info; $course_header = $SESSION->course_header; if (isset($SESSION->restore)) { $restore = $SESSION->restore; } } //If restore session info exists, but we are posting parameters //manually, this has prioriry if (isset($restore) and isset($restore_restoreto)) { unset($restore); } //Check required objects from session //info require_variable($info); //course_header require_variable($course_header); //If the restore object doesn't exist, we are going //to check every variable individually and create it if (!isset($restore)) { //Check that we have all we need //backup_unique_code require_variable($backup_unique_code); //file require_variable($file); //Checks for the required restoremod parameters if ($allmods = get_records("modules")) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; $var = "restore_".$modname; require_variable($$var); $var = "restore_user_info_".$modname; require_variable($$var); } } //restoreto require_variable($restore_restoreto); //restore_metacourse require_variable($restore_metacourse); //restore_users require_variable($restore_users); //restore_logs require_variable($restore_logs); //restore_user_files require_variable($restore_user_files); //restore_course_files require_variable($restore_course_files); //restore_course_files require_variable($restore_course_files); //Check we've selected a course if (!isset($course_id)) { $course_id = 0; } //We are here, having all we need !! //Create the restore object and put it in the session $restore->backup_unique_code = $backup_unique_code; $restore->file = $file; if ($allmods = get_records("modules")) { foreach ($allmods as $mod) { $modname = $mod->name; $var = "restore_".$modname; $restore->mods[$modname]->restore=$$var; $var = "restore_user_info_".$modname; $restore->mods[$modname]->userinfo=$$var; } } $restore->restoreto=$restore_restoreto; $restore->metacourse=$restore_metacourse; $restore->users=$restore_users; $restore->logs=$restore_logs; $restore->user_files=$restore_user_files; $restore->course_files=$restore_course_files; $restore->course_id=$course_id; } else { //We have the object, so check if we have a new course_id //passed as parammeter if ($course_id) { $restore->course_id=$course_id; } } //We have the object with data, put it in the session $SESSION->restore = $restore; //From here to the end of the script, only use the $restore object //Check login require_login(); //Check admin if (!empty($id)) { if (!isteacheredit($id)) { error("You need to be a teacher or admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php"); } } else { if (!isadmin()) { error("You need to be an admin user to use this page.", "$CFG->wwwroot/login/index.php"); } } //Check site if (!$site = get_site()) { error("Site not found!"); } //Depending the selected restoreto: // If user is a teacher (and not creator): // 0-Current course, deleting: Put $restore->course_id and $restore->deleting (true), create the restore object // 1-Current course, adding: Put $restore->course_id and $restore->deleting (false), create the restore object // If the uses is a creator: // 0-Existing course, deleting: Select the destination course and launch the check again, then // put $restore->course_id and $restore->deleting (true), create the restore object. // 1-Existing course, adding: Select the destination course and launch the check again, then // put $restore->course_id and $restore->deleting (false), create the restore object. // 2-New course: Create the restore object and launch the execute. //If the user is a teacher and not a creator if (isteacheredit($id) and !iscreator()) { $restore->course_id = $id; if ($restore->restoreto == 0) { $restore->deleting = true; } else { $restore->deleting = false; } } //If the user is a creator (or admin) if (iscreator()) { //Set restore->deleting as needed if ($restore->restoreto == 0) { $restore->deleting = true; } else { $restore->deleting = false; } } //Now, select the course if needed if (($restore->restoreto == 0 or $restore->restoreto == 1) and ($restore->course_id == 0) and (iscreator())) { if ($courses = get_courses("all","c.fullname",",c.fullname,c.shortname")) { print_heading(get_string("choosecourse")); print_simple_box_start("center"); foreach ($courses as $course) { echo "id&launch=check&id=$id&file=$file\">$course->fullname ($course->shortname)
"; } print_simple_box_end(); } else { print_heading(get_string("nocoursesyet")); print_continue("$CFG->wwwroot/$CFG->admin/index.php"); } //Checks everything and execute restore } else if ((($restore->restoreto == 0 or $restore->restoreto == 1) and ($restore->course_id != 0)) or ($restore->restoreto == 2)) { $show_continue_button = true; //Check if we've selected any mod's user info and restore->users //is set to none. Change it to course and inform. if ($restore->users == 2) { $changed = false; $mods = $restore->mods; foreach ($mods as $mod) { if ($mod->userinfo) { $changed = true; } } if ($changed) { echo get_string ("noteuserschangednonetocourse"); echo "
"; $restore->users = 1; } } //Save the restore session object $SESSION->restore = $restore; if ($show_continue_button) { //Print the continue button to execute the restore NOW !!!! //All is prepared !!! echo "
"; $hidden["launch"] = "execute"; $hidden["file"] = $file; $hidden["id"] = $id; print_single_button("restore.php", $hidden, get_string("restorecoursenow"),"post"); echo "
"; } else { //Show error error ("Something was wrong checking restore preferences"); } //If we are here. Something must be wrong. Debug !!! } else { print_object($restore); print_object($info); print_object($course_header); error ("Something must be wrong"); } ?>