title = get_string('calendar', 'calendar'); $this->version = 2007101509; } function preferred_width() { return 210; } function get_content() { global $USER, $CFG, $SESSION; $cal_m = optional_param( 'cal_m', 0, PARAM_INT ); $cal_y = optional_param( 'cal_y', 0, PARAM_INT ); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/calendar/lib.php'); if ($this->content !== NULL) { return $this->content; } // Reset the session variables calendar_session_vars($this->page->course); $this->content = new stdClass; $this->content->text = ''; $this->content->footer = ''; // [pj] To me it looks like this if would never be needed, but Penny added it // when committing the /my/ stuff. Reminder to discuss and learn what it's about. // It definitely needs SOME comment here! $courseshown = $this->page->course->id; if ($courseshown == SITEID) { // Being displayed at site level. This will cause the filter to fall back to auto-detecting // the list of courses it will be grabbing events from. $filtercourse = NULL; $groupeventsfrom = NULL; $SESSION->cal_courses_shown = calendar_get_default_courses(true); calendar_set_referring_course(0); } else { //MDL-14693: fix calendar on resource page $courseshown = optional_param( 'id', $this->page->course->id, PARAM_INT ); // Forcibly filter events to include only those from the particular course we are in. $filtercourse = array($courseshown => $this->page->course); $groupeventsfrom = array($courseshown => 1); } // We 'll need this later calendar_set_referring_course($courseshown); // MDL-9059, set to show this course when admins go into a course, then unset it. if ($this->page->course->id != SITEID && !isset($SESSION->cal_courses_shown[$this->page->course->id]) && has_capability('moodle/calendar:manageentries', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { $courseset = true; $SESSION->cal_courses_shown[$this->page->course->id] = $this->page->course; } // Be VERY careful with the format for default courses arguments! // Correct formatting is [courseid] => 1 to be concise with moodlelib.php functions. calendar_set_filters($courses, $group, $user, $filtercourse, $groupeventsfrom, false); if ($courseshown == SITEID) { // For the front page $this->content->text .= calendar_overlib_html(); $this->content->text .= calendar_top_controls('frontpage', array('id' => $courseshown, 'm' => $cal_m, 'y' => $cal_y)); $this->content->text .= calendar_get_mini($courses, $group, $user, $cal_m, $cal_y); // No filters for now } else { // For any other course $this->content->text .= calendar_overlib_html(); $this->content->text .= calendar_top_controls('course', array('id' => $courseshown, 'm' => $cal_m, 'y' => $cal_y)); $this->content->text .= calendar_get_mini($courses, $group, $user, $cal_m, $cal_y); $this->content->text .= '