dirroot.'/my/pagelib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/pagelib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/lib/blocklib.php'); $pt = optional_param('pt', null, PARAM_SAFEDIR); //alhanumeric and - $pagetypes = array(PAGE_MY_MOODLE => array('id' => PAGE_MY_MOODLE, 'lib' => '/my/pagelib.php', 'name' => get_string('stickyblocksmymoodle','admin')), PAGE_COURSE_VIEW => array('id' => PAGE_COURSE_VIEW, 'lib' => '/lib/pagelib.php', 'name' => get_string('stickyblockscourseview','admin')) // ... more? ); // for choose_from_menu $options = array(); foreach ($pagetypes as $p) { $options[$p['id']] = $p['name']; } require_login(); if (!isadmin()) { error("Only the admin can use this page"); } // first thing to do is print the dropdown menu $strtitle = get_string('stickyblocks','admin'); $strheading = get_string('adminhelpstickyblocks'); print_header($strtitle,$strtitle,''. get_string('admin').' -> '.$strtitle); echo ''; echo ''; if (!empty($pt)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot.$pagetypes[$pt]['lib']); define('ADMIN_STICKYBLOCKS',$pt); $PAGE = page_create_object($pt); $blocks = blocks_setup($PAGE,BLOCKS_PINNED_TRUE); $blocks_preferred_width = bounded_number(180, blocks_preferred_width($blocks[BLOCK_POS_LEFT]), 210); echo ''; echo ''; if (!empty($pt)) { echo ''; echo '
'; blocks_print_group($PAGE, $blocks, BLOCK_POS_LEFT); } else { echo ''; } echo ''; print_simple_box_start('center'); print_heading($strheading); echo '
' .'

'.get_string('stickyblockspagetype','admin').': '; choose_from_menu($options,'pt',$pt,'choose','this.form.submit();'); echo '

'; echo get_string('stickyblocksduplicatenotice','admin'); print_simple_box_end(); echo '
'; blocks_print_group($PAGE, $blocks, BLOCK_POS_RIGHT); } echo ''; echo '
'; print_footer(); ?>