/feature/imgresize_gd.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/moodle_highlight.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/f_fixhtml.php"); #include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/wikinews.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/sitemap.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/moodle_wikidump.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/aview/backlinks.php"); #include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/markup/css.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/markup/footnotes.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/diff.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/page/pageindex.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/page/orphanedpages.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/wantedpages.php"); # Binary Handling if($wiki->ewikiacceptbinary) { define("EWIKI_UPLOAD_MAXSIZE", get_max_upload_file_size()); define("EWIKI_SCRIPT_BINARY", $ewbase."&binary="); define("EWIKI_ALLOW_BINARY",1); define("EWIKI_IMAGE_CACHING",1); #define("EWIKI_AUTOVIEW",1); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/lib/mime_magic.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/aview/downloads.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/downloads.php"); #include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/db/binary_store.php"); include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/moodle_binary_store.php"); } else { define("EWIKI_SCRIPT_BINARY", 0); define("EWIKI_ALLOW_BINARY",0); } # The mighty Wiki itself include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/ewiki.php"); if($canceledit) { if ($delim = strpos($page, EWIKI_ACTION_SEP_CHAR)) { @$page = substr($page, $delim + 1); } else { @$page=""; } } # Language-stuff: eWiki gets language from Browser. Lets correct it. Empty arrayelements do no harm $ewiki_t["languages"]=array(current_language(), $course->lang, $CFG->lang,"en","c"); # Check Access Rights $canedit = wiki_can_edit_entry($wiki_entry, $wiki, $USER, $course); if (!$canedit) { # Protected Mode unset($ewiki_plugins["action"]["edit"]); unset($ewiki_plugins["action"]["info"]); } # HTML Handling $ewiki_use_editor=0; if($wiki->htmlmode == 0) { # No HTML $ewiki_config["htmlentities"]=array(); // HTML is managed by moodle $moodle_format=FORMAT_TEXT; } if($wiki->htmlmode == 1) { # Safe HTML include_once($CFG->dirroot."/mod/wiki/ewiki/plugins/moodle/moodle_rescue_html.php"); $moodle_format=FORMAT_HTML; } if($wiki->htmlmode == 2) { # HTML Only $moodle_format=FORMAT_HTML; $ewiki_use_editor=1; $ewiki_config["htmlentities"]=array(); // HTML is allowed $ewiki_config["wiki_link_regex"] = "\007 [!~]?( \#?\[[^<>\[\]\n]+\] | \^[-".EWIKI_CHARS_U.EWIKI_CHARS_L."]{3,} | \b([\w]{3,}:)*([".EWIKI_CHARS_U."]+[".EWIKI_CHARS_L."]+){2,}\#?[\w\d]* | \w[-_.+\w]+@(\w[-_\w]+[.])+\w{2,} ) \007x"; } global $ewiki_author, $USER; $ewiki_author=fullname($USER); $content=ewiki_page($page); $content2=''; ### RESTORE ID from Moodle $_REQUEST["id"]=$moodleID; $id=$moodleID; /// ################# EWIKI Part ########################### } else { $content = ''; $content2 = '
'; wiki_print_search_form($cm->id, $q, $userid, $groupid, false); echo ' | '; /// Internal Wikilinks echo ''; wiki_print_wikilinks_block($cm->id, $wiki->ewikiacceptbinary); echo ' | '; /// Administrative Links if($canedit) { echo ''; wiki_print_administration_actions($wiki, $cm->id, $userid, $groupid, $ewiki_title, $wiki->htmlmode!=2, $course); echo ' | '; } /// Formatting Rules echo ''; helpbutton('howtowiki', get_string('howtowiki', 'wiki'), 'wiki'); echo ' | '; echo '