. /** * Library of functions for the quiz module. * * This contains functions that are called also from outside the quiz module * Functions that are only called by the quiz module itself are in {@link locallib.php} * * @package mod_quiz * @copyright 1999 onwards Martin Dougiamas {@link http://moodle.com} * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later */ defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/eventslib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/calendar/lib.php'); /**#@+ * Option controlling what options are offered on the quiz settings form. */ define('QUIZ_MAX_ATTEMPT_OPTION', 10); define('QUIZ_MAX_QPP_OPTION', 50); define('QUIZ_MAX_DECIMAL_OPTION', 5); define('QUIZ_MAX_Q_DECIMAL_OPTION', 7); /**#@-*/ /**#@+ * Options determining how the grades from individual attempts are combined to give * the overall grade for a user */ define('QUIZ_GRADEHIGHEST', '1'); define('QUIZ_GRADEAVERAGE', '2'); define('QUIZ_ATTEMPTFIRST', '3'); define('QUIZ_ATTEMPTLAST', '4'); /**#@-*/ /** * @var int If start and end date for the quiz are more than this many seconds apart * they will be represented by two separate events in the calendar */ define('QUIZ_MAX_EVENT_LENGTH', 5*24*60*60); // 5 days. /**#@+ * Options for navigation method within quizzes. */ define('QUIZ_NAVMETHOD_FREE', 'free'); define('QUIZ_NAVMETHOD_SEQ', 'sequential'); /**#@-*/ /** * Given an object containing all the necessary data, * (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function * will create a new instance and return the id number * of the new instance. * * @param object $quiz the data that came from the form. * @return mixed the id of the new instance on success, * false or a string error message on failure. */ function quiz_add_instance($quiz) { global $DB; $cmid = $quiz->coursemodule; // Process the options from the form. $quiz->created = time(); $result = quiz_process_options($quiz); if ($result && is_string($result)) { return $result; } // Try to store it in the database. $quiz->id = $DB->insert_record('quiz', $quiz); // Do the processing required after an add or an update. quiz_after_add_or_update($quiz); return $quiz->id; } /** * Given an object containing all the necessary data, * (defined by the form in mod_form.php) this function * will update an existing instance with new data. * * @param object $quiz the data that came from the form. * @return mixed true on success, false or a string error message on failure. */ function quiz_update_instance($quiz, $mform) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); // Process the options from the form. $result = quiz_process_options($quiz); if ($result && is_string($result)) { return $result; } // Get the current value, so we can see what changed. $oldquiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $quiz->instance)); // We need two values from the existing DB record that are not in the form, // in some of the function calls below. $quiz->sumgrades = $oldquiz->sumgrades; $quiz->grade = $oldquiz->grade; // Update the database. $quiz->id = $quiz->instance; $DB->update_record('quiz', $quiz); // Do the processing required after an add or an update. quiz_after_add_or_update($quiz); if ($oldquiz->grademethod != $quiz->grademethod) { quiz_update_all_final_grades($quiz); quiz_update_grades($quiz); } $quizdateschanged = $oldquiz->timelimit != $quiz->timelimit || $oldquiz->timeclose != $quiz->timeclose || $oldquiz->graceperiod != $quiz->graceperiod; if ($quizdateschanged) { quiz_update_open_attempts(array('quizid' => $quiz->id)); } // Delete any previous preview attempts. quiz_delete_previews($quiz); // Repaginate, if asked to. if (!$quiz->shufflequestions && !empty($quiz->repaginatenow)) { quiz_repaginate_questions($quiz->id, $quiz->questionsperpage); } return true; } /** * Given an ID of an instance of this module, * this function will permanently delete the instance * and any data that depends on it. * * @param int $id the id of the quiz to delete. * @return bool success or failure. */ function quiz_delete_instance($id) { global $DB; $quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $id), '*', MUST_EXIST); quiz_delete_all_attempts($quiz); quiz_delete_all_overrides($quiz); // Look for random questions that may no longer be used when this quiz is gone. $sql = "SELECT q.id FROM {quiz_slots} slot JOIN {question} q ON q.id = slot.questionid WHERE slot.quizid = ? AND q.qtype = ?"; $questionids = $DB->get_fieldset_sql($sql, array($quiz->id, 'random')); // We need to do this before we try and delete randoms, otherwise they would still be 'in use'. $DB->delete_records('quiz_slots', array('quizid' => $quiz->id)); foreach ($questionids as $questionid) { question_delete_question($questionid); } $DB->delete_records('quiz_feedback', array('quizid' => $quiz->id)); quiz_access_manager::delete_settings($quiz); $events = $DB->get_records('event', array('modulename' => 'quiz', 'instance' => $quiz->id)); foreach ($events as $event) { $event = calendar_event::load($event); $event->delete(); } quiz_grade_item_delete($quiz); $DB->delete_records('quiz', array('id' => $quiz->id)); return true; } /** * Deletes a quiz override from the database and clears any corresponding calendar events * * @param object $quiz The quiz object. * @param int $overrideid The id of the override being deleted * @return bool true on success */ function quiz_delete_override($quiz, $overrideid) { global $DB; if (!isset($quiz->cmid)) { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id, $quiz->course); $quiz->cmid = $cm->id; } $override = $DB->get_record('quiz_overrides', array('id' => $overrideid), '*', MUST_EXIST); // Delete the events. $events = $DB->get_records('event', array('modulename' => 'quiz', 'instance' => $quiz->id, 'groupid' => (int)$override->groupid, 'userid' => (int)$override->userid)); foreach ($events as $event) { $eventold = calendar_event::load($event); $eventold->delete(); } $DB->delete_records('quiz_overrides', array('id' => $overrideid)); // Set the common parameters for one of the events we will be triggering. $params = array( 'objectid' => $override->id, 'context' => context_module::instance($quiz->cmid), 'other' => array( 'quizid' => $override->quiz ) ); // Determine which override deleted event to fire. if (!empty($override->userid)) { $params['relateduserid'] = $override->userid; $event = \mod_quiz\event\user_override_deleted::create($params); } else { $params['other']['groupid'] = $override->groupid; $event = \mod_quiz\event\group_override_deleted::create($params); } // Trigger the override deleted event. $event->add_record_snapshot('quiz_overrides', $override); $event->trigger(); return true; } /** * Deletes all quiz overrides from the database and clears any corresponding calendar events * * @param object $quiz The quiz object. */ function quiz_delete_all_overrides($quiz) { global $DB; $overrides = $DB->get_records('quiz_overrides', array('quiz' => $quiz->id), 'id'); foreach ($overrides as $override) { quiz_delete_override($quiz, $override->id); } } /** * Updates a quiz object with override information for a user. * * Algorithm: For each quiz setting, if there is a matching user-specific override, * then use that otherwise, if there are group-specific overrides, return the most * lenient combination of them. If neither applies, leave the quiz setting unchanged. * * Special case: if there is more than one password that applies to the user, then * quiz->extrapasswords will contain an array of strings giving the remaining * passwords. * * @param object $quiz The quiz object. * @param int $userid The userid. * @return object $quiz The updated quiz object. */ function quiz_update_effective_access($quiz, $userid) { global $DB; // Check for user override. $override = $DB->get_record('quiz_overrides', array('quiz' => $quiz->id, 'userid' => $userid)); if (!$override) { $override = new stdClass(); $override->timeopen = null; $override->timeclose = null; $override->timelimit = null; $override->attempts = null; $override->password = null; } // Check for group overrides. $groupings = groups_get_user_groups($quiz->course, $userid); if (!empty($groupings[0])) { // Select all overrides that apply to the User's groups. list($extra, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_values($groupings[0])); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {quiz_overrides} WHERE groupid $extra AND quiz = ?"; $params[] = $quiz->id; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params); // Combine the overrides. $opens = array(); $closes = array(); $limits = array(); $attempts = array(); $passwords = array(); foreach ($records as $gpoverride) { if (isset($gpoverride->timeopen)) { $opens[] = $gpoverride->timeopen; } if (isset($gpoverride->timeclose)) { $closes[] = $gpoverride->timeclose; } if (isset($gpoverride->timelimit)) { $limits[] = $gpoverride->timelimit; } if (isset($gpoverride->attempts)) { $attempts[] = $gpoverride->attempts; } if (isset($gpoverride->password)) { $passwords[] = $gpoverride->password; } } // If there is a user override for a setting, ignore the group override. if (is_null($override->timeopen) && count($opens)) { $override->timeopen = min($opens); } if (is_null($override->timeclose) && count($closes)) { if (in_array(0, $closes)) { $override->timeclose = 0; } else { $override->timeclose = max($closes); } } if (is_null($override->timelimit) && count($limits)) { if (in_array(0, $limits)) { $override->timelimit = 0; } else { $override->timelimit = max($limits); } } if (is_null($override->attempts) && count($attempts)) { if (in_array(0, $attempts)) { $override->attempts = 0; } else { $override->attempts = max($attempts); } } if (is_null($override->password) && count($passwords)) { $override->password = array_shift($passwords); if (count($passwords)) { $override->extrapasswords = $passwords; } } } // Merge with quiz defaults. $keys = array('timeopen', 'timeclose', 'timelimit', 'attempts', 'password', 'extrapasswords'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($override->{$key})) { $quiz->{$key} = $override->{$key}; } } return $quiz; } /** * Delete all the attempts belonging to a quiz. * * @param object $quiz The quiz object. */ function quiz_delete_all_attempts($quiz) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); question_engine::delete_questions_usage_by_activities(new qubaids_for_quiz($quiz->id)); $DB->delete_records('quiz_attempts', array('quiz' => $quiz->id)); $DB->delete_records('quiz_grades', array('quiz' => $quiz->id)); } /** * Get the best current grade for a particular user in a quiz. * * @param object $quiz the quiz settings. * @param int $userid the id of the user. * @return float the user's current grade for this quiz, or null if this user does * not have a grade on this quiz. */ function quiz_get_best_grade($quiz, $userid) { global $DB; $grade = $DB->get_field('quiz_grades', 'grade', array('quiz' => $quiz->id, 'userid' => $userid)); // Need to detect errors/no result, without catching 0 grades. if ($grade === false) { return null; } return $grade + 0; // Convert to number. } /** * Is this a graded quiz? If this method returns true, you can assume that * $quiz->grade and $quiz->sumgrades are non-zero (for example, if you want to * divide by them). * * @param object $quiz a row from the quiz table. * @return bool whether this is a graded quiz. */ function quiz_has_grades($quiz) { return $quiz->grade >= 0.000005 && $quiz->sumgrades >= 0.000005; } /** * Does this quiz allow multiple tries? * * @return bool */ function quiz_allows_multiple_tries($quiz) { $bt = question_engine::get_behaviour_type($quiz->preferredbehaviour); return $bt->allows_multiple_submitted_responses(); } /** * Return a small object with summary information about what a * user has done with a given particular instance of this module * Used for user activity reports. * $return->time = the time they did it * $return->info = a short text description * * @param object $course * @param object $user * @param object $mod * @param object $quiz * @return object|null */ function quiz_user_outline($course, $user, $mod, $quiz) { global $DB, $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'); $grades = grade_get_grades($course->id, 'mod', 'quiz', $quiz->id, $user->id); if (empty($grades->items[0]->grades)) { return null; } else { $grade = reset($grades->items[0]->grades); } $result = new stdClass(); $result->info = get_string('grade') . ': ' . $grade->str_long_grade; // Datesubmitted == time created. dategraded == time modified or time overridden // if grade was last modified by the user themselves use date graded. Otherwise use // date submitted. // TODO: move this copied & pasted code somewhere in the grades API. See MDL-26704. if ($grade->usermodified == $user->id || empty($grade->datesubmitted)) { $result->time = $grade->dategraded; } else { $result->time = $grade->datesubmitted; } return $result; } /** * Print a detailed representation of what a user has done with * a given particular instance of this module, for user activity reports. * * @param object $course * @param object $user * @param object $mod * @param object $quiz * @return bool */ function quiz_user_complete($course, $user, $mod, $quiz) { global $DB, $CFG, $OUTPUT; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); $grades = grade_get_grades($course->id, 'mod', 'quiz', $quiz->id, $user->id); if (!empty($grades->items[0]->grades)) { $grade = reset($grades->items[0]->grades); echo $OUTPUT->container(get_string('grade').': '.$grade->str_long_grade); if ($grade->str_feedback) { echo $OUTPUT->container(get_string('feedback').': '.$grade->str_feedback); } } if ($attempts = $DB->get_records('quiz_attempts', array('userid' => $user->id, 'quiz' => $quiz->id), 'attempt')) { foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { echo get_string('attempt', 'quiz', $attempt->attempt) . ': '; if ($attempt->state != quiz_attempt::FINISHED) { echo quiz_attempt_state_name($attempt->state); } else { echo quiz_format_grade($quiz, $attempt->sumgrades) . '/' . quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->sumgrades); } echo ' - '.userdate($attempt->timemodified).'
'; } } else { print_string('noattempts', 'quiz'); } return true; } /** * Quiz periodic clean-up tasks. */ function quiz_cron() { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/cronlib.php'); mtrace(''); $timenow = time(); $overduehander = new mod_quiz_overdue_attempt_updater(); $processto = $timenow - get_config('quiz', 'graceperiodmin'); mtrace(' Looking for quiz overdue quiz attempts...'); list($count, $quizcount) = $overduehander->update_overdue_attempts($timenow, $processto); mtrace(' Considered ' . $count . ' attempts in ' . $quizcount . ' quizzes.'); // Run cron for our sub-plugin types. cron_execute_plugin_type('quiz', 'quiz reports'); cron_execute_plugin_type('quizaccess', 'quiz access rules'); return true; } /** * @param int $quizid the quiz id. * @param int $userid the userid. * @param string $status 'all', 'finished' or 'unfinished' to control * @param bool $includepreviews * @return an array of all the user's attempts at this quiz. Returns an empty * array if there are none. */ function quiz_get_user_attempts($quizid, $userid, $status = 'finished', $includepreviews = false) { global $DB, $CFG; // TODO MDL-33071 it is very annoying to have to included all of locallib.php // just to get the quiz_attempt::FINISHED constants, but I will try to sort // that out properly for Moodle 2.4. For now, I will just do a quick fix for // MDL-33048. require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); $params = array(); switch ($status) { case 'all': $statuscondition = ''; break; case 'finished': $statuscondition = ' AND state IN (:state1, :state2)'; $params['state1'] = quiz_attempt::FINISHED; $params['state2'] = quiz_attempt::ABANDONED; break; case 'unfinished': $statuscondition = ' AND state IN (:state1, :state2)'; $params['state1'] = quiz_attempt::IN_PROGRESS; $params['state2'] = quiz_attempt::OVERDUE; break; } $previewclause = ''; if (!$includepreviews) { $previewclause = ' AND preview = 0'; } $params['quizid'] = $quizid; $params['userid'] = $userid; return $DB->get_records_select('quiz_attempts', 'quiz = :quizid AND userid = :userid' . $previewclause . $statuscondition, $params, 'attempt ASC'); } /** * Return grade for given user or all users. * * @param int $quizid id of quiz * @param int $userid optional user id, 0 means all users * @return array array of grades, false if none. These are raw grades. They should * be processed with quiz_format_grade for display. */ function quiz_get_user_grades($quiz, $userid = 0) { global $CFG, $DB; $params = array($quiz->id); $usertest = ''; if ($userid) { $params[] = $userid; $usertest = 'AND u.id = ?'; } return $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT u.id, u.id AS userid, qg.grade AS rawgrade, qg.timemodified AS dategraded, MAX(qa.timefinish) AS datesubmitted FROM {user} u JOIN {quiz_grades} qg ON u.id = qg.userid JOIN {quiz_attempts} qa ON qa.quiz = qg.quiz AND qa.userid = u.id WHERE qg.quiz = ? $usertest GROUP BY u.id, qg.grade, qg.timemodified", $params); } /** * Round a grade to to the correct number of decimal places, and format it for display. * * @param object $quiz The quiz table row, only $quiz->decimalpoints is used. * @param float $grade The grade to round. * @return float */ function quiz_format_grade($quiz, $grade) { if (is_null($grade)) { return get_string('notyetgraded', 'quiz'); } return format_float($grade, $quiz->decimalpoints); } /** * Round a grade to to the correct number of decimal places, and format it for display. * * @param object $quiz The quiz table row, only $quiz->decimalpoints is used. * @param float $grade The grade to round. * @return float */ function quiz_format_question_grade($quiz, $grade) { if (empty($quiz->questiondecimalpoints)) { $quiz->questiondecimalpoints = -1; } if ($quiz->questiondecimalpoints == -1) { return format_float($grade, $quiz->decimalpoints); } else { return format_float($grade, $quiz->questiondecimalpoints); } } /** * Update grades in central gradebook * * @category grade * @param object $quiz the quiz settings. * @param int $userid specific user only, 0 means all users. * @param bool $nullifnone If a single user is specified and $nullifnone is true a grade item with a null rawgrade will be inserted */ function quiz_update_grades($quiz, $userid = 0, $nullifnone = true) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'); if ($quiz->grade == 0) { quiz_grade_item_update($quiz); } else if ($grades = quiz_get_user_grades($quiz, $userid)) { quiz_grade_item_update($quiz, $grades); } else if ($userid && $nullifnone) { $grade = new stdClass(); $grade->userid = $userid; $grade->rawgrade = null; quiz_grade_item_update($quiz, $grade); } else { quiz_grade_item_update($quiz); } } /** * Create or update the grade item for given quiz * * @category grade * @param object $quiz object with extra cmidnumber * @param mixed $grades optional array/object of grade(s); 'reset' means reset grades in gradebook * @return int 0 if ok, error code otherwise */ function quiz_grade_item_update($quiz, $grades = null) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'); if (array_key_exists('cmidnumber', $quiz)) { // May not be always present. $params = array('itemname' => $quiz->name, 'idnumber' => $quiz->cmidnumber); } else { $params = array('itemname' => $quiz->name); } if ($quiz->grade > 0) { $params['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_VALUE; $params['grademax'] = $quiz->grade; $params['grademin'] = 0; } else { $params['gradetype'] = GRADE_TYPE_NONE; } // What this is trying to do: // 1. If the quiz is set to not show grades while the quiz is still open, // and is set to show grades after the quiz is closed, then create the // grade_item with a show-after date that is the quiz close date. // 2. If the quiz is set to not show grades at either of those times, // create the grade_item as hidden. // 3. If the quiz is set to show grades, create the grade_item visible. $openreviewoptions = mod_quiz_display_options::make_from_quiz($quiz, mod_quiz_display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN); $closedreviewoptions = mod_quiz_display_options::make_from_quiz($quiz, mod_quiz_display_options::AFTER_CLOSE); if ($openreviewoptions->marks < question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX && $closedreviewoptions->marks < question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX) { $params['hidden'] = 1; } else if ($openreviewoptions->marks < question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX && $closedreviewoptions->marks >= question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX) { if ($quiz->timeclose) { $params['hidden'] = $quiz->timeclose; } else { $params['hidden'] = 1; } } else { // Either // a) both open and closed enabled // b) open enabled, closed disabled - we can not "hide after", // grades are kept visible even after closing. $params['hidden'] = 0; } if (!$params['hidden']) { // If the grade item is not hidden by the quiz logic, then we need to // hide it if the quiz is hidden from students. if (property_exists($quiz, 'visible')) { // Saving the quiz form, and cm not yet updated in the database. $params['hidden'] = !$quiz->visible; } else { $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id); $params['hidden'] = !$cm->visible; } } if ($grades === 'reset') { $params['reset'] = true; $grades = null; } $gradebook_grades = grade_get_grades($quiz->course, 'mod', 'quiz', $quiz->id); if (!empty($gradebook_grades->items)) { $grade_item = $gradebook_grades->items[0]; if ($grade_item->locked) { // NOTE: this is an extremely nasty hack! It is not a bug if this confirmation fails badly. --skodak. $confirm_regrade = optional_param('confirm_regrade', 0, PARAM_INT); if (!$confirm_regrade) { if (!AJAX_SCRIPT) { $message = get_string('gradeitemislocked', 'grades'); $back_link = $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/report.php?q=' . $quiz->id . '&mode=overview'; $regrade_link = qualified_me() . '&confirm_regrade=1'; echo $OUTPUT->box_start('generalbox', 'notice'); echo '

'. $message .'

'; echo $OUTPUT->container_start('buttons'); echo $OUTPUT->single_button($regrade_link, get_string('regradeanyway', 'grades')); echo $OUTPUT->single_button($back_link, get_string('cancel')); echo $OUTPUT->container_end(); echo $OUTPUT->box_end(); } return GRADE_UPDATE_ITEM_LOCKED; } } } return grade_update('mod/quiz', $quiz->course, 'mod', 'quiz', $quiz->id, 0, $grades, $params); } /** * Delete grade item for given quiz * * @category grade * @param object $quiz object * @return object quiz */ function quiz_grade_item_delete($quiz) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'); return grade_update('mod/quiz', $quiz->course, 'mod', 'quiz', $quiz->id, 0, null, array('deleted' => 1)); } /** * This standard function will check all instances of this module * and make sure there are up-to-date events created for each of them. * If courseid = 0, then every quiz event in the site is checked, else * only quiz events belonging to the course specified are checked. * This function is used, in its new format, by restore_refresh_events() * * @param int $courseid * @return bool */ function quiz_refresh_events($courseid = 0) { global $DB; if ($courseid == 0) { if (!$quizzes = $DB->get_records('quiz')) { return true; } } else { if (!$quizzes = $DB->get_records('quiz', array('course' => $courseid))) { return true; } } foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) { quiz_update_events($quiz); } return true; } /** * Returns all quiz graded users since a given time for specified quiz */ function quiz_get_recent_mod_activity(&$activities, &$index, $timestart, $courseid, $cmid, $userid = 0, $groupid = 0) { global $CFG, $USER, $DB; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); $course = get_course($courseid); $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course); $cm = $modinfo->cms[$cmid]; $quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $cm->instance)); if ($userid) { $userselect = "AND u.id = :userid"; $params['userid'] = $userid; } else { $userselect = ''; } if ($groupid) { $groupselect = 'AND gm.groupid = :groupid'; $groupjoin = 'JOIN {groups_members} gm ON gm.userid=u.id'; $params['groupid'] = $groupid; } else { $groupselect = ''; $groupjoin = ''; } $params['timestart'] = $timestart; $params['quizid'] = $quiz->id; $ufields = user_picture::fields('u', null, 'useridagain'); if (!$attempts = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT qa.*, {$ufields} FROM {quiz_attempts} qa JOIN {user} u ON u.id = qa.userid $groupjoin WHERE qa.timefinish > :timestart AND qa.quiz = :quizid AND qa.preview = 0 $userselect $groupselect ORDER BY qa.timefinish ASC", $params)) { return; } $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); $accessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context); $viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context); $grader = has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports', $context); $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm, $course); $usersgroups = null; $aname = format_string($cm->name, true); foreach ($attempts as $attempt) { if ($attempt->userid != $USER->id) { if (!$grader) { // Grade permission required. continue; } if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !$accessallgroups) { $usersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $attempt->userid, $cm->groupingid); $usersgroups = array_keys($usersgroups); if (!array_intersect($usersgroups, $modinfo->get_groups($cm->groupingid))) { continue; } } } $options = quiz_get_review_options($quiz, $attempt, $context); $tmpactivity = new stdClass(); $tmpactivity->type = 'quiz'; $tmpactivity->cmid = $cm->id; $tmpactivity->name = $aname; $tmpactivity->sectionnum = $cm->sectionnum; $tmpactivity->timestamp = $attempt->timefinish; $tmpactivity->content = new stdClass(); $tmpactivity->content->attemptid = $attempt->id; $tmpactivity->content->attempt = $attempt->attempt; if (quiz_has_grades($quiz) && $options->marks >= question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX) { $tmpactivity->content->sumgrades = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $attempt->sumgrades); $tmpactivity->content->maxgrade = quiz_format_grade($quiz, $quiz->sumgrades); } else { $tmpactivity->content->sumgrades = null; $tmpactivity->content->maxgrade = null; } $tmpactivity->user = user_picture::unalias($attempt, null, 'useridagain'); $tmpactivity->user->fullname = fullname($tmpactivity->user, $viewfullnames); $activities[$index++] = $tmpactivity; } } function quiz_print_recent_mod_activity($activity, $courseid, $detail, $modnames) { global $CFG, $OUTPUT; echo ''; echo '
'; echo $OUTPUT->user_picture($activity->user, array('courseid' => $courseid)); echo ''; if ($detail) { $modname = $modnames[$activity->type]; echo '
'; echo '' . $modname . ''; echo '' . $activity->name . ''; echo '
'; } echo '
'; echo get_string('attempt', 'quiz', $activity->content->attempt); if (isset($activity->content->maxgrade)) { $grades = $activity->content->sumgrades . ' / ' . $activity->content->maxgrade; echo ': (' . $grades . ')'; } echo '
'; echo '
'; echo '' . $activity->user->fullname . ' - ' . userdate($activity->timestamp); echo '
'; echo '
'; return; } /** * Pre-process the quiz options form data, making any necessary adjustments. * Called by add/update instance in this file. * * @param object $quiz The variables set on the form. */ function quiz_process_options($quiz) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php'); $quiz->timemodified = time(); // Quiz name. if (!empty($quiz->name)) { $quiz->name = trim($quiz->name); } // Password field - different in form to stop browsers that remember passwords // getting confused. $quiz->password = $quiz->quizpassword; unset($quiz->quizpassword); // Quiz feedback. if (isset($quiz->feedbacktext)) { // Clean up the boundary text. for ($i = 0; $i < count($quiz->feedbacktext); $i += 1) { if (empty($quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['text'])) { $quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['text'] = ''; } else { $quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['text'] = trim($quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['text']); } } // Check the boundary value is a number or a percentage, and in range. $i = 0; while (!empty($quiz->feedbackboundaries[$i])) { $boundary = trim($quiz->feedbackboundaries[$i]); if (!is_numeric($boundary)) { if (strlen($boundary) > 0 && $boundary[strlen($boundary) - 1] == '%') { $boundary = trim(substr($boundary, 0, -1)); if (is_numeric($boundary)) { $boundary = $boundary * $quiz->grade / 100.0; } else { return get_string('feedbackerrorboundaryformat', 'quiz', $i + 1); } } } if ($boundary <= 0 || $boundary >= $quiz->grade) { return get_string('feedbackerrorboundaryoutofrange', 'quiz', $i + 1); } if ($i > 0 && $boundary >= $quiz->feedbackboundaries[$i - 1]) { return get_string('feedbackerrororder', 'quiz', $i + 1); } $quiz->feedbackboundaries[$i] = $boundary; $i += 1; } $numboundaries = $i; // Check there is nothing in the remaining unused fields. if (!empty($quiz->feedbackboundaries)) { for ($i = $numboundaries; $i < count($quiz->feedbackboundaries); $i += 1) { if (!empty($quiz->feedbackboundaries[$i]) && trim($quiz->feedbackboundaries[$i]) != '') { return get_string('feedbackerrorjunkinboundary', 'quiz', $i + 1); } } } for ($i = $numboundaries + 1; $i < count($quiz->feedbacktext); $i += 1) { if (!empty($quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['text']) && trim($quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['text']) != '') { return get_string('feedbackerrorjunkinfeedback', 'quiz', $i + 1); } } // Needs to be bigger than $quiz->grade because of '<' test in quiz_feedback_for_grade(). $quiz->feedbackboundaries[-1] = $quiz->grade + 1; $quiz->feedbackboundaries[$numboundaries] = 0; $quiz->feedbackboundarycount = $numboundaries; } else { $quiz->feedbackboundarycount = -1; } // Combing the individual settings into the review columns. $quiz->reviewattempt = quiz_review_option_form_to_db($quiz, 'attempt'); $quiz->reviewcorrectness = quiz_review_option_form_to_db($quiz, 'correctness'); $quiz->reviewmarks = quiz_review_option_form_to_db($quiz, 'marks'); $quiz->reviewspecificfeedback = quiz_review_option_form_to_db($quiz, 'specificfeedback'); $quiz->reviewgeneralfeedback = quiz_review_option_form_to_db($quiz, 'generalfeedback'); $quiz->reviewrightanswer = quiz_review_option_form_to_db($quiz, 'rightanswer'); $quiz->reviewoverallfeedback = quiz_review_option_form_to_db($quiz, 'overallfeedback'); $quiz->reviewattempt |= mod_quiz_display_options::DURING; $quiz->reviewoverallfeedback &= ~mod_quiz_display_options::DURING; } /** * Helper function for {@link quiz_process_options()}. * @param object $fromform the sumbitted form date. * @param string $field one of the review option field names. */ function quiz_review_option_form_to_db($fromform, $field) { static $times = array( 'during' => mod_quiz_display_options::DURING, 'immediately' => mod_quiz_display_options::IMMEDIATELY_AFTER, 'open' => mod_quiz_display_options::LATER_WHILE_OPEN, 'closed' => mod_quiz_display_options::AFTER_CLOSE, ); $review = 0; foreach ($times as $whenname => $when) { $fieldname = $field . $whenname; if (isset($fromform->$fieldname)) { $review |= $when; unset($fromform->$fieldname); } } return $review; } /** * This function is called at the end of quiz_add_instance * and quiz_update_instance, to do the common processing. * * @param object $quiz the quiz object. */ function quiz_after_add_or_update($quiz) { global $DB; $cmid = $quiz->coursemodule; // We need to use context now, so we need to make sure all needed info is already in db. $DB->set_field('course_modules', 'instance', $quiz->id, array('id'=>$cmid)); $context = context_module::instance($cmid); // Save the feedback. $DB->delete_records('quiz_feedback', array('quizid' => $quiz->id)); for ($i = 0; $i <= $quiz->feedbackboundarycount; $i++) { $feedback = new stdClass(); $feedback->quizid = $quiz->id; $feedback->feedbacktext = $quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['text']; $feedback->feedbacktextformat = $quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['format']; $feedback->mingrade = $quiz->feedbackboundaries[$i]; $feedback->maxgrade = $quiz->feedbackboundaries[$i - 1]; $feedback->id = $DB->insert_record('quiz_feedback', $feedback); $feedbacktext = file_save_draft_area_files((int)$quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['itemid'], $context->id, 'mod_quiz', 'feedback', $feedback->id, array('subdirs' => false, 'maxfiles' => -1, 'maxbytes' => 0), $quiz->feedbacktext[$i]['text']); $DB->set_field('quiz_feedback', 'feedbacktext', $feedbacktext, array('id' => $feedback->id)); } // Store any settings belonging to the access rules. quiz_access_manager::save_settings($quiz); // Update the events relating to this quiz. quiz_update_events($quiz); // Update related grade item. quiz_grade_item_update($quiz); } /** * This function updates the events associated to the quiz. * If $override is non-zero, then it updates only the events * associated with the specified override. * * @uses QUIZ_MAX_EVENT_LENGTH * @param object $quiz the quiz object. * @param object optional $override limit to a specific override */ function quiz_update_events($quiz, $override = null) { global $DB; // Load the old events relating to this quiz. $conds = array('modulename'=>'quiz', 'instance'=>$quiz->id); if (!empty($override)) { // Only load events for this override. $conds['groupid'] = isset($override->groupid)? $override->groupid : 0; $conds['userid'] = isset($override->userid)? $override->userid : 0; } $oldevents = $DB->get_records('event', $conds); // Now make a todo list of all that needs to be updated. if (empty($override)) { // We are updating the primary settings for the quiz, so we // need to add all the overrides. $overrides = $DB->get_records('quiz_overrides', array('quiz' => $quiz->id)); // As well as the original quiz (empty override). $overrides[] = new stdClass(); } else { // Just do the one override. $overrides = array($override); } foreach ($overrides as $current) { $groupid = isset($current->groupid)? $current->groupid : 0; $userid = isset($current->userid)? $current->userid : 0; $timeopen = isset($current->timeopen)? $current->timeopen : $quiz->timeopen; $timeclose = isset($current->timeclose)? $current->timeclose : $quiz->timeclose; // Only add open/close events for an override if they differ from the quiz default. $addopen = empty($current->id) || !empty($current->timeopen); $addclose = empty($current->id) || !empty($current->timeclose); if (!empty($quiz->coursemodule)) { $cmid = $quiz->coursemodule; } else { $cmid = get_coursemodule_from_instance('quiz', $quiz->id, $quiz->course)->id; } $event = new stdClass(); $event->description = format_module_intro('quiz', $quiz, $cmid); // Events module won't show user events when the courseid is nonzero. $event->courseid = ($userid) ? 0 : $quiz->course; $event->groupid = $groupid; $event->userid = $userid; $event->modulename = 'quiz'; $event->instance = $quiz->id; $event->timestart = $timeopen; $event->timeduration = max($timeclose - $timeopen, 0); $event->visible = instance_is_visible('quiz', $quiz); $event->eventtype = 'open'; // Determine the event name. if ($groupid) { $params = new stdClass(); $params->quiz = $quiz->name; $params->group = groups_get_group_name($groupid); if ($params->group === false) { // Group doesn't exist, just skip it. continue; } $eventname = get_string('overridegroupeventname', 'quiz', $params); } else if ($userid) { $params = new stdClass(); $params->quiz = $quiz->name; $eventname = get_string('overrideusereventname', 'quiz', $params); } else { $eventname = $quiz->name; } if ($addopen or $addclose) { if ($timeclose and $timeopen and $event->timeduration <= QUIZ_MAX_EVENT_LENGTH) { // Single event for the whole quiz. if ($oldevent = array_shift($oldevents)) { $event->id = $oldevent->id; } else { unset($event->id); } $event->name = $eventname; // The method calendar_event::create will reuse a db record if the id field is set. calendar_event::create($event); } else { // Separate start and end events. $event->timeduration = 0; if ($timeopen && $addopen) { if ($oldevent = array_shift($oldevents)) { $event->id = $oldevent->id; } else { unset($event->id); } $event->name = $eventname.' ('.get_string('quizopens', 'quiz').')'; // The method calendar_event::create will reuse a db record if the id field is set. calendar_event::create($event); } if ($timeclose && $addclose) { if ($oldevent = array_shift($oldevents)) { $event->id = $oldevent->id; } else { unset($event->id); } $event->name = $eventname.' ('.get_string('quizcloses', 'quiz').')'; $event->timestart = $timeclose; $event->eventtype = 'close'; calendar_event::create($event); } } } } // Delete any leftover events. foreach ($oldevents as $badevent) { $badevent = calendar_event::load($badevent); $badevent->delete(); } } /** * List the actions that correspond to a view of this module. * This is used by the participation report. * * Note: This is not used by new logging system. Event with * crud = 'r' and edulevel = LEVEL_PARTICIPATING will * be considered as view action. * * @return array */ function quiz_get_view_actions() { return array('view', 'view all', 'report', 'review'); } /** * List the actions that correspond to a post of this module. * This is used by the participation report. * * Note: This is not used by new logging system. Event with * crud = ('c' || 'u' || 'd') and edulevel = LEVEL_PARTICIPATING * will be considered as post action. * * @return array */ function quiz_get_post_actions() { return array('attempt', 'close attempt', 'preview', 'editquestions', 'delete attempt', 'manualgrade'); } /** * @param array $questionids of question ids. * @return bool whether any of these questions are used by any instance of this module. */ function quiz_questions_in_use($questionids) { global $DB, $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php'); list($test, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($questionids); return $DB->record_exists_select('quiz_slots', 'questionid ' . $test, $params) || question_engine::questions_in_use( $questionids, new qubaid_join('{quiz_attempts} quiza', 'quiza.uniqueid', 'quiza.preview = 0')); } /** * Implementation of the function for printing the form elements that control * whether the course reset functionality affects the quiz. * * @param $mform the course reset form that is being built. */ function quiz_reset_course_form_definition($mform) { $mform->addElement('header', 'quizheader', get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz')); $mform->addElement('advcheckbox', 'reset_quiz_attempts', get_string('removeallquizattempts', 'quiz')); } /** * Course reset form defaults. * @return array the defaults. */ function quiz_reset_course_form_defaults($course) { return array('reset_quiz_attempts' => 1); } /** * Removes all grades from gradebook * * @param int $courseid * @param string optional type */ function quiz_reset_gradebook($courseid, $type='') { global $CFG, $DB; $quizzes = $DB->get_records_sql(" SELECT q.*, cm.idnumber as cmidnumber, q.course as courseid FROM {modules} m JOIN {course_modules} cm ON m.id = cm.module JOIN {quiz} q ON cm.instance = q.id WHERE m.name = 'quiz' AND cm.course = ?", array($courseid)); foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) { quiz_grade_item_update($quiz, 'reset'); } } /** * Actual implementation of the reset course functionality, delete all the * quiz attempts for course $data->courseid, if $data->reset_quiz_attempts is * set and true. * * Also, move the quiz open and close dates, if the course start date is changing. * * @param object $data the data submitted from the reset course. * @return array status array */ function quiz_reset_userdata($data) { global $CFG, $DB; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php'); $componentstr = get_string('modulenameplural', 'quiz'); $status = array(); // Delete attempts. if (!empty($data->reset_quiz_attempts)) { question_engine::delete_questions_usage_by_activities(new qubaid_join( '{quiz_attempts} quiza JOIN {quiz} quiz ON quiza.quiz = quiz.id', 'quiza.uniqueid', 'quiz.course = :quizcourseid', array('quizcourseid' => $data->courseid))); $DB->delete_records_select('quiz_attempts', 'quiz IN (SELECT id FROM {quiz} WHERE course = ?)', array($data->courseid)); $status[] = array( 'component' => $componentstr, 'item' => get_string('attemptsdeleted', 'quiz'), 'error' => false); // Remove all grades from gradebook. $DB->delete_records_select('quiz_grades', 'quiz IN (SELECT id FROM {quiz} WHERE course = ?)', array($data->courseid)); if (empty($data->reset_gradebook_grades)) { quiz_reset_gradebook($data->courseid); } $status[] = array( 'component' => $componentstr, 'item' => get_string('gradesdeleted', 'quiz'), 'error' => false); } // Updating dates - shift may be negative too. if ($data->timeshift) { $DB->execute("UPDATE {quiz_overrides} SET timeopen = timeopen + ? WHERE quiz IN (SELECT id FROM {quiz} WHERE course = ?) AND timeopen <> 0", array($data->timeshift, $data->courseid)); $DB->execute("UPDATE {quiz_overrides} SET timeclose = timeclose + ? WHERE quiz IN (SELECT id FROM {quiz} WHERE course = ?) AND timeclose <> 0", array($data->timeshift, $data->courseid)); shift_course_mod_dates('quiz', array('timeopen', 'timeclose'), $data->timeshift, $data->courseid); $status[] = array( 'component' => $componentstr, 'item' => get_string('openclosedatesupdated', 'quiz'), 'error' => false); } return $status; } /** * Prints quiz summaries on MyMoodle Page * @param arry $courses * @param array $htmlarray */ function quiz_print_overview($courses, &$htmlarray) { global $USER, $CFG; // These next 6 Lines are constant in all modules (just change module name). if (empty($courses) || !is_array($courses) || count($courses) == 0) { return array(); } if (!$quizzes = get_all_instances_in_courses('quiz', $courses)) { return; } // Fetch some language strings outside the main loop. $strquiz = get_string('modulename', 'quiz'); $strnoattempts = get_string('noattempts', 'quiz'); // We want to list quizzes that are currently available, and which have a close date. // This is the same as what the lesson does, and the dabate is in MDL-10568. $now = time(); foreach ($quizzes as $quiz) { if ($quiz->timeclose >= $now && $quiz->timeopen < $now) { // Give a link to the quiz, and the deadline. $str = '
' . '
' . $strquiz . ': visible ? '' : ' class="dimmed"') . ' href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/quiz/view.php?id=' . $quiz->coursemodule . '">' . $quiz->name . '
'; $str .= '
' . get_string('quizcloseson', 'quiz', userdate($quiz->timeclose)) . '
'; // Now provide more information depending on the uers's role. $context = context_module::instance($quiz->coursemodule); if (has_capability('mod/quiz:viewreports', $context)) { // For teacher-like people, show a summary of the number of student attempts. // The $quiz objects returned by get_all_instances_in_course have the necessary $cm // fields set to make the following call work. $str .= '
' . quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $quiz, true) . '
'; } else if (has_any_capability(array('mod/quiz:reviewmyattempts', 'mod/quiz:attempt'), $context)) { // Student // For student-like people, tell them how many attempts they have made. if (isset($USER->id) && ($attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $USER->id))) { $numattempts = count($attempts); $str .= '
' . get_string('numattemptsmade', 'quiz', $numattempts) . '
'; } else { $str .= '
' . $strnoattempts . '
'; } } else { // For ayone else, there is no point listing this quiz, so stop processing. continue; } // Add the output for this quiz to the rest. $str .= '
'; if (empty($htmlarray[$quiz->course]['quiz'])) { $htmlarray[$quiz->course]['quiz'] = $str; } else { $htmlarray[$quiz->course]['quiz'] .= $str; } } } } /** * Return a textual summary of the number of attempts that have been made at a particular quiz, * returns '' if no attempts have been made yet, unless $returnzero is passed as true. * * @param object $quiz the quiz object. Only $quiz->id is used at the moment. * @param object $cm the cm object. Only $cm->course, $cm->groupmode and * $cm->groupingid fields are used at the moment. * @param bool $returnzero if false (default), when no attempts have been * made '' is returned instead of 'Attempts: 0'. * @param int $currentgroup if there is a concept of current group where this method is being called * (e.g. a report) pass it in here. Default 0 which means no current group. * @return string a string like "Attempts: 123", "Attemtps 123 (45 from your groups)" or * "Attemtps 123 (45 from this group)". */ function quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $cm, $returnzero = false, $currentgroup = 0) { global $DB, $USER; $numattempts = $DB->count_records('quiz_attempts', array('quiz'=> $quiz->id, 'preview'=>0)); if ($numattempts || $returnzero) { if (groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) { $a = new stdClass(); $a->total = $numattempts; if ($currentgroup) { $a->group = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT qa.id) FROM ' . '{quiz_attempts} qa JOIN ' . '{groups_members} gm ON qa.userid = gm.userid ' . 'WHERE quiz = ? AND preview = 0 AND groupid = ?', array($quiz->id, $currentgroup)); return get_string('attemptsnumthisgroup', 'quiz', $a); } else if ($groups = groups_get_all_groups($cm->course, $USER->id, $cm->groupingid)) { list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal(array_keys($groups)); $a->group = $DB->count_records_sql('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT qa.id) FROM ' . '{quiz_attempts} qa JOIN ' . '{groups_members} gm ON qa.userid = gm.userid ' . 'WHERE quiz = ? AND preview = 0 AND ' . "groupid $usql", array_merge(array($quiz->id), $params)); return get_string('attemptsnumyourgroups', 'quiz', $a); } } return get_string('attemptsnum', 'quiz', $numattempts); } return ''; } /** * Returns the same as {@link quiz_num_attempt_summary()} but wrapped in a link * to the quiz reports. * * @param object $quiz the quiz object. Only $quiz->id is used at the moment. * @param object $cm the cm object. Only $cm->course, $cm->groupmode and * $cm->groupingid fields are used at the moment. * @param object $context the quiz context. * @param bool $returnzero if false (default), when no attempts have been made * '' is returned instead of 'Attempts: 0'. * @param int $currentgroup if there is a concept of current group where this method is being called * (e.g. a report) pass it in here. Default 0 which means no current group. * @return string HTML fragment for the link. */ function quiz_attempt_summary_link_to_reports($quiz, $cm, $context, $returnzero = false, $currentgroup = 0) { global $CFG; $summary = quiz_num_attempt_summary($quiz, $cm, $returnzero, $currentgroup); if (!$summary) { return ''; } require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/reportlib.php'); $url = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php', array( 'id' => $cm->id, 'mode' => quiz_report_default_report($context))); return html_writer::link($url, $summary); } /** * @param string $feature FEATURE_xx constant for requested feature * @return bool True if quiz supports feature */ function quiz_supports($feature) { switch($feature) { case FEATURE_GROUPS: return true; case FEATURE_GROUPINGS: return true; case FEATURE_MOD_INTRO: return true; case FEATURE_COMPLETION_TRACKS_VIEWS: return true; case FEATURE_COMPLETION_HAS_RULES: return true; case FEATURE_GRADE_HAS_GRADE: return true; case FEATURE_GRADE_OUTCOMES: return true; case FEATURE_BACKUP_MOODLE2: return true; case FEATURE_SHOW_DESCRIPTION: return true; case FEATURE_CONTROLS_GRADE_VISIBILITY: return true; case FEATURE_USES_QUESTIONS: return true; default: return null; } } /** * @return array all other caps used in module */ function quiz_get_extra_capabilities() { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php'); $caps = question_get_all_capabilities(); $caps[] = 'moodle/site:accessallgroups'; return $caps; } /** * This function extends the settings navigation block for the site. * * It is safe to rely on PAGE here as we will only ever be within the module * context when this is called * * @param settings_navigation $settings * @param navigation_node $quiznode * @return void */ function quiz_extend_settings_navigation($settings, $quiznode) { global $PAGE, $CFG; // Require {@link questionlib.php} // Included here as we only ever want to include this file if we really need to. require_once($CFG->libdir . '/questionlib.php'); // We want to add these new nodes after the Edit settings node, and before the // Locally assigned roles node. Of course, both of those are controlled by capabilities. $keys = $quiznode->get_children_key_list(); $beforekey = null; $i = array_search('modedit', $keys); if ($i === false and array_key_exists(0, $keys)) { $beforekey = $keys[0]; } else if (array_key_exists($i + 1, $keys)) { $beforekey = $keys[$i + 1]; } if (has_capability('mod/quiz:manageoverrides', $PAGE->cm->context)) { $url = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/overrides.php', array('cmid'=>$PAGE->cm->id)); $node = navigation_node::create(get_string('groupoverrides', 'quiz'), new moodle_url($url, array('mode'=>'group')), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'mod_quiz_groupoverrides'); $quiznode->add_node($node, $beforekey); $node = navigation_node::create(get_string('useroverrides', 'quiz'), new moodle_url($url, array('mode'=>'user')), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'mod_quiz_useroverrides'); $quiznode->add_node($node, $beforekey); } if (has_capability('mod/quiz:manage', $PAGE->cm->context)) { $node = navigation_node::create(get_string('editquiz', 'quiz'), new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/edit.php', array('cmid'=>$PAGE->cm->id)), navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'mod_quiz_edit', new pix_icon('t/edit', '')); $quiznode->add_node($node, $beforekey); } if (has_capability('mod/quiz:preview', $PAGE->cm->context)) { $url = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/startattempt.php', array('cmid'=>$PAGE->cm->id, 'sesskey'=>sesskey())); $node = navigation_node::create(get_string('preview', 'quiz'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'mod_quiz_preview', new pix_icon('i/preview', '')); $quiznode->add_node($node, $beforekey); } if (has_any_capability(array('mod/quiz:viewreports', 'mod/quiz:grade'), $PAGE->cm->context)) { require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/report/reportlib.php'); $reportlist = quiz_report_list($PAGE->cm->context); $url = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php', array('id' => $PAGE->cm->id, 'mode' => reset($reportlist))); $reportnode = $quiznode->add_node(navigation_node::create(get_string('results', 'quiz'), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, null, new pix_icon('i/report', '')), $beforekey); foreach ($reportlist as $report) { $url = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/report.php', array('id' => $PAGE->cm->id, 'mode' => $report)); $reportnode->add_node(navigation_node::create(get_string($report, 'quiz_'.$report), $url, navigation_node::TYPE_SETTING, null, 'quiz_report_' . $report, new pix_icon('i/item', ''))); } } question_extend_settings_navigation($quiznode, $PAGE->cm->context)->trim_if_empty(); } /** * Serves the quiz files. * * @package mod_quiz * @category files * @param stdClass $course course object * @param stdClass $cm course module object * @param stdClass $context context object * @param string $filearea file area * @param array $args extra arguments * @param bool $forcedownload whether or not force download * @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving * @return bool false if file not found, does not return if found - justsend the file */ function quiz_pluginfile($course, $cm, $context, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array()) { global $CFG, $DB; if ($context->contextlevel != CONTEXT_MODULE) { return false; } require_login($course, false, $cm); if (!$quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id'=>$cm->instance))) { return false; } // The 'intro' area is served by pluginfile.php. $fileareas = array('feedback'); if (!in_array($filearea, $fileareas)) { return false; } $feedbackid = (int)array_shift($args); if (!$feedback = $DB->get_record('quiz_feedback', array('id'=>$feedbackid))) { return false; } $fs = get_file_storage(); $relativepath = implode('/', $args); $fullpath = "/$context->id/mod_quiz/$filearea/$feedbackid/$relativepath"; if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) { return false; } send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, true, $options); } /** * Called via pluginfile.php -> question_pluginfile to serve files belonging to * a question in a question_attempt when that attempt is a quiz attempt. * * @package mod_quiz * @category files * @param stdClass $course course settings object * @param stdClass $context context object * @param string $component the name of the component we are serving files for. * @param string $filearea the name of the file area. * @param int $qubaid the attempt usage id. * @param int $slot the id of a question in this quiz attempt. * @param array $args the remaining bits of the file path. * @param bool $forcedownload whether the user must be forced to download the file. * @param array $options additional options affecting the file serving * @return bool false if file not found, does not return if found - justsend the file */ function quiz_question_pluginfile($course, $context, $component, $filearea, $qubaid, $slot, $args, $forcedownload, array $options=array()) { global $CFG; require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/locallib.php'); $attemptobj = quiz_attempt::create_from_usage_id($qubaid); require_login($attemptobj->get_course(), false, $attemptobj->get_cm()); if ($attemptobj->is_own_attempt() && !$attemptobj->is_finished()) { // In the middle of an attempt. if (!$attemptobj->is_preview_user()) { $attemptobj->require_capability('mod/quiz:attempt'); } $isreviewing = false; } else { // Reviewing an attempt. $attemptobj->check_review_capability(); $isreviewing = true; } if (!$attemptobj->check_file_access($slot, $isreviewing, $context->id, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload)) { send_file_not_found(); } $fs = get_file_storage(); $relativepath = implode('/', $args); $fullpath = "/$context->id/$component/$filearea/$relativepath"; if (!$file = $fs->get_file_by_hash(sha1($fullpath)) or $file->is_directory()) { send_file_not_found(); } send_stored_file($file, 0, 0, $forcedownload, $options); } /** * Return a list of page types * @param string $pagetype current page type * @param stdClass $parentcontext Block's parent context * @param stdClass $currentcontext Current context of block */ function quiz_page_type_list($pagetype, $parentcontext, $currentcontext) { $module_pagetype = array( 'mod-quiz-*' => get_string('page-mod-quiz-x', 'quiz'), 'mod-quiz-view' => get_string('page-mod-quiz-view', 'quiz'), 'mod-quiz-attempt' => get_string('page-mod-quiz-attempt', 'quiz'), 'mod-quiz-summary' => get_string('page-mod-quiz-summary', 'quiz'), 'mod-quiz-review' => get_string('page-mod-quiz-review', 'quiz'), 'mod-quiz-edit' => get_string('page-mod-quiz-edit', 'quiz'), 'mod-quiz-report' => get_string('page-mod-quiz-report', 'quiz'), ); return $module_pagetype; } /** * @return the options for quiz navigation. */ function quiz_get_navigation_options() { return array( QUIZ_NAVMETHOD_FREE => get_string('navmethod_free', 'quiz'), QUIZ_NAVMETHOD_SEQ => get_string('navmethod_seq', 'quiz') ); } /** * Obtains the automatic completion state for this quiz on any conditions * in quiz settings, such as if all attempts are used or a certain grade is achieved. * * @param object $course Course * @param object $cm Course-module * @param int $userid User ID * @param bool $type Type of comparison (or/and; can be used as return value if no conditions) * @return bool True if completed, false if not. (If no conditions, then return * value depends on comparison type) */ function quiz_get_completion_state($course, $cm, $userid, $type) { global $DB; global $CFG; $quiz = $DB->get_record('quiz', array('id' => $cm->instance), '*', MUST_EXIST); if (!$quiz->completionattemptsexhausted && !$quiz->completionpass) { return $type; } // Check if the user has used up all attempts. if ($quiz->completionattemptsexhausted) { $attempts = quiz_get_user_attempts($quiz->id, $userid, 'finished', true); if ($attempts) { $lastfinishedattempt = end($attempts); $context = context_module::instance($cm->id); $quizobj = quiz::create($quiz->id, $userid); $accessmanager = new quiz_access_manager($quizobj, time(), has_capability('mod/quiz:ignoretimelimits', $context, $userid, false)); if ($accessmanager->is_finished(count($attempts), $lastfinishedattempt)) { return true; } } } // Check for passing grade. if ($quiz->completionpass) { require_once($CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php'); $item = grade_item::fetch(array('courseid' => $course->id, 'itemtype' => 'mod', 'itemmodule' => 'quiz', 'iteminstance' => $cm->instance)); if ($item) { $grades = grade_grade::fetch_users_grades($item, array($userid), false); if (!empty($grades[$userid])) { return $grades[$userid]->is_passed($item); } } } return false; }