. /** * Upgrade helper functions * * This file is used for special upgrade functions - for example groups and gradebook. * These functions must use SQL and database related functions only- no other Moodle API, * because it might depend on db structures that are not yet present during upgrade. * (Do not use functions from accesslib.php, grades classes or group functions at all!) * * @package core_install * @category upgrade * @copyright 2007 Petr Skoda (http://skodak.org) * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); /** * Returns all non-view and non-temp tables with sane names. * Prints list of non-supported tables using $OUTPUT->notification() * * @return array */ function upgrade_mysql_get_supported_tables() { global $OUTPUT, $DB; $tables = array(); $patprefix = str_replace('_', '\\_', $DB->get_prefix()); $pregprefix = preg_quote($DB->get_prefix(), '/'); $sql = "SHOW FULL TABLES LIKE '$patprefix%'"; $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); foreach ($rs as $record) { $record = array_change_key_case((array)$record, CASE_LOWER); $type = $record['table_type']; unset($record['table_type']); $fullname = array_shift($record); if ($pregprefix === '') { $name = $fullname; } else { $count = null; $name = preg_replace("/^$pregprefix/", '', $fullname, -1, $count); if ($count !== 1) { continue; } } if (!preg_match("/^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$/", $name)) { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Database table with invalid name '$fullname' detected, skipping.", 'notifyproblem'); continue; } if ($type === 'VIEW') { echo $OUTPUT->notification("Unsupported database table view '$fullname' detected, skipping.", 'notifyproblem'); continue; } $tables[$name] = $name; } $rs->close(); return $tables; } /** * Using data for a single course-module that has groupmembersonly enabled, * returns the new availability value that incorporates the correct * groupmembersonly option. * * Included as a function so that it can be shared between upgrade and restore, * and unit-tested. * * @param int $groupingid Grouping id for the course-module (0 if none) * @param string $availability Availability JSON data for the module (null if none) * @return string New value for availability for the module */ function upgrade_group_members_only($groupingid, $availability) { // Work out the new JSON object representing this option. if ($groupingid) { // Require specific grouping. $condition = (object)array('type' => 'grouping', 'id' => (int)$groupingid); } else { // No grouping specified, so require membership of any group. $condition = (object)array('type' => 'group'); } if (is_null($availability)) { // If there are no conditions using the new API then just set it. $tree = (object)array('op' => '&', 'c' => array($condition), 'showc' => array(false)); } else { // There are existing conditions. $tree = json_decode($availability); switch ($tree->op) { case '&' : // For & conditions we can just add this one. $tree->c[] = $condition; $tree->showc[] = false; break; case '!|' : // For 'not or' conditions we can add this one // but negated. $tree->c[] = (object)array('op' => '!&', 'c' => array($condition)); $tree->showc[] = false; break; default: // For the other two (OR and NOT AND) we have to add // an extra level to the tree. $tree = (object)array('op' => '&', 'c' => array($tree, $condition), 'showc' => array($tree->show, false)); // Inner trees do not have a show option, so remove it. unset($tree->c[0]->show); break; } } return json_encode($tree); } /** * Marks all courses with changes in extra credit weight calculation * * Used during upgrade and in course restore process * * This upgrade script is needed because we changed the algorithm for calculating the automatic weights of extra * credit items and want to prevent changes in the existing student grades. * * @param int $onlycourseid */ function upgrade_extra_credit_weightoverride($onlycourseid = 0) { global $DB; // Find all courses that have categories in Natural aggregation method where there is at least one extra credit // item and at least one item with overridden weight. $courses = $DB->get_fieldset_sql( "SELECT DISTINCT gc.courseid FROM {grade_categories} gc INNER JOIN {grade_items} gi ON gc.id = gi.categoryid AND gi.weightoverride = :weightoverriden INNER JOIN {grade_items} gie ON gc.id = gie.categoryid AND gie.aggregationcoef = :extracredit WHERE gc.aggregation = :naturalaggmethod" . ($onlycourseid ? " AND gc.courseid = :onlycourseid" : ''), array('naturalaggmethod' => 13, 'weightoverriden' => 1, 'extracredit' => 1, 'onlycourseid' => $onlycourseid, ) ); foreach ($courses as $courseid) { $gradebookfreeze = get_config('core', 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courseid); if (!$gradebookfreeze) { set_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courseid, 20150619); } } } /** * Marks all courses that require calculated grade items be updated. * * Used during upgrade and in course restore process. * * This upgrade script is needed because the calculated grade items were stuck with a maximum of 100 and could be changed. * This flags the courses that are affected and the grade book is frozen to retain grade integrity. * * @param int $courseid Specify a course ID to run this script on just one course. */ function upgrade_calculated_grade_items($courseid = null) { global $DB, $CFG; $affectedcourses = array(); $possiblecourseids = array(); $params = array(); $singlecoursesql = ''; if (isset($courseid)) { $singlecoursesql = "AND ns.id = :courseid"; $params['courseid'] = $courseid; } $siteminmaxtouse = 1; if (isset($CFG->grade_minmaxtouse)) { $siteminmaxtouse = $CFG->grade_minmaxtouse; } $courseidsql = "SELECT ns.id FROM ( SELECT c.id, coalesce(" . $DB->sql_compare_text('gs.value') . ", :siteminmax) AS gradevalue FROM {course} c LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gs ON c.id = gs.courseid AND ((gs.name = 'minmaxtouse' AND " . $DB->sql_compare_text('gs.value') . " = '2')) ) ns WHERE " . $DB->sql_compare_text('ns.gradevalue') . " = '2' $singlecoursesql"; $params['siteminmax'] = $siteminmaxtouse; $courses = $DB->get_records_sql($courseidsql, $params); foreach ($courses as $course) { $possiblecourseids[$course->id] = $course->id; } if (!empty($possiblecourseids)) { list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($possiblecourseids); // A calculated grade item grade min != 0 and grade max != 100 and the course setting is set to // "Initial min and max grades". $coursesql = "SELECT DISTINCT courseid FROM {grade_items} WHERE calculation IS NOT NULL AND itemtype = 'manual' AND (grademax <> 100 OR grademin <> 0) AND courseid $sql"; $affectedcourses = $DB->get_records_sql($coursesql, $params); } // Check for second type of affected courses. // If we already have the courseid parameter set in the affectedcourses then there is no need to run through this section. if (!isset($courseid) || !in_array($courseid, $affectedcourses)) { $singlecoursesql = ''; $params = array(); if (isset($courseid)) { $singlecoursesql = "AND courseid = :courseid"; $params['courseid'] = $courseid; } $nestedsql = "SELECT id FROM {grade_items} WHERE itemtype = 'category' AND calculation IS NOT NULL $singlecoursesql"; $calculatedgradecategories = $DB->get_records_sql($nestedsql, $params); $categoryids = array(); foreach ($calculatedgradecategories as $key => $gradecategory) { $categoryids[$key] = $gradecategory->id; } if (!empty($categoryids)) { list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($categoryids); // A category with a calculation where the raw grade min and the raw grade max don't match the grade min and grade max // for the category. $coursesql = "SELECT DISTINCT gi.courseid FROM {grade_grades} gg, {grade_items} gi WHERE gi.id = gg.itemid AND (gg.rawgrademax <> gi.grademax OR gg.rawgrademin <> gi.grademin) AND gi.id $sql"; $additionalcourses = $DB->get_records_sql($coursesql, $params); foreach ($additionalcourses as $key => $additionalcourse) { if (!array_key_exists($key, $affectedcourses)) { $affectedcourses[$key] = $additionalcourse; } } } } foreach ($affectedcourses as $affectedcourseid) { if (isset($CFG->upgrade_calculatedgradeitemsonlyregrade) && !($courseid)) { $DB->set_field('grade_items', 'needsupdate', 1, array('courseid' => $affectedcourseid->courseid)); } else { // Check to see if the gradebook freeze is already in affect. $gradebookfreeze = get_config('core', 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $affectedcourseid->courseid); if (!$gradebookfreeze) { set_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $affectedcourseid->courseid, 20150627); } } } } /** * This function creates a default separated/connected scale * so there's something in the database. The locations of * strings and files is a bit odd, but this is because we * need to maintain backward compatibility with many different * existing language translations and older sites. * * @global object * @return void */ function make_default_scale() { global $DB; $defaultscale = new stdClass(); $defaultscale->courseid = 0; $defaultscale->userid = 0; $defaultscale->name = get_string('separateandconnected'); $defaultscale->description = get_string('separateandconnectedinfo'); $defaultscale->scale = get_string('postrating1', 'forum').','. get_string('postrating2', 'forum').','. get_string('postrating3', 'forum'); $defaultscale->timemodified = time(); $defaultscale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $defaultscale); return $defaultscale; } /** * Create another default scale. * * @param int $oldversion * @return bool always true */ function make_competence_scale() { global $DB; $defaultscale = new stdClass(); $defaultscale->courseid = 0; $defaultscale->userid = 0; $defaultscale->name = get_string('defaultcompetencescale'); $defaultscale->description = get_string('defaultcompetencescaledesc'); $defaultscale->scale = get_string('defaultcompetencescalenotproficient').','. get_string('defaultcompetencescaleproficient'); $defaultscale->timemodified = time(); $defaultscale->id = $DB->insert_record('scale', $defaultscale); return $defaultscale; } /** * Marks all courses that require rounded grade items be updated. * * Used during upgrade and in course restore process. * * This upgrade script is needed because it has been decided that if a grade is rounded up, and it will changed a letter * grade or satisfy a course completion grade criteria, then it should be set as so, and the letter will be awarded and or * the course completion grade will be awarded. * * @param int $courseid Specify a course ID to run this script on just one course. */ function upgrade_course_letter_boundary($courseid = null) { global $DB, $CFG; $coursesql = ''; $params = array('contextlevel' => CONTEXT_COURSE); if (!empty($courseid)) { $coursesql = 'AND c.id = :courseid'; $params['courseid'] = $courseid; } // Check to see if the system letter boundaries are borked. $systemcontext = context_system::instance(); $systemneedsfreeze = upgrade_letter_boundary_needs_freeze($systemcontext); // Check the setting for showing the letter grade in a column (default is false). $usergradelettercolumnsetting = 0; if (isset($CFG->grade_report_user_showlettergrade)) { $usergradelettercolumnsetting = (int)$CFG->grade_report_user_showlettergrade; } $lettercolumnsql = ''; if ($usergradelettercolumnsetting) { // The system default is to show a column with letters (and the course uses the defaults). $lettercolumnsql = '(gss.value is NULL OR ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('gss.value') . ' <> \'0\')'; } else { // The course displays a column with letters. $lettercolumnsql = $DB->sql_compare_text('gss.value') . ' = \'1\''; } // 3, 13, 23, 31, and 32 are the grade display types that incorporate showing letters. See lib/grade/constants/php. $systemusesletters = (int) (isset($CFG->grade_displaytype) && in_array($CFG->grade_displaytype, array(3, 13, 23, 31, 32))); $systemletters = $systemusesletters || $usergradelettercolumnsetting; $contextselect = context_helper::get_preload_record_columns_sql('ctx'); if ($systemletters && $systemneedsfreeze) { // Select courses with no grade setting for display and a grade item that is using the default display, // but have not altered the course letter boundary configuration. These courses are definitely affected. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT c.id AS courseid FROM {course} c JOIN {grade_items} gi ON c.id = gi.courseid JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = c.id AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gs ON gs.courseid = c.id AND gs.name = 'displaytype' LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gss ON gss.courseid = c.id AND gss.name = 'report_user_showlettergrade' LEFT JOIN {grade_letters} gl ON gl.contextid = ctx.id WHERE gi.display = 0 AND ((gs.value is NULL) AND ($lettercolumnsql)) AND gl.id is NULL $coursesql"; $affectedcourseids = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($affectedcourseids as $courseid) { set_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $courseid->courseid, 20160518); } $affectedcourseids->close(); } // If the system letter boundary is okay proceed to check grade item and course grade display settings. $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT c.id AS courseid, $contextselect FROM {course} c JOIN {context} ctx ON ctx.instanceid = c.id AND ctx.contextlevel = :contextlevel JOIN {grade_items} gi ON c.id = gi.courseid LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gs ON c.id = gs.courseid AND gs.name = 'displaytype' LEFT JOIN {grade_settings} gss ON gss.courseid = c.id AND gss.name = 'report_user_showlettergrade' WHERE ( -- A grade item is using letters (gi.display IN (3, 13, 23, 31, 32)) -- OR the course is using letters OR (" . $DB->sql_compare_text('gs.value') . " IN ('3', '13', '23', '31', '32') -- OR the course using the system default which is letters OR (gs.value IS NULL AND $systemusesletters = 1) ) OR ($lettercolumnsql) ) -- AND the course matches $coursesql"; $potentialcourses = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); foreach ($potentialcourses as $value) { $gradebookfreeze = 'gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $value->courseid; // Check also if this course id has already been frozen. // If we already have this course ID then move on to the next record. if (!property_exists($CFG, $gradebookfreeze)) { // Check for 57 letter grade issue. context_helper::preload_from_record($value); $coursecontext = context_course::instance($value->courseid); if (upgrade_letter_boundary_needs_freeze($coursecontext)) { // We have a course with a possible score standardisation problem. Flag for freeze. // Flag this course as being frozen. set_config('gradebook_calculations_freeze_' . $value->courseid, 20160518); } } } $potentialcourses->close(); } /** * Checks the letter boundary of the provided context to see if it needs freezing. * Each letter boundary is tested to see if receiving that boundary number will * result in achieving the cosponsoring letter. * * @param object $context Context object * @return bool if the letter boundary for this context should be frozen. */ function upgrade_letter_boundary_needs_freeze($context) { global $DB; $contexts = $context->get_parent_context_ids(); array_unshift($contexts, $context->id); foreach ($contexts as $ctxid) { $letters = $DB->get_records_menu('grade_letters', array('contextid' => $ctxid), 'lowerboundary DESC', 'lowerboundary, letter'); if (!empty($letters)) { foreach ($letters as $boundary => $notused) { $standardisedboundary = upgrade_standardise_score($boundary, 0, 100, 0, 100); if ($standardisedboundary < $boundary) { return true; } } // We found letters but we have no boundary problem. return false; } } return false; } /** * Given a float value situated between a source minimum and a source maximum, converts it to the * corresponding value situated between a target minimum and a target maximum. Thanks to Darlene * for the formula :-) * * @param float $rawgrade * @param float $sourcemin * @param float $sourcemax * @param float $targetmin * @param float $targetmax * @return float Converted value */ function upgrade_standardise_score($rawgrade, $sourcemin, $sourcemax, $targetmin, $targetmax) { if (is_null($rawgrade)) { return null; } if ($sourcemax == $sourcemin or $targetmin == $targetmax) { // Prevent division by 0. return $targetmax; } $factor = ($rawgrade - $sourcemin) / ($sourcemax - $sourcemin); $diff = $targetmax - $targetmin; $standardisedvalue = $factor * $diff + $targetmin; return $standardisedvalue; } /** * Provides a way to check and update a serialized string that uses the deprecated object class. * * @param string $serializeddata Serialized string which may contain the now deprecated object. * @return array Returns an array where the first variable is a bool with a status of whether the initial data was changed * or not. The second variable is the said data. */ function upgrade_fix_serialized_objects($serializeddata) { $updated = false; if (strpos($serializeddata, ":6:\"object") !== false) { $serializeddata = str_replace(":6:\"object", ":8:\"stdClass", $serializeddata); $updated = true; } return [$updated, $serializeddata]; } /** * Deletes file records which have their repository deleted. * */ function upgrade_delete_orphaned_file_records() { global $DB; $sql = "SELECT f.id, f.contextid, f.component, f.filearea, f.itemid, fr.id AS referencefileid FROM {files} f JOIN {files_reference} fr ON f.referencefileid = fr.id LEFT JOIN {repository_instances} ri ON fr.repositoryid = ri.id WHERE ri.id IS NULL"; $deletedfiles = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql); $deletedfileids = array(); $fs = get_file_storage(); foreach ($deletedfiles as $deletedfile) { $fs->delete_area_files($deletedfile->contextid, $deletedfile->component, $deletedfile->filearea, $deletedfile->itemid); $deletedfileids[] = $deletedfile->referencefileid; } $deletedfiles->close(); $DB->delete_records_list('files_reference', 'id', $deletedfileids); } /** * Updates the existing prediction actions in the database according to the new suggested actions. * @return null */ function upgrade_rename_prediction_actions_useful_incorrectly_flagged() { global $DB; // The update depends on the analyser class used by each model so we need to iterate through the models in the system. $modelids = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT DISTINCT am.id, am.target FROM {analytics_models} am JOIN {analytics_predictions} ap ON ap.modelid = am.id JOIN {analytics_prediction_actions} apa ON ap.id = apa.predictionid"); foreach ($modelids as $model) { $targetname = $model->target; if (!class_exists($targetname)) { // The plugin may not be available. continue; } $target = new $targetname(); $analyserclass = $target->get_analyser_class(); if (!class_exists($analyserclass)) { // The plugin may not be available. continue; } if ($analyserclass::one_sample_per_analysable()) { // From 'fixed' to 'useful'. $params = ['oldaction' => 'fixed', 'newaction' => 'useful']; } else { // From 'notuseful' to 'incorrectlyflagged'. $params = ['oldaction' => 'notuseful', 'newaction' => 'incorrectlyflagged']; } $subsql = "SELECT id FROM {analytics_predictions} WHERE modelid = :modelid"; $updatesql = "UPDATE {analytics_prediction_actions} SET actionname = :newaction WHERE predictionid IN ($subsql) AND actionname = :oldaction"; $DB->execute($updatesql, $params + ['modelid' => $model->id]); } } /** * Convert the site settings for the 'hub' component in the config_plugins table. * * @param stdClass $hubconfig Settings loaded for the 'hub' component. * @param string $huburl The URL of the hub to use as the valid one in case of conflict. * @return stdClass List of new settings to be applied (including null values to be unset). */ function upgrade_convert_hub_config_site_param_names(stdClass $hubconfig, string $huburl): stdClass { $cleanhuburl = clean_param($huburl, PARAM_ALPHANUMEXT); $converted = []; foreach ($hubconfig as $oldname => $value) { if (preg_match('/^site_([a-z]+)([A-Za-z0-9_-]*)/', $oldname, $matches)) { $newname = 'site_'.$matches[1]; if ($oldname === $newname) { // There is an existing value with the new naming convention already. $converted[$newname] = $value; } else if (!array_key_exists($newname, $converted)) { // Add the value under a new name and mark the original to be unset. $converted[$newname] = $value; $converted[$oldname] = null; } else if ($matches[2] === '_'.$cleanhuburl) { // The new name already exists, overwrite only if coming from the valid hub. $converted[$newname] = $value; $converted[$oldname] = null; } else { // Just unset the old value. $converted[$oldname] = null; } } else { // Not a hub-specific site setting, just keep it. $converted[$oldname] = $value; } } return (object) $converted; } /** * Fix the incorrect default values inserted into analytics contextids field. */ function upgrade_analytics_fix_contextids_defaults() { global $DB; $select = $DB->sql_compare_text('contextids') . ' = :zero OR ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('contextids') . ' = :null'; $params = ['zero' => '0', 'null' => 'null']; $DB->execute("UPDATE {analytics_models} set contextids = null WHERE " . $select, $params); } /** * Upgrade core licenses shipped with Moodle. */ function upgrade_core_licenses() { global $CFG, $DB; $corelicenses = []; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'unknown'; $license->fullname = 'Licence not specified'; $license->source = ''; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'allrightsreserved'; $license->fullname = 'All rights reserved'; $license->source = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_rights_reserved'; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'public'; $license->fullname = 'Public domain'; $license->source = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_domain'; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'cc'; $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons'; $license->source = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/'; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'cc-nd'; $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - NoDerivs'; $license->source = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/'; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'cc-nc-nd'; $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - No Commercial NoDerivs'; $license->source = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/'; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'cc-nc'; $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - No Commercial'; $license->source = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/'; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'cc-nc-sa'; $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - No Commercial ShareAlike'; $license->source = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/'; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; $license = new stdClass(); $license->shortname = 'cc-sa'; $license->fullname = 'Creative Commons - ShareAlike'; $license->source = 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/'; $license->enabled = 1; $license->version = '2010033100'; $license->custom = 0; $corelicenses[] = $license; foreach ($corelicenses as $corelicense) { // Check for current license to maintain idempotence. $currentlicense = $DB->get_record('license', ['shortname' => $corelicense->shortname]); if (!empty($currentlicense)) { $corelicense->id = $currentlicense->id; // Remember if the license was enabled before upgrade. $corelicense->enabled = $currentlicense->enabled; $DB->update_record('license', $corelicense); } else if (!isset($CFG->upgraderunning) || during_initial_install()) { // Only install missing core licenses if not upgrading or during initial install. $DB->insert_record('license', $corelicense); } } // Add sortorder to all licenses. $licenses = $DB->get_records('license'); $sortorder = 1; foreach ($licenses as $license) { $license->sortorder = $sortorder++; $DB->update_record('license', $license); } // Set the license config values, used by file repository for rendering licenses at front end. $activelicenses = $DB->get_records_menu('license', ['enabled' => 1], 'id', 'id, shortname'); set_config('licenses', implode(',', $activelicenses)); $sitedefaultlicense = get_config('', 'sitedefaultlicense'); if (empty($sitedefaultlicense) || !in_array($sitedefaultlicense, $activelicenses)) { set_config('sitedefaultlicense', reset($activelicenses)); } }