. /** * Mysql specific SQL code generator. * * @package core_ddl * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com * 2001-3001 Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) http://contiento.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir.'/ddl/sql_generator.php'); /** * This class generate SQL code to be used against MySQL * It extends XMLDBgenerator so everything can be * overridden as needed to generate correct SQL. * * @package core_ddl * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas http://dougiamas.com * 2001-3001 Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) http://contiento.com * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ class mysql_sql_generator extends sql_generator { // Only set values that are different from the defaults present in XMLDBgenerator /** @var string Used to quote names. */ public $quote_string = '`'; /** @var string To define the default to set for NOT NULLs CHARs without default (null=do nothing).*/ public $default_for_char = ''; /** @var bool To specify if the generator must use some DEFAULT clause to drop defaults.*/ public $drop_default_value_required = true; /** @var string The DEFAULT clause required to drop defaults.*/ public $drop_default_value = null; /** @var string To force primary key names to one string (null=no force).*/ public $primary_key_name = ''; /** @var string Template to drop PKs. 'TABLENAME' and 'KEYNAME' will be replaced from this template.*/ public $drop_primary_key = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME DROP PRIMARY KEY'; /** @var string Template to drop UKs. 'TABLENAME' and 'KEYNAME' will be replaced from this template.*/ public $drop_unique_key = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME DROP KEY KEYNAME'; /** @var string Template to drop FKs. 'TABLENAME' and 'KEYNAME' will be replaced from this template.*/ public $drop_foreign_key = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME DROP FOREIGN KEY KEYNAME'; /** @var bool True if the generator needs to add extra code to generate the sequence fields.*/ public $sequence_extra_code = false; /** @var string The particular name for inline sequences in this generator.*/ public $sequence_name = 'auto_increment'; public $add_after_clause = true; // Does the generator need to add the after clause for fields /** @var string Characters to be used as concatenation operator.*/ public $concat_character = null; /** @var string The SQL template to alter columns where the 'TABLENAME' and 'COLUMNSPECS' keywords are dynamically replaced.*/ public $alter_column_sql = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME MODIFY COLUMN COLUMNSPECS'; /** @var string SQL sentence to drop one index where 'TABLENAME', 'INDEXNAME' keywords are dynamically replaced.*/ public $drop_index_sql = 'ALTER TABLE TABLENAME DROP INDEX INDEXNAME'; /** @var string SQL sentence to rename one index where 'TABLENAME', 'OLDINDEXNAME' and 'NEWINDEXNAME' are dynamically replaced.*/ public $rename_index_sql = null; /** @var string SQL sentence to rename one key 'TABLENAME', 'OLDKEYNAME' and 'NEWKEYNAME' are dynamically replaced.*/ public $rename_key_sql = null; /** * Reset a sequence to the id field of a table. * * @param xmldb_table|string $table name of table or the table object. * @return array of sql statements */ public function getResetSequenceSQL($table) { if ($table instanceof xmldb_table) { $tablename = $table->getName(); } else { $tablename = $table; } // From http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/alter-table.html $value = (int)$this->mdb->get_field_sql('SELECT MAX(id) FROM {'.$tablename.'}'); $value++; return array("ALTER TABLE $this->prefix$tablename AUTO_INCREMENT = $value"); } /** * Given one correct xmldb_table, returns the SQL statements * to create it (inside one array). * * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table An xmldb_table instance. * @return array An array of SQL statements, starting with the table creation SQL followed * by any of its comments, indexes and sequence creation SQL statements. */ public function getCreateTableSQL($xmldb_table) { // First find out if want some special db engine. $engine = $this->mdb->get_dbengine(); // Do we know collation? $collation = $this->mdb->get_dbcollation(); $sqlarr = parent::getCreateTableSQL($xmldb_table); // Let's inject the extra MySQL tweaks. foreach ($sqlarr as $i=>$sql) { if (strpos($sql, 'CREATE TABLE ') === 0) { if ($engine) { $sqlarr[$i] .= " ENGINE = $engine"; } if ($collation) { if (strpos($collation, 'utf8_') === 0) { $sqlarr[$i] .= " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8"; } $sqlarr[$i] .= " DEFAULT COLLATE = $collation"; } } } return $sqlarr; } /** * Given one correct xmldb_table, returns the SQL statements * to create temporary table (inside one array). * * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table The xmldb_table object instance. * @return array of sql statements */ public function getCreateTempTableSQL($xmldb_table) { // Do we know collation? $collation = $this->mdb->get_dbcollation(); $this->temptables->add_temptable($xmldb_table->getName()); $sqlarr = parent::getCreateTableSQL($xmldb_table); // Let's inject the extra MySQL tweaks. foreach ($sqlarr as $i=>$sql) { if (strpos($sql, 'CREATE TABLE ') === 0) { // We do not want the engine hack included in create table SQL. $sqlarr[$i] = preg_replace('/^CREATE TABLE (.*)/s', 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE $1', $sql); if ($collation) { if (strpos($collation, 'utf8_') === 0) { $sqlarr[$i] .= " DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8"; } $sqlarr[$i] .= " DEFAULT COLLATE $collation"; } } } return $sqlarr; } /** * Given one correct xmldb_table, returns the SQL statements * to drop it (inside one array). * * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table The table to drop. * @return array SQL statement(s) for dropping the specified table. */ public function getDropTableSQL($xmldb_table) { $sqlarr = parent::getDropTableSQL($xmldb_table); if ($this->temptables->is_temptable($xmldb_table->getName())) { $sqlarr = preg_replace('/^DROP TABLE/', "DROP TEMPORARY TABLE", $sqlarr); $this->temptables->delete_temptable($xmldb_table->getName()); } return $sqlarr; } /** * Given one XMLDB Type, length and decimals, returns the DB proper SQL type. * * @param int $xmldb_type The xmldb_type defined constant. XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER and other XMLDB_TYPE_* constants. * @param int $xmldb_length The length of that data type. * @param int $xmldb_decimals The decimal places of precision of the data type. * @return string The DB defined data type. */ public function getTypeSQL($xmldb_type, $xmldb_length=null, $xmldb_decimals=null) { switch ($xmldb_type) { case XMLDB_TYPE_INTEGER: // From http://mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/numeric-types.html! if (empty($xmldb_length)) { $xmldb_length = 10; } if ($xmldb_length > 9) { $dbtype = 'BIGINT'; } else if ($xmldb_length > 6) { $dbtype = 'INT'; } else if ($xmldb_length > 4) { $dbtype = 'MEDIUMINT'; } else if ($xmldb_length > 2) { $dbtype = 'SMALLINT'; } else { $dbtype = 'TINYINT'; } $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length . ')'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_NUMBER: $dbtype = $this->number_type; if (!empty($xmldb_length)) { $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length; if (!empty($xmldb_decimals)) { $dbtype .= ',' . $xmldb_decimals; } $dbtype .= ')'; } break; case XMLDB_TYPE_FLOAT: $dbtype = 'DOUBLE'; if (!empty($xmldb_decimals)) { if ($xmldb_decimals < 6) { $dbtype = 'FLOAT'; } } if (!empty($xmldb_length)) { $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length; if (!empty($xmldb_decimals)) { $dbtype .= ',' . $xmldb_decimals; } else { $dbtype .= ', 0'; // In MySQL, if length is specified, decimals are mandatory for FLOATs } $dbtype .= ')'; } break; case XMLDB_TYPE_CHAR: $dbtype = 'VARCHAR'; if (empty($xmldb_length)) { $xmldb_length='255'; } $dbtype .= '(' . $xmldb_length . ')'; if ($collation = $this->mdb->get_dbcollation()) { if (strpos($collation, 'utf8_') === 0) { $dbtype .= " CHARACTER SET utf8"; } $dbtype .= " COLLATE $collation"; } break; case XMLDB_TYPE_TEXT: $dbtype = 'LONGTEXT'; if ($collation = $this->mdb->get_dbcollation()) { if (strpos($collation, 'utf8_') === 0) { $dbtype .= " CHARACTER SET utf8"; } $dbtype .= " COLLATE $collation"; } break; case XMLDB_TYPE_BINARY: $dbtype = 'LONGBLOB'; break; case XMLDB_TYPE_DATETIME: $dbtype = 'DATETIME'; } return $dbtype; } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needed to add its default * (usually invoked from getModifyDefaultSQL() * * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table The xmldb_table object instance. * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field The xmldb_field object instance. * @return array Array of SQL statements to create a field's default. */ public function getCreateDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { // Just a wrapper over the getAlterFieldSQL() function for MySQL that // is capable of handling defaults return $this->getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field); } /** * Given one correct xmldb_field and the new name, returns the SQL statements * to rename it (inside one array). * * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table The table related to $xmldb_field. * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field The instance of xmldb_field to get the renamed field from. * @param string $newname The new name to rename the field to. * @return array The SQL statements for renaming the field. */ public function getRenameFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field, $newname) { // NOTE: MySQL is pretty different from the standard to justify this overloading. // Need a clone of xmldb_field to perform the change leaving original unmodified $xmldb_field_clone = clone($xmldb_field); // Change the name of the field to perform the change $xmldb_field_clone->setName($newname); $fieldsql = $this->getFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field_clone); $sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->getTableName($xmldb_table) . ' CHANGE ' . $xmldb_field->getName() . ' ' . $fieldsql; return array($sql); } /** * Given one xmldb_table and one xmldb_field, return the SQL statements needed to drop its default * (usually invoked from getModifyDefaultSQL() * * Note that this method may be dropped in future. * * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table The xmldb_table object instance. * @param xmldb_field $xmldb_field The xmldb_field object instance. * @return array Array of SQL statements to create a field's default. * * @todo MDL-31147 Moodle 2.1 - Drop getDropDefaultSQL() */ public function getDropDefaultSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field) { // Just a wrapper over the getAlterFieldSQL() function for MySQL that // is capable of handling defaults return $this->getAlterFieldSQL($xmldb_table, $xmldb_field); } /** * Returns the code (array of statements) needed to add one comment to the table. * * @param xmldb_table $xmldb_table The xmldb_table object instance. * @return array Array of SQL statements to add one comment to the table. */ function getCommentSQL ($xmldb_table) { $comment = ''; if ($xmldb_table->getComment()) { $comment .= 'ALTER TABLE ' . $this->getTableName($xmldb_table); $comment .= " COMMENT='" . $this->addslashes(substr($xmldb_table->getComment(), 0, 60)) . "'"; } return array($comment); } /** * Given one object name and it's type (pk, uk, fk, ck, ix, uix, seq, trg). * * (MySQL requires the whole xmldb_table object to be specified, so we add it always) * * This is invoked from getNameForObject(). * Only some DB have this implemented. * * @param string $object_name The object's name to check for. * @param string $type The object's type (pk, uk, fk, ck, ix, uix, seq, trg). * @param string $table_name The table's name to check in * @return bool If such name is currently in use (true) or no (false) */ public function isNameInUse($object_name, $type, $table_name) { switch($type) { case 'ix': case 'uix': // First of all, check table exists $metatables = $this->mdb->get_tables(); if (isset($metatables[$table_name])) { // Fetch all the indexes in the table if ($indexes = $this->mdb->get_indexes($table_name)) { // Look for existing index in array if (isset($indexes[$object_name])) { return true; } } } break; } return false; //No name in use found } /** * Returns an array of reserved words (lowercase) for this DB * @return array An array of database specific reserved words */ public static function getReservedWords() { // This file contains the reserved words for MySQL databases // from http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/6.0/en/reserved-words.html $reserved_words = array ( 'accessible', 'add', 'all', 'alter', 'analyze', 'and', 'as', 'asc', 'asensitive', 'before', 'between', 'bigint', 'binary', 'blob', 'both', 'by', 'call', 'cascade', 'case', 'change', 'char', 'character', 'check', 'collate', 'column', 'condition', 'connection', 'constraint', 'continue', 'convert', 'create', 'cross', 'current_date', 'current_time', 'current_timestamp', 'current_user', 'cursor', 'database', 'databases', 'day_hour', 'day_microsecond', 'day_minute', 'day_second', 'dec', 'decimal', 'declare', 'default', 'delayed', 'delete', 'desc', 'describe', 'deterministic', 'distinct', 'distinctrow', 'div', 'double', 'drop', 'dual', 'each', 'else', 'elseif', 'enclosed', 'escaped', 'exists', 'exit', 'explain', 'false', 'fetch', 'float', 'float4', 'float8', 'for', 'force', 'foreign', 'from', 'fulltext', 'grant', 'group', 'having', 'high_priority', 'hour_microsecond', 'hour_minute', 'hour_second', 'if', 'ignore', 'in', 'index', 'infile', 'inner', 'inout', 'insensitive', 'insert', 'int', 'int1', 'int2', 'int3', 'int4', 'int8', 'integer', 'interval', 'into', 'is', 'iterate', 'join', 'key', 'keys', 'kill', 'leading', 'leave', 'left', 'like', 'limit', 'linear', 'lines', 'load', 'localtime', 'localtimestamp', 'lock', 'long', 'longblob', 'longtext', 'loop', 'low_priority', 'master_heartbeat_period', 'master_ssl_verify_server_cert', 'match', 'mediumblob', 'mediumint', 'mediumtext', 'middleint', 'minute_microsecond', 'minute_second', 'mod', 'modifies', 'natural', 'not', 'no_write_to_binlog', 'null', 'numeric', 'on', 'optimize', 'option', 'optionally', 'or', 'order', 'out', 'outer', 'outfile', 'overwrite', 'precision', 'primary', 'procedure', 'purge', 'raid0', 'range', 'read', 'read_only', 'read_write', 'reads', 'real', 'references', 'regexp', 'release', 'rename', 'repeat', 'replace', 'require', 'restrict', 'return', 'revoke', 'right', 'rlike', 'schema', 'schemas', 'second_microsecond', 'select', 'sensitive', 'separator', 'set', 'show', 'smallint', 'soname', 'spatial', 'specific', 'sql', 'sqlexception', 'sqlstate', 'sqlwarning', 'sql_big_result', 'sql_calc_found_rows', 'sql_small_result', 'ssl', 'starting', 'straight_join', 'table', 'terminated', 'then', 'tinyblob', 'tinyint', 'tinytext', 'to', 'trailing', 'trigger', 'true', 'undo', 'union', 'unique', 'unlock', 'unsigned', 'update', 'upgrade', 'usage', 'use', 'using', 'utc_date', 'utc_time', 'utc_timestamp', 'values', 'varbinary', 'varchar', 'varcharacter', 'varying', 'when', 'where', 'while', 'with', 'write', 'x509', 'xor', 'year_month', 'zerofill' ); return $reserved_words; } }