. /** * Support for external API * * @package core * @subpackage webservice * @copyright 2009 Moodle Pty Ltd (http://moodle.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Returns detailed function information * @param string|object $function name of external function or record from external_function * @param int $strictness IGNORE_MISSING means compatible mode, false returned if record not found, debug message if more found; * MUST_EXIST means throw exception if no record or multiple records found * @return object description or false if not found or exception thrown */ function external_function_info($function, $strictness=MUST_EXIST) { global $DB, $CFG; if (!is_object($function)) { if (!$function = $DB->get_record('external_functions', array('name'=>$function), '*', $strictness)) { return false; } } //first find and include the ext implementation class $function->classpath = empty($function->classpath) ? get_component_directory($function->component).'/externallib.php' : $CFG->dirroot.'/'.$function->classpath; if (!file_exists($function->classpath)) { throw new coding_exception('Can not find file with external function implementation'); } require_once($function->classpath); $function->parameters_method = $function->methodname.'_parameters'; $function->returns_method = $function->methodname.'_returns'; // make sure the implementaion class is ok if (!method_exists($function->classname, $function->methodname)) { throw new coding_exception('Missing implementation method of '.$function->classname.'::'.$function->methodname); } if (!method_exists($function->classname, $function->parameters_method)) { throw new coding_exception('Missing parameters description'); } if (!method_exists($function->classname, $function->returns_method)) { throw new coding_exception('Missing returned values description'); } // fetch the parameters description $function->parameters_desc = call_user_func(array($function->classname, $function->parameters_method)); if (!($function->parameters_desc instanceof external_function_parameters)) { throw new coding_exception('Invalid parameters description'); } // fetch the return values description $function->returns_desc = call_user_func(array($function->classname, $function->returns_method)); // null means void result or result is ignored if (!is_null($function->returns_desc) and !($function->returns_desc instanceof external_description)) { throw new coding_exception('Invalid return description'); } //now get the function description //TODO: use localised lang pack descriptions, it would be nice to have // easy to understand descriptions in admin UI, // on the other hand this is still a bit in a flux and we need to find some new naming // conventions for these descriptions in lang packs $function->description = null; $servicesfile = get_component_directory($function->component).'/db/services.php'; if (file_exists($servicesfile)) { $functions = null; include($servicesfile); if (isset($functions[$function->name]['description'])) { $function->description = $functions[$function->name]['description']; } if (isset($functions[$function->name]['testclientpath'])) { $function->testclientpath = $functions[$function->name]['testclientpath']; } } return $function; } /** * Exception indicating user is not allowed to use external function in * the current context. */ class restricted_context_exception extends moodle_exception { /** * Constructor */ function __construct() { parent::__construct('restrictedcontextexception', 'error'); } } /** * Base class for external api methods. */ class external_api { private static $contextrestriction; /** * Set context restriction for all following subsequent function calls. * @param stdClass $contex * @return void */ public static function set_context_restriction($context) { self::$contextrestriction = $context; } /** * This method has to be called before every operation * that takes a longer time to finish! * * @param int $seconds max expected time the next operation needs * @return void */ public static function set_timeout($seconds=360) { $seconds = ($seconds < 300) ? 300 : $seconds; set_time_limit($seconds); } /** * Validates submitted function parameters, if anything is incorrect * invalid_parameter_exception is thrown. * This is a simple recursive method which is intended to be called from * each implementation method of external API. * @param external_description $description description of parameters * @param mixed $params the actual parameters * @return mixed params with added defaults for optional items, invalid_parameters_exception thrown if any problem found */ public static function validate_parameters(external_description $description, $params) { if ($description instanceof external_value) { if (is_array($params) or is_object($params)) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception(get_string('errorscalartype', 'webservice')); } if ($description->type == PARAM_BOOL) { // special case for PARAM_BOOL - we want true/false instead of the usual 1/0 - we can not be too strict here ;-) if (is_bool($params) or $params === 0 or $params === 1 or $params === '0' or $params === '1') { return (bool)$params; } } return validate_param($params, $description->type, $description->allownull, get_string('errorinvalidparamsapi', 'webservice')); } else if ($description instanceof external_single_structure) { if (!is_array($params)) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception(get_string('erroronlyarray', 'webservice')); } $result = array(); foreach ($description->keys as $key=>$subdesc) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $params)) { if ($subdesc->required == VALUE_REQUIRED) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception(get_string('errormissingkey', 'webservice', $key)); } if ($subdesc->required == VALUE_DEFAULT) { try { $result[$key] = self::validate_parameters($subdesc, $subdesc->default); } catch (invalid_parameter_exception $e) { throw new webservice_parameter_exception('invalidextparam',$key); } } } else { try { $result[$key] = self::validate_parameters($subdesc, $params[$key]); } catch (invalid_parameter_exception $e) { //it's ok to display debug info as here the information is useful for ws client/dev throw new webservice_parameter_exception('invalidextparam',$key." (".$e->debuginfo.")"); } } unset($params[$key]); } if (!empty($params)) { //list all unexpected keys $keys = ''; foreach($params as $key => $value) { $keys .= $key . ','; } throw new invalid_parameter_exception(get_string('errorunexpectedkey', 'webservice', $keys)); } return $result; } else if ($description instanceof external_multiple_structure) { if (!is_array($params)) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception(get_string('erroronlyarray', 'webservice')); } $result = array(); foreach ($params as $param) { $result[] = self::validate_parameters($description->content, $param); } return $result; } else { throw new invalid_parameter_exception(get_string('errorinvalidparamsdesc', 'webservice')); } } /** * Clean response * If a response attribute is unknown from the description, we just ignore the attribute. * If a response attribute is incorrect, invalid_response_exception is thrown. * Note: this function is similar to validate parameters, however it is distinct because * parameters validation must be distinct from cleaning return values. * @param external_description $description description of the return values * @param mixed $response the actual response * @return mixed response with added defaults for optional items, invalid_response_exception thrown if any problem found */ public static function clean_returnvalue(external_description $description, $response) { if ($description instanceof external_value) { if (is_array($response) or is_object($response)) { throw new invalid_response_exception(get_string('errorscalartype', 'webservice')); } if ($description->type == PARAM_BOOL) { // special case for PARAM_BOOL - we want true/false instead of the usual 1/0 - we can not be too strict here ;-) if (is_bool($response) or $response === 0 or $response === 1 or $response === '0' or $response === '1') { return (bool)$response; } } return validate_param($response, $description->type, $description->allownull, get_string('errorinvalidresponseapi', 'webservice')); } else if ($description instanceof external_single_structure) { if (!is_array($response)) { throw new invalid_response_exception(get_string('erroronlyarray', 'webservice')); } $result = array(); foreach ($description->keys as $key=>$subdesc) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $response)) { if ($subdesc->required == VALUE_REQUIRED) { throw new webservice_parameter_exception('errorresponsemissingkey', $key); } if ($subdesc instanceof external_value) { if ($subdesc->required == VALUE_DEFAULT) { try { $result[$key] = self::clean_returnvalue($subdesc, $subdesc->default); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new webservice_parameter_exception('invalidextresponse',$key." (".$e->debuginfo.")"); } } } } else { try { $result[$key] = self::clean_returnvalue($subdesc, $response[$key]); } catch (Exception $e) { //it's ok to display debug info as here the information is useful for ws client/dev throw new webservice_parameter_exception('invalidextresponse',$key." (".$e->debuginfo.")"); } } unset($response[$key]); } return $result; } else if ($description instanceof external_multiple_structure) { if (!is_array($response)) { throw new invalid_response_exception(get_string('erroronlyarray', 'webservice')); } $result = array(); foreach ($response as $param) { $result[] = self::clean_returnvalue($description->content, $param); } return $result; } else { throw new invalid_response_exception(get_string('errorinvalidresponsedesc', 'webservice')); } } /** * Makes sure user may execute functions in this context. * @param object $context * @return void */ protected static function validate_context($context) { global $CFG; if (empty($context)) { throw new invalid_parameter_exception('Context does not exist'); } if (empty(self::$contextrestriction)) { self::$contextrestriction = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM); } $rcontext = self::$contextrestriction; if ($rcontext->contextlevel == $context->contextlevel) { if ($rcontext->id != $context->id) { throw new restricted_context_exception(); } } else if ($rcontext->contextlevel > $context->contextlevel) { throw new restricted_context_exception(); } else { $parents = get_parent_contexts($context); if (!in_array($rcontext->id, $parents)) { throw new restricted_context_exception(); } } if ($context->contextlevel >= CONTEXT_COURSE) { list($context, $course, $cm) = get_context_info_array($context->id); require_login($course, false, $cm, false, true); } } } /** * Common ancestor of all parameter description classes */ abstract class external_description { /** @property string $description description of element */ public $desc; /** @property bool $required element value required, null not allowed */ public $required; /** @property mixed $default default value */ public $default; /** * Contructor * @param string $desc * @param bool $required * @param mixed $default */ public function __construct($desc, $required, $default) { $this->desc = $desc; $this->required = $required; $this->default = $default; } } /** * Scalar alue description class */ class external_value extends external_description { /** @property mixed $type value type PARAM_XX */ public $type; /** @property bool $allownull allow null values */ public $allownull; /** * Constructor * @param mixed $type * @param string $desc * @param bool $required * @param mixed $default * @param bool $allownull */ public function __construct($type, $desc='', $required=VALUE_REQUIRED, $default=null, $allownull=NULL_ALLOWED) { parent::__construct($desc, $required, $default); $this->type = $type; $this->allownull = $allownull; } } /** * Associative array description class */ class external_single_structure extends external_description { /** @property array $keys description of array keys key=>external_description */ public $keys; /** * Constructor * @param array $keys * @param string $desc * @param bool $required * @param array $default */ public function __construct(array $keys, $desc='', $required=VALUE_REQUIRED, $default=null) { parent::__construct($desc, $required, $default); $this->keys = $keys; } } /** * Bulk array description class. */ class external_multiple_structure extends external_description { /** @property external_description $content */ public $content; /** * Constructor * @param external_description $content * @param string $desc * @param bool $required * @param array $default */ public function __construct(external_description $content, $desc='', $required=VALUE_REQUIRED, $default=null) { parent::__construct($desc, $required, $default); $this->content = $content; } } /** * Description of top level - PHP function parameters. * @author skodak * */ class external_function_parameters extends external_single_structure { } function external_generate_token($tokentype, $serviceorid, $userid, $contextorid, $validuntil=0, $iprestriction=''){ global $DB, $USER; // make sure the token doesn't exist (even if it should be almost impossible with the random generation) $numtries = 0; do { $numtries ++; $generatedtoken = md5(uniqid(rand(),1)); if ($numtries > 5){ throw new moodle_exception('tokengenerationfailed'); } } while ($DB->record_exists('external_tokens', array('token'=>$generatedtoken))); $newtoken = new stdClass(); $newtoken->token = $generatedtoken; if (!is_object($serviceorid)){ $service = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('id' => $serviceorid)); } else { $service = $serviceorid; } if (!is_object($contextorid)){ $context = get_context_instance_by_id($contextorid, MUST_EXIST); } else { $context = $contextorid; } if (empty($service->requiredcapability) || has_capability($service->requiredcapability, $context, $userid)) { $newtoken->externalserviceid = $service->id; } else { throw new moodle_exception('nocapabilitytousethisservice'); } $newtoken->tokentype = $tokentype; $newtoken->userid = $userid; if ($tokentype == EXTERNAL_TOKEN_EMBEDDED){ $newtoken->sid = session_id(); } $newtoken->contextid = $context->id; $newtoken->creatorid = $USER->id; $newtoken->timecreated = time(); $newtoken->validuntil = $validuntil; if (!empty($iprestriction)) { $newtoken->iprestriction = $iprestriction; } $DB->insert_record('external_tokens', $newtoken); return $newtoken->token; } /** * Create and return a session linked token. Token to be used for html embedded client apps that want to communicate * with the Moodle server through web services. The token is linked to the current session for the current page request. * It is expected this will be called in the script generating the html page that is embedding the client app and that the * returned token will be somehow passed into the client app being embedded in the page. * @param string $servicename name of the web service. Service name as defined in db/services.php * @param int $context context within which the web service can operate. * @return int returns token id. */ function external_create_service_token($servicename, $context){ global $USER, $DB; $service = $DB->get_record('external_services', array('name'=>$servicename), '*', MUST_EXIST); return external_generate_token(EXTERNAL_TOKEN_EMBEDDED, $service, $USER->id, $context, 0); }