Keep-Alive feature of HTTP 1.1, but this is still quite heavy on the server. A more advanced method is to use the Stream strategy to feed updates to the users. Using Stream scales much better (similar to the chatd method) but may not be supported by your server.';
$string['configoldping'] = 'What is the maximum time that may pass before we detect that a user has disconnected (in seconds)? This is just an upper limit, as usually disconnects are detected very quickly. Lower values will be more demanding on your server. If you are using the normal method, never set this lower than 2 * chat_refresh_room.';
$string['configrefreshroom'] = 'How often should the chat room itself be refreshed? (in seconds). Setting this low will make the chat room seem quicker, but it may place a higher load on your web server when many people are chatting. If you are using Stream updates, you can select higher refresh frequencies -- try with 2.';
$string['configrefreshuserlist'] = 'How often should the list of users be refreshed? (in seconds)';
$string['configserverhost'] = 'The hostname of the computer where the server daemon is';
$string['configserverip'] = 'The numerical IP address that matches the above hostname';
$string['configservermax'] = 'Max number of clients allowed';
$string['configserverport'] = 'Port to use on the server for the daemon';
$string['currentchats'] = 'Active chat sessions';
$string['currentusers'] = 'Current users';
$string['deletesession'] = 'Delete this session';
$string['deletesessionsure'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this session?';
$string['donotusechattime'] = 'Don\'t publish any chat times';
$string['enterchat'] = 'Click here to enter the chat now';
$string['errornousers'] = 'Could not find any users!';
$string['explaingeneralconfig'] = 'These settings are always used';
$string['explainmethoddaemon'] = 'These settings matter only if you have selected \"Chat server daemon\" for chat_method';
$string['explainmethodnormal'] = 'These settings matter only if you have selected \"Normal method\" for chat_method';
$string['generalconfig'] = 'General configuration';
$string['helpchatting'] = 'Help with chatting';
$string['idle'] = 'Idle';
$string['invalidid'] = 'Could not find that chat room!';
$string['messagebeepseveryone'] = '$a beeps everyone!';
$string['messagebeepsyou'] = '$a has just beeped you!';
$string['messageenter'] = '$a has just entered this chat';
$string['messageexit'] = '$a has left this chat';
$string['messages'] = 'Messages';
$string['method'] = 'Chat method';
$string['methoddaemon'] = 'Chat server daemon';
$string['methodnormal'] = 'Normal method';
$string['modulename'] = 'Chat';
$string['modulenameplural'] = 'Chats';
$string['neverdeletemessages'] = 'Never delete messages';
$string['nextsession'] = 'Next scheduled session';
$string['nochat'] = 'No chat found';
$string['noguests'] = 'The chat is not open to guests';
$string['nomessages'] = 'No messages yet';
$string['normalkeepalive'] = 'KeepAlive';
$string['normalstream'] = 'Stream';
$string['notlogged'] = 'Not logged in!';
$string['noscheduledsession'] = 'No scheduled session';
$string['oldping'] = 'Disconnect timeout';
$string['pastchats'] = 'Past chat sessions';
$string['refreshroom'] = 'Refresh room';
$string['refreshuserlist'] = 'Refresh user list';
$string['removemessages'] = 'Remove all messages';
$string['repeatdaily'] = 'At the same time every day';
$string['repeatnone'] = 'No repeats - publish the specified time only';
$string['repeattimes'] = 'Repeat sessions';
$string['repeatweekly'] = 'At the same time every week';
$string['serverhost'] = 'Server name';
$string['serverip'] = 'Server ip';
$string['servermax'] = 'Max users';
$string['serverport'] = 'Server port';
$string['savemessages'] = 'Save past sessions';
$string['seesession'] = 'See this session';
$string['send'] = 'Send';
$string['sending'] = 'Sending';
$string['sessions'] = 'Chat sessions';
$string['strftimemessage'] = '%%H:%%M';
$string['studentseereports'] = 'Everyone can view past sessions';
$string['updatemethod'] = 'Update method';
$string['updaterate'] = 'Update Rate: ';
$string['viewreport'] = 'View past chat sessions';