. /** * Back-end code for handling data about quizzes and the current user's attempt. * * There are classes for loading all the information about a quiz and attempts, * and for displaying the navigation panel. * * @package quiz * @copyright 2008 onwards Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * Class for quiz exceptions. Just saves a couple of arguments on the * constructor for a moodle_exception. * * @copyright 2008 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class moodle_quiz_exception extends moodle_exception { function __construct($quizobj, $errorcode, $a = NULL, $link = '', $debuginfo = null) { if (!$link) { $link = $quizobj->view_url(); } parent::__construct($errorcode, 'quiz', $link, $a, $debuginfo); } } /** * A class encapsulating a quiz and the questions it contains, and making the * information available to scripts like view.php. * * Initially, it only loads a minimal amout of information about each question - loading * extra information only when necessary or when asked. The class tracks which questions * are loaded. * * @copyright 2008 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class quiz { // Fields initialised in the constructor. protected $course; protected $cm; protected $quiz; protected $context; protected $questionids; // All question ids in order that they appear in the quiz. protected $pagequestionids; // array page no => array of questionids on the page in order. // Fields set later if that data is needed. protected $questions = null; protected $accessmanager = null; protected $ispreviewuser = null; // Constructor ========================================================================= /** * Constructor, assuming we already have the necessary data loaded. * * @param object $quiz the row from the quiz table. * @param object $cm the course_module object for this quiz. * @param object $course the row from the course table for the course we belong to. * @param boolean $getcontext intended for testing - stops the constructor getting the context. */ function __construct($quiz, $cm, $course, $getcontext = true) { $this->quiz = $quiz; $this->cm = $cm; $this->quiz->cmid = $this->cm->id; $this->course = $course; if ($getcontext && !empty($cm->id)) { $this->context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); } $this->determine_layout(); } /** * Static function to create a new quiz object for a specific user. * * @param integer $quizid the the quiz id. * @param integer $userid the the userid. * @return quiz the new quiz object */ static public function create($quizid, $userid) { global $DB; if (!$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $quizid))) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidquizid', 'quiz'); } if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $quiz->course))) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule'); } if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id, $course->id)) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule'); } // Update quiz with override information $quiz = quiz_update_effective_access($quiz, $userid); return new quiz($quiz, $cm, $course); } // Functions for loading more data ===================================================== /** * Convenience method. Calls {@link load_questions()} with the list of * question ids for a given page. * * @param integer $page a page number. */ public function load_questions_on_page($page) { $this->load_questions($this->pagequestionids[$page]); } /** * Load just basic information about all the questions in this quiz. */ public function preload_questions() { if (empty($this->questionids)) { throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'noquestions', $this->edit_url()); } $this->questions = question_preload_questions($this->questionids, 'qqi.grade AS maxgrade, qqi.id AS instance', '{quiz_question_instances} qqi ON qqi.quiz = :quizid AND q.id = qqi.question', array('quizid' => $this->quiz->id)); $this->number_questions(); } /** * Fully load some or all of the questions for this quiz. You must call {@link preload_questions()} first. * * @param array $questionids question ids of the questions to load. null for all. */ public function load_questions($questionids = null) { if (is_null($questionids)) { $questionids = $this->questionids; } $questionstoprocess = array(); foreach ($questionids as $id) { $questionstoprocess[$id] = $this->questions[$id]; } if (!get_question_options($questionstoprocess)) { throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'loadingquestionsfailed', implode(', ', $questionids)); } } // Simple getters ====================================================================== /** @return integer the course id. */ public function get_courseid() { return $this->course->id; } /** @return object the row of the course table. */ public function get_course() { return $this->course; } /** @return integer the quiz id. */ public function get_quizid() { return $this->quiz->id; } /** @return object the row of the quiz table. */ public function get_quiz() { return $this->quiz; } /** @return string the name of this quiz. */ public function get_quiz_name() { return $this->quiz->name; } /** @return integer the number of attempts allowed at this quiz (0 = infinite). */ public function get_num_attempts_allowed() { return $this->quiz->attempts; } /** @return integer the course_module id. */ public function get_cmid() { return $this->cm->id; } /** @return object the course_module object. */ public function get_cm() { return $this->cm; } /** * @return boolean wether the current user is someone who previews the quiz, * rather than attempting it. */ public function is_preview_user() { if (is_null($this->ispreviewuser)) { $this->ispreviewuser = has_capability('mod/quiz:preview', $this->context); } return $this->ispreviewuser; } /** * @return integer number fo pages in this quiz. */ public function get_num_pages() { return count($this->pagequestionids); } /** * @param int $page page number * @return boolean true if this is the last page of the quiz. */ public function is_last_page($page) { return $page == count($this->pagequestionids) - 1; } /** * @param integer $id the question id. * @return object the question object with that id. */ public function get_question($id) { return $this->questions[$id]; } /** * @param array $questionids question ids of the questions to load. null for all. */ public function get_questions($questionids = null) { if (is_null($questionids)) { $questionids = $this->questionids; } $questions = array(); foreach ($questionids as $id) { $questions[$id] = $this->questions[$id]; $this->ensure_question_loaded($id); } return $questions; } /** * Return the list of question ids for either a given page of the quiz, or for the * whole quiz. * * @param mixed $page string 'all' or integer page number. * @return array the reqested list of question ids. */ public function get_question_ids($page = 'all') { if ($page === 'all') { $list = $this->questionids; } else { $list = $this->pagequestionids[$page]; } // Clone the array, so our private arrays cannot be modified. $result = array(); foreach ($list as $id) { $result[] = $id; } return $result; } /** * @param integer $timenow the current time as a unix timestamp. * @return quiz_access_manager and instance of the quiz_access_manager class for this quiz at this time. */ public function get_access_manager($timenow) { if (is_null($this->accessmanager)) { $this->accessmanager = new quiz_access_manager($this, $timenow, has_capability('mod/quiz:ignoretimelimits', $this->context, NULL, false)); } return $this->accessmanager; } public function get_overall_feedback($grade) { return quiz_feedback_for_grade($grade, $this->quiz, $this->context, $this->cm); } /** * Wrapper round the has_capability funciton that automatically passes in the quiz context. */ public function has_capability($capability, $userid = NULL, $doanything = true) { return has_capability($capability, $this->context, $userid, $doanything); } /** * Wrapper round the require_capability funciton that automatically passes in the quiz context. */ public function require_capability($capability, $userid = NULL, $doanything = true) { return require_capability($capability, $this->context, $userid, $doanything); } // URLs related to this attempt ======================================================== /** * @return string the URL of this quiz's view page. */ public function view_url() { global $CFG; return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/view.php?id=' . $this->cm->id; } /** * @return string the URL of this quiz's edit page. */ public function edit_url() { global $CFG; return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/edit.php?cmid=' . $this->cm->id; } /** * @param integer $attemptid the id of an attempt. * @return string the URL of that attempt. */ public function attempt_url($attemptid) { global $CFG; return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/attempt.php?attempt=' . $attemptid; } /** * @return string the URL of this quiz's edit page. Needs to be POSTed to with a cmid parameter. */ public function start_attempt_url() { return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/startattempt.php', array('cmid' => $this->cm->id, 'sesskey' => sesskey())); } /** * @param integer $attemptid the id of an attempt. * @return string the URL of the review of that attempt. */ public function review_url($attemptid) { return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/review.php', array('attempt' => $attemptid)); } // Bits of content ===================================================================== /** * @param string $title the name of this particular quiz page. * @return array the data that needs to be sent to print_header_simple as the $navigation * parameter. */ public function navigation($title) { global $PAGE; $PAGE->navbar->add($title); return ''; } // Private methods ===================================================================== /** * Check that the definition of a particular question is loaded, and if not throw an exception. * @param $id a questionid. */ protected function ensure_question_loaded($id) { if (isset($this->questions[$id]->_partiallyloaded)) { throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'questionnotloaded', $id); } } /** * Populate {@link $questionids} and {@link $pagequestionids} from the layout. */ protected function determine_layout() { $this->questionids = array(); $this->pagequestionids = array(); // Get the appropriate layout string (from quiz or attempt). $layout = $this->get_layout_string(); if (empty($layout)) { // Nothing to do. return; } // Break up the layout string into pages. $pagelayouts = explode(',0', quiz_clean_layout($layout, true)); // Strip off any empty last page (normally there is one). if (end($pagelayouts) == '') { array_pop($pagelayouts); } // File the ids into the arrays. $this->questionids = array(); $this->pagequestionids = array(); foreach ($pagelayouts as $page => $pagelayout) { $pagelayout = trim($pagelayout, ','); if ($pagelayout == '') continue; $this->pagequestionids[$page] = explode(',', $pagelayout); foreach ($this->pagequestionids[$page] as $id) { $this->questionids[] = $id; } } } /** * Number the questions, adding a _number field to each one. */ private function number_questions() { $number = 1; foreach ($this->pagequestionids as $page => $questionids) { foreach ($questionids as $id) { if ($this->questions[$id]->length > 0) { $this->questions[$id]->_number = $number; $number += $this->questions[$id]->length; } else { $this->questions[$id]->_number = get_string('infoshort', 'quiz'); } $this->questions[$id]->_page = $page; } } } /** * @return string the layout of this quiz. Used by number_questions to * work out which questions are on which pages. */ protected function get_layout_string() { return $this->quiz->questions; } } /** * This class extends the quiz class to hold data about the state of a particular attempt, * in addition to the data about the quiz. * * @copyright 2008 Tim Hunt * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later * @since Moodle 2.0 */ class quiz_attempt extends quiz { // Fields initialised in the constructor. protected $attempt; // Fields set later if that data is needed. protected $states = array(); protected $reviewoptions = null; // Constructor ========================================================================= /** * Constructor assuming we already have the necessary data loaded. * * @param object $attempt the row of the quiz_attempts table. * @param object $quiz the quiz object for this attempt and user. * @param object $cm the course_module object for this quiz. * @param object $course the row from the course table for the course we belong to. */ function __construct($attempt, $quiz, $cm, $course) { $this->attempt = $attempt; parent::__construct($quiz, $cm, $course); $this->preload_questions(); $this->preload_question_states(); } /** * Static function to create a new quiz_attempt object given an attemptid. * * @param integer $attemptid the attempt id. * @return quiz_attempt the new quiz_attempt object */ static public function create($attemptid) { global $DB; if (!$attempt = quiz_load_attempt($attemptid)) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidattemptid', 'quiz'); } if (!$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $attempt->quiz))) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidquizid', 'quiz'); } if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $quiz->course))) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule'); } if (!$cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id, $course->id)) { throw new moodle_exception('invalidcoursemodule'); } // Update quiz with override information $quiz = quiz_update_effective_access($quiz, $attempt->userid); return new quiz_attempt($attempt, $quiz, $cm, $course); } // Functions for loading more data ===================================================== /** * Load the state of a number of questions that have already been loaded. * * @param array $questionids question ids to process. Blank = all. */ public function load_question_states($questionids = null) { if (is_null($questionids)) { $questionids = $this->questionids; } $questionstoprocess = array(); foreach ($questionids as $id) { $this->ensure_question_loaded($id); $questionstoprocess[$id] = $this->questions[$id]; } if (!question_load_states($questionstoprocess, $this->states, $this->quiz, $this->attempt)) { throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'cannotrestore'); } } /** * Load basic information about the state of each question. * * This is enough to, for example, show the state of each question in the * navigation panel, but only takes one DB query. */ public function preload_question_states() { if (empty($this->questionids)) { throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'noquestions', $this->edit_url()); } $this->states = question_preload_states($this->attempt->uniqueid); if (!$this->states) { $this->states = array(); } } /** * Load a particular state of a particular question. Used by the reviewquestion.php * script to let the teacher walk through the entire sequence of a student's * interaction with a question. * * @param $questionid the question id * @param $stateid the id of the particular state to load. */ public function load_specific_question_state($questionid, $stateid) { global $DB; $state = question_load_specific_state($this->questions[$questionid], $this->quiz, $this->attempt, $stateid); if ($state === false) { throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'invalidstateid'); } $this->states[$questionid] = $state; } // Simple getters ====================================================================== /** @return integer the attempt id. */ public function get_attemptid() { return $this->attempt->id; } /** @return integer the attempt unique id. */ public function get_uniqueid() { return $this->attempt->uniqueid; } /** @return object the row from the quiz_attempts table. */ public function get_attempt() { return $this->attempt; } /** @return integer the number of this attemp (is it this user's first, second, ... attempt). */ public function get_attempt_number() { return $this->attempt->attempt; } /** @return integer the id of the user this attempt belongs to. */ public function get_userid() { return $this->attempt->userid; } /** @return boolean whether this attempt has been finished (true) or is still in progress (false). */ public function is_finished() { return $this->attempt->timefinish != 0; } /** @return boolean whether this attempt is a preview attempt. */ public function is_preview() { return $this->attempt->preview; } /** * Is this a student dealing with their own attempt/teacher previewing, * or someone with 'mod/quiz:viewreports' reviewing someone elses attempt. * * @return boolean whether this situation should be treated as someone looking at their own * attempt. The distinction normally only matters when an attempt is being reviewed. */ public function is_own_attempt() { global $USER; return $this->attempt->userid == $USER->id && (!$this->is_preview_user() || $this->attempt->preview); } /** * Check the appropriate capability to see whether this user may review their own attempt. * If not, prints an error. */ public function check_review_capability() { if (!$this->has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports')) { if ($this->get_review_options()->quizstate == QUIZ_STATE_IMMEDIATELY) { $this->require_capability('mod/quiz:attempt'); } else { $this->require_capability('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts'); } } } /** * Get the current state of a question in the attempt. * * @param $questionid a questionid. * @return object the state. */ public function get_question_state($questionid) { return $this->states[$questionid]; } /** * Wrapper that calls quiz_get_reviewoptions with the appropriate arguments. * * @return object the review options for this user on this attempt. */ public function get_review_options() { if (is_null($this->reviewoptions)) { $this->reviewoptions = quiz_get_reviewoptions($this->quiz, $this->attempt, $this->context); } return $this->reviewoptions; } /** * Wrapper that calls get_render_options with the appropriate arguments. * * @param integer questionid the quetsion to get the render options for. * @return object the render options for this user on this attempt. */ public function get_render_options($questionid) { return quiz_get_renderoptions($this->quiz, $this->attempt, $this->context, $this->get_question_state($questionid)); } /** * Get a quiz_attempt_question_iterator for either a page of the quiz, or a whole quiz. * You must have called load_questions with an appropriate argument first. * * @param mixed $page as for the @see{get_question_ids} method. * @return quiz_attempt_question_iterator the requested iterator. */ public function get_question_iterator($page = 'all') { return new quiz_attempt_question_iterator($this, $page); } /** * Return a summary of the current state of a question in this attempt. You must previously * have called load_question_states to load the state data about this question. * * @param integer $questionid question id of a question that belongs to this quiz. * @return string a brief string (that could be used as a CSS class name, for example) * that describes the current state of a question in this attempt. Possible results are: * open|saved|closed|correct|partiallycorrect|incorrect. */ public function get_question_status($questionid) { $state = $this->states[$questionid]; switch ($state->event) { case QUESTION_EVENTOPEN: return 'open'; case QUESTION_EVENTSAVE: case QUESTION_EVENTGRADE: case QUESTION_EVENTSUBMIT: return 'answered'; case QUESTION_EVENTCLOSEANDGRADE: case QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE: case QUESTION_EVENTMANUALGRADE: $options = $this->get_render_options($questionid); if ($options->scores && $this->questions[$questionid]->maxgrade > 0) { return question_get_feedback_class($state->last_graded->raw_grade / $this->questions[$questionid]->maxgrade); } else { return 'closed'; } default: $a = new stdClass; $a->event = $state->event; $a->questionid = $questionid; $a->attemptid = $this->attempt->id; throw new moodle_quiz_exception($this, 'errorunexpectedevent', $a); } } /** * @param integer $questionid question id of a question that belongs to this quiz. * @return boolean whether this question hss been flagged by the attempter. */ public function is_question_flagged($questionid) { $state = $this->states[$questionid]; return $state->flagged; } /** * Return the grade obtained on a particular question, if the user is permitted to see it. * You must previously have called load_question_states to load the state data about this question. * * @param integer $questionid question id of a question that belongs to this quiz. * @return string the formatted grade, to the number of decimal places specified by the quiz. */ public function get_question_score($questionid) { $options = $this->get_render_options($questionid); if ($options->scores) { return quiz_format_question_grade($this->quiz, $this->states[$questionid]->last_graded->grade); } else { return ''; } } // URLs related to this attempt ======================================================== /** * @param integer $questionid a question id. If set, will add a fragment to the URL * to jump to a particuar question on the page. * @param integer $page if specified, the URL of this particular page of the attempt, otherwise * the URL will go to the first page. If -1, deduce $page from $questionid. * @param integer $thispage if not -1, the current page. Will cause links to other things on * this page to be output as only a fragment. * @return string the URL to continue this attempt. */ public function attempt_url($questionid = 0, $page = -1, $thispage = -1) { return $this->page_and_question_url('attempt', $questionid, $page, false, $thispage); } /** * @return string the URL of this quiz's summary page. */ public function summary_url() { global $CFG; return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/summary.php?attempt=' . $this->attempt->id; } /** * @return string the URL of this quiz's summary page. */ public function processattempt_url() { global $CFG; return $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/processattempt.php'; } /** * @param integer $questionid a question id. If set, will add a fragment to the URL * to jump to a particuar question on the page. If -1, deduce $page from $questionid. * @param integer $page if specified, the URL of this particular page of the attempt, otherwise * the URL will go to the first page. * @param boolean $showall if true, the URL will be to review the entire attempt on one page, * and $page will be ignored. * @param integer $thispage if not -1, the current page. Will cause links to other things on * this page to be output as only a fragment. * @return string the URL to review this attempt. */ public function review_url($questionid = 0, $page = -1, $showall = false, $thispage = -1) { return $this->page_and_question_url('review', $questionid, $page, $showall, $thispage); } // Bits of content ===================================================================== /** * Initialise the JS etc. required all the questions on a page.. * @param mixed $page a page number, or 'all'. */ public function get_html_head_contributions($page = 'all') { global $PAGE; question_get_html_head_contributions($this->get_question_ids($page), $this->questions, $this->states); } /** * Initialise the JS etc. required by one question. * @param integer $questionid the question id. */ public function get_question_html_head_contributions($questionid) { question_get_html_head_contributions(array($questionid), $this->questions, $this->states); } /** * Print the HTML for the start new preview button. */ public function print_restart_preview_button() { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; echo $OUTPUT->container_start('controls'); $url = new moodle_url($this->start_attempt_url(), array('forcenew' => true)); echo $OUTPUT->single_button($url, get_string('startagain', 'quiz')); echo $OUTPUT->container_end(); } /** * Return the HTML of the quiz timer. * @return string HTML content. */ public function get_timer_html() { return '