sizeof($array)) $max = sizeof($array);
else $max = $probe;
for ($j=0;$j < $max; $j++) {
$row = $array[$j];
if (!$row) break;
$i = -1;
foreach($row as $v) {
$i += 1;
if (isset($types[$i]) && $types[$i]=='C') continue;
//print " ($i ".$types[$i]. "$v) ";
$v = trim($v);
if (!preg_match('/^[+-]{0,1}[0-9\.]+$/',$v)) {
$types[$i] = 'C'; // once C, always C
if ($j == 0) {
// If empty string, we presume is character
// test for integer for 1st row only
// after that it is up to testing other rows to prove
// that it is not an integer
if (strlen($v) == 0) $types[$i] = 'C';
if (strpos($v,'.') !== false) $types[$i] = 'N';
else $types[$i] = 'I';
if (strpos($v,'.') !== false) $types[$i] = 'N';
function adodb_transpose(&$arr, &$newarr, &$hdr, &$fobjs)
$oldX = sizeof(reset($arr));
$oldY = sizeof($arr);
if ($hdr) {
$startx = 1;
$hdr = array('Fields');
for ($y = 0; $y < $oldY; $y++) {
$hdr[] = $arr[$y][0];
} else
$startx = 0;
for ($x = $startx; $x < $oldX; $x++) {
if ($fobjs) {
$o = $fobjs[$x];
$newarr[] = array($o->name);
} else
$newarr[] = array();
for ($y = 0; $y < $oldY; $y++) {
$newarr[$x-$startx][] = $arr[$y][$x];
// Force key to upper.
// See also
function _array_change_key_case($an_array)
if (is_array($an_array)) {
$new_array = array();
foreach($an_array as $key=>$value)
$new_array[strtoupper($key)] = $value;
return $new_array;
return $an_array;
function _adodb_replace(&$zthis, $table, $fieldArray, $keyCol, $autoQuote, $has_autoinc)
if (count($fieldArray) == 0) return 0;
$first = true;
$uSet = '';
if (!is_array($keyCol)) {
$keyCol = array($keyCol);
foreach($fieldArray as $k => $v) {
if ($v === null) {
$v = 'NULL';
$fieldArray[$k] = $v;
} else if ($autoQuote && /*!is_numeric($v) /*and strncmp($v,"'",1) !== 0 -- sql injection risk*/ strcasecmp($v,$zthis->null2null)!=0) {
$v = $zthis->qstr($v);
$fieldArray[$k] = $v;
if (in_array($k,$keyCol)) continue; // skip UPDATE if is key
if ($first) {
$first = false;
$uSet = "$k=$v";
} else
$uSet .= ",$k=$v";
$where = false;
foreach ($keyCol as $v) {
if (isset($fieldArray[$v])) {
if ($where) $where .= ' and '.$v.'='.$fieldArray[$v];
else $where = $v.'='.$fieldArray[$v];
if ($uSet && $where) {
$update = "UPDATE $table SET $uSet WHERE $where";
$rs = $zthis->Execute($update);
if ($rs) {
if ($zthis->poorAffectedRows) {
The Select count(*) wipes out any errors that the update would have returned.
if ($zthis->ErrorNo()<>0) return 0;
# affected_rows == 0 if update field values identical to old values
# for mysql - which is silly.
$cnt = $zthis->GetOne("select count(*) from $table where $where");
if ($cnt > 0) return 1; // record already exists
} else {
if (($zthis->Affected_Rows()>0)) return 1;
} else
return 0;
// print "
$first = true;
foreach($fieldArray as $k => $v) {
if ($has_autoinc && in_array($k,$keyCol)) continue; // skip autoinc col
if ($first) {
$first = false;
$iCols = "$k";
$iVals = "$v";
} else {
$iCols .= ",$k";
$iVals .= ",$v";
$insert = "INSERT INTO $table ($iCols) VALUES ($iVals)";
$rs = $zthis->Execute($insert);
return ($rs) ? 2 : 0;
function _adodb_getmenu(&$zthis, $name,$defstr='',$blank1stItem=true,$multiple=false,
$size=0, $selectAttr='',$compareFields0=true)
$s = _adodb_getmenu_select($name, $defstr, $blank1stItem, $multiple, $size, $selectAttr);
$hasvalue = $zthis->FieldCount() > 1;
if (!$hasvalue) {
$compareFields0 = true;
$value = '';
while(!$zthis->EOF) {
$zval = rtrim(reset($zthis->fields));
if ($blank1stItem && $zval == "") {
if ($hasvalue) {
// Get 2nd field's value regardless of its name
$zval2 = current(array_slice($zthis->fields, 1, 1));
} else {
// With NUM or BOTH fetch modes, we have a numeric index
$zval2 = $zthis->fields[1];
$zval2 = trim($zval2);
$value = 'value="' . htmlspecialchars($zval2) . '"';
$s .= _adodb_getmenu_option($defstr, $compareFields0 ? $zval : $zval2, $value, $zval);
} // while
return $s ."\n\n";
function _adodb_getmenu_gp(&$zthis, $name,$defstr='',$blank1stItem=true,$multiple=false,
$size=0, $selectAttr='',$compareFields0=true)
$s = _adodb_getmenu_select($name, $defstr, $blank1stItem, $multiple, $size, $selectAttr);
$hasvalue = $zthis->FieldCount() > 1;
$hasgroup = $zthis->FieldCount() > 2;
if (!$hasvalue) {
$compareFields0 = true;
$value = '';
$optgroup = null;
$firstgroup = true;
while(!$zthis->EOF) {
$zval = rtrim(reset($zthis->fields));
$group = '';
if ($blank1stItem && $zval=="") {
if ($hasvalue) {
// Get 2nd field's value regardless of its name
$fields = array_slice($zthis->fields, 1);
$zval2 = current($fields);
if ($hasgroup) {
$group = trim(next($fields));
} else {
// With NUM or BOTH fetch modes, we have a numeric index
$zval2 = $zthis->fields[1];
if ($hasgroup) {
$group = trim($zthis->fields[2]);
$zval2 = trim($zval2);
$value = "value='".htmlspecialchars($zval2)."'";
if ($optgroup != $group) {
$optgroup = $group;
if ($firstgroup) {
$firstgroup = false;
} else {
$s .="\n";
$s .="\n";
return $s ."\n\n";
* Generate the opening SELECT tag for getmenu functions.
* ADOdb internal function, used by _adodb_getmenu() and _adodb_getmenu_gp().
* @param string $name
* @param string $defstr
* @param bool $blank1stItem
* @param bool $multiple
* @param int $size
* @param string $selectAttr
* @return string HTML
function _adodb_getmenu_select($name, $defstr = '', $blank1stItem = true,
$multiple = false, $size = 0, $selectAttr = '')
if ($multiple || is_array($defstr)) {
if ($size == 0 ) {
$size = 5;
$attr = ' multiple size="' . $size . '"';
if (!strpos($name,'[]')) {
$name .= '[]';
} elseif ($size) {
$attr = ' size="' . $size . '"';
} else {
$attr = '';
$html = '