course)) { error("Course is misconfigured"); } if (! $lesson = get_record("lesson", "id", $cm->instance)) { error("Course module is incorrect"); } require_login($course->id); // set up some general variables $usehtmleditor = can_use_html_editor(); $navigation = ""; if ($course->category) { $navigation = "id\">$course->shortname ->"; } $strlessons = get_string("modulenameplural", "lesson"); $strlesson = get_string("modulename", "lesson"); $strlessonname = $lesson->name; // ... print the header and... print_header("$course->shortname: $lesson->name", "$course->fullname", "$navigation id>$strlessons -> id\">$lesson->name", "", "", true); //...get the action require_variable($action); /************** add branch table ************************************/ if ($action == 'addbranchtable' ) { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } // first get the preceeding page $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; // set of jump array $jump[0] = get_string("thispage", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_NEXTPAGE] = get_string("nextpage", "lesson"); //// CDC-FLAG ///// $jump[LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE] = get_string("previouspage", "lesson"); if (!isset($_GET['firstpage'])) { $jump[LESSON_EOL] = get_string("endoflesson", "lesson"); if (!$apageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "id", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "prevpageid", 0)) { error("Add page: first page not found"); } while (true) { if ($apageid) { $title = get_field("lesson_pages", "title", "id", $apageid); $jump[$apageid] = $title; $apageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", "id", $apageid); } else { // last page reached break; } } } //// CDC-FLAG ///// // give teacher a blank proforma print_heading_with_help(get_string("addabranchtable", "lesson"), "overview", "lesson"); ?>
\n"; /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/16/04 echo "\n"; /// CDC-FLAG /// for ($i = 0; $i < $lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { $iplus1 = $i + 1; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } // close table and form ?>
"; echo get_string("pagecontents", "lesson").":
\n"; print_textarea($usehtmleditor, 25,70, 630, 400, "contents"); use_html_editor("contents"); echo "
\n"; echo "
"; echo get_string("arrangebuttonshorizontally", "lesson")."\n"; echo "
"; echo get_string("displayinleftmenu", "lesson"); echo "
\n"; echo "
".get_string("description", "lesson")." $iplus1:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 10, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); // made the default set to off also removed use_html_editor(); line from down below, which made all textareas turn into html editors echo "
".get_string("jump", "lesson")." $iplus1: \n"; if ($i) { // answers 2, 3, 4... jumpto this page lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", 0, ""); } else { // answer 1 jumpto next page lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", LESSON_NEXTPAGE, ""); } helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); echo "

"> ">
id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } // first get the preceeding page $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; $timenow = time(); // the new page is not the first page (end of branch always comes after an existing page) if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid)) { error("Add end of branch: page record not found"); } // chain back up to find the (nearest branch table) $btpageid = $pageid; if (!$btpage = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $btpageid)) { error("Add end of branch: btpage record not found"); } while (($btpage->qtype != LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) AND ($btpage->prevpageid > 0)) { $btpageid = $btpage->prevpageid; if (!$btpage = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $btpageid)) { error("Add end of branch: btpage record not found"); } } if ($btpage->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) { $newpage->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newpage->prevpageid = $pageid; $newpage->nextpageid = $page->nextpageid; $newpage->qtype = LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH; $newpage->timecreated = $timenow; $newpage->title = get_string("endofbranch", "lesson"); $newpage->contents = get_string("endofbranch", "lesson"); if (!$newpageid = insert_record("lesson_pages", $newpage)) { error("Insert page: new page not inserted"); } // update the linked list... if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $newpageid, "id", $pageid)) { error("Add end of branch: unable to update link"); } if ($page->nextpageid) { // the new page is not the last page if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $newpageid, "id", $page->nextpageid)) { error("Insert page: unable to update previous link"); } } // ..and the single "answer" $newanswer->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $newpageid; $newanswer->timecreated = $timenow; $newanswer->jumpto = $btpageid; if(!$newanswerid = insert_record("lesson_answers", $newanswer)) { error("Add end of branch: answer record not inserted"); } redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("ok")); } else { notice(get_string("nobranchtablefound", "lesson"), "view.php?id=$cm->id"); } } /// CDC-FLAG 6/17/04 /// /************** add cluster ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'addcluster' ) { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } // first get the preceeding page // if $pageid = 0, then we are inserting a new page at the beginning of the lesson $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; $timenow = time(); if ($pageid == 0) { if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", 0, "lessonid", $lesson->id)) { error("Error: Add cluster: page record not found"); } } else { if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid)) { error("Error: Add cluster: page record not found"); } } $newpage->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newpage->prevpageid = $pageid; if ($pageid != 0) { $newpage->nextpageid = $page->nextpageid; } else { $newpage->nextpageid = $page->id; } $newpage->qtype = LESSON_CLUSTER; $newpage->timecreated = $timenow; $newpage->title = get_string("clustertitle", "lesson"); $newpage->contents = get_string("clustertitle", "lesson"); if (!$newpageid = insert_record("lesson_pages", $newpage)) { error("Insert page: new page not inserted"); } // update the linked list... if ($pageid != 0) { if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $newpageid, "id", $pageid)) { error("Add cluster: unable to update link"); } } if ($pageid == 0) { $page->nextpageid = $page->id; } if ($page->nextpageid) { // the new page is not the last page if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $newpageid, "id", $page->nextpageid)) { error("Insert page: unable to update previous link"); } } // ..and the single "answer" $newanswer->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $newpageid; $newanswer->timecreated = $timenow; $newanswer->jumpto = LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP; if(!$newanswerid = insert_record("lesson_answers", $newanswer)) { error("Add cluster: answer record not inserted"); } redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("ok")); } /// CDC-FLAG /// /// CDC-FLAG 6/17/04 /// /************** add end of cluster ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'addendofcluster' ) { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } // first get the preceeding page $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; $timenow = time(); // the new page is not the first page (end of cluster always comes after an existing page) if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid)) { error("Error: Could not find page"); } // could put code in here to check if the user really can insert an end of cluster $newpage->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newpage->prevpageid = $pageid; $newpage->nextpageid = $page->nextpageid; $newpage->qtype = LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER; $newpage->timecreated = $timenow; $newpage->title = get_string("endofclustertitle", "lesson"); $newpage->contents = get_string("endofclustertitle", "lesson"); if (!$newpageid = insert_record("lesson_pages", $newpage)) { error("Insert page: end of cluster page not inserted"); } // update the linked list... if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $newpageid, "id", $pageid)) { error("Add end of cluster: unable to update link"); } if ($page->nextpageid) { // the new page is not the last page if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $newpageid, "id", $page->nextpageid)) { error("Insert end of cluster: unable to update previous link"); } } // ..and the single "answer" $newanswer->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $newpageid; $newanswer->timecreated = $timenow; $newanswer->jumpto = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; if(!$newanswerid = insert_record("lesson_answers", $newanswer)) { error("Add end of cluster: answer record not inserted"); } redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("ok")); } /// CDC-FLAG /// /************** add page ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'addpage' ) { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } // first get the preceeding page $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; // set of jump array $jump[0] = get_string("thispage", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_NEXTPAGE] = get_string("nextpage", "lesson"); //// CDC-FLAG 6/18/04 ///// $jump[LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE] = get_string("previouspage", "lesson"); if(lesson_display_branch_jumps($lesson->id, $pageid)) { $jump[LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE] = get_string("unseenpageinbranch", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_RANDOMPAGE] = get_string("randompageinbranch", "lesson"); } if(lesson_display_cluster_jump($lesson->id, $pageid)) { $jump[LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP] = get_string("clusterjump", "lesson"); } /// CDC-FLAG /// if (!isset($_GET['firstpage'])) { $linkadd = ""; $jump[LESSON_EOL] = get_string("endoflesson", "lesson"); if (!$apageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "id", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "prevpageid", 0)) { error("Add page: first page not found"); } while (true) { if ($apageid) { $title = get_field("lesson_pages", "title", "id", $apageid); $jump[$apageid] = $title; $apageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", "id", $apageid); } else { // last page reached break; } } } else { $linkadd = "&firstpage=1"; } // give teacher a blank proforma print_heading_with_help(get_string("addaquestionpage", "lesson"), "overview", "lesson"); ?>
\n"; ?> \n"; if (isset($_GET['qtype'])) { switch ($_GET['qtype']) { case LESSON_TRUEFALSE : for ($i = 0; $i < 2; $i++) { $iplus1 = $i + 1; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } break; case LESSON_ESSAY : echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_MATCHING : for ($i = 0; $i < $lesson->maxanswers+2; $i++) { $icorrected = $i - 1; if ($i == 0) { echo "\n"; } elseif ($i == 1) { echo "\n"; } else { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } if ($i == 2) { echo "\n"; } elseif ($i == 3) { echo "\n"; } } break; case LESSON_SHORTANSWER : case LESSON_NUMERICAL : case LESSON_MULTICHOICE : // default code for ($i = 0; $i < $lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { $iplus1 = $i + 1; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } break; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i < $lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { $iplus1 = $i + 1; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; } } // close table and form ?>
"; echo get_string("questiontype", "lesson").": \n"; echo helpbutton("questiontype", get_string("questiontype", "lesson"), "lesson")."
"; if (isset($_GET['qtype'])) { lesson_qtype_menu($LESSON_QUESTION_TYPE, $_GET['qtype'], "lesson.php?id=$cm->id&action=addpage&pageid=".$_GET['pageid'].$linkadd); // NoticeFix rearraged if ( $_GET['qtype'] == LESSON_SHORTANSWER || $_GET['qtype'] == LESSON_MULTICHOICE || !isset($_GET['qtype']) ) { // only display this option for Multichoice and shortanswer if ($_GET['qtype'] == LESSON_SHORTANSWER) { echo "

".get_string("casesensitive", "lesson").": \n"; } else { echo "

".get_string("multianswer", "lesson").": \n"; } echo " "; //CDC hidden label added. helpbutton("questionoption", get_string("questionoption", "lesson"), "lesson"); } } else { lesson_qtype_menu($LESSON_QUESTION_TYPE, LESSON_MULTICHOICE, "lesson.php?id=$cm->id&action=addpage&pageid=".$_GET['pageid'].$linkadd); echo "

".get_string("multianswer", "lesson").": \n"; echo " "; //CDC hidden label added. helpbutton("questionoption", get_string("questionoption", "lesson"), "lesson"); } echo "
"; echo get_string("pagecontents", "lesson").":
\n"; print_textarea($usehtmleditor, 25,70, 630, 400, "contents"); use_html_editor("contents"); echo "
".get_string("answer", "lesson")." $iplus1:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("response", "lesson")." $iplus1:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "response[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("jump", "lesson")." $iplus1: \n"; if ($i) { // answers 2, 3, 4... jumpto this page lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", 0, ""); } else { // answer 1 jumpto next page lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", LESSON_NEXTPAGE, ""); } helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); /// CDC-FLAG /// if($lesson->custom) { if ($i) { echo get_string("score", "lesson")." $iplus1: "; } else { echo get_string("score", "lesson")." $iplus1: "; } } /// CDC-FLAG /// echo "
".get_string("jump", "lesson").": \n"; lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[0]", LESSON_NEXTPAGE, ""); helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); if ($lesson->custom) { echo get_string("score", "lesson").": "; } echo "
".get_string("correctresponse", "lesson").":
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("wrongresponse", "lesson").":
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("answer", "lesson")." $icorrected:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("matchesanswer", "lesson")." $icorrected:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "response[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("correctanswerjump", "lesson").": \n"; lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", LESSON_NEXTPAGE, ""); helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); if($lesson->custom) { echo get_string("correctanswerscore", "lesson").": "; } echo "
".get_string("wronganswerjump", "lesson").": \n"; lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", 0, ""); helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); if($lesson->custom) { echo get_string("wronganswerscore", "lesson").": "; } echo "
".get_string("answer", "lesson")." $iplus1:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("response", "lesson")." $iplus1:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "response[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("jump", "lesson")." $iplus1: \n"; if ($i) { // answers 2, 3, 4... jumpto this page lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", 0, ""); } else { // answer 1 jumpto next page lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", LESSON_NEXTPAGE, ""); } helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); /// CDC-FLAG /// if($lesson->custom) { if ($i) { echo get_string("score", "lesson")." $iplus1: "; } else { echo get_string("score", "lesson")." $iplus1: "; } } /// CDC-FLAG /// echo "
".get_string("answer", "lesson")." $iplus1:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("response", "lesson")." $iplus1:
\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "response[$i]"); echo "
".get_string("jump", "lesson")." $iplus1: \n"; if ($i) { // answers 2, 3, 4... jumpto this page lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", 0, ""); } else { // answer 1 jumpto next page lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", LESSON_NEXTPAGE, ""); } helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); /// CDC-FLAG /// if($lesson->custom) { if ($i) { echo get_string("score", "lesson")." $iplus1: "; } else { echo get_string("score", "lesson")." $iplus1: "; } } /// CDC-FLAG /// echo "

"> ">
id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } if (empty($_GET['pageid'])) { error("Confirm delete: pageid missing"); } $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; if (!$thispage = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid)) { error("Confirm delete: the page record not found"); } print_heading(get_string("deletingpage", "lesson", $thispage->title)); // print the jumps to this page if ($answers = get_records_select("lesson_answers", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND jumpto = $pageid + 1")) { print_heading(get_string("thefollowingpagesjumptothispage", "lesson")); echo "

\n"; foreach ($answers as $answer) { if (!$title = get_field("lesson_pages", "title", "id", $answer->pageid)) { error("Confirm delete: page title not found"); } echo $title."
\n"; } } notice_yesno(get_string("confirmdeletionofthispage","lesson"), "lesson.php?action=delete&id=$cm->id&pageid=$pageid", "view.php?id=$cm->id"); } /****************** continue ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'continue' ) { //CDC Chris Berri added this echo call for left menu. must match that in view.php for styles if ($lesson->displayleft) { echo '

'; if ($page = get_record_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND prevpageid = 0")) { // print the pages echo "
\n"; echo "id\">\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; echo ""; echo "
"; } echo "
"; //close leftmenu1 echo "
"; //CDC slidepos } elseif ($lesson->slideshow) { echo "
"; } /// CDC-FLAG /// Slideshow styles if($lesson->slideshow) { echo "
bgcolor; height: ".$lesson->height."px; width: ".$lesson->width."px; overflow: auto; border: 0px solid #ccc; padding: 8px; \">\n"; } /// CDC-FLAG /// /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/21/04 This is the warning msg for teachers to inform them that cluster and unseen does not work while logged in as a teacher if(isteacher($course->id)) { if (execute_teacherwarning($lesson->id)) { $warningvars->cluster = get_string("clusterjump", "lesson"); $warningvars->unseen = get_string("unseenpageinbranch", "lesson"); echo "
".get_string("teacherjumpwarning", "lesson", $warningvars)."

"; } } /// CDC-FLAG /// /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/14/04 -- This is the code updates the lesson time for a timed test $outoftime = false; if($lesson->timed) { if(isteacher($course->id)) { echo "
".get_string("teachertimerwarning", "lesson")."
"; } else { if (!$timer = get_record("lesson_timer", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "userid", $USER->id)) { error("Error: could not find record"); } if ((($timer->starttime + $lesson->maxtime * 60) - time()) > 0) { // code for the clock print_simple_box_start("right", "150px", "#ffffff", 0); echo "". "
".get_string("timeremaining", "lesson"). "
"; echo "\n"; echo "
"; print_simple_box_end(); echo "

"; } else { redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id&action=navigation&pageid=".LESSON_EOL."&outoftime=normal", get_string("outoftime", "lesson")); } if ((($timer->starttime + $lesson->maxtime * 60) - time()) < 60 && !((($timer->starttime + $lesson->maxtime * 60) - time()) < 0)) { echo "
".get_string("studentoneminwarning", "lesson")."
"; } elseif (($timer->starttime + $lesson->maxtime * 60) < time()) { echo "
".get_string("studentoutoftime", "lesson")."
"; $outoftime = true; } unset($newtime); $newtime->id = $timer->id; $newtime->lessontime = time(); if (!update_record("lesson_timer", $newtime)) { error("Error: could not update lesson_timer table"); } } } /// CDC-FLAG /// // record answer (if necessary) and show response (if none say if answer is correct or not) if (empty($_POST['pageid'])) { error("Continue: pageid missing"); } $pageid = $_POST['pageid']; if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid)) { error("Continue: Page record not found"); } // set up some defaults $answerid = 0; $noanswer = false; $correctanswer = false; $newpageid = 0; // stay on the page switch ($page->qtype) { /// CDC-FLAG /// case LESSON_ESSAY : if (!$useranswer = $_POST['answer']) { $noanswer = true; break; } if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) { error("Continue: No answers found"); } $correctanswer = false; $response = "Your essay will be graded by the course instructor."; foreach ($answers as $answer) { $answerid = $answer->id; $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; } /// 6/29/04 // $userresponse->sent=0; $userresponse->graded = 0; $userresponse->score = 0; $userresponse->answer = $useranswer; $userresponse->response = ""; $userresponse = serialize($userresponse); break; /// CDC-FLAG /// case LESSON_SHORTANSWER : if (!$useranswer = $_POST['answer']) { $noanswer = true; break; } $userresponse = $useranswer; if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) { error("Continue: No answers found"); } foreach ($answers as $answer) { /// CDC-FLAG /// if ($lesson->custom && $answer->score > 0) { if ($page->qoption) { // case sensitive if ($answer->answer == $useranswer) { $correctanswer = true; $answerid = $answer->id; $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $response = $answer->response; } } } else { // case insensitive if (strcasecmp($answer->answer, $useranswer) == 0) { $correctanswer = true; $answerid = $answer->id; $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $response = $answer->response; } } } } elseif (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $answer->jumpto) && !$lesson->custom) { /// CDC-FLAG 6/21/04 /// if ($page->qoption) { // case sensitive if ($answer->answer == $useranswer) { $correctanswer = true; $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $response = $answer->response; } } } else { // case insensitive if (strcasecmp($answer->answer, $useranswer) == 0) { $correctanswer = true; $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $response = $answer->response; } } } } else { // see if user typed in any of the wrong answers // don't worry about case if (strcasecmp($answer->answer, $useranswer) == 0) { $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; $answerid = $answer->id; if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $response = $answer->response; } } } } if (!isset($response)) { if ($correctanswer) { $response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); } else { $response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); } } break; case LESSON_TRUEFALSE : if (empty($_POST['answerid'])) { $noanswer = true; break; } $answerid = $_POST['answerid']; if (!$answer = get_record("lesson_answers", "id", $answerid)) { error("Continue: answer record not found"); } if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $answer->jumpto)) { $correctanswer = true; } /* CDC-FLAG */ if ($lesson->custom) { if ($answer->score > 0) { $correctanswer = true; } else { $correctanswer = false; } } /// CDC-FLAG 6/21/04 /// $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; if (!$response = trim($answer->response)) { if ($correctanswer) { $response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); } else { $response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); } } break; case LESSON_MULTICHOICE : if ($page->qoption) { // MULTIANSWER allowed, user's answer is an array if (isset($_POST['answer'])) { $useranswers = $_POST['answer']; } else { $noanswer = true; break; } // get what the user answered $userresponse = implode(",", $useranswers); // get the answers in a set order, the id order if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) { error("Continue: No answers found"); } $ncorrect = 0; $nhits = 0; $correctresponse = ''; $wrongresponse = ''; /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/11/04 this is for custom scores. If score on answer is positive, it is correct if ($lesson->custom) { $ncorrect = 0; $nhits = 0; foreach ($answers as $answer) { if ($answer->score > 0) { $ncorrect++; foreach ($useranswers as $key => $answerid) { if ($answerid == $answer->id) { $nhits++; } } // save the first jumpto page id, may be needed!... if (!isset($correctpageid)) { // leave in its "raw" state - will converted into a proper page id later $correctpageid = $answer->jumpto; } // ...also save any response from the correct answers... if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $correctresponse = $answer->response; } } else { // save the first jumpto page id, may be needed!... if (!isset($wrongpageid)) { // leave in its "raw" state - will converted into a proper page id later $wrongpageid = $answer->jumpto; } // ...and from the incorrect ones, don't know which to use at this stage if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $wrongresponse = $answer->response; } } } } else { foreach ($answers as $answer) { if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $answer->jumpto)) { $ncorrect++; foreach ($useranswers as $key => $answerid) { if ($answerid == $answer->id) { $nhits++; } } // save the first jumpto page id, may be needed!... if (!isset($correctpageid)) { // leave in its "raw" state - will converted into a proper page id later $correctpageid = $answer->jumpto; } // ...also save any response from the correct answers... if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $correctresponse = $answer->response; } } else { // save the first jumpto page id, may be needed!... if (!isset($wrongpageid)) { // leave in its "raw" state - will converted into a proper page id later $wrongpageid = $answer->jumpto; } // ...and from the incorrect ones, don't know which to use at this stage if (trim(strip_tags($answer->response))) { $wrongresponse = $answer->response; } } } } /// CDC-FLAG /// if ((count($useranswers) == $ncorrect) and ($nhits == $ncorrect)) { $correctanswer = true; if (!$response = $correctresponse) { $response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); } $newpageid = $correctpageid; } else { if (!$response = $wrongresponse) { $response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); } $newpageid = $wrongpageid; } } else { // only one answer allowed if (empty($_POST['answerid'])) { $noanswer = true; break; } $answerid = $_POST['answerid']; if (!$answer = get_record("lesson_answers", "id", $answerid)) { error("Continue: answer record not found"); } if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $answer->jumpto)) { $correctanswer = true; } /* CDC-FLAG */ if ($lesson->custom) { if ($answer->score > 0) { $correctanswer = true; } else { $correctanswer = false; } } /// CDC-FLAG /// $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; if (!$response = trim($answer->response)) { if ($correctanswer) { $response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); } else { $response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); } } } break; /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/14/04 -- added responses case LESSON_MATCHING : if (isset($_POST['response'])) { $response = $_POST['response']; } else { $noanswer = true; break; } if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) { error("Continue: No answers found"); } $ncorrect = 0; $i = 0; foreach ($answers as $answer) { if ($i == 0 || $i == 1) { // ignore first two answers, they are correct response // and wrong response $i++; continue; } if ($answer->response == $response[$answer->id]) { $ncorrect++; } if ($i == 2) { $correctpageid = $answer->jumpto; $correctanswerid = $answer->id; } if ($i == 3) { $wrongpageid = $answer->jumpto; $wronganswerid = $answer->id; } $i++; } // get he users exact responses for record keeping foreach ($response as $value) { foreach($answers as $answer) { if ($value == $answer->response) { $userresponse[] = $answer->id; } } } $userresponse = implode(",", $userresponse); if ($ncorrect == count($answers)-2) { // dont count correct/wrong responses in the total. $response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); foreach ($answers as $answer) { if ($answer->response == NULL && $answer->answer != NULL) { $response = $answer->answer; break; } } // NoticeFix if (isset($correctpageid)) { $newpageid = $correctpageid; } if (isset($correctanswerid)) { $answerid = $correctanswerid; } $correctanswer = true; } else { $response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); $t = 0; foreach ($answers as $answer) { if ($answer->response == NULL && $answer->answer != NULL) { if ($t == 1) { $response = $answer->answer; break; } $t++; } } $newpageid = $wrongpageid; $answerid = $wronganswerid; } break; /// CDC-FLAG /// case LESSON_NUMERICAL : // set defaults $response = ''; $newpageid = 0; if (!$useranswer = (float) $_POST['answer']) { $noanswer = true; break; } $userresponse = $useranswer; if (!$answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid, "id")) { error("Continue: No answers found"); } foreach ($answers as $answer) { if (strpos($answer->answer, ':')) { // there's a pairs of values list($min, $max) = explode(':', $answer->answer); $minimum = (float) $min; $maximum = (float) $max; } else { // there's only one value $minimum = (float) $answer->answer; $maximum = $minimum; } if (($useranswer >= $minimum) and ($useranswer <= $maximum)) { $newpageid = $answer->jumpto; $response = trim($answer->response); if (lesson_iscorrect($pageid, $newpageid)) { $correctanswer = true; } /// CDC-FLAG /// if ($lesson->custom) { if ($answer->score > 0) { $correctanswer = true; $answerid = $answer->id; } else { $correctanswer = false; } } /// CDC-FLAG /// break; } } if ($correctanswer) { if (!$response) { $response = get_string("thatsthecorrectanswer", "lesson"); } } else { if (!$response) { $response = get_string("thatsthewronganswer", "lesson"); } } break; case LESSON_BRANCHTABLE: $noanswer = false; $newpageid = $_POST['jumpto']; /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/15/04 going to insert into lesson_branch if ($newpageid == LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH) { $branchflag = 1; } else { $branchflag = 0; } if ($grades = get_records_select("lesson_grades", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND userid = $USER->id", "grade DESC")) { $retries = count($grades); } else { $retries = 0; } unset($branch); $branch->lessonid = $lesson->id; $branch->userid = $USER->id; $branch->pageid = $_POST['pageid']; $branch->retry = $retries; $branch->flag = $branchflag; $branch->timeseen = time(); if (!insert_record("lesson_branch", $branch)) { error("Error: could not insert row into lesson_branch table"); } /// CDC-FLAG /// /// CDC-FLAG /// this is called when jumping to random from a branch table if($newpageid == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { if (isteacher($course->id)) { $newpageid = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; } else { $newpageid = lesson_unseen_question_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id, $_POST['pageid']); // this may return 0 //CDC Chris Berri.....this is where it sets the next page id for unseen? } } /// CDC-FLAG 6/15/04 /// // convert jumpto page into a proper page id if ($newpageid == 0) { $newpageid = $pageid; } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { if (!$newpageid = $page->nextpageid) { // no nextpage go to end of lesson $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; } /* CDC-FLAG */ } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE) { $newpageid = $page->prevpageid; } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) { $newpageid = lesson_random_question_jump($lesson->id, $_POST['pageid']); } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH) { // 6/15/04 $newpageid = lesson_unseen_branch_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id); } /// CDC-FLAG /// // no need to record anything in lesson_attempts redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id&action=navigation&pageid=$newpageid"); print_footer($course); exit(); break; } if ($noanswer) { $newpageid = $pageid; // display same page again print_simple_box(get_string("noanswer", "lesson"), "center"); } else { $nretakes = count_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "userid", $USER->id); if (isstudent($course->id)) { // record student's attempt $attempt->lessonid = $lesson->id; $attempt->pageid = $pageid; $attempt->userid = $USER->id; $attempt->answerid = $answerid; $attempt->retry = $nretakes; $attempt->correct = $correctanswer; if(isset($userresponse)) { $attempt->useranswer = $userresponse; } $attempt->timeseen = time(); /// CDC-FLAG /// -- dont want to insert the attempt if they ran out of time if (!$outoftime) { // if allow modattempts, then update the old attempt record, otherwise, insert new answer record if (isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) { $attempt->retry = $nretakes - 1; // they are going through on review, $nretakes will be too high } if (!$newattemptid = insert_record("lesson_attempts", $attempt)) { error("Continue: attempt not inserted"); } } /// CDC-FLAG /// if (!$correctanswer and ($newpageid == 0)) { // wrong answer and student is stuck on this page - check how many attempts // the student has had at this page/question $nattempts = count_records("lesson_attempts", "pageid", $pageid, "userid", $USER->id, "retry", $nretakes); if ($nattempts >= $lesson->maxattempts) { if ($lesson->maxattempts > 1) { // don't bother with message if only one attempt echo "

(".get_string("maximumnumberofattempts", "lesson"). " ".get_string("reached", "lesson")." - ". get_string("movingtonextpage", "lesson").")

\n"; } $newpageid = LESSON_NEXTPAGE; } } } // convert jumpto page into a proper page id if ($newpageid == 0) { $newpageid = $pageid; } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { if ($lesson->nextpagedefault) { // in Flash Card mode... // ... first get the page ids (lessonid the 5th param is needed to make get_records play) $allpages = get_records("lesson_pages", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "id", "id,lessonid"); shuffle ($allpages); $found = false; if ($lesson->nextpagedefault == LESSON_UNSEENPAGE) { foreach ($allpages as $thispage) { if (!count_records("lesson_attempts", "pageid", $thispage->id, "userid", $USER->id, "retry", $nretakes)) { $found = true; break; } } } elseif ($lesson->nextpagedefault == LESSON_UNANSWEREDPAGE) { foreach ($allpages as $thispage) { if (!count_records_select("lesson_attempts", "pageid = $thispage->id AND userid = $USER->id AND correct = 1 AND retry = $nretakes")) { $found = true; break; } } } if ($found) { $newpageid = $thispage->id; if ($lesson->maxpages) { // check number of pages viewed (in the lesson) if (count_records("lesson_attempts", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "userid", $USER->id, "retry", $nretakes) >= $lesson->maxpages) { $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; } } } else { $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; } } elseif (!$newpageid = $page->nextpageid) { // no nextpage go to end of lesson $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; } } /// CDC-FLAG 6/21/04 /// this calculates the ongoing score if ($lesson->ongoing) { if (isteacher($course->id)) { echo "
".get_string("teacherongoingwarning", "lesson")."

"; } else { $ntries = count_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "userid", $USER->id); if (isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) { $ntries--; } lesson_calculate_ongoing_score($lesson, $USER->id, $ntries); } } /// CDC-FLAG /// // display response (if there is one - there should be!) if ($response) { //$title = get_field("lesson_pages", "title", "id", $pageid); //print_heading($title); echo "
\n"; if ($lesson->review && !$correctanswer) { $nretakes = count_records("lesson_grades", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "userid", $USER->id); $qattempts = count_records("lesson_attempts", "userid", $USER->id, "retry", $nretakes, "pageid", $pageid); echo "

"; if ($qattempts == 1) { print_simple_box(get_string("firstwrong", "lesson"), "center"); } else { print_simple_box(get_string("secondpluswrong", "lesson"), "center"); } } else { print_simple_box(format_text($response), 'center'); } echo "
\n"; } } /// CDC-FLAG 6/18/04 /// - this is where some jump numbers are interpreted if($outoftime) { $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; // ran out of time for the test, so go to eol } elseif (isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) { // make sure if the student is reviewing, that he/she sees the same pages/page path that he/she saw the first time if ($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id] == $pageid) { // remember, this session variable holds the pageid of the last page that the user saw $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; } else { $nretakes--; // make sure we are looking at the right try. $attempts = get_records_select("lesson_attempts", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND userid = $USER->id AND retry = $nretakes", "timeseen", "id, pageid"); $found = false; $temppageid = 0; foreach($attempts as $attempt) { if ($found && $temppageid != $attempt->pageid) { // now try to find the next page, make sure next few attempts do no belong to current page $newpageid = $attempt->pageid; break; } if ($attempt->pageid == $pageid) { $found = true; // if found current page $temppageid = $attempt->pageid; } } } } elseif ($newpageid != LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP && $pageid != 0 && $newpageid > 0) { // going to check to see if the page that the user is going to view next, is a cluster page. If so, dont display, go into the cluster. The $newpageid > 0 is used to filter out all of the negative code jumps. if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $newpageid)) { error("Error: could not find page"); } if ($page->qtype == LESSON_CLUSTER) { $newpageid = LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP; } elseif ($page->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER) { $jump = get_field("lesson_answers", "jumpto", "pageid", $page->id, "lessonid", $lesson->id); if ($jump == LESSON_NEXTPAGE) { if ($page->nextpageid == 0) { $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; } else { $newpageid = $page->nextpageid; } } else { $newpageid = $jump; } } } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE) { if (isteacher($course->id)) { if ($page->nextpageid == 0) { $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; } else { $newpageid = $page->nextpageid; } } else { $newpageid = lesson_unseen_question_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id, $pageid); } } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE) { $newpageid = $page->prevpageid; } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_RANDOMPAGE) { $newpageid = lesson_random_question_jump($lesson->id, $pageid); } elseif ($newpageid == LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP) { if (isteacher($course->id)) { if ($page->nextpageid == 0) { // if teacher, go to next page $newpageid = LESSON_EOL; } else { $newpageid = $page->nextpageid; } } else { $newpageid = lesson_cluster_jump($lesson->id, $USER->id, $pageid); } } /// CDC-FLAG /// echo "
\n"; echo "id\">\n"; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; /// CDC-FLAG /// if ($lesson->slideshow) { echo "
"; //Close Mark's big div tag??? echo "width\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"5\">
\n"; if (isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) { echo "

". get_string("savechangesandeol", "lesson")."

". "

\n"; echo "

".get_string("or", "lesson")."

". get_string("continuetoanswer", "lesson")."

\n"; } if ($lesson->review && !$correctanswer && !$noanswer) { echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; } else { echo "

\n"; } echo "
"; } else { if (isset($USER->modattempts[$lesson->id])) { echo "

". get_string("savechangesandeol", "lesson")."

". "

\n"; echo "

".get_string("or", "lesson")."

". get_string("continuetoanswer", "lesson")."

\n"; } if ($lesson->review && !$correctanswer && !$noanswer) { echo "

\n"; echo "

\n"; } else { echo "

\n"; } } echo "\n"; if ($lesson->displayleft) { echo "
"; //CDC Chris Berri for styles, closes slidepos. } elseif ($lesson->slideshow) { echo "
"; } } /******************* delete ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'delete' ) { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } if (empty($_GET['pageid'])) { error("Delete: pageid missing"); } $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; if (!$thispage = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid)) { error("Delete: page record not found"); } print_string("deleting", "lesson"); // first delete all the associated records... delete_records("lesson_attempts", "pageid", $pageid); // delete the answers... delete_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $pageid); // ..and the page itself delete_records("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid); // repair the hole in the linkage if (!$thispage->prevpageid) { // this is the first page... if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $thispage->nextpageid)) { error("Delete: next page not found"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", 0, "id", $page->id)) { error("Delete: unable to set prevpage link"); } } elseif (!$thispage->nextpageid) { // this is the last page... if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $thispage->prevpageid)) { error("Delete: prev page not found"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", 0, "id", $page->id)) { error("Delete: unable to set nextpage link"); } } else { // page is in the middle... if (!$prevpage = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $thispage->prevpageid)) { error("Delete: prev page not found"); } if (!$nextpage = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $thispage->nextpageid)) { error("Delete: next page not found"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $nextpage->id, "id", $prevpage->id)) { error("Delete: unable to set next link"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $prevpage->id, "id", $nextpage->id)) { error("Delete: unable to set prev link"); } } redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("ok")); } /************** edit page ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'editpage' ) { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } // get the page if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $_GET['pageid'])) { error("Edit page: page record not found"); } if (isset($_GET['qtype'])) { $page->qtype = $_GET['qtype']; } // set of jump array $jump[0] = get_string("thispage", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_NEXTPAGE] = get_string("nextpage", "lesson"); //// CDC-FLAG 6/18/04 ///// $jump[LESSON_PREVIOUSPAGE] = get_string("previouspage", "lesson"); if(lesson_display_branch_jumps($lesson->id, $page->id)) { $jump[LESSON_UNSEENBRANCHPAGE] = get_string("unseenpageinbranch", "lesson"); $jump[LESSON_RANDOMPAGE] = get_string("randompageinbranch", "lesson"); } if ($page->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH || $page->qtype == LESSON_BRANCHTABLE) { $jump[LESSON_RANDOMBRANCH] = get_string("randombranch", "lesson"); } if(lesson_display_cluster_jump($lesson->id, $page->id) && $page->qtype != LESSON_BRANCHTABLE && $page->qtype != LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER) { $jump[LESSON_CLUSTERJUMP] = get_string("clusterjump", "lesson"); } //// CDC-FLAG ///// $jump[LESSON_EOL] = get_string("endoflesson", "lesson"); if (!$apageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "id", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "prevpageid", 0)) { error("Edit page: first page not found"); } while (true) { if ($apageid) { if (!$apage = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $apageid)) { error("Edit page: apage record not found"); } /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/15/04 removed != LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH... if (trim($page->title)) { // ...nor nuffin pages $jump[$apageid] = $apage->title; } $apageid = $apage->nextpageid; } else { // last page reached break; } } // give teacher a proforma ?>
qtype) { case LESSON_MULTICHOICE : echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_SHORTANSWER : echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_TRUEFALSE : case LESSON_ESSAY : case LESSON_MATCHING : case LESSON_NUMERICAL : echo "\n"; break; } ?> \n"; $n = 0; switch ($page->qtype) { case LESSON_BRANCHTABLE : echo "qtype\">\n"; /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/16/04 echo "\n"; /// CDC-FLAG /// echo "\n"; // get the answers in a set order, the id order if ($answers = get_records("lesson_answers", "pageid", $page->id, "id")) { foreach ($answers as $answer) { $flags = intval($answer->flags); // force into an integer $nplus1 = $n + 1; echo "id\">\n"; switch ($page->qtype) { case LESSON_MATCHING: if ($n == 0) { echo "\n"; echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_TRUEFALSE: case LESSON_MULTICHOICE: case LESSON_SHORTANSWER: case LESSON_NUMERICAL: echo "\n"; echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_BRANCHTABLE: echo "\n"; break; } switch ($page->qtype) { case LESSON_MATCHING : if ($n == 2) { echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_ESSAY : echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_TRUEFALSE: case LESSON_MULTICHOICE: case LESSON_SHORTANSWER: case LESSON_NUMERICAL: echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_BRANCHTABLE: case LESSON_CLUSTER: case LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER: case LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH: echo "\n"; break; } $n++; if ($page->qtype == LESSON_ESSAY) { break; // only one answer for essays } } } if ($page->qtype != LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH && $page->qtype != LESSON_CLUSTER && $page->qtype != LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER) { /// CDC-FLAG 6/17/04 added to the condition /// if ($page->qtype == LESSON_MATCHING) { $maxanswers = $lesson->maxanswers + 2; } else { $maxanswers = $lesson->maxanswers; } for ($i = $n; $i < $maxanswers; $i++) { if ($page->qtype == LESSON_TRUEFALSE && $i > 1) { break; // stop printing answers... only need two for true/false } $iplus1 = $i + 1; echo "\n"; switch ($page->qtype) { case LESSON_MATCHING: $icorrected = $i - 1; echo "\n"; echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_TRUEFALSE: case LESSON_MULTICHOICE: case LESSON_SHORTANSWER: case LESSON_NUMERICAL: echo "\n"; echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_BRANCHTABLE: echo "\n"; break; } switch ($page->qtype) { case LESSON_ESSAY : if ($i < 1) { echo "\n"; } break; case LESSON_MATCHING : if ($i == 2) { echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_TRUEFALSE: case LESSON_MULTICHOICE: case LESSON_SHORTANSWER: case LESSON_NUMERICAL: echo "\n"; break; case LESSON_BRANCHTABLE : echo "\n"; break; } } } // close table and form ?>
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".get_string("endofclustertitle", "lesson")." \n"; break; case LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH : echo "qtype\">\n"; echo "
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\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "response[$n]", $answer->response); } } echo "
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\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$n]", $answer->answer); } echo "
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\n"; print_textarea(false, 6, 70, 630, 300, "response[$n]", $answer->response); } echo "
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\n"; print_textarea(false, 10, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$n]", $answer->answer); } echo "
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".get_string("answer", "lesson")." $icorrected:\n"; echo " [".get_string("useeditor", "lesson").": ". ""; helpbutton("useeditor", get_string("useeditor", "lesson"), "lesson"); echo "]
\n"; print_textarea(false, 10, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); echo "
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\n"; print_textarea(false, 10, 70, 630, 300, "response[$i]"); echo "
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\n"; print_textarea(false, 10, 70, 630, 300, "answer[$i]"); echo "
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".get_string("jump", "lesson")." $iplus1: \n"; lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", 0, ""); helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); if($lesson->custom) { echo get_string("score", "lesson")." $iplus1: "; } echo "
".get_string("jump", "lesson")." $iplus1: \n"; lesson_choose_from_menu($jump, "jumpto[$i]", 0, ""); helpbutton("jumpto", get_string("jump", "lesson"), "lesson"); echo "

" onClick="document.editpage.redisplay.value=1;document.editpage.submit();"> "> ">
id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } $timenow = time(); $form = data_submitted(); if ($form->pageid) { // the new page is not the first page if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $form->pageid)) { error("Insert page: page record not found"); } $newpage->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newpage->prevpageid = $form->pageid; $newpage->nextpageid = $page->nextpageid; $newpage->timecreated = $timenow; $newpage->qtype = $form->qtype; if (isset($form->qoption)) { $newpage->qoption = $form->qoption; } else { $newpage->qoption = 0; } /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/16/04 if (isset($form->layout)) { $newpage->layout = $form->layout; } else { $newpage->layout = 0; } if (isset($form->display)) { $newpage->display = $form->display; } else { $newpage->display = 0; } /// CDC-FLAG /// $newpage->title = $form->title; $newpage->contents = trim($form->contents); $newpageid = insert_record("lesson_pages", $newpage); if (!$newpageid) { error("Insert page: new page not inserted"); } // update the linked list if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $newpageid, "id", $form->pageid)) { error("Insert page: unable to update next link"); } if ($page->nextpageid) { // new page is not the last page if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $newpageid, "id", $page->nextpageid)) { error("Insert page: unable to update previous link"); } } } else { // new page is the first page // get the existing (first) page (if any) if (!$page = get_record_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND prevpageid = 0")) { // there are no existing pages $newpage->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newpage->prevpageid = 0; // this is a first page $newpage->nextpageid = 0; // this is the only page $newpage->timecreated = $timenow; $newpage->qtype = $form->qtype; if (isset($form->qoption)) { $newpage->qoption = $form->qoption; } else { $newpage->qoption = 0; } /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/16/04 if (isset($form->layout)) { $newpage->layout = $form->layout; } else { $newpage->layout = 0; } if (isset($form->display)) { $newpage->display = $form->display; } else { $newpage->display = 0; } /// CDC-FLAG /// $newpage->title = $form->title; $newpage->contents = trim($form->contents); $newpageid = insert_record("lesson_pages", $newpage); if (!$newpageid) { error("Insert page: new first page not inserted"); } } else { // there are existing pages put this at the start $newpage->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newpage->prevpageid = 0; // this is a first page $newpage->nextpageid = $page->id; $newpage->timecreated = $timenow; $newpage->qtype = $form->qtype; if (isset($form->qoption)) { $newpage->qoption = $form->qoption; } else { $newpage->qoption = 0; } /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/16/04 if (isset($form->layout)) { $newpage->layout = $form->layout; } else { $newpage->layout = 0; } if (isset($form->display)) { $newpage->display = $form->display; } else { $newpage->display = 0; } /// CDC-FLAG /// $newpage->title = $form->title; $newpage->contents = trim($form->contents); $newpageid = insert_record("lesson_pages", $newpage); if (!$newpageid) { error("Insert page: first page not inserted"); } // update the linked list if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $newpageid, "id", $page->id)) { error("Insert page: unable to update link"); } } } // now add the answers /// CDC-FLAG 6/16/04 added new code to handle essays if ($form->qtype == LESSON_ESSAY) { $newanswer->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $newpageid; $newanswer->timecreated = $timenow; if (isset($form->jumpto[0])) { $newanswer->jumpto = $form->jumpto[0]; } if (isset($form->score[0])) { $newanswer->score = $form->score[0]; } $newanswerid = insert_record("lesson_answers", $newanswer); if (!$newanswerid) { error("Insert Page: answer record $i not inserted"); } } else { if ($form->qtype == LESSON_MATCHING) { // need to add two to offset correct response and wrong response $lesson->maxanswers = $lesson->maxanswers + 2; } for ($i = 0; $i < $lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { if (trim(strip_tags($form->answer[$i]))) { // strip_tags because the HTML editor adds

... $newanswer->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $newpageid; $newanswer->timecreated = $timenow; $newanswer->answer = trim($form->answer[$i]); if (isset($form->response[$i])) { $newanswer->response = trim($form->response[$i]); } if (isset($form->jumpto[$i])) { $newanswer->jumpto = $form->jumpto[$i]; } /// CDC-FLAG /// if ($lesson->custom) { if (isset($form->score[$i])) { $newanswer->score = $form->score[$i]; } } /// CDC-FLAG /// $newanswerid = insert_record("lesson_answers", $newanswer); if (!$newanswerid) { error("Insert Page: answer record $i not inserted"); } } else { if ($form->qtype == LESSON_MATCHING) { if ($i < 2) { $newanswer->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $newpageid; $newanswer->timecreated = $timenow; $newanswerid = insert_record("lesson_answers", $newanswer); if (!$newanswerid) { error("Insert Page: answer record $i not inserted"); } } } else { break; } } } } /// CDC-FLAG /// redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("ok")); } /****************** move ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'move') { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; $title = get_field("lesson_pages", "title", "id", $pageid); print_heading(get_string("moving", "lesson", $title)); if (!$page = get_record_select("lesson_pages", "lessonid = $lesson->id AND prevpageid = 0")) { error("Move: first page not found"); } echo "

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id&action=moveit&pageid=$pageid&after=0\">". get_string("movepagehere", "lesson")."
id&action=moveit&pageid=$pageid&after={$page->id}\">". get_string("movepagehere", "lesson")."
\n"; } /****************** moveit ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'moveit') { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } $pageid = $_GET['pageid']; // page to move if (!$page = get_record("lesson_pages", "id", $pageid)) { error("Moveit: page not found"); } $after = $_GET['after']; // target page print_heading(get_string("moving", "lesson", $page->title)); // first step. determine the new first page // (this is done first as the current first page will be lost in the next step) if (!$after) { // the moved page is the new first page $newfirstpageid = $pageid; // reset $after so that is points to the last page // (when the pages are in a ring this will in effect be the first page) if ($page->nextpageid) { if (!$after = get_field("lesson_pages", "id", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "nextpageid", 0)) { error("Moveit: last page id not found"); } } else { // the page being moved is the last page, so the new last page will be $after = $page->prevpageid; } } elseif (!$page->prevpageid) { // the page to be moved was the first page, so the following page must be the new first page $newfirstpageid = $page->nextpageid; } else { // the current first page remains the first page if (!$newfirstpageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "id", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "prevpageid", 0)) { error("Moveit: current first page id not found"); } } // the rest is all unconditional... // second step. join pages into a ring if (!$firstpageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "id", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "prevpageid", 0)) { error("Moveit: firstpageid not found"); } if (!$lastpageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "id", "lessonid", $lesson->id, "nextpageid", 0)) { error("Moveit: lastpage not found"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $lastpageid, "id", $firstpageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $firstpageid, "id", $lastpageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } // third step. remove the page to be moved if (!$prevpageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", "id", $pageid)) { error("Moveit: prevpageid not found"); } if (!$nextpageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", "id", $pageid)) { error("Moveit: nextpageid not found"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $nextpageid, "id", $prevpageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $prevpageid, "id", $nextpageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } // fourth step. insert page to be moved in new place... if (!$nextpageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", "id", $after)) { error("Movit: nextpageid not found"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $pageid, "id", $after)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $pageid, "id", $nextpageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } // ...and set the links in the moved page if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", $after, "id", $pageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", $nextpageid, "id", $pageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } // fifth step. break the ring if (!$newlastpageid = get_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", "id", $newfirstpageid)) { error("Moveit: newlastpageid not found"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "prevpageid", 0, "id", $newfirstpageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } if (!set_field("lesson_pages", "nextpageid", 0, "id", $newlastpageid)) { error("Moveit: unable to update link"); } redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("ok")); } /****************** update page ************************************/ elseif ($action == 'updatepage' ) { if (!isteacher($course->id)) { error("Only teachers can look at this page"); } $timenow = time(); $form = data_submitted(); $page->id = $form->pageid; $page->timemodified = $timenow; $page->qtype = $form->qtype; if (isset($form->qoption)) { $page->qoption = $form->qoption; } else { $page->qoption = 0; } /// CDC-FLAG /// 6/16/04 if (isset($form->layout)) { $page->layout = $form->layout; } else { $page->layout = 0; } if (isset($form->display)) { $page->display = $form->display; } else { $page->display = 0; } /// CDC-FLAG /// $page->title = $form->title; $page->contents = trim($form->contents); if (!update_record("lesson_pages", $page)) { error("Update page: page not updated"); } if ($page->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFBRANCH || $page->qtype == LESSON_ESSAY || $page->qtype == LESSON_CLUSTER || $page->qtype == LESSON_ENDOFCLUSTER) { // there's just a single answer with a jump $oldanswer->id = $form->answerid[0]; $oldanswer->timemodified = $timenow; $oldanswer->jumpto = $form->jumpto[0]; if (isset($form->score[0])) { $oldanswer->score = $form->score[0]; } // delete other answers this if mainly for essay questions. If one switches from using a qtype like Multichoice, // then switches to essay, the old answers need to be removed because essay is // supposed to only have one answer record if ($answers = get_records_select("lesson_answers", "pageid = $form->pageid")) { foreach ($answers as $answer) { if ($answer->id != $form->answerid[0]) { if (!delete_records("lesson_answers", "id", $answer->id)) { error("Update page: unable to delete answer record"); } } } } if (!update_record("lesson_answers", $oldanswer)) { error("Update page: EOB not updated"); } } else { // it's an "ordinary" page if ($form->qtype == LESSON_MATCHING) { // need to add two to offset correct response and wrong response $lesson->maxanswers = $lesson->maxanswers + 2; } for ($i = 0; $i < $lesson->maxanswers; $i++) { // strip tags because the editor gives

... // also save any answers where the editor is (going to be) used if (trim(strip_tags($form->answer[$i])) or $form->answereditor[$i] or $form->responseeditor[$i]) { if ($form->answerid[$i]) { unset($oldanswer); $oldanswer->id = $form->answerid[$i]; $oldanswer->flags = $form->answereditor[$i] * LESSON_ANSWER_EDITOR + $form->responseeditor[$i] * LESSON_RESPONSE_EDITOR; $oldanswer->timemodified = $timenow; $oldanswer->answer = trim($form->answer[$i]); if (isset($form->response[$i])) { $oldanswer->response = trim($form->response[$i]); } $oldanswer->jumpto = $form->jumpto[$i]; /// CDC-FLAG /// if ($lesson->custom) { $oldanswer->score = $form->score[$i]; } /// CDC-FLAG /// if (!update_record("lesson_answers", $oldanswer)) { error("Update page: answer $i not updated"); } } else { // it's a new answer unset($newanswer); // need to clear id if more than one new answer is ben added $newanswer->lessonid = $lesson->id; $newanswer->pageid = $page->id; $newanswer->flags = $form->answereditor[$i] * LESSON_ANSWER_EDITOR + $form->responseeditor[$i] * LESSON_RESPONSE_EDITOR; $newanswer->timecreated = $timenow; $newanswer->answer = trim($form->answer[$i]); if (isset($form->response[$i])) { $newanswer->response = trim($form->response[$i]); } $newanswer->jumpto = $form->jumpto[$i]; /// CDC-FLAG /// $newanswer->score = $form->score[$i]; /// CDC-FLAG /// $newanswerid = insert_record("lesson_answers", $newanswer); if (!$newanswerid) { error("Update page: answer record not inserted"); } } } else { if ($form->qtype == LESSON_MATCHING) { if ($i >= 2) { if ($form->answerid[$i]) { // need to delete blanked out answer if (!delete_records("lesson_answers", "id", $form->answerid[$i])) { error("Update page: unable to delete answer record"); } } } else { unset($oldanswer); $oldanswer->id = $form->answerid[$i]; $oldanswer->flags = $form->answereditor[$i] * LESSON_ANSWER_EDITOR + $form->responseeditor[$i] * LESSON_RESPONSE_EDITOR; $oldanswer->timemodified = $timenow; $oldanswer->answer = NULL; if (!update_record("lesson_answers", $oldanswer)) { error("Update page: answer $i not updated"); } } } elseif ($form->answerid[$i]) { // need to delete blanked out answer if (!delete_records("lesson_answers", "id", $form->answerid[$i])) { error("Update page: unable to delete answer record"); } } } } } if ($form->redisplay) { redirect("lesson.php?id=$cm->id&action=editpage&pageid=$page->id"); } else { redirect("view.php?id=$cm->id", get_string("ok")); } } /*************** no man's land **************************************/ else { error("Fatal Error: Unknown Action: ".$action."\n"); } print_footer($course); ?>