libdir.'/gradelib.php'); /** * Group backup/restore constants, 0. */ define('RESTORE_GROUPS_NONE', 0); /** * Group backup/restore constants, 1. */ define('RESTORE_GROUPS_ONLY', 1); /** * Group backup/restore constants, 2. */ define('RESTORE_GROUPINGS_ONLY', 2); /** * Group backup/restore constants, course/all. */ define('RESTORE_GROUPS_GROUPINGS', 3); //This function unzips a zip file in the same directory that it is //It automatically uses pclzip or command line unzip function restore_unzip ($file) { return unzip_file($file, '', false); } //This function checks if moodle.xml seems to be a valid xml file //(exists, has an xml header and a course main tag function restore_check_moodle_file ($file) { $status = true; //Check if it exists if ($status = is_file($file)) { //Open it and read the first 200 bytes (chars) $handle = fopen ($file, "r"); $first_chars = fread($handle,200); $status = fclose ($handle); //Chek if it has the requires strings if ($status) { $status = strpos($first_chars,""); if ($status !== false) { $status = strpos($first_chars,""); } } } return $status; } //This function iterates over all modules in backup file, searching for a //MODNAME_refresh_events() to execute. Perhaps it should ve moved to central Moodle... function restore_refresh_events($restore) { global $CFG; $status = true; //Take all modules in backup $modules = $restore->mods; //Iterate foreach($modules as $name => $module) { //Only if the module is being restored if (isset($module->restore) && $module->restore == 1) { //Include module library include_once("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$name/lib.php"); //If module_refresh_events exists $function_name = $name."_refresh_events"; if (function_exists($function_name)) { $status = $function_name($restore->course_id); } } } return $status; } //This function makes all the necessary calls to xxxx_decode_content_links_caller() //function in each module/block/course format..., passing them the desired contents to be decoded //from backup format to destination site/course in order to mantain inter-activities //working in the backup/restore process function restore_decode_content_links($restore) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ""; } return $status; } //This function is called from all xxxx_decode_content_links_caller(), //its task is to ask all modules (maybe other linkable objects) to restore //links to them. function restore_decode_content_links_worker($content,$restore) { global $CFG, $DB; foreach($restore->mods as $name => $info) { $function_name = $name."_decode_content_links"; if (function_exists($function_name)) { $content = $function_name($content,$restore); } } // For the current format, call decode_format_content_links if it exists static $format_function_name; if (!isset($format_function_name)) { $format_function_name = false; if ($format = $DB->get_field('course','format', array('id'=>$restore->course_id))) { if (file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/course/format/$format/restorelib.php")) { include_once("$CFG->dirroot/course/format/$format/restorelib.php"); $function_name = $format.'_decode_format_content_links'; if (function_exists($function_name)) { $format_function_name = $function_name; } } } } // If the above worked - then we have a function to call if ($format_function_name) { $content = $format_function_name($content, $restore); } // For each block, call its encode_content_links method static $blockobjects = null; if (!isset($blockobjects)) { $blockobjects = array(); if ($blocks = $DB->get_records('block', array('visible'=>1))) { foreach ($blocks as $block) { if ($blockobject = block_instance($block->name)) { $blockobjects[] = $blockobject; } } } } foreach ($blockobjects as $blockobject) { $content = $blockobject->decode_content_links($content,$restore); } return $content; } //This function converts all the wiki texts in the restored course //to the Markdown format. Used only for backup files prior 2005041100. //It calls every module xxxx_convert_wiki2markdown function function restore_convert_wiki2markdown($restore) { $status = true; if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ""; } return $status; } //This function receives a wiki text in the restore process and //return it with every link to modules " modulename:moduleid" //converted if possible. See the space before modulename!! function restore_decode_wiki_content($content,$restore) { global $CFG; $result = $content; $searchstring='/ ([a-zA-Z]+):([0-9]+)\(([^)]+)\)/'; //We look for it preg_match_all($searchstring,$content,$foundset); //If found, then we are going to look for its new id (in backup tables) if ($foundset[0]) { //print_object($foundset); //Debug //Iterate over foundset[2]. They are the old_ids foreach($foundset[2] as $old_id) { //We get the needed variables here (course id) $rec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$old_id); //Personalize the searchstring $searchstring='/ ([a-zA-Z]+):'.$old_id.'\(([^)]+)\)/'; //If it is a link to this course, update the link to its new location if($rec->new_id) { //Now replace it $result= preg_replace($searchstring,' $1:'.$rec->new_id.'($2)',$result); } else { //It's a foreign link so redirect it to its original URL $result= preg_replace($searchstring,$restore->original_wwwroot.'/mod/$1/view.php?id='.$old_id.'($2)',$result); } } } return $result; } //This function read the xml file and store it data from the info zone in an object function restore_read_xml_info ($xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = INFO $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"INFO",false); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store it data from the course header zone in an object function restore_read_xml_course_header ($xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = COURSE_HEADER $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"COURSE_HEADER",false); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the blocks in a object function restore_read_xml_blocks ($restore, $xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = BLOCKS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,'BLOCKS',$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the sections in a object function restore_read_xml_sections ($xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = SECTIONS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"SECTIONS",false); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the course format in an object function restore_read_xml_formatdata ($xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = FORMATDATA $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,'FORMATDATA',false); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the metacourse in a object function restore_read_xml_metacourse ($xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = METACOURSE $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"METACOURSE",false); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the gradebook in a object function restore_read_xml_gradebook ($restore, $xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = GRADEBOOK $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"GRADEBOOK",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the users in //backup_ids->info db (and user's id in $info) function restore_read_xml_users ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = USERS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"USERS",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the messages in //backup_ids->message backup_ids->message_read and backup_ids->contact and db (and their counters in info) function restore_read_xml_messages ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = MESSAGES $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"MESSAGES",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the blogs in //backup_ids->blog and backup_ids->blog_tag and db (and their counters in info) function restore_read_xml_blogs ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = BLOGS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"BLOGS",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the questions in //backup_ids->info db (and category's id in $info) function restore_read_xml_questions ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = QUESTIONS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"QUESTIONS",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the scales in //backup_ids->info db (and scale's id in $info) function restore_read_xml_scales ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = SCALES $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"SCALES",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the groups in //backup_ids->info db (and group's id in $info) function restore_read_xml_groups ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = GROUPS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"GROUPS",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the groupings in //backup_ids->info db (and grouping's id in $info) function restore_read_xml_groupings ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = GROUPINGS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"GROUPINGS",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the groupings in //backup_ids->info db (and grouping's id in $info) function restore_read_xml_groupings_groups ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = GROUPINGS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"GROUPINGSGROUPS",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the events (course) in //backup_ids->info db (and event's id in $info) function restore_read_xml_events ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = EVENTS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"EVENTS",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the modules in //backup_ids->info function restore_read_xml_modules ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = MODULES $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"MODULES",$restore); return $info; } //This function read the xml file and store its data from the logs in //backup_ids->info function restore_read_xml_logs ($restore,$xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = LOGS $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"LOGS",$restore); return $info; } function restore_read_xml_roles ($xml_file) { //We call the main read_xml function, with $todo = ROLES $info = restore_read_xml ($xml_file,"ROLES",false); return $info; } //This function prints the contents from the info parammeter passed function restore_print_info ($info) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; $status = true; if ($info) { $table = new html_table(); //This is tha align to every ingo table $table->align = array ("right","left"); //This is the nowrap clause $table->wrap = array ("","nowrap"); //The width $table->width = "70%"; //Put interesting info in table //The backup original name $tab[0][0] = "".get_string("backuporiginalname").":"; $tab[0][1] = $info->backup_name; //The moodle version $tab[1][0] = "".get_string("moodleversion").":"; $tab[1][1] = $info->backup_moodle_release." (".$info->backup_moodle_version.")"; //The backup version $tab[2][0] = "".get_string("backupversion").":"; $tab[2][1] = $info->backup_backup_release." (".$info->backup_backup_version.")"; //The backup date $tab[3][0] = "".get_string("backupdate").":"; $tab[3][1] = userdate($info->backup_date); //Is this the same Moodle install? if (!empty($info->original_siteidentifier)) { $tab[4][0] = "".get_string("backupfromthissite").":"; if (backup_is_same_site($info)) { $tab[4][1] = get_string('yes'); } else { $tab[4][1] = get_string('no'); } } //Print title echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("backup").":"); $table->data = $tab; //Print backup general info echo html_writer::table($table); if ($info->backup_backup_version <= 2005070500) { echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('backupnonisowarning')); // Message informing that this backup may not work! } //Now backup contents in another table $tab = array(); //First mods info $mods = $info->mods; $elem = 0; foreach ($mods as $key => $mod) { $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string("modulenameplural",$key).":"; if ($mod->backup == "false") { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("notincluded"); } else { if ($mod->userinfo == "true") { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("included")." ".get_string("withuserdata"); } else { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("included")." ".get_string("withoutuserdata"); } if (isset($mod->instances) && is_array($mod->instances) && count($mod->instances)) { foreach ($mod->instances as $instance) { if ($instance->backup) { $elem++; $tab[$elem][0] = $instance->name; if ($instance->userinfo == 'true') { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("included")." ".get_string("withuserdata"); } else { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("included")." ".get_string("withoutuserdata"); } } } } } $elem++; } //Metacourse info $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string("metacourse").":"; if ($info->backup_metacourse == "true") { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes"); } else { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no"); } $elem++; //Users info $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string("users").":"; $tab[$elem][1] = get_string($info->backup_users); $elem++; //Logs info $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string("logs").":"; if ($info->backup_logs == "true") { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes"); } else { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no"); } $elem++; //User Files info $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string("userfiles").":"; if ($info->backup_user_files == "true") { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes"); } else { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no"); } $elem++; //Course Files info $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string("coursefiles").":"; if ($info->backup_course_files == "true") { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes"); } else { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no"); } $elem++; //site Files info $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string("sitefiles").":"; if (isset($info->backup_site_files) && $info->backup_site_files == "true") { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes"); } else { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no"); } $elem++; //gradebook history info $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string('gradebookhistories', 'grades').":"; if (isset($info->gradebook_histories) && $info->gradebook_histories == "true") { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("yes"); } else { $tab[$elem][1] = get_string("no"); } $elem++; //Messages info (only showed if present) if ($info->backup_messages == 'true') { $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string('messages','message').":"; $tab[$elem][1] = get_string('yes'); $elem++; } else { //Do nothing } $elem++; //Blogs info (only showed if present) if (isset($info->backup_blogs) && $info->backup_blogs == 'true') { $tab[$elem][0] = "".get_string('blogs','blog').":"; $tab[$elem][1] = get_string('yes'); $elem++; } else { //Do nothing } $table->data = $tab; //Print title echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("backupdetails").":"); //Print backup general info echo html_writer::table($table); } else { $status = false; } return $status; } //This function prints the contents from the course_header parammeter passed function restore_print_course_header ($course_header) { global $OUTPUT; $status = true; if ($course_header) { $table = new html_table(); //This is tha align to every ingo table $table->align = array ("right","left"); //The width $table->width = "70%"; //Put interesting course header in table //The course name $tab[0][0] = "".get_string("name").":"; $tab[0][1] = $course_header->course_fullname." (".$course_header->course_shortname.")"; //The course summary $tab[1][0] = "".get_string("summary").":"; $tab[1][1] = $course_header->course_summary; $table->data = $tab; //Print title echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("course").":"); //Print backup course header info echo html_writer::table($table); } else { $status = false; } return $status; } /** * Given one user object (from backup file), perform all the neccesary * checks is order to decide how that user will be handled on restore. * * Note the function requires $user->mnethostid to be already calculated * so it's caller responsibility to set it * * This function is used both by @restore_precheck_users() and * @restore_create_users() to get consistent results in both places * * It returns: * - one user object (from DB), if match has been found and user will be remapped * - boolean true if the user needs to be created * - boolean false if some conflict happened and the user cannot be handled * * Each test is responsible for returning its results and interrupt * execution. At the end, boolean true (user needs to be created) will be * returned if no test has interrupted that. * * Here it's the logic applied, keep it updated: * * If restoring users from same site backup: * 1A - Normal check: If match by id and username and mnethost => ok, return target user * 1B - Handle users deleted in DB and "alive" in backup file: * If match by id and mnethost and user is deleted in DB and * (match by username LIKE 'backup_email.%' or by non empty email = md5(username)) => ok, return target user * 1C - Handle users deleted in backup file and "alive" in DB: * If match by id and mnethost and user is deleted in backup file * and match by email = email_without_time(backup_email) => ok, return target user * 1D - Conflict: If match by username and mnethost and doesn't match by id => conflict, return false * 1E - None of the above, return true => User needs to be created * * if restoring from another site backup (cannot match by id here, replace it by email/firstaccess combination): * 2A - Normal check: If match by username and mnethost and (email or non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user * 2B - Handle users deleted in DB and "alive" in backup file: * 2B1 - If match by mnethost and user is deleted in DB and not empty email = md5(username) and * (username LIKE 'backup_email.%' or non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user * 2B2 - If match by mnethost and user is deleted in DB and * username LIKE 'backup_email.%' and non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user * (to cover situations were md5(username) wasn't implemented on delete we requiere both) * 2C - Handle users deleted in backup file and "alive" in DB: * If match mnethost and user is deleted in backup file * and by email = email_without_time(backup_email) and non-zero firstaccess=> ok, return target user * 2D - Conflict: If match by username and mnethost and not by (email or non-zero firstaccess) => conflict, return false * 2E - None of the above, return true => User needs to be created * * Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we * are looking there for emails. See delete_user() * Note: for DB deleted users md5(username) is stored *sometimes* in the email field, * hence we are looking there for usernames if not empty. See delete_user() */ function restore_check_user($restore, $user) { global $CFG, $DB; // Verify mnethostid is set, return error if not // it's parent responsibility to define that before // arriving here if (empty($user->mnethostid)) { debugging("restore_check_user() wrong use, mnethostid not set for user $user->username", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return false; } // Handle checks from same site backups if (backup_is_same_site($restore) && empty($CFG->forcedifferentsitecheckingusersonrestore)) { // 1A - If match by id and username and mnethost => ok, return target user if ($rec = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>$user->id, 'username'=>$user->username, 'mnethostid'=>$user->mnethostid))) { return $rec; // Matching user found, return it } // 1B - Handle users deleted in DB and "alive" in backup file // Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we // are looking there for emails. See delete_user() // Note: for DB deleted users md5(username) is stored *sometimes* in the email field, // hence we are looking there for usernames if not empty. See delete_user() // If match by id and mnethost and user is deleted in DB and // match by username LIKE 'backup_email.%' or by non empty email = md5(username) => ok, return target user if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE id = ? AND mnethostid = ? AND deleted = 1 AND ( username LIKE ? OR ( ".$DB->sql_isnotempty('user', 'email', false, false)." AND email = ? ) )", array($user->id, $user->mnethostid, $user->email.'.%', md5($user->username)))) { return $rec; // Matching user, deleted in DB found, return it } // 1C - Handle users deleted in backup file and "alive" in DB // If match by id and mnethost and user is deleted in backup file // and match by email = email_without_time(backup_email) => ok, return target user if ($user->deleted) { // Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we // are looking there for emails. See delete_user() // Trim time() from email $trimemail = preg_replace('/(.*?)\.[0-9]+.?$/', '\\1', $user->username); if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE id = ? AND mnethostid = ? AND email = ?", array($user->id, $user->mnethostid, $trimemail))) { return $rec; // Matching user, deleted in backup file found, return it } } // 1D - If match by username and mnethost and doesn't match by id => conflict, return false if ($rec = $DB->get_record('user', array('username'=>$user->username, 'mnethostid'=>$user->mnethostid))) { if ($user->id != $rec->id) { return false; // Conflict, username already exists and belongs to another id } } // Handle checks from different site backups } else { // 2A - If match by username and mnethost and // (email or non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE username = ? AND mnethostid = ? AND ( email = ? OR ( firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ? ) )", array($user->username, $user->mnethostid, $user->email, $user->firstaccess))) { return $rec; // Matching user found, return it } // 2B - Handle users deleted in DB and "alive" in backup file // Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we // are looking there for emails. See delete_user() // Note: for DB deleted users md5(username) is stored *sometimes* in the email field, // hence we are looking there for usernames if not empty. See delete_user() // 2B1 - If match by mnethost and user is deleted in DB and not empty email = md5(username) and // (by username LIKE 'backup_email.%' or non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE mnethostid = ? AND deleted = 1 AND ".$DB->sql_isnotempty('user', 'email', false, false)." AND email = ? AND ( username LIKE ? OR ( firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ? ) )", array($user->mnethostid, md5($user->username), $user->email.'.%', $user->firstaccess))) { return $rec; // Matching user found, return it } // 2B2 - If match by mnethost and user is deleted in DB and // username LIKE 'backup_email.%' and non-zero firstaccess) => ok, return target user // (this covers situations where md5(username) wasn't being stored so we require both // the email & non-zero firstaccess to match) if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE mnethostid = ? AND deleted = 1 AND username LIKE ? AND firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ?", array($user->mnethostid, $user->email.'.%', $user->firstaccess))) { return $rec; // Matching user found, return it } // 2C - Handle users deleted in backup file and "alive" in DB // If match mnethost and user is deleted in backup file // and match by email = email_without_time(backup_email) and non-zero firstaccess=> ok, return target user if ($user->deleted) { // Note: for DB deleted users email is stored in username field, hence we // are looking there for emails. See delete_user() // Trim time() from email $trimemail = preg_replace('/(.*?)\.[0-9]+.?$/', '\\1', $user->username); if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE mnethostid = ? AND email = ? AND firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ?", array($user->mnethostid, $trimemail, $user->firstaccess))) { return $rec; // Matching user, deleted in backup file found, return it } } // 2D - If match by username and mnethost and not by (email or non-zero firstaccess) => conflict, return false if ($rec = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {user} u WHERE username = ? AND mnethostid = ? AND NOT ( email = ? OR ( firstaccess != 0 AND firstaccess = ? ) )", array($user->username, $user->mnethostid, $user->email, $user->firstaccess))) { return false; // Conflict, username/mnethostid already exist and belong to another user (by email/firstaccess) } } // Arrived here, return true as the user will need to be created and no // conflicts have been found in the logic above. This covers: // 1E - else => user needs to be created, return true // 2E - else => user needs to be created, return true return true; } /** * For all the users being restored, check if they are going to cause problems * before executing the restore process itself, detecting situations like: * - conflicts preventing restore to continue - provided by @restore_check_user() * - prevent creation of users if not allowed - check some global settings/caps */ function restore_precheck_users($xml_file, $restore, &$problems) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; // Init $status // We aren't restoring users, nothing to check, allow continue if ($restore->users == 2) { return true; } // Get array of users from xml file and load them in backup_ids table if (!$info = restore_read_xml_users($restore,$xml_file)) { return true; // No users, nothing to check, allow continue } // We are going to map mnethostid, so load all the available ones $mnethosts = $DB->get_records('mnet_host', array(), 'wwwroot', 'wwwroot, id'); // Calculate the context we are going to use for capability checking if (!empty($restore->course_id)) { // Know the target (existing) course, check capabilities there $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $restore->course_id); } else if (!empty($restore->restore_restorecatto)) { // Know the category, check capabilities there $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSECAT, $restore->restore_restorecatto); } else { // Last resort, check capabilities at system level $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); } // Calculate if we have perms to create users, by checking: // to 'moodle/restore:createuser' and 'moodle/restore:userinfo' // and also observe $CFG->disableusercreationonrestore $cancreateuser = false; if (has_capability('moodle/restore:createuser', $context) and has_capability('moodle/restore:userinfo', $context) and empty($CFG->disableusercreationonrestore)) { // Can create users $cancreateuser = true; } // Iterate over all users, checking if they are likely to cause problems on restore $counter = 0; foreach ($info->users as $userid) { $rec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'user', $userid); $user = $rec->info; // Find the correct mnethostid for user before performing any further check if (empty($user->mnethosturl) || $user->mnethosturl === $CFG->wwwroot) { $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; } else { // fast url-to-id lookups if (isset($mnethosts[$user->mnethosturl])) { $user->mnethostid = $mnethosts[$user->mnethosturl]->id; } else { $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; } } // Calculate the best way to handle this user from backup file $usercheck = restore_check_user($restore, $user); if (is_object($usercheck)) { // No problem, we have found one user in DB to be mapped to // Annotate it, for later process by restore_create_users(). Set new_id to mapping user->id backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'user', $userid, $usercheck->id, $user); } else if ($usercheck === false) { // Found conflict, report it as problem $problems[] = get_string('restoreuserconflict', '', $user->username); $status = false; } else if ($usercheck === true) { // User needs to be created, check if we are able if ($cancreateuser) { // Can create user, annotate it, for later process by restore_create_users(). Set new_id to 0 backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'user', $userid, 0, $user); } else { // Cannot create user, report it as problem $problems[] = get_string('restorecannotcreateuser', '', $user->username); $status = false; } } else { // Shouldn't arrive here ever, something is for sure wrong in restore_check_user() if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { notify('Unexpected error pre-checking user ' . s($user->username) . ' from backup file'); return false; } } // Do some output $counter++; if ($counter % 10 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 200 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } return $status; } //This function create a new course record. //When finished, course_header contains the id of the new course function restore_create_new_course($restore,&$course_header) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; $fullname = $course_header->course_fullname; $shortname = $course_header->course_shortname; $currentfullname = ""; $currentshortname = ""; $counter = 0; //Iteratere while the name exists do { if ($counter) { $suffixfull = " ".get_string("copyasnoun")." ".$counter; $suffixshort = "_".$counter; } else { $suffixfull = ""; $suffixshort = ""; } $currentfullname = $fullname.$suffixfull; // Limit the size of shortname - database column accepts <= 100 chars $currentshortname = substr($shortname, 0, 100 - strlen($suffixshort)).$suffixshort; $coursefull = $DB->get_record("course", array("fullname"=>$currentfullname)); $courseshort = $DB->get_record("course", array("shortname"=>$currentshortname)); $counter++; } while ($coursefull || $courseshort); //New name = currentname $course_header->course_fullname = $currentfullname; $course_header->course_shortname = $currentshortname; // first try to get it from restore if ($restore->restore_restorecatto) { $category = $DB->get_record('course_categories', array('id'=>$restore->restore_restorecatto)); } // else we try to get it from the xml file //Now calculate the category if (empty($category)) { $category = $DB->get_record("course_categories",array("id"=>$course_header->category->id, "name"=>$course_header->category->name)); } //If no exists, try by name only if (!$category) { $category = $DB->get_record("course_categories", array("name"=>$course_header->category->name)); } //If no exists, get default category if (!$category) { $category = get_course_category(); } $course_header->category->id = $category->id; $course_header->category->name = $category->name; //Create the course_object if ($status) { $course = new object(); $course->category = $course_header->category->id; $course->password = $course_header->course_password; $course->fullname = $course_header->course_fullname; $course->shortname = $course_header->course_shortname; $course->idnumber = $course_header->course_idnumber; $course->idnumber = ''; //$course_header->course_idnumber; // we don't want this at all. $course->summary = $course_header->course_summary; $course->format = $course_header->course_format; $course->showgrades = $course_header->course_showgrades; $course->newsitems = $course_header->course_newsitems; $course->guest = $course_header->course_guest; $course->startdate = $course_header->course_startdate; $course->startdate += $restore->course_startdateoffset; $course->numsections = $course_header->course_numsections; //$course->showrecent = $course_header->course_showrecent; INFO: This is out in 1.3 $course->maxbytes = $course_header->course_maxbytes; $course->showreports = $course_header->course_showreports; if (isset($course_header->course_groupmode)) { $course->groupmode = $course_header->course_groupmode; } if (isset($course_header->course_groupmodeforce)) { $course->groupmodeforce = $course_header->course_groupmodeforce; } if (isset($course_header->course_defaultgroupingid)) { //keep the original now - convert after groupings restored $course->defaultgroupingid = $course_header->course_defaultgroupingid; } $course->lang = $course_header->course_lang; $course->theme = $course_header->course_theme; $course->cost = $course_header->course_cost; $course->currency = isset($course_header->course_currency)?$course_header->course_currency:''; $course->marker = $course_header->course_marker; $course->visible = $course_header->course_visible; $course->hiddensections = $course_header->course_hiddensections; $course->timecreated = $course_header->course_timecreated; $course->timemodified = $course_header->course_timemodified; $course->metacourse = $course_header->course_metacourse; $course->expirynotify = isset($course_header->course_expirynotify) ? $course_header->course_expirynotify:0; $course->notifystudents = isset($course_header->course_notifystudents) ? $course_header->course_notifystudents : 0; $course->expirythreshold = isset($course_header->course_expirythreshold) ? $course_header->course_expirythreshold : 0; $course->enrollable = isset($course_header->course_enrollable) ? $course_header->course_enrollable : 1; $course->enrolstartdate = isset($course_header->course_enrolstartdate) ? $course_header->course_enrolstartdate : 0; if ($course->enrolstartdate) { //Roll course dates $course->enrolstartdate += $restore->course_startdateoffset; } $course->enrolenddate = isset($course_header->course_enrolenddate) ? $course_header->course_enrolenddate : 0; if ($course->enrolenddate) { //Roll course dates $course->enrolenddate += $restore->course_startdateoffset; } $course->enrolperiod = $course_header->course_enrolperiod; $course->enablecompletion = isset($course_header->course_enablecompletion) ? $course_header->course_enablecompletion : 0; //Put as last course in category $course->sortorder = $category->sortorder + MAX_COURSES_IN_CATEGORY - 1; //Now, recode some languages (Moodle 1.5) if ($course->lang == 'ma_nt') { $course->lang = 'mi_nt'; } //Disable course->metacourse if avoided in restore config if (!$restore->metacourse) { $course->metacourse = 0; } //Check if the theme exists in destination server $themes = get_list_of_themes(); if (!in_array($course->theme, $themes)) { $course->theme = ''; } //Now insert the record $newid = $DB->insert_record("course",$course); if ($newid) { //save old and new course id backup_putid ($restore->backup_unique_code,"course",$course_header->course_id,$newid); //Replace old course_id in course_header $course_header->course_id = $newid; $SESSION->restore->course_id = $newid; return $newid; } else { $status = false; } } return $status; } //This function creates all the block stuff when restoring courses //It calls selectively to restore_create_block_instances() for 1.5 //and above backups. Upwards compatible with old blocks. function restore_create_blocks($restore, $backup_block_format, $blockinfo, $xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; blocks_delete_all_on_page(PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, $restore->course_id); if (empty($backup_block_format)) { // This is a backup from Moodle < 1.5 if (empty($blockinfo)) { // Looks like it's from Moodle < 1.3. Let's give the course default blocks... blocks_add_default_course_blocks($DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $restore->course_id))); } else { // We just have a blockinfo field, this is a legacy 1.4 or 1.3 backup $blockrecords = $DB->get_records('block', null, '', 'name, id'); $temp_blocks_l = array(); $temp_blocks_r = array(); @list($temp_blocks_l, $temp_blocks_r) = explode(':', $blockinfo); $temp_blocks = array(BLOCK_POS_LEFT => explode(',', $temp_blocks_l), BLOCK_POS_RIGHT => explode(',', $temp_blocks_r)); foreach($temp_blocks as $blockposition => $blocks) { $blockweight = 0; foreach($blocks as $blockname) { if(!isset($blockrecords[$blockname])) { // We don't know anything about this block! continue; } $blockinstance = new stdClass; // Remove any - prefix before doing the name-to-id mapping if(substr($blockname, 0, 1) == '-') { $blockname = substr($blockname, 1); $blockinstance->visible = 0; } else { $blockinstance->visible = 1; } $blockinstance->blockid = $blockrecords[$blockname]->id; $blockinstance->pageid = $restore->course_id; $blockinstance->pagetype = PAGE_COURSE_VIEW; $blockinstance->position = $blockposition; $blockinstance->weight = $blockweight; $DB->insert_record('block_instance', $blockinstance); ++$blockweight; } } } } else if($backup_block_format == 'instances') { $status = restore_create_block_instances($restore,$xml_file); } return $status; } //This function creates all the block_instances from xml when restoring in a //new course function restore_create_block_instances($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { $info = restore_read_xml_blocks($restore,$xml_file); } if(empty($info->instances)) { return $status; } // First of all, iterate over the blocks to see which distinct pages we have // in our hands and arrange the blocks accordingly. $pageinstances = array(); foreach($info->instances as $instance) { //pagetype and pageid black magic, we have to handle the case of blocks for the //course, blocks from other pages in that course etc etc etc. if($instance->pagetype == PAGE_COURSE_VIEW) { // This one's easy... $instance->pageid = $restore->course_id; } else if (!empty($CFG->showblocksonmodpages)) { $parts = explode('-', $instance->pagetype); if($parts[0] == 'mod') { if(!$restore->mods[$parts[1]]->restore) { continue; } $getid = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, $parts[1], $instance->pageid); if (empty($getid->new_id)) { // Failed, perhaps the module was not included in the restore MDL-13554 continue; } $instance->pageid = $getid->new_id; } else { // Not invented here ;-) continue; } } else { // do not restore activity blocks if disabled continue; } if(!isset($pageinstances[$instance->pagetype])) { $pageinstances[$instance->pagetype] = array(); } if(!isset($pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid])) { $pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid] = array(); } $pageinstances[$instance->pagetype][$instance->pageid][] = $instance; } $blocks = $DB->get_records('block', array('visible'=>1), '', 'name, id, multiple'); // For each type of page we have restored foreach($pageinstances as $thistypeinstances) { // For each page id of that type foreach($thistypeinstances as $thisidinstances) { $addedblocks = array(); $maxweights = array(); // For each block instance in that page foreach($thisidinstances as $instance) { if(!isset($blocks[$instance->name])) { //We are trying to restore a block we don't have... continue; } //If we have already added this block once and multiples aren't allowed, disregard it if(!$blocks[$instance->name]->multiple && isset($addedblocks[$instance->name])) { continue; } //If its the first block we add to a new position, start weight counter equal to 0. if(empty($maxweights[$instance->position])) { $maxweights[$instance->position] = 0; } //If the instance weight is greater than the weight counter (we skipped some earlier //blocks most probably), bring it back in line. if($instance->weight > $maxweights[$instance->position]) { $instance->weight = $maxweights[$instance->position]; } //Add this instance $instance->blockid = $blocks[$instance->name]->id; // This will only be set if we come from 1.7 and above backups // Also, must do this before insert ($DB->insert_record unsets id) if (!empty($instance->id)) { $oldid = $instance->id; } else { $oldid = 0; } if ($instance->id = $DB->insert_record('block_instance', $instance)) { // Create block instance if (!$blockobj = block_instance($instance->name, $instance)) { $status = false; break; } // Run the block restore if needed if ($blockobj->backuprestore_instancedata_used()) { // Get restore information $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,'block_instance',$oldid); $data->new_id = $instance->id; // For completeness if (!$blockobj->instance_restore($restore, $data)) { $status = false; break; } } // Save oldid after block restore process because info will be over-written with blank string if ($oldid) { backup_putid ($restore->backup_unique_code,"block_instance",$oldid,$instance->id); } } else { $status = false; break; } //Get an object for the block and tell it it's been restored so it can update dates //etc. if necessary if ($blockobj = block_instance($instance->name,$instance)) { $blockobj->after_restore($restore); } //Now we can increment the weight counter ++$maxweights[$instance->position]; //Keep track of block types we have already added $addedblocks[$instance->name] = true; } } } return $status; } //This function creates all the course_sections and course_modules from xml //when restoring in a new course or simply checks sections and create records //in backup_ids when restoring in a existing course function restore_create_sections(&$restore, $xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { $info = restore_read_xml_sections($xml_file); } //Put the info in the DB, recoding ids and saving the in backup tables $sequence = ""; if ($info) { //For each, section, save it to db foreach ($info->sections as $key => $sect) { $sequence = ""; $section = new object(); $section->course = $restore->course_id; $section->section = $sect->number; $section->summary = backup_todb($sect->summary); $section->visible = $sect->visible; $section->sequence = ""; //Now calculate the section's newid $newid = 0; if ($restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) { //Save it to db (only if restoring to new course) $newid = $DB->insert_record("course_sections",$section); } else { //Get section id when restoring in existing course $rec = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("course"=>$restore->course_id, "section"=>$section->section)); //If section exists, has empty summary and backup has some summary, use it. MDL-8848 if ($rec && empty($rec->summary) && !empty($section->summary)) { $rec->summary = $section->summary; $DB->update_record("course_sections", $rec); } //If that section doesn't exist, get section 0 (every mod will be //asigned there if(!$rec) { $rec = $DB->get_record("course_sections", array("course"=>$restore->course_id, "section"=>"0")); } //New check. If section 0 doesn't exist, insert it here !! //Teorically this never should happen but, in practice, some users //have reported this issue. if(!$rec) { $zero_sec = new object(); $zero_sec->course = $restore->course_id; $zero_sec->section = 0; $zero_sec->summary = ""; $zero_sec->sequence = ""; $newid = $DB->insert_record("course_sections",$zero_sec); $rec->id = $newid; $rec->sequence = ""; } $newid = $rec->id; $sequence = $rec->sequence; } if ($newid) { //save old and new section id backup_putid ($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_sections",$key,$newid); } else { $status = false; } //If all is OK, go with associated mods if ($status) { //If we have mods in the section if (!empty($sect->mods)) { //For each mod inside section foreach ($sect->mods as $keym => $mod) { // Yu: This part is called repeatedly for every instance, // so it is necessary to set the granular flag and check isset() // when the first instance of this type of mod is processed. //if (!isset($restore->mods[$mod->type]->granular) && isset($restore->mods[$mod->type]->instances) && is_array($restore->mods[$mod->type]->instances)) { if (!isset($restore->mods[$mod->type]->granular)) { if (isset($restore->mods[$mod->type]->instances) && is_array($restore->mods[$mod->type]->instances)) { // This defines whether we want to restore specific // instances of the modules (granular restore), or // whether we don't care and just want to restore // all module instances (non-granular). $restore->mods[$mod->type]->granular = true; } else { $restore->mods[$mod->type]->granular = false; } } //Check if we've to restore this module (and instance) if (!empty($restore->mods[$mod->type]->restore)) { if (empty($restore->mods[$mod->type]->granular) // we don't care about per instance || (array_key_exists($mod->instance,$restore->mods[$mod->type]->instances) && !empty($restore->mods[$mod->type]->instances[$mod->instance]->restore))) { //Get the module id from modules $module = $DB->get_record("modules", array("name"=>$mod->type)); if ($module) { $course_module = new object(); $course_module->course = $restore->course_id; $course_module->module = $module->id; $course_module->section = $newid; $course_module->added = $mod->added; $course_module->score = $mod->score; $course_module->indent = $mod->indent; $course_module->visible = $mod->visible; $course_module->groupmode = $mod->groupmode; if ($mod->groupingid and $grouping = restore_grouping_getid($restore, $mod->groupingid)) { $course_module->groupingid = $grouping->new_id; } else { $course_module->groupingid = 0; } $course_module->groupmembersonly = $mod->groupmembersonly; $course_module->instance = 0; //NOTE: The instance (new) is calculated and updated in db in the // final step of the restore. We don't know it yet. //print_object($course_module); //Debug //Save it to db if ($mod->idnumber) { $mod->idnumber=backup_todb($mod->idnumber); if (grade_verify_idnumber($mod->idnumber, $restore->course_id)) { $course_module->idnumber = $mod->idnumber; } } $course_module->completion=$mod->completion; $course_module->completiongradeitemnumber=backup_todb($mod->completiongradeitemnumber); $course_module->completionview=$mod->completionview; $course_module->completionexpected=$mod->completionexpected; $course_module->availablefrom=$mod->availablefrom; if($mod->availablefrom!=0) { $course_module->availablefrom+=$restore->course_startdateoffset; } $course_module->availableuntil=$mod->availableuntil; if($mod->availableuntil!=0) { $course_module->availableuntil+=$restore->course_startdateoffset; } $course_module->showavailability=$mod->showavailability; $newidmod = $DB->insert_record("course_modules", $course_module); if ($newidmod) { //save old and new module id //In the info field, we save the original instance of the module //to use it later backup_putid ($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules", $keym,$newidmod,$mod->instance); $restore->mods[$mod->type]->instances[$mod->instance]->restored_as_course_module = $newidmod; } else { $status = false; } //Now, calculate the sequence field if ($status) { if ($sequence) { $sequence .= ",".$newidmod; } else { $sequence = $newidmod; } } } else { $status = false; } } } } } } //If all is OK, update sequence field in course_sections if ($status) { if (isset($sequence)) { $update_rec = new object(); $update_rec->id = $newid; $update_rec->sequence = $sequence; $status = $DB->update_record("course_sections",$update_rec); } } } // Now that we have IDs for everything, store any completion data if($status && !empty($info->completiondata) && count($info->completiondata)>0) { // Get list of users who can view course (& hence have // completion data) if(!isset($restore->userswhocanviewcourse)) { // Because this is only used here, there is no point requesting // anything except id $restore->userswhocanviewcourse=get_users_by_capability( get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $restore->course_id), 'moodle/course:participate',''); } foreach($info->completiondata as $data) { // Convert cmid $newcmid=backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'course_modules', $data->coursemoduleid); if($newcmid) { $data->coursemoduleid=$newcmid->new_id; } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "

Can't find new ID for cm $data->coursemoduleid.

"; } $status=false; continue; } // Convert userid $newuserid=backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'user', $data->userid); if($newuserid) { $data->userid=$newuserid->new_id; } else { // Skip missing users debugging("Not restoring completion data for missing user {$data->userid}",DEBUG_DEVELOPER); continue; } // Check user is still able to access new course (they // might have had their role assignment excluded, and it // creates arguably bogus database rows if we add completion // data for them, and displays confusingly in the 'number // of people who have already marked this complete' UI) if(!array_key_exists($data->userid,$restore->userswhocanviewcourse)) { continue; } // Add record $DB->insert_record('course_modules_completion',$data); } } // Store availability information if($status && !empty($info->availabilitydata) && count($info->availabilitydata)>0) { foreach($info->availabilitydata as $data) { // Convert cmid $newcmid=backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'course_modules', $data->coursemoduleid); if($newcmid) { $data->coursemoduleid=$newcmid->new_id; } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "

Can't find new ID for cm $data->coursemoduleid, ignoring availability condition.

"; } continue; } // Convert source cmid if($data->sourcecmid) { $newcmid=backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'course_modules', $data->sourcecmid); if($newcmid) { $data->sourcecmid=$newcmid->new_id; } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "

Can't find new ID for source cm $data->sourcecmid, ignoring availability condition.

"; } continue; } } // Grade id is not converted (convert later) // Add record $DB->insert_record('course_modules_availability',$data); } } } else { $status = false; } return $status; } //Called to set up any course-format specific data that may be in the file function restore_set_format_data($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { return false; } //Load data from XML to info if(!($info = restore_read_xml_formatdata($xml_file))) { return false; } //Process format data if there is any if (isset($info->format_data)) { if(!$format=$DB->get_field('course','format', array('id'=>$restore->course_id))) { return false; } // If there was any data then it must have a restore method $file=$CFG->dirroot."/course/format/$format/restorelib.php"; if(!file_exists($file)) { return false; } require_once($file); $function=$format.'_restore_format_data'; if(!function_exists($function)) { return false; } return $function($restore,$info->format_data); } // If we got here then there's no data, but that's cool return true; } //This function creates all the metacourse data from xml, notifying //about each incidence function restore_create_metacourse($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { //Load data from XML to info $info = restore_read_xml_metacourse($xml_file); } //Process info about metacourse if ($status and $info) { //Process child records if (!empty($info->childs)) { foreach ($info->childs as $child) { $dbcourse = false; $dbmetacourse = false; //Check if child course exists in destination server //(by id in the same server or by idnumber and shortname in other server) if (backup_is_same_site($restore)) { //Same server, lets see by id $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$child->id)); } else { //Different server, lets see by idnumber and shortname, and only ONE record $dbcount = $DB->count_records('course', array('idnumber'=>$child->idnumber, 'shortname'=>$child->shortname)); if ($dbcount == 1) { $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber'=>$child->idnumber, 'shortname'=>$child->shortname)); } } //If child course has been found, insert data if ($dbcourse) { $dbmetacourse->child_course = $dbcourse->id; $dbmetacourse->parent_course = $restore->course_id; $status = $DB->insert_record('course_meta',$dbmetacourse); } else { //Child course not found, notice! if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ''; } } } //Now, recreate student enrolments... sync_metacourse($restore->course_id); } //Process parent records if (!empty($info->parents)) { foreach ($info->parents as $parent) { $dbcourse = false; $dbmetacourse = false; //Check if parent course exists in destination server //(by id in the same server or by idnumber and shortname in other server) if (backup_is_same_site($restore)) { //Same server, lets see by id $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$parent->id)); } else { //Different server, lets see by idnumber and shortname, and only ONE record $dbcount = $DB->count_records('course', array('idnumber'=>$parent->idnumber, 'shortname'=>$parent->shortname)); if ($dbcount == 1) { $dbcourse = $DB->get_record('course', array('idnumber'=>$parent->idnumber, 'shortname'=>$parent->shortname)); } } //If parent course has been found, insert data if it is a metacourse if ($dbcourse) { if ($dbcourse->metacourse) { $dbmetacourse->parent_course = $dbcourse->id; $dbmetacourse->child_course = $restore->course_id; $status = $DB->insert_record ('course_meta',$dbmetacourse); //Now, recreate student enrolments in parent course sync_metacourse($dbcourse->id); } else { //Parent course isn't metacourse, notice! if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ''; } } } else { //Parent course not found, notice! if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ''; } } } } } return $status; } /** * This function migrades all the pre 1.9 gradebook data from xml */ function restore_migrate_old_gradebook($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { return false; } // Get info from xml // info will contain the number of record to process $info = restore_read_xml_gradebook($restore, $xml_file); // If we have info, then process if (empty($info)) { return $status; } // make sure top course category exists $course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($restore->course_id); $course_category->load_grade_item(); // we need to know if all grade items that were backed up are being restored // if that is not the case, we do not restore grade categories nor gradeitems of category type or course type // i.e. the aggregated grades of that category $restoreall = true; // set to false if any grade_item is not selected/restored $importing = !empty($SESSION->restore->importing); // there should not be a way to import old backups, but anyway ;-) if ($importing) { $restoreall = false; } else { $prev_grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$restore->course_id)); $prev_grade_cats = grade_category::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$restore->course_id)); // if any categories already present, skip restore of categories from backup if (count($prev_grade_items) > 1 or count($prev_grade_cats) > 1) { $restoreall = false; } unset($prev_grade_items); unset($prev_grade_cats); } // force creation of all grade_items - the course_modules already exist grade_force_full_regrading($restore->course_id); grade_grab_course_grades($restore->course_id); // Start ul if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ''; } return $status; } /** * This function creates all the gradebook data from xml */ function restore_create_gradebook($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { return false; } // Get info from xml // info will contain the number of record to process $info = restore_read_xml_gradebook($restore, $xml_file); // If we have info, then process if (empty($info)) { return $status; } if (empty($CFG->disablegradehistory) and isset($info->gradebook_histories) and $info->gradebook_histories == "true") { $restore_histories = true; } else { $restore_histories = false; } // make sure top course category exists $course_category = grade_category::fetch_course_category($restore->course_id); $course_category->load_grade_item(); // we need to know if all grade items that were backed up are being restored // if that is not the case, we do not restore grade categories nor gradeitems of category type or course type // i.e. the aggregated grades of that category $restoreall = true; // set to false if any grade_item is not selected/restored or already exist $importing = !empty($SESSION->restore->importing); if ($importing) { $restoreall = false; } else { $prev_grade_items = grade_item::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$restore->course_id)); $prev_grade_cats = grade_category::fetch_all(array('courseid'=>$restore->course_id)); // if any categories already present, skip restore of categories from backup - course item or category already exist if (count($prev_grade_items) > 1 or count($prev_grade_cats) > 1) { $restoreall = false; } unset($prev_grade_items); unset($prev_grade_cats); if ($restoreall) { if ($recs = $DB->get_records("backup_ids", array('table_name'=>'grade_items', 'backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code), "", "old_id")) { foreach ($recs as $rec) { if ($data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,'grade_items',$rec->old_id)) { $info = $data->info; // do not restore if this grade_item is a mod, and $itemtype = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMTYPE']['0']['#']); if ($itemtype == 'mod') { $olditeminstance = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMINSTANCE']['0']['#']); $itemmodule = backup_todb($info['GRADE_ITEM']['#']['ITEMMODULE']['0']['#']); if (empty($restore->mods[$itemmodule]->granular)) { continue; } else if (!empty($restore->mods[$itemmodule]->instances[$olditeminstance]->restore)) { continue; } // at least one activity should not be restored - do not restore categories and manual items at all $restoreall = false; break; } } } } } } // Start ul if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ''; } return $status; } //This function creates all the user, user_students, user_teachers //user_course_creators and user_admins from xml function restore_create_users($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once ($CFG->dirroot.'/tag/lib.php'); $authcache = array(); // Cache to get some bits from authentication plugins $status = true; // Users have already been checked by restore_precheck_users() so they are loaded // in backup_ids table. They don't need to be loaded (parsed) from XML again. Also, note // the same function has performed the needed modifications in the $user->mnethostid field // so we don't need to do it again here at all. Just some checks. // Get users ids from backup_ids table $userids = $DB->get_fieldset_select('backup_ids', 'old_id', 'backup_code = ? AND table_name = ?', array($restore->backup_unique_code, 'user')); // Have users to process, proceed with them if (!empty($userids)) { /// Get languages for quick search later $languages = get_string_manager()->get_list_of_translations(); /// Iterate over all users loaded from xml $counter = 0; /// Init trailing messages $messages = array(); foreach ($userids as $userid) { // Defaults $user_exists = false; // By default user does not exist $newid = null; // By default, there is not newid // Get record from backup_ids $useridsdbrec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'user', $userid); // Based in restore_precheck_users() calculations, if the user exists // new_id must contain the id of the matching user if (!empty($useridsdbrec->new_id)) { $user_exists = true; $newid = $useridsdbrec->new_id; } $user = $useridsdbrec->info; foreach (array_keys(get_object_vars($user)) as $field) { if (!is_array($user->$field)) { $user->$field = backup_todb($user->$field); if (is_null($user->$field)) { $user->$field = ''; } } } //Now, recode some languages (Moodle 1.5) if ($user->lang == 'ma_nt') { $user->lang = 'mi_nt'; } //Country list updates - MDL-13060 //Any user whose country code has been deleted or modified needs to be assigned a valid one. $country_update_map = array( 'ZR' => 'CD', 'TP' => 'TL', 'FX' => 'FR', 'KO' => 'RS', 'CS' => 'RS', 'WA' => 'GB'); if (array_key_exists($user->country, $country_update_map)) { $user->country = $country_update_map[$user->country]; } //If language does not exist here - use site default if (!array_key_exists($user->lang, $languages)) { $user->lang = $CFG->lang; } //Check if it's admin and coursecreator $is_admin = !empty($user->roles['admin']); $is_coursecreator = !empty($user->roles['coursecreator']); //Check if it's teacher and student $is_teacher = !empty($user->roles['teacher']); $is_student = !empty($user->roles['student']); //Check if it's needed $is_needed = !empty($user->roles['needed']); //Calculate if it is a course user //Has role teacher or student or needed $is_course_user = ($is_teacher or $is_student or $is_needed); // Only try to perform mnethost/auth modifications if restoring to another server // or if, while restoring to same server, the user doesn't exists yet (rebuilt site) // // So existing user data in same server *won't be modified by restore anymore*, // under any circumpstance. If somehting is wrong with existing data, it's server fault. if (!backup_is_same_site($restore) || (backup_is_same_site($restore) && !$user_exists)) { //Arriving here, any user with mnet auth and using $CFG->mnet_localhost_id is wrong //as own server cannot be accesed over mnet. Change auth to manual and inform about the switch if ($user->auth == 'mnet' && $user->mnethostid == $CFG->mnet_localhost_id) { // Respect registerauth if ($CFG->registerauth == 'email') { $user->auth = 'email'; } else { $user->auth = 'manual'; } // inform about the automatic switch of authentication/host if(empty($user->mnethosturl)) { $user->mnethosturl = '----'; } $messages[] = get_string('mnetrestore_extusers_switchuserauth', 'admin', $user); } } unset($user->mnethosturl); //Flags to see what parts are we going to restore $create_user = true; $create_roles = true; $create_custom_profile_fields = true; $create_tags = true; $create_preferences = true; //If we are restoring course users and it isn't a course user if ($restore->users == 1 and !$is_course_user) { //If only restoring course_users and user isn't a course_user, inform to $backup_ids $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,null,'notincourse'); $create_user = false; $create_roles = false; $create_custom_profile_fields = false; $create_tags = false; $create_preferences = false; } if ($user_exists and $create_user) { //If user exists mark its newid in backup_ids (the same than old) $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,'exists'); $create_user = false; $create_custom_profile_fields = false; $create_tags = false; $create_preferences = false; } //Here, if create_user, do it if ($create_user) { //Unset the id because it's going to be inserted with a new one unset ($user->id); /// Disable pictures based on global setting or existing empty value (old backups can contain wrong empties) if (!empty($CFG->disableuserimages) || empty($user->picture)) { $user->picture = 0; } //We need to analyse the AUTH field to recode it: // - if the field isn't set, we are in a pre 1.4 backup and $CFG->registerauth will decide // - if the auth isn't enabled in target site, $CFG->registerauth will decide // - finally, if the auth resulting isn't enabled, default to 'manual' if (empty($user->auth) || !is_enabled_auth($user->auth)) { if ($CFG->registerauth == 'email') { $user->auth = 'email'; } else { $user->auth = 'manual'; } } if (!is_enabled_auth($user->auth)) { // Final auth check verify, default to manual if not enabled $user->auth = 'manual'; } // Now that we know the auth method, for users to be created without pass // if password handling is internal and reset password is available // we set the password to "restored" (plain text), so the login process // will know how to handle that situation in order to allow the user to // recover the password. MDL-20846 if (empty($user->password)) { // Only if restore comes without password if (!array_key_exists($user->auth, $authcache)) { // Not in cache $userauth = new stdClass(); $authplugin = get_auth_plugin($user->auth); $userauth->preventpassindb = $authplugin->prevent_local_passwords(); $userauth->isinternal = $authplugin->is_internal(); $userauth->canresetpwd = $authplugin->can_reset_password(); $authcache[$user->auth] = $userauth; } else { $userauth = $authcache[$user->auth]; // Get from cache } // Most external plugins do not store passwords locally if (!empty($userauth->preventpassindb)) { $user->password = 'not cached'; // If Moodle is responsible for storing/validating pwd and reset functionality is available, mark } else if ($userauth->isinternal and $userauth->canresetpwd) { $user->password = 'restored'; } } //We need to process the POLICYAGREED field to recalculate it: // - if the destination site is different (by wwwroot) reset it. // - if the destination site is the same (by wwwroot), leave it unmodified if (!backup_is_same_site($restore)) { $user->policyagreed = 0; } else { //Nothing to do, we are in the same server } //Check if the theme exists in destination server $themes = get_list_of_themes(); if (!in_array($user->theme, $themes)) { $user->theme = ''; } //set time created if (empty($user->timecreated)) { $user->timecreated = time(); } //We are going to create the user //The structure is exactly as we need $newid = $DB->insert_record("user", $user); //Put the new id $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,"new"); } ///TODO: This seccion is to support pre 1.7 course backups, using old roles /// teacher, coursecreator, student.... providing a basic mapping to new ones. /// Someday we'll drop support for them and this section will be safely deleted (2.0?) //Here, if create_roles, do it as necessary if ($create_roles) { //Get the newid and current info from backup_ids $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid); $newid = $data->new_id; $currinfo = $data->info.","; //Now, depending of the role, create records in user_studentes and user_teacher //and/or mark it in backup_ids if ($is_admin) { //If the record (user_admins) doesn't exists //Only put status in backup_ids $currinfo = $currinfo."admin,"; $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo); } if ($is_coursecreator) { //If the record (user_coursecreators) doesn't exists //Only put status in backup_ids $currinfo = $currinfo."coursecreator,"; $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo); } if ($is_needed) { //Only put status in backup_ids $currinfo = $currinfo."needed,"; $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo); } if ($is_teacher) { //If the record (teacher) doesn't exists //Put status in backup_ids $currinfo = $currinfo."teacher,"; $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo); //Set course and user $user->roles['teacher']->course = $restore->course_id; $user->roles['teacher']->userid = $newid; //Need to analyse the enrol field // - if it isn't set, set it to $CFG->enrol // - if we are in a different server (by wwwroot), set it to $CFG->enrol // - if we are in the same server (by wwwroot), maintain it unmodified. if (empty($user->roles['teacher']->enrol)) { $user->roles['teacher']->enrol = $CFG->enrol; } else if (!backup_is_same_site($restore)) { $user->roles['teacher']->enrol = $CFG->enrol; } else { //Nothing to do. Leave it unmodified } $rolesmapping = $restore->rolesmapping; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $restore->course_id); if ($user->roles['teacher']->editall) { role_assign($rolesmapping['defaultteacheredit'], $newid, 0, $context->id, $user->roles['teacher']->timestart, $user->roles['teacher']->timeend, 0, $user->roles['teacher']->enrol); // editting teacher } else { // non editting teacher role_assign($rolesmapping['defaultteacher'], $newid, 0, $context->id, $user->roles['teacher']->timestart, $user->roles['teacher']->timeend, 0, $user->roles['teacher']->enrol); } } if ($is_student) { //Put status in backup_ids $currinfo = $currinfo."student,"; $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo); //Set course and user $user->roles['student']->course = $restore->course_id; $user->roles['student']->userid = $newid; //Need to analyse the enrol field // - if it isn't set, set it to $CFG->enrol // - if we are in a different server (by wwwroot), set it to $CFG->enrol // - if we are in the same server (by wwwroot), maintain it unmodified. if (empty($user->roles['student']->enrol)) { $user->roles['student']->enrol = $CFG->enrol; } else if (!backup_is_same_site($restore)) { $user->roles['student']->enrol = $CFG->enrol; } else { //Nothing to do. Leave it unmodified } $rolesmapping = $restore->rolesmapping; $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $restore->course_id); role_assign($rolesmapping['defaultstudent'], $newid, 0, $context->id, $user->roles['student']->timestart, $user->roles['student']->timeend, 0, $user->roles['student']->enrol); } if (!$is_course_user) { //If the record (user) doesn't exists if (!$DB->record_exists("user", array("id"=>$newid))) { //Put status in backup_ids $currinfo = $currinfo."user,"; $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid,$newid,$currinfo); } } } /// Here, if create_custom_profile_fields, do it as necessary if ($create_custom_profile_fields) { if (isset($user->user_custom_profile_fields)) { foreach($user->user_custom_profile_fields as $udata) { /// If the profile field has data and the profile shortname-datatype is defined in server if ($udata->field_data) { if ($field = $DB->get_record('user_info_field', array('shortname'=>$udata->field_name, 'datatype'=>$udata->field_type))) { /// Insert the user_custom_profile_field $rec = new object(); $rec->userid = $newid; $rec->fieldid = $field->id; $rec->data = $udata->field_data; $DB->insert_record('user_info_data', $rec); } } } } } /// Here, if create_tags, do it as necessary if ($create_tags) { /// if tags are enabled and there are user tags if (!empty($CFG->usetags) && isset($user->user_tags)) { $tags = array(); foreach($user->user_tags as $user_tag) { $tags[] = $user_tag->rawname; } tag_set('user', $newid, $tags); } } //Here, if create_preferences, do it as necessary if ($create_preferences) { if (isset($user->user_preferences)) { foreach($user->user_preferences as $user_preference) { //We check if that user_preference exists in DB if (!$DB->record_exists("user_preferences", array("userid"=>$newid, "name"=>$user_preference->name))) { //Prepare the record and insert it $user_preference->userid = $newid; $status = $DB->insert_record("user_preferences",$user_preference); } } } } //Do some output $counter++; if ($counter % 10 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 200 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } /// End of loop over all the users loaded from backup_ids table /// Inform about all the messages geerated while restoring users if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { if ($messages) { echo ''; } } } return $status; } //This function creates all the structures messages and contacts function restore_create_messages($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { //info will contain the id and name of every table //(message, message_read and message_contacts) //in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized) $info = restore_read_xml_messages($restore,$xml_file); //If we have info, then process messages & contacts if ($info > 0) { //Count how many we have $unreadcount = $DB->count_records ('backup_ids', array('backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'message')); $readcount = $DB->count_records ('backup_ids', array('backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'message_read')); $contactcount = $DB->count_records ('backup_ids', array('backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'message_contacts')); if ($unreadcount || $readcount || $contactcount) { //Start ul if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ''; } } } } return $status; } //This function creates all the structures for blogs and blog tags function restore_create_blogs($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { //info will contain the number of blogs in the backup file //in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized) $info = restore_read_xml_blogs($restore,$xml_file); //If we have info, then process blogs & blog_tags if ($info > 0) { //Count how many we have $blogcount = $DB->count_records('backup_ids', array('backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code, 'table_name'=>'blog')); if ($blogcount) { //Number of records to get in every chunk $recordset_size = 4; //Process blog if ($blogcount) { $counter = 0; while ($counter < $blogcount) { //Fetch recordset_size records in each iteration $recs = $DB->get_records("backup_ids", array("table_name"=>'blog', 'backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code),"old_id","old_id",$counter,$recordset_size); if ($recs) { foreach ($recs as $rec) { //Get the full record from backup_ids $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"blog",$rec->old_id); if ($data) { //Now get completed xmlized object $info = $data->info; //traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now build the BLOG record structure $dbrec = new object(); $dbrec->module = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['MODULE']['0']['#']); $dbrec->userid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']); $dbrec->courseid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['COURSEID']['0']['#']); $dbrec->groupid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['GROUPID']['0']['#']); $dbrec->moduleid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['MODULEID']['0']['#']); $dbrec->coursemoduleid = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['COURSEMODULEID']['0']['#']); $dbrec->subject = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['SUBJECT']['0']['#']); $dbrec->summary = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['SUMMARY']['0']['#']); $dbrec->content = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['CONTENT']['0']['#']); $dbrec->uniquehash = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['UNIQUEHASH']['0']['#']); $dbrec->rating = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['RATING']['0']['#']); $dbrec->format = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']); $dbrec->attachment = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['ATTACHMENT']['0']['#']); $dbrec->publishstate = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['PUBLISHSTATE']['0']['#']); $dbrec->lastmodified = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['LASTMODIFIED']['0']['#']); $dbrec->created = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['CREATED']['0']['#']); $dbrec->usermodified = backup_todb($info['BLOG']['#']['USERMODIFIED']['0']['#']); //We have to recode the userid field $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dbrec->userid); if ($user) { //echo "User ".$dbrec->userid." to user ".$user->new_id."
"; //Debug $dbrec->userid = $user->new_id; } //Check if the record doesn't exist in DB! $exist = $DB->get_record('post', array('userid'=>$dbrec->userid, 'subject'=>$dbrec->subject, 'created'=>$dbrec->created)); $newblogid = 0; if (!$exist) { //Not exist. Insert $newblogid = $DB->insert_record('post',$dbrec); } //Going to restore related tags. Check they are enabled and we have inserted a blog if ($CFG->usetags && $newblogid) { //Look for tags in this blog if (isset($info['BLOG']['#']['BLOG_TAGS']['0']['#']['BLOG_TAG'])) { $tagsarr = $info['BLOG']['#']['BLOG_TAGS']['0']['#']['BLOG_TAG']; //Iterate over tags $tags = array(); for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($tagsarr); $i++) { $tag_info = $tagsarr[$i]; ///traverse_xmlize($tag_info); //Debug ///print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug ///$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug $name = backup_todb($tag_info['#']['NAME']['0']['#']); $rawname = backup_todb($tag_info['#']['RAWNAME']['0']['#']); $tags[] = $rawname; //Rawname is all we need } tag_set('post', $newblogid, $tags); //Add all the tags in one API call } } } //Do some output $counter++; if ($counter % 10 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 200 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } } } } } } } return $status; } //This function creates all the categories and questions //from xml function restore_create_questions($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { //info will contain the old_id of every category //in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized) $info = restore_read_xml_questions($restore,$xml_file); } //Now, if we have anything in info, we have to restore that //categories/questions if ($info) { if ($info !== true) { $status = $status && restore_question_categories($info, $restore); } } else { $status = false; } return $status; } //This function creates all the scales function restore_create_scales($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { //scales will contain the old_id of every scale //in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized) $scales = restore_read_xml_scales($restore,$xml_file); } //Now, if we have anything in scales, we have to restore that //scales if ($scales) { if ($scales !== true) { //Iterate over each scale foreach ($scales as $scale) { //Get record from backup_ids $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"scale",$scale->id); if ($data) { //Now get completed xmlized object $info = $data->info; //traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now build the SCALE record structure $sca = new object(); $sca->courseid = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['COURSEID']['0']['#']); $sca->userid = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']); $sca->name = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']); $sca->scale = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['SCALETEXT']['0']['#']); $sca->description = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']); $sca->timemodified = backup_todb($info['SCALE']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']); // Look for scale (by 'scale' both in standard (course=0) and current course // with priority to standard scales (ORDER clause) // scale is not course unique, use get_record_sql to suppress warning // Going to compare LOB columns so, use the cross-db sql_compare_text() in both sides. $compare_scale_clause = $DB->sql_compare_text('scale') . ' = ' . $DB->sql_compare_text(':scaledesc'); $params = array('courseid'=>$restore->course_id, 'scaledesc'=>$sca->scale); // Scale doesn't exist, create it if (!$sca_db = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {scale} WHERE courseid IN (0, :courseid) AND $compare_scale_clause ORDER BY courseid", $params, true)) { // Try to recode the user field, defaulting to current user if not found $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$sca->userid); if ($user) { $sca->userid = $user->new_id; } else { $sca->userid = $USER->id; } // If scale is standard, if user lacks perms to manage standar scales // 'downgrade' them to course scales if ($sca->courseid == 0 and !has_capability('moodle/course:managescales', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM), $sca->userid)) { $sca->courseid = $restore->course_id; } //The structure is equal to the db, so insert the scale $newid = $DB->insert_record ("scale",$sca); // Scale exists, reuse it } else { $newid = $sca_db->id; } if ($newid) { //We have the newid, update backup_ids backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"scale", $scale->id, $newid); } } } } } else { $status = false; } return $status; } /** * Recode group ID field, and set group ID based on restore options. * @return object Group object with new_id field. */ function restore_group_getid($restore, $groupid) { //We have to recode the groupid field $group = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'groups', $groupid); if ($restore->groups == RESTORE_GROUPS_NONE or $restore->groups == RESTORE_GROUPINGS_ONLY) { $group->new_id = 0; } return $group; } /** * Recode grouping ID field, and set grouping ID based on restore options. * @return object Group object with new_id field. */ function restore_grouping_getid($restore, $groupingid) { //We have to recode the groupid field $grouping = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'groupings', $groupingid); if ($restore->groups != RESTORE_GROUPS_GROUPINGS and $restore->groups != RESTORE_GROUPINGS_ONLY) { $grouping->new_id = 0; } return $grouping; } //This function creates all the groups function restore_create_groups($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { return false; } //Get info from xml if (!$groups = restore_read_xml_groups($restore,$xml_file)) { //groups will contain the old_id of every group //in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized) return false; } else if ($groups === true) { return true; } $status = true; //Iterate over each group foreach ($groups as $group) { //Get record from backup_ids $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groups",$group->id); if ($data) { //Now get completed xmlized object $info = $data->info; //traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now build the GROUP record structure $gro = new Object(); $gro->courseid = $restore->course_id; $gro->name = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']); $gro->description = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']); if (isset($info['GROUP']['#']['ENROLMENTKEY']['0']['#'])) { $gro->enrolmentkey = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['ENROLMENTKEY']['0']['#']); } else { $gro->enrolmentkey = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['PASSWORD']['0']['#']); } $gro->picture = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['PICTURE']['0']['#']); $gro->hidepicture = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['HIDEPICTURE']['0']['#']); $gro->timecreated = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']); $gro->timemodified = backup_todb($info['GROUP']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']); //Now search if that group exists (by name and description field) in //restore->course_id course //Going to compare LOB columns so, use the cross-db $DB->sql_compare_text() in both sides. $description_clause = ''; $params = array('courseid'=>$restore->course_id, 'grname'=>$gro->name); if (!empty($gro->description)) { /// Only for groups having a description $description_clause = " AND " . $DB->sql_compare_text('description') . " = " . $DB->sql_compare_text(':desc'); $params['desc'] = $gro->description; } if (!$gro_db = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT * FROM {groups} WHERE courseid = :courseid AND name = :grname $description_clause", $params, true)) { //If it doesn't exist, create $newid = $DB->insert_record('groups', $gro); } else { //get current group id $newid = $gro_db->id; } if ($newid) { //We have the newid, update backup_ids backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groups", $group->id, $newid); } else { $status = false; continue; } //Now restore members in the groups_members, only if //users are included if ($restore->users != 2) { if (!restore_create_groups_members($newid,$info,$restore)) { $status = false; } } } } //Now, restore group_files if ($status) { $status = restore_group_files($restore); } return $status; } //This function restores the groups_members function restore_create_groups_members($group_id,$info,$restore) { global $DB; if (! isset($info['GROUP']['#']['MEMBERS']['0']['#']['MEMBER'])) { //OK, some groups have no members. return true; } //Get the members array $members = $info['GROUP']['#']['MEMBERS']['0']['#']['MEMBER']; $status = true; //Iterate over members for($i = 0; $i < sizeof($members); $i++) { $mem_info = $members[$i]; //traverse_xmlize($mem_info); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, build the GROUPS_MEMBERS record structure $group_member = new Object(); $group_member->groupid = $group_id; $group_member->userid = backup_todb($mem_info['#']['USERID']['0']['#']); $group_member->timeadded = backup_todb($mem_info['#']['TIMEADDED']['0']['#']); $newid = false; //We have to recode the userid field if (!$user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$group_member->userid)) { debugging("group membership can not be restored, user id $group_member->userid not present in backup"); // do not not block the restore continue; } $group_member->userid = $user->new_id; //The structure is equal to the db, so insert the groups_members if ($DB->record_exists("groups_members", array('groupid'=>$group_member->groupid, 'userid'=>$group_member->userid))) { // user already member } else { $DB->insert_record ("groups_members", $group_member); } //Do some output if (($i+1) % 50 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if (($i+1) % 1000 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } return $status; } //This function creates all the groupings function restore_create_groupings($restore,$xml_file) { global $DB; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { return false; } //Get info from xml if (!$groupings = restore_read_xml_groupings($restore,$xml_file)) { return false; } else if ($groupings === true) { return true; } $status = true; //Iterate over each group foreach ($groupings as $grouping) { if ($data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groupings",$grouping->id)) { //Now get completed xmlized object $info = $data->info; //Now build the GROUPING record structure $gro = new Object(); ///$gro->id = backup_todb($info['GROUPING']['#']['ID']['0']['#']); $gro->courseid = $restore->course_id; $gro->name = backup_todb($info['GROUPING']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']); $gro->description = backup_todb($info['GROUPING']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']); $gro->configdata = backup_todb($info['GROUPING']['#']['CONFIGDATA']['0']['#']); $gro->timecreated = backup_todb($info['GROUPING']['#']['TIMECREATED']['0']['#']); //Now search if that group exists (by name and description field) in if ($gro_db = $DB->get_record('groupings', array('courseid'=>$restore->course_id, 'name'=>$gro->name, 'description'=>$gro->description))) { //get current group id $newid = $gro_db->id; } else { //The structure is equal to the db, so insert the grouping $newid = $DB->insert_record('groupings', $gro); } //We have the newid, update backup_ids backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groupings", $grouping->id, $newid); } } // now fix the defaultgroupingid in course $course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id'=>$restore->course_id)); if ($course->defaultgroupingid) { if ($grouping = restore_grouping_getid($restore, $course->defaultgroupingid)) { $DB->set_field('course', 'defaultgroupingid', $grouping->new_id, array('id'=>$course->id)); } else { $DB->set_field('course', 'defaultgroupingid', 0, array('id'=>$course->id)); } } return $status; } //This function creates all the groupingsgroups function restore_create_groupings_groups($restore,$xml_file) { global $DB; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { return false; } //Get info from xml if (!$groupingsgroups = restore_read_xml_groupings_groups($restore,$xml_file)) { return false; } else if ($groupingsgroups === true) { return true; } $status = true; //Iterate over each group foreach ($groupingsgroups as $groupinggroup) { if ($data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groupingsgroups",$groupinggroup->id)) { //Now get completed xmlized object $info = $data->info; //Now build the GROUPING record structure $gro_member = new Object(); $gro_member->groupingid = backup_todb($info['GROUPINGGROUP']['#']['GROUPINGID']['0']['#']); $gro_member->groupid = backup_todb($info['GROUPINGGROUP']['#']['GROUPID']['0']['#']); $gro_member->timeadded = backup_todb($info['GROUPINGGROUP']['#']['TIMEADDED']['0']['#']); if (!$grouping = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groupings",$gro_member->groupingid)) { $status = false; continue; } if (!$group = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groups",$gro_member->groupid)) { $status = false; continue; } $gro_member->groupid = $group->new_id; $gro_member->groupingid = $grouping->new_id; if (!$DB->get_record('groupings_groups', array('groupid'=>$gro_member->groupid, 'groupingid'=>$gro_member->groupingid))) { $DB->insert_record('groupings_groups', $gro_member); } } } return $status; } //This function creates all the course events function restore_create_events($restore,$xml_file) { global $DB; global $CFG, $SESSION; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { //events will contain the old_id of every event //in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized) $events = restore_read_xml_events($restore,$xml_file); } //Get admin->id for later use $admin = get_admin(); $adminid = $admin->id; //Now, if we have anything in events, we have to restore that //events if ($events) { if ($events !== true) { //Iterate over each event foreach ($events as $event) { //Get record from backup_ids $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"event",$event->id); //Init variables $create_event = false; if ($data) { //Now get completed xmlized object $info = $data->info; //traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //if necessary, write to restorelog and adjust date/time fields if ($restore->course_startdateoffset) { restore_log_date_changes('Events', $restore, $info['EVENT']['#'], array('TIMESTART')); } //Now build the EVENT record structure $eve->name = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['NAME']['0']['#']); $eve->description = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['DESCRIPTION']['0']['#']); $eve->format = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['FORMAT']['0']['#']); $eve->courseid = $restore->course_id; $eve->groupid = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['GROUPID']['0']['#']); $eve->userid = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']); $eve->repeatid = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['REPEATID']['0']['#']); $eve->modulename = ""; if (!empty($info['EVENT']['#']['MODULENAME'])) { $eve->modulename = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['MODULENAME']['0']['#']); } $eve->instance = 0; $eve->eventtype = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['EVENTTYPE']['0']['#']); $eve->timestart = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMESTART']['0']['#']); $eve->timeduration = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMEDURATION']['0']['#']); $eve->visible = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['VISIBLE']['0']['#']); $eve->timemodified = backup_todb($info['EVENT']['#']['TIMEMODIFIED']['0']['#']); //Now search if that event exists (by name, description, timestart fields) in //restore->course_id course //Going to compare LOB columns so, use the cross-db sql_compare_text() in both sides. $compare_description_clause = $DB->sql_compare_text('description') . "=" . $DB->sql_compare_text("'" . $eve->description . "'"); $eve_db = $DB->get_record_select('event', "courseid = ? AND name = ? AND $compare_description_clause AND timestart = ?", array($eve->courseid, $eve->name, $eve->timestart)); //If it doesn't exist, create if (!$eve_db) { $create_event = true; } //If we must create the event if ($create_event) { //We must recode the userid $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$eve->userid); if ($user) { $eve->userid = $user->new_id; } else { //Assign it to admin $eve->userid = $adminid; } //We have to recode the groupid field $group = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"groups",$eve->groupid); if ($group) { $eve->groupid = $group->new_id; } else { //Assign it to group 0 $eve->groupid = 0; } //The structure is equal to the db, so insert the event $newid = $DB->insert_record ("event",$eve); //We must recode the repeatid if the event has it //The repeatid now refers to the id of the original event. (see Bug#5956) if ($newid && !empty($eve->repeatid)) { $repeat_rec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"event_repeatid",$eve->repeatid); if ($repeat_rec) { //Exists, so use it... $eve->repeatid = $repeat_rec->new_id; } else { //Doesn't exists, calculate the next and save it $oldrepeatid = $eve->repeatid; $eve->repeatid = $newid; backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"event_repeatid", $oldrepeatid, $eve->repeatid); } $eve->id = $newid; // update the record to contain the correct repeatid $DB->update_record('event',$eve); } } else { //get current event id $newid = $eve_db->id; } if ($newid) { //We have the newid, update backup_ids backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"event", $event->id, $newid); } } } } } else { $status = false; } return $status; } //This function decode things to make restore multi-site fully functional //It does this conversions: // - $@FILEPHP@$ ---|------------> $CFG->wwwroot/file.php/courseid (slasharguments on) // |------------> $CFG->wwwroot/file.php?file=/courseid (slasharguments off) // // - $@SLASH@$ --|---------------> / (slasharguments on) // |---------------> %2F (slasharguments off) // // - $@FORCEDOWNLOAD@$ --|-------> ?forcedownload=1 (slasharguments on) // |-------> &forcedownload=1(slasharguments off) //Note: Inter-activities linking is being implemented as a final //step in the restore execution, because we need to have it //finished to know all the oldid, newid equivaleces function restore_decode_absolute_links($content) { global $CFG, $restore; require_once($CFG->libdir.'/filelib.php'); /// MDL-14072: Prevent NULLs, empties and numbers to be processed by the /// heavy interlinking. Just a few cpu cycles saved. if ($content === NULL) { return NULL; } else if ($content === '') { return ''; } else if (is_numeric($content)) { return $content; } //Now decode wwwroot and file.php calls $search = array ("$@FILEPHP@$"); $replace = array(get_file_url($restore->course_id)); $result = str_replace($search,$replace,$content); //Now $@SLASH@$ and $@FORCEDOWNLOAD@$ MDL-18799 $search = array('$@SLASH@$', '$@FORCEDOWNLOAD@$'); if ($CFG->slasharguments) { $replace = array('/', '?forcedownload=1'); } else { $replace = array('%2F', '&forcedownload=1'); } $result = str_replace($search, $replace, $result); if ($result != $content && debugging()) { //Debug if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '

changed to

'; //Debug } } //Debug return $result; } //This function restores the userfiles from the temp (user_files) directory to the //dataroot/users directory function restore_user_files($restore) { global $CFG; $status = true; $counter = 0; // 'users' is the old users folder, 'user' is the new one, with a new hierarchy. Detect which one is here and treat accordingly //in CFG->dataroot $dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot."/user"; $status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true); //Now, we iterate over "user_files" records to check if that user dir must be //copied (and renamed) to the "users" dir. $rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/user_files"; //Check if directory exists $userlist = array(); if (is_dir($rootdir) && ($list = list_directories ($rootdir))) { $counter = 0; foreach ($list as $dir) { // If there are directories in this folder, we are in the new user hierarchy if ($newlist = list_directories("$rootdir/$dir")) { foreach ($newlist as $olduserid) { $userlist[$olduserid] = "$rootdir/$dir/$olduserid"; } } else { $userlist[$dir] = "$rootdir/$dir"; } } foreach ($userlist as $olduserid => $backup_location) { //Look for dir like username in backup_ids //If that user exists in backup_ids if ($user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$olduserid)) { //Only if user has been created now or if it existed previously, but he hasn't got an image (see bug 1123) $newuserdir = make_user_directory($user->new_id, true); // Doesn't create the folder, just returns the location // restore images if new user or image does not exist yet if (!empty($user->new) or !check_dir_exists($newuserdir)) { if (make_user_directory($user->new_id)) { // Creates the folder $status = backup_copy_file($backup_location, $newuserdir, true); $counter ++; } //Do some output if ($counter % 2 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 40 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } } } } //If status is ok and whe have dirs created, returns counter to inform if ($status and $counter) { return $counter; } else { return $status; } } //This function restores the groupfiles from the temp (group_files) directory to the //dataroot/groups directory function restore_group_files($restore) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; $counter = 0; //First, we check to "groups" exists and create is as necessary //in CFG->dataroot $dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot.'/groups'; $status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true); //Now, we iterate over "group_files" records to check if that user dir must be //copied (and renamed) to the "groups" dir. $rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/group_files"; //Check if directory exists if (is_dir($rootdir)) { $list = list_directories ($rootdir); if ($list) { //Iterate $counter = 0; foreach ($list as $dir) { //Look for dir like groupid in backup_ids $data = $DB->get_record ("backup_ids", array("backup_code"=>$restore->backup_unique_code, "table_name"=>"groups", "old_id"=>$dir)); //If that group exists in backup_ids if ($data) { if (!file_exists($dest_dir."/".$data->new_id)) { $status = backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$dir, $dest_dir."/".$data->new_id,true); $counter ++; } //Do some output if ($counter % 2 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 40 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } } } } //If status is ok and whe have dirs created, returns counter to inform if ($status and $counter) { return $counter; } else { return $status; } } //This function restores the course files from the temp (course_files) directory to the //dataroot/course_id directory function restore_course_files($restore) { global $CFG; $status = true; $counter = 0; //First, we check to "course_id" exists and create is as necessary //in CFG->dataroot $dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot."/".$restore->course_id; $status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true); //Now, we iterate over "course_files" records to check if that file/dir must be //copied to the "dest_dir" dir. $rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/course_files"; //Check if directory exists if (is_dir($rootdir)) { $list = list_directories_and_files ($rootdir); if ($list) { //Iterate $counter = 0; foreach ($list as $dir) { //Copy the dir to its new location //Only if destination file/dir doesn exists if (!file_exists($dest_dir."/".$dir)) { $status = backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$dir, $dest_dir."/".$dir,true); $counter ++; } //Do some output if ($counter % 2 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 40 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } } } //If status is ok and whe have dirs created, returns counter to inform if ($status and $counter) { return $counter; } else { return $status; } } //This function restores the site files from the temp (site_files) directory to the //dataroot/SITEID directory function restore_site_files($restore) { global $CFG; $status = true; $counter = 0; //First, we check to "course_id" exists and create is as necessary //in CFG->dataroot $dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot."/".SITEID; $status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true); //Now, we iterate over "site_files" files to check if that file/dir must be //copied to the "dest_dir" dir. $rootdir = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/site_files"; //Check if directory exists if (is_dir($rootdir)) { $list = list_directories_and_files ($rootdir); if ($list) { //Iterate $counter = 0; foreach ($list as $dir) { //no need to deal with 'maintenance.html' here anymore - MDL-18594 //Copy the dir to its new location //Only if destination file/dir doesn exists if (!file_exists($dest_dir."/".$dir)) { $status = backup_copy_file($rootdir."/".$dir, $dest_dir."/".$dir,true); $counter ++; } //Do some output if ($counter % 2 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 40 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } } } //If status is ok and whe have dirs created, returns counter to inform if ($status and $counter) { return $counter; } else { return $status; } } //This function creates all the structures for every module in backup file //Depending what has been selected. function restore_create_modules($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { //info will contain the id and modtype of every module //in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized) $info = restore_read_xml_modules($restore,$xml_file); } //Now, if we have anything in info, we have to restore that mods //from backup_ids (calling every mod restore function) if ($info) { if ($info !== true) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo ''; } } } else { $status = false; } return $status; } //This function creates all the structures for every log in backup file //Depending what has been selected. function restore_create_logs($restore,$xml_file) { global $CFG, $DB; //Number of records to get in every chunk $recordset_size = 4; //Counter, points to current record $counter = 0; //To count all the recods to restore $count_logs = 0; $status = true; //Check it exists if (!file_exists($xml_file)) { $status = false; } //Get info from xml if ($status) { //count_logs will contain the number of logs entries to process //in backup_ids->info will be the real info (serialized) $count_logs = restore_read_xml_logs($restore,$xml_file); } //Now, if we have records in count_logs, we have to restore that logs //from backup_ids. This piece of code makes calls to: // - restore_log_course() if it's a course log // - restore_log_user() if it's a user log // - restore_log_module() if it's a module log. //And all is segmented in chunks to allow large recordsets to be restored !! if ($count_logs > 0) { while ($counter < $count_logs) { //Get a chunk of records //Take old_id twice to avoid adodb limitation $logs = $DB->get_records("backup_ids", array("table_name"=>'log', 'backup_code'=>$restore->backup_unique_code),"old_id","old_id",$counter,$recordset_size); //We have logs if ($logs) { //Iterate foreach ($logs as $log) { //Get the full record from backup_ids $data = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"log",$log->old_id); if ($data) { //Now get completed xmlized object $info = $data->info; //traverse_xmlize($info); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now build the LOG record structure $dblog = new object(); $dblog->time = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['TIME']['0']['#']); $dblog->userid = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['USERID']['0']['#']); $dblog->ip = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['IP']['0']['#']); $dblog->course = $restore->course_id; $dblog->module = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['MODULE']['0']['#']); $dblog->cmid = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['CMID']['0']['#']); $dblog->action = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['ACTION']['0']['#']); $dblog->url = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['URL']['0']['#']); $dblog->info = backup_todb($info['LOG']['#']['INFO']['0']['#']); //We have to recode the userid field $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$dblog->userid); if ($user) { //echo "User ".$dblog->userid." to user ".$user->new_id."
"; //Debug $dblog->userid = $user->new_id; } //We have to recode the cmid field (if module isn't "course" or "user") if ($dblog->module != "course" and $dblog->module != "user") { $cm = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$dblog->cmid); if ($cm) { //echo "Module ".$dblog->cmid." to module ".$cm->new_id."
"; //Debug $dblog->cmid = $cm->new_id; } else { $dblog->cmid = 0; } } //print_object ($dblog); //Debug //Now, we redirect to the needed function to make all the work if ($dblog->module == "course") { //It's a course log, $stat = restore_log_course($restore,$dblog); } elseif ($dblog->module == "user") { //It's a user log, $stat = restore_log_user($restore,$dblog); } else { //It's a module log, $stat = restore_log_module($restore,$dblog); } } //Do some output $counter++; if ($counter % 10 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 200 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } } } else { //We never should arrive here $counter = $count_logs; $status = false; } } } return $status; } //This function inserts a course log record, calculating the URL field as necessary function restore_log_course($restore,$log) { global $DB; $status = true; $toinsert = false; //echo "
Before transformations
"; //Debug //print_object($log); //Debug //Depending of the action, we recode different things switch ($log->action) { case "view": $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = $log->course; $toinsert = true; break; case "guest": $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; break; case "user report": //recode the info field (it's the user id) $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info); if ($user) { $log->info = $user->new_id; //Now, extract the mode from the url field $mode = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1); $log->url = "user.php?id=".$log->course."&user=".$log->info."&mode=".$mode; $toinsert = true; } break; case "add mod": //Extract the course_module from the url field $cmid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1); //recode the course_module to see it it has been restored $cm = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$cmid); if ($cm) { $cmid = $cm->new_id; //Extract the module name and the module id from the info field $modname = strtok($log->info," "); $modid = strtok(" "); //recode the module id to see if it has been restored $mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$modname,$modid); if ($mod) { $modid = $mod->new_id; //Now I have everything so reconstruct url and info $log->info = $modname." ".$modid; $log->url = "../mod/".$modname."/view.php?id=".$cmid; $toinsert = true; } } break; case "update mod": //Extract the course_module from the url field $cmid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1); //recode the course_module to see it it has been restored $cm = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$cmid); if ($cm) { $cmid = $cm->new_id; //Extract the module name and the module id from the info field $modname = strtok($log->info," "); $modid = strtok(" "); //recode the module id to see if it has been restored $mod = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$modname,$modid); if ($mod) { $modid = $mod->new_id; //Now I have everything so reconstruct url and info $log->info = $modname." ".$modid; $log->url = "../mod/".$modname."/view.php?id=".$cmid; $toinsert = true; } } break; case "delete mod": $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; break; case "update": $log->url = "edit.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = ""; $toinsert = true; break; case "unenrol": //recode the info field (it's the user id) $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info); if ($user) { $log->info = $user->new_id; $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; } break; case "enrol": //recode the info field (it's the user id) $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info); if ($user) { $log->info = $user->new_id; $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; } break; case "editsection": //Extract the course_section from the url field $secid = substr(strrchr($log->url,"="),1); //recode the course_section to see if it has been restored $sec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_sections",$secid); if ($sec) { $secid = $sec->new_id; //Now I have everything so reconstruct url and info $log->url = "editsection.php?id=".$secid; $toinsert = true; } break; case "new": $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = ""; $toinsert = true; break; case "recent": $log->url = "recent.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = ""; $toinsert = true; break; case "report log": $log->url = "report/log/index.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = $log->course; $toinsert = true; break; case "report live": $log->url = "report/log/live.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = $log->course; $toinsert = true; break; case "report outline": $log->url = "report/outline/index.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = $log->course; $toinsert = true; break; case "report participation": $log->url = "report/participation/index.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = $log->course; $toinsert = true; break; case "report stats": $log->url = "report/stats/index.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = $log->course; $toinsert = true; break; default: echo "action (".$log->module."-".$log->action.") unknown. Not restored
"; //Debug break; } //echo "After transformations
"; //Debug //print_object($log); //Debug //Now if $toinsert is set, insert the record if ($toinsert) { //echo "Inserting record
"; //Debug $status = $DB->insert_record("log",$log); } return $status; } //This function inserts a user log record, calculating the URL field as necessary function restore_log_user($restore,$log) { global $DB; $status = true; $toinsert = false; //echo "
Before transformations
"; //Debug //print_object($log); //Debug //Depending of the action, we recode different things switch ($log->action) { case "view": //recode the info field (it's the user id) $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info); if ($user) { $log->info = $user->new_id; $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->info."&course=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; } break; case "change password": //recode the info field (it's the user id) $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info); if ($user) { $log->info = $user->new_id; $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->info."&course=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; } break; case "login": //recode the info field (it's the user id) $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info); if ($user) { $log->info = $user->new_id; $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->info."&course=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; } break; case "logout": //recode the info field (it's the user id) $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$log->info); if ($user) { $log->info = $user->new_id; $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->info."&course=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; } break; case "view all": $log->url = "view.php?id=".$log->course; $log->info = ""; $toinsert = true; case "update": //We split the url by ampersand char $first_part = strtok($log->url,"&"); //Get data after the = char. It's the user being updated $userid = substr(strrchr($first_part,"="),1); //Recode the user $user = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid); if ($user) { $log->info = ""; $log->url = "view.php?id=".$user->new_id."&course=".$log->course; $toinsert = true; } break; default: echo "action (".$log->module."-".$log->action.") unknown. Not restored
"; //Debug break; } //echo "After transformations
"; //Debug //print_object($log); //Debug //Now if $toinsert is set, insert the record if ($toinsert) { //echo "Inserting record
"; //Debug $status = $DB->insert_record("log",$log); } return $status; } //This function inserts a module log record, calculating the URL field as necessary function restore_log_module($restore,$log) { global $DB; $status = true; $toinsert = false; //echo "
Before transformations
"; //Debug //print_object($log); //Debug //Now we see if the required function in the module exists $function = $log->module."_restore_logs"; if (function_exists($function)) { //Call the function $log = $function($restore,$log); //If everything is ok, mark the insert flag if ($log) { $toinsert = true; } } //echo "After transformations
"; //Debug //print_object($log); //Debug //Now if $toinsert is set, insert the record if ($toinsert) { //echo "Inserting record
"; //Debug $status = $DB->insert_record("log",$log); } return $status; } //This function adjusts the instance field into course_modules. It's executed after //modules restore. There, we KNOW the new instance id !! function restore_check_instances($restore) { global $CFG, $DB; $status = true; //We are going to iterate over each course_module saved in backup_ids $course_modules = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT old_id,new_id FROM {backup_ids} WHERE backup_code = ? AND table_name = 'course_modules'", array($restore->backup_unique_code)); if ($course_modules) { foreach($course_modules as $cm) { //Get full record, using backup_getids $cm_module = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"course_modules",$cm->old_id); //Now we are going to the REAL course_modules to get its type (field module) $module = $DB->get_record("course_modules", array("id"=>$cm_module->new_id)); if ($module) { //We know the module type id. Get the name from modules $type = $DB->get_record("modules", array("id"=>$module->module)); if ($type) { //We know the type name and the old_id. Get its new_id //from backup_ids. It's the instance !!! $instance = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$type->name,$cm_module->info); if ($instance) { //We have the new instance, so update the record in course_modules $module->instance = $instance->new_id; //print_object ($module); //Debug $status = $DB->update_record("course_modules",$module); } else { $status = false; } } else { $status = false; } } else { $status = false; } // MDL-14326 remove empty course modules instance's (credit goes to John T. Macklin from Remote Learner) $course_modules_inst_zero = $DB->get_records_sql( "SELECT id, course, instance FROM {course_modules} WHERE id = ? AND instance = 0", array($cm_module->new_id)); if($course_modules_inst_zero){ // Clean up the invalid instances foreach($course_modules_inst_zero as $course_modules_inst){ $DB->delete_records('course_modules', array('id'=>$course_modules_inst->id)); } } } /// Finally, calculate modinfo cache. rebuild_course_cache($restore->course_id); } return $status; } //===================================================================================== //== == //== XML Functions (SAX) == //== == //===================================================================================== /// This is the class used to split, in first instance, the monolithic moodle.xml into /// smaller xml files allowing the MoodleParser later to process only the required info /// based in each $todo, instead of processing the whole xml for each $todo. In theory /// processing time can be reduced upto 1/20th of original time (depending of the /// number of $todo in the original moodle.xml file) /// /// Anyway, note it's a general splitter parser, and only needs to be instantiated /// with the proper destination dir and the tosplit configuration. Be careful when /// using it because it doesn't support XML attributes nor real cdata out from tags. /// (both not used in the target Moodle backup files) class moodle_splitter_parser { var $level = 0; /// Level we are var $tree = array(); /// Array of levels we are var $cdata = ''; /// Raw storage for character data var $content = ''; /// Content buffer to be printed to file var $trailing= ''; /// Content of the trailing tree for each splited file var $savepath = null; /// Path to store splited files var $fhandler = null; /// Current file we are writing to var $tosplit = array(); /// Array defining the files we want to split, in this format: /// array( level/tag/level/tag => filename) var $splitwords = array(); /// Denormalised array containing the potential tags /// being a split point. To speed up check_split_point() var $maxsplitlevel = 0; /// Precalculated max level where any split happens. To speed up check_split_point() var $buffersize = 65536; /// 64KB is a good write buffer. Don't expect big benefits by increasing this. var $repectformat = false; /// With this setting enabled, the splited files will look like the original one /// with all the indentations 100% copied from original (character data outer tags). /// But this is a waste of time from our perspective, and splited xml files are completely /// functional without that, so we disable this for production, generating a more compact /// XML quicker /// PHP4 constructor function moodle_splitter_parser($savepath, $tosplit = null) { return $this->__construct($savepath, $tosplit); } /// PHP5 constructor function __construct($savepath, $tosplit = null) { $this->savepath = $savepath; if (!empty($tosplit)) { $this->tosplit = $tosplit; } else { /// No tosplit list passed, process all the possible parts in one moodle.xml file $this->tosplit = array( '1/MOODLE_BACKUP/2/INFO' => 'split_info.xml', '1/MOODLE_BACKUP/2/ROLES' => 'split_roles.xml', '2/COURSE/3/HEADER' => 'split_course_header.xml', '2/COURSE/3/BLOCKS' => 'split_blocks.xml', '2/COURSE/3/SECTIONS' => 'split_sections.xml', '2/COURSE/3/FORMATDATA' => 'split_formatdata.xml', '2/COURSE/3/METACOURSE' => 'split_metacourse.xml', '2/COURSE/3/GRADEBOOK' => 'split_gradebook.xml', '2/COURSE/3/USERS' => 'split_users.xml', '2/COURSE/3/MESSAGES' => 'split_messages.xml', '2/COURSE/3/BLOGS' => 'split_blogs.xml', '2/COURSE/3/QUESTION_CATEGORIES'=> 'split_questions.xml', '2/COURSE/3/SCALES' => 'split_scales.xml', '2/COURSE/3/GROUPS' => 'split_groups.xml', '2/COURSE/3/GROUPINGS' => 'split_groupings.xml', '2/COURSE/3/GROUPINGSGROUPS' => 'split_groupingsgroups.xml', '2/COURSE/3/EVENTS' => 'split_events.xml', '2/COURSE/3/MODULES' => 'split_modules.xml', '2/COURSE/3/LOGS' => 'split_logs.xml' ); } /// Precalculate some info used to speedup checks foreach ($this->tosplit as $key=>$value) { $this->splitwords[basename($key)] = true; if (((int) basename(dirname($key))) > $this->maxsplitlevel) { $this->maxsplitlevel = (int) basename(dirname($key)); } } } /// Given one tag being opened, check if it's one split point. /// Return false or split filename function check_split_point($tag) { /// Quick check. Level < 2 cannot be a split point if ($this->level < 2) { return false; } /// Quick check. Current tag against potential splitwords if (!isset($this->splitwords[$tag])) { return false; } /// Prev test passed, take a look to 2-level tosplit $keytocheck = ($this->level - 1) . '/' . $this->tree[$this->level - 1] . '/' . $this->level . '/' . $this->tree[$this->level]; if (!isset($this->tosplit[$keytocheck])) { return false; } /// Prev test passed, we are in a split point, return new filename return $this->tosplit[$keytocheck]; } /// To append data (xml-escaped) to contents buffer function character_data($parser, $data) { ///$this->content .= preg_replace($this->entity_find, $this->entity_replace, $data); ///40% slower ///$this->content .= str_replace($this->entity_find, $this->entity_replace, $data); ///25% slower ///$this->content .= htmlspecialchars($data); ///the best /// Instead of htmlspecialchars() each chunk of character data, we are going to /// concat it without transformation and will apply the htmlspecialchars() when /// that character data is, efectively, going to be added to contents buffer. This /// makes the number of transformations to be reduced (speedup) and avoid potential /// problems with transformations being applied "in the middle" of multibyte chars. $this->cdata .= $data; } /// To detect start of tags, keeping level, tree and fhandle updated. /// Also handles creation of split files function start_tag($parser, $tag, $attrs) { /// Update things before processing $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tag; /// Check if we need to start a new split file, /// Speedup: we only do that if we haven't a fhandler and if level <= $maxsplitlevel if ($this->level <= $this->maxsplitlevel && !$this->fhandler && $newfilename = $this->check_split_point($tag)) { /// Open new file handler, init everything $this->fhandler = fopen($this->savepath . '/' . $newfilename, 'w'); $this->content = ''; $this->cdata = ''; $this->trailing = ''; /// Build the original leading tree (and calculate the original trailing one) for ($l = 1; $l < $this->level; $l++) { $this->content .= "<{$this->tree[$l]}>\n"; $this->trailing = "\ntree[$l]}>" . $this->trailing; } } /// Perform xml-entities transformation and add to contents buffer together with opening tag. /// Speedup. We lose nice formatting of the split XML but avoid 50% of transformations and XML is 100% equivalent $this->content .= ($this->repectformat ? htmlspecialchars($this->cdata) : '') . "<$tag>"; $this->cdata = ''; } /// To detect end of tags, keeping level, tree and fhandle updated, writting contents buffer to split file. /// Also handles closing of split files function end_tag($parser, $tag) { /// Perform xml-entities transformation and add to contents buffer together with closing tag, repecting (or no) format $this->content .= ($this->repectformat ? htmlspecialchars($this->cdata) : htmlspecialchars(trim($this->cdata))) . ""; $this->cdata = ''; /// Check if we need to close current split file /// Speedup: we only do that if we have a fhandler and if level <= $maxsplitlevel if ($this->level <= $this->maxsplitlevel && $this->fhandler && $newfilename = $this->check_split_point($tag)) { /// Write pending contents buffer before closing. It's a must fwrite($this->fhandler, $this->content); $this->content = ""; /// Write the original trailing tree for fhandler fwrite($this->fhandler, $this->trailing); fclose($this->fhandler); $this->fhandler = null; } else { /// Normal write of contents (use one buffer to improve speed) if ($this->fhandler && strlen($this->content) > $this->buffersize) { fwrite($this->fhandler, $this->content); $this->content = ""; } } /// Update things after processing $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; } } /// This function executes the moodle_splitter_parser, causing the monolithic moodle.xml /// file to be splitted in n smaller files for better treatament by the MoodleParser in restore_read_xml() function restore_split_xml ($xml_file, $preferences) { $status = true; $xml_parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8'); $split_parser = new moodle_splitter_parser(dirname($xml_file)); xml_set_object($xml_parser,$split_parser); xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, 'start_tag', 'end_tag'); xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, 'character_data'); $doteach = filesize($xml_file) / 20; $fromdot = 0; $fp = fopen($xml_file,"r") or $status = false; if ($status) { $lasttime = time(); while ($data = fread($fp, 8192)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { $fromdot += 8192; if ($fromdot > $doteach) { echo "."; backup_flush(300); $fromdot = 0; } if ((time() - $lasttime) > 10) { $lasttime = time(); backup_flush(300); } } xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp)) or die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } fclose($fp); } xml_parser_free($xml_parser); return $status; } //This is the class used to do all the xml parse class MoodleParser { var $level = 0; //Level we are var $counter = 0; //Counter var $tree = array(); //Array of levels we are var $content = ""; //Content under current level var $todo = ""; //What we hav to do when parsing var $info = ""; //Information collected. Temp storage. Used to return data after parsing. var $temp = ""; //Temp storage. var $preferences = ""; //Preferences about what to load !! var $finished = false; //Flag to say xml_parse to stop //This function is used to get the current contents property value //They are trimed (and converted from utf8 if needed) function getContents() { return trim($this->content); } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the info zone ($todo="INFO") function startElementInfo($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into INFO zone //if ($this->tree[2] == "INFO") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the info zone ($todo="INFO") function startElementRoles($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into INFO zone //if ($this->tree[2] == "INFO") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the course header zone ($todo="COURSE_HEADER") function startElementCourseHeader($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into COURSE_HEADER zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "HEADER") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the blocks zone ($todo="BLOCKS") function startElementBlocks($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into BLOCKS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "BLOCKS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a BLOCK tag under a BLOCKS zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { // if ($this->tree[4] == "BLOCK" and $this->tree[3] == "BLOCKS") { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the sections zone ($todo="SECTIONS") function startElementSections($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into SECTIONS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "SECTIONS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the optional format data zone ($todo="FORMATDATA") function startElementFormatData($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Accumulate all the data inside this tag if (isset($this->tree[3]) && $this->tree[3] == "FORMATDATA") { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ''; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } //Check if we are into FORMATDATA zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "FORMATDATA") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the metacourse zone ($todo="METACOURSE") function startElementMetacourse($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into METACOURSE zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "METACOURSE") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the gradebook zone ($todo="GRADEBOOK") function startElementGradebook($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into GRADEBOOK zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "GRADEBOOK") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a GRADE_PREFERENCE, GRADE_LETTER or GRADE_CATEGORY tag under a GRADEBOOK zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[5]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[5] == "GRADE_ITEM" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_CATEGORY" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_LETTER" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_OUTCOME" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_OUTCOMES_COURSE" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_TEXT_HISTORY" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY") && ($this->tree[3] == "GRADEBOOK")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the gradebook zone ($todo="GRADEBOOK") function startElementOldGradebook($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into GRADEBOOK zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "GRADEBOOK") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a GRADE_PREFERENCE, GRADE_LETTER or GRADE_CATEGORY tag under a GRADEBOOK zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[5]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[5] == "GRADE_PREFERENCE" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_LETTER" || $this->tree[5] == "GRADE_CATEGORY" ) && ($this->tree[3] == "GRADEBOOK")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the user zone ($todo="USERS") function startElementUsers($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Check if we are into USERS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "USERS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the messages zone ($todo="MESSAGES") function startElementMessages($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into MESSAGES zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "MESSAGES") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a MESSAGE tag under a MESSAGES zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "MESSAGE" || (isset($this->tree[5]) && $this->tree[5] == "CONTACT" )) and ($this->tree[3] == "MESSAGES")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the blogs zone ($todo="BLOGS") function startElementBlogs($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into BLOGS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "BLOGS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a BLOG tag under a BLOGS zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if ($this->tree[4] == "BLOG" and $this->tree[3] == "BLOGS") { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the questions zone ($todo="QUESTIONS") function startElementQuestions($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //if ($tagName == "QUESTION_CATEGORY" && $this->tree[3] == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES") { //Debug // echo "

QUESTION_CATEGORY: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug //} //Debug //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into QUESTION_CATEGORIES zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a QUESTION_CATEGORY tag under a QUESTION_CATEGORIES zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "QUESTION_CATEGORY") and ($this->tree[3] == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the scales zone ($todo="SCALES") function startElementScales($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //if ($tagName == "SCALE" && $this->tree[3] == "SCALES") { //Debug // echo "

SCALE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug //} //Debug //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into SCALES zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "SCALES") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a SCALE tag under a SCALES zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "SCALE") and ($this->tree[3] == "SCALES")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } function startElementGroups($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //if ($tagName == "GROUP" && $this->tree[3] == "GROUPS") { //Debug // echo "

GROUP: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug //} //Debug //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into GROUPS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a GROUP tag under a GROUPS zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "GROUP") and ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPS")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } function startElementGroupings($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //if ($tagName == "GROUPING" && $this->tree[3] == "GROUPINGS") { //Debug // echo "

GROUPING: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug //} //Debug //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into GROUPINGS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPINGS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a GROUPING tag under a GROUPINGS zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "GROUPING") and ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPINGS")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } function startElementGroupingsGroups($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //if ($tagName == "GROUPINGGROUP" && $this->tree[3] == "GROUPINGSGROUPS") { //Debug // echo "

GROUPINGSGROUP: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug //} //Debug //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... backup_flush(); //Check if we are into GROUPINGSGROUPS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPINGSGROUPS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a GROUPINGGROUP tag under a GROUPINGSGROUPS zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "GROUPINGGROUP") and ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPINGSGROUPS")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the events zone ($todo="EVENTS") function startElementEvents($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //if ($tagName == "EVENT" && $this->tree[3] == "EVENTS") { //Debug // echo "

EVENT: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug //} //Debug //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into EVENTS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "EVENTS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a EVENT tag under a EVENTS zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "EVENT") and ($this->tree[3] == "EVENTS")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the modules zone ($todo="MODULES") function startElementModules($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //if ($tagName == "MOD" && $this->tree[3] == "MODULES") { //Debug // echo "

MOD: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug //} //Debug //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into MODULES zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "MODULES") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a MOD tag under a MODULES zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "MOD") and ($this->tree[3] == "MODULES")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag handler we use where we are reading the logs zone ($todo="LOGS") function startElementLogs($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { //Refresh properties $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //if ($tagName == "LOG" && $this->tree[3] == "LOGS") { //Debug // echo "

LOG: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug //} //Debug //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); //Check if we are into LOGS zone //if ($this->tree[3] == "LOGS") //Debug // echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //If we are under a LOG tag under a LOGS zone, accumule it if (isset($this->tree[4]) and isset($this->tree[3])) { if (($this->tree[4] == "LOG") and ($this->tree[3] == "LOGS")) { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= "<".$tagName.">"; } } } //This is the startTag default handler we use when $todo is undefined function startElement($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { $this->level++; $this->tree[$this->level] = $tagName; //Output something to avoid browser timeouts... //backup_flush(); echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."<".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the info zone ($todo="INFO") function endElementInfo($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into INFO zone if ($this->tree[2] == "INFO") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Dependig of different combinations, do different things if ($this->level == 3) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->backup_name = $this->getContents(); break; case "MOODLE_VERSION": $this->info->backup_moodle_version = $this->getContents(); break; case "MOODLE_RELEASE": $this->info->backup_moodle_release = $this->getContents(); break; case "BACKUP_VERSION": $this->info->backup_backup_version = $this->getContents(); break; case "BACKUP_RELEASE": $this->info->backup_backup_release = $this->getContents(); break; case "DATE": $this->info->backup_date = $this->getContents(); break; case "ORIGINAL_WWWROOT": $this->info->original_wwwroot = $this->getContents(); break; case "ORIGINAL_SITE_IDENTIFIER_HASH": $this->info->original_siteidentifier = $this->getContents(); break; case "MNET_REMOTEUSERS": $this->info->mnet_remoteusers = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->tree[3] == "DETAILS") { if ($this->level == 4) { switch ($tagName) { case "METACOURSE": $this->info->backup_metacourse = $this->getContents(); break; case "USERS": $this->info->backup_users = $this->getContents(); break; case "LOGS": $this->info->backup_logs = $this->getContents(); break; case "USERFILES": $this->info->backup_user_files = $this->getContents(); break; case "COURSEFILES": $this->info->backup_course_files = $this->getContents(); break; case "SITEFILES": $this->info->backup_site_files = $this->getContents(); break; case "GRADEBOOKHISTORIES": $this->info->gradebook_histories = $this->getContents(); break; case "MESSAGES": $this->info->backup_messages = $this->getContents(); break; case "BLOGS": $this->info->backup_blogs = $this->getContents(); break; case 'BLOCKFORMAT': $this->info->backup_block_format = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->level == 5) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempName = $this->getContents(); break; case "INCLUDED": $this->info->mods[$this->info->tempName]->backup = $this->getContents(); break; case "USERINFO": $this->info->mods[$this->info->tempName]->userinfo = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->level == 7) { switch ($tagName) { case "ID": $this->info->tempId = $this->getContents(); $this->info->mods[$this->info->tempName]->instances[$this->info->tempId]->id = $this->info->tempId; break; case "NAME": $this->info->mods[$this->info->tempName]->instances[$this->info->tempId]->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "INCLUDED": $this->info->mods[$this->info->tempName]->instances[$this->info->tempId]->backup = $this->getContents(); break; case "USERINFO": $this->info->mods[$this->info->tempName]->instances[$this->info->tempId]->userinfo = $this->getContents(); break; } } } } //Stop parsing if $todo = INFO and tagName = INFO (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "INFO") { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } function endElementRoles($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into ROLES zone if ($this->tree[2] == "ROLES") { if ($this->tree[3] == "ROLE") { if ($this->level == 4) { switch ($tagName) { case "ID": // this is the old id $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->id = $this->info->tempid; break; case "NAME": $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "NAMEINCOURSE": // custom name of the role in course $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->nameincourse = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->level == 5) { switch ($tagName) { case "CONTEXTLEVEL": $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->contextlevels[] = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->level == 6) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempcapname = $this->getContents(); $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->capabilities[$this->info->tempcapname]->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "PERMISSION": $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->capabilities[$this->info->tempcapname]->permission = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->capabilities[$this->info->tempcapname]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->roles[$this->info->tempid]->capabilities[$this->info->tempcapname]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; } } } } //Stop parsing if $todo = ROLES and tagName = ROLES (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "ROLES") { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the course_header zone ($todo="COURSE_HEADER") function endElementCourseHeader($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into COURSE_HEADER zone if ($this->tree[3] == "HEADER") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Dependig of different combinations, do different things if ($this->level == 4) { switch ($tagName) { case "ID": $this->info->course_id = $this->getContents(); break; case "PASSWORD": $this->info->course_password = $this->getContents(); break; case "FULLNAME": $this->info->course_fullname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->course_shortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "IDNUMBER": $this->info->course_idnumber = $this->getContents(); break; case "SUMMARY": $this->info->course_summary = $this->getContents(); break; case "FORMAT": $this->info->course_format = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHOWGRADES": $this->info->course_showgrades = $this->getContents(); break; case "BLOCKINFO": $this->info->blockinfo = $this->getContents(); break; case "NEWSITEMS": $this->info->course_newsitems = $this->getContents(); break; case "GUEST": $this->info->course_guest = $this->getContents(); break; case "STARTDATE": $this->info->course_startdate = $this->getContents(); break; case "NUMSECTIONS": $this->info->course_numsections = $this->getContents(); break; //case "SHOWRECENT": INFO: This is out in 1.3 // $this->info->course_showrecent = $this->getContents(); // break; case "MAXBYTES": $this->info->course_maxbytes = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHOWREPORTS": $this->info->course_showreports = $this->getContents(); break; case "GROUPMODE": $this->info->course_groupmode = $this->getContents(); break; case "GROUPMODEFORCE": $this->info->course_groupmodeforce = $this->getContents(); break; case "DEFAULTGROUPINGID": $this->info->course_defaultgroupingid = $this->getContents(); break; case "LANG": $this->info->course_lang = $this->getContents(); break; case "THEME": $this->info->course_theme = $this->getContents(); break; case "COST": $this->info->course_cost = $this->getContents(); break; case "CURRENCY": $this->info->course_currency = $this->getContents(); break; case "MARKER": $this->info->course_marker = $this->getContents(); break; case "VISIBLE": $this->info->course_visible = $this->getContents(); break; case "HIDDENSECTIONS": $this->info->course_hiddensections = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMECREATED": $this->info->course_timecreated = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->course_timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "METACOURSE": $this->info->course_metacourse = $this->getContents(); break; case "EXPIRENOTIFY": $this->info->course_expirynotify = $this->getContents(); break; case "NOTIFYSTUDENTS": $this->info->course_notifystudents = $this->getContents(); break; case "EXPIRYTHRESHOLD": $this->info->course_expirythreshold = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROLLABLE": $this->info->course_enrollable = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROLSTARTDATE": $this->info->course_enrolstartdate = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROLENDDATE": $this->info->course_enrolenddate = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROLPERIOD": $this->info->course_enrolperiod = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENABLECOMPLETION": $this->info->course_enablecompletion = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->tree[4] == "CATEGORY") { if ($this->level == 5) { switch ($tagName) { case "ID": $this->info->category->id = $this->getContents(); break; case "NAME": $this->info->category->name = $this->getContents(); break; } } } if ($this->tree[4] == "ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS") { if ($this->level == 6) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->tempshortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "ID": $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->level == 8) { switch ($tagName) { case "USERID": $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->info->tempname; $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->info->tempshortname; $this->info->tempuser = $this->getContents(); $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->userid = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMESTART": $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timestart = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEEND": $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timeend = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROL": $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->enrol = $this->getContents(); break; case "SORTORDER": $this->info->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->sortorder = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends role_assignments if ($this->tree[4] == "ROLES_OVERRIDES") { if ($this->level == 6) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->tempshortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "ID": $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->level == 8) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->info->tempname; $this->info->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->info->tempshortname; $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); // change to name of capability $this->info->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "PERMISSION": $this->info->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->permission = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends role_overrides if ($this->tree[4] == "FILTERACTIVES") { if ($this->level == 6) { switch ($tagName) { case "FILTER": $this->info->tempfilter = $this->getContents(); break; case "ACTIVE": $this->info->filteractives[$this->info->tempfilter] = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends FILTERACTIVES if ($this->tree[4] == "FILTERCONFIGS") { if ($this->level == 6) { switch ($tagName) { case "FILTER": $this->info->tempfilter = $this->getContents(); break; case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "VALUE": $fc = new stdClass; $fc->filter = $this->info->tempfilter; $fc->name = $this->info->tempfilter; $fc->value = $this->getContents(); $this->info->filterconfigs[] = $fc; break; } } } /// ends FILTERCONFIGS } //Stop parsing if $todo = COURSE_HEADER and tagName = HEADER (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "HEADER") { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the sections zone ($todo="BLOCKS") function endElementBlocks($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into BLOCKS zone if ($this->tree[3] == 'BLOCKS') { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug // Collect everything into $this->temp if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //Dependig of different combinations, do different things if ($this->level == 4) { switch ($tagName) { case 'BLOCK': //We've finalized a block, get it $this->info->instances[] = $this->info->tempinstance; unset($this->info->tempinstance); //Also, xmlize INSTANCEDATA and save to db //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one BLOCK) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Check for instancedata, is exists, then save to DB if (isset($data['BLOCK']['#']['INSTANCEDATA']['0']['#'])) { //Get old id $oldid = $data['BLOCK']['#']['ID']['0']['#']; //Get instancedata if ($data = $data['BLOCK']['#']['INSTANCEDATA']['0']['#']) { //Restore code calls this multiple times - so might already have the newid if ($newid = backup_getid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,'block_instance',$oldid)) { $newid = $newid->new_id; } else { $newid = null; } //Save to DB, we will use it later $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,'block_instance',$oldid,$newid,$data); } } //Reset temp unset($this->temp); break; default: die($tagName); } } if ($this->level == 5) { switch ($tagName) { case 'ID': $this->info->tempinstance->id = $this->getContents(); case 'NAME': $this->info->tempinstance->name = $this->getContents(); break; case 'PAGEID': $this->info->tempinstance->pageid = $this->getContents(); break; case 'PAGETYPE': $this->info->tempinstance->pagetype = $this->getContents(); break; case 'POSITION': $this->info->tempinstance->position = $this->getContents(); break; case 'WEIGHT': $this->info->tempinstance->weight = $this->getContents(); break; case 'VISIBLE': $this->info->tempinstance->visible = $this->getContents(); break; case 'CONFIGDATA': $this->info->tempinstance->configdata = $this->getContents(); break; default: break; } } if ($this->tree[5] == "ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS") { if ($this->level == 7) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->tempshortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "ID": $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); // temp roleid break; } } if ($this->level == 9) { switch ($tagName) { case "USERID": $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->info->tempname; $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->info->tempshortname; $this->info->tempuser = $this->getContents(); $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->userid = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMESTART": $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timestart = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEEND": $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timeend = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROL": $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->enrol = $this->getContents(); break; case "SORTORDER": $this->info->tempinstance->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->sortorder = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends role_assignments if ($this->tree[5] == "ROLES_OVERRIDES") { if ($this->level == 7) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->tempshortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "ID": $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); // temp roleid break; } } if ($this->level == 9) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempinstance->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->info->tempname; $this->info->tempinstance->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->info->tempshortname; $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); // change to name of capability $this->info->tempinstance->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "PERMISSION": $this->info->tempinstance->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->permission = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->tempinstance->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->tempinstance->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends role_overrides } //Stop parsing if $todo = BLOCKS and tagName = BLOCKS (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) //WARNING: ONLY EXIT IF $todo = BLOCKS (thus tree[3] = "BLOCKS") OTHERWISE // THE BLOCKS TAG IN THE HEADER WILL TERMINATE US! if ($this->tree[3] == 'BLOCKS' && $tagName == 'BLOCKS') { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ''; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the sections zone ($todo="SECTIONS") function endElementSections($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into SECTIONS zone if ($this->tree[3] == "SECTIONS") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Dependig of different combinations, do different things if ($this->level == 4) { switch ($tagName) { case "SECTION": //We've finalized a section, get it $this->info->sections[$this->info->tempsection->id] = $this->info->tempsection; unset($this->info->tempsection); } } if ($this->level == 5) { switch ($tagName) { case "ID": $this->info->tempsection->id = $this->getContents(); break; case "NUMBER": $this->info->tempsection->number = $this->getContents(); break; case "SUMMARY": $this->info->tempsection->summary = $this->getContents(); break; case "VISIBLE": $this->info->tempsection->visible = $this->getContents(); break; } } if ($this->level == 6) { switch ($tagName) { case "MOD": if (!isset($this->info->tempmod->groupmode)) { $this->info->tempmod->groupmode = 0; } if (!isset($this->info->tempmod->groupingid)) { $this->info->tempmod->groupingid = 0; } if (!isset($this->info->tempmod->groupmembersonly)) { $this->info->tempmod->groupmembersonly = 0; } if (!isset($this->info->tempmod->idnumber)) { $this->info->tempmod->idnumber = null; } //We've finalized a mod, get it $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->type = $this->info->tempmod->type; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->instance = $this->info->tempmod->instance; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->added = $this->info->tempmod->added; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->score = $this->info->tempmod->score; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->indent = $this->info->tempmod->indent; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->visible = $this->info->tempmod->visible; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->groupmode = $this->info->tempmod->groupmode; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->groupingid = $this->info->tempmod->groupingid; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->groupmembersonly = $this->info->tempmod->groupmembersonly; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->idnumber = $this->info->tempmod->idnumber; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->completion = isset($this->info->tempmod->completion) ? $this->info->tempmod->completion : 0; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->completiongradeitemnumber = isset($this->info->tempmod->completiongradeitemnumber) ? $this->info->tempmod->completiongradeitemnumber : null; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->completionview = isset($this->info->tempmod->completionview) ? $this->info->tempmod->completionview : 0; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->completionexpected = isset($this->info->tempmod->completionexpected) ? $this->info->tempmod->completionexpected : 0; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->availablefrom = isset($this->info->tempmod->availablefrom) ? $this->info->tempmod->availablefrom : 0; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->availableuntil = isset($this->info->tempmod->availableuntil) ? $this->info->tempmod->availableuntil : 0; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->showavailability = isset($this->info->tempmod->showavailability) ? $this->info->tempmod->showavailability : 0; unset($this->info->tempmod); } } if ($this->level == 7) { switch ($tagName) { case "ID": $this->info->tempmod->id = $this->getContents(); break; case "TYPE": $this->info->tempmod->type = $this->getContents(); break; case "INSTANCE": $this->info->tempmod->instance = $this->getContents(); break; case "ADDED": $this->info->tempmod->added = $this->getContents(); break; case "SCORE": $this->info->tempmod->score = $this->getContents(); break; case "INDENT": $this->info->tempmod->indent = $this->getContents(); break; case "VISIBLE": $this->info->tempmod->visible = $this->getContents(); break; case "GROUPMODE": $this->info->tempmod->groupmode = $this->getContents(); break; case "GROUPINGID": $this->info->tempmod->groupingid = $this->getContents(); break; case "GROUPMEMBERSONLY": $this->info->tempmod->groupmembersonly = $this->getContents(); break; case "IDNUMBER": $this->info->tempmod->idnumber = $this->getContents(); break; case "COMPLETION": $this->info->tempmod->completion = $this->getContents(); break; case "COMPLETIONGRADEITEMNUMBER": $this->info->tempmod->completiongradeitemnumber = $this->getContents(); break; case "COMPLETIONVIEW": $this->info->tempmod->completionview = $this->getContents(); break; case "COMPLETIONEXPECTED": $this->info->tempmod->completionexpected = $this->getContents(); break; case "AVAILABLEFROM": $this->info->tempmod->availablefrom = $this->getContents(); break; case "AVAILABLEUNTIL": $this->info->tempmod->availableuntil = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHOWAVAILABILITY": $this->info->tempmod->showavailability = $this->getContents(); break; default: break; } } if (isset($this->tree[7]) && $this->tree[7] == "ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS") { if ($this->level == 9) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->tempshortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "ID": $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); // temp roleid break; } } if ($this->level == 11) { switch ($tagName) { case "USERID": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->info->tempname; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->info->tempshortname; $this->info->tempuser = $this->getContents(); $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->userid = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMESTART": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timestart = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEEND": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timeend = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROL": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->enrol = $this->getContents(); break; case "SORTORDER": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuser]->sortorder = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends role_assignments if (isset($this->tree[7]) && $this->tree[7] == "ROLES_OVERRIDES") { if ($this->level == 9) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->tempshortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "ID": $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); // temp roleid break; } } if ($this->level == 11) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->info->tempname; $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->info->tempshortname; $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); // change to name of capability $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "PERMISSION": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->permission = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->tempsection->mods[$this->info->tempmod->id]->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends role_overrides if (isset($this->tree[7]) && $this->tree[7] == "FILTERACTIVES") { if ($this->level == 9) { switch ($tagName) { case "FILTER": $this->info->tempfilter = $this->getContents(); break; case "ACTIVE": $this->info->filteractives[$this->info->tempfilter] = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends FILTERACTIVES if (isset($this->tree[7]) && $this->tree[7] == "FILTERCONFIGS") { if ($this->level == 9) { switch ($tagName) { case "FILTER": $this->info->tempfilter = $this->getContents(); break; case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "VALUE": $fc = new stdClass; $fc->filter = $this->info->tempfilter; $fc->name = $this->info->tempfilter; $fc->value = $this->getContents(); $this->info->filteractives[]->filter = $fc; break; } } } /// ends FILTERCONFIGS if (isset($this->tree[7]) && $this->tree[7] == "COMPLETIONDATA") { if($this->level == 8) { switch($tagName) { case 'COMPLETION': // Got all data to make completion entry... $this->info->tempcompletion->coursemoduleid=$this->info->tempmod->id; $this->info->completiondata[]=$this->info->tempcompletion; unset($this->info->tempcompletion); $this->info->tempcompletion=new stdClass; break; } } if($this->level == 9) { switch($tagName) { case 'USERID' : $this->info->tempcompletion->userid=$this->getContents(); break; case 'COMPLETIONSTATE' : $this->info->tempcompletion->completionstate=$this->getContents(); break; case 'VIEWED' : $this->info->tempcompletion->viewed=$this->getContents(); break; case 'TIMEMODIFIED' : $this->info->tempcompletion->timemodified=$this->getContents(); break; } } } if (isset($this->tree[7]) && $this->tree[7] == "AVAILABILITYDATA") { if($this->level == 8) { switch($tagName) { case 'AVAILABILITY': // Got all data to make completion entry... $this->info->tempavailability->coursemoduleid=$this->info->tempmod->id; $this->info->availabilitydata[]=$this->info->tempavailability; unset($this->info->tempavailability); $this->info->tempavailability=new stdClass; break; } } if($this->level == 9) { switch($tagName) { case 'SOURCECMID' : $this->info->tempavailability->sourcecmid=backup_todb($this->getContents()); break; case 'REQUIREDCOMPLETION' : $this->info->tempavailability->requiredcompletion=backup_todb($this->getContents()); break; case 'GRADEITEMID' : $this->info->tempavailability->gradeitemid=backup_todb($this->getContents()); break; case 'GRADEMIN' : $this->info->tempavailability->grademin=backup_todb($this->getContents()); break; case 'GRADEMAX' : $this->info->tempavailability->grademax=backup_todb($this->getContents()); break; } } } } //Stop parsing if $todo = SECTIONS and tagName = SECTIONS (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "SECTIONS") { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the optional format data zone ($todo="FORMATDATA") function endElementFormatData($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into FORMATDATA zone if ($this->tree[3] == 'FORMATDATA') { if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ''; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; } if($tagName=='FORMATDATA') { //Did we have any data? If not don't bother if($this->temp!='') { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; $this->temp=''; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (the FORMATDATA block) $this->info->format_data = xmlize($xml_data,0); } //Stop parsing at end of FORMATDATA $this->finished=true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the metacourse zone ($todo="METACOURSE") function endElementMetacourse($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into METACOURSE zone if ($this->tree[3] == 'METACOURSE') { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Dependig of different combinations, do different things if ($this->level == 5) { switch ($tagName) { case 'CHILD': //We've finalized a child, get it $this->info->childs[] = $this->info->tempmeta; unset($this->info->tempmeta); break; case 'PARENT': //We've finalized a parent, get it $this->info->parents[] = $this->info->tempmeta; unset($this->info->tempmeta); break; default: die($tagName); } } if ($this->level == 6) { switch ($tagName) { case 'ID': $this->info->tempmeta->id = $this->getContents(); break; case 'IDNUMBER': $this->info->tempmeta->idnumber = $this->getContents(); break; case 'SHORTNAME': $this->info->tempmeta->shortname = $this->getContents(); break; } } } //Stop parsing if $todo = METACOURSE and tagName = METACOURSE (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($this->tree[3] == 'METACOURSE' && $tagName == 'METACOURSE') { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ''; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the gradebook zone ($todo="GRADEBOOK") function endElementGradebook($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into GRADEBOOK zone if ($this->tree[3] == "GRADEBOOK") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n";//Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; // We have finished outcome, grade_category or grade_item, reset accumulated // data because they are close tags if ($this->level == 4) { $this->temp = ""; } //If we've finished a grade item, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_ITEM")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one PREFERENCE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $item_id = $data["GRADE_ITEM"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_items', $item_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } //If we've finished a grade_category, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_CATEGORY")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one CATECORY) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $category_id = $data["GRADE_CATEGORY"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_categories' ,$category_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_LETTER")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one CATECORY) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $letter_id = $data["GRADE_LETTER"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_letters' ,$letter_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } //If we've finished a grade_outcome, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_OUTCOME")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one CATECORY) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $outcome_id = $data["GRADE_OUTCOME"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_outcomes' ,$outcome_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } //If we've finished a grade_outcomes_course, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_OUTCOMES_COURSE")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one CATECORY) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $outcomes_course_id = $data["GRADE_OUTCOMES_COURSE"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_outcomes_courses' ,$outcomes_course_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one PREFERENCE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $id = $data["GRADE_CATEGORIES_HISTORY"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_categories_history', $id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one PREFERENCE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $id = $data["GRADE_GRADES_HISTORY"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_grades_history', $id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one PREFERENCE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $id = $data["GRADE_ITEM_HISTORY"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_items_history', $id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one PREFERENCE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); $id = $data["GRADE_OUTCOME_HISTORY"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_outcomes_history', $id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = GRADEBOOK and tagName = GRADEBOOK (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "GRADEBOOK" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; $this->counter = 0; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the gradebook zone ($todo="GRADEBOOK") function endElementOldGradebook($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into GRADEBOOK zone if ($this->tree[3] == "GRADEBOOK") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n";//Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //We have finished preferences, letters or categories, reset accumulated //data because they are close tags if ($this->level == 4) { $this->temp = ""; } //If we've finished a message, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_PREFERENCE")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one PREFERENCE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and status from data $preference_id = $data["GRADE_PREFERENCE"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_preferences', $preference_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } //If we've finished a grade_letter, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_LETTER")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one LETTER) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and status from data $letter_id = $data["GRADE_LETTER"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_letter' ,$letter_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } //If we've finished a grade_category, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "GRADE_CATEGORY")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one CATECORY) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and status from data $category_id = $data["GRADE_CATEGORY"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'grade_category' ,$category_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = GRADEBOOK and tagName = GRADEBOOK (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "GRADEBOOK" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; $this->counter = 0; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the users zone ($todo="USERS") function endElementUsers($parser, $tagName) { global $CFG; //Check if we are into USERS zone if ($this->tree[3] == "USERS") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Dependig of different combinations, do different things if ($this->level == 4) { switch ($tagName) { case "USER": //Increment counter $this->counter++; //Save to db, only save if record not already exist // if there already is an new_id for this entry, just use that new_id? $newuser = backup_getid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"user",$this->info->tempuser->id); if (isset($newuser->new_id)) { $newid = $newuser->new_id; } else { $newid = null; } backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"user",$this->info->tempuser->id, $newid,$this->info->tempuser); //Do some output if ($this->counter % 10 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($this->counter % 200 == 0) { echo "
"; } } backup_flush(300); } //Delete temp obejct unset($this->info->tempuser); break; } } if ($this->level == 5) { switch ($tagName) { case "ID": $this->info->users[$this->getContents()] = $this->getContents(); $this->info->tempuser->id = $this->getContents(); break; case "AUTH": $this->info->tempuser->auth = $this->getContents(); break; case "CONFIRMED": $this->info->tempuser->confirmed = $this->getContents(); break; case "POLICYAGREED": $this->info->tempuser->policyagreed = $this->getContents(); break; case "DELETED": $this->info->tempuser->deleted = $this->getContents(); break; case "USERNAME": $this->info->tempuser->username = $this->getContents(); break; case "PASSWORD": $this->info->tempuser->password = $this->getContents(); break; case "IDNUMBER": $this->info->tempuser->idnumber = $this->getContents(); break; case "FIRSTNAME": $this->info->tempuser->firstname = $this->getContents(); break; case "LASTNAME": $this->info->tempuser->lastname = $this->getContents(); break; case "EMAIL": $this->info->tempuser->email = $this->getContents(); break; case "EMAILSTOP": $this->info->tempuser->emailstop = $this->getContents(); break; case "ICQ": $this->info->tempuser->icq = $this->getContents(); break; case "SKYPE": $this->info->tempuser->skype = $this->getContents(); break; case "AIM": $this->info->tempuser->aim = $this->getContents(); break; case "YAHOO": $this->info->tempuser->yahoo = $this->getContents(); break; case "MSN": $this->info->tempuser->msn = $this->getContents(); break; case "PHONE1": $this->info->tempuser->phone1 = $this->getContents(); break; case "PHONE2": $this->info->tempuser->phone2 = $this->getContents(); break; case "INSTITUTION": $this->info->tempuser->institution = $this->getContents(); break; case "DEPARTMENT": $this->info->tempuser->department = $this->getContents(); break; case "ADDRESS": $this->info->tempuser->address = $this->getContents(); break; case "CITY": $this->info->tempuser->city = $this->getContents(); break; case "COUNTRY": $this->info->tempuser->country = $this->getContents(); break; case "LANG": $this->info->tempuser->lang = $this->getContents(); break; case "THEME": $this->info->tempuser->theme = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEZONE": $this->info->tempuser->timezone = $this->getContents(); break; case "FIRSTACCESS": $this->info->tempuser->firstaccess = $this->getContents(); break; case "LASTACCESS": $this->info->tempuser->lastaccess = $this->getContents(); break; case "LASTLOGIN": $this->info->tempuser->lastlogin = $this->getContents(); break; case "CURRENTLOGIN": $this->info->tempuser->currentlogin = $this->getContents(); break; case "LASTIP": $this->info->tempuser->lastip = $this->getContents(); break; case "PICTURE": $this->info->tempuser->picture = $this->getContents(); break; case "URL": $this->info->tempuser->url = $this->getContents(); break; case "DESCRIPTION": $this->info->tempuser->description = $this->getContents(); break; case "MAILFORMAT": $this->info->tempuser->mailformat = $this->getContents(); break; case "MAILDIGEST": $this->info->tempuser->maildigest = $this->getContents(); break; case "MAILDISPLAY": $this->info->tempuser->maildisplay = $this->getContents(); break; case "HTMLEDITOR": $this->info->tempuser->htmleditor = $this->getContents(); break; case "AJAX": $this->info->tempuser->ajax = $this->getContents(); break; case "AUTOSUBSCRIBE": $this->info->tempuser->autosubscribe = $this->getContents(); break; case "TRACKFORUMS": $this->info->tempuser->trackforums = $this->getContents(); break; case "MNETHOSTURL": $this->info->tempuser->mnethosturl = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMECREATED": $this->info->tempuser->timecreated = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->tempuser->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; default: break; } } if ($this->level == 6 && $this->tree[5]!="ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS" && $this->tree[5]!="ROLES_OVERRIDES") { switch ($tagName) { case "ROLE": //We've finalized a role, get it $this->info->tempuser->roles[$this->info->temprole->type] = $this->info->temprole; unset($this->info->temprole); break; case "USER_PREFERENCE": //We've finalized a user_preference, get it $this->info->tempuser->user_preferences[$this->info->tempuserpreference->name] = $this->info->tempuserpreference; unset($this->info->tempuserpreference); break; case "USER_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELD": //We've finalized a user_custom_profile_field, get it $this->info->tempuser->user_custom_profile_fields[] = $this->info->tempusercustomprofilefield; unset($this->info->tempusercustomprofilefield); break; case "USER_TAG": //We've finalized a user_tag, get it $this->info->tempuser->user_tags[] = $this->info->tempusertag; unset($this->info->tempusertag); break; default: break; } } if ($this->level == 7 && $this->tree[5]!="ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS" && $this->tree[5]!="ROLES_OVERRIDES") { /// If we are reading roles if($this->tree[6] == 'ROLE') { switch ($tagName) { case "TYPE": $this->info->temprole->type = $this->getContents(); break; case "AUTHORITY": $this->info->temprole->authority = $this->getContents(); break; case "TEA_ROLE": $this->info->temprole->tea_role = $this->getContents(); break; case "EDITALL": $this->info->temprole->editall = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMESTART": $this->info->temprole->timestart = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEEND": $this->info->temprole->timeend = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->temprole->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMESTART": $this->info->temprole->timestart = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEEND": $this->info->temprole->timeend = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIME": $this->info->temprole->time = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEACCESS": $this->info->temprole->timeaccess = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROL": $this->info->temprole->enrol = $this->getContents(); break; default: break; } /// If we are reading user_preferences } else if ($this->tree[6] == 'USER_PREFERENCE') { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempuserpreference->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "VALUE": $this->info->tempuserpreference->value = $this->getContents(); break; default: break; } /// If we are reading user_custom_profile_fields } else if ($this->tree[6] == 'USER_CUSTOM_PROFILE_FIELD') { switch ($tagName) { case "FIELD_NAME": $this->info->tempusercustomprofilefield->field_name = $this->getContents(); break; case "FIELD_TYPE": $this->info->tempusercustomprofilefield->field_type = $this->getContents(); break; case "FIELD_DATA": $this->info->tempusercustomprofilefield->field_data = $this->getContents(); break; default: break; } /// If we are reading user_tags } else if ($this->tree[6] == 'USER_TAG') { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempusertag->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "RAWNAME": $this->info->tempusertag->rawname = $this->getContents(); break; default: break; } } } if ($this->tree[5] == "ROLES_ASSIGNMENTS") { if ($this->level == 7) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->tempshortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "ID": $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); // temp roleid break; } } if ($this->level == 9) { switch ($tagName) { case "USERID": $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->info->tempname; $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->info->tempshortname; $this->info->tempuserid = $this->getContents(); $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuserid]->userid = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMESTART": $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuserid]->timestart = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEEND": $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuserid]->timeend = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuserid]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuserid]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; case "ENROL": $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuserid]->enrol = $this->getContents(); break; case "SORTORDER": $this->info->tempuser->roleassignments[$this->info->tempid]->assignments[$this->info->tempuserid]->sortorder = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends role_assignments if ($this->tree[5] == "ROLES_OVERRIDES") { if ($this->level == 7) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); break; case "SHORTNAME": $this->info->tempshortname = $this->getContents(); break; case "ID": $this->info->tempid = $this->getContents(); // temp roleid break; } } if ($this->level == 9) { switch ($tagName) { case "NAME": $this->info->tempuser->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->name = $this->info->tempname; $this->info->tempuser->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->shortname = $this->info->tempshortname; $this->info->tempname = $this->getContents(); // change to name of capability $this->info->tempuser->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->name = $this->getContents(); break; case "PERMISSION": $this->info->tempuser->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->permission = $this->getContents(); break; case "TIMEMODIFIED": $this->info->tempuser->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->timemodified = $this->getContents(); break; case "MODIFIERID": $this->info->tempuser->roleoverrides[$this->info->tempid]->overrides[$this->info->tempname]->modifierid = $this->getContents(); break; } } } /// ends role_overrides } // closes if this->tree[3]=="users" //Stop parsing if $todo = USERS and tagName = USERS (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "USERS" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; $this->counter = 0; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the messages zone ($todo="MESSAGES") function endElementMessages($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into MESSAGES zone if ($this->tree[3] == "MESSAGES") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n";//Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a message, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "MESSAGE")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one MESSAGE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and status from data $message_id = $data["MESSAGE"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $message_status = $data["MESSAGE"]["#"]["STATUS"]["0"]["#"]; if ($message_status == "READ") { $table = "message_read"; } else { $table = "message"; } $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, $table,$message_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } //If we've finished a contact, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 5) and ($tagName == "CONTACT")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one MESSAGE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and status from data $contact_id = $data["CONTACT"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'message_contacts' ,$contact_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = MESSAGES and tagName = MESSAGES (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "MESSAGES" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; $this->counter = 0; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the blogs zone ($todo="BLOGS") function endElementBlogs($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into BLOGS zone if ($this->tree[3] == "BLOGS") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n";//Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a blog, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "BLOG")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one BLOG) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id from data $blog_id = $data["BLOG"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code, 'blog', $blog_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = BLOGS and tagName = BLOGS (end of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "BLOGS" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; $this->counter = 0; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the questions zone ($todo="QUESTIONS") function endElementQuestions($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into QUESTION_CATEGORIES zone if ($this->tree[3] == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a mod, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "QUESTION_CATEGORY")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one QUESTION_CATEGORY) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id from data $category_id = $data["QUESTION_CATEGORY"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"question_categories",$category_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $ret_info = new object(); $ret_info->id = $category_id; $this->info[] = $ret_info; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = QUESTION_CATEGORIES and tagName = QUESTION_CATEGORY (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "QUESTION_CATEGORIES" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the scales zone ($todo="SCALES") function endElementScales($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into SCALES zone if ($this->tree[3] == "SCALES") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a scale, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "SCALE")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one SCALE) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and from data $scale_id = $data["SCALE"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"scale",$scale_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $ret_info = new object(); $ret_info->id = $scale_id; $this->info[] = $ret_info; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = SCALES and tagName = SCALE (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "SCALES" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the groups zone ($todo="GROUPS") function endElementGroups($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into GROUPS zone if ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPS") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a group, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "GROUP")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one GROUP) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and from data $group_id = $data["GROUP"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"groups",$group_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $ret_info = new Object(); $ret_info->id = $group_id; $this->info[] = $ret_info; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = GROUPS and tagName = GROUP (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "GROUPS" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the groupings zone ($todo="GROUPINGS") function endElementGroupings($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into GROUPINGS zone if ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPINGS") { //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a group, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "GROUPING")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one GROUPING) $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and from data $grouping_id = $data["GROUPING"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"groupings",$grouping_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $ret_info = new Object(); $ret_info->id = $grouping_id; $this->info[] = $ret_info; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = GROUPINGS and tagName = GROUPING (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "GROUPINGS" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the groupingsgroups zone ($todo="GROUPINGGROUPS") function endElementGroupingsGroups($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into GROUPINGSGROUPS zone if ($this->tree[3] == "GROUPINGSGROUPS") { //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a group, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "GROUPINGGROUP")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one GROUPING) $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and from data $groupinggroup_id = $data["GROUPINGGROUP"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"groupingsgroups",$groupinggroup_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $ret_info = new Object(); $ret_info->id = $groupinggroup_id; $this->info[] = $ret_info; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = GROUPINGS and tagName = GROUPING (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "GROUPINGSGROUPS" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the events zone ($todo="EVENTS") function endElementEvents($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into EVENTS zone if ($this->tree[3] == "EVENTS") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a event, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "EVENT")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one EVENT) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and from data $event_id = $data["EVENT"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"event",$event_id, null,$data); //Create returning info $ret_info = new object(); $ret_info->id = $event_id; $this->info[] = $ret_info; //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = EVENTS and tagName = EVENT (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "EVENTS" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the modules zone ($todo="MODULES") function endElementModules($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into MODULES zone if ($this->tree[3] == "MODULES") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a mod, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "MOD")) { //Only process the module if efectively it has been selected for restore. MDL-18482 if (empty($this->preferences->mods[$this->temp_mod_type]->granular) // We don't care about per instance, i.e. restore all instances. or (array_key_exists($this->temp_mod_id, $this->preferences->mods[$this->temp_mod_type]->instances) and !empty($this->preferences->mods[$this->temp_mod_type]->instances[$this->temp_mod_id]->restore))) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one MOD) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and modtype from data $mod_id = $data["MOD"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $mod_type = $data["MOD"]["#"]["MODTYPE"]["0"]["#"]; //Only if we've selected to restore it if (!empty($this->preferences->mods[$mod_type]->restore)) { //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,$mod_type,$mod_id, null,$data); //echo "

id: ".$mod_id."-".$mod_type." len.: ".strlen($sla_mod_temp)." to_db: ".$status."

"; //Debug //Create returning info $ret_info = new object(); $ret_info->id = $mod_id; $ret_info->modtype = $mod_type; $this->info[] = $ret_info; } } else { debugging("Info: skipping $this->temp_mod_type activity with mod id: $this->temp_mod_id. Not selected for restore", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } //Reset current mod_type and mod_id unset($this->temp_mod_type); unset($this->temp_mod_id); //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } /// Grab current mod id and type when available if ($this->level == 5) { if ($tagName == 'ID') { $this->temp_mod_id = trim($this->content); } else if ($tagName == 'MODTYPE') { $this->temp_mod_type = trim($this->content); } } } //Stop parsing if $todo = MODULES and tagName = MODULES (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "MODULES" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag handler we use where we are reading the logs zone ($todo="LOGS") function endElementLogs($parser, $tagName) { //Check if we are into LOGS zone if ($this->tree[3] == "LOGS") { //if (trim($this->content)) //Debug // echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug //echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Acumulate data to info (content + close tag) //Reconvert: strip htmlchars again and trim to generate xml data if (!isset($this->temp)) { $this->temp = ""; } $this->temp .= htmlspecialchars(trim($this->content)).""; //If we've finished a log, xmlize it an save to db if (($this->level == 4) and ($tagName == "LOG")) { //Prepend XML standard header to info gathered $xml_data = "\n".$this->temp; //Call to xmlize for this portion of xml data (one LOG) //echo "-XMLIZE: ".strftime ("%X",time()),"-"; //Debug $data = xmlize($xml_data,0); //echo strftime ("%X",time())."

"; //Debug //traverse_xmlize($data); //Debug //print_object ($GLOBALS['traverse_array']); //Debug //$GLOBALS['traverse_array']=""; //Debug //Now, save data to db. We'll use it later //Get id and modtype from data $log_id = $data["LOG"]["#"]["ID"]["0"]["#"]; $log_module = $data["LOG"]["#"]["MODULE"]["0"]["#"]; //We only save log entries from backup file if they are: // - Course logs // - User logs // - Module logs about one restored module if ($log_module == "course" or $log_module == "user" or $this->preferences->mods[$log_module]->restore) { //Increment counter $this->counter++; //Save to db $status = backup_putid($this->preferences->backup_unique_code,"log",$log_id, null,$data); //echo "

id: ".$mod_id."-".$mod_type." len.: ".strlen($sla_mod_temp)." to_db: ".$status."

"; //Debug //Create returning info $this->info = $this->counter; } //Reset temp unset($this->temp); } } //Stop parsing if $todo = LOGS and tagName = LOGS (en of the tag, of course) //Speed up a lot (avoid parse all) if ($tagName == "LOGS" and $this->level == 3) { $this->finished = true; $this->counter = 0; } //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the endTag default handler we use when $todo is undefined function endElement($parser, $tagName) { if (trim($this->content)) //Debug echo "C".str_repeat(" ",($this->level+2)*2).$this->getContents()."
\n"; //Debug echo $this->level.str_repeat(" ",$this->level*2)."</".$tagName.">
\n"; //Debug //Clear things $this->tree[$this->level] = ""; $this->level--; $this->content = ""; } //This is the handler to read data contents (simple accumule it) function characterData($parser, $data) { $this->content .= $data; } } //This function executes the MoodleParser function restore_read_xml ($xml_file,$todo,$preferences) { global $CFG; $status = true; /// If enabled in the site, use split files instead of original moodle.xml file /// This will speed parsing speed upto 20x. if (!empty($CFG->experimentalsplitrestore)) { /// Use splite file, else nothing to process (saves one full parsing for each non-existing $todo) $splitfile= dirname($xml_file) . '/' . strtolower('split_' . $todo . '.xml'); if (file_exists($splitfile)) { $xml_file = $splitfile; debugging("Info: \$todo=$todo, using split file", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } else { /// For some values of $todo, that are used in earlier restore steps (restore_precheck(), restore_form... /// allow fallback to monolithic moodle.xml. Those values of $todo are at the beggining of the xml, so /// it doesn't hurts too much. if ($todo == 'INFO' || $todo == 'COURSE_HEADER' || $todo == 'ROLES') { debugging("Info: \$todo=$todo, no split file. Fallback to moodle.xml", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } else { debugging("Info: \$todo=$todo, no split file. Parse skipped", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); return true; } } } $xml_parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8'); $moodle_parser = new MoodleParser(); $moodle_parser->todo = $todo; $moodle_parser->preferences = $preferences; xml_set_object($xml_parser,$moodle_parser); //Depending of the $todo we use some element_handler or another if ($todo == "INFO") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementInfo", "endElementInfo"); } else if ($todo == "ROLES") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementRoles", "endElementRoles"); } else if ($todo == "COURSE_HEADER") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementCourseHeader", "endElementCourseHeader"); } else if ($todo == 'BLOCKS') { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementBlocks", "endElementBlocks"); } else if ($todo == "SECTIONS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementSections", "endElementSections"); } else if ($todo == 'FORMATDATA') { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementFormatData", "endElementFormatData"); } else if ($todo == "METACOURSE") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementMetacourse", "endElementMetacourse"); } else if ($todo == "GRADEBOOK") { if ($preferences->backup_version > 2007090500) { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementGradebook", "endElementGradebook"); } else { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementOldGradebook", "endElementOldGradebook"); } } else if ($todo == "USERS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementUsers", "endElementUsers"); } else if ($todo == "MESSAGES") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementMessages", "endElementMessages"); } else if ($todo == "BLOGS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementBlogs", "endElementBlogs"); } else if ($todo == "QUESTIONS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementQuestions", "endElementQuestions"); } else if ($todo == "SCALES") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementScales", "endElementScales"); } else if ($todo == "GROUPS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementGroups", "endElementGroups"); } else if ($todo == "GROUPINGS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementGroupings", "endElementGroupings"); } else if ($todo == "GROUPINGSGROUPS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementGroupingsGroups", "endElementGroupingsGroups"); } else if ($todo == "EVENTS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementEvents", "endElementEvents"); } else if ($todo == "MODULES") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementModules", "endElementModules"); } else if ($todo == "LOGS") { xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementLogs", "endElementLogs"); } else { //Define default handlers (must no be invoked when everything become finished) xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElementInfo", "endElementInfo"); } xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData"); $fp = fopen($xml_file,"r") or $status = false; if ($status) { // MDL-9290 performance improvement on reading large xml $lasttime = time(); // crmas while ($data = fread($fp, 8192) and !$moodle_parser->finished) { if ((time() - $lasttime) > 5) { $lasttime = time(); backup_flush(1); } xml_parse($xml_parser, $data, feof($fp)) or die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($xml_parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($xml_parser))); } fclose($fp); } //Get info from parser $info = $moodle_parser->info; //Clear parser mem xml_parser_free($xml_parser); if ($status && !empty($info)) { return $info; } else { return $status; } } /** * @param string $errorstr passed by reference, if silent is true, * errorstr will be populated and this function will return false rather than calling print_error() or notify() * @param boolean $noredirect (optional) if this is passed, this function will not print continue, or * redirect to the next step in the restore process, instead will return $backup_unique_code */ function restore_precheck($id,$file,&$errorstr,$noredirect=false) { global $CFG, $SESSION, $OUTPUT; //Prepend dataroot to variable to have the absolute path $file = $CFG->dataroot."/".$file; if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { //Start the main table echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; //Start the mail ul echo "
    "; } //Check the file exists if (!is_file($file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { print_error('nofile'); } else { $errorstr = "File not exists ($file)"; return false; } } //Check the file name ends with .zip if (!substr($file,-4) == ".zip") { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { print_error('incorrectext'); } else { $errorstr = get_string('incorrectext', 'error'); return false; } } //Now calculate the unique_code for this restore $backup_unique_code = time(); //Now check and create the backup dir (if it doesn't exist) if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingtemporarystructures").'
  • '; } $status = check_and_create_backup_dir($backup_unique_code); //Empty dir if ($status) { $status = clear_backup_dir($backup_unique_code); } //Now delete old data and directories under dataroot/temp/backup if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("deletingolddata").'
  • '; } if (!backup_delete_old_data()) {; $errorstr = "An error occurred deleting old data"; add_to_backup_log(time(),$preferences->backup_course,$errorstr,'restoreprecheck'); if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification($errorstr); } } } //Now copy he zip file to dataroot/temp/backup/backup_unique_code if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("copyingzipfile").'
  • '; } if (! $status = backup_copy_file($file,$CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/".basename($file))) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Error copying backup file. Invalid name or bad perms."); } else { $errorstr = "Error copying backup file. Invalid name or bad perms"; return false; } } } //Now unzip the file if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("unzippingbackup").'
  • '; } if (! $status = restore_unzip ($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/".basename($file))) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Error unzipping backup file. Invalid zip file."); } else { $errorstr = "Error unzipping backup file. Invalid zip file."; return false; } } } // If experimental option is enabled (enableimsccimport) // check for Common Cartridge packages and convert to Moodle format if ($status && isset($CFG->enableimsccimport) && $CFG->enableimsccimport == 1) { require_once($CFG->dirroot. '/backup/cc/restore_cc.php'); if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string('checkingforimscc', 'imscc').'
  • '; } $status = cc_convert($CFG->dataroot. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'temp'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'backup'. DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $backup_unique_code); } //Check for Blackboard backups and convert if ($status){ require_once("$CFG->dirroot/backup/bb/restore_bb.php"); if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("checkingforbbexport").'
  • '; } $status = blackboard_convert($CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code); } //Now check for the moodle.xml file if ($status) { $xml_file = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$backup_unique_code."/moodle.xml"; if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("checkingbackup").'
  • '; } if (! $status = restore_check_moodle_file ($xml_file)) { if (!is_file($xml_file)) { $errorstr = 'Error checking backup file. moodle.xml not found at root level of zip file.'; } else { $errorstr = 'Error checking backup file. moodle.xml is incorrect or corrupted.'; } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification($errorstr); } else { return false; } } } $info = ""; $course_header = ""; //Now read the info tag (all) if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("readinginfofrombackup").'
  • '; } //Reading info from file $info = restore_read_xml_info ($xml_file); //Reading course_header from file $course_header = restore_read_xml_course_header ($xml_file); if(!is_object($course_header)){ // ensure we fail if there is no course header $course_header = false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { //End the main ul echo "
\n"; //End the main table echo "
"; } //We compare Moodle's versions if ($status && $CFG->version < $info->backup_moodle_version) { $message = new object(); $message->serverversion = $CFG->version; $message->serverrelease = $CFG->release; $message->backupversion = $info->backup_moodle_version; $message->backuprelease = $info->backup_moodle_release; echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string('noticenewerbackup','',$message), "noticebox"); } //Now we print in other table, the backup and the course it contains info if ($info and $course_header and $status) { //First, the course info if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { $status = restore_print_course_header($course_header); } //Now, the backup info if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { $status = restore_print_info($info); } } } //Save course header and info into php session if ($status) { $SESSION->info = $info; $SESSION->course_header = $course_header; } //Finally, a little form to continue //with some hidden fields if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "

"; $hidden["backup_unique_code"] = $backup_unique_code; $hidden["launch"] = "form"; $hidden["file"] = $file; $hidden["id"] = $id; echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url("restore.php", $hidden), get_string("continue")); echo "
"; } else { if (empty($noredirect)) { print_continue($CFG->wwwroot.'/backup/restore.php?backup_unique_code='.$backup_unique_code.'&launch=form&file='.$file.'&id='.$id.'&sesskey='.sesskey()); print_footer(); die; } else { return $backup_unique_code; } } } if (!$status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { print_error('error'); } else { $errorstr = "An error has occured"; // helpful! :P return false; } } return true; } function restore_setup_for_check(&$restore,$backup_unique_code) { global $SESSION, $DB; $restore->backup_unique_code=$backup_unique_code; $restore->users = 2; // yuk // we set these from restore object on silent restore and from info (backup) object on import $restore->course_files = isset($SESSION->restore->restore_course_files) ? $SESSION->restore->restore_course_files : $SESSION->info->backup_course_files; $restore->site_files = isset($SESSION->restore->restore_site_files) ? $SESSION->restore->restore_site_files : $SESSION->info->backup_site_files; if ($allmods = $DB->get_records("modules")) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; $var = "restore_".$modname; //Now check that we have that module info in the backup file if (isset($SESSION->info->mods[$modname]) && $SESSION->info->mods[$modname]->backup == "true") { $restore->$var = 1; } } } // Calculate all session objects checksum and store them in session too // so restore_execute.html (used by manual restore and import) will be // able to detect any problem in session info. restore_save_session_object_checksums($restore, $SESSION->info, $SESSION->course_header); return true; } /** * Save the checksum of the 3 main in-session restore objects (restore, info, course_header) * so restore_execute.html will be able to check that all them have arrived correctly, without * losing data for any type of session size limit/error. MDL-18469. Used both by manual restore * and import */ function restore_save_session_object_checksums($restore, $info, $course_header) { global $SESSION; $restore_checksums = array(); $restore_checksums['info'] = md5(serialize($info)); $restore_checksums['course_header'] = md5(serialize($course_header)); $restore_checksums['restore'] = md5(serialize($restore)); $SESSION->restore_checksums = $restore_checksums; } function backup_to_restore_array($backup,$k=0) { if (is_array($backup) ) { $restore = array(); foreach ($backup as $key => $value) { $newkey = str_replace('backup','restore',$key); $restore[$newkey] = backup_to_restore_array($value,$key); } } else if (is_object($backup)) { $restore = new stdClass(); $tmp = get_object_vars($backup); foreach ($tmp as $key => $value) { $newkey = str_replace('backup','restore',$key); $restore->$newkey = backup_to_restore_array($value,$key); } } else { $newkey = str_replace('backup','restore',$k); $restore = $backup; } return $restore; } /** * compatibility function * checks for per-instance backups AND * older per-module backups * and returns whether userdata has been selected. */ function restore_userdata_selected($restore,$modname,$modid) { // check first for per instance array if (!empty($restore->mods[$modname]->granular)) { // supports per instance return array_key_exists($modid,$restore->mods[$modname]->instances) && !empty($restore->mods[$modname]->instances[$modid]->userinfo); } //print_object($restore->mods[$modname]); return !empty($restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo); } function restore_execute(&$restore,$info,$course_header,&$errorstr) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT; $status = true; //Checks for the required files/functions to restore every module //and include them if ($allmods = $DB->get_records("modules") ) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; $modfile = "$CFG->dirroot/mod/$modname/restorelib.php"; //If file exists and we have selected to restore that type of module if ((file_exists($modfile)) and !empty($restore->mods[$modname]) and ($restore->mods[$modname]->restore)) { include_once($modfile); } } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { //Start the main table echo ""; echo ""; echo "
"; //Start the main ul echo "
    "; } //Location of the xml file $xml_file = $CFG->dataroot."/temp/backup/".$restore->backup_unique_code."/moodle.xml"; // Re-assure xml file is in place before any further process if (! $status = restore_check_moodle_file($xml_file)) { if (!is_file($xml_file)) { $errorstr = 'Error checking backup file. moodle.xml not found. Session problem?'; } else { $errorstr = 'Error checking backup file. moodle.xml is incorrect or corrupted. Session problem?'; } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification($errorstr); } return false; } //Preprocess the moodle.xml file spliting into smaller chucks (modules, users, logs...) //for optimal parsing later in the restore process. if (!empty($CFG->experimentalsplitrestore)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '.get_string('preprocessingbackupfile') . '
  • '; } //First of all, split moodle.xml into handy files if (!restore_split_xml ($xml_file, $restore)) { $errorstr = "Error proccessing moodle.xml file. Process ended."; if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification($errorstr); } return false; } } // Precheck the users section, detecting various situations that can lead to problems, so // we stop restore before performing any further action if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '.get_string('restoreusersprecheck').'
  • '; } if (!restore_precheck_users($xml_file, $restore, $problems)) { $errorstr = get_string('restoreusersprecheckerror'); if (!empty($problems)) { $errorstr .= ' (' . implode(', ', $problems) . ')'; } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { notify($errorstr); } return false; } //If we've selected to restore into new course //create it (course) //Saving conversion id variables into backup_tables if ($restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '.get_string('creatingnewcourse') . '
  • '; } $oldidnumber = $course_header->course_idnumber; if (!$status = restore_create_new_course($restore,$course_header)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Error while creating the new empty course."); } else { $errorstr = "Error while creating the new empty course."; return false; } } //Print course fullname and shortname and category if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
      "; echo "
    • ".$course_header->course_fullname." (".$course_header->course_shortname.")".'
    • '; echo "
    • ".get_string("category").": ".$course_header->category->name.'
    • '; if (!empty($oldidnumber)) { echo "
    • ".get_string("nomoreidnumber","moodle",$oldidnumber)."
    • "; } echo "
    "; //Put the destination course_id } $restore->course_id = $course_header->course_id; } if ($status = restore_open_html($restore,$course_header)){ if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • Creating the Restorelog.html in the course backup folder
  • "; } } } else { $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$restore->course_id)); if ($course) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("usingexistingcourse"); echo "
      "; echo "
    • ".get_string("from").": ".$course_header->course_fullname." (".$course_header->course_shortname.")".'
    • '; echo "
    • ".get_string("to").": ". format_string($course->fullname) ." (".format_string($course->shortname).")".'
    • '; if (($restore->deleting)) { echo "
    • ".get_string("deletingexistingcoursedata").'
    • '; } else { echo "
    • ".get_string("addingdatatoexisting").'
    • '; } echo "
  • "; } //If we have selected to restore deleting, we do it now. if ($restore->deleting) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("deletingolddata").'
  • '; } $status = remove_course_contents($restore->course_id,false) and delete_dir_contents($CFG->dataroot."/".$restore->course_id,"backupdata"); if ($status) { //Now , this situation is equivalent to the "restore to new course" one (we //have a course record and nothing more), so define it as "to new course" $restore->restoreto = RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE; } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("An error occurred while deleting some of the course contents."); } else { $errrostr = "An error occurred while deleting some of the course contents."; return false; } } } } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Error opening existing course."); $status = false; } else { $errorstr = "Error opening existing course."; return false; } } } //Now create users as needed if ($status and ($restore->users == 0 or $restore->users == 1)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingusers")."
    "; } if (!$status = restore_create_users($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore users."); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore users."; return false; } } //Now print info about the work done if ($status) { $recs = $DB->get_records_sql("select old_id, new_id from {backup_ids} where backup_code = ? and table_name = 'user'", array($restore->backup_unique_code)); //We've records if ($recs) { $new_count = 0; $exists_count = 0; $student_count = 0; $teacher_count = 0; $counter = 0; //Iterate, filling counters foreach ($recs as $rec) { //Get full record, using backup_getids $record = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$rec->old_id); if (strpos($record->info,"new") !== false) { $new_count++; } if (strpos($record->info,"exists") !== false) { $exists_count++; } if (strpos($record->info,"student") !== false) { $student_count++; } else if (strpos($record->info,"teacher") !== false) { $teacher_count++; } //Do some output $counter++; if ($counter % 10 == 0) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "."; if ($counter % 200 == 0) { echo "
    "; } } backup_flush(300); } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { //Now print information gathered echo " (".get_string("new").": ".$new_count.", ".get_string("existing").": ".$exists_count.")"; echo "
      "; echo "
    • ".get_string("students").": ".$student_count.'
    • '; echo "
    • ".get_string("teachers").": ".$teacher_count.'
    • '; echo "
    "; } } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("No users were found!"); } // no need to return false here, it's recoverable. } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • "; } } //Now create groups as needed if ($status and ($restore->groups == RESTORE_GROUPS_ONLY or $restore->groups == RESTORE_GROUPS_GROUPINGS)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatinggroups"); } if (!$status = restore_create_groups($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore groups!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore groups!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now create groupings as needed if ($status and ($restore->groups == RESTORE_GROUPINGS_ONLY or $restore->groups == RESTORE_GROUPS_GROUPINGS)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatinggroupings"); } if (!$status = restore_create_groupings($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore groupings!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore groupings!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now create groupingsgroups as needed if ($status and $restore->groups == RESTORE_GROUPS_GROUPINGS) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatinggroupingsgroups"); } if (!$status = restore_create_groupings_groups($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore groups in groupings!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore groups in groupings!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now create the course_sections and their associated course_modules //we have to do this after groups and groupings are restored, because we need the new groupings id if ($status) { //Into new course if ($restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingsections"); } if (!$status = restore_create_sections($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Error creating sections in the existing course."); } else { $errorstr = "Error creating sections in the existing course."; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } //Into existing course } else if ($restore->restoreto != RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("checkingsections"); } if (!$status = restore_create_sections($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Error creating sections in the existing course."); } else { $errorstr = "Error creating sections in the existing course."; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } //Error } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Neither a new course or an existing one was specified."); $status = false; } else { $errorstr = "Neither a new course or an existing one was specified."; return false; } } } //Now create metacourse info if ($status and $restore->metacourse) { //Only to new courses! if ($restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingmetacoursedata"); } if (!$status = restore_create_metacourse($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Error creating metacourse in the course."); } else { $errorstr = "Error creating metacourse in the course."; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } } //Now create categories and questions as needed if ($status) { include_once("$CFG->dirroot/question/restorelib.php"); if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingcategoriesandquestions"); echo "
      "; } if (!$status = restore_create_questions($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore categories and questions!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore categories and questions!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • "; } } //Now create user_files as needed if ($status and ($restore->user_files)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("copyinguserfiles"); } if (!$status = restore_user_files($restore)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore user files!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore user files!"; return false; } } //If all is ok (and we have a counter) if ($status and ($status !== true)) { //Inform about user dirs created from backup if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
      "; echo "
    • ".get_string("userzones").": ".$status; echo "
    "; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now create course files as needed if ($status and ($restore->course_files)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("copyingcoursefiles"); } if (!$status = restore_course_files($restore)) { if (empty($status)) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore course files!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore course files!"; return false; } } //If all is ok (and we have a counter) if ($status and ($status !== true)) { //Inform about user dirs created from backup if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
      "; echo "
    • ".get_string("filesfolders").": ".$status.'
    • '; echo "
    "; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • "; } } //Now create site files as needed if ($status and ($restore->site_files)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string('copyingsitefiles'); } if (!$status = restore_site_files($restore)) { if (empty($status)) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore site files!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore site files!"; return false; } } //If all is ok (and we have a counter) if ($status and ($status !== true)) { //Inform about user dirs created from backup if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
      "; echo "
    • ".get_string("filesfolders").": ".$status.'
    • '; echo "
    "; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • "; } } //Now create messages as needed if ($status and ($restore->messages)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingmessagesinfo"); } if (!$status = restore_create_messages($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore messages!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore messages!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • "; } } //Now create blogs as needed if ($status and ($restore->blogs)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingblogsinfo"); } if (!$status = restore_create_blogs($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore blogs!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore blogs!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • "; } } //Now create scales as needed if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingscales"); } if (!$status = restore_create_scales($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore custom scales!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore custom scales!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now create events as needed if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingevents"); } if (!$status = restore_create_events($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore course events!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore course events!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now create course modules as needed if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingcoursemodules"); } if (!$status = restore_create_modules($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore modules!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore modules!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Bring back the course blocks -- do it AFTER the modules!!! if ($status) { //If we are deleting and bringing into a course or making a new course, same situation if ($restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_CURRENT_DELETING || $restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_EXISTING_DELETING || $restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '.get_string('creatingblocks'); } $course_header->blockinfo = !empty($course_header->blockinfo) ? $course_header->blockinfo : NULL; if (!$status = restore_create_blocks($restore, $info->backup_block_format, $course_header->blockinfo, $xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification('Error while creating the course blocks'); } else { $errorstr = "Error while creating the course blocks"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } } if ($status) { //If we are deleting and bringing into a course or making a new course, same situation if ($restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_CURRENT_DELETING || $restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_EXISTING_DELETING || $restore->restoreto == RESTORETO_NEW_COURSE) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '.get_string('courseformatdata'); } if (!$status = restore_set_format_data($restore, $xml_file)) { $error = "Error while setting the course format data"; if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification($error); } else { $errorstr=$error; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } } //Now create log entries as needed if ($status and ($info->backup_logs == 'true' && $restore->logs)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatinglogentries"); } if (!$status = restore_create_logs($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore logs!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore logs!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now, if all is OK, adjust the instance field in course_modules !! //this also calculates the final modinfo information so, after this, //code needing it can be used (like role_assignments. MDL-13740) if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("checkinginstances"); } if (!$status = restore_check_instances($restore)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not adjust instances in course_modules!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not adjust instances in course_modules!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now, if all is OK, adjust activity events if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("refreshingevents"); } if (!$status = restore_refresh_events($restore)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not refresh events for activities!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not refresh events for activities!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now, if all is OK, adjust inter-activity links if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("decodinginternallinks"); } if (!$status = restore_decode_content_links($restore)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not decode content links!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not decode content links!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now, with backup files prior to version 2005041100, //convert all the wiki texts in the course to markdown if ($status && $restore->backup_version < 2005041100) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("convertingwikitomarkdown"); } if (!$status = restore_convert_wiki2markdown($restore)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not convert wiki texts to markdown!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not convert wiki texts to markdown!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Now create gradebook as needed -- AFTER modules and blocks!!! if ($status) { if ($restore->backup_version > 2007090500) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatinggradebook"); } if (!$status = restore_create_gradebook($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not restore gradebook!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not restore gradebook!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } else { // for moodle versions before 1.9, those grades need to be converted to use the new gradebook // this code needs to execute *after* the course_modules are sorted out if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("migratinggrades"); } /// force full refresh of grading data before migration == crete all items first if (!$status = restore_migrate_old_gradebook($restore,$xml_file)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not migrate gradebook!"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not migrade gradebook!"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } /// force full refresh of grading data after all items are created grade_force_full_regrading($restore->course_id); grade_grab_course_grades($restore->course_id); } /******************************************************************************* ************* Restore of Roles and Capabilities happens here ****************** *******************************************************************************/ // try to restore roles even when restore is going to fail - teachers might have // at least some role assigned - this is not correct though $status = restore_create_roles($restore, $xml_file) && $status; $status = restore_roles_and_filter_settings($restore, $xml_file) && $status; //Now if all is OK, update: // - course modinfo field // - categories table // - add user as teacher if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("checkingcourse"); } //categories table $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$restore->course_id)); fix_course_sortorder(); // Check if the user has course update capability in the newly restored course // there is no need to load his capabilities again, because restore_roles_and_filter_settings // would have loaded it anyway, if there is any assignments. // fix for MDL-6831 $newcontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $restore->course_id); if (!has_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $newcontext)) { // fix for MDL-9065, use the new config setting if exists if ($CFG->creatornewroleid) { role_assign($CFG->creatornewroleid, $USER->id, 0, $newcontext->id); } else { if ($legacyteachers = get_archetype_roles('editingteacher')) { if ($legacyteacher = array_shift($legacyteachers)) { role_assign($legacyteacher->id, $USER->id, 0, $newcontext->id); } } else { echo $OUTPUT->notification('Could not find a legacy teacher role. You might need your moodle admin to assign a role with editing privilages to this course.'); } } } // Availability system, if used, needs to find IDs for grade items $rs=$DB->get_recordset_sql(" SELECT,cma.gradeitemid FROM {course_modules) cm INNER JOIN {course_modules_availability} cma on WHERE cma.gradeitemid IS NOT NULL AND cm.course=? ",array($restore->course_id)); foreach($rs as $rec) { $newgradeid=backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'grade_items',$rec->gradeitemid); if($newgradeid) { $newdata=(object)array( 'id'=>$rec->id, 'gradeitemid'=>$newgradeid->new_id); $DB->update_record('course_modules_availability',$newdata); } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "

    Can't find new ID for grade item $data->gradeitemid, ignoring availability condition.

    "; } continue; } } $rs->close(); if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } //Cleanup temps (files and db) if ($status) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("cleaningtempdata"); } if (!$status = clean_temp_data ($restore)) { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not clean up temporary data from files and database"); } else { $errorstr = "Could not clean up temporary data from files and database"; return false; } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • '; } } // this is not a critical check - the result can be ignored if (restore_close_html($restore)){ if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo '
  • Closing the Restorelog.html file.
  • '; } } else { if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Could not close the restorelog.html file"); } } if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { //End the main ul echo "
"; //End the main table echo "
"; } return $status; } //Create, open and write header of the html log file function restore_open_html($restore,$course_header) { global $CFG; $status = true; //Open file for writing //First, we check the course_id backup data folder exists and create it as necessary in CFG->dataroot if (!$dest_dir = make_upload_directory("$restore->course_id/backupdata")) { // Backup folder print_error('cannotcreatebackupdir'); } $status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir,true); $restorelog_file = fopen("$dest_dir/restorelog.html","a"); //Add the stylesheet $stylesheetshtml = ''; /* foreach ($CFG->stylesheets as $stylesheet) { //TODO: MDL-21120 $stylesheetshtml .= ''."\n"; }*/ ///Accessibility: added the 'lang' attribute to $direction, used in theme tag. $languagehtml = get_html_lang($dir=true); //Write the header in the new logging file fwrite ($restorelog_file," "); fwrite ($restorelog_file,""); // fwrite ($restorelog_file,$stylesheetshtml); fwrite ($restorelog_file,"".$course_header->course_shortname." Restored "); fwrite ($restorelog_file,"

The following changes were made during the Restoration of this Course.

"); fwrite ($restorelog_file,"The Course ShortName is now - ".$course_header->course_shortname." The FullName is now - ".$course_header->course_fullname."

"); $startdate = $course_header->course_startdate; $date = usergetdate($startdate); fwrite ($restorelog_file,"The Originating Courses Start Date was " .$date['weekday'].", ".$date['mday']." ".$date['month']." ".$date['year'].""); $startdate += $restore->course_startdateoffset; $date = usergetdate($startdate); fwrite ($restorelog_file,"   This Courses Start Date is now " .$date['weekday'].", ".$date['mday']." ".$date['month']." ".$date['year']."

"); if ($status) { return $restorelog_file; } else { return false; } } //Create & close footer of the html log file function restore_close_html($restore) { global $CFG; $status = true; //Open file for writing //First, check that course_id/backupdata folder exists in CFG->dataroot $dest_dir = $CFG->dataroot."/".$restore->course_id."/backupdata"; $status = check_dir_exists($dest_dir, true, true); $restorelog_file = fopen("$dest_dir/restorelog.html","a"); //Write the footer to close the logging file fwrite ($restorelog_file,"
This file was written to directly by each modules restore process."); fwrite ($restorelog_file,"

Log complete."); if ($status) { return $restorelog_file; } else { return false; } } /********************** Roles and Capabilities Related Functions *******************************/ /* Yu: Note recovering of role assignments/overrides need to take place after users have been recovered, i.e. after we get their new_id, and after all roles have been recreated or mapped. Contexts can be created on the fly. The current order of restore is Restore (old) -> restore roles -> restore assignment/overrides the order of restore among different contexts, i.e. course, mod, blocks, users should not matter once roles and users have been restored. */ /** * This function restores all the needed roles for this course * i.e. roles with an assignment in any of the mods or blocks, * roles assigned on any user (e.g. parent role) and roles * assigned at course levle * This function should check for duplicate roles first * It isn't now, just overwriting */ function restore_create_roles($restore, $xmlfile) { global $DB, $CFG; if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingrolesdefinitions").'
  • '; } $info = restore_read_xml_roles($xmlfile); $sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); // the following code creates new roles // but we could use more intelligent detection, and role mapping // get role mapping info from $restore $rolemappings = array(); if (!empty($restore->rolesmapping)) { $rolemappings = $restore->rolesmapping; } // $info->roles will be empty for backups pre 1.7 if (isset($info->roles) && $info->roles) { foreach ($info->roles as $oldroleid=>$roledata) { if (empty($restore->rolesmapping)) { // if this is empty altogether, we came from import or there's no roles used in course at all // in this case, write the same oldid as this is the same site // no need to do mapping $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"role",$oldroleid, $oldroleid); // adding a new id continue; // do not create additonal roles; } // first we check if the roles are in the mappings // if so, we just do a mapping i.e. update oldids table if (isset($rolemappings[$oldroleid]) && $rolemappings[$oldroleid]) { $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"role",$oldroleid, $rolemappings[$oldroleid]); // adding a new id // check for permissions before create new roles } else if (has_capability('moodle/role:manage', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { // code to make new role name/short name if same role name or shortname exists $fullname = $roledata->name; $shortname = $roledata->shortname; $currentfullname = ""; $currentshortname = ""; $counter = 0; do { if ($counter) { $suffixfull = " ".get_string("copyasnoun")." ".$counter; $suffixshort = "_".$counter; } else { $suffixfull = ""; $suffixshort = ""; } $currentfullname = $fullname.$suffixfull; // Limit the size of shortname - database column accepts <= 100 chars $currentshortname = substr($shortname, 0, 100 - strlen($suffixshort)).$suffixshort; $coursefull = $DB->get_record("role", array("name"=>$currentfullname)); $courseshort = $DB->get_record("role", array("shortname"=>$currentshortname)); $counter++; } while ($coursefull || $courseshort); $roledata->name = $currentfullname; $roledata->shortname= $currentshortname; // done finding a unique name $newroleid = create_role($roledata->name, $roledata->shortname, ''); $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code,"role",$oldroleid, $newroleid); // adding a new id /// Restore the role contextlevels. if (isset($roledata->contextlevels)) { set_role_contextlevels($newroleid, $roledata->contextlevels); } else { // Data was not in the backup file (must be a pre-2.0 backup). // Allow this role to be assigned at all levels, which is // Which is what would have been possible where the backup // was made. set_role_contextlevels($newroleid, array(CONTEXT_SYSTEM, CONTEXT_USER, CONTEXT_COURSECAT, CONTEXT_COURSE, CONTEXT_MODULE, CONTEXT_BLOCK)); } /// Restore all the role capabiltites. foreach ($roledata->capabilities as $capability) { $roleinfo = new object(); $roleinfo = (object)$capability; $roleinfo->contextid = $sitecontext->id; $roleinfo->capability = $capability->name; $roleinfo->roleid = $newroleid; $DB->insert_record('role_capabilities', $roleinfo); } } else { // map the new role to course default role if (!$default_role = get_field("course", "defaultrole", "id", $restore->course_id)) { $default_role = $CFG->defaultcourseroleid; } $status = backup_putid($restore->backup_unique_code, "role", $oldroleid, $default_role); } /// Now, restore role nameincourse (only if the role had nameincourse in backup) if (!empty($roledata->nameincourse)) { $newrole = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, 'role', $oldroleid); /// Look for target role $coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $restore->course_id); /// Look for target context if (!empty($newrole->new_id) && !empty($coursecontext) && !empty($roledata->nameincourse)) { /// Check the role hasn't any custom name in context if (!$DB->record_exists('role_names', array('roleid'=>$newrole->new_id, 'contextid'=>$coursecontext->id))) { $rolename = new object(); $rolename->roleid = $newrole->new_id; $rolename->contextid = $coursecontext->id; $rolename->name = $roledata->nameincourse; $DB->insert_record('role_names', $rolename); } } } } } return true; } /** * this function restores role assignments and role overrides * in course/user/block/mod level, it passed through * the xml file again */ function restore_roles_and_filter_settings($restore, $xmlfile) { // data pulls from course, mod, user, and blocks /******************************************************* * Restoring from course level assignments * *******************************************************/ if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingcourseroles").'
  • '; } $course = restore_read_xml_course_header($xmlfile); if (!isset($restore->rolesmapping)) { $isimport = true; // course import from another course, or course with no role assignments } else { $isimport = false; // course restore with role assignments } $newcoursecontext = restore_get_new_context($restore, 'course', CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->course_id); if (!empty($course->roleassignments) && !$isimport) { $courseassignments = $course->roleassignments; foreach ($courseassignments as $oldroleid => $courseassignment) { restore_write_roleassignments($restore, $courseassignment->assignments, $newcoursecontext, $oldroleid); } } /***************************************************** * Restoring from course level overrides * *****************************************************/ if (!empty($course->roleoverrides) && !$isimport) { $courseoverrides = $course->roleoverrides; foreach ($courseoverrides as $oldroleid => $courseoverride) { // if not importing into exiting course, or creating new role, we are ok // local course overrides to be respected (i.e. restored course overrides ignored) if (($restore->restoreto != RESTORETO_CURRENT_ADDING && $restore->restoreto != RESTORETO_EXISTING_ADDING) || empty($restore->rolesmapping[$oldroleid])) { restore_write_roleoverrides($restore, $courseoverride->overrides, $newcoursecontext, $oldroleid); } } } // Per-context filter settings. restore_write_local_filter_settings($restore, $course, $newcoursecontext); /******************************************************* * Restoring role assignments/overrdies * * from module level assignments * *******************************************************/ if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingmodroles").'
  • '; } $sections = restore_read_xml_sections($xmlfile); $secs = $sections->sections; foreach ($secs as $section) { if (isset($section->mods)) { foreach ($section->mods as $modid=>$mod) { $newmodcontext = restore_get_new_context($restore, 'course_modules', CONTEXT_MODULE, $modid); if (isset($mod->roleassignments) && !$isimport) { foreach ($mod->roleassignments as $oldroleid=>$modassignment) { restore_write_roleassignments($restore, $modassignment->assignments, $newmodcontext, $oldroleid); } } // role overrides always applies, in import or backup/restore if (isset($mod->roleoverrides)) { foreach ($mod->roleoverrides as $oldroleid=>$modoverride) { restore_write_roleoverrides($restore, $modoverride->overrides, $newmodcontext, $oldroleid); } } // Per-context filter settings. restore_write_local_filter_settings($restore, $mod, $newmodcontext); } } } /************************************************* * Restoring assignments from blocks level * * role assignments/overrides * *************************************************/ if ($restore->restoreto != RESTORETO_CURRENT_ADDING && $restore->restoreto != RESTORETO_EXISTING_ADDING) { // skip altogether if restoring to exisitng course by adding if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatingblocksroles").'
  • '; } $blocks = restore_read_xml_blocks($restore, $xmlfile); if (isset($blocks->instances)) { foreach ($blocks->instances as $instance) { $newblockcontext = restore_get_new_context($restore, 'block_instance', CONTEXT_BLOCK, $instance->id); if (isset($instance->roleassignments) && !$isimport) { foreach ($instance->roleassignments as $oldroleid=>$blockassignment) { restore_write_roleassignments($restore, $blockassignment->assignments, $newblockcontext, $oldroleid); } } // likewise block overrides should always be restored like mods if (isset($instance->roleoverrides)) { foreach ($instance->roleoverrides as $oldroleid=>$blockoverride) { restore_write_roleoverrides($restore, $blockoverride->overrides, $newblockcontext, $oldroleid); } } } } } /************************************************ * Restoring assignments from userid level * * role assignments/overrides * ************************************************/ if (!defined('RESTORE_SILENTLY')) { echo "
  • ".get_string("creatinguserroles").'
  • '; } $info = restore_read_xml_users($restore, $xmlfile); if (!empty($info->users) && !$isimport) { // no need to restore user assignments for imports (same course) //For each user, take its info from backup_ids foreach ($info->users as $userid) { $rec = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$userid); $newusercontext = restore_get_new_context($restore, 'user', CONTEXT_USER, $userid); if (isset($rec->info->roleassignments)) { foreach ($rec->info->roleassignments as $oldroleid=>$userassignment) { restore_write_roleassignments($restore, $userassignment->assignments, $newusercontext, $oldroleid); } } if (isset($rec->info->roleoverrides)) { foreach ($rec->info->roleoverrides as $oldroleid=>$useroverride) { restore_write_roleoverrides($restore, $useroverride->overrides, $newusercontext, $oldroleid); } } } } return true; } /** * Get the context object from the site we are restoring to that corresponds * to a particular context on the site we backed up from. * @return object the restored context. */ function restore_get_new_context($restore, $table, $contextlevel, $oldid) { // hack to make the correct contextid for course level imports if ($contextlevel == CONTEXT_COURSE) { $oldinstance->new_id = $restore->course_id; } else { $oldinstance = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,$table,$oldid); } // new instance id not found (not restored module/block/user)... skip any assignment if (!$oldinstance || empty($oldinstance->new_id)) { continue; } $newcontext = get_context_instance($contextlevel, $oldinstance->new_id); return $newcontext; } // auxillary function to write role assignments read from xml to db function restore_write_roleassignments($restore, $assignments, $newcontext, $oldroleid) { $role = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "role", $oldroleid); foreach ($assignments as $assignment) { $olduser = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$assignment->userid); //Oh dear, $olduser... can be an object, $obj->string or bool! if (!$olduser || (is_string($olduser->info) && $olduser->info == "notincourse")) { // it's possible that user is not in the course continue; } $assignment->userid = $olduser->new_id; // new userid here $oldmodifier = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$assignment->modifierid); $assignment->modifierid = !empty($oldmodifier->new_id) ? $oldmodifier->new_id : 0; // new modifier id here $assignment->roleid = $role->new_id; // restored new role id $assignment->contextid = $newcontext->id; // new context id // might already have same assignment role_assign($assignment->roleid, $assignment->userid, 0, $assignment->contextid, $assignment->timestart, $assignment->timeend, $assignment->hidden, $assignment->enrol, $assignment->timemodified); } } // auxillary function to write role assignments read from xml to db function restore_write_roleoverrides($restore, $overrides, $newcontext, $oldroleid) { // it is possible to have an override not relevant to this course context. // should be ignored(?) if (!$role = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code, "role", $oldroleid)) { return null; } foreach ($overrides as $override) { $override->capability = $override->name; $oldmodifier = backup_getid($restore->backup_unique_code,"user",$override->modifierid); $override->modifierid = !empty($oldmodifier->new_id)?$oldmodifier->new_id:0; // new modifier id here $override->roleid = $role->new_id; // restored new role id $override->contextid = $newcontext->id; // new context id // use assign capability instead so we can add context to context_rel assign_capability($override->capability, $override->permission, $override->roleid, $override->contextid); } } /** * Write any per-context filter settings from the backup XML to the DB. * @param object $restore the restore we are part of. * @param object $data sata loaded from the XML. * @param object $newmodcontext the restored context object. */ function restore_write_local_filter_settings($restore, $data, $newcontext) { if (filter_context_may_have_filter_settings($newcontext)) { return; } $installedfilters = filter_get_all_installed(); if (!isset($data->filteractives)) { $data->filteractives = array(); } foreach ($data->filteractives as $filter => $state) { if (isset($installedfilters[$filter])) { filter_set_local_state($filter, $newcontext->id, $state); } } if (!isset($data->filterconfigs)) { $data->filterconfigs = array(); } foreach ($data->filterconfigs as $fc) { if (isset($installedfilters[$fc->filter])) { filter_set_local_config($fc->filter, $newcontext->id, $fc->name, $fc->value); } } } /** * true or false function to see if user can roll dates on restore (any course is enough) * @return bool */ function restore_user_can_roll_dates() { global $USER; // if user has moodle/restore:rolldates capability at system or any course cat return true if (has_capability('moodle/restore:rolldates', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM))) { return true; } // Non-cached - get accessinfo if (isset($USER->access)) { $accessinfo = $USER->access; } else { $accessinfo = get_user_access_sitewide($USER->id); } $courses = get_user_courses_bycap($USER->id, 'moodle/restore:rolldates', $accessinfo, true); return !empty($courses); } //write activity date changes to the html log file, and update date values in the the xml array function restore_log_date_changes($recordtype, &$restore, &$xml, $TAGS, $NAMETAG='NAME') { global $CFG; $openlog = false; // loop through time fields in $TAGS foreach ($TAGS as $TAG) { // check $TAG has a sensible value if (!empty($xml[$TAG][0]['#']) && is_string($xml[$TAG][0]['#']) && is_numeric($xml[$TAG][0]['#'])) { if ($openlog==false) { $openlog = true; // only come through here once // open file for writing $course_dir = "$CFG->dataroot/$restore->course_id/backupdata"; check_dir_exists($course_dir, true); $restorelog = fopen("$course_dir/restorelog.html", "a"); // start output for this record $msg = new stdClass(); $msg->recordtype = $recordtype; $msg->recordname = $xml[$NAMETAG][0]['#']; fwrite ($restorelog, get_string("backupdaterecordtype", "moodle", $msg)); } // write old date to $restorelog $value = $xml[$TAG][0]['#']; $date = usergetdate($value); $msg = new stdClass(); $msg->TAG = $TAG; $msg->weekday = $date['weekday']; $msg->mday = $date['mday']; $msg->month = $date['month']; $msg->year = $date['year']; fwrite ($restorelog, get_string("backupdateold", "moodle", $msg)); // write new date to $restorelog $value += $restore->course_startdateoffset; $date = usergetdate($value); $msg = new stdClass(); $msg->TAG = $TAG; $msg->weekday = $date['weekday']; $msg->mday = $date['mday']; $msg->month = $date['month']; $msg->year = $date['year']; fwrite ($restorelog, get_string("backupdatenew", "moodle", $msg)); // update $value in $xml tree for calling module $xml[$TAG][0]['#'] = "$value"; } } // close the restore log, if it was opened if ($openlog) { fclose($restorelog); } }