get_record('course', array('id'=>$id))) {
$coursecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $id);
$sitecontext = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM);
add_to_log($course->id, "hotpot", "view all", "index.php?id=$course->id", "");
// Moodle 1.4+ requires sesskey to be passed in forms
if (isset($USER->sesskey)) {
$sesskey = '';
} else {
$sesskey = '';
// get message strings for titles
$strmodulenameplural = get_string("modulenameplural", "hotpot");
$strmodulename = get_string("modulename", "hotpot");
// string translation array for single and double quotes
$quotes = array("'"=>"\'", '"'=>'"');
// Print the header
$title = format_string($course->shortname) . ": $strmodulenameplural";
$heading = $course->fullname;
$navlinks = array();
$navlinks[] = array('name' => $strmodulenameplural, 'link' => '', 'type' => 'activity');
$navigation = build_navigation($navlinks);
print_header($title, $heading, $navigation, "", "", true, "", navmenu($course));
$next_url = "$CFG->wwwroot/course/view.php?id=$course->id";
// get display section, if any
$section = optional_param('section', 0, PARAM_ALPHANUM);
if ($section=='all') {
// do nothing
} else {
$section = intval($section);
if ($section) {
$displaysection = course_set_display($course->id, $section);
} else {
if (isset($USER->display[$course->id])) {
$displaysection = $USER->display[$course->id];
} else {
$displaysection = 0;
// Get all hotpot instances in this course
$hotpots = array();
if ($hotpot_instances = hotpot_get_all_instances_in_course('hotpot', $course)) {
foreach ($hotpot_instances as $hotpot_instance) {
if ($displaysection>0 && $hotpot_instance->section>0 && $displaysection<>$hotpot_instance->section) {
// do nothing (user is not diplaying this section)
} else {
$hotpots[$hotpot_instance->id] = $hotpot_instance;
if (empty($hotpots)) {
notice(get_string('thereareno', 'moodle', $strmodulenameplural), $next_url);
$hotpotids = implode(',', array_keys($hotpots));
if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:grade', $sitecontext)) {
// array of hotpots to be regraded
$regrade_hotpots = array();
// do we need to regrade any or all of the hotpots?
$regrade = optional_param('regrade', 0, PARAM_SEQUENCE);
if ($regrade) {
// add valid hotpot ids to the regrade array
$regrade = explode(',', $regrade);
foreach ($regrade as $id) {
if (isset($hotpots[$id])) {
$regrade_hotpots[$id] = &$hotpots[$id];
$regrade = implode(',', array_keys($regrade_hotpots));
if ($regrade) {
$confirm = optional_param('confirm', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
if (!$confirm) {
print_simple_box_start("center", "60%", "#FFAAAA", 20, "noticebox");
if (count($regrade_hotpots)==1) {
print_heading(get_string('regradecheck', 'hotpot', $regrade_hotpots[$regrade]->name));
} else {
print_heading(get_string('regradecheck', 'hotpot', ''));
print '
foreach ($regrade_hotpots as $hotpot) {
print "
print '
print ''
. '
. ''
. '
. ''
. '
} else { // regrade has been confirmed, so proceed
// start hotpot counter and timer
$hotpotstart = microtime();
$hotpotcount = 0;
// regrade attempts for these hotpots
foreach ($regrade_hotpots as $hotpot) {
// delete questions and responses for this hotpot
if ($records = $DB->get_records('hotpot_questions', array('hotpot'=>$hotpot->id), '', 'id,hotpot')) {
$questionids = implode(',', array_keys($records));
hotpot_delete_and_notify('hotpot_questions', "id IN ($questionids)", array(), get_string('question', 'quiz'));
hotpot_delete_and_notify('hotpot_responses', "question IN ($questionids)", array(), get_string('answer', 'quiz'));
// start attempt counter and timer
$attemptstart = microtime();
$attemptcount = 0;
// regrade attempts, if any, for this hotpot
if ($attempts = $DB->get_records('hotpot_attempts', array('hotpot'=>$hotpot->id))) {
foreach ($attempts as $attempt) {
$attempt->details = $DB->get_field('hotpot_details', 'details', array('attempt'=>$attempt->id));
if ($attempt->details) {
if (! $DB->update_record('hotpot_attempts', $attempt)) {
print_error('cannotupdateattempt', 'hotpot', $next_url, $DB->get_last_error());
if ($attemptcount) {
$msg = get_string('added', 'moodle', "$attemptcount x ".get_string('attempts', 'quiz'));
if (!empty($CFG->hotpot_showtimes)) {
$msg .= ' ('.format_time(sprintf("%0.2f", microtime_diff($attemptstart, microtime()))).')';
} // end foreach $hotpots
if ($hotpotcount) {
$msg = get_string('regrade', 'quiz').": $hotpotcount x ".get_string('modulenameplural', 'hotpot');
if (!empty($CFG->hotpot_showtimes)) {
$msg .= ' ('.format_time(sprintf("%0.2f", microtime_diff($hotpotstart, microtime()))).')';
notify(get_string('regradecomplete', 'quiz'));
} // end if $confirm
} // end regrade
// get duplicate hotpot-name questions
// - JMatch LHS is longer than 255 bytes
// - JQuiz question text is longer than 255 bytes
// - other unidentified situations ?!
$regrade_hotpots = array();
$concat_field = $DB->sql_concat('hotpot', "'_'", 'name');
if ($concat_field) {
$records = $DB->get_records_sql("
SELECT $concat_field, COUNT(*), hotpot, name
FROM {hotpot_questions}
WHERE hotpot IN ($hotpotids)
GROUP BY hotpot, name
if ($records) {
foreach ($records as $record) {
$regrade_hotpots[$record->hotpot] = 1;
$regrade_hotpots = array_keys($regrade_hotpots);
// start timer
$start = microtime();
// get total number of attempts, users and details for these hotpots
$params = array();
$tables = "{hotpot_attempts} a";
$fields = "
a.hotpot AS hotpot,
COUNT(DISTINCT a.clickreportid) AS attemptcount,
COUNT(DISTINCT a.userid) AS usercount,
MAX(a.score) AS maxscore
$select = "a.hotpot IN ($hotpotids)";
if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:viewreport', $coursecontext)) {
// do nothing (=get all users)
} else {
// restrict results to this user only
$select .= " AND a.userid=:userid";
$params['userid'] = $USER->id;
$usejoin = 0;
if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:grade', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)) && $usejoin) {
// join attempts table and details table
$tables .= ",{hotpot_details} d";
$fields .= ',COUNT(DISTINCT AS detailcount';
$select .= " AND";
// this may take about twice as long as getting the gradecounts separately :-(
// so this operation could be done after getting the $totals from the attempts table
$totals = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT $fields FROM $tables WHERE $select GROUP BY a.hotpot", $params);
if (has_capability('mod/hotpot:grade', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)) && empty($usejoin)) {
foreach ($hotpots as $hotpot) {
$totals[$hotpot->id]->detailcount = 0;
if ($ids = $DB->get_records('hotpot_attempts', array('hotpot'=>$hotpot->id))) {
$ids = join(',', array_keys($ids));
$totals[$hotpot->id]->detailcount = $DB->count_records_select('hotpot_details', "attempt IN ($ids)");
// message strings for main table
$strusers = get_string('users');
$strupdate = get_string('update');
$strregrade = get_string('regrade', 'hotpot');
$strneverclosed = get_string('neverclosed', 'hotpot');
$strregraderequired = get_string('regraderequired', 'hotpot');
// column headings and attributes
$table->head = array();
$table->align = array();
if (!empty($CFG->hotpot_showtimes)) {
print '