. /** * Native sqlsrv class representing moodle database interface. * * @package core * @subpackage dml * @copyright 2009 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/dml/moodle_database.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/dml/sqlsrv_native_moodle_recordset.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/dml/sqlsrv_native_moodle_temptables.php'); /** * Native sqlsrv class representing moodle database interface. */ class sqlsrv_native_moodle_database extends moodle_database { protected $sqlsrv = null; protected $last_error_reporting; // To handle SQL*Server-Native driver default verbosity protected $temptables; // Control existing temptables (sqlsrv_moodle_temptables object) protected $collation; // current DB collation cache /** * Constructor - instantiates the database, specifying if it's external (connect to other systems) or no (Moodle DB) * note this has effect to decide if prefix checks must be performed or no * @param bool true means external database used */ public function __construct($external=false) { parent::__construct($external); } /** * Detects if all needed PHP stuff installed. * Note: can be used before connect() * @return mixed true if ok, string if something */ public function driver_installed() { // use 'function_exists()' rather than 'extension_loaded()' because // the name used by 'extension_loaded()' is case specific! The extension // therefore *could be* mixed case and hence not found. if (!function_exists('sqlsrv_num_rows')) { return get_string('sqlsrvextensionisnotpresentinphp', 'install'); } return true; } /** * Returns database family type - describes SQL dialect * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string db family name (mysql, postgres, mssql, sqlsrv, oracle, etc.) */ public function get_dbfamily() { return 'mssql'; } /** * Returns more specific database driver type * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string db type mysqli, pgsql, oci, mssql, sqlsrv */ protected function get_dbtype() { return 'sqlsrv'; } /** * Returns general database library name * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string db type pdo, native */ protected function get_dblibrary() { return 'native'; } /** * Returns localised database type name * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string */ public function get_name() { return get_string('nativesqlsrv', 'install'); } /** * Returns localised database configuration help. * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string */ public function get_configuration_help() { return get_string('nativesqlsrvhelp', 'install'); } /** * Returns localised database description * Note: can be used before connect() * @return string */ public function get_configuration_hints() { $str = get_string('databasesettingssub_sqlsrv', 'install'); $str .= "

'; $str .= get_string('moodledocslink', 'install').'

'; return $str; } /** * Connect to db * Must be called before other methods. * @param string $dbhost * @param string $dbuser * @param string $dbpass * @param string $dbname * @param mixed $prefix string means moodle db prefix, false used for external databases where prefix not used * @param array $dboptions driver specific options * @return bool true * @throws dml_connection_exception if error */ public function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $prefix, array $dboptions=null) { $driverstatus = $this->driver_installed(); if ($driverstatus !== true) { throw new dml_exception('dbdriverproblem', $driverstatus); } /* * Log all Errors. */ sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", FALSE); sqlsrv_configure("LogSubsystems", SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_ALL); sqlsrv_configure("LogSeverity", SQLSRV_LOG_SEVERITY_ERROR); $this->store_settings($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $prefix, $dboptions); $this->sqlsrv = sqlsrv_connect($this->dbhost, array ( 'UID' => $this->dbuser, 'PWD' => $this->dbpass, 'Database' => $this->dbname, 'CharacterSet' => 'UTF-8', 'MultipleActiveResultSets' => true, 'ConnectionPooling' => !empty($this->dboptions['dbpersist']), 'ReturnDatesAsStrings' => true, )); if ($this->sqlsrv === false) { $this->sqlsrv = null; $dberr = $this->get_last_error(); throw new dml_connection_exception($dberr); } // Allow quoted identifiers $sql = "SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); $this->free_result($result); // Force ANSI nulls so the NULL check was done by IS NULL and NOT IS NULL // instead of equal(=) and distinct(<>) symbols $sql = "SET ANSI_NULLS ON"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); $this->free_result($result); // Force ANSI warnings so arithmetic/string overflows will be // returning error instead of transparently truncating data $sql = "SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); // Concatenating null with anything MUST return NULL $sql = "SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); $this->free_result($result); // Set transactions isolation level to READ_COMMITTED // prevents dirty reads when using transactions + // is the default isolation level of sqlsrv $sql = "SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED"; $this->query_start($sql, NULL, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); $this->free_result($result); // Connection established and configured, going to instantiate the temptables controller $this->temptables = new sqlsrv_native_moodle_temptables($this); return true; } /** * Close database connection and release all resources * and memory (especially circular memory references). * Do NOT use connect() again, create a new instance if needed. */ public function dispose() { parent::dispose(); // Call parent dispose to write/close session and other common stuff before closing connection if ($this->sqlsrv) { sqlsrv_close($this->sqlsrv); $this->sqlsrv = null; } } /** * Called before each db query. * @param string $sql * @param array array of parameters * @param int $type type of query * @param mixed $extrainfo driver specific extra information * @return void */ protected function query_start($sql, array $params = null, $type, $extrainfo = null) { parent::query_start($sql, $params, $type, $extrainfo); } /** * Called immediately after each db query. * @param mixed db specific result * @return void */ protected function query_end($result) { parent::query_end($result); } /** * Returns database server info array * @return array */ public function get_server_info() { static $info; if (!$info) { $server_info = sqlsrv_server_info($this->sqlsrv); if ($server_info) { $info['description'] = $server_info['SQLServerName']; $info['version'] = $server_info['SQLServerVersion']; $info['database'] = $server_info['CurrentDatabase']; } } return $info; } /** * Get the minimum SQL allowed * * @param mixed $version * @return mixed */ protected function is_min_version($version) { $server = $this->get_server_info(); $server = $server['version']; return version_compare($server, $version, '>='); } /** * Override: Converts short table name {tablename} to real table name * supporting temp tables (#) if detected * * @param string sql * @return string sql */ protected function fix_table_names($sql) { if (preg_match_all('/\{([a-z][a-z0-9_]*)\}/i', $sql, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $match) { $name = $matches[1][$key]; if ($this->temptables->is_temptable($name)) { $sql = str_replace($match, $this->temptables->get_correct_name($name), $sql); } else { $sql = str_replace($match, $this->prefix.$name, $sql); } } } return $sql; } /** * Returns supported query parameter types * @return int bitmask */ protected function allowed_param_types() { return SQL_PARAMS_QM; // sqlsrv 1.1 can bind } /** * Returns last error reported by database engine. * @return string error message */ public function get_last_error() { $retErrors = sqlsrv_errors(SQLSRV_ERR_ALL); $errorMessage = 'No errors found'; if ($retErrors != null) { $errorMessage = ''; foreach ($retErrors as $arrError) { $errorMessage .= "SQLState: ".$arrError['SQLSTATE']."
\n"; $errorMessage .= "Error Code: ".$arrError['code']."
\n"; $errorMessage .= "Message: ".$arrError['message']."
\n"; } } return $errorMessage; } /*** * Bound variables *are* supported. Until I can get it to work, emulate the bindings * The challenge/problem/bug is that although they work, doing a SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() * doesn't return a value (no result set) */ /** * Prepare the query binding and do the actual query. * * @param string $sql The sql statement * @param mixed $params array of params for binding. If NULL, they are ignored. * @param mixed $sql_query_type - Type of operation * @param mixed $free_result - Default true, transaction query will be freed. */ private function do_query($sql, $params, $sql_query_type, $free_result = true) { list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, $params); $sql = $this->emulate_bound_params($sql, $params); $this->query_start($sql, $params, $sql_query_type); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); if ($result === false) { // TODO do something with error or just use if DEV or DEBUG? $dberr = $this->get_last_error(); } $this->query_end($result); if ($free_result) { $this->free_result($result); return true; } return $result; } /** * Return tables in database WITHOUT current prefix * @return array of table names in lowercase and without prefix */ public function get_tables($usecache = true) { if ($usecache and count($this->tables) > 0) { return $this->tables; } $this->tables = array (); $prefix = str_replace('_', '\\_', $this->prefix); $sql = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name LIKE '$prefix%' ESCAPE '\\' AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE'"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($result) { while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result)) { $tablename = reset($row); if (strpos($tablename, $this->prefix) !== 0) { continue; } $tablename = substr($tablename, strlen($this->prefix)); $this->tables[$tablename] = $tablename; } $this->free_result($result); } // Add the currently available temptables $this->tables = array_merge($this->tables, $this->temptables->get_temptables()); return $this->tables; } /** * Return table indexes - everything lowercased * @return array of arrays */ public function get_indexes($table) { $indexes = array (); $tablename = $this->prefix.$table; // Indexes aren't covered by information_schema metatables, so we need to // go to sys ones. Skipping primary key indexes on purpose. $sql = "SELECT i.name AS index_name, i.is_unique, ic.index_column_id, c.name AS column_name FROM sys.indexes i JOIN sys.index_columns ic ON i.object_id = ic.object_id AND i.index_id = ic.index_id JOIN sys.columns c ON ic.object_id = c.object_id AND ic.column_id = c.column_id JOIN sys.tables t ON i.object_id = t.object_id WHERE t.name = '$tablename' AND i.is_primary_key = 0 ORDER BY i.name, i.index_id, ic.index_column_id"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($result) { $lastindex = ''; $unique = false; $columns = array (); while ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { if ($lastindex and $lastindex != $row['index_name']) { // Save lastindex to $indexes and reset info $indexes[$lastindex] = array ( 'unique' => $unique, 'columns' => $columns ); $unique = false; $columns = array (); } $lastindex = $row['index_name']; $unique = empty($row['is_unique']) ? false : true; $columns[] = $row['column_name']; } if ($lastindex) { // Add the last one if exists $indexes[$lastindex] = array ( 'unique' => $unique, 'columns' => $columns ); } $this->free_result($result); } return $indexes; } /** * Returns detailed information about columns in table. This information is cached internally. * @param string $table name * @param bool $usecache * @return array array of database_column_info objects indexed with column names */ public function get_columns($table, $usecache = true) { if ($usecache and isset($this->columns[$table])) { return $this->columns[$table]; } $this->columns[$table] = array (); if (!$this->temptables->is_temptable($table)) { // normal table, get metadata from own schema $sql = "SELECT column_name AS name, data_type AS type, numeric_precision AS max_length, character_maximum_length AS char_max_length, numeric_scale AS scale, is_nullable AS is_nullable, columnproperty(object_id(quotename(table_schema) + '.' + quotename(table_name)), column_name, 'IsIdentity') AS auto_increment, column_default AS default_value FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '{".$table."}' ORDER BY ordinal_position"; } else { // temp table, get metadata from tempdb schema $sql = "SELECT column_name AS name, data_type AS type, numeric_precision AS max_length, character_maximum_length AS char_max_length, numeric_scale AS scale, is_nullable AS is_nullable, columnproperty(object_id(quotename(table_schema) + '.' + quotename(table_name)), column_name, 'IsIdentity') AS auto_increment, column_default AS default_value FROM tempdb.information_schema.columns ". // check this statement // JOIN tempdb..sysobjects ON name = table_name // WHERE id = object_id('tempdb..{".$table."}') "WHERE table_name LIKE '{".$table."}__________%' ORDER BY ordinal_position"; } list($sql, $params, $type) = $this->fix_sql_params($sql, null); $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); if (!$result) { return array (); } while ($rawcolumn = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $rawcolumn = (object)$rawcolumn; $info = new stdClass(); $info->name = $rawcolumn->name; $info->type = $rawcolumn->type; $info->meta_type = $this->sqlsrvtype2moodletype($info->type); // Prepare auto_increment info $info->auto_increment = $rawcolumn->auto_increment ? true : false; // Define type for auto_increment columns $info->meta_type = ($info->auto_increment && $info->meta_type == 'I') ? 'R' : $info->meta_type; // id columns being auto_incremnt are PK by definition $info->primary_key = ($info->name == 'id' && $info->meta_type == 'R' && $info->auto_increment); // Put correct length for character and LOB types $info->max_length = $info->meta_type == 'C' ? $rawcolumn->char_max_length : $rawcolumn->max_length; $info->max_length = ($info->meta_type == 'X' || $info->meta_type == 'B') ? -1 : $info->max_length; // Scale $info->scale = $rawcolumn->scale ? $rawcolumn->scale : false; // Prepare not_null info $info->not_null = $rawcolumn->is_nullable == 'NO' ? true : false; // Process defaults $info->has_default = !empty($rawcolumn->default_value); if ($rawcolumn->default_value === NULL) { $info->default_value = NULL; } else { $info->default_value = preg_replace("/^[\(N]+[']?(.*?)[']?[\)]+$/", '\\1', $rawcolumn->default_value); } // Process binary $info->binary = $info->meta_type == 'B' ? true : false; $this->columns[$table][$info->name] = new database_column_info($info); } $this->free_result($result); return $this->columns[$table]; } /** * Normalise values based in RDBMS dependencies (booleans, LOBs...) * * @param database_column_info $column column metadata corresponding with the value we are going to normalise * @param mixed $value value we are going to normalise * @return mixed the normalised value */ protected function normalise_value($column, $value) { if (is_bool($value)) { /// Always, convert boolean to int $value = (int)$value; } // And continue processing because text columns with numeric info need special handling below if ($column->meta_type == 'B') { // BLOBs need to be properly "packed", but can be inserted directly if so. if (!is_null($value)) { // If value not null, unpack it to unquoted hexadecimal byte-string format $value = unpack('H*hex', $value); // we leave it as array, so emulate_bound_params() can detect it } // easily and "bind" the param ok. } else if ($column->meta_type == 'X') { // sqlsrv doesn't cast from int to text, so if text column if (is_numeric($value)) { // and is numeric value then cast to string $value = array('numstr' => (string)$value); // and put into array, so emulate_bound_params() will know how } // to "bind" the param ok, avoiding reverse conversion to number } else if ($value === '') { if ($column->meta_type == 'I' or $column->meta_type == 'F' or $column->meta_type == 'N') { $value = 0; // prevent '' problems in numeric fields } } return $value; } /** * Selectively call sqlsrv_free_stmt(), avoiding some warnings without using the horrible @ * * @param sqlsrv_resource $resource resource to be freed if possible */ private function free_result($resource) { if (!is_bool($resource)) { // true/false resources cannot be freed return sqlsrv_free_stmt($resource); } } /** * Provides mapping between sqlsrv native data types and moodle_database - database_column_info - ones) * * @param string $sqlsrv_type native sqlsrv data type * @return string 1-char database_column_info data type */ private function sqlsrvtype2moodletype($sqlsrv_type) { $type = null; switch (strtoupper($sqlsrv_type)) { case 'BIT': $type = 'L'; break; case 'INT': case 'SMALLINT': case 'INTEGER': case 'BIGINT': $type = 'I'; break; case 'DECIMAL': case 'REAL': case 'FLOAT': $type = 'N'; break; case 'VARCHAR': case 'NVARCHAR': $type = 'C'; break; case 'TEXT': case 'NTEXT': case 'VARCHAR(MAX)': case 'NVARCHAR(MAX)': $type = 'X'; break; case 'IMAGE': case 'VARBINARY(MAX)': $type = 'B'; break; case 'DATETIME': $type = 'D'; break; } if (!$type) { throw new dml_exception('invalidsqlsrvnativetype', $sqlsrv_type); } return $type; } /** * Do NOT use in code, to be used by database_manager only! * @param string $sql query * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function change_database_structure($sql) { $this->reset_caches(); $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_STRUCTURE); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); return true; } /** * Prepare the array of params for native binding */ protected function build_native_bound_params(array $params = null) { return null; } /** * Workaround for SQL*Server Native driver similar to MSSQL driver for * consistent behavior. */ protected function emulate_bound_params($sql, array $params = null) { if (empty($params)) { return $sql; } /// ok, we have verified sql statement with ? and correct number of params $return = strtok($sql, '?'); foreach ($params as $param) { if (is_bool($param)) { $return .= (int)$param; } else if (is_array($param) && isset($param['hex'])) { // detect hex binary, bind it specially $return .= '0x'.$param['hex']; } else if (is_array($param) && isset($param['numstr'])) { // detect numerical strings that *must not* $return .= "N'{$param['numstr']}'"; // be converted back to number params, but bound as strings } else if (is_null($param)) { $return .= 'NULL'; } else if (is_number($param)) { // we can not use is_numeric() because it eats leading zeros from strings like 0045646 $return .= "'$param'"; // this is a hack for MDL-23997, we intentionally use string because it is compatible with both nvarchar and int types } else if (is_float($param)) { $return .= $param; } else { $param = str_replace("'", "''", $param); $return .= "N'$param'"; } $return .= strtok('?'); } return $return; } /** * Execute general sql query. Should be used only when no other method suitable. * Do NOT use this to make changes in db structure, use database_manager::execute_sql() instead! * @param string $sql query * @param array $params query parameters * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function execute($sql, array $params = null) { if (strpos($sql, ';') !== false) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::execute() Multiple sql statements found or bound parameters not used properly in query!'); } $this->do_query($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE); return true; } /** * Get a number of records as a moodle_recordset using a SQL statement. * * Since this method is a little less readable, use of it should be restricted to * code where it's possible there might be large datasets being returned. For known * small datasets use get_records_sql - it leads to simpler code. * * The return type is as for @see function get_recordset. * * @param string $sql the SQL select query to execute. * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set). * @param int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set). * @return moodle_recordset instance * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function get_recordset_sql($sql, array $params = null, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) { $limitfrom = (int)$limitfrom; $limitnum = (int)$limitnum; $limitfrom = max(0, $limitfrom); $limitnum = max(0, $limitnum); if ($limitfrom or $limitnum) { $sql = $this->limit_to_top_n($sql, $limitfrom, $limitnum); } $result = $this->do_query($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_SELECT, false); return $this->create_recordset($result); } /** * Perform a emulation for LIMIT(offset, limit) * * @param string $sql * @param int $offset * @param int $limit * @return string sql */ private function limit_to_top_n($sql, $offset, $limit) { if ($limit < 1 && $offset < 1) { return $sql; } $limit = max(0, $limit); $offset = max(0, $offset); if ($limit > 0 && $offset == 0) { $sql1 = preg_replace('/^([\s(])*SELECT([\s]+)(DISTINCT|ALL)?(?!\s*TOP\s*\()/i', "\\1SELECT\\2\\3 TOP $limit", $sql); } else { // Only apply TOP clause if we have any limitnum (limitfrom offset is handled later) if ($limit < 1) { $limit = "9223372036854775806"; // MAX BIGINT -1 } if (preg_match('/\w*FROM[\s|{]*([\w|.]*)[\s|}]?/i', $sql, $match)) { $from_table = $match[1]; if (preg_match('/SELECT[\w|\s]*(\*)[\w|\s]*FROM/i', $sql)) { // Need all the columns as the emulation returns some temp cols $cols = array_keys($this->get_columns($from_table)); $cols = implode(', ', $cols); } else { $cols = '*'; } $sql1 = "SELECT $cols FROM (SELECT sub2.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY sub2.line2) AS line3 FROM (SELECT 1 AS line2, sub1.* FROM {".$from_table."} AS sub1 ) AS sub2 ) AS sub3 WHERE line3 BETWEEN ".($offset+1)." AND ".($offset + $limit); } else { $sql1 = "SELECT 'Invalid table'"; } } return $sql1; } /** * Create a record set and initialize with first row * * @param mixed $result * @return sqlsrv_native_moodle_recordset */ protected function create_recordset($result) { return new sqlsrv_native_moodle_recordset($result); } /** * Get a number of records as an array of objects using a SQL statement. * * Return value as for @see function get_records. * * @param string $sql the SQL select query to execute. The first column of this SELECT statement * must be a unique value (usually the 'id' field), as it will be used as the key of the * returned array. * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @param int $limitfrom return a subset of records, starting at this point (optional, required if $limitnum is set). * @param int $limitnum return a subset comprising this many records (optional, required if $limitfrom is set). * @return array of objects, or empty array if no records were found * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function get_records_sql($sql, array $params = null, $limitfrom = 0, $limitnum = 0) { $rs = $this->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params, $limitfrom, $limitnum); $results = array(); foreach ($rs as $row) { $id = reset($row); if (isset($results[$id])) { $colname = key($row); debugging("Did you remember to make the first column something unique in your call to get_records? Duplicate value '$id' found in column '$colname'.", DEBUG_DEVELOPER); } $results[$id] = (object)$row; } $rs->close(); return $results; } /** * Selects records and return values (first field) as an array using a SQL statement. * * @param string $sql The SQL query * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @return array of values * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function get_fieldset_sql($sql, array $params = null) { $rs = $this->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params); $results = array (); foreach ($rs as $row) { $results[] = reset($row); } $rs->close(); return $results; } /** * Insert new record into database, as fast as possible, no safety checks, lobs not supported. * @param string $table name * @param mixed $params data record as object or array * @param bool $returnit return it of inserted record * @param bool $bulk true means repeated inserts expected * @param bool $customsequence true if 'id' included in $params, disables $returnid * @return bool|int true or new id * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function insert_record_raw($table, $params, $returnid=true, $bulk=false, $customsequence=false) { if (!is_array($params)) { $params = (array)$params; } if ($customsequence) { if (!isset($params['id'])) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::insert_record_raw() id field must be specified if custom sequences used.'); } $returnid = false; // Disable IDENTITY column before inserting record with id $sql = 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT {'.$table.'} ON'; // Yes, it' ON!! $this->do_query($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); } else { unset($params['id']); } if (empty($params)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::insert_record_raw() no fields found.'); } $fields = implode(',', array_keys($params)); $qms = array_fill(0, count($params), '?'); $qms = implode(',', $qms); $sql = "INSERT INTO {" . $table . "} ($fields) VALUES($qms)"; $query_id = $this->do_query($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_INSERT); if ($customsequence) { // Enable IDENTITY column after inserting record with id $sql = 'SET IDENTITY_INSERT {'.$table.'} OFF'; // Yes, it' OFF!! $this->do_query($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); } if ($returnid) { $id = $this->sqlsrv_fetch_id(); return $id; } else { return true; } } /** * Get the ID of the current action * * @return mixed ID */ private function sqlsrv_fetch_id() { $query_id = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, 'SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()'); if ($query_id === false) { $dberr = $this->get_last_error(); return false; } $row = $this->sqlsrv_fetchrow($query_id); return (int)$row[0]; } /** * Fetch a single row into an numbered array * * @param mixed $query_id */ private function sqlsrv_fetchrow($query_id) { $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array($query_id, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC); if ($row === false) { $dberr = $this->get_last_error(); return false; } foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $row[$key] = ($value === ' ' || $value === NULL) ? '' : $value; } return $row; } /** * Insert a record into a table and return the "id" field if required. * * Some conversions and safety checks are carried out. Lobs are supported. * If the return ID isn't required, then this just reports success as true/false. * $data is an object containing needed data * @param string $table The database table to be inserted into * @param object $data A data object with values for one or more fields in the record * @param bool $returnid Should the id of the newly created record entry be returned? If this option is not requested then true/false is returned. * @return bool|int true or new id * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function insert_record($table, $dataobject, $returnid = true, $bulk = false) { $dataobject = (array)$dataobject; $columns = $this->get_columns($table); $cleaned = array (); foreach ($dataobject as $field => $value) { if ($field === 'id') { continue; } if (!isset($columns[$field])) { continue; } $column = $columns[$field]; $cleaned[$field] = $this->normalise_value($column, $value); } return $this->insert_record_raw($table, $cleaned, $returnid, $bulk); } /** * Import a record into a table, id field is required. * Safety checks are NOT carried out. Lobs are supported. * * @param string $table name of database table to be inserted into * @param object $dataobject A data object with values for one or more fields in the record * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function import_record($table, $dataobject) { if (!is_object($dataobject)) { $dataobject = (object)$dataobject; } $columns = $this->get_columns($table); $cleaned = array (); foreach ($dataobject as $field => $value) { if (!isset($columns[$field])) { continue; } $column = $columns[$field]; $cleaned[$field] = $this->normalise_value($column, $value); } $this->insert_record_raw($table, $cleaned, false, false, true); return true; } /** * Update record in database, as fast as possible, no safety checks, lobs not supported. * @param string $table name * @param mixed $params data record as object or array * @param bool true means repeated updates expected * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function update_record_raw($table, $params, $bulk = false) { $params = (array)$params; if (!isset($params['id'])) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::update_record_raw() id field must be specified.'); } $id = $params['id']; unset($params['id']); if (empty($params)) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::update_record_raw() no fields found.'); } $sets = array (); foreach ($params as $field => $value) { $sets[] = "$field = ?"; } $params[] = $id; // last ? in WHERE condition $sets = implode(',', $sets); $sql = "UPDATE {".$table."} SET $sets WHERE id = ?"; $this->do_query($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE); return true; } /** * Update a record in a table * * $dataobject is an object containing needed data * Relies on $dataobject having a variable "id" to * specify the record to update * * @param string $table The database table to be checked against. * @param object $dataobject An object with contents equal to fieldname=>fieldvalue. Must have an entry for 'id' to map to the table specified. * @param bool true means repeated updates expected * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function update_record($table, $dataobject, $bulk = false) { $dataobject = (array)$dataobject; $columns = $this->get_columns($table); $cleaned = array (); foreach ($dataobject as $field => $value) { if (!isset($columns[$field])) { continue; } $column = $columns[$field]; $cleaned[$field] = $this->normalise_value($column, $value); } return $this->update_record_raw($table, $cleaned, $bulk); } /** * Set a single field in every table record which match a particular WHERE clause. * * @param string $table The database table to be checked against. * @param string $newfield the field to set. * @param string $newvalue the value to set the field to. * @param string $select A fragment of SQL to be used in a where clause in the SQL call. * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function set_field_select($table, $newfield, $newvalue, $select, array $params = null) { if ($select) { $select = "WHERE $select"; } if (is_null($params)) { $params = array (); } /// Get column metadata $columns = $this->get_columns($table); $column = $columns[$newfield]; $newvalue = $this->normalise_value($column, $newvalue); if (is_null($newvalue)) { $newfield = "$newfield = NULL"; } else { $newfield = "$newfield = ?"; array_unshift($params, $newvalue); } $sql = "UPDATE {".$table."} SET $newfield $select"; $this->do_query($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE); return true; } /** * Delete one or more records from a table which match a particular WHERE clause. * * @param string $table The database table to be checked against. * @param string $select A fragment of SQL to be used in a where clause in the SQL call (used to define the selection criteria). * @param array $params array of sql parameters * @return bool true * @throws dml_exception if error */ public function delete_records_select($table, $select, array $params = null) { if ($select) { $select = "WHERE $select"; } $sql = "DELETE FROM {".$table."} $select"; // we use SQL_QUERY_UPDATE because we do not know what is in general SQL, delete constant would not be accurate $this->do_query($sql, $params, SQL_QUERY_UPDATE); return true; } /// SQL helper functions public function sql_cast_char2int($fieldname, $text = false) { if (!$text) { return ' CAST(' . $fieldname . ' AS INT) '; } else { return ' CAST(' . $this->sql_compare_text($fieldname) . ' AS INT) '; } } public function sql_cast_char2real($fieldname, $text=false) { if (!$text) { return ' CAST(' . $fieldname . ' AS REAL) '; } else { return ' CAST(' . $this->sql_compare_text($fieldname) . ' AS REAL) '; } } public function sql_ceil($fieldname) { return ' CEILING('.$fieldname.')'; } protected function get_collation() { if (isset($this->collation)) { return $this->collation; } if (!empty($this->dboptions['dbcollation'])) { // perf speedup $this->collation = $this->dboptions['dbcollation']; return $this->collation; } // make some default $this->collation = 'Latin1_General_CI_AI'; $sql = "SELECT CAST(DATABASEPROPERTYEX('$this->dbname', 'Collation') AS varchar(255)) AS SQLCollation"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); if ($result) { if ($rawcolumn = sqlsrv_fetch_array($result, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC)) { $this->collation = reset($rawcolumn); } $this->free_result($result); } return $this->collation; } /** * Returns 'LIKE' part of a query. * * @param string $fieldname usually name of the table column * @param string $param usually bound query parameter (?, :named) * @param bool $casesensitive use case sensitive search * @param bool $accensensitive use accent sensitive search (not all databases support accent insensitive) * @param bool $notlike true means "NOT LIKE" * @param string $escapechar escape char for '%' and '_' * @return string SQL code fragment */ public function sql_like($fieldname, $param, $casesensitive = true, $accentsensitive = true, $notlike = false, $escapechar = '\\') { if (strpos($param, '%') !== false) { debugging('Potential SQL injection detected, sql_ilike() expects bound parameters (? or :named)'); } $collation = $this->get_collation(); $LIKE = $notlike ? 'NOT LIKE' : 'LIKE'; if ($casesensitive) { $collation = str_replace('_CI', '_CS', $collation); } else { $collation = str_replace('_CS', '_CI', $collation); } if ($accentsensitive) { $collation = str_replace('_AI', '_AS', $collation); } else { $collation = str_replace('_AS', '_AI', $collation); } return "$fieldname COLLATE $collation $LIKE $param ESCAPE '$escapechar'"; } public function sql_concat() { $arr = func_get_args(); foreach ($arr as $key => $ele) { $arr[$key] = ' CAST('.$ele.' AS VARCHAR(255)) '; } $s = implode(' + ', $arr); if ($s === '') { return " '' "; } return " $s "; } public function sql_concat_join($separator = "' '", $elements = array ()) { for ($n = count($elements) - 1; $n > 0; $n--) { array_splice($elements, $n, 0, $separator); } $s = implode(' + ', $elements); if ($s === '') { return " '' "; } return " $s "; } public function sql_isempty($tablename, $fieldname, $nullablefield, $textfield) { if ($textfield) { return ' ('.$this->sql_compare_text($fieldname)." = '') "; } else { return " ($fieldname = '') "; } } /** * Returns the SQL text to be used to calculate the length in characters of one expression. * @param string fieldname or expression to calculate its length in characters. * @return string the piece of SQL code to be used in the statement. */ public function sql_length($fieldname) { return ' LEN('.$fieldname.')'; } public function sql_order_by_text($fieldname, $numchars = 32) { return ' CONVERT(varchar, '.$fieldname.', '.$numchars.')'; } /** * Returns the SQL for returning searching one string for the location of another. */ public function sql_position($needle, $haystack) { return "CHARINDEX(($needle), ($haystack))"; } /** * Returns the proper substr() SQL text used to extract substrings from DB * NOTE: this was originally returning only function name * * @param string $expr some string field, no aggregates * @param mixed $start integer or expression evaluating to int * @param mixed $length optional integer or expression evaluating to int * @return string sql fragment */ public function sql_substr($expr, $start, $length = false) { if (count(func_get_args()) < 2) { throw new coding_exception('moodle_database::sql_substr() requires at least two parameters', 'Originally this function was only returning name of SQL substring function, it now requires all parameters.'); } if ($length === false) { return "SUBSTRING($expr, $start, (LEN($expr) - $start + 1))"; } else { return "SUBSTRING($expr, $start, $length)"; } } /// session locking public function session_lock_supported() { return true; } public function get_session_lock($rowid) { if (!$this->session_lock_supported()) { return; } parent::get_session_lock($rowid); $fullname = $this->dbname.'-'.$this->prefix.'-session-'.$rowid; $sql = "sp_getapplock '$fullname', 'Exclusive', 'Session', 120000"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); $this->free_result($result); } public function release_session_lock($rowid) { if (!$this->session_lock_supported()) { return; } parent::release_session_lock($rowid); $fullname = $this->dbname.'-'.$this->prefix.'-session-'.$rowid; $sql = "sp_releaseapplock '$fullname', 'Session'"; $this->query_start($sql, null, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_query($this->sqlsrv, $sql); $this->query_end($result); $this->free_result($result); } /// transactions // NOTE: // TODO -- should these be wrapped in query start/end? They arn't a query // but information and error capture is nice. msk /** * Driver specific start of real database transaction, * this can not be used directly in code. * @return void */ protected function begin_transaction() { $this->query_start('native sqlsrv_begin_transaction', NULL, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_begin_transaction($this->sqlsrv); $this->query_end($result); } /** * Driver specific commit of real database transaction, * this can not be used directly in code. * @return void */ protected function commit_transaction() { $this->query_start('native sqlsrv_commit', NULL, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_commit($this->sqlsrv); $this->query_end($result); } /** * Driver specific abort of real database transaction, * this can not be used directly in code. * @return void */ protected function rollback_transaction() { $this->query_start('native sqlsrv_rollback', NULL, SQL_QUERY_AUX); $result = sqlsrv_rollback($this->sqlsrv); $this->query_end($result); } }