CLI_VAL_REQ, 'webaddr' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'moodledir' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'datadir' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'dbtype' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'dbhost' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'dbname' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'dbuser' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'dbpass' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'prefix' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'agreelicense' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'confirmrelease' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'sitefullname' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'siteshortname' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'sitesummary' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'sitenewsitems' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'adminfirstname' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'adminlastname' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'adminusername' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'adminpassword' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'adminemail' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'verbose' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'interactivelevel' =>CLI_VAL_REQ, 'help' =>CLI_VAL_OPT); //Initialize the intall array $INSTALL=array(); $SESSION->lang = $DEFAULT['lang']; $CFG->dirroot = $DEFAULT['dirroot']; $CFG->libdir = $DEFAULT['dirroot'].'/lib'; $CFG->dataroot = $DEFAULT['dataroot']; $CFG->admin = $DEFAULT['admindirname']; $CFG->directorypermissions = 00777; $CFG->running_installer = true; $COURSE->id = 0; // include standard Moodle libraries require_once($CFG->libdir.'/installlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/clilib.php'); //cli-library require_once($CFG->libdir.'/setuplib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/moodlelib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/weblib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/environmentlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/componentlib.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/version.php'); error('TODO fix CLI installer'); //TODO: fix cli installer /// Set default values - things that require the libraries $DEFAULT['adminfirstname'] = get_string('admin'); $DEFAULT['adminlastname'] = get_string('user'); /// Set version and release $INSTALL['version'] = $version; $INSTALL['release'] = $release; //========================================================================================// //Command line option processing// //fetch arguments $args = Console_Getopt::readPHPArgv(); //checking errors for argument fetching if (PEAR::isError($args)) { console_write(STDOUT,'pearargerror','install'); die(); } //short options $short_opts = ''; //long options $long_opts = create_long_options($LONG_OPTIONS); //get the argumets to options array if ( realpath($_SERVER['argv'][0]) == __FILE__ && count($args)>1) { $console_opt = Console_Getopt::getOpt($args,$short_opts,$long_opts); } else { $console_opt = Console_Getopt::getOpt($args,$short_opts,$long_opts); } //detect erros in the options if (PEAR::isError($console_opt)) { console_write(STDOUT,'invalidargumenthelp'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); die(); } //Get the option values to an array of option keys and values $options=get_options($console_opt); // if user want help print the help without validating option values if (is_array($options)) { if(array_key_exists('help',$options)){ console_write(STDOUT,'usagehelp'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); die ; } } //check for validity of options and exit if errors found validate_option_values($options); // insert options array options into INSTALL array foreach ( $options as $key=>$value) { //map input argument value to INSTALL array values, Argument names kept bcoz they make sense!!! if ( $key == 'moodledir') { $key='dirroot'; } else if ($key == 'webaddr'){ $key='wwwroot'; } else if ($key == 'datadir') { $key = 'dataroot'; } $INSTALL[$key]=$value; } // if verbose is not set at commandline assume default values if (!isset($INSTALL['verbose'])) { $INSTALL['verbose']=$DEFAULT['verbose']; } //if interactive level is not set at commandline assume default value if (!isset($INSTALL['interactivelevel'])) { $INSTALL['interactivelevel'] = $DEFAULT['interactivelevel']; } // set references for interactive level and verbose install array $interactive = &$INSTALL['interactivelevel']; $verbose = &$INSTALL['verbose']; if (!file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php')) { $configfile = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php'; //welcome message if ($verbose > CLI_NO) { console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'welcometext','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); } //============================================================================// //Language selection for the installation if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['lang'])) ) ) { $langs=get_installer_list_of_languages(); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'selectlanguage','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'availablelangs','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); //output available languages foreach ( $langs as $language ) { console_write(STDOUT,"\t",'',false); console_write(STDOUT,$language,'',false); console_write(STDOUT,"\n",'',false); } console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'yourchoice','install'); $short_code_langs = get_short_codes($langs); $INSTALL['lang']=read_element($short_code_langs); $SESSION->lang = $INSTALL['lang']; } //==============================================================================// //Checking PHP settings $silent=false; if ($verbose == CLI_NO) { $silent=true; }else{ console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'checkingphpsettings','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); } /// Check that PHP is of a sufficient version check_compatibility(inst_check_php_version(), get_string('phpversion', 'install'), get_string('php52versionerror', 'install'),false,$silent); /// Check session auto start check_compatibility(!ini_get_bool('session.auto_start'), get_string('sessionautostart', 'install'), get_string('sessionautostarterror', 'install'),false,$silent); /// Check magic quotes check_compatibility(!ini_get_bool('magic_quotes_runtime'), get_string('magicquotesruntime', 'install'), get_string('magicquotesruntimeerror', 'install'),false,$silent); /// Check unsupported PHP configuration check_compatibility(ini_get_bool('magic_quotes_gpc') || (!ini_get_bool('register_globals')), get_string('globalsquotes', 'install'), get_string('globalsquoteserror', 'install'),false,$silent); /// Check safe mode check_compatibility(!ini_get_bool('safe_mode'), get_string('safemode', 'install'), get_string('safemodeerror', 'install'), true,$silent); /// Check file uploads check_compatibility(ini_get_bool('file_uploads'), get_string('fileuploads', 'install'), get_string('fileuploadserror', 'install'), true,$silent); /// Check GD version check_compatibility(check_gd_version(), get_string('gdversion', 'install'), get_string('gdversionerror', 'install'), true,$silent); /// Check memory limit check_compatibility(check_memory_limit(), get_string('memorylimit', 'install'), get_string('memorylimiterror', 'install'), true,$silent); //================================================================================// // Moodle directories and web address if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dirroot']) || !isset($INSTALL['wwwroot']) || !isset($INSTALL['dataroot']) ) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'locationanddirectories','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); } //input the web directory if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dirroot'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'inputwebdirectory','install'); //if directories validation lib is found change this to read_dir() and //edit read_dir() in lib/installlib.php to point to validation code $INSTALL['dirroot']=read(); } //input the web adress if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['wwwroot'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'inputwebadress','install'); $INSTALL['wwwroot']=read_url(); } //input data directory if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dataroot'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'inputdatadirectory','install'); //if directories validation lib is found change this to read_dir() and //edit read_dir() in lib/installlib.php to point to validation code $INSTALL['dataroot']=read(); } /// check wwwroot if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && false) { /// This was not reliable if (($fh = @fopen($INSTALL['wwwroot'].'/admin/cliupgrade.php', 'r')) === false) { console_write(STDERR,get_string('wwwrooterror'),'install',false); } } if (isset($fh)) fclose($fh); /// check dirroot if (($fh = @fopen($INSTALL['dirroot'].'/admin/cliupgrade.php', 'r')) === false ) { console_write(STDERR,get_string('dirrooterror'),'install',false); } if (isset($fh)) fclose($fh); /// check dataroot $CFG->dataroot = $INSTALL['dataroot']; if (make_upload_directory('sessions', false) === false ) { console_write(STDERR,get_string('datarooterror'),'install',false); } //================================================================================// // Database settings Moodle database // Database section heading if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dbhost']) || !isset($INSTALL['dbname']) || !isset($INSTALL['dbtype']) || !isset($INSTALL['dbuser']) || !isset($INSTALL['dbpass']) || !isset($INSTALL['prefix']) ) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'databasesettingsformoodle','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); } //Input dialogs if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dbhost']) ))) { console_write(STDOUT,'databasehost','install'); $INSTALL['dbhost']=read(); // localhost } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dbname']) ))) { console_write(STDOUT,'databasename','install'); $INSTALL['dbname']=read(); //'moodletest3'; } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dbtype']) ))) { $dbtypes=array('mysql','oci8po','postgres7','mssql','mssql_n','odbc_mssql'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'availabledbtypes','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); foreach ($dbtypes as $dbtype) { console_write(STDOUT,"\t",'',false); console_write(STDOUT,$dbtype,'install'); console_write(STDOUT,"\n",'',false); } console_write(STDOUT,'yourchoice','install'); $INSTALL['dbtype']=read_element($dbtypes);//'mysql';// } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dbuser']) ))) { console_write(STDOUT,'databaseuser','install'); $INSTALL['dbuser']=read();//'root'; } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['dbpass']) ))) { console_write(STDOUT,'databasepass','install'); $INSTALL['dbpass']=read();//''; } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['prefix']) ))) { console_write(STDOUT,'tableprefix','install'); $INSTALL['prefix']=read();//'mdl_';// } // Running validation tests /// different format for postgres7 by socket if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'postgres7' and ($INSTALL['dbhost'] == 'localhost' || $INSTALL['dbhost'] == '')) { $INSTALL['dbhost'] = "user='{$INSTALL['dbuser']}' password='{$INSTALL['dbpass']}' dbname='{$INSTALL['dbname']}'"; $INSTALL['dbuser'] = ''; $INSTALL['dbpass'] = ''; $INSTALL['dbname'] = ''; if ($INSTALL['prefix'] == '') { /// must have a prefix $INSTALL['prefix'] = 'mdl_'; } } if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'mysql') { /// Check MySQL extension is present if (!extension_loaded('mysql')) { $errormsg = get_string('mysqlextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install'); } } if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'postgres7') { /// Check PostgreSQL extension is present if (!extension_loaded('pgsql')) { $errormsg = get_string('pgsqlextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install'); } } if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'mssql') { /// Check MSSQL extension is present if (!function_exists('mssql_connect')) { $errormsg = get_string('mssqlextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install'); } } if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'mssql_n') { /// Check MSSQL extension is present if (!function_exists('mssql_connect')) { $errormsg = get_string('mssqlextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install'); } } if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'odbc_mssql') { /// Check ODBC extension is present if (!extension_loaded('odbc')) { $errormsg = get_string('odbcextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install'); } } if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'oci8po') { /// Check OCI extension is present if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) { $errormsg = get_string('ociextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install'); } } if (empty($INSTALL['prefix']) && $INSTALL['dbtype'] != 'mysql') { // All DBs but MySQL require prefix (reserv. words) $errormsg = get_string('dbwrongprefix', 'install'); } if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'oci8po' && strlen($INSTALL['prefix']) > 2) { // Oracle max prefix = 2cc (30cc limit) $errormsg = get_string('dbwrongprefix', 'install'); } if ($INSTALL['dbtype'] == 'oci8po' && !empty($INSTALL['dbhost'])) { // Oracle host must be blank (tnsnames.ora has it) $errormsg = get_string('dbwronghostserver', 'install'); } if (empty($errormsg)) { error_reporting(0); // Hide errors if (! $dbconnected = $DB->connect($INSTALL['dbhost'], $INSTALL['dbuser'], $INSTALL['dbpass'], $INSTALL['dbname'], false, $INSTALL['prefix'])) { if (!$DB->create_database($INSTALL['dbhost'], $INSTALL['dbuser'], $INSTALL['dbpass'], $INSTALL['dbname'])) { $errormsg = get_string('dbcreationerror', 'install'); $nextstage = DATABASE; } else { $dbconnected = $DB->connect($INSTALL['dbhost'], $INSTALL['dbuser'], $INSTALL['dbpass'], $INSTALL['dbname'], false, $INSTALL['prefix']); } } else { // TODO: db encoding checks ?? } } // check for errors in db section if (isset($errormsg)) { console_write(STDERR,$errormsg,'',false); } //==========================================================================// // Check the environment //check connection to database if ($dbconnected) { /// Execute environment check, printing results if (!check_moodle_environment($INSTALL['release'], $environment_results, false)) { $errormsg = get_string('errorsinenvironment', 'install') . "\n"; } } else { /// We never should reach this because DB has been tested before arriving here $errormsg = get_string('dbconnectionerror', 'install'); } // check for errors in environment if (isset($errormsg)) { console_write(STDERR,$errormsg,'',false); } // Print Environment Status if ($verbose > CLI_NO) { print_environment_status($environment_results); } //==============================================================================// //download the language pack if it doesn't exist if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['downloadlangaugepack']) ))) { $site_langs=get_list_of_languages(); if (!key_exists($INSTALL['lang'],$site_langs)) { console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT,'downloadlanguagepack','install'); $download_lang_pack=read_yes_no(); if($download_lang_pack == 'yes'){ $downloadsuccess = false; /// Create necessary lang dir if (!make_upload_directory('lang', false)) { console_write(STDERR,get_string('cannotcreatelangdir','error'),false); } /// Download and install component if (($cd = new component_installer('', 'lang16', $INSTALL['lang'].'.zip', 'languages.md5', 'lang')) && empty($errormsg)) { $status = $cd->install(); //returns ERROR | UPTODATE | INSTALLED switch ($status) { case ERROR: if ($cd->get_error() == 'remotedownloadnotallowed') { $a = new stdClass(); $a->url = ''.$pack.'.zip'; $a->dest= $CFG->dataroot.'/lang'; console_write(STDOUT,get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error', $a),false); } else { $downloaderror = get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error'); console_write(STDOUT,get_string($cd->get_error(), 'error'),false); } break; case UPTODATE: case INSTALLED: $downloadsuccess = true; break; default: //We shouldn't reach this point } } else { //We shouldn't reach this point } } } } if ( $verbose > CLI_NO && !empty($downloadsuccess)) { //print success message if language pack download is successful console_write(STDOUT,'downloadsuccess'); print_newline(); } $CONFFILE = array(); //==================================================================================// //set INSTALL array values to CONFFILE array foreach ($INSTALL as $key => $value) { $CONFFILE[$key] = $value; } //==================================================================================// //if any value is not set, set default values foreach ($DEFAULT as $key => $value){ if (!isset($INSTALL[$key])){ $CONFFILE[$key]=$value; } } //==================================================================================// //create configuration file depending on the previous settings if ($verbose > CLI_NO) { console_write(STDOUT,'creatingconfigfile','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); } $str = 'export_dbconfig($CONFFILE['dbhost'], $CONFFILE['dbuser'], $CONFFILE['dbpass'], $CONFFILE['dbname'], false, $CONFFILE['prefix']); foreach ($dbconfig as $key=>$value) { $key = str_pad($key, 9); $str .= '$CFG->'.$key.' = '.var_export($value, true).";\r\n"; } $str .= "\r\n"; $str .= '$CFG->wwwroot = '.var_export($CONFFILE['wwwrootform'], true).";\r\n"; $str .= '$CFG->dirroot = '.var_export($CONFFILE['dirrootform'], true).";\r\n"; $str .= '$CFG->dataroot = '.var_export($CONFFILE['dataroot'], true).";\r\n"; $str .= '$CFG->admin = '.var_export($CONFFILE['admindirname'], true).";\r\n"; $str .= "\r\n"; $str .= '$CFG->directorypermissions = 00777; // try 02777 on a server in Safe Mode'."\r\n"; $str .= "\r\n"; $str .= 'require_once("$CFG->dirroot/lib/setup.php");'."\r\n"; $str .= '// MAKE SURE WHEN YOU EDIT THIS FILE THAT THERE ARE NO SPACES, BLANK LINES,'."\r\n"; $str .= '// RETURNS, OR ANYTHING ELSE AFTER THE TWO CHARACTERS ON THE NEXT LINE.'."\r\n"; $str .= '?>'; umask(0133); //save the configuration file if (( $configsuccess = ($fh = @fopen($configfile, 'w')) ) !== false) { fwrite($fh, $str); fclose($fh); if ($verbose > CLI_NO) { console_write(STDOUT,'configfilecreated','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); } } else { console_write(STDOUT,'configfilenotwritten','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); console_write(STDERR, $str, '', false); } if ( $verbose ) { console_write(STDOUT,'installationiscomplete','install'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); } } if ( file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php')) { // This is what happens if there is no upgrade.... //console_write(STDERR,'configurationfileexist','install'); //console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); //die; // If the configuration file does not exists exit, this should never occur !! if (!file_exists(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php')) { console_write(STDERR,'configfiledoesnotexist','install'); } /// Check that PHP is of a sufficient version /// Moved here because older versions do not allow while(@ob_end_clean()); if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.0") < 0) { $phpversion = phpversion(); console_write(STDERR,"Sorry, Moodle requires PHP 5.2.0 or later (currently using version $phpversion)",'',false); } /// Turn off time limits and try to flush everything all the time, sometimes upgrades can be slow. @set_time_limit(0); @ob_implicit_flush(true); //check with someone who know? that does this do? // while(@ob_end_clean()); // ob_end_flush prevents sending of headers //unset(); require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); // Contains various admin-only functions /** * @todo check upgrade status, if upgrader is running already, notify user and exit. * existing thing might work for this with some modifications * */ ///check PHP Settings if (ini_get_bool('session.auto_start')) { console_write(STDERR,"The PHP server variable 'session.auto_start' should be Off ",'',false); } if (ini_get_bool('magic_quotes_runtime')) { console_write(STDERR,"The PHP server variable 'magic_quotes_runtime' should be Off ",'',false); } if (!ini_get_bool('file_uploads')) { console_write(STDERR,"The PHP server variable 'file_uploads' is not turned On" ,'',false); } /// Check that config.php has been edited if ($CFG->wwwroot == "") { console_write(STDERR,"Moodle has not been configured yet. You need to edit config.php first.",'',false); } /// Check settings in config.php $dirroot = dirname(realpath("../index.php")); if (!empty($dirroot) and $dirroot != $CFG->dirroot) { console_write(STDERR,"Please fix your settings in config.php: \nYou have: \n\$CFG->dirroot = \"".addslashes($CFG->dirroot)."\"; \nbut it should be: \n\$CFG->dirroot = \"".addslashes($dirroot)."\";",'',false); } /// Set some necessary variables during set-up to avoid PHP warnings later on this page if (!isset($CFG->release)) { $CFG->release = ""; } if (!isset($CFG->version)) { $CFG->version = ""; } if (is_readable("$CFG->dirroot/version.php")) { include_once("$CFG->dirroot/version.php"); # defines $version } if (!$version or !$release) { console_write(STDERR,'Main version.php was not readable or specified','',false);# without version, stop } if ( $verbose == CLI_NO ) { $DB->set_debug(false); } else if ( $verbose == CLI_FULL ) { $DB->set_debug (true); } /// Check if the main tables have been installed yet or not. if (!$tables = $DB->get_tables() ) { // No tables yet at all. $maintables = false; } else { // Check for missing main tables $maintables = true; $mtables = array("config", "course", "course_categories", "course_modules", "course_sections", "log", "log_display", "modules", "user"); foreach ($mtables as $mtable) { if (!in_array($mtable, $tables)) { $maintables = false; break; } } } if (! $maintables) { /// hide errors from headers in case debug enabled in config.php $origdebug = $CFG->debug; $CFG->debug = DEBUG_MINIMAL; error_reporting($CFG->debug); if ( $interactive == CLI_FULL || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && (!isset($INSTALL['agreelicense']) || empty($INSTALL['agreelicense']))) ) { //Print copyright notice and ask to continue console_write(STDOUT,get_string('copyrightnotice'),'',false); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,get_string('gpl'),'',false); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,'doyouagree','install',true); $agreelicense = read_boolean(); } if ( !isset($agreelicense)) { $agreelicense = $DEFAULT['agreelicense']; } if (!$agreelicense) { console_write(STDERR,'disagreelicense'); } if ( $interactive == CLI_FULL || ( $interactive == CLI_SEMI && (!isset($INSTALL['confirmrelease']) || empty($INSTALL['confirmrelease'])))) { console_write(STDOUT,get_string("currentrelease"),'',false); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,"Moodle $release",'',false); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,'askcontinue'); $confirmrelease = read_boolean(); } if (!isset($confirmrelease)) { $confirmrelease = $DEFAULT['confirmrelease']; } if (!$confirmrelease) { console_write(STDERR,'versionerror'); } $autopilot = 1 ; $strdatabasesetup = get_string("databasesetup"); $strdatabasesuccess = get_string("databasesuccess"); // print_header($strdatabasesetup, $strdatabasesetup, $strdatabasesetup, // "", upgrade_get_javascript(), false, " ", " "); /// return to original debugging level $CFG->debug = $origdebug; error_reporting($CFG->debug); upgrade_log_start(); /// Both old .sql files and new install.xml are supported /// But we prioritise install.xml (XMLDB) if present if (!$DB->setup_is_unicodedb()) { if (!$DB->change_db_encoding()) { // If could not convert successfully, throw error, and prevent installation console_write(STDERR,'unicoderequired', 'admin'); } } $DB->get_manager()->install_from_xmldb_file("$CFG->libdir/db/install.xml"); //New method // all new installs are in unicode - keep for backwards compatibility and 1.8 upgrade checks set_config('unicodedb', 1); /// Continue with the instalation // Install the roles system. moodle_install_roles(); // Write default settings unconditionally (i.e. even if a setting is already set, overwrite it) // (this should only have any effect during initial install). $adminroot = admin_get_root(); $adminroot->prune('backups'); // backup settings table not created yet admin_apply_default_settings($adminroot); /// This is used to handle any settings that must exist in $CFG but which do not exist in /// admin_get_root()/$ADMIN as admin_setting objects (there are some exceptions). apply_default_exception_settings(array('alternateloginurl' => '', 'auth' => 'email', 'auth_pop3mailbox' => 'INBOX', 'changepassword' => '', 'enrol' => 'manual', 'enrol_plugins_enabled' => 'manual', 'guestloginbutton' => 1, 'registerauth' => 'email', 'style' => 'default', 'template' => 'default', 'theme' => 'standardwhite', 'filter_multilang_converted' => 1)); notify($strdatabasesuccess, "green"); require_once $CFG->dirroot.'/mnet/lib.php'; } /// Check version of Moodle code on disk compared with database /// and upgrade if possible. if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/lib/db/upgrade.php")) { include_once("$CFG->dirroot/lib/db/upgrade.php"); # defines new upgrades } $stradministration = get_string("administration"); if ($CFG->version) { if ($version > $CFG->version) { // upgrade /// If the database is not already Unicode then we do not allow upgrading! /// Instead, we print an error telling them to upgrade to 1.7 first. MDL-6857 if (empty($CFG->unicodedb)) { console_write(STDERR,'unicodeupgradeerror', 'error'); } $a->oldversion = "$CFG->release ($CFG->version)"; $a->newversion = "$release ($version)"; $strdatabasechecking = get_string("databasechecking", "", $a); // hide errors from headers in case debug is enabled $origdebug = $CFG->debug; $CFG->debug = DEBUG_MINIMAL; error_reporting($CFG->debug); // logout in case we are upgrading from pre 1.7 version - prevention of weird session problems if ($CFG->version < 2006050600) { require_logout(); } if (empty($confirmupgrade)) { if ( $interactive == CLI_FULL || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && !isset($INSTALL['confirmupgrade']))) { print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,$strdatabasechecking,'',false); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,'askcontinue'); $confirmupgrade = read_boolean(); } } if (empty($confirmrelease)) { if ( $interactive == CLI_FULL || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && !isset($INSTALL['confirmrelease']))) { $strcurrentrelease = get_string("currentrelease"); console_write(STDOUT,$strcurrentrelease,'',false); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,"Moodle $release",'',false); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,get_string('releasenoteslink', 'install', ''),'',false); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,'askcontinue'); $confirmrelease = read_boolean(); } require_once($CFG->libdir.'/environmentlib.php'); console_write(STDOUT,'environment', 'admin'); if (!check_moodle_environment($release, $environment_results, false)) { // Print Environment Status if ($verbose > CLI_NO) { print_newline(); print_environment_status_detailed($environment_results); print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,'environmenterrorupgrade', 'admin'); } if(!read_boolean()){ console_write(STDERR,'','',false); } } else { if ( $interactive == CLI_FULL || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && !isset($INSTALL['autopilot']))) { console_write(STDOUT,'environmentok', 'admin'); console_write(STDOUT,'unattendedoperation','admin'); $autopilot = read_boolean(); } } } $strdatabasesuccess = get_string("databasesuccess"); /// return to original debugging level $CFG->debug = $origdebug; error_reporting($CFG->debug); upgrade_log_start(); /// Upgrade current language pack if we can upgrade_language_pack(); if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { console_write(STDOUT,$strdatabasechecking,'',false); } /// Launch the old main upgrade (if exists) $status = true; if (function_exists('main_upgrade')) { $status = main_upgrade($CFG->version); } /// If succesful and exists launch the new main upgrade (XMLDB), called xmldb_main_upgrade if ($status && function_exists('xmldb_main_upgrade')) { $status = xmldb_main_upgrade($CFG->version); } /// If successful, continue upgrading roles and setting everything properly if ($status) { if (!update_capabilities()) { console_write(STDERR,'Had trouble upgrading the core capabilities for the Roles System','',false); } if (set_config("version", $version)) { remove_dir($CFG->dataroot . '/cache', true); // flush cache notify($strdatabasesuccess, "green"); /// print_continue("upgradesettings.php"); } else { console_write(STDERR,'Upgrade failed! (Could not update version in config table)','',false); } /// Main upgrade not success } else { console_write(STDERR,'Main Upgrade failed! See lib/db/upgrade.php','',false); } upgrade_log_finish(); } else if ($version < $CFG->version) { upgrade_log_start(); notify("WARNING!!! The code you are using is OLDER than the version that made these databases!"); upgrade_log_finish(); } } else { if (!set_config("version", $version)) { console_write(STDERR,"A problem occurred inserting current version into databases",'',false); } } /// Find and check all main modules and load them up or upgrade them if necessary /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingactivitymodule','install'),'',1); } upgrade_activity_modules('');// Don't return anywhere /// Check all questiontype plugins and upgrade if necessary /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script /// It is important that this is done AFTER the quiz module has been upgraded if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingqtypeplugin','install'),'',1); } upgrade_plugins('qtype', 'question/type', ''); // Don't return anywhere /// Upgrade backup/restore system if necessary /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script require_once("$CFG->dirroot/backup/lib.php"); if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingbackupdb','install'),'',1); } upgrade_backup_db(''); // Don't return anywhere /// Upgrade blocks system if necessary /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script require_once("$CFG->dirroot/lib/blocklib.php"); if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingblocksdb','install'),'',1); } upgrade_blocks_db(''); // Don't return anywhere /// Check all blocks and load (or upgrade them if necessary) /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingblocksplugin','install'),'',1); } upgrade_blocks_plugins(''); // Don't return anywhere /// Check all enrolment plugins and upgrade if necessary /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingenrolplugin','install'),'',1); } upgrade_plugins('enrol', 'enrol', ''); // Don't return anywhere /// Check all course formats and upgrade if necessary if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingcourseformatplugin','install'),'',1); } upgrade_plugins('format','course/format',''); // Don't return anywhere /// Check for local database customisations /// first old *.php update and then the new upgrade.php script require_once("$CFG->dirroot/lib/locallib.php"); if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradinglocaldb','install'),'',1); } upgrade_local_db(''); // Don't return anywhere /// Check for changes to RPC functions require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/admin/mnet/adminlib.php'); if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingrpcfunctions','install'),'',1); } upgrade_RPC_functions(''); // Don't return anywhere /// Upgrade all plugins for gradebook if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradinggradeexportplugin','install'),'',1); } upgrade_plugins('gradeexport', 'grade/export', ''); // Don't return anywhere if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradinggradeimportplugin','install'),'',1); } upgrade_plugins('gradeimport', 'grade/import', ''); // Don't return anywhere if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradinggradereportplugin','install'),'',1); } upgrade_plugins('gradereport', 'grade/report', ''); // Don't return anywhere /// Check all message output plugins and upgrade if necessary if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_heading(get_string('upgradingmessageoutputpluggin','install'),'',1); } upgrade_plugins('message','message/output',''); // Don't return anywhere /// just make sure upgrade logging is properly terminated upgrade_log_finish(); unset($SESSION->installautopilot); /// Set up the site if (! $site = get_site()) { // We are about to create the site "course" require_once($CFG->libdir.'/blocklib.php'); if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( (!isset($INSTALL['sitefullname'])) || (!isset($INSTALL['siteshortname'])) || (!isset($INSTALL['sitesummary'])) || (!isset($INSTALL['sitenewsitems'])) )) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'siteinfo'); print_newline(); } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['sitefullname'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'sitefullname'); $sitefullname = read(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['sitefullname'])) { $sitefullname = $INSTALL['sitefullname']; } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['siteshortname'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'siteshortname'); $siteshortname = read(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['siteshortname'])) { $siteshortname = $INSTALL['siteshortname']; } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['sitesummary'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'sitesummary'); $sitesummary =read(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['sitesummary'])) { $sitesummary = $INSTALL['sitesummary']; } if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['sitenewsitems'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'sitenewsitems'); $sitenewsitems = read_int(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['sitenewsitems'])) { $sitenewsitems = $INSTALL['sitenewsitems']; } if (!isset($sitefullname)) { $sitefullname = $DEFAULT['sitefullname']; } if (!isset($siteshortname)) { $siteshortname = $DEFAULT['siteshortname']; } if (!isset($sitesummary)) { $sitesummary = $DEFAULT['sitesummary']; } if (!isset($sitenewsitems)) { $sitenewsitems = $DEFAULT['sitenewsitems']; } $newsite = new Object(); $newsite->fullname = $sitefullname; $newsite->shortname = $siteshortname; $newsite->summary = $sitesummary; $newsite->newsitems = $sitenewsitems; $newsite->numsections = 0; $newsite->category = 0; $newsite->format = 'site'; // Only for this course $newsite->teacher = get_string("defaultcourseteacher"); $newsite->teachers = get_string("defaultcourseteachers"); $newsite->student = get_string("defaultcoursestudent"); $newsite->students = get_string("defaultcoursestudents"); $newsite->timemodified = time(); if ($newid = $DB->insert_record('course', $newsite)) { // Site created, add blocks for it $page = page_create_object(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $newid); blocks_repopulate_page($page); // Return value not checked because you can always edit later // create default course category $cat = get_course_category(); } else { print_error('cannotsetupsite', 'error'); } } /// Define the unique site ID code if it isn't already if (empty($CFG->siteidentifier)) { // Unique site identification code set_config('siteidentifier', random_string(32).$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); } /// Check if the guest user exists. If not, create one. if (!$DB->record_exists("user", array("username"=>"guest"))) { if (! $guest = create_guest_record()) { notify("Could not create guest user record !!!"); } } /// Set up the admin user if (empty($CFG->rolesactive)) { // If full interactive or semi interactive with at least one option is not set print the admininfo message if ( ($interactive == CLI_FULL) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && (!isset($INSTALL['adminfirstname']) || !isset($INSTALL['adminlastname']) || !isset($INSTALL['adminusername']) || !isset($INSTALL['adminpassword']) || !isset($INSTALL['adminemail']) ))) { console_write(STDOUT,'admininfo'); print_newline(); } // Assign the first name if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['adminfirstname'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'adminfirstname'); $adminfirstname = read(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['adminfirstname'])) { $adminfirstname = $INSTALL['adminfirstname']; } // Assign the last name if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['adminlastname'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'adminlastname'); $adminlastname = read(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['adminlastname'])) { $adminlastname = $INSTALL['adminlastname']; } // Assign user name if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['adminusername'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'adminusername'); $adminusername = read(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['adminusername'])) { $adminusername = $INSTALL['adminusername']; } // Assign password if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['adminpassword'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'adminpassword'); $adminpassword = read(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['adminpassword'])) { $adminpassword = $INSTALL['adminpassword']; } // Assign email if ( ( $interactive == CLI_FULL ) || ($interactive == CLI_SEMI && ( !isset($INSTALL['adminemail'])) ) ) { console_write(STDOUT,'adminemail'); $adminemail = read(); } else if (isset($INSTALL['adminemail'])) { $adminemail = $INSTALL['adminemail']; } /// If values not set in above set all values to their defaults if (!isset($adminfirstname)) { $adminfirstname = $DEFAULT['adminfirstname']; } if (!isset($adminlastname)) { $adminlastname = $DEFAULT['adminlastname']; } if (!isset($adminusername)) { $adminusername = $DEFAULT['adminusername']; } if (!isset($adminpassword)) { $adminpassword = $DEFAULT['adminpassword']; } if (!isset($adminemail)) { $adminemail = $DEFAULT['adminemail']; } $user = new object(); $user->auth = 'manual'; $user->firstname = $adminfirstname; //get_string('admin'); $user->lastname = $adminlastname; //get_string('user'); $user->username = $adminusername; //'admin'; $user->password = hash_internal_user_password($adminpassword); // 'admin' $user->email = $adminemail; //'root@localhost'; $user->confirmed = 1; $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; $user->lang = $CFG->lang; $user->maildisplay = 1; $user->timemodified = time(); create_admin_user($user); } if ( $verbose > CLI_NO ) { print_newline(); console_write(STDOUT,'upgradingcompleted'); console_write(STDOUT, "\n", '', false); } } ?>