dirroot/mod/$module/lib.php"); // if the config.html contains a hidden form field giving // the module name then the form does not have to prefix all // its variable names, we will do it here. $moduleprefix = $module.'_'; // let the module process the form data if it has to, // $config is passed to this function by reference $moduleconfig = $module.'_process_options'; if (function_exists($moduleconfig)) { $moduleconfig($config); } } else { $moduleprefix = ''; } unset($config->sesskey); unset($config->module); foreach ($config as $name => $value) { set_config($moduleprefix.$name, $value); } redirect("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/modules.php", get_string("changessaved"), 1); exit; } /// Otherwise print the form. $module = required_param('module', PARAM_SAFEDIR); require_once("$CFG->dirroot/mod/$module/lib.php"); $stradmin = get_string("administration"); $strconfiguration = get_string("configuration"); $strmanagemodules = get_string("managemodules"); $strmodulename = get_string("modulename", $module); // $CFG->pagepath is used to generate the body and id attributes for the body tag // of the page. It is also used to generate the link to the Moodle Docs for this view. $CFG->pagepath = 'mod/' . $module . '/config'; print_header("$site->shortname: $strmodulename: $strconfiguration", $site->fullname, "$stradmin -> ". "$strconfiguration -> ". "$strmanagemodules -> $strmodulename"); print_heading($strmodulename); print_simple_box("