dirroot.'/lib/rsslib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot .'/blog/lib.php'); // This function returns the icon (from theme) with the link to rss/file.php // needs some hacking to rss/file.php function blog_rss_print_link($filtertype, $filterselect, $tagid=0, $tooltiptext='') { global $CFG, $USER; if (empty($USER->id)) { $userid = 1; } else { $userid = $USER->id; } switch ($filtertype) { case 'site': $path = SITEID.'/'.$userid.'/blog/site/'.SITEID; break; case 'course': $path = $filterselect.'/'.$userid.'/blog/course/'.$filterselect; break; case 'group': $path = SITEID.'/'.$userid.'/blog/group/'.$filterselect; break; case 'user': $path = SITEID.'/'.$userid.'/blog/user/'.$filterselect; break; } if ($tagid) { $path .= '/'.$tagid; } $path .= '/rss.xml'; $rsspix = $CFG->pixpath .'/i/rss.gif'; if ($CFG->slasharguments) { $path = $CFG->wwwroot.'/rss/file.php/'.$path; } else { $path = $CFG->wwwroot.'/rss/file.php?file='.$path; } print '
'; } // Generate any blog RSS feed via one function (called by ../rss/file.php) function blog_generate_rss_feed($type, $id, $tagid=0) { global $CFG, $SITE; if (empty($CFG->enablerssfeeds)) { debugging('Sorry, RSS feeds are disabled on this site'); return ''; } $filename = blog_rss_file_name($type, $id, $tagid); if (file_exists($filename)) { if (filemtime($filename) + 3600 > time()) { return $filename; /// It's already done so we return cached version } } /// Get all the posts from the database //$blogFilter =& new BlogFilter(0, 0, 20, 0, $type, $id, $tagid); $blogposts = fetch_entries(0, 0, 20, 0, $type, $id, $tagid); //$blogFilter->fetch_entries(); /// Now generate an array of RSS items if ($blogposts) { $items = array(); foreach ($blogposts as $blogpost) { $item = NULL; $item->author = fullname(get_record('user','id',$blogpost->userid)); $item->title = $blogpost->subject; $item->pubdate = $blogpost->lastmodified; $item->link = $CFG->wwwroot.'/blog/index.php?postid='.$blogpost->id; $item->description = format_text($blogpost->summary, $blogpost->format); $items[] = $item; } $articles = rss_add_items($items); /// Change structure to XML } else { $articles = ''; } /// Get header and footer information switch ($type) { case 'user': $info = fullname(get_record('user', 'id', $id, '','','','','firstname,lastname')); break; case 'course': $info = get_field('course', 'fullname', 'id', $id); break; case 'site': $info = $SITE->fullname; break; case 'group': $info = get_field('groups', 'name', 'id', $id); break; default: $info = ''; break; } if ($tagid) { $info .= ': '.get_field('tags', 'text', 'id', $tagid); } $header = rss_standard_header(get_string($type.'blog','blog', $info), $CFG->wwwroot.'/blog/index.php', get_string('intro','blog')); $footer = rss_standard_footer(); /// Save the XML contents to file. $rssdata = $header.$articles.$footer; if (blog_rss_save_file($type,$id,$tagid,$rssdata)) { return $filename; } else { return false; // Couldn't find it or make it } } function blog_rss_file_name($type, $id, $tagid=0) { global $CFG; if ($tagid) { return "$CFG->dataroot/rss/blog/$type/$id/$tagid.xml"; } else { return "$CFG->dataroot/rss/blog/$type/$id.xml"; } } //This function saves to file the rss feed specified in the parameters function blog_rss_save_file($type, $id, $tagid=0, $contents='') { global $CFG; if (! $basedir = make_upload_directory("rss/blog/$type/$id")) { return false; } $file = blog_rss_file_name($type, $id, $tagid); $rss_file = fopen($file, 'w'); if ($rss_file) { $status = fwrite ($rss_file, $contents); fclose($rss_file); } else { $status = false; } return $status; } ?>