'value', * 'typename2' => 'value' * .... * ); * * @return array of default values */ function ldap_getdefaults() { // All the values have to be written in lowercase, even if the // standard LDAP attributes are mixed-case $default['objectclass'] = array( 'edir' => 'user', 'rfc2307' => 'posixaccount', 'rfc2307bis' => 'posixaccount', 'samba' => 'sambasamaccount', 'ad' => 'user', 'default' => '*' ); $default['user_attribute'] = array( 'edir' => 'cn', 'rfc2307' => 'uid', 'rfc2307bis' => 'uid', 'samba' => 'uid', 'ad' => 'cn', 'default' => 'cn' ); $default['memberattribute'] = array( 'edir' => 'member', 'rfc2307' => 'member', 'rfc2307bis' => 'member', 'samba' => 'member', 'ad' => 'member', 'default' => 'member' ); $default['memberattribute_isdn'] = array( 'edir' => '1', 'rfc2307' => '0', 'rfc2307bis' => '1', 'samba' => '0', // is this right? 'ad' => '1', 'default' => '0' ); $default['expireattr'] = array ( 'edir' => 'passwordexpirationtime', 'rfc2307' => 'shadowexpire', 'rfc2307bis' => 'shadowexpire', 'samba' => '', // No support yet 'ad' => 'pwdlastset', 'default' => '' ); return $default; } /** * Checks if user belongs to specific group(s) or is in a subtree. * * Returns true if user belongs to a group in grupdns string OR if the * DN of the user is in a subtree of the DN provided as "group" * * @param mixed $ldapconnection A valid LDAP connection. * @param string $userid LDAP user id (dn/cn/uid/...) to test membership for. * @param array $group_dns arrary of group dn * @param string $member_attrib the name of the membership attribute. * @return boolean * */ function ldap_isgroupmember($ldapconnection, $userid, $group_dns, $member_attrib) { if (empty($ldapconnection) || empty($userid) || empty($group_dns) || empty($member_attrib)) { return false; } $result = false; foreach ($group_dns as $group) { $group = trim($group); if (empty($group)) { continue; } // Check cheaply if the user's DN sits in a subtree of the // "group" DN provided. Granted, this isn't a proper LDAP // group, but it's a popular usage. if (stripos(strrev(strtolower($userid)), strrev(strtolower($group))) === 0) { $result = true; break; } $search = ldap_read($ldapconnection, $group, '('.$member_attrib.'='.ldap_filter_addslashes($userid).')', array($member_attrib)); if (!empty($search) && ldap_count_entries($ldapconnection, $search)) { $info = ldap_get_entries_moodle($ldapconnection, $search); if (count($info) > 0 ) { // User is member of group $result = true; break; } } } return $result; } /** * Tries connect to specified ldap servers. Returns a valid LDAP * connection or false. * * @param string $host_url * @param integer $ldap_version either 2 (LDAPv2) or 3 (LDAPv3). * @param string $user_type the configured user type for this connection. * @param string $bind_dn the binding user dn. If an emtpy string, anonymous binding is used. * @param string $bind_pw the password for the binding user. Ignored for anonymous bindings. * @param boolean $opt_deref whether to set LDAP_OPT_DEREF on this connection or not. * @param string &$debuginfo the debugging information in case the connection fails. * @param boolean $start_tls whether to use LDAP with TLS (not to be confused with LDAP+SSL) * @return mixed connection result or false. */ function ldap_connect_moodle($host_url, $ldap_version, $user_type, $bind_dn, $bind_pw, $opt_deref, &$debuginfo, $start_tls=false) { if (empty($host_url) || empty($ldap_version) || empty($user_type)) { $debuginfo = 'No LDAP Host URL, Version or User Type specified in your LDAP settings'; return false; } $debuginfo = ''; $urls = explode(';', $host_url); foreach ($urls as $server) { $server = trim($server); if (empty($server)) { continue; } $connresult = ldap_connect($server); // ldap_connect returns ALWAYS true if (!empty($ldap_version)) { ldap_set_option($connresult, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $ldap_version); } // Fix MDL-10921 if ($user_type === 'ad') { ldap_set_option($connresult, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); } if (!empty($opt_deref)) { ldap_set_option($connresult, LDAP_OPT_DEREF, $opt_deref); } if ($start_tls && (!ldap_start_tls($connresult))) { $debuginfo .= "Server: '$server', Connection: '$connresult', STARTTLS failed.\n"; continue; } if (!empty($bind_dn)) { $bindresult = @ldap_bind($connresult, $bind_dn, $bind_pw); } else { // Bind anonymously $bindresult = @ldap_bind($connresult); } if ($bindresult) { return $connresult; } $debuginfo .= "Server: '$server', Connection: '$connresult', Bind result: '$bindresult'\n"; } // If any of servers were alive we have already returned connection. return false; } /** * Search specified contexts for username and return the user dn like: * cn=username,ou=suborg,o=org * * @param mixed $ldapconnection a valid LDAP connection. * @param mixed $username username (external LDAP encoding, no db slashes). * @param array $contexts contexts to look for the user. * @param string $objectclass objectlass of the user (in LDAP filter syntax). * @param string $search_attrib the attribute use to look for the user. * @param boolean $search_sub whether to search subcontexts or not. * @return mixed the user dn (external LDAP encoding, no db slashes) or false * */ function ldap_find_userdn($ldapconnection, $username, $contexts, $objectclass, $search_attrib, $search_sub) { if (empty($ldapconnection) || empty($username) || empty($contexts) || empty($objectclass) || empty($search_attrib)) { return false; } // Default return value $ldap_user_dn = false; // Get all contexts and look for first matching user foreach ($contexts as $context) { $context = trim($context); if (empty($context)) { continue; } if ($search_sub) { $ldap_result = ldap_search($ldapconnection, $context, '(&'.$objectclass.'('.$search_attrib.'='.ldap_filter_addslashes($username).'))', array($search_attrib)); } else { $ldap_result = ldap_list($ldapconnection, $context, '(&'.$objectclass.'('.$search_attrib.'='.ldap_filter_addslashes($username).'))', array($search_attrib)); } $entry = ldap_first_entry($ldapconnection, $ldap_result); if ($entry) { $ldap_user_dn = ldap_get_dn($ldapconnection, $entry); break; } } return $ldap_user_dn; } /** * Returns values like ldap_get_entries but is binary compatible and * returns all attributes as array. * * @param mixed $ldapconnection A valid LDAP connection * @param mixed $searchresult A search result from ldap_search, ldap_list, etc. * @return array ldap-entries with lower-cased attributes as indexes */ function ldap_get_entries_moodle($ldapconnection, $searchresult) { if (empty($ldapconnection) || empty($searchresult)) { return array(); } $i = 0; $result = array(); $entry = ldap_first_entry($ldapconnection, $searchresult); if (!$entry) { return array(); } do { $attributes = array_change_key_case(ldap_get_attributes($ldapconnection, $entry), CASE_LOWER); for ($j = 0; $j < $attributes['count']; $j++) { $values = ldap_get_values_len($ldapconnection, $entry, $attributes[$j]); if (is_array($values)) { $result[$i][$attributes[$j]] = $values; } else { $result[$i][$attributes[$j]] = array($values); } } $i++; } while ($entry = ldap_next_entry($ldapconnection, $entry)); return ($result); } /** * Quote control characters in texts used in LDAP filters - see RFC 4515/2254 * * @param string filter string to quote * @return string the filter string quoted */ function ldap_filter_addslashes($text) { $text = str_replace('\\', '\\5c', $text); $text = str_replace(array('*', '(', ')', "\0"), array('\\2a', '\\28', '\\29', '\\00'), $text); return $text; } if(!defined('LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS')) { define('LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS', 0); } if(!defined('LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_NUM')) { define('LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_NUM', 1); } if(!defined('LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_ALPHA')) { define('LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_ALPHA', 2); } /** * The order of the special characters in these arrays _IS IMPORTANT_. * Make sure '\\5C' (and '\\') are the first elements of the arrays. * Otherwise we'll double replace '\' with '\5C' which is Bad(tm) */ function ldap_get_dn_special_chars() { return array ( LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS => array('\\', ' ', '"', '#', '+', ',', ';', '<', '=', '>', "\0"), LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_NUM => array('\\5c','\\20','\\22','\\23','\\2b','\\2c','\\3b','\\3c','\\3d','\\3e','\\00'), LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_ALPHA => array('\\\\','\\ ', '\\"', '\\#', '\\+', '\\,', '\\;', '\\<', '\\>', '\\=', '\\00'), ); } /** * Quote control characters in distinguished names used in LDAP - See RFC 4514/2253 * * @param string The text to quote * @return string The text quoted */ function ldap_addslashes($text) { $special_dn_chars = ldap_get_dn_special_chars(); $text = str_replace ($special_dn_chars[LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS], $special_dn_chars[LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_NUM], $text); return $text; } /** * Unquote control characters in distinguished names used in LDAP - See RFC 4514/2253 * * @param string The text quoted * @return string The text unquoted */ function ldap_stripslashes($text) { $special_dn_chars = ldap_get_dn_special_chars(); // First unquote the simply backslashed special characters. If we // do it the other way, we remove too many slashes. $text = str_replace($special_dn_chars[LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_ALPHA], $special_dn_chars[LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS], $text); // Next unquote the 'numerically' quoted characters. We don't use // LDAP_DN_SPECIAL_CHARS_QUOTED_NUM because the standard allows us // to quote any character with this encoding, not just the special // ones. $text = preg_replace('/\\\([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/e', "chr(hexdec('\\1'))", $text); return $text; } /** * Check if PHP supports LDAP paged results and we can use them (we have to use LDAP * version 3, otherwise the server doesn't use them). * * @param ldapversion integer The LDAP protocol version we use. * * @return boolean true is paged results can be used, false otherwise. */ function ldap_paged_results_supported($ldapversion) { if (((int)$ldapversion === 3) && function_exists('ldap_control_paged_result') && function_exists('ldap_control_paged_result_response')) { return true; } return false; }