. /** * @package moodlecore * @subpackage backup-dbops * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * Base abstract class for all the helper classes providing DB operations * * TODO: Finish phpdocs */ abstract class restore_dbops { /** * Keep cache of backup records. * @var array * @todo MDL-25290 static should be replaced with MUC code. */ private static $backupidscache = array(); /** * Keep track of backup ids which are cached. * @var array * @todo MDL-25290 static should be replaced with MUC code. */ private static $backupidsexist = array(); /** * Count is expensive, so manually keeping track of * backupidscache, to avoid memory issues. * @var int * @todo MDL-25290 static should be replaced with MUC code. */ private static $backupidscachesize = 2048; /** * Count is expensive, so manually keeping track of * backupidsexist, to avoid memory issues. * @var int * @todo MDL-25290 static should be replaced with MUC code. */ private static $backupidsexistsize = 10240; /** * Slice backupids cache to add more data. * @var int * @todo MDL-25290 static should be replaced with MUC code. */ private static $backupidsslice = 512; /** * Return one array containing all the tasks that have been included * in the restore process. Note that these tasks aren't built (they * haven't steps nor ids data available) */ public static function get_included_tasks($restoreid) { $rc = restore_controller_dbops::load_controller($restoreid); $tasks = $rc->get_plan()->get_tasks(); $includedtasks = array(); foreach ($tasks as $key => $task) { // Calculate if the task is being included $included = false; // blocks, based in blocks setting and parent activity/course if ($task instanceof restore_block_task) { if (!$task->get_setting_value('blocks')) { // Blocks not included, continue continue; } $parent = basename(dirname(dirname($task->get_taskbasepath()))); if ($parent == 'course') { // Parent is course, always included if present $included = true; } else { // Look for activity_included setting $included = $task->get_setting_value($parent . '_included'); } // ativities, based on included setting } else if ($task instanceof restore_activity_task) { $included = $task->get_setting_value('included'); // sections, based on included setting } else if ($task instanceof restore_section_task) { $included = $task->get_setting_value('included'); // course always included if present } else if ($task instanceof restore_course_task) { $included = true; } // If included, add it if ($included) { $includedtasks[] = $task; } } return $includedtasks; } /** * Load one inforef.xml file to backup_ids table for future reference */ public static function load_inforef_to_tempids($restoreid, $inforeffile) { if (!file_exists($inforeffile)) { // Shouldn't happen ever, but... throw new backup_helper_exception('missing_inforef_xml_file', $inforeffile); } // Let's parse, custom processor will do its work, sending info to DB $xmlparser = new progressive_parser(); $xmlparser->set_file($inforeffile); $xmlprocessor = new restore_inforef_parser_processor($restoreid); $xmlparser->set_processor($xmlprocessor); $xmlparser->process(); } /** * Load the needed role.xml file to backup_ids table for future reference */ public static function load_roles_to_tempids($restoreid, $rolesfile) { if (!file_exists($rolesfile)) { // Shouldn't happen ever, but... throw new backup_helper_exception('missing_roles_xml_file', $rolesfile); } // Let's parse, custom processor will do its work, sending info to DB $xmlparser = new progressive_parser(); $xmlparser->set_file($rolesfile); $xmlprocessor = new restore_roles_parser_processor($restoreid); $xmlparser->set_processor($xmlprocessor); $xmlparser->process(); } /** * Precheck the loaded roles, return empty array if everything is ok, and * array with 'errors', 'warnings' elements (suitable to be used by restore_prechecks) * with any problem found. At the same time, store all the mapping into backup_ids_temp * and also put the information into $rolemappings (controller->info), so it can be reworked later by * post-precheck stages while at the same time accept modified info in the same object coming from UI */ public static function precheck_included_roles($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, $rolemappings) { global $DB; $problems = array(); // To store warnings/errors // Get loaded roles from backup_ids $rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', array('backupid' => $restoreid, 'itemname' => 'role'), '', 'itemid'); foreach ($rs as $recrole) { // If the rolemappings->modified flag is set, that means that we are coming from // manually modified mappings (by UI), so accept those mappings an put them to backup_ids if ($rolemappings->modified) { $target = $rolemappings->mappings[$recrole->itemid]->targetroleid; self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'role', $recrole->itemid, $target); // Else, we haven't any info coming from UI, let's calculate the mappings, matching // in multiple ways and checking permissions. Note mapping to 0 means "skip" } else { $role = (object)self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'role', $recrole->itemid)->info; $match = self::get_best_assignable_role($role, $courseid, $userid, $samesite); // Send match to backup_ids self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'role', $recrole->itemid, $match); // Build the rolemappings element for controller unset($role->id); unset($role->nameincourse); unset($role->nameincourse); $role->targetroleid = $match; $rolemappings->mappings[$recrole->itemid] = $role; // Prepare warning if no match found if (!$match) { $problems['warnings'][] = get_string('cannotfindassignablerole', 'backup', $role->name); } } } $rs->close(); return $problems; } /** * Return cached backup id's * * @param int $restoreid id of backup * @param string $itemname name of the item * @param int $itemid id of item * @return array backup id's * @todo MDL-25290 replace static backupids* with MUC code */ protected static function get_backup_ids_cached($restoreid, $itemname, $itemid) { global $DB; $key = "$itemid $itemname $restoreid"; // If record exists in cache then return. if (isset(self::$backupidsexist[$key]) && isset(self::$backupidscache[$key])) { // Return a copy of cached data, to avoid any alterations in cached data. return clone self::$backupidscache[$key]; } // Clean cache, if it's full. if (self::$backupidscachesize <= 0) { // Remove some records, to keep memory in limit. self::$backupidscache = array_slice(self::$backupidscache, self::$backupidsslice, null, true); self::$backupidscachesize = self::$backupidscachesize + self::$backupidsslice; } if (self::$backupidsexistsize <= 0) { self::$backupidsexist = array_slice(self::$backupidsexist, self::$backupidsslice, null, true); self::$backupidsexistsize = self::$backupidsexistsize + self::$backupidsslice; } // Retrive record from database. $record = array( 'backupid' => $restoreid, 'itemname' => $itemname, 'itemid' => $itemid ); if ($dbrec = $DB->get_record('backup_ids_temp', $record)) { self::$backupidsexist[$key] = $dbrec->id; self::$backupidscache[$key] = $dbrec; self::$backupidscachesize--; self::$backupidsexistsize--; return $dbrec; } else { return false; } } /** * Cache backup ids' * * @param int $restoreid id of backup * @param string $itemname name of the item * @param int $itemid id of item * @param array $extrarecord extra record which needs to be updated * @return void * @todo MDL-25290 replace static BACKUP_IDS_* with MUC code */ protected static function set_backup_ids_cached($restoreid, $itemname, $itemid, $extrarecord) { global $DB; $key = "$itemid $itemname $restoreid"; $record = array( 'backupid' => $restoreid, 'itemname' => $itemname, 'itemid' => $itemid, ); // If record is not cached then add one. if (!isset(self::$backupidsexist[$key])) { // If we have this record in db, then just update this. if ($existingrecord = $DB->get_record('backup_ids_temp', $record)) { self::$backupidsexist[$key] = $existingrecord->id; self::$backupidsexistsize--; self::update_backup_cached_record($record, $extrarecord, $key, $existingrecord); } else { // Add new record to cache and db. $recorddefault = array ( 'newitemid' => 0, 'parentitemid' => null, 'info' => null); $record = array_merge($record, $recorddefault, $extrarecord); $record['id'] = $DB->insert_record('backup_ids_temp', $record); self::$backupidsexist[$key] = $record['id']; self::$backupidsexistsize--; if (self::$backupidscachesize > 0) { // Cache new records if we haven't got many yet. self::$backupidscache[$key] = (object) $record; self::$backupidscachesize--; } } } else { self::update_backup_cached_record($record, $extrarecord, $key); } } /** * Updates existing backup record * * @param array $record record which needs to be updated * @param array $extrarecord extra record which needs to be updated * @param string $key unique key which is used to identify cached record * @param stdClass $existingrecord (optional) existing record */ protected static function update_backup_cached_record($record, $extrarecord, $key, $existingrecord = null) { global $DB; // Update only if extrarecord is not empty. if (!empty($extrarecord)) { $extrarecord['id'] = self::$backupidsexist[$key]; $DB->update_record('backup_ids_temp', $extrarecord); // Update existing cache or add new record to cache. if (isset(self::$backupidscache[$key])) { $record = array_merge((array)self::$backupidscache[$key], $extrarecord); self::$backupidscache[$key] = (object) $record; } else if (self::$backupidscachesize > 0) { if ($existingrecord) { self::$backupidscache[$key] = $existingrecord; } else { // Retrive record from database and cache updated records. self::$backupidscache[$key] = $DB->get_record('backup_ids_temp', $record); } $record = array_merge((array)self::$backupidscache[$key], $extrarecord); self::$backupidscache[$key] = (object) $record; self::$backupidscachesize--; } } } /** * Reset the ids caches completely * * Any destructive operation (partial delete, truncate, drop or recreate) performed * with the backup_ids table must cause the backup_ids caches to be * invalidated by calling this method. See MDL-33630. * * Note that right now, the only operation of that type is the recreation * (drop & restore) of the table that may happen once the prechecks have ended. All * the rest of operations are always routed via {@link set_backup_ids_record()}, 1 by 1, * keeping the caches on sync. * * @todo MDL-25290 static should be replaced with MUC code. */ public static function reset_backup_ids_cached() { // Reset the ids cache. $cachetoadd = count(self::$backupidscache); self::$backupidscache = array(); self::$backupidscachesize = self::$backupidscachesize + $cachetoadd; // Reset the exists cache. $existstoadd = count(self::$backupidsexist); self::$backupidsexist = array(); self::$backupidsexistsize = self::$backupidsexistsize + $existstoadd; } /** * Given one role, as loaded from XML, perform the best possible matching against the assignable * roles, using different fallback alternatives (shortname, archetype, editingteacher => teacher, defaultcourseroleid) * returning the id of the best matching role or 0 if no match is found */ protected static function get_best_assignable_role($role, $courseid, $userid, $samesite) { global $CFG, $DB; // Gather various information about roles $coursectx = context_course::instance($courseid); $assignablerolesshortname = get_assignable_roles($coursectx, ROLENAME_SHORT, false, $userid); // Note: under 1.9 we had one function restore_samerole() that performed one complete // matching of roles (all caps) and if match was found the mapping was availabe bypassing // any assignable_roles() security. IMO that was wrong and we must not allow such // mappings anymore. So we have left that matching strategy out in 2.0 // Empty assignable roles, mean no match possible if (empty($assignablerolesshortname)) { return 0; } // Match by shortname if ($match = array_search($role->shortname, $assignablerolesshortname)) { return $match; } // Match by archetype list($in_sql, $in_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($assignablerolesshortname)); $params = array_merge(array($role->archetype), $in_params); if ($rec = $DB->get_record_select('role', "archetype = ? AND id $in_sql", $params, 'id', IGNORE_MULTIPLE)) { return $rec->id; } // Match editingteacher to teacher (happens a lot, from 1.9) if ($role->shortname == 'editingteacher' && in_array('teacher', $assignablerolesshortname)) { return array_search('teacher', $assignablerolesshortname); } // No match, return 0 return 0; } /** * Process the loaded roles, looking for their best mapping or skipping * Any error will cause exception. Note this is one wrapper over * precheck_included_roles, that contains all the logic, but returns * errors/warnings instead and is executed as part of the restore prechecks */ public static function process_included_roles($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, $rolemappings) { global $DB; // Just let precheck_included_roles() to do all the hard work $problems = self::precheck_included_roles($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, $rolemappings); // With problems of type error, throw exception, shouldn't happen if prechecks executed if (array_key_exists('errors', $problems)) { throw new restore_dbops_exception('restore_problems_processing_roles', null, implode(', ', $problems['errors'])); } } /** * Load the needed users.xml file to backup_ids table for future reference */ public static function load_users_to_tempids($restoreid, $usersfile) { if (!file_exists($usersfile)) { // Shouldn't happen ever, but... throw new backup_helper_exception('missing_users_xml_file', $usersfile); } // Let's parse, custom processor will do its work, sending info to DB $xmlparser = new progressive_parser(); $xmlparser->set_file($usersfile); $xmlprocessor = new restore_users_parser_processor($restoreid); $xmlparser->set_processor($xmlprocessor); $xmlparser->process(); } /** * Load the needed questions.xml file to backup_ids table for future reference */ public static function load_categories_and_questions_to_tempids($restoreid, $questionsfile) { if (!file_exists($questionsfile)) { // Shouldn't happen ever, but... throw new backup_helper_exception('missing_questions_xml_file', $questionsfile); } // Let's parse, custom processor will do its work, sending info to DB $xmlparser = new progressive_parser(); $xmlparser->set_file($questionsfile); $xmlprocessor = new restore_questions_parser_processor($restoreid); $xmlparser->set_processor($xmlprocessor); $xmlparser->process(); } /** * Check all the included categories and questions, deciding the action to perform * for each one (mapping / creation) and returning one array of problems in case * something is wrong. * * There are some basic rules that the method below will always try to enforce: * * Rule1: Targets will be, always, calculated for *whole* question banks (a.k.a. contexid source), * so, given 2 question categories belonging to the same bank, their target bank will be * always the same. If not, we can be incurring into "fragmentation", leading to random/cloze * problems (qtypes having "child" questions). * * Rule2: The 'moodle/question:managecategory' and 'moodle/question:add' capabilities will be * checked before creating any category/question respectively and, if the cap is not allowed * into upper contexts (system, coursecat)) but in lower ones (course), the *whole* question bank * will be created there. * * Rule3: Coursecat question banks not existing in the target site will be created as course * (lower ctx) question banks, never as "guessed" coursecat question banks base on depth or so. * * Rule4: System question banks will be created at system context if user has perms to do so. Else they * will created as course (lower ctx) question banks (similary to rule3). In other words, course ctx * if always a fallback for system and coursecat question banks. * * Also, there are some notes to clarify the scope of this method: * * Note1: This method won't create any question category nor question at all. It simply will calculate * which actions (create/map) must be performed for each element and where, validating that all those * actions are doable by the user executing the restore operation. Any problem found will be * returned in the problems array, causing the restore process to stop with error. * * Note2: To decide if one question bank (all its question categories and questions) is going to be remapped, * then all the categories and questions must exist in the same target bank. If able to do so, missing * qcats and qs will be created (rule2). But if, at the end, something is missing, the whole question bank * will be recreated at course ctx (rule1), no matter if that duplicates some categories/questions. * * Note3: We'll be using the newitemid column in the temp_ids table to store the action to be performed * with each question category and question. newitemid = 0 means the qcat/q needs to be created and * any other value means the qcat/q is mapped. Also, for qcats, parentitemid will contain the target * context where the categories have to be created (but for module contexts where we'll keep the old * one until the activity is created) * * Note4: All these "actions" will be "executed" later by {@link restore_create_categories_and_questions} */ public static function precheck_categories_and_questions($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite) { $problems = array(); // TODO: Check all qs, looking their qtypes are restorable // Precheck all qcats and qs looking for target contexts / warnings / errors list($syserr, $syswarn) = self::prechek_precheck_qbanks_by_level($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, CONTEXT_SYSTEM); list($caterr, $catwarn) = self::prechek_precheck_qbanks_by_level($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, CONTEXT_COURSECAT); list($couerr, $couwarn) = self::prechek_precheck_qbanks_by_level($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, CONTEXT_COURSE); list($moderr, $modwarn) = self::prechek_precheck_qbanks_by_level($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, CONTEXT_MODULE); // Acummulate and handle errors and warnings $errors = array_merge($syserr, $caterr, $couerr, $moderr); $warnings = array_merge($syswarn, $catwarn, $couwarn, $modwarn); if (!empty($errors)) { $problems['errors'] = $errors; } if (!empty($warnings)) { $problems['warnings'] = $warnings; } return $problems; } /** * This function will process all the question banks present in restore * at some contextlevel (from CONTEXT_SYSTEM to CONTEXT_MODULE), finding * the target contexts where each bank will be restored and returning * warnings/errors as needed. * * Some contextlevels (system, coursecat), will delegate process to * course level if any problem is found (lack of permissions, non-matching * target context...). Other contextlevels (course, module) will * cause return error if some problem is found. * * At the end, if no errors were found, all the categories in backup_temp_ids * will be pointing (parentitemid) to the target context where they must be * created later in the restore process. * * Note: at the time these prechecks are executed, activities haven't been * created yet so, for CONTEXT_MODULE banks, we keep the old contextid * in the parentitemid field. Once the activity (and its context) has been * created, we'll update that context in the required qcats * * Caller {@link precheck_categories_and_questions} will, simply, execute * this function for all the contextlevels, acting as a simple controller * of warnings and errors. * * The function returns 2 arrays, one containing errors and another containing * warnings. Both empty if no errors/warnings are found. */ public static function prechek_precheck_qbanks_by_level($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite, $contextlevel) { global $CFG, $DB; // To return any errors and warnings found $errors = array(); $warnings = array(); // Specify which fallbacks must be performed $fallbacks = array( CONTEXT_SYSTEM => CONTEXT_COURSE, CONTEXT_COURSECAT => CONTEXT_COURSE); // For any contextlevel, follow this process logic: // // 0) Iterate over each context (qbank) // 1) Iterate over each qcat in the context, matching by stamp for the found target context // 2a) No match, check if user can create qcat and q // 3a) User can, mark the qcat and all dependent qs to be created in that target context // 3b) User cannot, check if we are in some contextlevel with fallback // 4a) There is fallback, move ALL the qcats to fallback, warn. End qcat loop // 4b) No fallback, error. End qcat loop. // 2b) Match, mark qcat to be mapped and iterate over each q, matching by stamp and version // 5a) No match, check if user can add q // 6a) User can, mark the q to be created // 6b) User cannot, check if we are in some contextlevel with fallback // 7a) There is fallback, move ALL the qcats to fallback, warn. End qcat loop // 7b) No fallback, error. End qcat loop // 5b) Match, mark q to be mapped // Get all the contexts (question banks) in restore for the given contextlevel $contexts = self::restore_get_question_banks($restoreid, $contextlevel); // 0) Iterate over each context (qbank) foreach ($contexts as $contextid => $contextlevel) { // Init some perms $canmanagecategory = false; $canadd = false; // get categories in context (bank) $categories = self::restore_get_question_categories($restoreid, $contextid); // cache permissions if $targetcontext is found if ($targetcontext = self::restore_find_best_target_context($categories, $courseid, $contextlevel)) { $canmanagecategory = has_capability('moodle/question:managecategory', $targetcontext, $userid); $canadd = has_capability('moodle/question:add', $targetcontext, $userid); } // 1) Iterate over each qcat in the context, matching by stamp for the found target context foreach ($categories as $category) { $matchcat = false; if ($targetcontext) { $matchcat = $DB->get_record('question_categories', array( 'contextid' => $targetcontext->id, 'stamp' => $category->stamp)); } // 2a) No match, check if user can create qcat and q if (!$matchcat) { // 3a) User can, mark the qcat and all dependent qs to be created in that target context if ($canmanagecategory && $canadd) { // Set parentitemid to targetcontext, BUT for CONTEXT_MODULE categories, where // we keep the source contextid unmodified (for easier matching later when the // activities are created) $parentitemid = $targetcontext->id; if ($contextlevel == CONTEXT_MODULE) { $parentitemid = null; // null means "not modify" a.k.a. leave original contextid } self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'question_category', $category->id, 0, $parentitemid); // Nothing else to mark, newitemid = 0 means create // 3b) User cannot, check if we are in some contextlevel with fallback } else { // 4a) There is fallback, move ALL the qcats to fallback, warn. End qcat loop if (array_key_exists($contextlevel, $fallbacks)) { foreach ($categories as $movedcat) { $movedcat->contextlevel = $fallbacks[$contextlevel]; self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'question_category', $movedcat->id, 0, $contextid, $movedcat); // Warn about the performed fallback $warnings[] = get_string('qcategory2coursefallback', 'backup', $movedcat); } // 4b) No fallback, error. End qcat loop. } else { $errors[] = get_string('qcategorycannotberestored', 'backup', $category); } break; // out from qcat loop (both 4a and 4b), we have decided about ALL categories in context (bank) } // 2b) Match, mark qcat to be mapped and iterate over each q, matching by stamp and version } else { self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'question_category', $category->id, $matchcat->id, $targetcontext->id); $questions = self::restore_get_questions($restoreid, $category->id); foreach ($questions as $question) { $matchq = $DB->get_record('question', array( 'category' => $matchcat->id, 'stamp' => $question->stamp, 'version' => $question->version)); // 5a) No match, check if user can add q if (!$matchq) { // 6a) User can, mark the q to be created if ($canadd) { // Nothing to mark, newitemid means create // 6b) User cannot, check if we are in some contextlevel with fallback } else { // 7a) There is fallback, move ALL the qcats to fallback, warn. End qcat loo if (array_key_exists($contextlevel, $fallbacks)) { foreach ($categories as $movedcat) { $movedcat->contextlevel = $fallbacks[$contextlevel]; self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'question_category', $movedcat->id, 0, $contextid, $movedcat); // Warn about the performed fallback $warnings[] = get_string('question2coursefallback', 'backup', $movedcat); } // 7b) No fallback, error. End qcat loop } else { $errors[] = get_string('questioncannotberestored', 'backup', $question); } break 2; // out from qcat loop (both 7a and 7b), we have decided about ALL categories in context (bank) } // 5b) Match, mark q to be mapped } else { self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'question', $question->id, $matchq->id); } } } } } return array($errors, $warnings); } /** * Return one array of contextid => contextlevel pairs * of question banks to be checked for one given restore operation * ordered from CONTEXT_SYSTEM downto CONTEXT_MODULE * If contextlevel is specified, then only banks corresponding to * that level are returned */ public static function restore_get_question_banks($restoreid, $contextlevel = null) { global $DB; $results = array(); $qcats = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT itemid, parentitemid AS contextid FROM {backup_ids_temp} WHERE backupid = ? AND itemname = 'question_category'", array($restoreid)); foreach ($qcats as $qcat) { // If this qcat context haven't been acummulated yet, do that if (!isset($results[$qcat->contextid])) { $temprec = self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'question_category', $qcat->itemid); // Filter by contextlevel if necessary if (is_null($contextlevel) || $contextlevel == $temprec->info->contextlevel) { $results[$qcat->contextid] = $temprec->info->contextlevel; } } } // Sort by value (contextlevel from CONTEXT_SYSTEM downto CONTEXT_MODULE) asort($results); return $results; } /** * Return one array of question_category records for * a given restore operation and one restore context (question bank) */ public static function restore_get_question_categories($restoreid, $contextid) { global $DB; $results = array(); $qcats = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT itemid FROM {backup_ids_temp} WHERE backupid = ? AND itemname = 'question_category' AND parentitemid = ?", array($restoreid, $contextid)); foreach ($qcats as $qcat) { $temprec = self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'question_category', $qcat->itemid); $results[$qcat->itemid] = $temprec->info; } return $results; } /** * Calculates the best context found to restore one collection of qcats, * al them belonging to the same context (question bank), returning the * target context found (object) or false */ public static function restore_find_best_target_context($categories, $courseid, $contextlevel) { global $DB; $targetcontext = false; // Depending of $contextlevel, we perform different actions switch ($contextlevel) { // For system is easy, the best context is the system context case CONTEXT_SYSTEM: $targetcontext = context_system::instance(); break; // For coursecat, we are going to look for stamps in all the // course categories between CONTEXT_SYSTEM and CONTEXT_COURSE // (i.e. in all the course categories in the path) // // And only will return one "best" target context if all the // matches belong to ONE and ONLY ONE context. If multiple // matches are found, that means that there is some annoying // qbank "fragmentation" in the categories, so we'll fallback // to create the qbank at course level case CONTEXT_COURSECAT: // Build the array of stamps we are going to match $stamps = array(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $stamps[] = $category->stamp; } $contexts = array(); // Build the array of contexts we are going to look $systemctx = context_system::instance(); $coursectx = context_course::instance($courseid); $parentctxs = $coursectx->get_parent_context_ids(); foreach ($parentctxs as $parentctx) { // Exclude system context if ($parentctx == $systemctx->id) { continue; } $contexts[] = $parentctx; } if (!empty($stamps) && !empty($contexts)) { // Prepare the query list($stamp_sql, $stamp_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($stamps); list($context_sql, $context_params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($contexts); $sql = "SELECT contextid FROM {question_categories} WHERE stamp $stamp_sql AND contextid $context_sql"; $params = array_merge($stamp_params, $context_params); $matchingcontexts = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); // Only if ONE and ONLY ONE context is found, use it as valid target if (count($matchingcontexts) == 1) { $targetcontext = context::instance_by_id(reset($matchingcontexts)->contextid); } } break; // For course is easy, the best context is the course context case CONTEXT_COURSE: $targetcontext = context_course::instance($courseid); break; // For module is easy, there is not best context, as far as the // activity hasn't been created yet. So we return context course // for them, so permission checks and friends will work. Note this // case is handled by {@link prechek_precheck_qbanks_by_level} // in an special way case CONTEXT_MODULE: $targetcontext = context_course::instance($courseid); break; } return $targetcontext; } /** * Return one array of question records for * a given restore operation and one question category */ public static function restore_get_questions($restoreid, $qcatid) { global $DB; $results = array(); $qs = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT itemid FROM {backup_ids_temp} WHERE backupid = ? AND itemname = 'question' AND parentitemid = ?", array($restoreid, $qcatid)); foreach ($qs as $q) { $temprec = self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'question', $q->itemid); $results[$q->itemid] = $temprec->info; } return $results; } /** * Given one component/filearea/context and * optionally one source itemname to match itemids * put the corresponding files in the pool * * @param string $basepath the full path to the root of unzipped backup file * @param string $restoreid the restore job's identification * @param string $component * @param string $filearea * @param int $oldcontextid * @param int $dfltuserid default $file->user if the old one can't be mapped * @param string|null $itemname * @param int|null $olditemid * @param int|null $forcenewcontextid explicit value for the new contextid (skip mapping) * @param bool $skipparentitemidctxmatch * @return array of result object */ public static function send_files_to_pool($basepath, $restoreid, $component, $filearea, $oldcontextid, $dfltuserid, $itemname = null, $olditemid = null, $forcenewcontextid = null, $skipparentitemidctxmatch = false) { global $DB, $CFG; $backupinfo = backup_general_helper::get_backup_information(basename($basepath)); $includesfiles = $backupinfo->include_files; $results = array(); if ($forcenewcontextid) { // Some components can have "forced" new contexts (example: questions can end belonging to non-standard context mappings, // with questions originally at system/coursecat context in source being restored to course context in target). So we need // to be able to force the new contextid $newcontextid = $forcenewcontextid; } else { // Get new context, must exist or this will fail if (!$newcontextid = self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'context', $oldcontextid)->newitemid) { throw new restore_dbops_exception('unknown_context_mapping', $oldcontextid); } } // Sometimes it's possible to have not the oldcontextids stored into backup_ids_temp->parentitemid // columns (because we have used them to store other information). This happens usually with // all the question related backup_ids_temp records. In that case, it's safe to ignore that // matching as far as we are always restoring for well known oldcontexts and olditemids $parentitemctxmatchsql = ' AND i.parentitemid = f.contextid '; if ($skipparentitemidctxmatch) { $parentitemctxmatchsql = ''; } // Important: remember how files have been loaded to backup_files_temp // - info: contains the whole original object (times, names...) // (all them being original ids as loaded from xml) // itemname = null, we are going to match only by context, no need to use itemid (all them are 0) if ($itemname == null) { $sql = "SELECT id AS bftid, contextid, component, filearea, itemid, itemid AS newitemid, info FROM {backup_files_temp} WHERE backupid = ? AND contextid = ? AND component = ? AND filearea = ?"; $params = array($restoreid, $oldcontextid, $component, $filearea); // itemname not null, going to join with backup_ids to perform the old-new mapping of itemids } else { $sql = "SELECT f.id AS bftid, f.contextid, f.component, f.filearea, f.itemid, i.newitemid, f.info FROM {backup_files_temp} f JOIN {backup_ids_temp} i ON i.backupid = f.backupid $parentitemctxmatchsql AND i.itemid = f.itemid WHERE f.backupid = ? AND f.contextid = ? AND f.component = ? AND f.filearea = ? AND i.itemname = ?"; $params = array($restoreid, $oldcontextid, $component, $filearea, $itemname); if ($olditemid !== null) { // Just process ONE olditemid intead of the whole itemname $sql .= ' AND i.itemid = ?'; $params[] = $olditemid; } } $fs = get_file_storage(); // Get moodle file storage $basepath = $basepath . '/files/';// Get backup file pool base $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($rs as $rec) { $file = (object)unserialize(base64_decode($rec->info)); // ignore root dirs (they are created automatically) if ($file->filepath == '/' && $file->filename == '.') { continue; } // set the best possible user $mappeduser = self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'user', $file->userid); $mappeduserid = !empty($mappeduser) ? $mappeduser->newitemid : $dfltuserid; // dir found (and not root one), let's create it if ($file->filename == '.') { $fs->create_directory($newcontextid, $component, $filearea, $rec->newitemid, $file->filepath, $mappeduserid); continue; } // The file record to restore. $file_record = array( 'contextid' => $newcontextid, 'component' => $component, 'filearea' => $filearea, 'itemid' => $rec->newitemid, 'filepath' => $file->filepath, 'filename' => $file->filename, 'timecreated' => $file->timecreated, 'timemodified'=> $file->timemodified, 'userid' => $mappeduserid, 'author' => $file->author, 'license' => $file->license, 'sortorder' => $file->sortorder ); if (empty($file->repositoryid)) { // this is a regular file, it must be present in the backup pool $backuppath = $basepath . backup_file_manager::get_backup_content_file_location($file->contenthash); // Some file types do not include the files as they should already be // present. We still need to create entries into the files table. if ($includesfiles) { // The file is not found in the backup. if (!file_exists($backuppath)) { $result = new stdClass(); $result->code = 'file_missing_in_backup'; $result->message = sprintf('missing file %s%s in backup', $file->filepath, $file->filename); $result->level = backup::LOG_WARNING; $results[] = $result; continue; } // create the file in the filepool if it does not exist yet if (!$fs->file_exists($newcontextid, $component, $filearea, $rec->newitemid, $file->filepath, $file->filename)) { // If no license found, use default. if ($file->license == null){ $file->license = $CFG->sitedefaultlicense; } $fs->create_file_from_pathname($file_record, $backuppath); } } else { // This backup does not include the files - they should be available in moodle filestorage already. // Even if a file has been deleted since the backup was made, the file metadata will remain in the // files table, and the file will not be moved to the trashdir. // Files are not cleared from the files table by cron until several days after deletion. if ($foundfiles = $DB->get_records('files', array('contenthash' => $file->contenthash))) { // Only grab one of the foundfiles - the file content should be the same for all entries. $foundfile = reset($foundfiles); $fs->create_file_from_storedfile($file_record, $foundfile->id); } else { // A matching existing file record was not found in the database. $result = new stdClass(); $result->code = 'file_missing_in_backup'; $result->message = sprintf('missing file %s%s in backup', $file->filepath, $file->filename); $result->level = backup::LOG_WARNING; $results[] = $result; continue; } } // store the the new contextid and the new itemid in case we need to remap // references to this file later $DB->update_record('backup_files_temp', array( 'id' => $rec->bftid, 'newcontextid' => $newcontextid, 'newitemid' => $rec->newitemid), true); } else { // this is an alias - we can't create it yet so we stash it in a temp // table and will let the final task to deal with it if (!$fs->file_exists($newcontextid, $component, $filearea, $rec->newitemid, $file->filepath, $file->filename)) { $info = new stdClass(); // oldfile holds the raw information stored in MBZ (including reference-related info) $info->oldfile = $file; // newfile holds the info for the new file_record with the context, user and itemid mapped $info->newfile = (object) $file_record; restore_dbops::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'file_aliases_queue', $file->id, 0, null, $info); } } } $rs->close(); return $results; } /** * Given one restoreid, create in DB all the users present * in backup_ids having newitemid = 0, as far as * precheck_included_users() have left them there * ready to be created. Also, annotate their newids * once created for later reference */ public static function create_included_users($basepath, $restoreid, $userid) { global $CFG, $DB; $authcache = array(); // Cache to get some bits from authentication plugins $languages = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(); // Get languages for quick search later $themes = get_list_of_themes(); // Get themes for quick search later // Iterate over all the included users with newitemid = 0, have to create them $rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', array('backupid' => $restoreid, 'itemname' => 'user', 'newitemid' => 0), '', 'itemid, parentitemid'); foreach ($rs as $recuser) { $user = (object)self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'user', $recuser->itemid)->info; // if user lang doesn't exist here, use site default if (!array_key_exists($user->lang, $languages)) { $user->lang = $CFG->lang; } // if user theme isn't available on target site or they are disabled, reset theme if (!empty($user->theme)) { if (empty($CFG->allowuserthemes) || !in_array($user->theme, $themes)) { $user->theme = ''; } } // if user to be created has mnet auth and its mnethostid is $CFG->mnet_localhost_id // that's 100% impossible as own server cannot be accesed over mnet. Change auth to email/manual if ($user->auth == 'mnet' && $user->mnethostid == $CFG->mnet_localhost_id) { // Respect registerauth if ($CFG->registerauth == 'email') { $user->auth = 'email'; } else { $user->auth = 'manual'; } } unset($user->mnethosturl); // Not needed anymore // Disable pictures based on global setting if (!empty($CFG->disableuserimages)) { $user->picture = 0; } // We need to analyse the AUTH field to recode it: // - if the auth isn't enabled in target site, $CFG->registerauth will decide // - finally, if the auth resulting isn't enabled, default to 'manual' if (!is_enabled_auth($user->auth)) { if ($CFG->registerauth == 'email') { $user->auth = 'email'; } else { $user->auth = 'manual'; } } if (!is_enabled_auth($user->auth)) { // Final auth check verify, default to manual if not enabled $user->auth = 'manual'; } // Now that we know the auth method, for users to be created without pass // if password handling is internal and reset password is available // we set the password to "restored" (plain text), so the login process // will know how to handle that situation in order to allow the user to // recover the password. MDL-20846 if (empty($user->password)) { // Only if restore comes without password if (!array_key_exists($user->auth, $authcache)) { // Not in cache $userauth = new stdClass(); $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($user->auth); $userauth->preventpassindb = $authplugin->prevent_local_passwords(); $userauth->isinternal = $authplugin->is_internal(); $userauth->canresetpwd = $authplugin->can_reset_password(); $authcache[$user->auth] = $userauth; } else { $userauth = $authcache[$user->auth]; // Get from cache } // Most external plugins do not store passwords locally if (!empty($userauth->preventpassindb)) { $user->password = AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED; // If Moodle is responsible for storing/validating pwd and reset functionality is available, mark } else if ($userauth->isinternal and $userauth->canresetpwd) { $user->password = 'restored'; } } // Creating new user, we must reset the policyagreed always $user->policyagreed = 0; // Set time created if empty if (empty($user->timecreated)) { $user->timecreated = time(); } // Done, let's create the user and annotate its id $newuserid = $DB->insert_record('user', $user); self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'user', $recuser->itemid, $newuserid); // Let's create the user context and annotate it (we need it for sure at least for files) // but for deleted users that don't have a context anymore (MDL-30192). We are done for them // and nothing else (custom fields, prefs, tags, files...) will be created. if (empty($user->deleted)) { $newuserctxid = $user->deleted ? 0 : context_user::instance($newuserid)->id; self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'context', $recuser->parentitemid, $newuserctxid); // Process custom fields if (isset($user->custom_fields)) { // if present in backup foreach($user->custom_fields['custom_field'] as $udata) { $udata = (object)$udata; // If the profile field has data and the profile shortname-datatype is defined in server if ($udata->field_data) { if ($field = $DB->get_record('user_info_field', array('shortname'=>$udata->field_name, 'datatype'=>$udata->field_type))) { /// Insert the user_custom_profile_field $rec = new stdClass(); $rec->userid = $newuserid; $rec->fieldid = $field->id; $rec->data = $udata->field_data; $DB->insert_record('user_info_data', $rec); } } } } // Process tags if (!empty($CFG->usetags) && isset($user->tags)) { // if enabled in server and present in backup $tags = array(); foreach($user->tags['tag'] as $usertag) { $usertag = (object)$usertag; $tags[] = $usertag->rawname; } tag_set('user', $newuserid, $tags); } // Process preferences if (isset($user->preferences)) { // if present in backup foreach($user->preferences['preference'] as $preference) { $preference = (object)$preference; // Prepare the record and insert it $preference->userid = $newuserid; $status = $DB->insert_record('user_preferences', $preference); } } // Create user files in pool (profile, icon, private) by context restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($basepath, $restoreid, 'user', 'icon', $recuser->parentitemid, $userid); restore_dbops::send_files_to_pool($basepath, $restoreid, 'user', 'profile', $recuser->parentitemid, $userid); } } $rs->close(); } /** * Given one user object (from backup file), perform all the neccesary * checks is order to decide how that user will be handled on restore. * * Note the function requires $user->mnethostid to be already calculated * so it's caller responsibility to set it * * This function is used both by @restore_precheck_users() and * @restore_create_users() to get consistent results in both places * * It returns: * - one user object (from DB), if match has been found and user will be remapped * - boolean true if the user needs to be created * - boolean false if some conflict happened and the user cannot be handled * * Each test is responsible for returning its results and interrupt * execution. At the end, boolean true (user needs to be created) will be * returned if no test has interrupted that. * * Here it's the logic applied, keep it updated: * * If restoring users from same site backup: * 1A - Normal check: If match by id and username and mnethost => ok, return target user * 1B - If restoring an 'anonymous' user (created via the 'Anonymize user information' option) try to find a * match by username only => ok, return target user MDL-31484 * 1C - Handle users deleted in DB and "alive" in backup file: * If match by id and mnethost and user is deleted in DB and * (match by username LIKE 'backup_email.%' or by non empty email = md5(username)) => ok, return target user * 1D - Handle users deleted in backup file and "alive" in DB: * If match by id and mnethost and user is deleted in backup file * and match by email = email_without_time(backup_email) => ok, return target user * 1E - Conflict: If match by username and mnethost and doesn't match by id => conflict, return false * 1F - None of the above, return true => User needs to be created * * if restoring from another site backup (cannot match by id here, replace it by email/firstaccess combination): * 2A - Normal check: If match by username and mnethost and (email or non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user * 2B - Handle users deleted in DB and "alive" in backup file: * 2B1 - If match by mnethost and user is deleted in DB and not empty email = md5(username) and * (username LIKE 'backup_email.%' or non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user * 2B2 - If match by mnethost and user is deleted in DB and * username LIKE 'backup_email.%' and non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user * (to cover situations were md5(username) wasn't implemented on delete we requiere both) * 2C - Handle users deleted in backup file and "alive" in DB: * If match mnethost and user is deleted in backup file * and by email = email_without_time(backup_email) and non-zero firstaccess=> ok, return target user * 2D - Conflict: If match by username and mnethost and not by (email or non-zero firstaccess) => conflict, return false * 2E - None of the above, return true => User needs to be created * * Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we * are looking there for emails. See delete_user() * Note: for DB deleted users md5(username) is stored *sometimes* in the email field, * hence we are looking there for usernames if not empty. See delete_user() */ protected static function precheck_user($user, $samesite) { global $CFG, $DB; // Handle checks from same site backups if ($samesite && empty($CFG->forcedifferentsitecheckingusersonrestore)) { // 1A - If match by id and username and mnethost => ok, return target user if ($rec = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$user->id, 'username'=>$user->username, 'mnethostid'=>$user->mnethostid))) { return $rec; // Matching user found, return it } // 1B - If restoring an 'anonymous' user (created via the 'Anonymize user information' option) try to find a // match by username only => ok, return target user MDL-31484 // This avoids username / id mis-match problems when restoring subsequent anonymized backups. if (backup_anonymizer_helper::is_anonymous_user($user)) { if ($rec = $DB->get_record('user', array('username' => $user->username))) { return $rec; // Matching anonymous user found - return it } } // 1C - Handle users deleted in DB and "alive" in backup file // Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we // are looking there for emails. See delete_user() // Note: for DB deleted users md5(username) is stored *sometimes* in the email field, // hence we are looking there for usernames if not empty. See delete_user() // If match by id and mnethost and user is deleted in DB and // match by username LIKE 'backup_email.%' or by non empty email = md5(username) => ok, return target user if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE id = ? AND mnethostid = ? AND deleted = 1 AND ( UPPER(username) LIKE UPPER(?) OR ( ".$DB->sql_isnotempty('user', 'email', false, false)." AND email = ? ) )", array($user->id, $user->mnethostid, $user->email.'.%', md5($user->username)))) { return $rec; // Matching user, deleted in DB found, return it } // 1D - Handle users deleted in backup file and "alive" in DB // If match by id and mnethost and user is deleted in backup file // and match by email = email_without_time(backup_email) => ok, return target user if ($user->deleted) { // Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we // are looking there for emails. See delete_user() // Trim time() from email $trimemail = preg_replace('/(.*?)\.[0-9]+.?$/', '\\1', $user->username); if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE id = ? AND mnethostid = ? AND UPPER(email) = UPPER(?)", array($user->id, $user->mnethostid, $trimemail))) { return $rec; // Matching user, deleted in backup file found, return it } } // 1E - If match by username and mnethost and doesn't match by id => conflict, return false if ($rec = $DB->get_record('user', array('username'=>$user->username, 'mnethostid'=>$user->mnethostid))) { if ($user->id != $rec->id) { return false; // Conflict, username already exists and belongs to another id } } // Handle checks from different site backups } else { // 2A - If match by username and mnethost and // (email or non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE username = ? AND mnethostid = ? AND ( UPPER(email) = UPPER(?) OR ( firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ? ) )", array($user->username, $user->mnethostid, $user->email, $user->firstaccess))) { return $rec; // Matching user found, return it } // 2B - Handle users deleted in DB and "alive" in backup file // Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we // are looking there for emails. See delete_user() // Note: for DB deleted users md5(username) is stored *sometimes* in the email field, // hence we are looking there for usernames if not empty. See delete_user() // 2B1 - If match by mnethost and user is deleted in DB and not empty email = md5(username) and // (by username LIKE 'backup_email.%' or non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE mnethostid = ? AND deleted = 1 AND ".$DB->sql_isnotempty('user', 'email', false, false)." AND email = ? AND ( UPPER(username) LIKE UPPER(?) OR ( firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ? ) )", array($user->mnethostid, md5($user->username), $user->email.'.%', $user->firstaccess))) { return $rec; // Matching user found, return it } // 2B2 - If match by mnethost and user is deleted in DB and // username LIKE 'backup_email.%' and non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user // (this covers situations where md5(username) wasn't being stored so we require both // the email & non-zero firstaccess to match) if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE mnethostid = ? AND deleted = 1 AND UPPER(username) LIKE UPPER(?) AND firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ?", array($user->mnethostid, $user->email.'.%', $user->firstaccess))) { return $rec; // Matching user found, return it } // 2C - Handle users deleted in backup file and "alive" in DB // If match mnethost and user is deleted in backup file // and match by email = email_without_time(backup_email) and non-zero firstaccess=> ok, return target user if ($user->deleted) { // Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we // are looking there for emails. See delete_user() // Trim time() from email $trimemail = preg_replace('/(.*?)\.[0-9]+.?$/', '\\1', $user->username); if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE mnethostid = ? AND UPPER(email) = UPPER(?) AND firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ?", array($user->mnethostid, $trimemail, $user->firstaccess))) { return $rec; // Matching user, deleted in backup file found, return it } } // 2D - If match by username and mnethost and not by (email or non-zero firstaccess) => conflict, return false if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE username = ? AND mnethostid = ? AND NOT ( UPPER(email) = UPPER(?) OR ( firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ? ) )", array($user->username, $user->mnethostid, $user->email, $user->firstaccess))) { return false; // Conflict, username/mnethostid already exist and belong to another user (by email/firstaccess) } } // Arrived here, return true as the user will need to be created and no // conflicts have been found in the logic above. This covers: // 1E - else => user needs to be created, return true // 2E - else => user needs to be created, return true return true; } /** * Check all the included users, deciding the action to perform * for each one (mapping / creation) and returning one array * of problems in case something is wrong (lack of permissions, * conficts) */ public static function precheck_included_users($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite) { global $CFG, $DB; // To return any problem found $problems = array(); // We are going to map mnethostid, so load all the available ones $mnethosts = $DB->get_records('mnet_host', array(), 'wwwroot', 'wwwroot, id'); // Calculate the context we are going to use for capability checking $context = context_course::instance($courseid); // Calculate if we have perms to create users, by checking: // to 'moodle/restore:createuser' and 'moodle/restore:userinfo' // and also observe $CFG->disableusercreationonrestore $cancreateuser = false; if (has_capability('moodle/restore:createuser', $context, $userid) and has_capability('moodle/restore:userinfo', $context, $userid) and empty($CFG->disableusercreationonrestore)) { // Can create users $cancreateuser = true; } // Iterate over all the included users $rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', array('backupid' => $restoreid, 'itemname' => 'user'), '', 'itemid'); foreach ($rs as $recuser) { $user = (object)self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'user', $recuser->itemid)->info; // Find the correct mnethostid for user before performing any further check if (empty($user->mnethosturl) || $user->mnethosturl === $CFG->wwwroot) { $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; } else { // fast url-to-id lookups if (isset($mnethosts[$user->mnethosturl])) { $user->mnethostid = $mnethosts[$user->mnethosturl]->id; } else { $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; } } // Now, precheck that user and, based on returned results, annotate action/problem $usercheck = self::precheck_user($user, $samesite); if (is_object($usercheck)) { // No problem, we have found one user in DB to be mapped to // Annotate it, for later process. Set newitemid to mapping user->id self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'user', $recuser->itemid, $usercheck->id); } else if ($usercheck === false) { // Found conflict, report it as problem $problems[] = get_string('restoreuserconflict', '', $user->username); } else if ($usercheck === true) { // User needs to be created, check if we are able if ($cancreateuser) { // Can create user, set newitemid to 0 so will be created later self::set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'user', $recuser->itemid, 0, null, (array)$user); } else { // Cannot create user, report it as problem $problems[] = get_string('restorecannotcreateuser', '', $user->username); } } else { // Shouldn't arrive here ever, something is for sure wrong. Exception throw new restore_dbops_exception('restore_error_processing_user', $user->username); } } $rs->close(); return $problems; } /** * Process the needed users in order to decide * which action to perform with them (create/map) * * Just wrap over precheck_included_users(), returning * exception if any problem is found */ public static function process_included_users($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite) { global $DB; // Just let precheck_included_users() to do all the hard work $problems = self::precheck_included_users($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite); // With problems, throw exception, shouldn't happen if prechecks were originally // executed, so be radical here. if (!empty($problems)) { throw new restore_dbops_exception('restore_problems_processing_users', null, implode(', ', $problems)); } } /** * Process the needed question categories and questions * to check all them, deciding about the action to perform * (create/map) and target. * * Just wrap over precheck_categories_and_questions(), returning * exception if any problem is found */ public static function process_categories_and_questions($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite) { global $DB; // Just let precheck_included_users() to do all the hard work $problems = self::precheck_categories_and_questions($restoreid, $courseid, $userid, $samesite); // With problems of type error, throw exception, shouldn't happen if prechecks were originally // executed, so be radical here. if (array_key_exists('errors', $problems)) { throw new restore_dbops_exception('restore_problems_processing_questions', null, implode(', ', $problems['errors'])); } } public static function set_backup_files_record($restoreid, $filerec) { global $DB; // Store external files info in `info` field $filerec->info = base64_encode(serialize($filerec)); // Serialize the whole rec in info $filerec->backupid = $restoreid; $DB->insert_record('backup_files_temp', $filerec); } public static function set_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $itemname, $itemid, $newitemid = 0, $parentitemid = null, $info = null) { // Build conditionally the extra record info $extrarecord = array(); if ($newitemid != 0) { $extrarecord['newitemid'] = $newitemid; } if ($parentitemid != null) { $extrarecord['parentitemid'] = $parentitemid; } if ($info != null) { $extrarecord['info'] = base64_encode(serialize($info)); } self::set_backup_ids_cached($restoreid, $itemname, $itemid, $extrarecord); } public static function get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, $itemname, $itemid) { $dbrec = self::get_backup_ids_cached($restoreid, $itemname, $itemid); if ($dbrec && isset($dbrec->info) && is_string($dbrec->info)) { $dbrec->info = unserialize(base64_decode($dbrec->info)); } return $dbrec; } /** * Given on courseid, fullname and shortname, calculate the correct fullname/shortname to avoid dupes */ public static function calculate_course_names($courseid, $fullname, $shortname) { global $CFG, $DB; $currentfullname = ''; $currentshortname = ''; $counter = 0; // Iteratere while the name exists do { if ($counter) { $suffixfull = ' ' . get_string('copyasnoun') . ' ' . $counter; $suffixshort = '_' . $counter; } else { $suffixfull = ''; $suffixshort = ''; } $currentfullname = $fullname.$suffixfull; $currentshortname = substr($shortname, 0, 100 - strlen($suffixshort)).$suffixshort; // < 100cc $coursefull = $DB->get_record_select('course', 'fullname = ? AND id != ?', array($currentfullname, $courseid), '*', IGNORE_MULTIPLE); $courseshort = $DB->get_record_select('course', 'shortname = ? AND id != ?', array($currentshortname, $courseid)); $counter++; } while ($coursefull || $courseshort); // Return results return array($currentfullname, $currentshortname); } /** * For the target course context, put as many custom role names as possible */ public static function set_course_role_names($restoreid, $courseid) { global $DB; // Get the course context $coursectx = context_course::instance($courseid); // Get all the mapped roles we have $rs = $DB->get_recordset('backup_ids_temp', array('backupid' => $restoreid, 'itemname' => 'role'), '', 'itemid'); foreach ($rs as $recrole) { // Get the complete temp_ids record $role = (object)self::get_backup_ids_record($restoreid, 'role', $recrole->itemid); // If it's one mapped role and we have one name for it if (!empty($role->newitemid) && !empty($role->info['nameincourse'])) { // If role name doesn't exist, add it $rolename = new stdclass(); $rolename->roleid = $role->newitemid; $rolename->contextid = $coursectx->id; if (!$DB->record_exists('role_names', (array)$rolename)) { $rolename->name = $role->info['nameincourse']; $DB->insert_record('role_names', $rolename); } } } $rs->close(); } /** * Creates a skeleton record within the database using the passed parameters * and returns the new course id. * * @global moodle_database $DB * @param string $fullname * @param string $shortname * @param int $categoryid * @return int The new course id */ public static function create_new_course($fullname, $shortname, $categoryid) { global $DB; $category = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id'=>$categoryid), '*', MUST_EXIST); $course = new stdClass; $course->fullname = $fullname; $course->shortname = $shortname; $course->category = $category->id; $course->sortorder = 0; $course->timecreated = time(); $course->timemodified = $course->timecreated; // forcing skeleton courses to be hidden instead of going by $category->visible , until MDL-27790 is resolved. $course->visible = 0; $courseid = $DB->insert_record('course', $course); $category->coursecount++; $DB->update_record('course_categories', $category); return $courseid; } /** * Deletes all of the content associated with the given course (courseid) * @param int $courseid * @param array $options * @return bool True for success */ public static function delete_course_content($courseid, array $options = null) { return remove_course_contents($courseid, false, $options); } } /* * Exception class used by all the @dbops stuff */ class restore_dbops_exception extends backup_exception { public function __construct($errorcode, $a=NULL, $debuginfo=null) { parent::__construct($errorcode, 'error', '', $a, null, $debuginfo); } }