fromurl)) { $errordestination = "$CFG->wwwroot/mod/forum/view.php?f=$post->forum"; } else { $errordestination = $SESSION->fromurl; } $post->subject = strip_tags($post->subject); // Strip all tags $post->message = clean_text($post->message, $post->format); // Clean up any bad tags $post->attachment = $_FILES["attachment"]; if (!$post->subject or !$post->message) { $post->error = get_string("emptymessage", "forum"); } else if ($post->edit) { // Updating a post $post->id = $post->edit; if (forum_update_post($post)) { add_to_log($post->course, "forum", "update post", "discuss.php?d=$post->discussion&parent=$post->id", "$post->id"); $message = get_string("postupdated", "forum"); $timemessage = 1; if ($subscribemessage = forum_post_subscription($post)) { $timemessage = 2; } redirect(forum_go_back_to("discuss.php?d=$post->discussion#$post->id"), $message.$subscribemessage, $timemessage); } else { error(get_string("couldnotupdate", "forum"), $errordestination); } exit; } else if ($post->discussion) { // Adding a new post to an existing discussion if ($post->id = forum_add_new_post($post)) { add_to_log($post->course, "forum", "add post", "discuss.php?d=$post->discussion&parent=$post->id", "$post->id"); $message = get_string("postadded", "forum", format_time($CFG->maxeditingtime)); $timemessage = 2; if ($subscribemessage = forum_post_subscription($post)) { $timemessage = 4; } redirect(forum_go_back_to("discuss.php?d=$post->discussion#$post->id"), $message.$subscribemessage, $timemessage); } else { error(get_string("couldnotadd", "forum"), $errordestination); } exit; } else { // Adding a new discussion $discussion = $post; $discussion->name = $post->subject; $discussion->intro = $post->message; if ($discussion->id = forum_add_discussion($discussion)) { add_to_log($post->course, "forum", "add discussion", "discuss.php?d=$discussion->id", "$discussion->id"); $message = get_string("postadded", "forum", format_time($CFG->maxeditingtime)); $timemessage = 2; if ($subscribemessage = forum_post_subscription($discussion)) { $timemessage = 4; } redirect(forum_go_back_to("view.php?f=$post->forum"), $message.$subscribemessage, $timemessage); } else { error(get_string("couldnotadd", "forum"), $errordestination); } exit; } } if ($usehtmleditor = can_use_richtext_editor()) { $defaultformat = FORMAT_HTML; } else { $defaultformat = FORMAT_MOODLE; } if (isset($post->error)) { // User is re-editing a failed posting // Set up all the required objects again, and reuse the same $post if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", $post->forum)) { error("The forum number was incorrect ($post->forum)"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $forum->course)) { error("The course number was incorrect ($forum->course)"); } if (!empty($post->parent)) { if (! $parent = forum_get_post_full($post->parent)) { error("Parent post ID was incorrect ($post->parent)"); } } if (!empty($post->discussion)) { if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", $post->discussion)) { error("This post is not part of a discussion! ($post->discussion)"); } } } else if (isset($forum)) { // User is starting a new discussion in a forum $SESSION->fromurl = $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]; if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", $forum)) { error("The forum number was incorrect ($forum)"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $forum->course)) { error("The course number was incorrect ($forum->course)"); } if (! forum_user_can_post_discussion($forum)) { error("Sorry, but you can not post a new discussion in this forum."); } // Load up the $post variable. $post->course = $course->id; $post->forum = $forum->id; $post->discussion = 0; // ie discussion # not defined yet $post->parent = 0; $post->subject = ""; $post->userid = $USER->id; $post->message = ""; $post->format = $defaultformat; forum_set_return(); } else if (isset($reply)) { // User is writing a new reply if (! $parent = forum_get_post_full($reply)) { error("Parent post ID was incorrect ($reply)"); } if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", $parent->discussion)) { error("This post is not part of a discussion! ($reply)"); } if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", $discussion->forum)) { error("The forum number was incorrect ($discussion->forum)"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $discussion->course)) { error("The course number was incorrect ($discussion->course)"); } if (! forum_user_can_post($forum)) { error("Sorry, but you can not post in this forum."); } // Load up the $post variable. $post->course = $course->id; $post->forum = $forum->id; $post->discussion = $parent->discussion; $post->parent = $parent->id; $post->subject = $parent->subject; $post->userid = $USER->id; $post->message = ""; $post->format = $defaultformat; $strre = get_string("re", "forum"); if (!(substr($post->subject, 0, 3) == $strre)) { $post->subject = "$strre $post->subject"; } unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion); } else if (isset($edit)) { // User is editing their own post if (! $post = forum_get_post_full($edit)) { error("Post ID was incorrect"); } if ($post->userid <> $USER->id) { error("You can't edit other people's posts!"); } if ((time() - $post->created) > $CFG->maxeditingtime) { error( get_string("maxtimehaspassed", "forum", format_time($CFG->maxeditingtime)) ); } if ($post->parent) { if (! $parent = forum_get_post_full($post->parent)) { error("Parent post ID was incorrect ($post->parent)"); } } if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", $post->discussion)) { error("This post is not part of a discussion! ($reply)"); } if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", $discussion->forum)) { error("The forum number was incorrect ($discussion->forum)"); } if (! $course = get_record("course", "id", $discussion->course)) { error("The course number was incorrect ($discussion->course)"); } // Load up the $post variable. $post->edit = $edit; $post->course = $course->id; $post->forum = $forum->id; unset($SESSION->fromdiscussion); } else if (isset($delete)) { // User is deleting a post if (! $post = forum_get_post_full($delete)) { error("Post ID was incorrect"); } if (! $discussion = get_record("forum_discussions", "id", $post->discussion)) { error("This post is not part of a discussion!"); } if (! $forum = get_record("forum", "id", $discussion->forum)) { error("The forum number was incorrect ($discussion->forum)"); } if (($post->userid <> $USER->id) and !isteacher($forum->course)) { error("You can't delete other people's posts!"); } if (isset($confirm)) { // User has confirmed the delete if ($post->totalscore) { notice(get_string("couldnotdeleteratings", "forum"), forum_go_back_to("discuss.php?d=$post->discussion")); } else if (record_exists("forum_posts", "parent", $delete)) { error(get_string("couldnotdeletereplies", "forum"), forum_go_back_to("discuss.php?id=$post->discussion")); } else { if (! $post->parent) { // post is a discussion topic as well, so delete discussion if ($forum->type == "single") { notice("Sorry, but you are not allowed to delete that discussion!", forum_go_back_to("discuss.php?d=$post->discussion")); } forum_delete_discussion($discussion); add_to_log($discussion->course, "forum", "delete discussion", "view.php?id=$discussion->forum", "$post->id"); redirect("view.php?f=$discussion->forum", get_string("deleteddiscussion", "forum"), 1); } else if (forum_delete_post($post)) { add_to_log($discussion->course, "forum", "delete post", "discuss.php?d=$post->discussion", "$post->id"); redirect(forum_go_back_to("discuss.php?d=$post->discussion"), get_string("deletedpost", "forum"), 1); } else { error("An error occurred while deleting record $post->id"); } } } else { // User just asked to delete something forum_set_return(); print_header(); notice_yesno(get_string("deletesure", "forum"), "post.php?delete=$delete&confirm=$delete", $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"]); echo "