. /** * Completion steps definitions. * * @package core_completion * @category test * @copyright 2013 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ // NOTE: no MOODLE_INTERNAL test here, this file may be required by behat before including /config.php. require_once(__DIR__ . '/../../../lib/behat/behat_base.php'); use Behat\Behat\Context\Step\Given as Given, Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException as ElementNotFoundException; /** * Steps definitions to deal with course and activities completion. * * @package core_completion * @category test * @copyright 2013 David MonllaĆ³ * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class behat_completion extends behat_base { /** * Checks that the specified user has completed the specified activity of the current course. * * @Then /^"(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" user has completed "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" activity$/ * @param string $userfullname * @param string $activityname */ public function user_has_completed_activity($userfullname, $activityname) { // Will throw an exception if the element can not be hovered. $xpath = "//table[@id='completion-progress']/descendant::img[contains(@title, '" . $userfullname . ", " . $activityname . ": Completed')]"; return array( new Given('I go to the current course activity completion report'), new Given('I hover "' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element"') ); } /** * Checks that the specified user has not completed the specified activity of the current course. * * @Then /^"(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" user has not completed "(?P(?:[^"]|\\")*)" activity$/ * @param string $userfullname * @param string $activityname */ public function user_has_not_completed_activity($userfullname, $activityname) { $xpath = "//table[@id='completion-progress']/descendant::img[contains(@title, '" . $userfullname . ", " . $activityname . ": Not completed')]"; return array( new Given('I go to the current course activity completion report'), new Given('I hover "' . $xpath . '" "xpath_element"') ); return $steps; } /** * Goes to the current course activity completion report. * * @Given /^I go to the current course activity completion report$/ */ public function go_to_the_current_course_activity_completion_report() { $steps = array(); // Expand reports node if we can't see the link. try { $this->find('xpath', "//*[@id='settingsnav']/descendant::li/descendant::li[not(contains(@class,'collapsed'))]/descendant::p[contains(., 'Activity completion')]"); } catch (ElementNotFoundException $e) { $steps[] = new Given('I expand "Reports" node'); } $steps[] = new Given('I follow "Activity completion"'); return $steps; } }