libdir . '/simpletestlib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/moodlelib.php'); /** * This test is meant(!?) to run extensive tests on as much of moodle's * xhtml output as possible, using a test database as a stable test bed, * and sending the output of each page to the w3c validating service * (or some other service that can return a better report), and checking * whether that report is valid or not. * * A global function for validating xhtml output is badly needed. * * One possible solution is to extend this WebTestCase class by adding a * AssertValidXhtml($output) method. The output is obtained by any * WebTestCase using $this->_browser->getContent(). * * Setting up validation scripts would then be very simple. */ class xhtml_test extends WebTestCase { function setUp() { global $CFG; $this->get($CFG->wwwroot); $this->click('Course 4'); } function testLogin() { $this->assertTitle('Nick\'s tests & Things: Login to the site'); } } ?>