. /** * @package moodlecore * @subpackage backup * @copyright 2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ /** * Abstract class defining common stuff to be used by the backup stuff * * This class defines various constants and methods that will be used * by different classes, all related with the backup process. Just provides * the top hierarchy of the backup controller/worker stuff. * * TODO: Finish phpdocs */ abstract class backup implements checksumable { // Backup type const TYPE_1ACTIVITY = 'activity'; const TYPE_1SECTION = 'section'; const TYPE_1COURSE = 'course'; // Backup format const FORMAT_MOODLE = 'moodle2'; const FORMAT_MOODLE1 = 'moodle1'; const FORMAT_IMSCC = 'imscc'; const FORMAT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown'; // Interactive const INTERACTIVE_YES = true; const INTERACTIVE_NO = false; // Predefined modes (purposes) of the backup const MODE_GENERAL = 10; const MODE_IMPORT = 20; const MODE_HUB = 30; const MODE_SAMESITE = 40; const MODE_AUTOMATED = 50; const MODE_CONVERTED = 60; // Target (new/existing/current/adding/deleting) const TARGET_CURRENT_DELETING = 0; const TARGET_CURRENT_ADDING = 1; const TARGET_NEW_COURSE = 2; const TARGET_EXISTING_DELETING= 3; const TARGET_EXISTING_ADDING = 4; // Execution mode const EXECUTION_INMEDIATE = 1; const EXECUTION_DELAYED = 2; // Status of the backup_controller const STATUS_CREATED = 100; const STATUS_REQUIRE_CONV= 200; const STATUS_PLANNED = 300; const STATUS_CONFIGURED = 400; const STATUS_SETTING_UI = 500; const STATUS_NEED_PRECHECK=600; const STATUS_AWAITING = 700; const STATUS_EXECUTING = 800; const STATUS_FINISHED_ERR= 900; const STATUS_FINISHED_OK =1000; // Logging levels const LOG_DEBUG = 50; const LOG_INFO = 40; const LOG_WARNING = 30; const LOG_ERROR = 20; const LOG_NONE = 10; // Some constants used to identify some helpfull processor variables // (using negative numbers to avoid any collision posibility // To be used when defining backup structures const VAR_COURSEID = -1; // To reference id of course in a processor const VAR_SECTIONID = -11; // To reference id of section in a processor const VAR_ACTIVITYID = -21; // To reference id of activity in a processor const VAR_MODID = -31; // To reference id of course_module in a processor const VAR_MODNAME = -41; // To reference name of module in a processor const VAR_BLOCKID = -51; // To reference id of block in a processor const VAR_BLOCKNAME = -61; // To reference name of block in a processor const VAR_CONTEXTID = -71; // To reference context id in a processor const VAR_PARENTID = -81; // To reference the first parent->id in a backup structure // Used internally by the backup process const VAR_BACKUPID = -1001; // To reference the backupid being processed const VAR_BASEPATH = -1011; // To reference the dir where the file is generated // Type of operation const OPERATION_BACKUP ='backup'; // We are performing one backup const OPERATION_RESTORE ='restore';// We are performing one restore // Version (to keep CFG->backup_version (and release) updated automatically) const VERSION = 2011063000; const RELEASE = '2.1'; } /* * Exception class used by all the @backup stuff */ abstract class backup_exception extends moodle_exception { public function __construct($errorcode, $a=NULL, $debuginfo=null) { parent::__construct($errorcode, 'error', '', $a, $debuginfo); } }