dirroot.'/calendar/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/lib.php'); require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/forum/lib.php'); require_login(); if(isguest()) { // Guests cannot do anything with events redirect(CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=upcoming'); } require_variable($_REQUEST['action']); optional_variable($_REQUEST['id']); optional_variable($_REQUEST['type'], 'select'); $_REQUEST['id'] = intval($_REQUEST['id']); // Always a good idea, against SQL injections if(!$site = get_site()) { redirect($CFG->wwwroot.'/'.$CFG->admin.'/index.php'); } $now = usergetdate(time()); $nav = calendar_get_link_tag(get_string('calendar', 'calendar'), CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=upcoming&', $now['mday'], $now['mon'], $now['year']); $day = intval($now['mday']); $mon = intval($now['mon']); $yr = intval($now['year']); if ($usehtmleditor = can_use_richtext_editor()) { $defaultformat = FORMAT_HTML; } else { $defaultformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; } // If a course has been supplied in the URL, change the filters to show that one if(!empty($_GET['course'])) { if(is_numeric($_GET['course']) && $_GET['course'] > 0 && record_exists('course', 'id', $_GET['course'])) { if($_GET['course'] == 1) { // If coming from the home page, show all courses $SESSION->cal_courses_shown = calendar_get_default_courses(true); calendar_set_referring_course(0); } else { // Otherwise show just this one $SESSION->cal_courses_shown = intval($_GET['course']); calendar_set_referring_course($SESSION->cal_courses_shown); } } } switch($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'delete': $title = get_string('deleteevent', 'calendar'); $event = get_record('event', 'id', $_REQUEST['id']); if($event === false) { error('Invalid event'); } if(!calendar_edit_event_allowed($event)) { error('You are not authorized to do this'); } break; case 'edit': $title = get_string('editevent', 'calendar'); $event = get_record('event', 'id', $_REQUEST['id']); if($event === false) { error('Invalid event'); } if(!calendar_edit_event_allowed($event)) { error('You are not authorized to do this'); } if($form = data_submitted()) { $form->name = strip_tags($form->name); // Strip all tags //$form->description = clean_text($form->description , $form->format); // Clean up any bad tags $form->timestart = make_timestamp($form->startyr, $form->startmon, $form->startday, $form->starthr, $form->startmin); if($form->duration == 1) { $form->timeduration = make_timestamp($form->endyr, $form->endmon, $form->endday, $form->endhr, $form->endmin) - $form->timestart; if($form->timeduration < 0) { $form->timeduration = 0; } } else if($form->duration == 2) { $form->timeduration = $form->minutes * 60; } else { $form->timeduration = 0; } validate_form($form, $err); if (count($err) == 0) { $form->timemodified = time(); update_record('event', $form); /// Log the event update. add_to_log($form->courseid, 'calendar', 'edit', 'event.php?action=edit&id='.$form->id, $form->name); // OK, now redirect to day view redirect(CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day&cal_d='.$form->startday.'&cal_m='.$form->startmon.'&cal_y='.$form->startyr); } else { foreach ($err as $key => $value) { $focus = 'form.'.$key; } } } break; case 'new': $title = get_string('newevent', 'calendar'); $form = data_submitted(); if(!empty($form) && $form->type == 'defined') { $form->name = strip_tags($form->name); // Strip all tags //$form->description = clean_text($form->description , $form->format); // Clean up any bad tags $form->timestart = make_timestamp($form->startyr, $form->startmon, $form->startday, $form->starthr, $form->startmin); if($form->duration == 1) { $form->timeduration = make_timestamp($form->endyr, $form->endmon, $form->endday, $form->endhr, $form->endmin) - $form->timestart; if($form->timeduration < 0) { $form->timeduration = 0; } } else if ($form->duration == 2) { $form->timeduration = $form->minutes * 60; } else { $form->timeduration = 0; } if(!calendar_add_event_allowed($form->courseid, $form->groupid, $form->userid)) { error('You are not authorized to do this'); } validate_form($form, $err); if (count($err) == 0) { $form->timemodified = time(); /// Get the event id for the log record. $eventid = insert_record('event', $form, true); /// Log the event entry. add_to_log($form->courseid, 'calendar', 'add', 'event.php?action=edit&id='.$eventid, $form->name); if ($form->repeat) { for($i = 1; $i < $form->repeats; $i++) { $form->timestart += 604800; // add one week /// Get the event id for the log record. $eventid = insert_record('event', $form, true); /// Log the event entry. add_to_log($form->courseid, 'calendar', 'add', 'event.php?action=edit&id='.$eventid, $form->name); } } // OK, now redirect to day view redirect(CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day&cal_d='.$form->startday.'&cal_m='.$form->startmon.'&cal_y='.$form->startyr); } else { foreach ($err as $key => $value) { $focus = 'form'.$key; } } } break; } if(empty($focus)) $focus = ''; // Let's see if we are supposed to provide a referring course link // but NOT for the "main page" course if($SESSION->cal_course_referer > 1 && ($shortname = get_field('course', 'shortname', 'id', $SESSION->cal_course_referer)) !== false) { // If we know about the referring course, show a return link $nav = ''.$shortname.' -> '.$nav; } print_header(get_string('calendar', 'calendar').': '.$title, $site->fullname, $nav.' -> '.$title, $focus, '', true, '', '
'); echo calendar_overlib_html(); echo ''; switch($_REQUEST['action']) { case 'delete': if(!empty($_REQUEST['confirm']) && $_REQUEST['confirm'] == 1) { // Kill it and redirect to day view if(($event = get_record('event', 'id', $_REQUEST['id'])) !== false) { /// Log the event delete. delete_records('event', 'id', $_REQUEST['id']); // pj - fixed the course id problem, but now we have another one: // what to do with the URL? add_to_log($event->courseid, 'calendar', 'delete', '', $event->name); } if(checkdate($_REQUEST['m'], $_REQUEST['d'], $_REQUEST['y'])) { // Being a bit paranoid to check this, but it doesn't hurt redirect(CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day&cal_d='.$_REQUEST['d'].'&cal_m='.$_REQUEST['m'].'&cal_y='.$_REQUEST['y']); } else { // Redirect to now redirect(CALENDAR_URL.'view.php?view=day&cal_d='.$now['mday'].'&cal_m='.$now['mon'].'&cal_y='.$now['year']); } } else { $eventtime = usergetdate($event->timestart); $m = $eventtime['mon']; $d = $eventtime['mday']; $y = $eventtime['year']; // Display confirmation form print_side_block_start(get_string('deleteevent', 'calendar').': '.$event->name, array('class' => 'mycalendar')); include('event_delete.html'); print_side_block_end(); } break; case 'edit': if(empty($form)) { $form->name = $event->name; $form->courseid = $event->courseid; // Not to update, but for date validation $form->description = $event->description; $form->timestart = $event->timestart; $form->timeduration = $event->timeduration; $form->id = $event->id; $form->format = $defaultformat; if($event->timeduration > 3600) { // More than one hour, so default to normal duration mode $form->duration = 1; $form->minutes = ''; } else if($event->timeduration) { // Up to one hour, "minutes" mode probably is better here $form->duration = 2; $form->minutes = $event->timeduration / 60; } else { // No duration $form->duration = 0; $form->minutes = ''; } } if (!empty($form->courseid)) { // Fixes bug 1488 $course = get_record('course', 'id', $form->courseid); } else { $course = $site; } print_side_block_start(get_string('editevent', 'calendar'), array('class' => 'mycalendar')); include('event_edit.html'); print_side_block_end(); if ($usehtmleditor) { use_html_editor("description"); } break; case 'new': optional_variable($_GET['cal_y']); optional_variable($_GET['cal_m']); optional_variable($_GET['cal_d']); optional_variable($form->timestart, -1); if($_GET['cal_y'] && $_GET['cal_m'] && $_GET['cal_d'] && checkdate($_GET['cal_m'], $_GET['cal_d'], $_GET['cal_y'])) { $form->timestart = make_timestamp($_GET['cal_y'], $_GET['cal_m'], $_GET['cal_d'], 0, 0, 0); } else if($_GET['cal_y'] && $_GET['cal_m'] && checkdate($_GET['cal_m'], 1, $_GET['cal_y'])) { if($_GET['cal_y'] == $now['year'] && $_GET['cal_m'] == $now['mon']) { $form->timestart = make_timestamp($_GET['cal_y'], $_GET['cal_m'], $now['mday'], 0, 0, 0); } else { $form->timestart = make_timestamp($_GET['cal_y'], $_GET['cal_m'], 1, 0, 0, 0); } } if($form->timestart < 0) { $form->timestart = time(); } calendar_get_allowed_types($allowed); if(!$allowed->groups && !$allowed->courses && !$allowed->site) { // Take the shortcut $_REQUEST['type'] = 'user'; } $header = ''; switch($_REQUEST['type']) { case 'user': $form->name = ''; $form->description = ''; $form->courseid = 0; $form->groupid = 0; $form->userid = $USER->id; $form->modulename = ''; $form->eventtype = ''; $form->instance = 0; $form->timeduration = 0; $form->duration = 0; $form->repeat = 0; $form->repeats = ''; $form->minutes = ''; $header = get_string('typeuser', 'calendar'); break; case 'group': optional_variable($_REQUEST['groupid']); $groupid = $_REQUEST['groupid']; if(!($group = get_record('groups', 'id', $groupid) )) { calendar_get_allowed_types($allowed); $_REQUEST['type'] = 'select'; } else { $form->name = ''; $form->description = ''; $form->courseid = $group->courseid; $form->groupid = $group->id; $form->userid = $USER->id; $form->modulename = ''; $form->eventtype = ''; $form->instance = 0; $form->timeduration = 0; $form->duration = 0; $form->repeat = 0; $form->repeats = ''; $form->minutes = ''; $header = get_string('typegroup', 'calendar'); } break; case 'course': optional_variable($_REQUEST['courseid']); $courseid = $_REQUEST['courseid']; if(!record_exists('course', 'id', $courseid)) { calendar_get_allowed_types($allowed); $_REQUEST['type'] = 'select'; } else { $form->name = ''; $form->description = ''; $form->courseid = $courseid; $form->groupid = 0; $form->userid = $USER->id; $form->modulename = ''; $form->eventtype = ''; $form->instance = 0; $form->timeduration = 0; $form->duration = 0; $form->repeat = 0; $form->repeats = ''; $form->minutes = ''; $header = get_string('typecourse', 'calendar'); } break; case 'site': $form->name = ''; $form->description = ''; $form->courseid = 1; $form->groupid = 0; $form->userid = $USER->id; $form->modulename = ''; $form->eventtype = ''; $form->instance = 0; $form->timeduration = 0; $form->duration = 0; $form->repeat = 0; $form->repeats = ''; $form->minutes = ''; $header = get_string('typesite', 'calendar'); break; case 'defined': case 'select': break; default: error('Unsupported event type'); } $form->format = $defaultformat; if(!empty($header)) { $header = ' ('.$header.')'; } print_side_block_start(get_string('newevent', 'calendar').$header, array('class' => 'mycalendar')); if($_REQUEST['type'] == 'select') { $defaultcourse = $SESSION->cal_course_referer; if(isteacheredit($defaultcourse, $USER->id)) { $defaultgroup = 0; } else { $defaultgroup = user_group($defaultcourse, $USER->id); } optional_variable($_REQUEST['groupid'], $defaultgroup->id); optional_variable($_REQUEST['courseid'], $defaultcourse); $groupid = $_REQUEST['groupid']; $courseid = $_REQUEST['courseid']; include('event_select.html'); } else { include('event_new.html'); if ($usehtmleditor) { use_html_editor("description"); } } print_side_block_end(); break; } echo ' | '; // START: Last column (3-month display) echo '';
$defaultcourses = calendar_get_default_courses();
calendar_set_filters($courses, $groups, $users, $defaultcourses, $defaultcourses);
print_side_block_start(get_string('monthlyview', 'calendar'));
list($prevmon, $prevyr) = calendar_sub_month($mon, $yr);
list($nextmon, $nextyr) = calendar_add_month($mon, $yr);
echo calendar_filter_controls('event', 'action='.$_REQUEST['action'].'&type='.$_REQUEST['type'].'&id='.$_REQUEST['id']);
echo ' ';
echo calendar_top_controls('display', array('m' => $prevmon, 'y' => $prevyr));
echo calendar_get_mini($courses, $groups, $users, $prevmon, $prevyr);
echo ' ';
echo calendar_top_controls('display', array('m' => $mon, 'y' => $yr));
echo calendar_get_mini($courses, $groups, $users, $mon, $yr);
echo ' ';
echo calendar_top_controls('display', array('m' => $nextmon, 'y' => $nextyr));
echo calendar_get_mini($courses, $groups, $users, $nextmon, $nextyr);
echo ' ';
print_spacer(1, 180);
echo ' | ';
echo '