This makes the grading easier and more consistent. As teacher you must add these
Elements before making the assignment available to students. This is done by
clicking on the assignment in the course, if no elements are present you will be asked
to add them. You can change the number of elements using the Edit Assignment screen,
the elements themselves can be amended from the "Managing Assessment" screen. '; $string['notgraded'] = 'Not Graded'; $string['notitlegiven'] = 'No Title Given'; $string['numberofassessmentelements'] = 'Number of Comments, Assessment Elements, Grade Bands, Criterion Statments or Categories in a Rubric'; $string['numberofassessments'] = 'Number of Assessments'; $string['numberofassessmentsofstudentsubmissions'] = 'Number of Assessments of Student Submissions'; $string['numberofassessmentsofteachersexamples'] = 'Number of Assessments of Examples from Teacher'; $string['on'] = 'on $a'; $string['openassignment'] = 'Open Assignment'; $string['optionforpeergrade'] = 'Option for Peer Grade'; $string['overallgrade'] = 'Overall Grade'; $string['overallpeergrade'] = 'Overall Peer Grade: $a'; $string['overallteachergrade'] = 'Overall Teacher Grade: $a'; $string['ownwork'] = 'Own Work'; $string['phase'] = 'Phase'; $string['phase1'] = 'Set Up Assignment'; $string['phase2'] = 'Allow $a Submissions and Assessments'; $string['phase3'] = 'Calculation of Final Grades'; $string['phase4'] = 'Show Final Grades'; $string['pleaseassesstheseexamplesfromtheteacher'] = 'Please assess these Examples from the $a'; $string['pleaseassessthesestudentsubmissions'] = 'Please assess these $a Submissions'; $string['pleaseassessyoursubmissions'] = 'Please assess your Submission(s)'; $string['poor'] = 'Poor'; $string['present'] = 'Present'; $string['reassess'] = 'Re-assess'; $string['reply'] = 'Reply'; $string['returnto'] = 'Return to'; $string['returntosubmissionpage'] = 'Return to Submission Page'; $string['rubric'] = 'Rubric'; $string['savedok'] = 'Saved OK'; $string['savemyassessment'] = 'Save my Assessment'; $string['savemycomment'] = 'Save my Comment'; $string['savemygrading'] = 'Save my Grading'; $string['scale10'] = 'Score out of 10'; $string['scale100'] = 'Score out of 100'; $string['scale20'] = 'Score out of 20'; $string['scalecorrect'] = '2 point Correct/Incorrect scale'; $string['scaleexcellent4'] = '4 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scaleexcellent5'] = '5 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scaleexcellent7'] = '7 point Excellent/Very Poor scale'; $string['scalegood3'] = '3 point Good/Poor scale'; $string['scalepresent'] = '2 point Present/Absent scale'; $string['scaleyes'] = '2 point Yes/No scale'; $string['select'] = 'Select'; $string['selfassessment'] = 'Self Assessment'; $string['showgrades'] = 'Show Grades'; $string['specimenassessmentform'] = 'Specimen Assessment Form'; $string['studentassessments'] = '$a Assessments'; $string['studentgrades'] = '$a Grades'; $string['studentsubmissions'] = '$a Submissions'; $string['studentsubmissionsforassessment'] = '$a Student Submissions for Assessment'; $string['submission'] = 'Submission'; $string['submissions'] = 'Submissions'; $string['submitassignment'] = 'Submit Assignment'; $string['submitexampleassignment'] = 'Submit Example Assignment'; $string['submitted'] = 'Submitted'; $string['submittedby'] = 'Submitted by'; $string['suggestedgrade'] = 'Suggested Grade'; $string['teacherassessments'] = '$a Assessments'; $string['teacherscomment'] = 'Teacher\'s Comment'; $string['teachersgrade'] = 'Teacher\'s Grade'; $string['teachersubmissionsforassessment'] = '$a Teacher Submissions for Assessment'; $string['thegradeis'] = 'The Grade is $a'; $string['thereisfeedbackfromtheteacher'] = 'There is feadback from the $a'; $string['theseasessmentsaregradedbytheteacher'] = 'These Assessments are graded by the $a'; $string['timeassessed'] = 'Time Assessed'; $string['title'] = 'Title'; $string['typeofscale'] = 'Type of Scale'; $string['ungradedassessmentsofstudentsubmissions'] = '$a Ungraded Assessments of Student Submissions'; $string['ungradedassessmentsofteachersubmissions'] = '$a Ungraded Assessments of Teacher Submissions'; $string['verypoor'] = 'Very Poor'; $string['view'] = 'View'; $string['viewassessmentofteacher'] = 'View Assessment of $a'; $string['viewotherassessments'] = 'View other Assessments'; $string['warningonamendingelements'] = 'WARNING: There are submitted assessments.
Do NOT change the number of elements, the scale types or the element weights.'; $string['weightederrorcount'] = 'Weighted Error Count: $a'; $string['weightforbias'] = 'Weight for Bias'; $string['weightforgradingofassessments'] = 'Weight for Grading of Assessments'; $string['weightforpeerassessments'] = 'Weight for Peer Assessments'; $string['weightforreliability'] = 'Weight for Reliability'; $string['weights'] = 'Weights'; $string['weightsusedforfinalgrade'] = 'Weights used for Final Grade'; $string['weightsusedforsubmissions'] = 'Weights used for Submissions'; $string['yourassessments'] = 'Your Assessments'; $string['yourfeedbackgoeshere'] = 'Your Feedback goes Here'; ?>