0;"); modify_database("", "UPDATE prefix_choice SET publish = publish - 1 WHERE publish > 0;"); } if ($oldversion < 2004111200) { // drop first to avoid conflicts when upgrading from 1.4+ execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}choice_course_idx;",false); execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}choice_answers_choice_idx;",false); execute_sql("DROP INDEX {$CFG->prefix}choice_answers_userid_idx;",false); modify_database('','CREATE INDEX prefix_choice_course_idx ON prefix_choice (course);'); modify_database('','CREATE INDEX prefix_choice_answers_choice_idx ON prefix_choice_answers (choice);'); modify_database('','CREATE INDEX prefix_choice_answers_userid_idx ON prefix_choice_answers (userid);'); } if ($oldversion < 2005033000){ if (execute_sql("CREATE TABLE {$CFG->prefix}choice_options (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, choiceid integer NOT NULL default '0', text TEXT, timemodified integer NOT NULL default '0');") ) { execute_sql("CREATE INDEX {$CFG->prefix}choice_options_choice_idx ON {$CFG->prefix}choice_options (choiceid);"); table_column('choice_answers', 'choice', 'choiceid', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', 0, 'not null'); table_column('choice_answers', 'answer', 'optionid', 'integer', '10', 'unsigned', 0, 'not null'); table_column('choice', '', 'display', 'integer', '4', 'unsigned', 0, 'not null', 'release'); // move old answers from choice to choice_options if ($choices = get_records('choice')) { foreach ($choices as $choice) { for ($i=1; $i<=6; $i++) { // We used to have six columns $option = new stdClass; $option->text = addslashes($choice->{'answer'.$i}); if ($option->text) { /// Don't bother with blank options $option->choiceid = $choice->id; $option->timemodified = $choice->timemodified; if ($option->id = insert_record('choice_options', $option)) { /// Update all the user answers to fit the new value execute_sql("UPDATE {$CFG->prefix}choice_answers SET optionid={$option->id} WHERE choiceid={$choice->id} AND optionid={$i}"); } } } } } // drop old fields modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice DROP answer1;'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice DROP answer2;'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice DROP answer3;'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice DROP answer4;'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice DROP answer5;'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice DROP answer6;'); } } if ($oldversion < 2005041100) { // replace wiki-like with markdown include_once( "$CFG->dirroot/lib/wiki_to_markdown.php" ); $wtm = new WikiToMarkdown(); $wtm->update( 'choice','text','format' ); } if ($oldversion < 2005041500) { //new limit feature table_column('choice', '', 'limitanswers', 'INTEGER', '2', 'unsigned', 0, 'not null', 'showunanswered'); table_column('choice_options', '', 'maxanswers', 'INTEGER', '10', 'unsigned', 0, 'null', 'text'); } if ($oldversion < 2005041501) { // Mass cleanup of bad upgrade scripts modify_database('','CREATE INDEX prefix_choice_answers_choice_idx ON prefix_choice_answers (choiceid)'); notify('The above error can be ignored if the index already exists, its possible that it was cleaned up already before running this upgrade'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice ALTER display SET NOT NULL'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice ALTER limitanswers SET NOT NULL'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice_answers ALTER choiceid SET NOT NULL'); modify_database('','ALTER TABLE prefix_choice_answers ALTER optionid SET NOT NULL'); } if ($oldversion < 2006020900) { //rename release column to showanswers - Release is now reserved word in mySql table_column('choice', 'release', 'showresults', 'TINYINT', '2', 'unsigned', 0, 'not null'); } return true; } ?>