1.8 * @date 2008/03/31 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU Public License * * document handling for assignment activity module * */ /** * includes and requires */ require_once("$CFG->dirroot/search/documents/document.php"); require_once("$CFG->dirroot/mod/assignment/lib.php"); /** * a class for representing searchable information * */ class AssignmentSearchDocument extends SearchDocument { /** * constructor */ public function __construct(&$assignmentitem, $assignment_module_id, $itemtype, $course_id, $owner_id, $context_id) { // generic information; required $doc->docid = $assignmentitem['id']; $doc->documenttype = SEARCH_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT; $doc->itemtype = $itemtype; $doc->contextid = $context_id; // we cannot call userdate with relevant locale at indexing time. $doc->title = "{$itemtype}: {$assignmentitem['name']}"; $doc->date = $assignmentitem['date']; //remove '(ip.ip.ip.ip)' from chat author list $doc->author = $assignmentitem['authors']; $doc->contents = $assignmentitem['description']; $doc->url = assignment_make_link($assignment_module_id, $itemtype, $owner_id); // module specific information; optional $data->assignment = $assignment_module_id; $data->assignmenttype = $assignmentitem['assignmenttype']; // construct the parent class parent::__construct($doc, $data, $course_id, 0, 0, 'mod/'.SEARCH_TYPE_ASSIGNMENT); } } /** * constructs a valid link to a chat content * @param cm_id the chat course module * @param start the start time of the session * @param end th end time of the session * @uses CFG * @return a well formed link to session display */ function assignment_make_link($cm_id, $itemtype, $owner) { global $CFG; if ($itemtype == 'description') return $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/assignment/view.php?id='.$cm_id; } /** * part of search engine API * */ function assignment_iterator() { $assignments = get_records('assignment'); return $assignments; } /** * part of search engine API * */ function assignment_get_content_for_index(&$assignment) { global $CFG; $documents = array(); $course = get_record('course', 'id', $assignment->course); $coursemodule = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', 'assignment'); $cm = get_record('course_modules', 'course', $assignment->course, 'module', $coursemodule, 'instance', $assignment->id); if ($cm){ $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); $assignment->authors = ''; $assignment->date = $assignment->timemodified; $documents[] = new AssignmentSearchDocument(get_object_vars($assignment), $cm->id, 'description', $assignment->course, null, $context->id); $submissions = assignment_get_all_submissions($assignment); if ($submissions){ foreach($submissions as $submission){ $owner = get_record('user', 'id', $submission->userid); $submission->authors = fullname($owner); $submission->assignmenttype = $assignment->assignmenttype; $submission->date = $submission->timemodified; $submission->name = "submission:"; if (file_exists("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assignment/type/{$assignment->assignmenttype}/searchlib.php")){ include_once("{$CFG->dirroot}/mod/assignment/type/{$assignment->assignmenttype}/searchlib.php"); if (function_exists('assignment_get_submission_location')){ $submitted = assignment_get_submission_location($assignment, $submission); } } if (empty($submitted)){ // this is for moodle legacy types that would need not to be patched for searchlib.php switch($assignment->assignmenttype){ case 'online' : { $submitted->source = 'text'; $submitted->data = $submission->data1; } break; case 'uploadsingle' : case 'upload' : { $submitted->source = 'files'; $submitted->data = "{$assignment->course}/moddata/assignment/{$assignment->id}/{$submission->userid}"; } break; case 'offline' : continue; // cannot index, no content in Moodle !! } } if (empty($submitted)) continue; // ignoring if ($submitted->source = 'text'){ $submission->description = $submitted->data; $submission->description = preg_replace("/<[^>]*>/", '', $submission->description); // stip all tags $documents[] = new AssignmentSearchDocument(get_object_vars($submission), $cm->id, 'submission', $assignment->course, $submission->userid, $context->id); mtrace("finished online submission for {$submission->authors} in assignement {$assignment->name}"); } elseif ($submitted->source = 'files'){ $SUBMITTED = opendir($submitted->path); while($entry = readdir($SUBMITTED)){ if (ereg("^\.", $entry)) continue; // exclude hidden and dirs . and .. $path = "{$submitted->path}/{$entry}"; $documents[] = assignment_get_physical_file($submission, $assignment, $cm, $path, $context_id, $documents); mtrace("finished attachement $path for {$submission->authors} in assignement {$assignment->name}"); } closedir($submission->path); } } } mtrace("finished assignment {$assignment->name}"); return $documents; } return array(); } /** * get text from a physical file in an assignment submission * @param object $submission a submission for which to fetch some representative text * @param object $assignment the relevant assignment as a context * @param object $cm the corresponding coursemodule * @param string $path a file from which to fetch some representative text * @param int $contextid the moodle context if needed * @param documents the array of documents, by ref, where to add the new document. * @return a search document when unique or false. */ function assignment_get_physical_file(&$submission, &$assignment, &$cm, $path, $context_id, &$documents = null){ global $CFG; $fileparts = pathinfo($path); // cannot index unknown or masked types if (empty($fileparts['extension'])) { mtrace("Cannot index without explicit extension."); return false; } $ext = strtolower($fileparts['extension']); // cannot index unallowed or unhandled types if (!preg_match("/\b$ext\b/i", $CFG->block_search_filetypes)) { mtrace($fileparts['extension'] . ' is not an allowed extension for indexing'); return false; } if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.'/search/documents/physical_'.$ext.'.php')){ include_once($CFG->dirroot.'/search/documents/physical_'.$ext.'.php'); $function_name = 'get_text_for_indexing_'.$ext; $submission->description = $function_name(null, $path); // get authors $user = get_record('user', 'id', $submission->userid); $submission->authors = fullname($user); // we need a real id on file $submission->id = "{$submission->id}/{$path}"; if (!empty($submission->description)){ if ($getsingle){ $single = new AssignmentSearchDocument(get_object_vars($submission), $cm->id, 'submitted', $assignment->course, $submission->userid, $context_id); mtrace("finished submission file from {$submission->authors}"); return $single; } else { $documents[] = new AssignmentSearchDocument(get_object_vars($submission), $cm->id, 'submitted', $assignment->course, $submission->userid, $context_id); } mtrace("finished submission file from {$submission->authors}"); } } else { mtrace("fulltext handler not found for $ext type"); } return false; } /** * returns a single data search document based on an assignment * @param string $id the id of the searchable item * @param string $itemtype the type of information */ function assignment_single_document($id, $itemtype) { if ($itemtype == 'requirement'){ if (!$assignment = get_record('assignment', 'id', $id)){ return null; } } elseif ($itemtype == 'submission') { if ($submission = get_record('assignment_submissions', 'id', $id)){ $assignment = get_record('assignment', 'id', $submission->assignment); } else { return null; } } $course = get_record('course', 'id', $assignment->course); $coursemodule = get_field('modules', 'id', 'name', 'assignment'); $cm = get_record('course_modules', 'course', $course->id, 'module', $coursemodule, 'instance', $assignment->id); if ($cm){ $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); // should be only one if ($itemtype == 'description'){ $document = new AssignmentSearchDocument(get_object_vars($assignment), $cm->id, 'description', $assignment->course, null, $context->id); return $document; } if ($itemtype == 'submittted'){ $document = new AssignmentSearchDocument(get_object_vars($submission), $cm->id, 'submitted', $assignment->course, null, $context->id); return $document; } } return null; } /** * dummy delete function that packs id with itemtype. * this was here for a reason, but I can't remember it at the moment. * */ function assignment_delete($info, $itemtype) { $object->id = $info; $object->itemtype = $itemtype; return $object; } /** * returns the var names needed to build a sql query for addition/deletions * // TODO chat indexable records are virtual. Should proceed in a special way */ function assignment_db_names() { //[primary id], [table name], [time created field name], [time modified field name] return array( array('id', 'assignment', 'timemodified', 'timemodified', 'description'), array('id', 'assignment_submissions', 'timecreated', 'timemodified', 'submitted') ); } /** * this function handles the access policy to contents indexed as searchable documents. If this * function does not exist, the search engine assumes access is allowed. * When this point is reached, we already know that : * - user is legitimate in the surrounding context * - user may be guest and guest access is allowed to the module * - the function may perform local checks within the module information logic * @param path the access path to the module script code * @param itemtype the information subclassing (usefull for complex modules, defaults to 'standard') * @param this_id the item id within the information class denoted by entry_type. In chats, this id * points out a session history which is a close sequence of messages. * @param user the user record denoting the user who searches * @param group_id the current group used by the user when searching * @uses CFG * @return true if access is allowed, false elsewhere */ function assignment_check_text_access($path, $itemtype, $this_id, $user, $group_id, $context_id){ global $CFG, $USER; include_once("{$CFG->dirroot}/{$path}/lib.php"); // get the chat session and all related stuff if ($itemtype == 'description'){ $assignment = get_record('assignment', 'id', $this_id); } elseif ($itemtype == 'submitted'){ $submission = get_record('assignment_submissions', 'id', $this_id); $assignment = get_record('assignment', 'id', $submission->assignment); } $context = get_record('context', 'id', $context_id); $cm = get_record('course_modules', 'id', $context->instanceid); if (!$cm->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', $context)){ if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) echo "search reject : hidden assignment "; return false; } /* group consistency check : checks the following situations about groups // trap if user is not same group and groups are separated $current_group = get_current_group($course->id); $course = get_record('course', 'id', $assignment->course); if ((groupmode($course, $cm) == SEPARATEGROUPS) && !ismember($group_id) && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)){ if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) echo "search reject : assignment element is in separated group "; return false; } */ //user ownership check : // trap if user is not owner of the resource and the ressource is a submission/attachement if ($itemtype == 'submitted' && $USER->id != $submission->userid && !has_capability('mod/assignment:view', $context)){ if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) echo "search reject : i'm not owner of this assignment "; return false; } //date check : no submission may be viewed before timedue if ($itemtype == 'submitted' && $assignment->timedue < time()){ if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) echo "search reject : cannot read submissions before end of assignment "; return false; } //ownership check : checks the following situations about user // trap if user is not owner and cannot see other's entries // TODO : typically may be stored into indexing cache if (!has_capability('mod/assignment:view', $context)){ if (!empty($CFG->search_access_debug)) echo "search reject : cannot read past sessions "; return false; } return true; } /** * this call back is called when displaying the link for some last post processing * */ function assignment_link_post_processing($title){ if (!function_exists('search_assignment_getstring')){ function search_assignment_getstring($matches){ return get_string($matches[1], 'assignment'); } } $title = preg_replace_callback('/^(description|submitted)/', 'search_assignment_getstring', $title); return mb_convert_encoding($title, 'auto', 'UTF-8'); } ?>