dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); define('NUM_QS_TO_SHOW_IN_RANDOM', 3); /** * Remove a question from a quiz * @param object $quiz the quiz object. * @param int $questionid The id of the question to be deleted. */ function quiz_remove_question($quiz, $questionid) { global $DB; $questionids = explode(',', $quiz->questions); $key = array_search($questionid, $questionids); if ($key === false) { return; } unset($questionids[$key]); $quiz->questions = implode(',', $questionids); $DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id)); $DB->delete_records('quiz_question_instances', array('quiz' => $quiz->instance, 'question' => $questionid)); } /** * Remove an empty page from the quiz layout. If that is not possible, do nothing. * @param string $layout the existinng layout, $quiz->questions. * @param integer $index the position into $layout where the empty page should be removed. * @return the updated layout */ function quiz_delete_empty_page($layout, $index) { $questionids = explode(',', $layout); if ($index < -1 || $index >= count($questionids) - 1) { return $layout; } if (($index >= 0 && $questionids[$index] != 0) || $questionids[$index + 1] != 0) { return $layout; // This was not an empty page. } unset($questionids[$index + 1]); return implode(',', $questionids); } /** * Add a question to a quiz * * Adds a question to a quiz by updating $quiz as well as the * quiz and quiz_question_instances tables. It also adds a page break * if required. * @return boolean false if the question was already in the quiz * @param int $id The id of the question to be added * @param object $quiz The extended quiz object as used by edit.php * This is updated by this function * @param int $page Which page in quiz to add the question on; if 0 (default), add at the end */ function quiz_add_quiz_question($id, &$quiz, $page = 0) { global $DB; $questions = explode(',', quiz_clean_layout($quiz->questions)); if (in_array($id, $questions)) { return false; } // remove ending page break if it is not needed if ($breaks = array_keys($questions, 0)) { // determine location of the last two page breaks $end = end($breaks); $last = prev($breaks); $last = $last ? $last : -1; if (!$quiz->questionsperpage || (($end - $last - 1) < $quiz->questionsperpage)) { array_pop($questions); } } if (is_int($page) && $page >= 1) { $numofpages = quiz_number_of_pages($quiz->questions); if ($numofpages<$page) { //the page specified does not exist in quiz $page = 0; } else { // add ending page break - the following logic requires doing //this at this point $questions[] = 0; $currentpage = 1; $addnow = false; foreach ($questions as $question) { if ($question == 0) { $currentpage++; //The current page is the one after the one we want to add on, //so we add the question before adding the current page. if ($currentpage == $page + 1) { $questions_new[] = $id; } } $questions_new[] = $question; } $questions = $questions_new; } } if ($page == 0) { // add question $questions[] = $id; // add ending page break $questions[] = 0; } // Save new questionslist in database $quiz->questions = implode(',', $questions); $DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id)); // update question grades $quiz->grades[$id] = $DB->get_field('question', 'defaultgrade', array('id' => $id)); quiz_update_question_instance($quiz->grades[$id], $id, $quiz->instance); return true; } /** * Add a page break after at particular position$. * @param string $layout the existinng layout, $quiz->questions. * @param integer $index the position into $layout where the empty page should be removed. * @return the updated layout */ function quiz_add_page_break_at($layout, $index) { $questionids = explode(',', $layout); if ($index < 0 || $index >= count($questionids)) { return $layout; } array_splice($questionids, $index, 0, '0'); return implode(',', $questionids); } /** * Add a page break after a particular question. * @param string $layout the existinng layout, $quiz->questions. * @param integer $qustionid the question to add the page break after. * @return the updated layout */ function quiz_add_page_break_after($layout, $questionid) { $questionids = explode(',', $layout); $key = array_search($questionid, $questionids); if ($key === false || !$questionid) { return $layout; } array_splice($questionids, $key + 1, 0, '0'); return implode(',', $questionids); } /** * Update the database after $quiz->questions has been changed. For example, * this deletes preview attempts and updates $quiz->sumgrades. * @param $quiz the quiz object. */ function quiz_save_new_layout($quiz) { global $DB; $DB->set_field('quiz', 'questions', $quiz->questions, array('id' => $quiz->id)); quiz_update_sumgrades($quiz); quiz_delete_previews($quiz); } /** * Save changes to question instance * * Saves changes to the question grades in the quiz_question_instances table. * It does not update 'sumgrades' in the quiz table. * @return boolean Indicates success or failure. * @param integer grade The maximal grade for the question * @param integer $questionid The id of the question * @param integer $quizid The id of the quiz to update / add the instances for. */ function quiz_update_question_instance($grade, $questionid, $quizid) { global $DB; if ($instance = $DB->get_record('quiz_question_instances', array('quiz' => $quizid, 'question' => $questionid))) { $instance->grade = $grade; return $DB->update_record('quiz_question_instances', $instance); } else { unset($instance); $instance->quiz = $quizid; $instance->question = $questionid; $instance->grade = $grade; return $DB->insert_record('quiz_question_instances', $instance); } } // Private function used by the following two. function _quiz_move_question($layout, $questionid, $shift) { if (!$questionid || !($shift == 1 || $shift == -1)) { return $layout; } $questionids = explode(',', $layout); $key = array_search($questionid, $questionids); if ($key === false) { return $layout; } $otherkey = $key + $shift; if ($otherkey < 0 || $otherkey >= count($questionids) - 1) { return $layout; } $temp = $questionids[$otherkey]; $questionids[$otherkey] = $questionids[$key]; $questionids[$key] = $temp; return implode(',', $questionids); } /** * Move a particular question one space earlier in the $quiz->questions list. * If that is not possible, do nothing. * @param string $layout the existinng layout, $quiz->questions. * @param integer $questionid the id of a question. * @return the updated layout */ function quiz_move_question_up($layout, $questionid) { return _quiz_move_question($layout, $questionid, -1); } /** * Move a particular question one space later in the $quiz->questions list. * If that is not possible, do nothing. * @param string $layout the existinng layout, $quiz->questions. * @param integer $questionid the id of a question. * @return the updated layout */ function quiz_move_question_down($layout, $questionid) { return _quiz_move_question($layout, $questionid, +1); } /** * Prints a list of quiz questions for the edit.php main view for edit * ($reordertool = false) and order and paging ($reordertool = true) tabs * * @return int sum of maximum grades * @param object $quiz This is not the standard quiz object used elsewhere but * it contains the quiz layout in $quiz->questions and the grades in * $quiz->grades * @param object $pageurl The url of the current page with the parameters required * for links returning to the current page, as a moodle_url object * @param boolean $allowdelete Indicates whether the delete icons should be displayed * @param boolean $reordertool Indicates whether the reorder tool should be displayed * @param boolean $quiz_qbanktool Indicates whether the question bank should be displayed * @param boolean $hasattempts Indicates whether the quiz has attempts */ function quiz_print_question_list($quiz, $pageurl, $allowdelete = true, $reordertool = false, $quiz_qbanktool = false, $hasattempts = false) { global $USER, $CFG, $QTYPES, $DB, $OUTPUT; $strorder = get_string('order'); $strquestionname = get_string('questionname', 'quiz'); $strgrade = get_string('grade'); $strremove = get_string('remove', 'quiz'); $stredit = get_string('edit'); $strview = get_string('view'); $straction = get_string('action'); $strmove = get_string('move'); $strmoveup = get_string('moveup'); $strmovedown = get_string('movedown'); $strsave = get_string('save', 'quiz'); $strreorderquestions = get_string('reorderquestions', 'quiz'); $strselectall = get_string('selectall', 'quiz'); $strselectnone = get_string('selectnone', 'quiz'); $strtype = get_string('type', 'quiz'); $strpreview = get_string('preview', 'quiz'); if ($quiz->questions) { list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(explode(',', $quiz->questions)); $questions = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT q.*,c.contextid FROM {question} q, {question_categories} c WHERE q.id $usql AND q.category = c.id", $params); } else { $questions = array(); } $layout = quiz_clean_layout($quiz->questions); $order = explode(',', $layout); $lastindex = count($order) - 1; $disabled = ''; $pagingdisabled = ''; if ($hasattempts) { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } if ($hasattempts || $quiz->shufflequestions) { $pagingdisabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } $reordercontrolssetdefaultsubmit = '
' . '
'; $reordercontrols1 = '
' . '
'; $reordercontrols1 .= '
' . '
'; $a = ''; $reordercontrols2top = '
' . get_string('moveselectedonpage', 'quiz', $a) . '' . '
'; $reordercontrols2bottom = '
' . '
' . get_string('moveselectedonpage', 'quiz', $a) . ' ' . '
'; $reordercontrols3 = '' . $strselectall . ' /'; $reordercontrols3.= ' ' . $strselectnone . ''; $reordercontrolstop = '
' . $reordercontrolssetdefaultsubmit . $reordercontrols1 . $reordercontrols2top . $reordercontrols3 . "
"; $reordercontrolsbottom = '
' . $reordercontrolssetdefaultsubmit . $reordercontrols2bottom . $reordercontrols1 . $reordercontrols3 . "
"; if ($reordertool) { echo '
'; echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($pageurl); echo ''; echo $reordercontrolstop; } //the current question ordinal (no descriptions) $qno = 1; //the current question (includes questions and descriptions) $questioncount = 0; //the ordinal of current element in the layout //(includes page breaks, questions and descriptions) $count = 0; //the current page number in iteration $pagecount = 0; $sumgrade = 0; $pageopen = false; $returnurl = $pageurl->out(); $questiontotalcount = count($order); foreach ($order as $i => $qnum) { $reordercheckbox = ''; $reordercheckboxlabel = ''; $reordercheckboxlabelclose = ''; if ($qnum && empty($questions[$qnum])) { continue; } // If the questiontype is missing change the question type if ($qnum && !array_key_exists($questions[$qnum]->qtype, $QTYPES)) { $questions[$qnum]->qtype = 'missingtype'; } if ($qnum != 0 || ($qnum == 0 && !$pageopen)) { //this is either a question or a page break after another // (no page is currently open) if (!$pageopen) { //if no page is open, start display of a page $pagecount++; echo '
' . get_string('page') . ' ' . $pagecount . '
'; $pageopen = true; } if ($qnum == 0 && $i < $questiontotalcount) { // This is the second successive page break. Tell the user the page is empty. echo '
'; print_string('noquestionsonpage', 'quiz'); echo '
'; if ($allowdelete) { echo '
'; echo '' . $strremove . ''; echo '
'; } } if ($qnum != 0) { $question = $questions[$qnum]; $questionparams = array('returnurl' => $returnurl, 'cmid' => $quiz->cmid, 'id' => $question->id); $questionurl = new moodle_url("$CFG->wwwroot/question/question.php", $questionparams); $questioncount++; //this is an actual question /* Display question start */ ?>
id . '" id="s' . $question->id . '" />'; $reordercheckboxlabel = ''; } if (!$quiz->shufflequestions) { // Print and increment question number $questioncountstring = ''; if ($questioncount>999 || ($reordertool && $questioncount>99)) { $questioncountstring = "$reordercheckboxlabel$questioncount" . $reordercheckboxlabelclose . $reordercheckbox; } else { $questioncountstring = $reordercheckboxlabel . $questioncount . $reordercheckboxlabelclose . $reordercheckbox; } echo $questioncountstring; $qno += $question->length; } else { echo "$reordercheckboxlabel ? $reordercheckboxlabelclose" . " $reordercheckbox"; } ?>
= $lastindex - 1) { $upbuttonclass = 'upwithoutdown'; } echo "out(true, array('up' => $question->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey())) . "\">pix_url('t/up') . "\" class=\"iconsmall $upbuttonclass\" alt=\"$strmoveup\" />"; } } if ($count < $lastindex - 1) { if (!$hasattempts) { echo "out(true, array('down' => $question->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey())) . "\">pix_url('t/down') . "\" class=\"iconsmall\"" . " alt=\"$strmovedown\" />"; } } if ($allowdelete && question_has_capability_on($question, 'use', $question->category)) { // remove from quiz, not question delete. if (!$hasattempts) { echo "out(true, array('remove' => $question->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey())) . "\"> pix_url('t/delete') . "\" " . "class=\"iconsmall\" alt=\"$strremove\" />"; } } ?>
qtype != 'description' && !$reordertool) { ?>
id . '" id="inputq' . $question->id . '" size="' . ($quiz->decimalpoints + 2) . '" value="' . (0 + $quiz->grades[$qnum]) . '" tabindex="' . ($lastindex + $qno) . '" />'; ?>
qtype == 'random') { echo '' . get_string("configurerandomquestion", "quiz") . ''; } ?>
id . '" size="2" value="' . (10*$count + 10) . '" tabindex="' . ($lastindex + $qno) . '" />'; ?>
qtype == 'random') { // it is a random question if (!$reordertool) { quiz_print_randomquestion($question, $pageurl, $quiz, $quiz_qbanktool); } else { quiz_print_randomquestion_reordertool($question, $pageurl, $quiz); } } else { // it is a single question if (!$reordertool) { quiz_print_singlequestion($question, $returnurl, $quiz); } else { quiz_print_singlequestion_reordertool($question, $returnurl, $quiz); } } ?>
grades[$qnum]; } } //a page break: end the existing page. if ($qnum == 0) { if ($pageopen) { if (!$reordertool && !($quiz->shufflequestions && $i < $questiontotalcount - 1)) { quiz_print_pagecontrols($quiz, $pageurl, $pagecount, $hasattempts); } else if ($i < $questiontotalcount - 1) { //do not include the last page break for reordering //to avoid creating a new extra page in the end echo ''; } echo "
"; if (!$reordertool && !$quiz->shufflequestions) { echo $OUTPUT->container_start('addpage'); $url = new moodle_url($pageurl->out_omit_querystring(), array('cmid' => $quiz->cmid, 'courseid' => $quiz->course, 'addpage' => $count, 'sesskey' => sesskey())); echo $OUTPUT->single_button($url, get_string('addpagehere', 'quiz'), 'get', array('disabled'=>$hasattempts)); echo $OUTPUT->container_end(); } $pageopen = false; $count++; } } } if ($reordertool) { echo $reordercontrolsbottom; echo '
'; } return $sumgrade; } /** * Print all the controls for adding questions directly into the * specific page in the edit tab of edit.php * * @param unknown_type $quiz * @param unknown_type $pageurl * @param unknown_type $page * @param unknown_type $hasattempts */ function quiz_print_pagecontrols($quiz, $pageurl, $page, $hasattempts) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; static $randombuttoncount = 0; $randombuttoncount++; echo '
'; // Get the current context $thiscontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $quiz->course); $contexts = new question_edit_contexts($thiscontext); // Get the default category. $defaultcategory = question_make_default_categories($contexts->all()); // Create the url the question page will return to $returnurladdtoquiz = new moodle_url($pageurl, array('addonpage' => $page)); // Print a button linking to the choose question type page. $returnurladdtoquiz = str_replace($CFG->wwwroot . '/', '', $returnurladdtoquiz->out(false)); $newquestionparams = array('returnurl' => $returnurladdtoquiz, 'cmid' => $quiz->cmid, 'appendqnumstring' => 'addquestion'); create_new_question_button($defaultcategory->id, $newquestionparams, get_string('addaquestion', 'quiz'), get_string('createquestionandadd', 'quiz'), $hasattempts); if ($hasattempts) { $disabled = 'disabled="disabled"'; } else { $disabled = ''; } ?>
help_icon('addarandomquestion', 'quiz'); ?> "; } /** * Process submitted form data to create a new category for a random question * This is used by edit.php and addrandom.php * cmid * * @param object $qcobject * @return object an object with properties newrandomcategory and addonpage if operation successful. * if operation failed, returns false. */ function quiz_process_randomquestion_formdata(&$qcobject) { global $CFG, $DB; $newrandomcategory = 0; $addonpage = 0; $newquestioninfo = false; if ($qcobject->catform_rand->is_cancelled()) { return 'cancelled'; } else if ($catformdata = $qcobject->catform_rand->get_data()) { $newquestioninfo = new stdClass; $addonpage = $catformdata->addonpage; $newquestioninfo->addonpage = $catformdata->addonpage; if (!$catformdata->id) {//new category $newrandomcategory = $qcobject->add_category($catformdata->parent, $catformdata->name, $catformdata->info, true); if (!is_null($newrandomcategory)) { $newquestioninfo->newrandomcategory = $newrandomcategory; if (! $newcategory = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $newrandomcategory))) { $newquestioninfo->newrandomcategory = false; } } else { $newquestioninfo->newrandomcategory = false; } } else { $newquestioninfo->newrandomcategory = false; } } return $newquestioninfo; } /** * Print a given single question in quiz for the edit tab of edit.php. * Meant to be used from quiz_print_question_list() * * @param object $question A question object from the database questions table * @param object $returnurl The url to get back to this page, for example after editing. * @param object $quiz The quiz in the context of which the question is being displayed */ function quiz_print_singlequestion($question, $returnurl, $quiz) { global $QTYPES; echo '
'; echo quiz_question_edit_button($quiz->cmid, $question, $returnurl, quiz_question_tostring($question) . ' '); echo ''; $namestr = $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->local_name(); print_question_icon($question); echo " $namestr"; echo '' . quiz_question_preview_button($quiz, $question, true) . ''; echo "
\n"; } /** * Print a given random question in quiz for the edit tab of edit.php. * Meant to be used from quiz_print_question_list() * * @param object $question A question object from the database questions table * @param object $questionurl The url of the question editing page as a moodle_url object * @param object $quiz The quiz in the context of which the question is being displayed * @param boolean $quiz_qbanktool Indicate to this function if the question bank window open */ function quiz_print_randomquestion(&$question, &$pageurl, &$quiz, $quiz_qbanktool) { global $DB, $QTYPES, $OUTPUT; echo '
'; if (!$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $question->category))) { echo $OUTPUT->notification('Random question category not found!'); return; } echo '
'; print_question_icon($question); print_random_option_icon($question); echo ' ' . get_string('randomfromcategory', 'quiz') . '
'; $a = new stdClass; $a->arrow = $OUTPUT->rarrow(); $strshowcategorycontents = get_string('showcategorycontents', 'quiz', $a); $openqbankurl = $pageurl->out(true, array('qbanktool' => 1, 'cat' => $category->id . ',' . $category->contextid)); $linkcategorycontents = ' ' . $strshowcategorycontents . ''; echo '
'; echo '' . $category->name . ''; echo '' . quiz_question_preview_button($quiz, $question, true) . ''; echo '
'; $questionids = $QTYPES['random']->get_usable_questions_from_category( $category->id, $question->questiontext == '1', '0'); $questioncount = count($questionids); echo '
'; if ($questioncount == 0) { // No questions in category, give an error plus instructions echo ''; print_string('noquestionsnotinuse', 'quiz'); echo ''; echo '
'; // Embed the link into the string with instructions $a = new stdClass; $a->catname = '' . $category->name . ''; $a->link = $linkcategorycontents; echo get_string('addnewquestionsqbank', 'quiz', $a); } else { // Category has questions // Get a sample from the database, $toshow = array_slice($questionids, 0, NUM_QS_TO_SHOW_IN_RANDOM); $questionidstoshow = array(); foreach ($toshow as $a) { $questionidstoshow[] = $a->id; } $questionstoshow = $DB->get_records_list('question', 'id', $questionidstoshow, '', 'id,qtype,name,questiontext,questiontextformat'); // list them, echo '
    '; foreach ($questionstoshow as $question) { echo '
  • ' . quiz_question_tostring($question, true) . '
  • '; } // and then display the total number. echo '
  • '; if ($questioncount > NUM_QS_TO_SHOW_IN_RANDOM) { echo '... '; } print_string('totalquestionsinrandomqcategory', 'quiz', $questioncount); echo ' ' . $linkcategorycontents; echo '
  • '; echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Print a given single question in quiz for the reordertool tab of edit.php. * Meant to be used from quiz_print_question_list() * * @param object $question A question object from the database questions table * @param object $questionurl The url of the question editing page as a moodle_url object * @param object $quiz The quiz in the context of which the question is being displayed */ function quiz_print_singlequestion_reordertool($question, $returnurl, $quiz) { echo '
'; echo ''; echo '' . quiz_question_action_icons($quiz, $quiz->cmid, $question, $returnurl) . ''; echo "
\n"; } /** * Print a given random question in quiz for the reordertool tab of edit.php. * Meant to be used from quiz_print_question_list() * * @param object $question A question object from the database questions table * @param object $questionurl The url of the question editing page as a moodle_url object * @param object $quiz The quiz in the context of which the question is being displayed */ function quiz_print_randomquestion_reordertool(&$question, &$pageurl, &$quiz) { global $DB, $QTYPES, $OUTPUT; // Load the category, and the number of available questions in it. if (!$category = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array('id' => $question->category))) { echo $OUTPUT->notification('Random question category not found!'); return; } $questioncount = count($QTYPES['random']->get_usable_questions_from_category( $category->id, $question->questiontext == '1', '0')); $reordercheckboxlabel = ''; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo $reordercheckboxlabel; print_question_icon($question); print_random_option_icon($question); if ($questioncount == 0) { echo ''; print_string('empty', 'quiz'); echo ' '; } print_string('random', 'quiz'); echo ": $reordercheckboxlabelclose
"; echo '
'; echo $reordercheckboxlabel . $category->name . $reordercheckboxlabelclose; echo ''; echo quiz_question_preview_button($quiz, $question, false); echo ''; echo "
"; echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '
'; } /** * Print an icon to indicate the 'include subcategories' state of a random question. * @param $question the random question. */ function print_random_option_icon($question) { global $OUTPUT; if (!empty($question->questiontext)) { $icon = 'withsubcat'; $tooltip = get_string('randomwithsubcat', 'quiz'); } else { $icon = 'nosubcat'; $tooltip = get_string('randomnosubcat', 'quiz'); } echo '' .
            $tooltip . ''; } /** * Creates a textual representation of a question for display. * * @param object $question A question object from the database questions table * @param boolean $showicon If true, show the question's icon with the question. False by default. * @param boolean $showquestiontext If true (default), show question text after question name. * If false, show only question name. * @param boolean $return If true (default), return the output. If false, print it. */ function quiz_question_tostring(&$question, $showicon = false, $showquestiontext = true, $return = true) { global $COURSE; $result = ''; $result .= ''; if ($showicon) { $result .= print_question_icon($question, true); echo " "; } $result .= shorten_text(format_string($question->name), 200) . ''; if ($showquestiontext) { $formatoptions = new stdClass; $formatoptions->noclean = true; $formatoptions->para = false; $questiontext = strip_tags(format_text($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat, $formatoptions, $COURSE->id)); $questiontext = shorten_text($questiontext, 200); $result .= ''; if (!empty($questiontext)) { $result .= $questiontext; } else { $result .= ''; $result .= get_string('questiontextisempty', 'quiz'); $result .= ''; } $result .= ''; } if ($return) { return $result; } else { echo $result; } } /** * A column type for the add this question to the quiz. */ class question_bank_add_to_quiz_action_column extends question_bank_action_column_base { protected $stradd; public function init() { parent::init(); $this->stradd = get_string('addtoquiz', 'quiz'); } public function get_name() { return 'addtoquizaction'; } protected function display_content($question, $rowclasses) { // for RTL languages: switch right and left arrows if (right_to_left()) { $movearrow = 't/removeright'; } else { $movearrow = 't/moveleft'; } $this->print_icon($movearrow, $this->stradd, $this->qbank->add_to_quiz_url($question->id)); } public function get_required_fields() { return array('q.id'); } } /** * A column type for the name followed by the start of the question text. */ class question_bank_question_name_text_column extends question_bank_question_name_column { public function get_name() { return 'questionnametext'; } protected function display_content($question, $rowclasses) { echo '
'; $labelfor = $this->label_for($question); if ($labelfor) { echo ''; } echo '
'; } public function get_required_fields() { $fields = parent::get_required_fields(); $fields[] = 'q.questiontext'; $fields[] = 'q.questiontextformat'; return $fields; } } /** * Subclass to customise the view of the question bank for the quiz editing screen. */ class quiz_question_bank_view extends question_bank_view { protected $quizhasattempts = false; protected function known_field_types() { $types = parent::known_field_types(); $types[] = new question_bank_add_to_quiz_action_column($this); $types[] = new question_bank_question_name_text_column($this); return $types; } protected function wanted_columns() { return array('addtoquizaction', 'checkbox', 'qtype', 'questionnametext', 'editaction', 'previewaction'); } /** * Let the question bank display know whether the quiz has been attempted, * hence whether some bits of UI, like the add this question to the quiz icon, * should be displayed. * @param boolean $quizhasattempts whether the quiz has attempts. */ public function set_quiz_has_attempts($quizhasattempts) { $this->quizhasattempts = $quizhasattempts; if ($quizhasattempts && isset($this->visiblecolumns['addtoquizaction'])) { unset($this->visiblecolumns['addtoquizaction']); } } public function preview_question_url($questionid) { global $CFG; return $CFG->wwwroot . '/question/preview.php?id=' . $questionid . $this->quizorcourseid; } public function add_to_quiz_url($questionid) { global $CFG; $params = $this->baseurl->params(); $params['addquestion'] = $questionid; $params['sesskey'] = sesskey(); return new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/edit.php', $params); } public function display($tabname, $page, $perpage, $sortorder, $sortorderdecoded, $cat, $recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext) { global $OUTPUT; if ($this->process_actions_needing_ui()) { return; } // Display the current category. if (!$category = $this->get_current_category($cat)) { return; } $this->print_category_info($category); echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox questionbank'); $this->display_category_form($this->contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname), $this->baseurl, $cat); // continues with list of questions $this->display_question_list($this->contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname), $this->baseurl, $cat, $this->cm, $recurse, $page, $perpage, $showhidden, $sortorder, $sortorderdecoded, $showquestiontext, $this->contexts->having_cap('moodle/question:add')); $this->display_options($recurse, $showhidden, $showquestiontext); echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); } protected function print_choose_category_message($categoryandcontext) { global $OUTPUT; echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox questionbank'); $this->display_category_form($this->contexts->having_one_edit_tab_cap('edit'), $this->baseurl, $categoryandcontext); echo "

"; print_string('selectcategoryabove', 'quiz'); echo "

"; echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); } protected function print_category_info($category) { $formatoptions = new stdClass; $formatoptions->noclean = true; $strcategory = get_string('category', 'quiz'); echo '
' . $strcategory; echo ': '; echo shorten_text(strip_tags(format_text($category->name, FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions, $this->course->id)), 60); echo '
'; echo shorten_text(strip_tags(format_text($category->info, FORMAT_MOODLE, $formatoptions, $this->course->id)), 200); echo '
'; } protected function display_options($recurse = 1, $showhidden = false, $showquestiontext = false) { echo '
'; echo "
"; echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($this->baseurl, array('recurse', 'showhidden', 'showquestiontext')); $this->display_category_form_checkbox('recurse', get_string('recurse', 'quiz')); $this->display_category_form_checkbox('showhidden', get_string('showhidden', 'quiz')); echo '
'; } } /** * Prints the form for setting a quiz' overall grade * * @param object $quiz The quiz object of the quiz in question * @param object $pageurl The url of the current page with the parameters required * for links returning to the current page, as a moodle_url object * @param integer $tabindex The tabindex to start from for the form elements created * @return integer The tabindex from which the calling page can continue, that is, * the last value used +1. */ function quiz_print_grading_form($quiz, $pageurl, $tabindex) { global $USER, $OUTPUT; $strsave = get_string('save', 'quiz'); echo "
"; echo '
'; echo ""; echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($pageurl); $a = ''; echo '"; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo "
\n"; return $tabindex + 1; } /** * Print the status bar * * @param object $quiz The quiz object of the quiz in question */ function quiz_print_status_bar($quiz) { global $CFG; $numberofquestions = quiz_number_of_questions_in_quiz($quiz->questions); ?>
sumgrades)) ?> | timeopen > 0) { if ($timenow > $quiz->timeopen) { $dates[] = get_string('quizopenedon', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeopen)); } else { $dates[] = get_string('quizwillopen', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeopen)); print_string('quizisclosed', 'quiz'); } } if ($quiz->timeclose > 0) { if ($timenow > $quiz->timeclose) { $dates[] = get_string('quizclosed', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeclose)); print_string('quizisclosed', 'quiz'); } else { $dates[] = get_string('quizcloseson', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeclose)); $currentstatus = get_string('quizisopenwillclose', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeclose, get_string('strftimedatetimeshort', 'langconfig'))); } } if (empty($dates)) { $dates[] = get_string('alwaysavailable', 'quiz'); } $dates = implode(', ', $dates); echo ' | ' . $currentstatus . ''; ?>