/* YUI 3.17.2 (build 9c3c78e) Copyright 2014 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the BSD License. http://yuilibrary.com/license/ */ YUI.add('arraylist', function (Y, NAME) { /** * Collection utilities beyond what is provided in the YUI core * @module collection * @submodule arraylist */ var YArray = Y.Array, YArray_each = YArray.each, ArrayListProto; /** * Generic ArrayList class for managing lists of items and iterating operations * over them. The targeted use for this class is for augmentation onto a * class that is responsible for managing multiple instances of another class * (e.g. NodeList for Nodes). The recommended use is to augment your class with * ArrayList, then use ArrayList.addMethod to mirror the API of the constituent * items on the list's API. * * The default implementation creates immutable lists, but mutability can be * provided via the arraylist-add submodule or by implementing mutation methods * directly on the augmented class's prototype. * * @class ArrayList * @constructor * @param items { Array } array of items this list will be responsible for */ function ArrayList( items ) { if ( items !== undefined ) { this._items = Y.Lang.isArray( items ) ? items : YArray( items ); } else { // ||= to support lazy initialization from augment this._items = this._items || []; } } ArrayListProto = { /** * Get an item by index from the list. Override this method if managing a * list of objects that have a different public representation (e.g. Node * instances vs DOM nodes). The iteration methods that accept a user * function will use this method for access list items for operation. * * @method item * @param i { Integer } index to fetch * @return { mixed } the item at the requested index */ item: function ( i ) { return this._items[i]; }, /** * <p>Execute a function on each item of the list, optionally providing a * custom execution context. Default context is the item.</p> * * <p>The callback signature is <code>callback( item, index )</code>.</p> * * @method each * @param fn { Function } the function to execute * @param context { mixed } optional override 'this' in the function * @return { ArrayList } this instance * @chainable */ each: function ( fn, context ) { YArray_each( this._items, function ( item, i ) { item = this.item( i ); fn.call( context || item, item, i, this ); }, this); return this; }, /** * <p>Execute a function on each item of the list, optionally providing a * custom execution context. Default context is the item.</p> * * <p>The callback signature is <code>callback( item, index )</code>.</p> * * <p>Unlike <code>each</code>, if the callback returns true, the * iteration will stop.</p> * * @method some * @param fn { Function } the function to execute * @param context { mixed } optional override 'this' in the function * @return { Boolean } True if the function returned true on an item */ some: function ( fn, context ) { return YArray.some( this._items, function ( item, i ) { item = this.item( i ); return fn.call( context || item, item, i, this ); }, this); }, /** * Finds the first index of the needle in the managed array of items. * * @method indexOf * @param needle { mixed } The item to search for * @return { Integer } Array index if found. Otherwise -1 */ indexOf: function ( needle ) { return YArray.indexOf( this._items, needle ); }, /** * How many items are in this list? * * @method size * @return { Integer } Number of items in the list */ size: function () { return this._items.length; }, /** * Is this instance managing any items? * * @method isEmpty * @return { Boolean } true if 1 or more items are being managed */ isEmpty: function () { return !this.size(); }, /** * Provides an array-like representation for JSON.stringify. * * @method toJSON * @return { Array } an array representation of the ArrayList */ toJSON: function () { return this._items; } }; // Default implementation does not distinguish between public and private // item getter /** * Protected method for optimizations that may be appropriate for API * mirroring. Similar in functionality to <code>item</code>, but is used by * methods added with <code>ArrayList.addMethod()</code>. * * @method _item * @protected * @param i { Integer } Index of item to fetch * @return { mixed } The item appropriate for pass through API methods */ ArrayListProto._item = ArrayListProto.item; // Mixed onto existing proto to preserve constructor NOT being an own property. // This has bitten me when composing classes by enumerating, copying prototypes. Y.mix(ArrayList.prototype, ArrayListProto); Y.mix( ArrayList, { /** * <p>Adds a pass through method to dest (typically the prototype of a list * class) that calls the named method on each item in the list with * whatever parameters are passed in. Allows for API indirection via list * instances.</p> * * <p>Accepts a single string name or an array of string names.</p> * * <pre><code>list.each( function ( item ) { * item.methodName( 1, 2, 3 ); * } ); * // becomes * list.methodName( 1, 2, 3 );</code></pre> * * <p>Additionally, the pass through methods use the item retrieved by the * <code>_item</code> method in case there is any special behavior that is * appropriate for API mirroring.</p> * * <p>If the iterated method returns a value, the return value from the * added method will be an array of values with each value being at the * corresponding index for that item. If the iterated method does not * return a value, the added method will be chainable. * * @method addMethod * @static * @param dest {Object} Object or prototype to receive the iterator method * @param name {String|String[]} Name of method of methods to create */ addMethod: function ( dest, names ) { names = YArray( names ); YArray_each( names, function ( name ) { dest[ name ] = function () { var args = YArray( arguments, 0, true ), ret = []; YArray_each( this._items, function ( item, i ) { item = this._item( i ); var result = item[ name ].apply( item, args ); if ( result !== undefined && result !== item ) { ret[i] = result; } }, this); return ret.length ? ret : this; }; } ); } } ); Y.ArrayList = ArrayList; }, '3.17.2', {"requires": ["yui-base"]});