dirroot.'/mod/data/lib.php'); if (!isset($form->name)) { $form->name = ''; } if (!isset($form->intro)) { $form->intro = ''; } if (!isset($form->keepdays)) { $form->keepdays = 30; } if (!isset($form->studentlogs)) { $form->studentlogs = 0; } if (!isset($form->timeavailablefrom)) { $form->timeavailablefrom = 0; } if (!isset($form->timeavailableto)) { $form->timeavailableto = 0; } if (!isset($form->timeviewfrom)) { $form->timeviewfrom = 0; } if (!isset($form->timeviewto)) { $form->timeviewto = 0; } if (!isset($form->schedule)) { $form->schedule = 0; } if (!isset($form->participants)) { $form->participants = DATA_TEACHERS_AND_STUDENTS; } if (!isset($form->requiredentries)) { $form->requiredentries = 0; } if (!isset($form->requiredentriestoview)) { $form->requiredentriestoview = 0; } if (!isset($form->maxentries)) { $form->maxentries = 0; } if (!isset($form->rssarticles)) { $form->rssarticles = 0; } if (!isset($form->comments)) { $form->comments = 0; } if (!isset($form->ratings)) { $form->ratings = 0; } if (!isset($form->approval)) { $form->approval = 0; } if (!isset($form->scale)) { $form->scale = 0; } if (!isset($form->assessed)) { $form->assessed = 1; } if (!isset($form->assesspublic)) { $form->assesspublic = 1; } ?>
data_enablerssfeeds) and !empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds)) { ?>

'; helpbutton('questions', get_string('helpquestions'), 'moodle', true, true); echo '
'; emoticonhelpbutton('form', 'intro'); echo '
'; ?>
intro); ?>
: timeavailablefrom) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> /> timeavailablefrom); echo " - "; print_time_selector("availablefromhour", "availablefromminute", $form->timeavailablefrom); ?>
: timeavailableto) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> /> timeavailableto); echo " - "; print_time_selector("availabletohour", "availabletominute", $form->timeavailableto); ?>
: timeviewfrom) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> /> timeviewfrom); echo " - "; print_time_selector("viewfromhour", "viewfromminute", $form->timeviewfrom); ?>
: timeviewto) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> /> timeviewto); echo " - "; print_time_selector("viewtohour", "viewtominute", $form->timeviewto); ?>
: teachers = $course->teachers; $a->students = $course->students; $options = array(DATA_TEACHERS_ONLY => $a->teachers, DATA_TEACHERS_AND_STUDENTS => get_string('teachersandstudents', 'data', $a)); choose_from_menu($options, 'participants', $form->participants, ''); helpbutton('participants', get_string('participants', 'data'), 'data'); ?>
: requiredentries, get_string('none')); helpbutton('requiredentries', get_string('requiredentries', 'data'), 'data'); ?>
  : requiredentriestoview, get_string('none')); helpbutton('requiredentriestoview', get_string('requiredentriestoview', 'data'), 'data'); ?>
: maxentries, get_string('nomaximum', 'data')); helpbutton('maxentries', get_string('maxentries', 'data'), 'data'); ?>
: get_string('no'), 1 => get_string('yes')); choose_from_menu($ynoptions, 'comments', $form->comments, ''); helpbutton('comments', get_string('allowcomments', 'data'), 'data'); ?>
: get_string('no'), 1 => get_string('yes')); choose_from_menu($ynoptions, 'approval', $form->approval, ''); helpbutton('requireapproval', get_string('requireapproval', 'data'), 'data'); ?>
: rssarticles, get_string('none')); echo ' ' . get_string('rsshowmany', 'data'); ?>
: '; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo '
'; echo " var subitemsall = ['assessed', 'assesspublic', 'scale'];"; echo ''; echo 'ratings) { echo ' checked="checked" '; } echo ' />'; echo ' '.get_string('ratingsuse', 'data').':'; echo '
'; // The odd order below was to maintain backward compatibility unset($options); $options[2] = get_string('ratingonlyteachers', 'data', moodle_strtolower($course->teachers)); $options[1] = get_string('ratingeveryone', 'data'); echo get_string('users').': '; echo ''; choose_from_menu($options, 'assessed', $form->assessed, ''); echo '
'; unset($options); $options[0] = get_string('ratingpublicnot', 'data', $course->students); $options[1] = get_string('ratingpublic', 'data', $course->students); echo get_string('view').': '; echo ''; choose_from_menu($options, 'assesspublic', $form->assesspublic, ''); echo '
'; echo get_string('grade').': '; echo ''; print_grade_menu($course->id, 'scale', $form->scale, false); echo '
'; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; echo ''; ?>