. /** * Bulk user registration script from a comma separated file * * @package tool * @subpackage uploaduser * @copyright 2004 onwards Martin Dougiamas (http://dougiamas.com) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ require('../../../config.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/adminlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/csvlib.class.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/user/profile/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/group/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/cohort/lib.php'); require_once('locallib.php'); require_once('user_form.php'); $iid = optional_param('iid', '', PARAM_INT); $previewrows = optional_param('previewrows', 10, PARAM_INT); @set_time_limit(60*60); // 1 hour should be enough raise_memory_limit(MEMORY_HUGE); require_login(); admin_externalpage_setup('tooluploaduser'); require_capability('moodle/site:uploadusers', context_system::instance()); $struserrenamed = get_string('userrenamed', 'tool_uploaduser'); $strusernotrenamedexists = get_string('usernotrenamedexists', 'error'); $strusernotrenamedmissing = get_string('usernotrenamedmissing', 'error'); $strusernotrenamedoff = get_string('usernotrenamedoff', 'error'); $strusernotrenamedadmin = get_string('usernotrenamedadmin', 'error'); $struserupdated = get_string('useraccountupdated', 'tool_uploaduser'); $strusernotupdated = get_string('usernotupdatederror', 'error'); $strusernotupdatednotexists = get_string('usernotupdatednotexists', 'error'); $strusernotupdatedadmin = get_string('usernotupdatedadmin', 'error'); $struseruptodate = get_string('useraccountuptodate', 'tool_uploaduser'); $struseradded = get_string('newuser'); $strusernotadded = get_string('usernotaddedregistered', 'error'); $strusernotaddederror = get_string('usernotaddederror', 'error'); $struserdeleted = get_string('userdeleted', 'tool_uploaduser'); $strusernotdeletederror = get_string('usernotdeletederror', 'error'); $strusernotdeletedmissing = get_string('usernotdeletedmissing', 'error'); $strusernotdeletedoff = get_string('usernotdeletedoff', 'error'); $strusernotdeletedadmin = get_string('usernotdeletedadmin', 'error'); $strcannotassignrole = get_string('cannotassignrole', 'error'); $struserauthunsupported = get_string('userauthunsupported', 'error'); $stremailduplicate = get_string('useremailduplicate', 'error'); $strinvalidpasswordpolicy = get_string('invalidpasswordpolicy', 'error'); $errorstr = get_string('error'); $stryes = get_string('yes'); $strno = get_string('no'); $stryesnooptions = array(0=>$strno, 1=>$stryes); $returnurl = new moodle_url('/admin/tool/uploaduser/index.php'); $bulknurl = new moodle_url('/admin/user/user_bulk.php'); $today = time(); $today = make_timestamp(date('Y', $today), date('m', $today), date('d', $today), 0, 0, 0); // array of all valid fields for validation $STD_FIELDS = array('id', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'username', 'email', 'city', 'country', 'lang', 'timezone', 'mailformat', 'maildisplay', 'maildigest', 'htmleditor', 'autosubscribe', 'institution', 'department', 'idnumber', 'skype', 'msn', 'aim', 'yahoo', 'icq', 'phone1', 'phone2', 'address', 'url', 'description', 'descriptionformat', 'password', 'auth', // watch out when changing auth type or using external auth plugins! 'oldusername', // use when renaming users - this is the original username 'suspended', // 1 means suspend user account, 0 means activate user account, nothing means keep as is for existing users 'deleted', // 1 means delete user 'mnethostid', // Can not be used for adding, updating or deleting of users - only for enrolments, groups, cohorts and suspending. ); $PRF_FIELDS = array(); if ($prof_fields = $DB->get_records('user_info_field')) { foreach ($prof_fields as $prof_field) { $PRF_FIELDS[] = 'profile_field_'.$prof_field->shortname; } } unset($prof_fields); if (empty($iid)) { $mform1 = new admin_uploaduser_form1(); if ($formdata = $mform1->get_data()) { $iid = csv_import_reader::get_new_iid('uploaduser'); $cir = new csv_import_reader($iid, 'uploaduser'); $content = $mform1->get_file_content('userfile'); $readcount = $cir->load_csv_content($content, $formdata->encoding, $formdata->delimiter_name); unset($content); if ($readcount === false) { print_error('csvloaderror', '', $returnurl); } else if ($readcount == 0) { print_error('csvemptyfile', 'error', $returnurl); } // test if columns ok $filecolumns = uu_validate_user_upload_columns($cir, $STD_FIELDS, $PRF_FIELDS, $returnurl); // continue to form2 } else { echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading_with_help(get_string('uploadusers', 'tool_uploaduser'), 'uploadusers', 'tool_uploaduser'); $mform1->display(); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); die; } } else { $cir = new csv_import_reader($iid, 'uploaduser'); $filecolumns = uu_validate_user_upload_columns($cir, $STD_FIELDS, $PRF_FIELDS, $returnurl); } $mform2 = new admin_uploaduser_form2(null, array('columns'=>$filecolumns, 'data'=>array('iid'=>$iid, 'previewrows'=>$previewrows))); // If a file has been uploaded, then process it if ($formdata = $mform2->is_cancelled()) { $cir->cleanup(true); redirect($returnurl); } else if ($formdata = $mform2->get_data()) { // Print the header echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string('uploadusersresult', 'tool_uploaduser')); $optype = $formdata->uutype; $updatetype = isset($formdata->uuupdatetype) ? $formdata->uuupdatetype : 0; $createpasswords = (!empty($formdata->uupasswordnew) and $optype != UU_USER_UPDATE); $updatepasswords = (!empty($formdata->uupasswordold) and $optype != UU_USER_ADDNEW and $optype != UU_USER_ADDINC and ($updatetype == UU_UPDATE_FILEOVERRIDE or $updatetype == UU_UPDATE_ALLOVERRIDE)); $allowrenames = (!empty($formdata->uuallowrenames) and $optype != UU_USER_ADDNEW and $optype != UU_USER_ADDINC); $allowdeletes = (!empty($formdata->uuallowdeletes) and $optype != UU_USER_ADDNEW and $optype != UU_USER_ADDINC); $allowsuspends = (!empty($formdata->uuallowsuspends)); $bulk = $formdata->uubulk; $noemailduplicates = $formdata->uunoemailduplicates; $standardusernames = $formdata->uustandardusernames; $resetpasswords = isset($formdata->uuforcepasswordchange) ? $formdata->uuforcepasswordchange : UU_PWRESET_NONE; // verification moved to two places: after upload and into form2 $usersnew = 0; $usersupdated = 0; $usersuptodate = 0; //not printed yet anywhere $userserrors = 0; $deletes = 0; $deleteerrors = 0; $renames = 0; $renameerrors = 0; $usersskipped = 0; $weakpasswords = 0; // caches $ccache = array(); // course cache - do not fetch all courses here, we will not probably use them all anyway! $cohorts = array(); $rolecache = uu_allowed_roles_cache(); // roles lookup cache $manualcache = array(); // cache of used manual enrol plugins in each course $supportedauths = uu_supported_auths(); // officially supported plugins that are enabled // we use only manual enrol plugin here, if it is disabled no enrol is done if (enrol_is_enabled('manual')) { $manual = enrol_get_plugin('manual'); } else { $manual = NULL; } // clear bulk selection if ($bulk) { $SESSION->bulk_users = array(); } // init csv import helper $cir->init(); $linenum = 1; //column header is first line // init upload progress tracker $upt = new uu_progress_tracker(); $upt->start(); // start table while ($line = $cir->next()) { $upt->flush(); $linenum++; $upt->track('line', $linenum); $user = new stdClass(); // add fields to user object foreach ($line as $keynum => $value) { if (!isset($filecolumns[$keynum])) { // this should not happen continue; } $key = $filecolumns[$keynum]; if (strpos($key, 'profile_field_') === 0) { //NOTE: bloody mega hack alert!! if (isset($USER->$key) and is_array($USER->$key)) { // this must be some hacky field that is abusing arrays to store content and format $user->$key = array(); $user->$key['text'] = $value; $user->$key['format'] = FORMAT_MOODLE; } else { $user->$key = $value; } } else { $user->$key = $value; } if (in_array($key, $upt->columns)) { // default value in progress tracking table, can be changed later $upt->track($key, s($value), 'normal'); } } if (!isset($user->username)) { // prevent warnings below $user->username = ''; } if ($optype == UU_USER_ADDNEW or $optype == UU_USER_ADDINC) { // user creation is a special case - the username may be constructed from templates using firstname and lastname // better never try this in mixed update types $error = false; if (!isset($user->firstname) or $user->firstname === '') { $upt->track('status', get_string('missingfield', 'error', 'firstname'), 'error'); $upt->track('firstname', $errorstr, 'error'); $error = true; } if (!isset($user->lastname) or $user->lastname === '') { $upt->track('status', get_string('missingfield', 'error', 'lastname'), 'error'); $upt->track('lastname', $errorstr, 'error'); $error = true; } if ($error) { $userserrors++; continue; } // we require username too - we might use template for it though if (empty($user->username) and !empty($formdata->username)) { $user->username = uu_process_template($formdata->username, $user); $upt->track('username', s($user->username)); } } // normalize username $originalusername = $user->username; if ($standardusernames) { $user->username = clean_param($user->username, PARAM_USERNAME); } // make sure we really have username if (empty($user->username)) { $upt->track('status', get_string('missingfield', 'error', 'username'), 'error'); $upt->track('username', $errorstr, 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } else if ($user->username === 'guest') { $upt->track('status', get_string('guestnoeditprofileother', 'error'), 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } if ($user->username !== clean_param($user->username, PARAM_USERNAME)) { $upt->track('status', get_string('invalidusername', 'error', 'username'), 'error'); $upt->track('username', $errorstr, 'error'); $userserrors++; } if (empty($user->mnethostid)) { $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; } if ($existinguser = $DB->get_record('user', array('username'=>$user->username, 'mnethostid'=>$user->mnethostid))) { $upt->track('id', $existinguser->id, 'normal', false); } if ($user->mnethostid == $CFG->mnet_localhost_id) { $remoteuser = false; // Find out if username incrementing required. if ($existinguser and $optype == UU_USER_ADDINC) { $user->username = uu_increment_username($user->username); $existinguser = false; } } else { if (!$existinguser or $optype == UU_USER_ADDINC) { $upt->track('status', get_string('errormnetadd', 'tool_uploaduser'), 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } $remoteuser = true; // Make sure there are no changes of existing fields except the suspended status. foreach ((array)$existinguser as $k => $v) { if ($k === 'suspended') { continue; } if (property_exists($user, $k)) { $user->$k = $v; } if (in_array($k, $upt->columns)) { if ($k === 'password' or $k === 'oldusername' or $k === 'deleted') { $upt->track($k, '', 'normal', false); } else { $upt->track($k, s($v), 'normal', false); } } } unset($user->oldusername); unset($user->password); $user->auth = $existinguser->auth; } // notify about nay username changes if ($originalusername !== $user->username) { $upt->track('username', '', 'normal', false); // clear previous $upt->track('username', s($originalusername).'-->'.s($user->username), 'info'); } else { $upt->track('username', s($user->username), 'normal', false); } // add default values for remaining fields $formdefaults = array(); foreach ($STD_FIELDS as $field) { if (isset($user->$field)) { continue; } // all validation moved to form2 if (isset($formdata->$field)) { // process templates $user->$field = uu_process_template($formdata->$field, $user); $formdefaults[$field] = true; if (in_array($field, $upt->columns)) { $upt->track($field, s($user->$field), 'normal'); } } } foreach ($PRF_FIELDS as $field) { if (isset($user->$field)) { continue; } if (isset($formdata->$field)) { // process templates $user->$field = uu_process_template($formdata->$field, $user); $formdefaults[$field] = true; } } // delete user if (!empty($user->deleted)) { if (!$allowdeletes or $remoteuser) { $usersskipped++; $upt->track('status', $strusernotdeletedoff, 'warning'); continue; } if ($existinguser) { if (is_siteadmin($existinguser->id)) { $upt->track('status', $strusernotdeletedadmin, 'error'); $deleteerrors++; continue; } if (delete_user($existinguser)) { $upt->track('status', $struserdeleted); $deletes++; } else { $upt->track('status', $strusernotdeletederror, 'error'); $deleteerrors++; } } else { $upt->track('status', $strusernotdeletedmissing, 'error'); $deleteerrors++; } continue; } // we do not need the deleted flag anymore unset($user->deleted); // renaming requested? if (!empty($user->oldusername) ) { if (!$allowrenames) { $usersskipped++; $upt->track('status', $strusernotrenamedoff, 'warning'); continue; } if ($existinguser) { $upt->track('status', $strusernotrenamedexists, 'error'); $renameerrors++; continue; } if ($user->username === 'guest') { $upt->track('status', get_string('guestnoeditprofileother', 'error'), 'error'); $renameerrors++; continue; } if ($standardusernames) { $oldusername = clean_param($user->oldusername, PARAM_USERNAME); } else { $oldusername = $user->oldusername; } // no guessing when looking for old username, it must be exact match if ($olduser = $DB->get_record('user', array('username'=>$oldusername, 'mnethostid'=>$CFG->mnet_localhost_id))) { $upt->track('id', $olduser->id, 'normal', false); if (is_siteadmin($olduser->id)) { $upt->track('status', $strusernotrenamedadmin, 'error'); $renameerrors++; continue; } $DB->set_field('user', 'username', $user->username, array('id'=>$olduser->id)); $upt->track('username', '', 'normal', false); // clear previous $upt->track('username', s($oldusername).'-->'.s($user->username), 'info'); $upt->track('status', $struserrenamed); $renames++; } else { $upt->track('status', $strusernotrenamedmissing, 'error'); $renameerrors++; continue; } $existinguser = $olduser; $existinguser->username = $user->username; } // can we process with update or insert? $skip = false; switch ($optype) { case UU_USER_ADDNEW: if ($existinguser) { $usersskipped++; $upt->track('status', $strusernotadded, 'warning'); $skip = true; } break; case UU_USER_ADDINC: if ($existinguser) { //this should not happen! $upt->track('status', $strusernotaddederror, 'error'); $userserrors++; $skip = true; } break; case UU_USER_ADD_UPDATE: break; case UU_USER_UPDATE: if (!$existinguser) { $usersskipped++; $upt->track('status', $strusernotupdatednotexists, 'warning'); $skip = true; } break; default: // unknown type $skip = true; } if ($skip) { continue; } if ($existinguser) { $user->id = $existinguser->id; $upt->track('username', html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id'=>$existinguser->id)), s($existinguser->username)), 'normal', false); $upt->track('suspended', $stryesnooptions[$existinguser->suspended] , 'normal', false); if (is_siteadmin($user->id)) { $upt->track('status', $strusernotupdatedadmin, 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } $existinguser->timemodified = time(); // do NOT mess with timecreated or firstaccess here! //load existing profile data profile_load_data($existinguser); $upt->track('auth', $existinguser->auth, 'normal', false); $doupdate = false; $dologout = false; if ($updatetype != UU_UPDATE_NOCHANGES and !$remoteuser) { if (!empty($user->auth) and $user->auth !== $existinguser->auth) { $upt->track('auth', s($existinguser->auth).'-->'.s($user->auth), 'info', false); $existinguser->auth = $user->auth; if (!isset($supportedauths[$user->auth])) { $upt->track('auth', $struserauthunsupported, 'warning'); } $doupdate = true; if ($existinguser->auth === 'nologin') { $dologout = true; } } $allcolumns = array_merge($STD_FIELDS, $PRF_FIELDS); foreach ($allcolumns as $column) { if ($column === 'username' or $column === 'password' or $column === 'auth' or $column === 'suspended') { // these can not be changed here continue; } if (!property_exists($user, $column) or !property_exists($existinguser, $column)) { // this should never happen debugging("Could not find $column on the user objects", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); continue; } if ($updatetype == UU_UPDATE_MISSING) { if (!is_null($existinguser->$column) and $existinguser->$column !== '') { continue; } } else if ($updatetype == UU_UPDATE_ALLOVERRIDE) { // we override everything } else if ($updatetype == UU_UPDATE_FILEOVERRIDE) { if (!empty($formdefaults[$column])) { // do not override with form defaults continue; } } if ($existinguser->$column !== $user->$column) { if ($column === 'email') { if ($DB->record_exists('user', array('email'=>$user->email))) { if ($noemailduplicates) { $upt->track('email', $stremailduplicate, 'error'); $upt->track('status', $strusernotupdated, 'error'); $userserrors++; continue 2; } else { $upt->track('email', $stremailduplicate, 'warning'); } } if (!validate_email($user->email)) { $upt->track('email', get_string('invalidemail'), 'warning'); } } if ($column === 'lang') { if (empty($user->lang)) { // Do not change to not-set value. continue; } else if (clean_param($user->lang, PARAM_LANG) === '') { $upt->track('status', get_string('cannotfindlang', 'error', $user->lang), 'warning'); continue; } } if (in_array($column, $upt->columns)) { $upt->track($column, s($existinguser->$column).'-->'.s($user->$column), 'info', false); } $existinguser->$column = $user->$column; $doupdate = true; } } } try { $auth = get_auth_plugin($existinguser->auth); } catch (Exception $e) { $upt->track('auth', get_string('userautherror', 'error', s($existinguser->auth)), 'error'); $upt->track('status', $strusernotupdated, 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } $isinternalauth = $auth->is_internal(); // deal with suspending and activating of accounts if ($allowsuspends and isset($user->suspended) and $user->suspended !== '') { $user->suspended = $user->suspended ? 1 : 0; if ($existinguser->suspended != $user->suspended) { $upt->track('suspended', '', 'normal', false); $upt->track('suspended', $stryesnooptions[$existinguser->suspended].'-->'.$stryesnooptions[$user->suspended], 'info', false); $existinguser->suspended = $user->suspended; $doupdate = true; if ($existinguser->suspended) { $dologout = true; } } } // changing of passwords is a special case // do not force password changes for external auth plugins! $oldpw = $existinguser->password; if ($remoteuser) { // Do not mess with passwords of remote users. } else if (!$isinternalauth) { $existinguser->password = AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED; $upt->track('password', '-', 'normal', false); // clean up prefs unset_user_preference('create_password', $existinguser); unset_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', $existinguser); } else if (!empty($user->password)) { if ($updatepasswords) { // Check for passwords that we want to force users to reset next // time they log in. $errmsg = null; $weak = !check_password_policy($user->password, $errmsg); if ($resetpasswords == UU_PWRESET_ALL or ($resetpasswords == UU_PWRESET_WEAK and $weak)) { if ($weak) { $weakpasswords++; $upt->track('password', $strinvalidpasswordpolicy, 'warning'); } set_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', 1, $existinguser); } else { unset_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', $existinguser); } unset_user_preference('create_password', $existinguser); // no need to create password any more // Use a low cost factor when generating bcrypt hash otherwise // hashing would be slow when uploading lots of users. Hashes // will be automatically updated to a higher cost factor the first // time the user logs in. $existinguser->password = hash_internal_user_password($user->password, true); $upt->track('password', $user->password, 'normal', false); } else { // do not print password when not changed $upt->track('password', '', 'normal', false); } } if ($doupdate or $existinguser->password !== $oldpw) { // we want only users that were really updated $DB->update_record('user', $existinguser); $upt->track('status', $struserupdated); $usersupdated++; if (!$remoteuser) { // pre-process custom profile menu fields data from csv file $existinguser = uu_pre_process_custom_profile_data($existinguser); // save custom profile fields data from csv file profile_save_data($existinguser); } events_trigger('user_updated', $existinguser); if ($bulk == UU_BULK_UPDATED or $bulk == UU_BULK_ALL) { if (!in_array($user->id, $SESSION->bulk_users)) { $SESSION->bulk_users[] = $user->id; } } } else { // no user information changed $upt->track('status', $struseruptodate); $usersuptodate++; if ($bulk == UU_BULK_ALL) { if (!in_array($user->id, $SESSION->bulk_users)) { $SESSION->bulk_users[] = $user->id; } } } if ($dologout) { session_kill_user($existinguser->id); } } else { // save the new user to the database $user->confirmed = 1; $user->timemodified = time(); $user->timecreated = time(); $user->mnethostid = $CFG->mnet_localhost_id; // we support ONLY local accounts here, sorry if (!isset($user->suspended) or $user->suspended === '') { $user->suspended = 0; } else { $user->suspended = $user->suspended ? 1 : 0; } $upt->track('suspended', $stryesnooptions[$user->suspended], 'normal', false); if (empty($user->auth)) { $user->auth = 'manual'; } $upt->track('auth', $user->auth, 'normal', false); // do not insert record if new auth plugin does not exist! try { $auth = get_auth_plugin($user->auth); } catch (Exception $e) { $upt->track('auth', get_string('userautherror', 'error', s($user->auth)), 'error'); $upt->track('status', $strusernotaddederror, 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } if (!isset($supportedauths[$user->auth])) { $upt->track('auth', $struserauthunsupported, 'warning'); } $isinternalauth = $auth->is_internal(); if (empty($user->email)) { $upt->track('email', get_string('invalidemail'), 'error'); $upt->track('status', $strusernotaddederror, 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } else if ($DB->record_exists('user', array('email'=>$user->email))) { if ($noemailduplicates) { $upt->track('email', $stremailduplicate, 'error'); $upt->track('status', $strusernotaddederror, 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } else { $upt->track('email', $stremailduplicate, 'warning'); } } if (!validate_email($user->email)) { $upt->track('email', get_string('invalidemail'), 'warning'); } if (empty($user->lang)) { $user->lang = ''; } else if (clean_param($user->lang, PARAM_LANG) === '') { $upt->track('status', get_string('cannotfindlang', 'error', $user->lang), 'warning'); $user->lang = ''; } $forcechangepassword = false; if ($isinternalauth) { if (empty($user->password)) { if ($createpasswords) { $user->password = 'to be generated'; $upt->track('password', '', 'normal', false); $upt->track('password', get_string('uupasswordcron', 'tool_uploaduser'), 'warning', false); } else { $upt->track('password', '', 'normal', false); $upt->track('password', get_string('missingfield', 'error', 'password'), 'error'); $upt->track('status', $strusernotaddederror, 'error'); $userserrors++; continue; } } else { $errmsg = null; $weak = !check_password_policy($user->password, $errmsg); if ($resetpasswords == UU_PWRESET_ALL or ($resetpasswords == UU_PWRESET_WEAK and $weak)) { if ($weak) { $weakpasswords++; $upt->track('password', $strinvalidpasswordpolicy, 'warning'); } $forcechangepassword = true; } // Use a low cost factor when generating bcrypt hash otherwise // hashing would be slow when uploading lots of users. Hashes // will be automatically updated to a higher cost factor the first // time the user logs in. $user->password = hash_internal_user_password($user->password, true); } } else { $user->password = AUTH_PASSWORD_NOT_CACHED; $upt->track('password', '-', 'normal', false); } // create user - insert_record ignores any extra properties $user->id = $DB->insert_record('user', $user); $upt->track('username', html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/profile.php', array('id'=>$user->id)), s($user->username)), 'normal', false); // pre-process custom profile menu fields data from csv file $user = uu_pre_process_custom_profile_data($user); // save custom profile fields data profile_save_data($user); if ($forcechangepassword) { set_user_preference('auth_forcepasswordchange', 1, $user); } if ($user->password === 'to be generated') { set_user_preference('create_password', 1, $user); } $upt->track('status', $struseradded); $upt->track('id', $user->id, 'normal', false); $usersnew++; // make sure user context exists context_user::instance($user->id); events_trigger('user_created', $user); if ($bulk == UU_BULK_NEW or $bulk == UU_BULK_ALL) { if (!in_array($user->id, $SESSION->bulk_users)) { $SESSION->bulk_users[] = $user->id; } } } // add to cohort first, it might trigger enrolments indirectly - do NOT create cohorts here! foreach ($filecolumns as $column) { if (!preg_match('/^cohort\d+$/', $column)) { continue; } if (!empty($user->$column)) { $addcohort = $user->$column; if (!isset($cohorts[$addcohort])) { if (is_number($addcohort)) { // only non-numeric idnumbers! $cohort = $DB->get_record('cohort', array('id'=>$addcohort)); } else { $cohort = $DB->get_record('cohort', array('idnumber'=>$addcohort)); } if (empty($cohort)) { $cohorts[$addcohort] = get_string('unknowncohort', 'core_cohort', s($addcohort)); } else if (!empty($cohort->component)) { // cohorts synchronised with external sources must not be modified! $cohorts[$addcohort] = get_string('external', 'core_cohort'); } else { $cohorts[$addcohort] = $cohort; } } if (is_object($cohorts[$addcohort])) { $cohort = $cohorts[$addcohort]; if (!$DB->record_exists('cohort_members', array('cohortid'=>$cohort->id, 'userid'=>$user->id))) { cohort_add_member($cohort->id, $user->id); // we might add special column later, for now let's abuse enrolments $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('useradded', 'core_cohort', s($cohort->name))); } } else { // error message $upt->track('enrolments', $cohorts[$addcohort], 'error'); } } } // find course enrolments, groups, roles/types and enrol periods // this is again a special case, we always do this for any updated or created users foreach ($filecolumns as $column) { if (!preg_match('/^course\d+$/', $column)) { continue; } $i = substr($column, 6); if (empty($user->{'course'.$i})) { continue; } $shortname = $user->{'course'.$i}; if (!array_key_exists($shortname, $ccache)) { if (!$course = $DB->get_record('course', array('shortname'=>$shortname), 'id, shortname')) { $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknowncourse', 'error', s($shortname)), 'error'); continue; } $ccache[$shortname] = $course; $ccache[$shortname]->groups = null; } $courseid = $ccache[$shortname]->id; $coursecontext = context_course::instance($courseid); if (!isset($manualcache[$courseid])) { $manualcache[$courseid] = false; if ($manual) { if ($instances = enrol_get_instances($courseid, false)) { foreach ($instances as $instance) { if ($instance->enrol === 'manual') { $manualcache[$courseid] = $instance; break; } } } } } if ($courseid == SITEID) { // Technically frontpage does not have enrolments, but only role assignments, // let's not invent new lang strings here for this rarely used feature. if (!empty($user->{'role'.$i})) { $addrole = $user->{'role'.$i}; if (array_key_exists($addrole, $rolecache)) { $rid = $rolecache[$addrole]->id; } else { $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknownrole', 'error', s($addrole)), 'error'); continue; } role_assign($rid, $user->id, context_course::instance($courseid)); $a = new stdClass(); $a->course = $shortname; $a->role = $rolecache[$rid]->name; $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('enrolledincourserole', 'enrol_manual', $a)); } } else if ($manual and $manualcache[$courseid]) { // find role $rid = false; if (!empty($user->{'role'.$i})) { $addrole = $user->{'role'.$i}; if (array_key_exists($addrole, $rolecache)) { $rid = $rolecache[$addrole]->id; } else { $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknownrole', 'error', s($addrole)), 'error'); continue; } } else if (!empty($user->{'type'.$i})) { // if no role, then find "old" enrolment type $addtype = $user->{'type'.$i}; if ($addtype < 1 or $addtype > 3) { $upt->track('enrolments', $strerror.': typeN = 1|2|3', 'error'); continue; } else if (empty($formdata->{'uulegacy'.$addtype})) { continue; } else { $rid = $formdata->{'uulegacy'.$addtype}; } } else { // no role specified, use the default from manual enrol plugin $rid = $manualcache[$courseid]->roleid; } if ($rid) { // find duration $timeend = 0; if (!empty($user->{'enrolperiod'.$i})) { $duration = (int)$user->{'enrolperiod'.$i} * 60*60*24; // convert days to seconds if ($duration > 0) { // sanity check $timeend = $today + $duration; } } else if ($manualcache[$courseid]->enrolperiod > 0) { $timeend = $today + $manualcache[$courseid]->enrolperiod; } $manual->enrol_user($manualcache[$courseid], $user->id, $rid, $today, $timeend); $a = new stdClass(); $a->course = $shortname; $a->role = $rolecache[$rid]->name; $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('enrolledincourserole', 'enrol_manual', $a)); } } // find group to add to if (!empty($user->{'group'.$i})) { // make sure user is enrolled into course before adding into groups if (!is_enrolled($coursecontext, $user->id)) { $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('addedtogroupnotenrolled', '', $user->{'group'.$i}), 'error'); continue; } //build group cache if (is_null($ccache[$shortname]->groups)) { $ccache[$shortname]->groups = array(); if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($courseid)) { foreach ($groups as $gid=>$group) { $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$gid] = new stdClass(); $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$gid]->id = $gid; $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$gid]->name = $group->name; if (!is_numeric($group->name)) { // only non-numeric names are supported!!! $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$group->name] = new stdClass(); $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$group->name]->id = $gid; $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$group->name]->name = $group->name; } } } } // group exists? $addgroup = $user->{'group'.$i}; if (!array_key_exists($addgroup, $ccache[$shortname]->groups)) { // if group doesn't exist, create it $newgroupdata = new stdClass(); $newgroupdata->name = $addgroup; $newgroupdata->courseid = $ccache[$shortname]->id; $newgroupdata->description = ''; $gid = groups_create_group($newgroupdata); if ($gid){ $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup] = new stdClass(); $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup]->id = $gid; $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup]->name = $newgroupdata->name; } else { $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('unknowngroup', 'error', s($addgroup)), 'error'); continue; } } $gid = $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup]->id; $gname = $ccache[$shortname]->groups[$addgroup]->name; try { if (groups_add_member($gid, $user->id)) { $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('addedtogroup', '', s($gname))); } else { $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('addedtogroupnot', '', s($gname)), 'error'); } } catch (moodle_exception $e) { $upt->track('enrolments', get_string('addedtogroupnot', '', s($gname)), 'error'); continue; } } } } $upt->close(); // close table $cir->close(); $cir->cleanup(true); echo $OUTPUT->box_start('boxwidthnarrow boxaligncenter generalbox', 'uploadresults'); echo '
if ($optype != UU_USER_UPDATE) {
echo get_string('userscreated', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$usersnew.'
if ($optype == UU_USER_UPDATE or $optype == UU_USER_ADD_UPDATE) {
echo get_string('usersupdated', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$usersupdated.'
if ($allowdeletes) {
echo get_string('usersdeleted', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$deletes.'
echo get_string('deleteerrors', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$deleteerrors.'
if ($allowrenames) {
echo get_string('usersrenamed', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$renames.'
echo get_string('renameerrors', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$renameerrors.'
if ($usersskipped) {
echo get_string('usersskipped', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$usersskipped.'
echo get_string('usersweakpassword', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$weakpasswords.'
echo get_string('errors', 'tool_uploaduser').': '.$userserrors.'