. require_once("../../config.php"); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/scorm/locallib.php'); $id = optional_param('id', '', PARAM_INT); // Course Module ID, or $a = optional_param('a', '', PARAM_INT); // scorm ID $organization = optional_param('organization', '', PARAM_INT); // organization ID $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA); if (!empty($id)) { if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('scorm', $id)) { print_error('invalidcoursemodule'); } if (! $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$cm->course))) { print_error('coursemisconf'); } if (! $scorm = $DB->get_record("scorm", array("id"=>$cm->instance))) { print_error('invalidcoursemodule'); } } else if (!empty($a)) { if (! $scorm = $DB->get_record("scorm", array("id"=>$a))) { print_error('invalidcoursemodule'); } if (! $course = $DB->get_record("course", array("id"=>$scorm->course))) { print_error('coursemisconf'); } if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance("scorm", $scorm->id, $course->id)) { print_error('invalidcoursemodule'); } } else { print_error('missingparameter'); } $url = new moodle_url('/mod/scorm/view.php', array('id'=>$cm->id)); if ($organization !== '') { $url->param('organization', $organization); } $PAGE->set_url($url); $forcejs = get_config('scorm', 'forcejavascript'); if (!empty($forcejs)) { $PAGE->add_body_class('forcejavascript'); } require_login($course, false, $cm); $context = context_course::instance($course->id); $contextmodule = context_module::instance($cm->id); $launch = false; // Does this automatically trigger a launch based on skipview. if (!empty($scorm->popup)) { $orgidentifier = ''; $scoid = 0; if ($scorm->skipview >= SCORM_SKIPVIEW_FIRST && has_capability('mod/scorm:skipview', $contextmodule) && !has_capability('mod/scorm:viewreport', $contextmodule)) { // Don't skip users with the capability to view reports. // do we launch immediately and redirect the parent back ? if ($scorm->skipview == SCORM_SKIPVIEW_ALWAYS || !scorm_has_tracks($scorm->id, $USER->id)) { $orgidentifier = ''; if ($sco = scorm_get_sco($scorm->launch, SCO_ONLY)) { if (($sco->organization == '') && ($sco->launch == '')) { $orgidentifier = $sco->identifier; } else { $orgidentifier = $sco->organization; } $scoid = $sco->id; } $launch = true; } } $PAGE->requires->data_for_js('scormplayerdata', Array('launch' => $launch, 'currentorg' => $orgidentifier, 'sco' => $scoid, 'scorm' => $scorm->id, 'courseid' => $scorm->course, 'cwidth' => $scorm->width, 'cheight' => $scorm->height, 'popupoptions' => $scorm->options), true); $PAGE->requires->js('/mod/scorm/view.js', true); } if (isset($SESSION->scorm)) { unset($SESSION->scorm); } $strscorms = get_string("modulenameplural", "scorm"); $strscorm = get_string("modulename", "scorm"); $shortname = format_string($course->shortname, true, array('context' => $context)); $pagetitle = strip_tags($shortname.': '.format_string($scorm->name)); add_to_log($course->id, 'scorm', 'pre-view', 'view.php?id='.$cm->id, "$scorm->id", $cm->id); if (empty($launch) && (has_capability('mod/scorm:skipview', $contextmodule))) { scorm_simple_play($scorm, $USER, $contextmodule, $cm->id); } // // Print the page header // $PAGE->set_title($pagetitle); $PAGE->set_heading($course->fullname); echo $OUTPUT->header(); if (!empty($action) && confirm_sesskey() && has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteownresponses', $contextmodule)) { if ($action == 'delete') { $confirmurl = new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('action'=>'deleteconfirm')); echo $OUTPUT->confirm(get_string('deleteuserattemptcheck', 'scorm'), $confirmurl, $PAGE->url); echo $OUTPUT->footer(); exit; } else if ($action == 'deleteconfirm') { //delete this users attempts. $DB->delete_records('scorm_scoes_track', array('userid' => $USER->id, 'scormid' => $scorm->id)); scorm_update_grades($scorm, $USER->id, true); echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('scormresponsedeleted', 'scorm'), 'notifysuccess'); } } $currenttab = 'info'; require($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/scorm/tabs.php'); // Print the main part of the page echo $OUTPUT->heading(format_string($scorm->name)); $attemptstatus = ''; if (empty($launch) && ($scorm->displayattemptstatus == SCORM_DISPLAY_ATTEMPTSTATUS_ALL || $scorm->displayattemptstatus == SCORM_DISPLAY_ATTEMPTSTATUS_ENTRY)) { $attemptstatus = scorm_get_attempt_status($USER, $scorm, $cm); } echo $OUTPUT->box(format_module_intro('scorm', $scorm, $cm->id).$attemptstatus, 'generalbox boxaligncenter boxwidthwide', 'intro'); $scormopen = true; $timenow = time(); if (!empty($scorm->timeopen) && $scorm->timeopen > $timenow) { echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string("notopenyet", "scorm", userdate($scorm->timeopen)), "generalbox boxaligncenter"); $scormopen = false; } if (!empty($scorm->timeclose) && $timenow > $scorm->timeclose) { echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string("expired", "scorm", userdate($scorm->timeclose)), "generalbox boxaligncenter"); $scormopen = false; } if ($scormopen && empty($launch)) { scorm_view_display($USER, $scorm, 'view.php?id='.$cm->id, $cm); } if (!empty($forcejs)) { echo $OUTPUT->box(get_string("forcejavascriptmessage", "scorm"), "generalbox boxaligncenter forcejavascriptmessage"); } if (!empty($scorm->popup)) { $PAGE->requires->js_init_call('M.mod_scormform.init'); } echo $OUTPUT->footer();