optionflags * The options are read out via bitwise operation using these constants */ /** * Whether the questions is to be run in adaptive mode. If this is not set then * a question closes immediately after the first submission of responses. This * is how question is Moodle always worked before version 1.5 */ define('QUESTION_ADAPTIVE', 1); /** * options used in forms that move files. * */ define('QUESTION_FILENOTHINGSELECTED', 0); define('QUESTION_FILEDONOTHING', 1); define('QUESTION_FILECOPY', 2); define('QUESTION_FILEMOVE', 3); define('QUESTION_FILEMOVELINKSONLY', 4); /**#@-*/ /// QTYPES INITIATION ////////////////// // These variables get initialised via calls to question_register_questiontype // as the question type classes are included. global $QTYPES, $QTYPE_MANUAL, $QTYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_RANDOM; /** * Array holding question type objects */ $QTYPES = array(); /** * String in the format "'type1','type2'" that can be used in SQL clauses like * "WHERE q.type IN ($QTYPE_MANUAL)". */ $QTYPE_MANUAL = ''; /** * String in the format "'type1','type2'" that can be used in SQL clauses like * "WHERE q.type NOT IN ($QTYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_RANDOM)". */ $QTYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_RANDOM = ''; /** * Add a new question type to the various global arrays above. * * @param object $qtype An instance of the new question type class. */ function question_register_questiontype($qtype) { global $QTYPES, $QTYPE_MANUAL, $QTYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_RANDOM; $name = $qtype->name(); $QTYPES[$name] = $qtype; if ($qtype->is_manual_graded()) { if ($QTYPE_MANUAL) { $QTYPE_MANUAL .= ','; } $QTYPE_MANUAL .= "'$name'"; } if (!$qtype->is_usable_by_random()) { if ($QTYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_RANDOM) { $QTYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_RANDOM .= ','; } $QTYPE_EXCLUDE_FROM_RANDOM .= "'$name'"; } } require_once("$CFG->dirroot/question/type/questiontype.php"); // Load the questiontype.php file for each question type // These files in turn call question_register_questiontype() // with a new instance of each qtype class. $qtypenames= get_list_of_plugins('question/type'); foreach($qtypenames as $qtypename) { // Instanciates all plug-in question types $qtypefilepath= "$CFG->dirroot/question/type/$qtypename/questiontype.php"; // echo "Loading $qtypename
"; // Uncomment for debugging if (is_readable($qtypefilepath)) { require_once($qtypefilepath); } } /** * An array of question type names translated to the user's language, suitable for use when * creating a drop-down menu of options. * * Long-time Moodle programmers will realise that this replaces the old $QTYPE_MENU array. * The array returned will only hold the names of all the question types that the user should * be able to create directly. Some internal question types like random questions are excluded. * * @return array an array of question type names translated to the user's language. */ function question_type_menu() { global $QTYPES; static $menu_options = null; if (is_null($menu_options)) { $menu_options = array(); foreach ($QTYPES as $name => $qtype) { $menuname = $qtype->menu_name(); if ($menuname) { $menu_options[$name] = $menuname; } } } return $menu_options; } /// OTHER CLASSES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * This holds the options that are set by the course module */ class cmoptions { /** * Whether a new attempt should be based on the previous one. If true * then a new attempt will start in a state where all responses are set * to the last responses from the previous attempt. */ var $attemptonlast = false; /** * Various option flags. The flags are accessed via bitwise operations * using the constants defined in the CONSTANTS section above. */ var $optionflags = QUESTION_ADAPTIVE; /** * Determines whether in the calculation of the score for a question * penalties for earlier wrong responses within the same attempt will * be subtracted. */ var $penaltyscheme = true; /** * The maximum time the user is allowed to answer the questions withing * an attempt. This is measured in minutes so needs to be multiplied by * 60 before compared to timestamps. If set to 0 no timelimit will be applied */ var $timelimit = 0; /** * Timestamp for the closing time. Responses submitted after this time will * be saved but no credit will be given for them. */ var $timeclose = 9999999999; /** * The id of the course from withing which the question is currently being used */ var $course = SITEID; /** * Whether the answers in a multiple choice question should be randomly * shuffled when a new attempt is started. */ var $shuffleanswers = true; /** * The number of decimals to be shown when scores are printed */ var $decimalpoints = 2; } /// FUNCTIONS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Returns an array of names of activity modules that use this question * * @param object $questionid * @return array of strings */ function question_list_instances($questionid) { $instances = array(); $modules = get_records('modules'); foreach ($modules as $module) { $fn = $module->name.'_question_list_instances'; if (function_exists($fn)) { $instances = $instances + $fn($questionid); } } return $instances; } /** * Returns list of 'allowed' grades for grade selection * formatted suitably for dropdown box function * @return object ->gradeoptionsfull full array ->gradeoptions +ve only */ function get_grade_options() { // define basic array of grades $grades = array( 1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.75, 0.70, 0.66666, 0.60, 0.50, 0.40, 0.33333, 0.30, 0.25, 0.20, 0.16666, 0.142857, 0.125, 0.11111, 0.10, 0.05, 0); // iterate through grades generating full range of options $gradeoptionsfull = array(); $gradeoptions = array(); foreach ($grades as $grade) { $percentage = 100 * $grade; $neggrade = -$grade; $gradeoptions["$grade"] = "$percentage %"; $gradeoptionsfull["$grade"] = "$percentage %"; $gradeoptionsfull["$neggrade"] = -$percentage." %"; } $gradeoptionsfull["0"] = $gradeoptions["0"] = get_string("none"); // sort lists arsort($gradeoptions, SORT_NUMERIC); arsort($gradeoptionsfull, SORT_NUMERIC); // construct return object $grades = new stdClass; $grades->gradeoptions = $gradeoptions; $grades->gradeoptionsfull = $gradeoptionsfull; return $grades; } /** * match grade options * if no match return error or match nearest * @param array $gradeoptionsfull list of valid options * @param int $grade grade to be tested * @param string $matchgrades 'error' or 'nearest' * @return mixed either 'fixed' value or false if erro */ function match_grade_options($gradeoptionsfull, $grade, $matchgrades='error') { // if we just need an error... if ($matchgrades=='error') { foreach($gradeoptionsfull as $value => $option) { // slightly fuzzy test, never check floats for equality :-) if (abs($grade-$value)<0.00001) { return $grade; } } // didn't find a match so that's an error return false; } // work out nearest value else if ($matchgrades=='nearest') { $hownear = array(); foreach($gradeoptionsfull as $value => $option) { if ($grade==$value) { return $grade; } $hownear[ $value ] = abs( $grade - $value ); } // reverse sort list of deltas and grab the last (smallest) asort( $hownear, SORT_NUMERIC ); reset( $hownear ); return key( $hownear ); } else { return false; } } /** * Tests whether a category is in use by any activity module * * @return boolean * @param integer $categoryid * @param boolean $recursive Whether to examine category children recursively */ function question_category_isused($categoryid, $recursive = false) { //Look at each question in the category if ($questions = get_records('question', 'category', $categoryid)) { foreach ($questions as $question) { if (count(question_list_instances($question->id))) { return true; } } } //Look under child categories recursively if ($recursive) { if ($children = get_records('question_categories', 'parent', $categoryid)) { foreach ($children as $child) { if (question_category_isused($child->id, $recursive)) { return true; } } } } return false; } /** * Deletes all data associated to an attempt from the database * * @param integer $attemptid The id of the attempt being deleted */ function delete_attempt($attemptid) { global $QTYPES; $states = get_records('question_states', 'attempt', $attemptid); if ($states) { $stateslist = implode(',', array_keys($states)); // delete question-type specific data foreach ($QTYPES as $qtype) { $qtype->delete_states($stateslist); } } // delete entries from all other question tables // It is important that this is done only after calling the questiontype functions delete_records("question_states", "attempt", $attemptid); delete_records("question_sessions", "attemptid", $attemptid); delete_records("question_attempts", "id", $attemptid); } /** * Deletes question and all associated data from the database * * It will not delete a question if it is used by an activity module * @param object $question The question being deleted */ function delete_question($questionid) { global $QTYPES; // Do not delete a question if it is used by an activity module if (count(question_list_instances($questionid))) { return; } // delete questiontype-specific data $question = get_record('question', 'id', $questionid); question_require_capability_on($question, 'edit'); if ($question) { if (isset($QTYPES[$question->qtype])) { $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->delete_question($questionid); } } else { echo "Question with id $questionid does not exist.
"; } if ($states = get_records('question_states', 'question', $questionid)) { $stateslist = implode(',', array_keys($states)); // delete questiontype-specific data foreach ($QTYPES as $qtype) { $qtype->delete_states($stateslist); } } // delete entries from all other question tables // It is important that this is done only after calling the questiontype functions delete_records("question_answers", "question", $questionid); delete_records("question_states", "question", $questionid); delete_records("question_sessions", "questionid", $questionid); // Now recursively delete all child questions if ($children = get_records('question', 'parent', $questionid)) { foreach ($children as $child) { if ($child->id != $questionid) { delete_question($child->id); } } } // Finally delete the question record itself delete_records('question', 'id', $questionid); return; } /** * All question categories and their questions are deleted for this course. * * @param object $mod an object representing the activity * @param boolean $feedback to specify if the process must output a summary of its work * @return boolean */ function question_delete_course($course, $feedback=true) { //To store feedback to be showed at the end of the process $feedbackdata = array(); //Cache some strings $strcatdeleted = get_string('unusedcategorydeleted', 'quiz'); $coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id); $categoriescourse = get_records('question_categories', 'contextid', $coursecontext->id, 'parent', 'id, parent, name'); if ($categoriescourse) { //Sort categories following their tree (parent-child) relationships //this will make the feedback more readable $categoriescourse = sort_categories_by_tree($categoriescourse); foreach ($categoriescourse as $category) { //Delete it completely (questions and category itself) //deleting questions if ($questions = get_records("question", "category", $category->id)) { foreach ($questions as $question) { delete_question($question->id); } delete_records("question", "category", $category->id); } //delete the category delete_records('question_categories', 'id', $category->id); //Fill feedback $feedbackdata[] = array($category->name, $strcatdeleted); } //Inform about changes performed if feedback is enabled if ($feedback) { $table = new stdClass; $table->head = array(get_string('category','quiz'), get_string('action')); $table->data = $feedbackdata; print_table($table); } } return true; } /** * All question categories and their questions are deleted for this activity. * * @param object $cm the course module object representing the activity * @param boolean $feedback to specify if the process must output a summary of its work * @return boolean */ function question_delete_activity($cm, $feedback=true) { //To store feedback to be showed at the end of the process $feedbackdata = array(); //Cache some strings $strcatdeleted = get_string('unusedcategorydeleted', 'quiz'); $modcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id); if ($categoriesmods = get_records('question_categories', 'contextid', $modcontext->id, 'parent', 'id, parent, name')){ //Sort categories following their tree (parent-child) relationships //this will make the feedback more readable $categoriesmods = sort_categories_by_tree($categoriesmods); foreach ($categoriesmods as $category) { //Delete it completely (questions and category itself) //deleting questions if ($questions = get_records("question", "category", $category->id)) { foreach ($questions as $question) { delete_question($question->id); } delete_records("question", "category", $category->id); } //delete the category delete_records('question_categories', 'id', $category->id); //Fill feedback $feedbackdata[] = array($category->name, $strcatdeleted); } //Inform about changes performed if feedback is enabled if ($feedback) { $table = new stdClass; $table->head = array(get_string('category','quiz'), get_string('action')); $table->data = $feedbackdata; print_table($table); } } return true; } /** * @param array $row tab objects * @param question_edit_contexts $contexts object representing contexts available from this context * @param string $querystring to append to urls * */ function questionbank_navigation_tabs(&$row, $contexts, $querystring) { global $CFG, $QUESTION_EDITTABCAPS; $tabs = array( 'questions' =>array("$CFG->wwwroot/question/edit.php?$querystring", get_string('questions', 'quiz'), get_string('editquestions', 'quiz')), 'categories' =>array("$CFG->wwwroot/question/category.php?$querystring", get_string('categories', 'quiz'), get_string('editqcats', 'quiz')), 'import' =>array("$CFG->wwwroot/question/import.php?$querystring", get_string('import', 'quiz'), get_string('importquestions', 'quiz')), 'export' =>array("$CFG->wwwroot/question/export.php?$querystring", get_string('export', 'quiz'), get_string('exportquestions', 'quiz'))); foreach ($tabs as $tabname => $tabparams){ if ($contexts->have_one_edit_tab_cap($tabname)) { $row[] = new tabobject($tabname, $tabparams[0], $tabparams[1], $tabparams[2]); } } } /** * Private function to factor common code out of get_question_options(). * * @param object $question the question to tidy. * @return boolean true if successful, else false. */ function _tidy_question(&$question) { global $QTYPES; if (!array_key_exists($question->qtype, $QTYPES)) { $question->qtype = 'missingtype'; $question->questiontext = '

' . get_string('warningmissingtype', 'quiz') . '

' . $question->questiontext; } $question->name_prefix = question_make_name_prefix($question->id); return $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->get_question_options($question); } /** * Updates the question objects with question type specific * information by calling {@link get_question_options()} * * Can be called either with an array of question objects or with a single * question object. * * @param mixed $questions Either an array of question objects to be updated * or just a single question object * @return bool Indicates success or failure. */ function get_question_options(&$questions) { if (is_array($questions)) { // deal with an array of questions foreach ($questions as $i => $notused) { if (!_tidy_question($questions[$i])) { return false; } } return true; } else { // deal with single question return _tidy_question($questions); } } /** * Loads the most recent state of each question session from the database * or create new one. * * For each question the most recent session state for the current attempt * is loaded from the question_states table and the question type specific data and * responses are added by calling {@link restore_question_state()} which in turn * calls {@link restore_session_and_responses()} for each question. * If no states exist for the question instance an empty state object is * created representing the start of a session and empty question * type specific information and responses are created by calling * {@link create_session_and_responses()}. * * @return array An array of state objects representing the most recent * states of the question sessions. * @param array $questions The questions for which sessions are to be restored or * created. * @param object $cmoptions * @param object $attempt The attempt for which the question sessions are * to be restored or created. * @param mixed either the id of a previous attempt, if this attmpt is * building on a previous one, or false for a clean attempt. */ function get_question_states(&$questions, $cmoptions, $attempt, $lastattemptid = false) { global $CFG, $QTYPES; // get the question ids $ids = array_keys($questions); $questionlist = implode(',', $ids); // The question field must be listed first so that it is used as the // array index in the array returned by get_records_sql $statefields = 'n.questionid as question, s.*, n.sumpenalty, n.manualcomment'; // Load the newest states for the questions $sql = "SELECT $statefields". " FROM {$CFG->prefix}question_states s,". " {$CFG->prefix}question_sessions n". " WHERE s.id = n.newest". " AND n.attemptid = '$attempt->uniqueid'". " AND n.questionid IN ($questionlist)"; $states = get_records_sql($sql); // Load the newest graded states for the questions $sql = "SELECT $statefields". " FROM {$CFG->prefix}question_states s,". " {$CFG->prefix}question_sessions n". " WHERE s.id = n.newgraded". " AND n.attemptid = '$attempt->uniqueid'". " AND n.questionid IN ($questionlist)"; $gradedstates = get_records_sql($sql); // loop through all questions and set the last_graded states foreach ($ids as $i) { if (isset($states[$i])) { restore_question_state($questions[$i], $states[$i]); if (isset($gradedstates[$i])) { restore_question_state($questions[$i], $gradedstates[$i]); $states[$i]->last_graded = $gradedstates[$i]; } else { $states[$i]->last_graded = clone($states[$i]); } } else { // If the new attempt is to be based on a previous attempt get it and clean things // Having lastattemptid filled implies that (should we double check?): // $attempt->attempt > 1 and $cmoptions->attemptonlast and !$attempt->preview if ($lastattemptid) { // find the responses from the previous attempt and save them to the new session // Load the last graded state for the question $statefields = 'n.questionid as question, s.*, n.sumpenalty'; $sql = "SELECT $statefields". " FROM {$CFG->prefix}question_states s,". " {$CFG->prefix}question_sessions n". " WHERE s.id = n.newgraded". " AND n.attemptid = '$lastattemptid'". " AND n.questionid = '$i'"; if (!$laststate = get_record_sql($sql)) { // Only restore previous responses that have been graded continue; } // Restore the state so that the responses will be restored restore_question_state($questions[$i], $laststate); $states[$i] = clone($laststate); unset($states[$i]->id); } else { // create a new empty state $states[$i] = new object; $states[$i]->question = $i; $states[$i]->responses = array('' => ''); $states[$i]->raw_grade = 0; } // now fill/overide initial values $states[$i]->attempt = $attempt->uniqueid; $states[$i]->seq_number = 0; $states[$i]->timestamp = $attempt->timestart; $states[$i]->event = ($attempt->timefinish) ? QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE : QUESTION_EVENTOPEN; $states[$i]->grade = 0; $states[$i]->penalty = 0; $states[$i]->sumpenalty = 0; $states[$i]->manualcomment = ''; // Prevent further changes to the session from incrementing the // sequence number $states[$i]->changed = true; if ($lastattemptid) { // prepare the previous responses for new processing $action = new stdClass; $action->responses = $laststate->responses; $action->timestamp = $laststate->timestamp; $action->event = QUESTION_EVENTSAVE; //emulate save of questions from all pages MDL-7631 // Process these responses ... question_process_responses($questions[$i], $states[$i], $action, $cmoptions, $attempt); // Fix for Bug #5506: When each attempt is built on the last one, // preserve the options from any previous attempt. if ( isset($laststate->options) ) { $states[$i]->options = $laststate->options; } } else { // Create the empty question type specific information if (!$QTYPES[$questions[$i]->qtype]->create_session_and_responses( $questions[$i], $states[$i], $cmoptions, $attempt)) { return false; } } $states[$i]->last_graded = clone($states[$i]); } } return $states; } /** * Creates the run-time fields for the states * * Extends the state objects for a question by calling * {@link restore_session_and_responses()} * @param object $question The question for which the state is needed * @param object $state The state as loaded from the database * @return boolean Represents success or failure */ function restore_question_state(&$question, &$state) { global $QTYPES; // initialise response to the value in the answer field $state->responses = array('' => addslashes($state->answer)); unset($state->answer); $state->manualcomment = isset($state->manualcomment) ? addslashes($state->manualcomment) : ''; // Set the changed field to false; any code which changes the // question session must set this to true and must increment // ->seq_number. The save_question_session // function will save the new state object to the database if the field is // set to true. $state->changed = false; // Load the question type specific data return $QTYPES[$question->qtype] ->restore_session_and_responses($question, $state); } /** * Saves the current state of the question session to the database * * The state object representing the current state of the session for the * question is saved to the question_states table with ->responses[''] saved * to the answer field of the database table. The information in the * question_sessions table is updated. * The question type specific data is then saved. * @return mixed The id of the saved or updated state or false * @param object $question The question for which session is to be saved. * @param object $state The state information to be saved. In particular the * most recent responses are in ->responses. The object * is updated to hold the new ->id. */ function save_question_session(&$question, &$state) { global $QTYPES; // Check if the state has changed if (!$state->changed && isset($state->id)) { return $state->id; } // Set the legacy answer field $state->answer = isset($state->responses['']) ? $state->responses[''] : ''; // Save the state if (!empty($state->update)) { // this forces the old state record to be overwritten update_record('question_states', $state); } else { if (!$state->id = insert_record('question_states', $state)) { unset($state->id); unset($state->answer); return false; } } // create or update the session if (!$session = get_record('question_sessions', 'attemptid', $state->attempt, 'questionid', $question->id)) { $session->attemptid = $state->attempt; $session->questionid = $question->id; $session->newest = $state->id; // The following may seem weird, but the newgraded field needs to be set // already even if there is no graded state yet. $session->newgraded = $state->id; $session->sumpenalty = $state->sumpenalty; $session->manualcomment = $state->manualcomment; if (!insert_record('question_sessions', $session)) { error('Could not insert entry in question_sessions'); } } else { $session->newest = $state->id; if (question_state_is_graded($state) or $state->event == QUESTION_EVENTOPEN) { // this state is graded or newly opened, so it goes into the lastgraded field as well $session->newgraded = $state->id; $session->sumpenalty = $state->sumpenalty; $session->manualcomment = $state->manualcomment; } else { $session->manualcomment = addslashes($session->manualcomment); } update_record('question_sessions', $session); } unset($state->answer); // Save the question type specific state information and responses if (!$QTYPES[$question->qtype]->save_session_and_responses( $question, $state)) { return false; } // Reset the changed flag $state->changed = false; return $state->id; } /** * Determines whether a state has been graded by looking at the event field * * @return boolean true if the state has been graded * @param object $state */ function question_state_is_graded($state) { return ($state->event == QUESTION_EVENTGRADE or $state->event == QUESTION_EVENTCLOSEANDGRADE or $state->event == QUESTION_EVENTMANUALGRADE); } /** * Determines whether a state has been closed by looking at the event field * * @return boolean true if the state has been closed * @param object $state */ function question_state_is_closed($state) { return ($state->event == QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE or $state->event == QUESTION_EVENTCLOSEANDGRADE or $state->event == QUESTION_EVENTMANUALGRADE); } /** * Extracts responses from submitted form * * This can extract the responses given to one or several questions present on a page * It returns an array with one entry for each question, indexed by question id * Each entry is an object with the properties * ->event The event that has triggered the submission. This is determined by which button * the user has pressed. * ->responses An array holding the responses to an individual question, indexed by the * name of the corresponding form element. * ->timestamp A unix timestamp * @return array array of action objects, indexed by question ids. * @param array $questions an array containing at least all questions that are used on the form * @param array $formdata the data submitted by the form on the question page * @param integer $defaultevent the event type used if no 'mark' or 'validate' is submitted */ function question_extract_responses($questions, $formdata, $defaultevent=QUESTION_EVENTSAVE) { $time = time(); $actions = array(); foreach ($formdata as $key => $response) { // Get the question id from the response name if (false !== ($quid = question_get_id_from_name_prefix($key))) { // check if this is a valid id if (!isset($questions[$quid])) { error('Form contained question that is not in questionids'); } // Remove the name prefix from the name //decrypt trying $key = substr($key, strlen($questions[$quid]->name_prefix)); if (false === $key) { $key = ''; } // Check for question validate and mark buttons & set events if ($key === 'validate') { $actions[$quid]->event = QUESTION_EVENTVALIDATE; } else if ($key === 'submit') { $actions[$quid]->event = QUESTION_EVENTSUBMIT; } else { $actions[$quid]->event = $defaultevent; } // Update the state with the new response $actions[$quid]->responses[$key] = $response; // Set the timestamp $actions[$quid]->timestamp = $time; } } foreach ($actions as $quid => $notused) { ksort($actions[$quid]->responses); } return $actions; } /** * Returns the html for question feedback image. * @param float $fraction value representing the correctness of the user's * response to a question. * @param boolean $selected whether or not the answer is the one that the * user picked. * @return string */ function question_get_feedback_image($fraction, $selected=true) { global $CFG; if ($fraction >= 1.0) { if ($selected) { $feedbackimg = ''; } else { $feedbackimg = ''; } } else if ($fraction > 0.0 && $fraction < 1.0) { if ($selected) { $feedbackimg = ''; } else { $feedbackimg = ''; } } else { if ($selected) { $feedbackimg = ''; } else { $feedbackimg = ''; } } return $feedbackimg; } /** * Returns the class name for question feedback. * @param float $fraction value representing the correctness of the user's * response to a question. * @return string */ function question_get_feedback_class($fraction) { global $CFG; if ($fraction >= 1.0) { $class = 'correct'; } else if ($fraction > 0.0 && $fraction < 1.0) { $class = 'partiallycorrect'; } else { $class = 'incorrect'; } return $class; } /** * For a given question in an attempt we walk the complete history of states * and recalculate the grades as we go along. * * This is used when a question is changed and old student * responses need to be marked with the new version of a question. * * TODO: Make sure this is not quiz-specific * * @return boolean Indicates whether the grade has changed * @param object $question A question object * @param object $attempt The attempt, in which the question needs to be regraded. * @param object $cmoptions * @param boolean $verbose Optional. Whether to print progress information or not. */ function regrade_question_in_attempt($question, $attempt, $cmoptions, $verbose=false) { // load all states for this question in this attempt, ordered in sequence if ($states = get_records_select('question_states', "attempt = '{$attempt->uniqueid}' AND question = '{$question->id}'", 'seq_number ASC')) { $states = array_values($states); // Subtract the grade for the latest state from $attempt->sumgrades to get the // sumgrades for the attempt without this question. $attempt->sumgrades -= $states[count($states)-1]->grade; // Initialise the replaystate $state = clone($states[0]); $state->manualcomment = get_field('question_sessions', 'manualcomment', 'attemptid', $attempt->uniqueid, 'questionid', $question->id); restore_question_state($question, $state); $state->sumpenalty = 0.0; $replaystate = clone($state); $replaystate->last_graded = $state; $changed = false; for($j = 1; $j < count($states); $j++) { restore_question_state($question, $states[$j]); $action = new stdClass; $action->responses = $states[$j]->responses; $action->timestamp = $states[$j]->timestamp; // Change event to submit so that it will be reprocessed if (QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE == $states[$j]->event or QUESTION_EVENTGRADE == $states[$j]->event or QUESTION_EVENTCLOSEANDGRADE == $states[$j]->event) { $action->event = QUESTION_EVENTSUBMIT; // By default take the event that was saved in the database } else { $action->event = $states[$j]->event; } if ($action->event == QUESTION_EVENTMANUALGRADE) { question_process_comment($question, $replaystate, $attempt, $replaystate->manualcomment, $states[$j]->grade); } else { // Reprocess (regrade) responses if (!question_process_responses($question, $replaystate, $action, $cmoptions, $attempt)) { $verbose && notify("Couldn't regrade state #{$state->id}!"); } } // We need rounding here because grades in the DB get truncated // e.g. 0.33333 != 0.3333333, but we want them to be equal here if ((round((float)$replaystate->raw_grade, 5) != round((float)$states[$j]->raw_grade, 5)) or (round((float)$replaystate->penalty, 5) != round((float)$states[$j]->penalty, 5)) or (round((float)$replaystate->grade, 5) != round((float)$states[$j]->grade, 5))) { $changed = true; } $replaystate->id = $states[$j]->id; $replaystate->changed = true; $replaystate->update = true; // This will ensure that the existing database entry is updated rather than a new one created save_question_session($question, $replaystate); } if ($changed) { // TODO, call a method in quiz to do this, where 'quiz' comes from // the question_attempts table. update_record('quiz_attempts', $attempt); } return $changed; } return false; } /** * Processes an array of student responses, grading and saving them as appropriate * * @return boolean Indicates success/failure * @param object $question Full question object, passed by reference * @param object $state Full state object, passed by reference * @param object $action object with the fields ->responses which * is an array holding the student responses, * ->action which specifies the action, e.g., QUESTION_EVENTGRADE, * and ->timestamp which is a timestamp from when the responses * were submitted by the student. * @param object $cmoptions * @param object $attempt The attempt is passed by reference so that * during grading its ->sumgrades field can be updated */ function question_process_responses(&$question, &$state, $action, $cmoptions, &$attempt) { global $QTYPES; // if no responses are set initialise to empty response if (!isset($action->responses)) { $action->responses = array('' => ''); } // make sure these are gone! unset($action->responses['submit'], $action->responses['validate']); // Check the question session is still open if (question_state_is_closed($state)) { return true; } // If $action->event is not set that implies saving if (! isset($action->event)) { debugging('Ambiguous action in question_process_responses.' , DEBUG_DEVELOPER); $action->event = QUESTION_EVENTSAVE; } // If submitted then compare against last graded // responses, not last given responses in this case if (question_isgradingevent($action->event)) { $state->responses = $state->last_graded->responses; } // Check for unchanged responses (exactly unchanged, not equivalent). // We also have to catch questions that the student has not yet attempted $sameresponses = $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->compare_responses($question, $action, $state); if (!empty($state->last_graded) && $state->last_graded->event == QUESTION_EVENTOPEN && question_isgradingevent($action->event)) { $sameresponses = false; } // If the response has not been changed then we do not have to process it again // unless the attempt is closing or validation is requested if ($sameresponses and QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE != $action->event and QUESTION_EVENTVALIDATE != $action->event) { return true; } // Roll back grading information to last graded state and set the new // responses $newstate = clone($state->last_graded); $newstate->responses = $action->responses; $newstate->seq_number = $state->seq_number + 1; $newstate->changed = true; // will assure that it gets saved to the database $newstate->last_graded = clone($state->last_graded); $newstate->timestamp = $action->timestamp; $state = $newstate; // Set the event to the action we will perform. The question type specific // grading code may override this by setting it to QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE if the // attempt at the question causes the session to close $state->event = $action->event; if (!question_isgradingevent($action->event)) { // Grade the response but don't update the overall grade $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->grade_responses($question, $state, $cmoptions); // Temporary hack because question types are not given enough control over what is going // on. Used by Opaque questions. // TODO fix this code properly. if (!empty($state->believeevent)) { // If the state was graded we need to ... if (question_state_is_graded($state)) { question_apply_penalty_and_timelimit($question, $state, $attempt, $cmoptions); // update the attempt grade $attempt->sumgrades -= (float)$state->last_graded->grade; $attempt->sumgrades += (float)$state->grade; // and update the last_graded field. unset($state->last_graded); $state->last_graded = clone($state); unset($state->last_graded->changed); } } else { // Don't allow the processing to change the event type $state->event = $action->event; } } else { // grading event // Unless the attempt is closing, we want to work out if the current responses // (or equivalent responses) were already given in the last graded attempt. if(QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE != $action->event && QUESTION_EVENTOPEN != $state->last_graded->event && $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->compare_responses($question, $state, $state->last_graded)) { $state->event = QUESTION_EVENTDUPLICATE; } // If we did not find a duplicate or if the attempt is closing, perform grading if ((!$sameresponses and QUESTION_EVENTDUPLICATE != $state->event) or QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE == $action->event) { $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->grade_responses($question, $state, $cmoptions); // Calculate overall grade using correct penalty method question_apply_penalty_and_timelimit($question, $state, $attempt, $cmoptions); } // If the state was graded we need to ... if (question_state_is_graded($state)) { // update the attempt grade $attempt->sumgrades -= (float)$state->last_graded->grade; $attempt->sumgrades += (float)$state->grade; // and update the last_graded field. unset($state->last_graded); $state->last_graded = clone($state); unset($state->last_graded->changed); } } $attempt->timemodified = $action->timestamp; return true; } /** * Determine if event requires grading */ function question_isgradingevent($event) { return (QUESTION_EVENTSUBMIT == $event || QUESTION_EVENTCLOSE == $event); } /** * Applies the penalty from the previous graded responses to the raw grade * for the current responses * * The grade for the question in the current state is computed by subtracting the * penalty accumulated over the previous graded responses at the question from the * raw grade. If the timestamp is more than 1 minute beyond the end of the attempt * the grade is set to zero. The ->grade field of the state object is modified to * reflect the new grade but is never allowed to decrease. * @param object $question The question for which the penalty is to be applied. * @param object $state The state for which the grade is to be set from the * raw grade and the cumulative penalty from the last * graded state. The ->grade field is updated by applying * the penalty scheme determined in $cmoptions to the ->raw_grade and * ->last_graded->penalty fields. * @param object $cmoptions The options set by the course module. * The ->penaltyscheme field determines whether penalties * for incorrect earlier responses are subtracted. */ function question_apply_penalty_and_timelimit(&$question, &$state, $attempt, $cmoptions) { // TODO. Quiz dependancy. The fact that the attempt that is passed in here // is from quiz_attempts, and we use things like $cmoptions->timelimit. // deal with penalty if ($cmoptions->penaltyscheme) { $state->grade = $state->raw_grade - $state->sumpenalty; $state->sumpenalty += (float) $state->penalty; } else { $state->grade = $state->raw_grade; } // deal with timelimit if ($cmoptions->timelimit) { // We allow for 5% uncertainty in the following test if ($state->timestamp - $attempt->timestart > $cmoptions->timelimit * 63) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $cmoptions->id); if (!has_capability('mod/quiz:ignoretimelimits', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id), $attempt->userid, false)) { $state->grade = 0; } } } // deal with closing time if ($cmoptions->timeclose and $state->timestamp > ($cmoptions->timeclose + 60) // allowing 1 minute lateness and !$attempt->preview) { // ignore closing time for previews $state->grade = 0; } // Ensure that the grade does not go down $state->grade = max($state->grade, $state->last_graded->grade); } /** * Print the icon for the question type * * @param object $question The question object for which the icon is required * @param boolean $return If true the functions returns the link as a string */ function print_question_icon($question, $return = false) { global $QTYPES, $CFG; $namestr = $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->menu_name(); $html = '' .
            $namestr . ''; if ($return) { return $html; } else { echo $html; } } /** * Returns a html link to the question image if there is one * * @return string The html image tag or the empy string if there is no image. * @param object $question The question object */ function get_question_image($question) { global $CFG; $img = ''; if (!$category = get_record('question_categories', 'id', $question->category)){ error('invalid category id '.$question->category); } $coursefilesdir = get_filesdir_from_context(get_context_instance_by_id($category->contextid)); if ($question->image) { if (substr(strtolower($question->image), 0, 7) == 'http://') { $img .= $question->image; } else if ($CFG->slasharguments) { // Use this method if possible for better caching $img .= "$CFG->wwwroot/file.php/$coursefilesdir/$question->image"; } else { $img .= "$CFG->wwwroot/file.php?file=/$coursefilesdir/$question->image"; } } return $img; } function question_print_comment_box($question, $state, $attempt, $url) { global $CFG; $prefix = 'response'; $usehtmleditor = can_use_richtext_editor(); $grade = round($state->last_graded->grade, 3); echo '
'; include($CFG->dirroot.'/question/comment.html'); echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; if ($usehtmleditor) { use_html_editor(); } } function question_process_comment($question, &$state, &$attempt, $comment, $grade) { // Update the comment and save it in the database $comment = trim($comment); $state->manualcomment = $comment; if (!set_field('question_sessions', 'manualcomment', $comment, 'attemptid', $attempt->uniqueid, 'questionid', $question->id)) { error("Cannot save comment"); } // Update the attempt if the score has changed. if (abs($state->last_graded->grade - $grade) > 0.002) { $attempt->sumgrades = $attempt->sumgrades - $state->last_graded->grade + $grade; $attempt->timemodified = time(); if (!update_record('quiz_attempts', $attempt)) { error('Failed to save the current quiz attempt!'); } } // Update the state if either the score has changed, or this is the first // manual grade event and there is actually a grade of comment to process. // We don't need to store the modified state in the database, we just need // to set the $state->changed flag. if (abs($state->last_graded->grade - $grade) > 0.002 || ($state->last_graded->event != QUESTION_EVENTMANUALGRADE && ($grade > 0.002 || $comment != ''))) { // We want to update existing state (rather than creating new one) if it // was itself created by a manual grading event. $state->update = ($state->event == QUESTION_EVENTMANUALGRADE) ? 1 : 0; // Update the other parts of the state object. $state->raw_grade = $grade; $state->grade = $grade; $state->penalty = 0; $state->timestamp = time(); $state->seq_number++; $state->event = QUESTION_EVENTMANUALGRADE; // Update the last graded state (don't simplify!) unset($state->last_graded); $state->last_graded = clone($state); // We need to indicate that the state has changed in order for it to be saved. $state->changed = 1; } } /** * Construct name prefixes for question form element names * * Construct the name prefix that should be used for example in the * names of form elements created by questions. * This is called by {@link get_question_options()} * to set $question->name_prefix. * This name prefix includes the question id which can be * extracted from it with {@link question_get_id_from_name_prefix()}. * * @return string * @param integer $id The question id */ function question_make_name_prefix($id) { return 'resp' . $id . '_'; } /** * Extract question id from the prefix of form element names * * @return integer The question id * @param string $name The name that contains a prefix that was * constructed with {@link question_make_name_prefix()} */ function question_get_id_from_name_prefix($name) { if (!preg_match('/^resp([0-9]+)_/', $name, $matches)) return false; return (integer) $matches[1]; } /** * Returns the unique id for a new attempt * * Every module can keep their own attempts table with their own sequential ids but * the question code needs to also have a unique id by which to identify all these * attempts. Hence a module, when creating a new attempt, calls this function and * stores the return value in the 'uniqueid' field of its attempts table. */ function question_new_attempt_uniqueid($modulename='quiz') { global $CFG; $attempt = new stdClass; $attempt->modulename = $modulename; if (!$id = insert_record('question_attempts', $attempt)) { error('Could not create new entry in question_attempts table'); } return $id; } /** * Creates a stamp that uniquely identifies this version of the question * * In future we want this to use a hash of the question data to guarantee that * identical versions have the same version stamp. * * @param object $question * @return string A unique version stamp */ function question_hash($question) { return make_unique_id_code(); } /// FUNCTIONS THAT SIMPLY WRAP QUESTIONTYPE METHODS ////////////////////////////////// /** * Get the HTML that needs to be included in the head tag when the * questions in $questionlist are printed in the gives states. * * @param array $questionlist a list of questionids of the questions what will appear on this page. * @param array $questions an array of question objects, whose keys are question ids. * Must contain all the questions in $questionlist * @param array $states an array of question state objects, whose keys are question ids. * Must contain the state of all the questions in $questionlist * * @return string some HTML code that can go inside the head tag. */ function get_html_head_contributions(&$questionlist, &$questions, &$states) { global $QTYPES; $contributions = array(); foreach ($questionlist as $questionid) { $question = $questions[$questionid]; $contributions = array_merge($contributions, $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->get_html_head_contributions( $question, $states[$questionid])); } return implode("\n", array_unique($contributions)); } /** * Prints a question * * Simply calls the question type specific print_question() method. * @param object $question The question to be rendered. * @param object $state The state to render the question in. * @param integer $number The number for this question. * @param object $cmoptions The options specified by the course module * @param object $options An object specifying the rendering options. */ function print_question(&$question, &$state, $number, $cmoptions, $options=null) { global $QTYPES; $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->print_question($question, $state, $number, $cmoptions, $options); } /** * Saves question options * * Simply calls the question type specific save_question_options() method. */ function save_question_options($question) { global $QTYPES; $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->save_question_options($question); } /** * Gets all teacher stored answers for a given question * * Simply calls the question type specific get_all_responses() method. */ // ULPGC ecastro function get_question_responses($question, $state) { global $QTYPES; $r = $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->get_all_responses($question, $state); return $r; } /** * Gets the response given by the user in a particular state * * Simply calls the question type specific get_actual_response() method. */ // ULPGC ecastro function get_question_actual_response($question, $state) { global $QTYPES; $r = $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->get_actual_response($question, $state); return $r; } /** * TODO: document this */ // ULPGc ecastro function get_question_fraction_grade($question, $state) { global $QTYPES; $r = $QTYPES[$question->qtype]->get_fractional_grade($question, $state); return $r; } /// CATEGORY FUNCTIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * returns the categories with their names ordered following parent-child relationships * finally it tries to return pending categories (those being orphaned, whose parent is * incorrect) to avoid missing any category from original array. */ function sort_categories_by_tree(&$categories, $id = 0, $level = 1) { $children = array(); $keys = array_keys($categories); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (!isset($categories[$key]->processed) && $categories[$key]->parent == $id) { $children[$key] = $categories[$key]; $categories[$key]->processed = true; $children = $children + sort_categories_by_tree($categories, $children[$key]->id, $level+1); } } //If level = 1, we have finished, try to look for non processed categories (bad parent) and sort them too if ($level == 1) { foreach ($keys as $key) { //If not processed and it's a good candidate to start (because its parent doesn't exist in the course) if (!isset($categories[$key]->processed) && !record_exists('question_categories', 'course', $categories[$key]->course, 'id', $categories[$key]->parent)) { $children[$key] = $categories[$key]; $categories[$key]->processed = true; $children = $children + sort_categories_by_tree($categories, $children[$key]->id, $level+1); } } } return $children; } /** * Private method, only for the use of add_indented_names(). * * Recursively adds an indentedname field to each category, starting with the category * with id $id, and dealing with that category and all its children, and * return a new array, with those categories in the right order. * * @param array $categories an array of categories which has had childids * fields added by flatten_category_tree(). Passed by reference for * performance only. It is not modfied. * @param int $id the category to start the indenting process from. * @param int $depth the indent depth. Used in recursive calls. * @return array a new array of categories, in the right order for the tree. */ function flatten_category_tree(&$categories, $id, $depth = 0, $nochildrenof = -1) { // Indent the name of this category. $newcategories = array(); $newcategories[$id] = $categories[$id]; $newcategories[$id]->indentedname = str_repeat('   ', $depth) . $categories[$id]->name; // Recursively indent the children. foreach ($categories[$id]->childids as $childid) { if ($childid != $nochildrenof){ $newcategories = $newcategories + flatten_category_tree($categories, $childid, $depth + 1, $nochildrenof); } } // Remove the childids array that were temporarily added. unset($newcategories[$id]->childids); return $newcategories; } /** * Format categories into an indented list reflecting the tree structure. * * @param array $categories An array of category objects, for example from the. * @return array The formatted list of categories. */ function add_indented_names($categories, $nochildrenof = -1) { // Add an array to each category to hold the child category ids. This array will be removed // again by flatten_category_tree(). It should not be used outside these two functions. foreach (array_keys($categories) as $id) { $categories[$id]->childids = array(); } // Build the tree structure, and record which categories are top-level. // We have to be careful, because the categories array may include published // categories from other courses, but not their parents. $toplevelcategoryids = array(); foreach (array_keys($categories) as $id) { if (!empty($categories[$id]->parent) && array_key_exists($categories[$id]->parent, $categories)) { $categories[$categories[$id]->parent]->childids[] = $id; } else { $toplevelcategoryids[] = $id; } } // Flatten the tree to and add the indents. $newcategories = array(); foreach ($toplevelcategoryids as $id) { $newcategories = $newcategories + flatten_category_tree($categories, $id, 0, $nochildrenof); } return $newcategories; } /** * Output a select menu of question categories. * * Categories from this course and (optionally) published categories from other courses * are included. Optionally, only categories the current user may edit can be included. * * @param integer $courseid the id of the course to get the categories for. * @param integer $published if true, include publised categories from other courses. * @param integer $only_editable if true, exclude categories this user is not allowed to edit. * @param integer $selected optionally, the id of a category to be selected by default in the dropdown. */ function question_category_select_menu($contexts, $top = false, $currentcat = 0, $selected = "", $nochildrenof = -1) { $categoriesarray = question_category_options($contexts, $top, $currentcat, false, $nochildrenof); if ($selected) { $nothing = ''; } else { $nothing = 'choose'; } choose_from_menu_nested($categoriesarray, 'category', $selected, $nothing); } /** * Gets the default category in the most specific context. * If no categories exist yet then default ones are created in all contexts. * * @param array $contexts The context objects for this context and all parent contexts. * @return object The default category - the category in the course context */ function question_make_default_categories($contexts) { $toreturn = null; // If it already exists, just return it. foreach ($contexts as $key => $context) { if (!$categoryrs = get_recordset_select("question_categories", "contextid = '{$context->id}'", 'sortorder, name', '*', '', 1)) { error('error getting category record'); } else { if (!$category = rs_fetch_record($categoryrs)){ // Otherwise, we need to make one $category = new stdClass; $contextname = print_context_name($context, false, true); $category->name = addslashes(get_string('defaultfor', 'question', $contextname)); $category->info = addslashes(get_string('defaultinfofor', 'question', $contextname)); $category->contextid = $context->id; $category->parent = 0; $category->sortorder = 999; // By default, all categories get this number, and are sorted alphabetically. $category->stamp = make_unique_id_code(); if (!$category->id = insert_record('question_categories', $category)) { error('Error creating a default category for context '.print_context_name($context)); } } } if ($context->contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE){ $toreturn = clone($category); } } return $toreturn; } /** * Get all the category objects, including a count of the number of questions in that category, * for all the categories in the lists $contexts. * * @param mixed $contexts either a single contextid, or a comma-separated list of context ids. * @param string $sortorder used as the ORDER BY clause in the select statement. * @return array of category objects. */ function get_categories_for_contexts($contexts, $sortorder = 'parent, sortorder, name ASC') { global $CFG; return get_records_sql(" SELECT *, (SELECT count(1) FROM {$CFG->prefix}question q WHERE c.id = q.category AND q.hidden='0' AND q.parent='0') as questioncount FROM {$CFG->prefix}question_categories c WHERE c.contextid IN ($contexts) ORDER BY $sortorder"); } /** * Output an array of question categories. */ function question_category_options($contexts, $top = false, $currentcat = 0, $popupform = false, $nochildrenof = -1) { global $CFG; $pcontexts = array(); foreach($contexts as $context){ $pcontexts[] = $context->id; } $contextslist = join($pcontexts, ', '); $categories = get_categories_for_contexts($contextslist); $categories = question_add_context_in_key($categories); if ($top){ $categories = question_add_tops($categories, $pcontexts); } $categories = add_indented_names($categories, $nochildrenof); //sort cats out into different contexts $categoriesarray = array(); foreach ($pcontexts as $pcontext){ $contextstring = print_context_name(get_context_instance_by_id($pcontext), true, true); foreach ($categories as $category) { if ($category->contextid == $pcontext){ $cid = $category->id; if ($currentcat!= $cid || $currentcat==0) { $countstring = (!empty($category->questioncount))?" ($category->questioncount)":''; $categoriesarray[$contextstring][$cid] = $category->indentedname.$countstring; } } } } if ($popupform){ $popupcats = array(); foreach ($categoriesarray as $contextstring => $optgroup){ $popupcats[] = '--'.$contextstring; $popupcats = array_merge($popupcats, $optgroup); $popupcats[] = '--'; } return $popupcats; } else { return $categoriesarray; } } function question_add_context_in_key($categories){ $newcatarray = array(); foreach ($categories as $id => $category) { $category->parent = "$category->parent,$category->contextid"; $category->id = "$category->id,$category->contextid"; $newcatarray["$id,$category->contextid"] = $category; } return $newcatarray; } function question_add_tops($categories, $pcontexts){ $topcats = array(); foreach ($pcontexts as $context){ $newcat = new object(); $newcat->id = "0,$context"; $newcat->name = get_string('top'); $newcat->parent = -1; $newcat->contextid = $context; $topcats["0,$context"] = $newcat; } //put topcats in at beginning of array - they'll be sorted into different contexts later. return array_merge($topcats, $categories); } /** * Returns a comma separated list of ids of the category and all subcategories */ function question_categorylist($categoryid) { // returns a comma separated list of ids of the category and all subcategories $categorylist = $categoryid; if ($subcategories = get_records('question_categories', 'parent', $categoryid, 'sortorder ASC', 'id, id')) { foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) { $categorylist .= ','. question_categorylist($subcategory->id); } } return $categorylist; } //=========================== // Import/Export Functions //=========================== /** * Get list of available import or export formats * @param string $type 'import' if import list, otherwise export list assumed * @return array sorted list of import/export formats available **/ function get_import_export_formats( $type ) { global $CFG; $fileformats = get_list_of_plugins("question/format"); $fileformatname=array(); require_once( "{$CFG->dirroot}/question/format.php" ); foreach ($fileformats as $key => $fileformat) { $format_file = $CFG->dirroot . "/question/format/$fileformat/format.php"; if (file_exists( $format_file ) ) { require_once( $format_file ); } else { continue; } $classname = "qformat_$fileformat"; $format_class = new $classname(); if ($type=='import') { $provided = $format_class->provide_import(); } else { $provided = $format_class->provide_export(); } if ($provided) { $formatname = get_string($fileformat, 'quiz'); if ($formatname == "[[$fileformat]]") { $formatname = $fileformat; // Just use the raw folder name } $fileformatnames[$fileformat] = $formatname; } } natcasesort($fileformatnames); return $fileformatnames; } /** * Create default export filename * * @return string default export filename * @param object $course * @param object $category */ function default_export_filename($course,$category) { //Take off some characters in the filename !! $takeoff = array(" ", ":", "/", "\\", "|"); $export_word = str_replace($takeoff,"_",moodle_strtolower(get_string("exportfilename","quiz"))); //If non-translated, use "export" if (substr($export_word,0,1) == "[") { $export_word= "export"; } //Calculate the date format string $export_date_format = str_replace(" ","_",get_string("exportnameformat","quiz")); //If non-translated, use "%Y%m%d-%H%M" if (substr($export_date_format,0,1) == "[") { $export_date_format = "%%Y%%m%%d-%%H%%M"; } //Calculate the shortname $export_shortname = clean_filename($course->shortname); if (empty($export_shortname) or $export_shortname == '_' ) { $export_shortname = $course->id; } //Calculate the category name $export_categoryname = clean_filename($category->name); //Calculate the final export filename //The export word $export_name = $export_word."-"; //The shortname $export_name .= moodle_strtolower($export_shortname)."-"; //The category name $export_name .= moodle_strtolower($export_categoryname)."-"; //The date format $export_name .= userdate(time(),$export_date_format,99,false); //Extension is supplied by format later. return $export_name; } class context_to_string_translator{ /** * @var array used to translate between contextids and strings for this context. */ var $contexttostringarray = array(); function context_to_string_translator($contexts){ $this->generate_context_to_string_array($contexts); } function context_to_string($contextid){ return $this->contexttostringarray[$contextid]; } function string_to_context($contextname){ $contextid = array_search($contextname, $this->contexttostringarray); return $contextid; } function generate_context_to_string_array($contexts){ if (!$this->contexttostringarray){ $catno = 1; foreach ($contexts as $context){ switch ($context->contextlevel){ case CONTEXT_MODULE : $contextstring = 'module'; break; case CONTEXT_COURSE : $contextstring = 'course'; break; case CONTEXT_COURSECAT : $contextstring = "cat$catno"; $catno++; break; case CONTEXT_SYSTEM : $contextstring = 'system'; break; } $this->contexttostringarray[$context->id] = $contextstring; } } } } /** * Check capability on category * @param mixed $question object or id * @param string $cap 'add', 'edit', 'view', 'use', 'move' * @param integer $cachecat useful to cache all question records in a category * @return boolean this user has the capability $cap for this question $question? */ function question_has_capability_on($question, $cap, $cachecat = -1){ global $USER; // these are capabilities on existing questions capabilties are //set per category. Each of these has a mine and all version. Append 'mine' and 'all' $question_questioncaps = array('edit', 'view', 'use', 'move'); static $questions = array(); static $categories = array(); static $cachedcat = array(); if ($cachecat != -1 && (array_search($cachecat, $cachedcat)===FALSE)){ $questions += get_records('question', 'category', $cachecat); $cachedcat[] = $cachecat; } if (!is_object($question)){ if (!isset($questions[$question])){ if (!$questions[$question] = get_record('question', 'id', $question)){ print_error('questiondoesnotexist', 'question'); } } $question = $questions[$question]; } if (!isset($categories[$question->category])){ if (!$categories[$question->category] = get_record('question_categories', 'id', $question->category)){ print_error('invalidcategory', 'quiz'); } } $category = $categories[$question->category]; if (array_search($cap, $question_questioncaps)!== FALSE){ if (!has_capability('moodle/question:'.$cap.'all', get_context_instance_by_id($category->contextid))){ if ($question->createdby == $USER->id){ return has_capability('moodle/question:'.$cap.'mine', get_context_instance_by_id($category->contextid)); } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } else { return has_capability('moodle/question:'.$cap, get_context_instance_by_id($category->contextid)); } } /** * Require capability on question. */ function question_require_capability_on($question, $cap){ if (!question_has_capability_on($question, $cap)){ print_error('nopermissions', '', '', $cap); } return true; } function question_file_links_base_url($courseid){ global $CFG; $baseurl = preg_quote("$CFG->wwwroot/file.php", '!'); $baseurl .= '('.preg_quote('?file=', '!').')?';//may or may not //be using slasharguments, accept either $baseurl .= "/$courseid/";//course directory return $baseurl; } /* * Find all course / site files linked to in a piece of html. * @param string html the html to search * @param int course search for files for courseid course or set to siteid for * finding site files. * @return array files with keys being files. */ function question_find_file_links_from_html($html, $courseid){ global $CFG; $baseurl = question_file_links_base_url($courseid); $searchfor = '!'. '(<\s*(a|img)\s[^>]*(href|src)\s*=\s*")'.$baseurl.'([^"]*)"'. '|'. '(<\s*(a|img)\s[^>]*(href|src)\s*=\s*\')'.$baseurl.'([^\']*)\''. '!i'; $matches = array(); $no = preg_match_all($searchfor, $html, $matches); if ($no){ $rawurls = array_filter(array_merge($matches[5], $matches[10]));//array_filter removes empty elements //remove any links that point somewhere they shouldn't foreach (array_keys($rawurls) as $rawurlkey){ if (!$cleanedurl = question_url_check($rawurls[$rawurlkey])){ unset($rawurls[$rawurlkey]); } else { $rawurls[$rawurlkey] = $cleanedurl; } } $urls = array_flip($rawurls);// array_flip removes duplicate files // and when we merge arrays will continue to automatically remove duplicates } else { $urls = array(); } return $urls; } /* * Check that url doesn't point anywhere it shouldn't * * @param $url string relative url within course files directory * @return mixed boolean false if not OK or cleaned URL as string if OK */ function question_url_check($url){ global $CFG; if ((substr(strtolower($url), 0, strlen($CFG->moddata)) == strtolower($CFG->moddata)) || (substr(strtolower($url), 0, 10) == 'backupdata')){ return false; } else { return clean_param($url, PARAM_PATH); } } /* * Find all course / site files linked to in a piece of html. * @param string html the html to search * @param int course search for files for courseid course or set to siteid for * finding site files. * @return array files with keys being files. */ function question_replace_file_links_in_html($html, $fromcourseid, $tocourseid, $url, $destination, &$changed){ global $CFG; if ($CFG->slasharguments) { // Use this method if possible for better caching $tourl = "$CFG->wwwroot/file.php/$tocourseid/$destination"; } else { $tourl = "$CFG->wwwroot/file.php?file=/$tocourseid/$destination"; } $fromurl = question_file_links_base_url($fromcourseid).preg_quote($url, '!'); $searchfor = array('!(<\s*(a|img)\s[^>]*(href|src)\s*=\s*")'.$fromurl.'(")!i', '!(<\s*(a|img)\s[^>]*(href|src)\s*=\s*\')'.$fromurl.'(\')!i'); $newhtml = preg_replace($searchfor, '\\1'.$tourl.'\\5', $html); if ($newhtml != $html){ $changed = true; } return $newhtml; } function get_filesdir_from_context($context){ switch ($context->contextlevel){ case CONTEXT_COURSE : $courseid = $context->instanceid; break; case CONTEXT_MODULE : $courseid = get_field('course_modules', 'course', 'id', $context->instanceid); break; case CONTEXT_COURSECAT : case CONTEXT_SYSTEM : $courseid = SITEID; break; default : error('Unsupported contextlevel in category record!'); } return $courseid; } ?>