Connecting $db->databaseType..."; if (@$db->PConnect("susetikus","tester","test","test")) { testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id integer, firstname char(24), lastname varchar,created date)"); }else print "ERROR: PostgreSQL requires a database called test on server susetikus, user tester, password test.
".$db->ErrorMsg(); } if (!empty($testibase)) { $db = &ADONewConnection('ibase'); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; if (@$db->PConnect("localhost:e:\\interbase\\examples\\database\\employee.gdb", "sysdba", "masterkey", "")) testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id integer, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created date)"); else print "ERROR: Interbase test requires a database called employee.gdb".'
'.$db->ErrorMsg(); } // REQUIRES ODBC DSN CALLED nwind if (!empty($testaccess)) { $db = &ADONewConnection('access'); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; if (@$db->PConnect("nwind", "", "", "")) testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)"); else print "ERROR: Access test requires a Windows ODBC DSN=nwind, Access driver"; } if (!empty($testaccess) && !empty($testado)) { // ADO ACCESS $db = &ADONewConnection("ado_access"); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; $access = 'd:\inetpub\wwwroot\php\NWIND.MDB'; $myDSN = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;' . 'DATA SOURCE=' . $access . ';'; //. 'USER ID=;PASSWORD=;'; if (@$db->PConnect($myDSN, "", "", "")) { print "ADO version=".$db->_connectionID->version."
"; testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)"); } else print "ERROR: Access test requires a Access database $access".'
'.$db->ErrorMsg(); } if (!empty($testvfp)) { // ODBC $db = &ADONewConnection('vfp'); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; if (@$db->PConnect("logos2", "", "", "")) testdb($db,"create table d:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\logos2\\data\\ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created date)"); else print "ERROR: Visual FoxPro test requires a Windows ODBC DSN=logos2, VFP driver"; } // REQUIRES MySQL server at localhost with database 'test' if (!empty($testmysql)) { // MYSQL $db = &ADONewConnection('maxsql'); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost'; else $server = "mangrove"; if ($db->PConnect($server, "root", "", "test")) testdb($db, "create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) type=innodb"); else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'
'.$db->ErrorMsg(); $db = &ADONewConnection('proxy'); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'] == 'localhost') $server = 'localhost'; if ($db->PConnect('http://localhost/php/phplens/adodb/server.php')) testdb($db, "create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24), created date) type=innodb"); else print "ERROR: MySQL test requires a MySQL server on localhost, userid='admin', password='', database='test'".'
'.$db->ErrorMsg(); } ADOLoadCode('oci805'); ADOLoadCode("oci8po"); if (!empty($testoracle)) { $db = ADONewConnection(); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; if ($db->Connect('', "scott", "tiger",'')) //if ($db->PConnect("", "scott", "tiger", "")) testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)"); else print "ERROR: Oracle test requires an Oracle server setup with scott/tiger".'
'.$db->ErrorMsg(); } ADOLoadCode("oracle"); // no longer supported if (false && !empty($testoracle)) { $db = ADONewConnection(); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; if ($db->PConnect("", "scott", "tiger", "natsoft.domain")) testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname varchar(24), lastname varchar(24),created date)"); else print "ERROR: Oracle test requires an Oracle server setup with scott/tiger".'
'.$db->ErrorMsg(); } ADOLoadCode("odbc_mssql"); if (!empty($testmssql) and false) { // MS SQL Server via ODBC $db = ADONewConnection(); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; if (@$db->PConnect("sqlserver", "sa", "natsoft", "")) testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)"); else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 1 requires a MS SQL 7 server setup with DSN='sqlserver', userid='sa', password='natsoft'"; } ADOLoadCode("ado_mssql"); if (!empty($testmssql) && !empty($testado) ) { // ADO ACCESS MSSQL -- thru ODBC -- DSN-less $db = &ADONewConnection("ado_mssql"); print "

Connecting DSN-less $db->databaseType...

"; $myDSN="PROVIDER=MSDASQL;DRIVER={SQL Server};" . "SERVER=(local);DATABASE=NorthWind;UID=sa;PWD=natsoft;" ; if (@$db->PConnect($myDSN, "", "", "")) testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)"); else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires a MS SQL 7 on a server='mangrove', userid='sa', password='natsoft', database='ai'"; } ADOLoadCode("mssql"); if (!empty($testmssql)) { // MS SQL Server -- the extension is buggy -- probably better to use ODBC $db = ADONewConnection(); print "

Connecting $db->databaseType...

"; $db->Connect('(local)\NetSDK','','','northwind'); if (true or @$db->PConnect("mangrove", "sa", "natsoft", "ai")) { AutoDetect_MSSQL_Date_Order($db); testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)"); } else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires a MS SQL 7 on a server='', userid='sa', password='natsoft', database='ai'".'
'.$db->ErrorMsg(); } if (!empty($testmssql) && !empty($testado)) { // ADO ACCESS MSSQL with OLEDB provider $db = &ADONewConnection("ado_mssql"); print "

Connecting DSN-less OLEDB Provider $db->databaseType...

"; $myDSN="SERVER=mangrove;DATABASE=ai;"; //$myDSN='SERVER=(local)\NetSDK;DATABASE=northwind;'; if ($db->PConnect($myDSN, "sa", "natsoft", 'SQLOLEDB')) testdb($db,"create table ADOXYZ (id int, firstname char(24), lastname char(24),created datetime)"); else print "ERROR: MSSQL test 2 requires a MS SQL 7 on a server='mangrove', userid='sa', password='', database='ai'"; } print "

Tests Completed

"; ?>