$hashpos = strpos($answer,"#");
$comment = addslashes(substr($answer, $hashpos+1));
$answer = substr($answer, 0, $hashpos);
} else {
$comment = " ";
return $comment;
function readquestion($lines) {
// Given an array of lines known to define a question in this format, this function
// converts it into a question object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle.
$question = NULL;
$comment = NULL;
define("GIFT_ANSWERWEIGHT_REGEX", "^%\-*([0-9]{1,2})\.?([0-9]*)%");
foreach ($lines as $key => $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if (substr($line, 0, 2) == "//") {
// echo "Commented line removed.
$lines[$key] = " ";
$text = trim(implode(" ", $lines));
if ($text == "") {
// echo "
Empty line.
"; return false; } // QUESTION NAME parser if (substr($text, 0, 2) == "::") { $text = substr($text, 2); $namefinish = strpos($text, "::"); if ($namefinish === false) { $question->name = false; // name will be assigned after processing question text below } else { $question->name = addslashes(trim(substr($text, 0, $namefinish))); $text = trim(substr($text, $namefinish+2)); // Remove name from text } } else { $question->name = false; } // FIND ANSWER section $answerstart = strpos($text, "{"); if ($answerstart === false) { if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "$text
Could not find a {"; } return false; } $answerfinish = strpos($text, "}"); if ($answerfinish === false) { if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
Could not find a }"; } return false; } $answerlength = $answerfinish - $answerstart; $answertext = trim(substr($text, $answerstart + 1, $answerlength - 1)); // Format QUESTION TEXT without answer, inserting "_____" as necessary if (substr($text, -1) == "}") { // no blank line if answers follow question, outside of closing punctuation $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim(substr_replace($text, "", $answerstart, $answerlength+1))); } else { // inserts blank line for missing word format $question->questiontext = addslashes(trim(substr_replace($text, "_____", $answerstart, $answerlength+1))); } // set question name if not already set if ($question->name === false) { $question->name = $question->questiontext; } // determine QUESTION TYPE $question->qtype = NULL; if ($answertext{0} == "#"){ $question->qtype = NUMERICAL; } elseif (strstr($answertext, "~") !== false) { // only Multiplechoice questions contain tilde ~ $question->qtype = MULTICHOICE; } else { // either TRUEFALSE or SHORTANSWER // TRUEFALSE question check $truefalse_check = $answertext; if (strpos($answertext,"#") > 0){ // strip comments to check for TrueFalse question $truefalse_check = trim(substr($answertext, 0, strpos($answertext,"#"))); } $valid_tf_answers = array("T", "TRUE", "F", "FALSE"); if (in_array($truefalse_check, $valid_tf_answers)) { $question->qtype = TRUEFALSE; } else { // Must be SHORTANSWER $question->qtype = SHORTANSWER; } } if (!isset($question->qtype)) { if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
Question type not set."; } return false; } switch ($question->qtype) { case MULTICHOICE: if (strpos($answertext,"=") === false) { $question->single = 0; // multiple answers are enabled if no single answer is 100% correct } else { $question->single = 1; // only one answer allowed (the default) } $answertext = str_replace("=", "~=", $answertext); $answers = explode("~", $answertext); if (isset($answers[0])) { $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]); } if (empty($answers[0])) { array_shift($answers); } $countanswers = count($answers); if ($countanswers < 2) { if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
Found tilde for multiple choice,
but too few answers for Multiple Choice.
Found $countanswers answers in answertext.";
return false;
foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) {
$answer = trim($answer);
// determine answer weight
if ($answer[0] == "=") {
$answer_weight = 1;
$answer = substr($answer, 1);
} elseif (ereg(GIFT_ANSWERWEIGHT_REGEX, $answer)) { // check for properly formatted answer weight
$answer_weight = $this->answerweightparser($answer);
} else { //default, i.e., wrong anwer
$answer_weight = 0;
$question->fraction[$key] = $answer_weight;
$question->feedback[$key] = $this->commentparser($answer); // commentparser also removes comment from $answer
$question->answer[$key] = addslashes($answer);
} // end foreach answer
$question->defaultgrade = 1;
$question->image = ""; // No images with this format
return $question;
$answer = $answertext;
$comment = $this->commentparser($answer); // commentparser also removes comment from $answer
if ($answer == "T" OR $answer == "TRUE") {
$question->answer = 1;
$question->feedbackfalse = $comment; //feedback if answer is wrong
} else {
$question->answer = 0;
$question->feedbacktrue = $comment; //feedback if answer is wrong
$question->defaultgrade = 1;
$question->image = ""; // No images with this format
return $question;
$answers = explode("=", $answertext);
if (isset($answers[0])) {
$answers[0] = trim($answers[0]);
if (empty($answers[0])) {
if (count($answers) == 0) {
// invalid question
if ($this->displayerrors) {
echo "
Found equals=, but no answers in answertext"; } return false; break; } foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); // Answer Weight if (ereg(GIFT_ANSWERWEIGHT_REGEX, $answer)) { // check for properly formatted answer weight $answer_weight = $this->answerweightparser($answer); } else { //default, i.e., full-credit anwer $answer_weight = 1; } $question->fraction[$key] = $answer_weight; $question->feedback[$key] = $this->commentparser($answer); //commentparser also removes comment from $answer $question->answer[$key] = addslashes($answer); } // end foreach $question->usecase = 0; // Ignore case $question->defaultgrade = 1; $question->image = ""; // No images with this format return $question; break; case NUMERICAL: // Note similarities to ShortAnswer $answertext = substr($answertext, 1); // remove leading "#" $answers = explode("=", $answertext); if (isset($answers[0])) { $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]); } if (empty($answers[0])) { array_shift($answers); } if (count($answers) == 0) { // invalid question if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
No answers found in answertext (Numerical answer)"; } return false; break; } foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); // Answer weight if (ereg(GIFT_ANSWERWEIGHT_REGEX, $answer)) { // check for properly formatted answer weight $answer_weight = $this->answerweightparser($answer); } else { //default, i.e., full-credit anwer $answer_weight = 1; } $question->fraction[$key] = $answer_weight; $question->feedback[$key] = $this->commentparser($answer); //commentparser also removes comment from $answer //Calculate Answer and Min/Max values if (strpos($answer,"..") > 0) { // optional [min]..[max] format $marker = strpos($answer,".."); $question->max[$key] = trim(substr($answer, $marker+2)); $question->min[$key] = trim(substr($answer, 0, $marker)); $question->answer[$key] = ($question->max[$key] + $question->min[$key])/2; } elseif (strpos($answer,":") > 0){ // standard [answer]:[errormargin] format $marker = strpos($answer,":"); $errormargin = trim(substr($answer, $marker+1)); $question->answer[$key] = trim(substr($answer, 0, $marker)); $question->max[$key] = $question->answer[$key] + $errormargin; $question->min[$key] = $question->answer[$key] - $errormargin; } else { // only one valid answer (zero errormargin) $errormargin = 0; $question->answer[$key] = trim($answer); $question->max[$key] = $question->answer[$key] + $errormargin; $question->min[$key] = $question->answer[$key] - $errormargin; } if (!is_numeric($question->answer[$key]) OR !is_numeric($question->max[$key]) OR !is_numeric($question->max[$key])) { if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
For numerical questions, answer must be numbers.
Answer: $answer
ErrorMargin: $errormargin ."; } return false; break; } } // end foreach $question->defaultgrade = 1; $question->image = ""; // No images with this format return $question; break; default: if ($this->displayerrors) { echo "
No valid question type. Error in switch(question->qtype)"; } return false; break; } // end switch ($question->qtype) } // end function readquestion($lines) } ?>