$zbyyear) { // loop over zones /** *** Loop over years, only adding a rule when zone or rule *** have changed. All loops preserver the last seen vars *** until there's an explicit decision to delete them *** **/ // clean the slate for a new zone $zone = NULL; $rule = NULL; // // Find the pre 1970 zone rule entries // for ($y = 1970 ; $y > 0 ; $y--) { if (array_key_exists((string)$y, $zbyyear )) { // we have a zone entry for the year $zone = $zbyyear[$y]; //print_object("Zone $zname pre1970 is in $y\n"); break; // Perl's last -- get outta here } } if (!empty($zone['rule'])) { $rule = NULL; for ($y = 1970 ; $y > 0 ; $y--) { if (array_key_exists((string)$y, $rules[$zone['rule']] )) { // we have a rule entry for the year $rule = $rules[$zone['rule']][$y]; //print_object("Rule $rule[name] pre1970 is $y\n"); break; // Perl's last -- get outta here } } if (empty($rule)) { // Colombia and a few others refer to rules before they exist // Perhaps we should comment out this warning... // trigger_error("Cannot find rule in $zone[rule] <= 1970"); $rule = array(); } } else { // no DST this year! $rule = array(); } // Prepare to insert the base 1970 zone+rule if (!empty($rule)) { // merge the two arrays into the moodle rule unset($rule['name']); // warning: $rule must NOT be a reference! unset($rule['year']); $mdl_tz = array_merge($zone, $rule); //fix (de)activate_time (AT) field to be GMT $mdl_tz['dst_time'] = olson_parse_at($mdl_tz['dst_time'], 'set', $mdl_tz['gmtoff']); $mdl_tz['std_time'] = olson_parse_at($mdl_tz['std_time'], 'reset', $mdl_tz['gmtoff']); } else { // just a simple zone $mdl_tz = $zone; // TODO: Add other default values here! $mdl_tz['dstoff'] = 0; } // Fix the from year to 1970 $mdl_tz['year'] = 1970; // add to the array $mdl_zones[] = $mdl_tz; //print_object("Zero entry for $zone[name] added"); $lasttimezone = $mdl_tz; /// /// 1971 onwards /// for ($y = 1971; $y < $maxyear ; $y++) { $changed = false; /// /// We create a "zonerule" entry if either zone or rule change... /// /// force $y to string to avoid PHP /// thinking of a positional array /// if (array_key_exists((string)$y, $zbyyear)) { // we have a zone entry for the year $changed = true; $zone = $zbyyear[(string)$y]; } if (!empty($zone['rule'])){ if (array_key_exists((string)$y, $rules[$zone['rule']])) { $changed = true; $rule = $rules[$zone['rule']][(string)$y]; } } else { $rule = array(); } if ($changed) { //print_object("CHANGE YEAR $y Zone $zone[name] Rule $zone[rule]\n"); if (!empty($rule)) { // merge the two arrays into the moodle rule unset($rule['name']); unset($rule['year']); $mdl_tz = array_merge($zone, $rule); // VERY IMPORTANT!! $mdl_tz['year'] = $y; //fix (de)activate_time (AT) field to be GMT $mdl_tz['dst_time'] = olson_parse_at($mdl_tz['dst_time'], 'set', $mdl_tz['gmtoff']); $mdl_tz['std_time'] = olson_parse_at($mdl_tz['std_time'], 'reset', $mdl_tz['gmtoff']); } else { // just a simple zone $mdl_tz = $zone; } /* if(isset($mdl_tz['dst_time']) && !strpos($mdl_tz['dst_time'], ':') || isset($mdl_tz['std_time']) && !strpos($mdl_tz['std_time'], ':')) { print_object($mdl_tz); print_object('---'); } */ // This is the simplest way to make the != operator just below NOT take the year into account $lasttimezone['year'] = $mdl_tz['year']; // If not a duplicate, add and update $lasttimezone if($lasttimezone != $mdl_tz) { $mdl_zones[] = $lasttimezone = $mdl_tz; } } } } /* if (function_exists('memory_get_usage')) { trigger_error("We are consuming this much memory: " . get_memory_usage()); } */ return $mdl_zones; } /*** *** olson_simple_rule_parser($filename) *** *** Parses the olson files for DST rules. *** It's a simple implementation that simplifies some fields *** *** Returns a multidimensional array, or false on error *** */ function olson_simple_rule_parser ($filename) { $file = fopen($filename, 'r', 0); if (empty($file)) { return false; } $rules = array(); while ($line = fgets($file)) { // only pay attention to rules lines if(!preg_match('/^Rule\s/', $line)){ continue; } $line = preg_replace('/\n$/', '',$line); // chomp $rule = preg_split('/\s+/', $line); list($discard, $name, $from, $to, $type, $in, $on, $at, $save, $letter) = $rule; $srs = ($save === '0') ? 'reset' : 'set'; if($to == 'only') { $to = $from; } else if($to == 'max') { $to = date('Y'); } for($i = $from; $i <= $to; ++$i) { $rules[$name][$i][$srs] = $rule; } } fclose($file); $months = array('jan' => 1, 'feb' => 2, 'mar' => 3, 'apr' => 4, 'may' => 5, 'jun' => 6, 'jul' => 7, 'aug' => 8, 'sep' => 9, 'oct' => 10, 'nov' => 11, 'dec' => 12); // now reformat it a bit to match Moodle's DST table $moodle_rules = array(); foreach ($rules as $rule => $rulesbyyear) { foreach ($rulesbyyear as $year => $rulesthisyear) { if(!isset($rulesthisyear['reset'])) { // No "reset" rule. We will assume that this is somewhere in the southern hemisphere // after a period of not using DST, otherwise it doesn't make sense at all. // With that assumption, we can put in a fake reset e.g. on Jan 1, 12:00. /* print_object("no reset"); print_object($rules); die(); */ $rulesthisyear['reset'] = array( NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'jan', 1, '12:00', '00:00', NULL ); } if(!isset($rulesthisyear['set'])) { // No "set" rule. We will assume that this is somewhere in the southern hemisphere // and that it begins a period of not using DST, otherwise it doesn't make sense at all. // With that assumption, we can put in a fake set on Dec 31, 12:00, shifting time by 0 minutes. $rulesthisyear['set'] = array( NULL, $rulesthisyear['reset'][1], NULL, NULL, NULL, 'dec', 31, '12:00', '00:00', NULL ); } list($discard, $name, $from, $to, $type, $in, $on, $at, $save, $letter) = $rulesthisyear['set']; $moodle_rule = array(); list($hours, $mins) = explode(':', $save); $save = $hours * 60 + $mins; // we'll parse $at later // $at = olson_parse_at($at); $in = strtolower($in); if(!isset($months[$in])) { trigger_error('Unknown month: '.$in); } $moodle_rule['name'] = $name; $moodle_rule['year'] = $year; $moodle_rule['dstoff'] = $save; // time offset $moodle_rule['dst_month'] = $months[$in]; // the month $moodle_rule['dst_time'] = $at; // the time // Encode index and day as per Moodle's specs $on = olson_parse_on($on); $moodle_rule['dst_startday'] = $on['startday']; $moodle_rule['dst_weekday'] = $on['weekday']; $moodle_rule['dst_skipweeks'] = $on['skipweeks']; // and now the "deactivate" data list($discard, $name, $from, $to, $type, $in, $on, $at, $save, $letter) = $rulesthisyear['reset']; // we'll parse $at later // $at = olson_parse_at($at); $in = strtolower($in); if(!isset($months[$in])) { trigger_error('Unknown month: '.$in); } $moodle_rule['std_month'] = $months[$in]; // the month $moodle_rule['std_time'] = $at; // the time // Encode index and day as per Moodle's specs $on = olson_parse_on($on); $moodle_rule['std_startday'] = $on['startday']; $moodle_rule['std_weekday'] = $on['weekday']; $moodle_rule['std_skipweeks'] = $on['skipweeks']; $moodle_rules[$moodle_rule['name']][$moodle_rule['year']] = $moodle_rule; //print_object($moodle_rule); } } return $moodle_rules; } /*** *** olson_simple_zone_parser($filename) *** *** Parses the olson files for zone info *** *** Returns a multidimensional array, or false on error *** */ function olson_simple_zone_parser ($filename) { $file = fopen($filename, 'r', 0); if (empty($file)) { return false; } $zones = array(); $lastzone = NULL; while ($line = fgets($file)) { // skip obvious non-zone lines if (preg_match('/^(?:#|Rule|Link|Leap)/',$line)) { $lastzone = NULL; // reset lastzone continue; } // If there are blanks in the start of the line but the first non-ws character is a #, // assume it's an "inline comment". The funny thing is that this happens only during // the definition of the Rule for Europe/Athens. if(substr(trim($line), 0, 1) == '#') { continue; } /*** Notes *** *** By splitting on space, we are only keeping the *** year of the UNTIL field -- that's on purpose. *** *** The Zone lines are followed by continuation lines *** were we reuse the info from the last one seen. *** *** We are transforming "until" fields into "from" fields *** which make more sense from the Moodle perspective, so *** each initial Zone entry is "from" the year 0, and for the *** continuation lines, we shift the "until" from the previous field *** into this line's "from". *** *** If a RULES field contains a time instead of a rule we discard it *** I have no idea of how to create a DST rule out of that *** (what are the start/end times?) *** *** We remove "until" from the data we keep, but preserve *** it in $lastzone. */ if (preg_match('/^Zone/', $line)) { // a new zone $line = trim($line); $line = preg_split('/\s+/', $line); $zone = array(); list( $discard, // 'Zone' $zone['name'], $zone['gmtoff'], $zone['rule'], $discard // format ) = $line; // the things we do to avoid warnings if (!empty($line[5])) { $zone['until'] = $line[5]; } $zone['year'] = '0'; $zones[$zone['name']] = array(); } else if (!empty($lastzone) && preg_match('/^\s+/', $line)){ // looks like a credible continuation line $line = trim($line); $line = preg_split('/\s+/', $line); if (count($line) < 3) { $lastzone = NULL; continue; } // retrieve info from the lastzone $zone = $lastzone; $zone['year'] = $zone['until']; // overwrite with current data list( $zone['gmtoff'], $zone['rule'], $discard // format ) = $line; // the things we do to avoid warnings if (!empty($line[3])) { $zone['until'] = $line[3]; } } else { $lastzone = NULL; continue; } // tidy up, we're done // perhaps we should insert in the DB at this stage? $lastzone = $zone; unset($zone['until']); $zone['gmtoff'] = olson_parse_offset($zone['gmtoff']); if ($zone['rule'] === '-') { // cleanup empty rules $zone['rule'] = ''; } if (preg_match('/:/',$zone['rule'])) { // we are not handling direct SAVE rules here // discard it $zone['rule'] = ''; } $zones[$zone['name']][(string)$zone['year']] = $zone; } return $zones; } /*** *** olson_parse_offset($offset) *** *** parses time offsets from the GMTOFF and SAVE *** fields into +/-MINUTES */ function olson_parse_offset ($offset) { $offset = trim($offset); // perhaps it's just minutes if (preg_match('/^(-?)(\d*)$/', $offset)) { return intval($offset); } // (-)hours:minutes(:seconds) if (preg_match('/^(-?)(\d*):(\d+)/', $offset, $matches)) { // we are happy to discard the seconds $sign = $matches[1]; $hours = intval($matches[2]); $seconds = intval($matches[3]); $offset = $sign . ($hours*60 + $seconds); return intval($offset); } trigger_error('Strange time format in olson_parse_offset() ' .$offset); return 0; } /*** *** olson_parse_on_($on) *** *** see `man zic`. This function translates the following formats *** 5 the fifth of the month *** lastSun the last Sunday in the month *** lastMon the last Monday in the month *** Sun>=8 first Sunday on or after the eighth *** Sun<=25 last Sunday on or before the 25th *** *** to a moodle friendly format. Returns an array with: *** *** startday: the day of the month that we start counting from. *** if negative, it means we start from that day and *** count backwards. since -1 would be meaningless, *** it means "end of month and backwards". *** weekday: the day of the week that we must find. we will *** scan days from the startday until we find the *** first such weekday. 0...6 = Sun...Sat. *** -1 means that any day of the week will do, *** effectively ending the search on startday. *** skipweeks:after finding our end day as outlined above, *** skip this many weeks. this enables us to find *** "the second sunday >= 10". usually will be 0. */ function olson_parse_on ($on) { $rule = array(); $days = array('sun' => 0, 'mon' => 1, 'tue' => 2, 'wed' => 3, 'thu' => 4, 'fri' => 5, 'sat' => 6); if(is_numeric($on)) { $rule['startday'] = intval($on); // Start searching from that day $rule['weekday'] = -1; // ...and stop there, no matter what weekday $rule['skipweeks'] = 0; // Don't skip any weeks. } else { $on = strtolower($on); if(substr($on, 0, 4) == 'last') { // e.g. lastSun if(!isset($days[substr($on, 4)])) { trigger_error('Unknown last weekday: '.substr($on, 4)); } else { $rule['startday'] = -1; // Start from end of month $rule['weekday'] = $days[substr($on, 4)]; // Find the first such weekday $rule['skipweeks'] = 0; // Don't skip any weeks. } } else if(substr($on, 3, 2) == '>=') { // e.g. Sun>=8 if(!isset($days[substr($on, 0, 3)])) { trigger_error('Unknown >= weekday: '.substr($on, 0, 3)); } else { $rule['startday'] = intval(substr($on, 5)); // Start from that day of the month $rule['weekday'] = $days[substr($on, 0, 3)]; // Find the first such weekday $rule['skipweeks'] = 0; // Don't skip any weeks. } } else if(substr($on, 3, 2) == '<=') { // e.g. Sun<=25 if(!isset($days[substr($on, 0, 3)])) { trigger_error('Unknown <= weekday: '.substr($on, 0, 3)); } else { $rule['startday'] = -intval(substr($on, 5)); // Start from that day of the month; COUNT BACKWARDS (minus sign) $rule['weekday'] = $days[substr($on, 0, 3)]; // Find the first such weekday $rule['skipweeks'] = 0; // Don't skip any weeks. } } else { trigger_error('unknown on '.$on); } } return $rule; } /*** *** olson_parse_at($at, $set, $gmtoffset) *** *** see `man zic`. This function translates *** *** 2 time in hours *** 2:00 time in hours and minutes *** 15:00 24-hour format time (for times after noon) *** 1:28:14 time in hours, minutes, and seconds *** *** Any of these forms may be followed by the letter w if the given *** time is local "wall clock" time, s if the given time is local *** "standard" time, or u (or g or z) if the given time is univer- *** sal time; in the absence of an indicator, wall clock time is *** assumed. *** *** returns a moodle friendly $at, in GMT, which is what Moodle wants *** *** */ function olson_parse_at ($at, $set = 'set', $gmtoffset) { // find the time "signature"; $sig = ''; if (preg_match('/\w$/', $at, $matches)) { $sig = $matches[0]; $at = substr($at, 0, strlen($at)-1); // chop } list($hours, $mins) = explode(':', $at); // GMT -- return as is! if ( !empty($sig) && ( $sig === 'u' || $sig === 'g' || $sig === 'z' )) { return $at; } // Wall clock if (empty($sig) || $sig === 'w') { if ($set !== 'set'){ // wall clock is on DST, assume by 1hr $hours = $hours-1; } $sig = 's'; } // Standard time if (!empty($sig) && $sig === 's') { $mins = $mins + $hours*60 + $gmtoffset; $hours = $mins / 60; $hours = (int)$hours; $mins = abs($mins % 60); return sprintf('%02d:%02d', $hours, $mins); } trigger_error('unhandled case - AT flag is ' . $matches[0]); } ?>