. /** * Library to handle drag and drop course uploads * * @package core * @subpackage lib * @copyright 2012 Davo smith * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/repository/upload/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/lib.php'); /** * Add the Javascript to enable drag and drop upload to a course page * * @param object $course The currently displayed course * @param array $modnames The list of enabled (visible) modules on this site * @return void */ function dndupload_add_to_course($course, $modnames) { global $CFG, $PAGE; $showstatus = optional_param('notifyeditingon', false, PARAM_BOOL); // Get all handlers. $handler = new dndupload_handler($course, $modnames); $jsdata = $handler->get_js_data(); if (empty($jsdata->types) && empty($jsdata->filehandlers)) { return; // No valid handlers - don't enable drag and drop. } // Add the javascript to the page. $jsmodule = array( 'name' => 'coursedndupload', 'fullpath' => '/course/dndupload.js', 'strings' => array( array('addfilehere', 'moodle'), array('dndworkingfiletextlink', 'moodle'), array('dndworkingfilelink', 'moodle'), array('dndworkingfiletext', 'moodle'), array('dndworkingfile', 'moodle'), array('dndworkingtextlink', 'moodle'), array('dndworkingtext', 'moodle'), array('dndworkinglink', 'moodle'), array('filetoolarge', 'moodle'), array('actionchoice', 'moodle'), array('servererror', 'moodle'), array('upload', 'moodle'), array('cancel', 'moodle') ), 'requires' => array('node', 'event', 'json', 'anim') ); $vars = array( array('courseid' => $course->id, 'maxbytes' => get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes, $course->maxbytes), 'handlers' => $handler->get_js_data(), 'showstatus' => $showstatus) ); $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.course_dndupload.init', $vars, true, $jsmodule); } /** * Stores all the information about the available dndupload handlers * * @package core * @copyright 2012 Davo Smith * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class dndupload_handler { /** * @var array A list of all registered mime types that can be dropped onto a course * along with the modules that will handle them. */ protected $types = array(); /** * @var array A list of the different file types (extensions) that different modules * will handle. */ protected $filehandlers = array(); /** * Gather a list of dndupload handlers from the different mods * * @param object $course The course this is being added to (to check course_allowed_module() ) */ public function __construct($course, $modnames = null) { global $CFG, $PAGE; // Add some default types to handle. // Note: 'Files' type is hard-coded into the Javascript as this needs to be ... // ... treated a little differently. $this->register_type('url', array('url', 'text/uri-list', 'text/x-moz-url'), get_string('addlinkhere', 'moodle'), get_string('nameforlink', 'moodle'), get_string('whatforlink', 'moodle'), 10); $this->register_type('text/html', array('text/html'), get_string('addpagehere', 'moodle'), get_string('nameforpage', 'moodle'), get_string('whatforpage', 'moodle'), 20); $this->register_type('text', array('text', 'text/plain'), get_string('addpagehere', 'moodle'), get_string('nameforpage', 'moodle'), get_string('whatforpage', 'moodle'), 30); // Loop through all modules to find handlers. $mods = get_plugin_list_with_function('mod', 'dndupload_register'); foreach ($mods as $component => $funcname) { list($modtype, $modname) = normalize_component($component); if ($modnames && !array_key_exists($modname, $modnames)) { continue; // Module is deactivated (hidden) at the site level. } if (!course_allowed_module($course, $modname)) { continue; // User does not have permission to add this module to the course. } $resp = $funcname(); if (!$resp) { continue; } if (isset($resp['files'])) { foreach ($resp['files'] as $file) { $this->register_file_handler($file['extension'], $modname, $file['message']); } } if (isset($resp['addtypes'])) { foreach ($resp['addtypes'] as $type) { if (isset($type['priority'])) { $priority = $type['priority']; } else { $priority = 100; } if (!isset($type['handlermessage'])) { $type['handlermessage'] = ''; } $this->register_type($type['identifier'], $type['datatransfertypes'], $type['addmessage'], $type['namemessage'], $type['handlermessage'], $priority); } } if (isset($resp['types'])) { foreach ($resp['types'] as $type) { $noname = !empty($type['noname']); $this->register_type_handler($type['identifier'], $modname, $type['message'], $noname); } } $PAGE->requires->string_for_js('pluginname', $modname); } } /** * No external code should be directly adding new types - they should be added via a 'addtypes' array, returned * by MODNAME_dndupload_register. * * @deprecated deprecated since Moodle 2.5 * @param string $identifier * @param array $datatransfertypes * @param string $addmessage * @param string $namemessage * @param int $priority */ public function add_type($identifier, $datatransfertypes, $addmessage, $namemessage, $priority=100) { debugging('add_type() is deprecated. Plugins should be using the MODNAME_dndupload_register callback.'); $this->register_type($identifier, $datatransfertypes, $addmessage, $namemessage, '', $priority); } /** * Used to add a new mime type that can be drag and dropped onto a * course displayed in a browser window * * @param string $identifier The name that this type will be known as * @param array $datatransfertypes An array of the different types in the browser * 'dataTransfer.types' object that will map to this type * @param string $addmessage The message to display in the browser when this type is being * dragged onto the page * @param string $namemessage The message to pop up when asking for the name to give the * course module instance when it is created * @param string $handlermessage The message to pop up when asking which module should handle this type * @param int $priority Controls the order in which types are checked by the browser (mainly * needed to check for 'text' last as that is usually given as fallback) */ protected function register_type($identifier, $datatransfertypes, $addmessage, $namemessage, $handlermessage, $priority=100) { if ($this->is_known_type($identifier)) { throw new coding_exception("Type $identifier is already registered"); } $add = new stdClass; $add->identifier = $identifier; $add->datatransfertypes = $datatransfertypes; $add->addmessage = $addmessage; $add->namemessage = $namemessage; $add->handlermessage = $handlermessage; $add->priority = $priority; $add->handlers = array(); $this->types[$identifier] = $add; } /** * No external code should be directly adding new type handlers - they should be added via a 'addtypes' array, returned * by MODNAME_dndupload_register. * * @deprecated deprecated since Moodle 2.5 * @param string $type The name of the type (as declared in add_type) * @param string $module The name of the module to handle this type * @param string $message The message to show the user if more than one handler is registered * for a type and the user needs to make a choice between them * @param bool $noname If true, the 'name' dialog should be disabled in the pop-up. * @throws coding_exception */ public function add_type_handler($type, $module, $message, $noname) { debugging('add_type_handler() is deprecated. Plugins should be using the MODNAME_dndupload_register callback.'); $this->register_type_handler($type, $module, $message, $noname); } /** * Used to declare that a particular module will handle a particular type * of dropped data * * @param string $type The name of the type (as declared in register_type) * @param string $module The name of the module to handle this type * @param string $message The message to show the user if more than one handler is registered * for a type and the user needs to make a choice between them * @param bool $noname If true, the 'name' dialog should be disabled in the pop-up. * @throws coding_exception */ protected function register_type_handler($type, $module, $message, $noname) { if (!$this->is_known_type($type)) { throw new coding_exception("Trying to add handler for unknown type $type"); } $add = new stdClass; $add->type = $type; $add->module = $module; $add->message = $message; $add->noname = $noname ? 1 : 0; $this->types[$type]->handlers[] = $add; } /** * No external code should be directly adding new file handlers - they should be added via a 'files' array, returned * by MODNAME_dndupload_register. * * @deprecated deprecated since Moodle 2.5 * @param string $extension The file extension to handle ('*' for all types) * @param string $module The name of the module to handle this type * @param string $message The message to show the user if more than one handler is registered * for a type and the user needs to make a choice between them */ public function add_file_handler($extension, $module, $message) { debugging('add_file_handler() is deprecated. Plugins should be using the MODNAME_dndupload_register callback.'); $this->register_file_handler($extension, $module, $message); } /** * Used to declare that a particular module will handle a particular type * of dropped file * * @param string $extension The file extension to handle ('*' for all types) * @param string $module The name of the module to handle this type * @param string $message The message to show the user if more than one handler is registered * for a type and the user needs to make a choice between them */ protected function register_file_handler($extension, $module, $message) { $extension = strtolower($extension); $add = new stdClass; $add->extension = $extension; $add->module = $module; $add->message = $message; $this->filehandlers[] = $add; } /** * Check to see if the type has been registered * * @param string $type The identifier of the type you are interested in * @return bool True if the type is registered */ public function is_known_type($type) { return array_key_exists($type, $this->types); } /** * Check to see if the module in question has registered to handle the * type given * * @param string $module The name of the module * @param string $type The identifier of the type * @return bool True if the module has registered to handle that type */ public function has_type_handler($module, $type) { if (!$this->is_known_type($type)) { throw new coding_exception("Checking for handler for unknown type $type"); } foreach ($this->types[$type]->handlers as $handler) { if ($handler->module == $module) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check to see if the module in question has registered to handle files * with the given extension (or to handle all file types) * * @param string $module The name of the module * @param string $extension The extension of the uploaded file * @return bool True if the module has registered to handle files with * that extension (or to handle all file types) */ public function has_file_handler($module, $extension) { foreach ($this->filehandlers as $handler) { if ($handler->module == $module) { if ($handler->extension == '*' || $handler->extension == $extension) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Gets a list of the file types that are handled by a particular module * * @param string $module The name of the module to check * @return array of file extensions or string '*' */ public function get_handled_file_types($module) { $types = array(); foreach ($this->filehandlers as $handler) { if ($handler->module == $module) { if ($handler->extension == '*') { return '*'; } else { // Prepending '.' as otherwise mimeinfo fails. $types[] = '.'.$handler->extension; } } } return $types; } /** * Returns an object to pass onto the javascript code with data about all the * registered file / type handlers * * @return object Data to pass on to Javascript code */ public function get_js_data() { global $CFG; $ret = new stdClass; // Sort the types by priority. uasort($this->types, array($this, 'type_compare')); $ret->types = array(); if (!empty($CFG->dndallowtextandlinks)) { foreach ($this->types as $type) { if (empty($type->handlers)) { continue; // Skip any types without registered handlers. } $ret->types[] = $type; } } $ret->filehandlers = $this->filehandlers; $uploadrepo = repository::get_instances(array('type' => 'upload')); if (empty($uploadrepo)) { $ret->filehandlers = array(); // No upload repo => no file handlers. } return $ret; } /** * Comparison function used when sorting types by priority * @param object $type1 first type to compare * @param object $type2 second type to compare * @return integer -1 for $type1 < $type2; 1 for $type1 > $type2; 0 for equal */ protected function type_compare($type1, $type2) { if ($type1->priority < $type2->priority) { return -1; } if ($type1->priority > $type2->priority) { return 1; } return 0; } } /** * Processes the upload, creating the course module and returning the result * * @package core * @copyright 2012 Davo Smith * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class dndupload_ajax_processor { /** Returned when no error has occurred */ const ERROR_OK = 0; /** @var object The course that we are uploading to */ protected $course = null; /** @var context_course The course context for capability checking */ protected $context = null; /** @var int The section number we are uploading to */ protected $section = null; /** @var string The type of upload (e.g. 'Files', 'text/plain') */ protected $type = null; /** @var object The details of the module type that will be created */ protected $module= null; /** @var object The course module that has been created */ protected $cm = null; /** @var dndupload_handler used to check the allowed file types */ protected $dnduploadhandler = null; /** @var string The name to give the new activity instance */ protected $displayname = null; /** * Set up some basic information needed to handle the upload * * @param int $courseid The ID of the course we are uploading to * @param int $section The section number we are uploading to * @param string $type The type of upload (as reported by the browser) * @param string $modulename The name of the module requested to handle this upload */ public function __construct($courseid, $section, $type, $modulename) { global $DB; if (!defined('AJAX_SCRIPT')) { throw new coding_exception('dndupload_ajax_processor should only be used within AJAX requests'); } $this->course = $DB->get_record('course', array('id' => $courseid), '*', MUST_EXIST); require_login($this->course, false); $this->context = context_course::instance($this->course->id); if (!is_number($section) || $section < 0) { throw new coding_exception("Invalid section number $section"); } $this->section = $section; $this->type = $type; if (!$this->module = $DB->get_record('modules', array('name' => $modulename))) { throw new coding_exception("Module $modulename does not exist"); } $this->dnduploadhandler = new dndupload_handler($this->course); } /** * Check if this upload is a 'file' upload * * @return bool true if it is a 'file' upload, false otherwise */ protected function is_file_upload() { return ($this->type == 'Files'); } /** * Process the upload - creating the module in the course and returning the result to the browser * * @param string $displayname optional the name (from the browser) to give the course module instance * @param string $content optional the content of the upload (for non-file uploads) */ public function process($displayname = null, $content = null) { require_capability('moodle/course:manageactivities', $this->context); if ($this->is_file_upload()) { require_capability('moodle/course:managefiles', $this->context); if ($content != null) { throw new moodle_exception('fileuploadwithcontent', 'moodle'); } } else { if (empty($content)) { throw new moodle_exception('dnduploadwithoutcontent', 'moodle'); } } require_sesskey(); $this->displayname = $displayname; if ($this->is_file_upload()) { $this->handle_file_upload(); } else { $this->handle_other_upload($content); } } /** * Handle uploads containing files - create the course module, ask the upload repository * to process the file, ask the mod to set itself up, then return the result to the browser */ protected function handle_file_upload() { global $CFG; // Add the file to a draft file area. $draftitemid = file_get_unused_draft_itemid(); $maxbytes = get_max_upload_file_size($CFG->maxbytes, $this->course->maxbytes); $types = $this->dnduploadhandler->get_handled_file_types($this->module->name); $repo = repository::get_instances(array('type' => 'upload')); if (empty($repo)) { throw new moodle_exception('errornouploadrepo', 'moodle'); } $repo = reset($repo); // Get the first (and only) upload repo. $details = $repo->process_upload(null, $maxbytes, $types, '/', $draftitemid); if (empty($this->displayname)) { $this->displayname = $this->display_name_from_file($details['file']); } // Create a course module to hold the new instance. $this->create_course_module(); // Ask the module to set itself up. $moduledata = $this->prepare_module_data($draftitemid); $instanceid = plugin_callback('mod', $this->module->name, 'dndupload', 'handle', array($moduledata), 'invalidfunction'); if ($instanceid === 'invalidfunction') { throw new coding_exception("{$this->module->name} does not support drag and drop upload (missing {$this->module->name}_dndupload_handle function"); } // Finish setting up the course module. $this->finish_setup_course_module($instanceid); } /** * Handle uploads not containing file - create the course module, ask the mod to * set itself up, then return the result to the browser * * @param string $content the content uploaded to the browser */ protected function handle_other_upload($content) { // Check this plugin is registered to handle this type of upload if (!$this->dnduploadhandler->has_type_handler($this->module->name, $this->type)) { $info = (object)array('modname' => $this->module->name, 'type' => $this->type); throw new moodle_exception('moddoesnotsupporttype', 'moodle', $info); } // Create a course module to hold the new instance. $this->create_course_module(); // Ask the module to set itself up. $moduledata = $this->prepare_module_data(null, $content); $instanceid = plugin_callback('mod', $this->module->name, 'dndupload', 'handle', array($moduledata), 'invalidfunction'); if ($instanceid === 'invalidfunction') { throw new coding_exception("{$this->module->name} does not support drag and drop upload (missing {$this->module->name}_dndupload_handle function"); } // Finish setting up the course module. $this->finish_setup_course_module($instanceid); } /** * Generate the name of the mod instance from the name of the file * (remove the extension and convert underscore => space * * @param string $filename the filename of the uploaded file * @return string the display name to use */ protected function display_name_from_file($filename) { $pos = textlib::strrpos($filename, '.'); if ($pos) { // Want to skip if $pos === 0 OR $pos === false. $filename = textlib::substr($filename, 0, $pos); } return str_replace('_', ' ', $filename); } /** * Create the coursemodule to hold the file/content that has been uploaded */ protected function create_course_module() { if (!course_allowed_module($this->course, $this->module->name)) { throw new coding_exception("The module {$this->module->name} is not allowed to be added to this course"); } $this->cm = new stdClass(); $this->cm->course = $this->course->id; $this->cm->section = $this->section; $this->cm->module = $this->module->id; $this->cm->modulename = $this->module->name; $this->cm->instance = 0; // This will be filled in after we create the instance. $this->cm->visible = 1; $this->cm->groupmode = $this->course->groupmode; $this->cm->groupingid = $this->course->defaultgroupingid; // Set the correct default for completion tracking. $this->cm->completion = COMPLETION_TRACKING_NONE; $completion = new completion_info($this->course); if ($completion->is_enabled()) { if (plugin_supports('mod', $this->cm->modulename, FEATURE_MODEDIT_DEFAULT_COMPLETION, true)) { $this->cm->completion = COMPLETION_TRACKING_MANUAL; } } if (!$this->cm->id = add_course_module($this->cm)) { throw new coding_exception("Unable to create the course module"); } // The following are used inside some few core functions, so may as well set them here. $this->cm->coursemodule = $this->cm->id; $groupbuttons = ($this->course->groupmode or (!$this->course->groupmodeforce)); if ($groupbuttons and plugin_supports('mod', $this->module->name, FEATURE_GROUPS, 0)) { $this->cm->groupmodelink = (!$this->course->groupmodeforce); } else { $this->cm->groupmodelink = false; $this->cm->groupmode = false; } } /** * Gather together all the details to pass on to the mod, so that it can initialise it's * own database tables * * @param int $draftitemid optional the id of the draft area containing the file (for file uploads) * @param string $content optional the content dropped onto the course (for non-file uploads) * @return object data to pass on to the mod, containing: * string $type the 'type' as registered with dndupload_handler (or 'Files') * object $course the course the upload was for * int $draftitemid optional the id of the draft area containing the files * int $coursemodule id of the course module that has already been created * string $displayname the name to use for this activity (can be overriden by the mod) */ protected function prepare_module_data($draftitemid = null, $content = null) { $data = new stdClass(); $data->type = $this->type; $data->course = $this->course; if ($draftitemid) { $data->draftitemid = $draftitemid; } else if ($content) { $data->content = $content; } $data->coursemodule = $this->cm->id; $data->displayname = $this->displayname; return $data; } /** * Called after the mod has set itself up, to finish off any course module settings * (set instance id, add to correct section, set visibility, etc.) and send the response * * @param int $instanceid id returned by the mod when it was created */ protected function finish_setup_course_module($instanceid) { global $DB, $USER; if (!$instanceid) { // Something has gone wrong - undo everything we can. course_delete_module($this->cm->id); throw new moodle_exception('errorcreatingactivity', 'moodle', '', $this->module->name); } // Note the section visibility $visible = get_fast_modinfo($this->course)->get_section_info($this->section)->visible; $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'instance', $instanceid, array('id' => $this->cm->id)); // Rebuild the course cache after update action rebuild_course_cache($this->course->id, true); $this->course->modinfo = null; // Otherwise we will just get the old version back again. $sectionid = course_add_cm_to_section($this->course, $this->cm->id, $this->section); set_coursemodule_visible($this->cm->id, $visible); if (!$visible) { $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'visibleold', 1, array('id' => $this->cm->id)); } // retrieve the final info about this module. $info = get_fast_modinfo($this->course); if (!isset($info->cms[$this->cm->id])) { // The course module has not been properly created in the course - undo everything. course_delete_module($this->cm->id); throw new moodle_exception('errorcreatingactivity', 'moodle', '', $this->module->name); } $mod = $info->get_cm($this->cm->id); $mod->groupmodelink = $this->cm->groupmodelink; $mod->groupmode = $this->cm->groupmode; // Trigger mod_created event with information about this module. $eventdata = new stdClass(); $eventdata->modulename = $mod->modname; $eventdata->name = $mod->name; $eventdata->cmid = $mod->id; $eventdata->courseid = $this->course->id; $eventdata->userid = $USER->id; events_trigger('mod_created', $eventdata); add_to_log($this->course->id, "course", "add mod", "../mod/{$mod->modname}/view.php?id=$mod->id", "{$mod->modname} $instanceid"); add_to_log($this->course->id, $mod->modname, "add", "view.php?id=$mod->id", "$instanceid", $mod->id); $this->send_response($mod); } /** * Send the details of the newly created activity back to the client browser * * @param cm_info $mod details of the mod just created */ protected function send_response($mod) { global $OUTPUT, $PAGE; $courserenderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('core', 'course'); $resp = new stdClass(); $resp->error = self::ERROR_OK; $resp->icon = $mod->get_icon_url()->out(); $resp->name = $mod->name; if ($mod->has_view()) { $resp->link = $mod->get_url()->out(); } else { $resp->link = null; } $resp->content = $mod->get_content(); $resp->elementid = 'module-'.$mod->id; $actions = course_get_cm_edit_actions($mod, 0, $mod->sectionnum); $resp->commands = ' '. $courserenderer->course_section_cm_edit_actions($actions); $resp->onclick = $mod->get_on_click(); $resp->visible = $mod->visible; // if using groupings, then display grouping name if (!empty($mod->groupingid) && has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $this->context)) { $groupings = groups_get_all_groupings($this->course->id); $resp->groupingname = format_string($groupings[$mod->groupingid]->name); } echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo json_encode($resp); die(); } }