libdir.'/db/events.php'; } else if ($component == 'unittest') { $defpath = $CFG->libdir.'/simpletest/fixtures/events.php'; } else { $compparts = explode('/', $component); if ($compparts[0] == 'block') { // Blocks are an exception. Blocks directory is 'blocks', and not // 'block'. So we need to jump through hoops. $defpath = $CFG->dirroot.'/blocks/'.$compparts[1].'/db/events.php'; } else if ($compparts[0] == 'format') { // Similar to the above, course formats are 'format' while they // are stored in 'course/format'. $defpath = $CFG->dirroot.'/course/format/'.$compparts[1].'/db/events.php'; } else if ($compparts[0] == 'gradeimport') { $defpath = $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/import/'.$compparts[1].'/db/events.php'; } else if ($compparts[0] == 'gradeexport') { $defpath = $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/export/'.$compparts[1].'/db/events.php'; } else if ($compparts[0] == 'gradereport') { $defpath = $CFG->dirroot.'/grade/report/'.$compparts[1].'/db/events.php'; } else { $defpath = $CFG->dirroot.'/'.$component.'/db/events.php'; } } $handlers = array(); if (file_exists($defpath)) { require($defpath); } return $handlers; } /** * Gets the capabilities that have been cached in the database for this * component. * @param $component - examples: 'moodle', 'mod/forum', 'block/quiz_results' * @return array of events * * INTERNAL - to be used from eventslib only */ function events_get_cached($component) { $cachedhandlers = array(); if ($storedhandlers = get_records('events_handlers', 'handlermodule', $component)) { foreach ($storedhandlers as $handler) { $cachedhandlers[$handler->eventname] = array ( 'id' => $handler->id, 'handlerfile' => $handler->handlerfile, 'handlerfunction' => $handler->handlerfunction, 'schedule' => $handler->schedule); } } return $cachedhandlers; } /** * We can not removed all event handlers in table, then add them again * because event handlers could be referenced by queued items * * Note that the absence of the db/events.php event definition file * will cause any queued events for the component to be removed from * the database. * * @param $component - examples: 'moodle', 'mod/forum', 'block/quiz_results' * @return boolean */ function events_update_definition($component='moodle') { // load event definition from events.php $filehandlers = events_load_def($component); // load event definitions from db tables // if we detect an event being already stored, we discard from this array later // the remaining needs to be removed $cachedhandlers = events_get_cached($component); foreach ($filehandlers as $eventname => $filehandler) { if (!empty($cachedhandlers[$eventname])) { if ($cachedhandlers[$eventname]['handlerfile'] == $filehandler['handlerfile'] && $cachedhandlers[$eventname]['handlerfunction'] == serialize($filehandler['handlerfunction']) && $cachedhandlers[$eventname]['schedule'] == $filehandler['schedule']) { // exact same event handler already present in db, ignore this entry unset($cachedhandlers[$eventname]); continue; } else { // same event name matches, this event has been updated, update the datebase $handler = new object(); $handler->id = $cachedhandlers[$eventname]['id']; $handler->handlerfile = $filehandler['handlerfile']; $handler->handlerfunction = serialize($filehandler['handlerfunction']); // static class methods stored as array $handler->schedule = $filehandler['schedule']; update_record('events_handlers', $handler); unset($cachedhandlers[$eventname]); continue; } } else { // if we are here, this event handler is not present in db (new) // add it $handler = new object(); $handler->eventname = $eventname; $handler->handlermodule = $component; $handler->handlerfile = $filehandler['handlerfile']; $handler->handlerfunction = serialize($filehandler['handlerfunction']); // static class methods stored as array $handler->schedule = $filehandler['schedule']; insert_record('events_handlers', $handler); } } // clean up the left overs, the entries in cachedevents array at this points are deprecated event handlers // and should be removed, delete from db events_cleanup($component, $cachedhandlers); return true; } /** * Remove all event handlers and queued events * @param $component - examples: 'moodle', 'mod/forum', 'block/quiz_results' */ function events_uninstall($component) { $cachedhandlers = events_get_cached($component); events_cleanup($component, $cachedhandlers); } /** * Deletes cached events that are no longer needed by the component. * @param $component - examples: 'moodle', 'mod/forum', 'block/quiz_results' * @param $chachedevents - array of the cached events definitions that will be * @return int - number of deprecated capabilities that have been removed * * INTERNAL - to be used from eventslib only */ function events_cleanup($component, $cachedhandlers) { $deletecount = 0; foreach ($cachedhandlers as $eventname => $cachedhandler) { if ($qhandlers = get_records('events_queue_handlers', 'handlerid', $cachedhandler['id'])) { debugging("Removing pending events from queue before deleting of event handler: $component - $eventname"); foreach ($qhandlers as $qhandler) { events_dequeue($qhandler); } } if (delete_records('events_handlers', 'eventname', $eventname, 'handlermodule', $component)) { $deletecount++; } } return $deletecount; } /****************** End of Events handler Definition code *******************/ /** * puts a handler on queue * @param object handler - event handler object from db * @param object eventdata - event data object * @return id number of new queue handler * * INTERNAL - to be used from eventslib only */ function events_queue_handler($handler, $event, $errormessage) { if ($qhandler = get_record('events_queue_handlers', 'queuedeventid', $event->id, 'handlerid', $handler->id)) { debugging("Please check code: Event id $event->id is already queued in handler id $qhandler->id"); return $qhandler->id; } // make a new queue handler $qhandler = new object(); $qhandler->queuedeventid = $event->id; $qhandler->handlerid = $handler->id; $qhandler->errormessage = addslashes($errormessage); $qhandler->timemodified = time(); if ($handler->schedule == 'instant' and $handler->status == 1) { $qhandler->status = 1; //already one failed attempt to dispatch this event } else { $qhandler->status = 0; } return insert_record('events_queue_handlers', $qhandler); } /** * trigger a single event with a specified handler * @param handler - hander object from db * @param eventdata - event dataobject * @param errormessage - error message indicating problem * @return bool - success or fail * * INTERNAL - to be used from eventslib only */ function events_dispatch($handler, $eventdata, &$errormessage) { global $CFG; $function = unserialize($handler->handlerfunction); if (is_callable($function)) { // oki, no need for includes } else if (file_exists($CFG->dirroot.$handler->handlerfile)) { include_once($CFG->dirroot.$handler->handlerfile); } else { $errormessage = "Handler file of component $handler->handlermodule: $handler->handlerfile can not be found!"; return false; } // checks for handler validity if (is_callable($function)) { return call_user_func($function, $eventdata); } else { $errormessage = "Handler function of component $handler->handlermodule: $handler->handlerfunction not callable function or class method!"; return false; } } /** * given a queued handler, call the respective event handler to process the event * @param object qhandler - events_queued_handler object from db * @return boolean meaning success, or NULL on fatal failure * * INTERNAL - to be used from eventslib only */ function events_process_queued_handler($qhandler) { global $CFG; // get handler if (!$handler = get_record('events_handlers', 'id', $qhandler->handlerid)) { debugging("Error processing queue handler $qhandler->id, missing handler id: $qhandler->handlerid"); //irrecoverable error, remove broken queue handler events_dequeue($qhandler); return NULL; } // get event object if (!$event = get_record('events_queue', 'id', $qhandler->queuedeventid)) { // can't proceed with no event object - might happen when two crons running at the same time debugging("Error processing queue handler $qhandler->id, missing event id: $qhandler->queuedeventid"); //irrecoverable error, remove broken queue handler events_dequeue($qhandler); return NULL; } // call the function specified by the handler $errormessage = 'Unknown error'; if (events_dispatch($handler, unserialize($event->eventdata), $errormessage)) { //everything ok events_dequeue($qhandler); return true; } else { //dispatching failed $qh = new object(); $qh->id = $qhandler->id; $qh->errormessage = addslashes($errormessage); $qh->timemodified = time(); $qh->status = $qhandler->status + 1; update_record('events_queue_handlers', $qh); return false; } } /** * removes this queued handler from the events_queued_handler table * removes events_queue record from events_queue if no more references to this event object exists * @param object qhandler - events_queued_handler object from db * * INTERNAL - to be used from eventslib only */ function events_dequeue($qhandler) { // first delete the queue handler delete_records('events_queue_handlers', 'id', $qhandler->id); // if no more queued handler is pointing to the same event - delete the event too if (!record_exists('events_queue_handlers', 'queuedeventid', $qhandler->queuedeventid)) { delete_records('events_queue', 'id', $qhandler->queuedeventid); } } /****** Public events API starts here, do not use functions above in 3rd party code ******/ /** * Events cron will try to empty the events queue by processing all the queued events handlers * @param string eventname - empty means all * @return number of dispatched+removed broken events * * PUBLIC */ function events_cron($eventname='') { global $CFG; $failed = array(); $processed = 0; if ($eventname) { $sql = "SELECT qh.* FROM {$CFG->prefix}events_queue_handlers qh, {$CFG->prefix}events_handlers h WHERE qh.handlerid = AND h.eventname='$eventname' ORDER BY"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$CFG->prefix}events_queue_handlers ORDER BY id"; } if ($rs = get_recordset_sql($sql)) { while ($qhandler = rs_fetch_next_record($rs)) { if (in_array($qhandler->handlerid, $failed)) { // do not try to dispatch any later events when one already failed continue; } $status = events_process_queued_handler($qhandler); if ($status === false) { $failed[] = $qhandler->handlerid; } else { $processed++; } } rs_close($rs); } return $processed; } /** * Function to call all eventhandlers when triggering an event * @param eventname - name of the event * @param eventdata - event data object * @return number of failed events * * PUBLIC */ function events_trigger($eventname, $eventdata) { global $CFG, $USER; $failedcount = 0; // number of failed events. $event = false; // pull out all registered event handlers if ($handlers = get_records('events_handlers', 'eventname', $eventname)) { foreach ($handlers as $handler) { $errormessage = ''; if ($handler->schedule == 'instant') { if ($handler->status) { //check if previous pending events processed if (!record_exists('events_queue_handlers', 'handlerid', $handler->id)) { // ok, queue is empty, lets reset the status back to 0 == ok $handler->status = 0; set_field('events_handlers', 'status', 0, 'id', $handler->id); } } // dispatch the event only if instant schedule and status ok if (!$handler->status) { $errormessage = 'Unknown error';; if (events_dispatch($handler, $eventdata, $errormessage)) { continue; } // set error count to 1 == send next instant into cron queue set_field('events_handlers', 'status', 1, 'id', $handler->id); } else { // increment the error status counter $handler->status++; set_field('events_handlers', 'status', $handler->status, 'id', $handler->id); } // update the failed counter $failedcount ++; } else if ($handler->schedule == 'cron') { //ok - use queuing of events only } else { // unknown schedule - fallback to cron type debugging("Unknown handler schedule type: $handler->schedule"); } // if even type is not instant, or dispatch failed, queue it if ($event === false) { $event = new object(); $event->userid = $USER->id; $event->eventdata = serialize($eventdata); $event->timecreated = time(); if (debugging()) { $dump = ''; $callers = debug_backtrace(); foreach ($callers as $caller) { $dump .= 'line ' . $caller['line'] . ' of ' . substr($caller['file'], strlen($CFG->dirroot) + 1); if (isset($caller['function'])) { $dump .= ': call to '; if (isset($caller['class'])) { $dump .= $caller['class'] . $caller['type']; } $dump .= $caller['function'] . '()'; } $dump .= "\n"; } $event->stackdump = addslashes($dump); } else { $event->stackdump = ''; } $event->id = insert_record('events_queue', $event); } events_queue_handler($handler, $event, $errormessage); } } else { //debugging("No handler found for event: $eventname"); } return $failedcount; } /** * checks if an event is registered for this component * @param string eventname - name of the event * @param string component - component name, can be mod/data or moodle * @return bool * * PUBLIC */ function events_is_registered($eventname, $component) { return record_exists('events_handlers', 'handlermodule', $component, 'eventname', $eventname); } /** * checks if an event is queued for processing - either cron handlers attached or failed instant handlers * @param string eventname - name of the event * @return int number of queued events * * PUBLIC */ function events_pending_count($eventname) { global $CFG; $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$CFG->prefix}events_queue_handlers qh, {$CFG->prefix}events_handlers h WHERE qh.handlerid = AND h.eventname='$eventname'"; return count_records_sql($sql); } ?>